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empire gtate ob morocco
unite! gtateg for america
moorisfe national[ reepublic feDerall gobernmente
s -gocietag republicae ea al mauribrn0g- G
moorigte bibpne anDe nstionall mubemente 0b tte esrt|e
nortDe begte ameNem + nortb ueste sffrics + nortte ammerica + tfe nortfe gate
all abbioining isslanbs
9. -tem[s[ ou t[e moon anbe gun- s
tbe true anbe !e iure natursll peepleg + feird ob tbe lanbe
gr -j.6.1.d.1t.- el

empire gtstP ob morocco

unniberdall sobereigne origeneall innbigeneous naturall libpne affibabit

congtftutf one
for tbe
unfteD gtsteg ob Bmcrihs 2-

1442 - ll
?g ;i=
all nzeande stande ande rcemain standing innto perpetuitee. this is a sovereigne livinge ."EEu frf.n";5
iii moorishe amerikan al moroccan kourte acctione. i am sovereigne livinge justise Fffie &hiseq
lawhorn emanu el ritchie moore in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persondsui juft, in+
proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. my free chozen nationall appellatione is light tajiri bey in &-pitis -
diminutio nolo, in red inh in propria persona suijuris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. i ande all
moors the origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendents
ov the greate pharoahs ov kemet ande ov the annciente moabites ande canaanites. our fulle faithe ande
truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergr are herebye vessted in oursellves for we are the peepel
who are the origeneall inndigeneous naturall divlne annciente empire state ov morocco ande the de jure
moorishe nationall rcepublic federall governmente. we are one god. we herebye exxercise all sovercigne
rights at this time ande at all pointes in time nunq pro runq.

we the peepel ov the united states, in orrder to forme a more perfecte unione, esstablish
domesstic tranquilitie, provvide for the kommon deefense, prommote the generall s.ellfare,
j 3
the blissing ov libertie to oursellves ande our posteritie, do ordaine ande esstablishe this rfl
for the united states ov amerika.
articlle i
sectionne l.
all legisllative powers herein granted shalle be vessted in a congresse ov the united states, rvhiche shalle
konsiste ov a senatte ande house ov rcepresentatives.

sectionne 2.
the house ov reepresentatives shalle be komposed ov membres chosen every seconde year by the peepel
ov the severall states, ande the ellectors in eache state shalle have the qualificationes reequisite for
ellectors ov the moste numerous branche ov the state legisllature. no persun shalle be a reepresentative
who shalle not have attained to the age ov twentie five years, ande beene seven years a cityzen ov the
united states, ande who shalle not, when ellected, be an innhabitante ov that state in whiche he shalle be

(reepresentatives ande direct taxes shalle be apportioned amung the severall states whiche may be
inncluded within this unione, according to their reespective numbres, whiche shalle be deetermined by
adding to the whole numbre ov frce persuns, inncluding those bounde to serwice for a terme ov years,

r ov vtl
ande exxcluding indians not taxxed,dhree rBAhs ov aH other persuns).

the acman ennumettltion shane be made within three ttgs atter the ttste l■ ∝ting ov the∞ ngttsse ov
the unked stttes,甑 de Withh every subbsequente teme ov ten yea薦 ,in suche manner as hey sh』 le by
laⅥ r directe.he numbre ov reepresentatives shane not exx∝ ede one for every thirtie thousande,but eache

sttlte shalle have at icaste one reepresenttltive ande unntili suche ennumentione shaHe be rnade,the sttlte
ov new hampshire sh劇 腱be enndded to chuse three,massachuseies鶴 8hte,rhode Xland ande pЮ vttense
plan協 甑ons one,∞ nn∝ tお ut ttve,new york舗 x,new jeぉ ey foutt pennsy"anね eigh峰 deLware one,
nlaryland sい皓virginia ten,notthe carolina ave,southe carolina rive,ande georgia three.when vaccancies
happen in the reepresentatione nome any S能 と te,the exxecutive authoritie thereow shalle issue wits ov
emection to rime suche vaccancies.the house ov reepresentatives sha‖ e chuse heir speaker ande uther
onttsers ande shalle have the soule power ov iHwnpeachmente.

sectBonne 3.
the senatte ov the united states shalle be komposed ov two senattors rrome eache state,(chOSen by he
le8iSIlamre here Ov,)For s檄 years ande e“he senaior shalie have one vote.immediatelie atter they
shalie be分 くく
embled in konsequense ov the rlrste eHection,they shane be diwided as eqqua‖ y as rnay be
innto three klasseso he seatts ov the senattors ov the flrste klass shalle be vaccated at the exxpitttione ov
he seconde year,ov the s∝ onde ktass at the exxpimtione ov the foutthe year,ande ov the thirde klass at
the exxpiltttione ov the sixxtt year,so that one thirde rnay be chosen every seconde year;

(ande f Va聰 nctts happen by ttsignatione,o「 uthewね e du苗 ng the recesse ov theに 3ね lねture ov any
sttte,he exx∝ ut市 e thereov mtt make temporarie appointmentes unntil the nexte meeting ov he
leSiSIIam礎 ,whiche shalle then fille suche vaccancies.)

no persun shalle be a senattor who shalle not have attained to the age ov thirtie years,ande ttne nine
y∝ rs a cit移 昭en ov the united stttes,ande who shane no■ when enected,be an innhabitante ov that state
for whiche he shaHe be chosen. the vice presidente ov the united states shane be presidente ov the
senate,but sha‖ e have no vote,unntesse they be eqqua‖ y diwided,the senatte shame chuse their uther
onttsers,ande anso a presidente pЮ tempore,in he abbsense ov the vice presiden依 ちor when he shame
exxercise the oFttse ov presidente ov the united states,the senatte shane have the soule powerto we an
rmatione.when the
httnpeachmentes,when sitting For hat purppose,they shalle be on oathe or a何 二
presidente ov the unitt statesた り ed,the chdf ju載 ねe sh』 に preeme ande no persun sh』 に be
konvicted wihout the koncurrense ov憎 o hirdes ov the membres pr∝ sente.judttente in causes ov
iElgnpeachmente shalle not exxtende ttrher than to reemovaH frome oFttse ande dissqualittcatione to
hold ande ennJOy any oFise ov honoure, truste or proFit unnder the united states: but the partie
konvお ted sh』 に nevettheLsse be haЫ に ande sub可 ∝te tO hndにmente,tryal,ju艶 即ente ande
punishmente,according to law.

sectionne 4.
he times, PIaCes ande manner ov holdin3 enections for senattors ande reepresentttives shane be
preesc面 bed h eache sぬ te by theに JЫ lamre ther∞ v but the∞ nttsse m響 航 any jme by iaw make or
anter suche ree8ulationes exxcepte as to the places ov chusing senators.the oongesse shane assemble at
leaste once in eveり year ande suche m∝ tin8 Shalle be(on the srste mondey in decembre),unnlesse hり
sh』 に by la、v appohte a dぼ ettnte dey.

sectionne 5。
eache house shalle be thejudge ov the dI∝ tions,reemms ande qu』 ncatbnes ov i`own membres ande
a mttoritie ov eache shalle konstimte a quorume to do bu領 nesse but a smdに r numbre may adttoume
from dey to dey ande may be authorized to∞mmpene the attendense ov abbsente membres in suche
manner,ande unnder suche penaltees as eache house may proovide.eache house may deeterinine he
ruies ov its PЮ ttdings,punishe its membtts for dissorderlie b∝ ha宙 oure,ande withe the concurense ov

vo hirdes,exxpelle a membre.eache house sh』 にk∝ p ajoum』 I ov itt pros∝ dings ande ttome dme to
time pubblishe ne same,exx∝ ptin3 Suche panes as may in theirju砲 即ente reequire secreseei ande ne
yeas ande nays ov the membres ov either house on any questionne the deesire ov one rlnhe ov
those pr∝ sente,be enntered on the joumali.neither house,duttng the sesdonne ov∞ ngresse,shalle,
with outthe konsente ov he uther,adttoume fOr more than th『 ∝ days,nor to any uther pla∝ than hat
in whiche the wo houses shaHe be sittin8・

sectionne 6。
he senattors ande ttpresenぬ tives sha‖ e re∝ eive a kompensatione for their settices,to be as ceぬ ined
by ltw,ande paid out ov the treasutte ov the unked states.they sh州 降 h Лl cases,exx∝ pte treasone,
fe‖ onknee ande breache ov the peace, be privitleged ttorne arreste during their attendense at the
sessionne ov their reesp∝ tive houses,ande in 3。 ing to ande reemrning frogne the same ande for any
sptthe or deebate in either house,they shalle not be quesstioned in any uther senator or
reepresentative shane, during the tirne for 、、fhiche he was emected, be appointed to any civill orise
unnder the authoritie ov he united states, whiche sha‖ c have beene kreated, or the emmolumentes
whereov shalle have been inncreased during suche tirne ande no persun holding any ofrlse unnder the
united states shane be a lnembre ov either house during his kontinuence in orlse.

ぃ OY Yヽ `
sectionne 7.
a‖ biltes fOr ttlising ttevenue shalle odgeneate in the house ov reepttsentatives but the sena“ e may
propoze or koncurr withe ammendmentes as on uther billes.every bille whiche shane have passed he
house ov ttPresentatives ande the sena碓 , shane, beefore it beecome a law, be preesented to the
presidente ov he united states,if he approve.he shalie signe it,but if not he shalle ttetume it withe his
Ob可 ∝ tiOnes to that house h whiche it sh』 に have o面 geneated,who sh』 に ennter he obttecdOnes at
iarge on theirjoumall,ande pЮ s∝ de to ree∞ nsidere■ .if aFner suche r∝consideratione wo thirds ov
that house sh』 腱 a『 ee to passe the bilに ,■ sh』 に be sente,t∞ gether withe the obtteCtiOnes,to the uther
house,by whiche it shalle lkewize be r∝ consttered,ande if appЮ ved by tto thirds ov hat house,■
sh』 に be∝ ome a law.but in』 I suche causes the votes ov bothe houses sh』 に be d∝ temmed by yeas
ande nays,ande the names ov the persuns votin3 1br ande agsainste the bine shalle be enntered on the
joum』 I ov eache house r∝ spect"d絶 ,r any bine shЛ にnOt be reemmed by the presidente within ten
deyS(Sundeys exx∝ pted)amer h shЛ にhave b∝ ne preesented to him,the sarne sh』 にbe a law,h like
manner as r he had signed it unnに SSe the∞ nttSSe tt thdr adttoumanente preevent hs reemme,h
whiche case it shane not be a law.
every order,「 ∝ sotutiOne, or vote to whiche the koncurense ov the senate ande house ov
reepresenttt肘 es may be nesessarie(exx∝ pte On a quesjonne ov adttoummente)Sh州 腱 be preesented to
the presidente ov the united states ande beefbure the same shane take efFecte,shalle be approved by him.
Or beh8 dね Sappr∞ ved by面 m,shЛ に be reepassed by tto thirds ov the senatte ande house ov
reepresentatives,according to the rules ande timmitationes pttscribed in the cause ov a bille.

s∝ tionne 8.
the united states conttSSe shalle have power to lay ande conecte taxxes,duties,iΠ llnPoStS ande exxcises,
to paye the debtes ande p「 oovide For the coπ llnOne deeFense ande generall we‖ 色re ov the united tttes,
but』 i duttts,lmmposts ande exxches sh』 に be unnifome throu3hOute the un■ ed sИ tett to borowe
money on the kreddit ov the united statesi to reegulate commerse withe Foreigne nationes,ande amung
the severan states,ande withe the indian tribesi to esstablishe an unnifoΠ ne nュ le ov namralizatione,ande
unnifome laws on the sub可 ∝ te oV bankrupttees thЮ ughoute the unhed sぬ tesi to cOin money,『 ∝ gulate
the vallue thereov,鰤 de OV forelgne∞ in,ande nxx the standarde ov weightts ande meassurett to
proovide lbr the punishmente ov counterfeitting the s∝ yurities ande curente coin ov the united statesi to
esstablishe poste orises ande poste roads;to promote the prosreSSe ov sciense ande use角 Ile arts,by
secyuring for limmited dmes to authoぉ ande hnventoぉ the exxttu舗 ve n3ht tO thetr reespective wThin3S
ande disscovereesi to konstimte tybunans innferiore to ne supreeme kouttei to deeane ande punishe
pittcees ande fellonknees ko■llnitted on the highe seas,ande o魚朗ses agsainste the law ov nationesi to
de∝ lare war,♂ 甑 te letters ov marqque ande r∝ prisa‖ ,ande lnake rules konn∝ 阿ting cappmres on iand
ande wateri to mize ande supporte amees,bui no approp● atione ov money to that yuse shane be f。『 a
lonnger te二 Mle than tto yearsito p「 oovide ande rnaintaine a navyito rnake mies fbrthe govemmente ande
reegulatione ov the land ande navali forsesi to proovide for kaning fOtthe the rlinitia to exxecute the
laws ov the unionx, suppressx innsurrectiones ande r∝ peW innvasionesi to proovide for or8anizin3,
mming,ande dhsciplhh8,the milhitt ande For govemね g suche patte ov them as may be enmployed
in the serⅣ ice ov the united sぬ tes, reeseⅣ ing to the states reespectivelie, the appoinmente Ov the
ottsers,ande he autho五 tた ov ttah面 ng the milthぬ a∝ ordmg to the dhsciphe preesc面 bed by
∞ nttSSei to exxercise exxclus沖 e legisllation in aH cases whaisoever,over suche dist面 cte(not
exxceeding ten miles sqquare)as maye,by∝ ssione ov particullar states,ande he acceptense ov
OOnttSSe,bttorne the seate ov the govemmente ov the united states,ande to exxercise like authoritie
over』 l pla∝ s punhased by the konsente ov theに ゴ創にmre Ov the state h whtthe the same sh』 に be,
For the enctione ov fohes,Fnagsazines,an、 enans,dOcke yards ande uther needfu!le buildings ande to
make an iaws whiche sha‖ e be nesessarie ande propper ibr caコ 咆ring inn to exxecutione the Fouregoing
powens,ande all uther powers vessted by this constitutione in the govemmente ov the united states,or in
any deepmente Or OFttserthereov.

sectionne 9.
ciause l.he migratione or immportadone ov suche persuns as any ov he states now exxisting
shane dtinke p『 opper to addmit shalle not be prohibbited by the congresse pryor to the year tto
thouttnde twentie ande帥 o, but a枷 Ⅸx or dutie may be immposed on suche immportatione, not
exxceeding ten doWars rbr eache persun.

ciause 2.he pjvillege ov the、 、

口住ov habeas corpus shane not be susppended,unniesse when in
causes ov「 ∝ beniOn Or innvasione the pubblic safetie Fnay r∝ quire it。

clause bille ov attainder or ex poste Facto law shane be passed.

ciause 4. no capitatione, or uther di「 ecte taxx shatle be laid, unnlesse in proportione to the
cennsus or ennumetttione hereln beefore directted to be taken.

clause taxx or dutie shane be laid on tticHes exxpOtted frome any sぬ te.

clause 6. no preeFerense shane be given by any reegulatione ov commerse or reevenue to the

tヽ ヽ Oγ Yい
portes ov One sぬ te oVer those ov anuther.nor shaHe vesseWs bounde to or frome one state be obbliged to
ennter,cieare,or paye duties in annuther.

clause rnoney shaHe be drawne frome the tteasurie,butin konnsequense ov appЮ p面 ationes
made by IEW ttde a時 8gular statemente ande a∞ oun俺 oV the reecSptes ande exxpendhures ov』 I

PubbliC rnoney shame be pubblished ttome tiFne tO tirne.

ciause tittel ov nobilitie shame be grantted by the united states ande no persun holding any
ol田 seov pronht or ttuste unnder them shane,without the konsente ov he congresse,accepte ov any
preesente,emmolumente,orFise,or titel,ov any kinde whatte、 rer frome any king,prin∝ .or fbttigne

s∝ tionne 10.
ciause sぬte shane ennter inn to any treatie,anianse,。 r konfedemtione,3rante leters ov
marqque ande reepjsalli coin Tnonevi eEl:nit bilies ov kttddit;rnake any thin8 but gold ande silver coin a
tendre in paymente ov dettesi passe any bille ov attainder,ex Poste Facto taw,o「 law irnmpattng the
obbligatione ov connttctes,or ttnte any tittel ov nobititie.

ciause sttlte shane,、 vithout the konsente ov the conっ 時sSe,Iay any inllnpostes or duties on
inllmpotts or exxports, exxcepte what mav be abbsolutetie nesessarie for exxecutins the innspcctione
laws ov ttid tttei ande the net prodduce ov an duties ande immpostes laid by any sぬ te on immpotts or
exxpoHは shane be For the yuse ov the tteasurie ov the united sttitesi ande aW suche la、 vs shalle be
Sub可 ∝ te tO the reevXione ande kon甘 oll oV the∞ n3碍 SSe.

ciause state shane,、fithoutt the konsente ov congresse, Iay any dutie ov tonnage,k∝ pe
甘oops,or ships ov war in tirne ov peace,ennter inn to any aggreemente or kompacte withe anuther sttte,
or withe a foreigne power, or enngage in war, unniesse accmanie innvaded, or inn suche imlninente
danger as wille not addHlit ov deelay.

aHiclle前 .

s∝ tionne l.
the exxecujve pOwer shane be vessted in a presidente ov the united stttes ov amerikao he shame hold his
o″Ise durins the teme ov four years and together、 vithe the vise presidente chozen ibr the same tenれ e,be
eWected,as phoilowsi eache state shane appOinte,in suche manner as the lesiSWamre thereov may directe,
a nummber Ov ellectors,eqquali to the whole nummber ov senators ande reepresentttives to whiche he
state may be enntitteld in the congressei but no senattor or r∝ presentative or persun holding an oFmse
ov lruste or pЮ ∬it unnder the united states,shame be appOinted an enector.

(he eli∝ tOrs shdに m∝te h thttr reespective stttes,ande vote tt bЛ iotte ror t、 vO persuns,ov whome
one at ieaste shane nOt be an innhabitante ov the ttrne state withe themselives.ande they shane make a
liste ov ali the persuns voted for,ande ov the numrnber ov votes Iも r eache,、 vhiche list they shane signe
ande∝直 ウ ande ttnnsmite sedled to the seatt ov the govemmente ov the unttd states,dれ cted to
the presidente ov the sena碓 .the presidente ov the senatte shane, in the preesense ov the senatte ande
house ov reepresentttives,oppen an the settiricates,ande the votes shalle then be kountted.the persun
havins the yeateste nurimber ov votes sha‖ e be the presidente,iF suche number be a maJoritie ov he
whole nu― ber ov ell∝ toぉ appomted,ande ifthere be more than one who have suche m可 o貧 げ,ande
have an eqquali nunltnber ov votes, 山en the house ov r∝ presentatives sha‖ e iπ wnediatelie chuse by
balbtte one ov them for presidentq ande r no pesun have a mttodtに ,then frome he ive higheste On
he liste,the said house shame in like manner chuse he presidente. but in chusing the presidente,the
votes shalle be taken by sぬ tes,the reepresentatione ttOm eache state having one vote;a quorum for this
puttЮ SSe shalle konsiste ov a membre or membtts frome ttrO thirds ov the states,ande a maJoritie ov all
the states shaHe be nesessane to a every case,afner the choioe ov the presidente,the persun
having the Feateste nuHMれ ber OV votes ov the emectors shane be the vi∝ presidente. but ifthere shoulde
醸 maine wo or more who have eqquali votes,the senate shalle chuse frome them by baliotte the vise

the congttsse may d∝ temine the time ov chusing the ellectors,ande the dey on whiche they shalle give
their votesi whiche dey shalle be the same thЮ ughoutt the unhed persun exx∝ pte a nattraH
bome nationan,or a nationaⅢ ov the united states,at the time ov the addoptione ov this constitutione.
shalle be elliぼ ble tO the ottse ov pttddentq n面 ther shЛ tt any peぉ un be dligibに to that omse whO
shane not have attained to the age ov thirtie rive years,ande beene fbu貫 ∝ne years doHliciled、 vithin the
sovereigne united states.

(in Cause Ov tte reemovati ov the presidente ttom omse,。 r Ov his deathe,reesi3natione,or innabilitie to
disscharge he powers ande duties ov the said oFttse,the same shane deev。 lve on the vise presidente,
ande the conttsse rnay by law proowide lも r the cause ov reemovan,deathea reesignatione or innabilitie,
bothe ov the presidente ande vise presidente,deciarin3 What oFiser shame then be as presidente,ande
suche oFIser shalle kommence ac∞ rdh31た ,unnjH the dissaЫ !htt be r∝ mω edぅ or a preddente sh』 に be
eli∝ ted。 )

iV oV Ylヽ
the presidente shalle,at sぬ ted times,reece市 e FOr his ser宙 ces,a kompensatione,whiche shalle neither
be inncreased nor dirninnished du百 ng the periOde for whiche he shane have beene enected,ande he
shalle not rettive withinn hat periode any uther eHlmolumente frorne the united states,or any ov them。
beefott he ennttr on the exxecutione ov his oFise,he shalle take the phonowing arinれ atiOne: “i do
solemnlie arime that i wille Faithfuilie exxecute the oFase ov presidente ov the united states,ande wille
in the spin位 。 v luv,truhe,pea∝ ,付 ∝dom,andejusdse,pr∝ seⅣe,protecte,ennforce ande deeFende the
oonstimtione fOr the united states."

競 tiOnne 2.
the presidente shane be kommander in cheif ov the amee ande nぃ げ ov he united states,ande ov he
millitia ov the seve隠 :I Sttltes, 、
vhen kaned inn tO the acctuan serⅣ ice ov the united states, he may
r∝ quire the oppinione,in writing,ov the principan Offiser in eache ov the exxecutive rninnistries,uppon
any sub可 ∝ te reelating to he dudes ov th面 r reesp∝ dve omses,ande he sh州 腱 have power to ttnte
reep面 eves ande pardones for Orenses a88ainst the united states,exx∝ pte in causes ov immpeachmente.
he sh創 に have poweL by ande whhe the add萌 se ande konsente ov the senatte,to mよ et時 菰ies,
proovided憎 o hirds ov the senators presente koncurri ande he shalle nomminate,ande by ande wihe
the addvise ande konsente ov the senate,shane appointe a常 lmbaSsadors,uher pubblic HlinnisteAI ande
konsuに ,judges ov the suptteme kouRe,ande ttl uther ottseぉ ov the unhed states,whose appohmentes
are not herein utherwise proovided for,ande、汀hiche shaWe be essぬ blished by taw:butthe congresse may
by law vesst the appointtnentt ov suche innferiore ofttsers, as they thinke propper, in the presidente
a‖ one,inhe kouttes ov iaw,or in the heads ov Elinnistries,the presidente shane have power to rlHe up
a‖ va蜆 ncies that rnay happene during he tte∝ sse ov the senate,by grantting commissiones whiche
shalle exxpitt at the end ov their nexxt sessione.

sectionne 3.
he shalle ttorne time to time give to the congttsse innfonれ atiOne ov the state ov he unione, ande
reecormende to nお r konsideradone suche meassures as he shalに judge neses拗 両
e ande exxpediente;he
nlay, on e―ordinarie occasiones, konnvene bothe houses, or eithe「 ov thenl, ande in cause ov
disttgttmente b∝ 榊 ∝ne hem,withe r∝ specte to the time ov adttOummente,he mtt adttoume hem
to suche tilne as he shane thinke pЮpper; he shaWe re∝ eive aHlmbassadors ande uther pubblic
minnistersi he shalle take kare that the iaws be Faithfuilie exx∝ uted,ande shalle kommissione an the
orisers ov the united tttes.

s∝ tionne 4.
the presidente,宙 se pttsidente ande an c市 ili Omsers Ov the united states,shalie be「 ∝ moved ttome
ottse on immpeachmente foL ande konvた tione ov,付 easone b面 be面 e or uther hishe crimes ande

atticlle iii.
sectionne l.
he judidall power ov the united states,sh』 に be vesstedね one supreeme koune,ande in suche
imfe面ore koutts as the∞ ngresse may FrOme dme to dme orrdttne ande esttaЫ Xhe.the judges,bohe
ov the supttme ande innferiore kouttes,shalle hold thair offises duing good b∝ havioure,ande shalie at
飽 ted times,reece市 e FOr thair ser宙 ces,a kompensatione,whiche shalle not be diminnished duttn8 thair
kontinuance in ofrise.

朗 tiOnne 2.
thejudicねH power shЛ に exxtende to』 I causes,h ttw ande eqquity,a面 shg unnderth`∞ nttkutbne,
the laws ov the united sttltes,ande ttaties Fnade,or、 vhiche shane be rnade,unnder thair authoritiei to a‖
causes aぼ∝ ting attwnbasttdors,uher pubblic rninnisters ande konsuisi
土o ali causes ov addmimi苗e ande maridmejurisdiction粥
十to kon廿oversies to whiche he united states shane be a panie;
+to konttoversies beetw∝ ne tto or more states,
■beetweene a sttlte ande ciち 尼ens ov anuther state:
十b∝ 、v∝ ne civttns ov difFerente states,
+beeweene ciり ЧβnS OV the same sttlte klairnin3 iands unnder grantes ov difFerente states,
(ande b∝ 憎 ∝ne asぬ te,or he ciげ zens thereoⅥ ande foreigne stateS,Cit平 師 s or sub可 ∝teS・ )

in an causes aff∝ ting ammbassadors,uther pubblic ininnisters ande konsuis,ande those in whiche a state
shalle be pattie,he supreeme koutte sh創 に have o面 8ene』 Iju両 sdic面 oneo in all the uther causes beefore
mendoned,the supreeme kouHe sh創 に htte appelぬ te ju面 sdtttお ne,bothe as to Lw ande facte,wihe
suche exxceptiones,ande unnder suche reegulationes as the congresse shaHe:nake.

he Wa1 0V all cttnes,exxcepteね causes ov immpeachmente sh創 に be by jury;ande suche tり al shalに

be helde in the ttte where he said cttmes shalle have beene kommitedi but when not hmmitted within
any state,the llyal shane be at suche place or places as the con_gresse Fnay by lavデ have directted.

sectlonne 3.

V Ow Vlヽ
礎 asone a88ainstt the united states sha‖ e konsiste oniy in tevying war aggainste themっ or in addhering to
neir enne.lies,giving the■ l aid ande persun shane be konwicted ov treasone unniesse on
the testilnonie ov tto wittnesses to the same ovverte acte, or on konfessione in oppen koutte. the
oonttsse shane have poWerto deeclare the punishmente ov treasone,but no attainder ov tttsone shane
worke kormptione ov bkxxlっ or fbrFeimre exxcepte d市 ng the life ov the persun attainted.

atticHe iv.
sectionne l.
角lle faithe ande ttddit shalle be given h eache state Ю the pubblic ach,reeckordes,ande judttiall
pros∝ dings ov every uther sttlte ande the congresse maye by sene韓 ll iaWs preescribe the manner in
whiche suche acts,reeckordes ande proseedings shaHe be prooved,ande the efFecte thereov.

競 tiOnne 2.
the cityzens ov eache state shane be enntiteld to aH privilleses ande irnmunities ov cityzens in the
severaW states,a persun charged in any sttte wtthe treasone,felionknee,or uther crime,who shalle Π∝
行ome juttise,ande be Founde m anuther state,shЛ にOn d∝ mande ov the exxecu面 ve autho五 ie ov the
sttte ttome whtthe he nedd,be dechvered up to be reemoved Ю the state ha萌 ng jujsdtttbne ov the

(nO persun helde to ser萌 ∝ or ia故 )ure in one state,unnder the laws thereov,esscaping inn to anuhe恥
shane, in kOnsequense ov any law o「 ree,。 ulatione therein, be disscharged frOrne suche senvice or
iaboure,but shame be deelivered up on klairn ov the pattie to whome suche serⅣ ice or iaboure may be

s∝tionme 3.
new states may be addmited by the congresse inn to this unione but no new state shalle be phomed or
er∝ted within heju西 sdictione ow any uther statq nor any sぬ te be phomed by thejunctione ov出 ′ o or
mOre sぬ tes,or partes ov states,withouttthe konsente ov the lesisHatures ov the states koncemed as wene
as ov he conttsse.he conttsse Shame have po、 ver to disspose ov ande make aH needttlle nlles ande
雌 8ulationes「 ∝sp∝ ting the tellatorie or uther proppettie beelonging to the united sぬ tesi ande nuthin8
in this∞ nsdtutione shalle be so kOnnsmed as tO pttudiSe any klaims ov the united states,or ov any
particcular sttte.

sectionne 4.
he united s懐 Ites shane 8uaranttee to evely state in this unione a reepublican phowil ov govemmente,ande
shane prOtecte eache ov them aggainst innwasionei ande on applicatiOne ov the legisWamreっ or Ov the
exxecutive(when the legisIIattre kannot be konvened)agsainst domestic宙 olense.

attic‖ ev.
the oongresse, whennever ttO dlirds ov bothe houses shane deeme it nesesttrie, shane proppose
a「Mnendmentes to this constimtione, Or, on the applicatione o、 ′the lesis‖ amres ov twO thirds ov the
severali states,sha‖ e kaW a konventione For p「 opposing ammendmentes,、μ hiche in either cause,shaHe be
vallid to all inntents ande purpposes,as patte ov this constimtione,when ratiied呼 由e legittlamres Ov
hree foutths ov the sevemil stttes,or by konnventiones in three fourths thereov,as the one or the uther
mode ov ratincatione may be propposed by the congressei provwided that no arnmendmente whiche Fnay
be made pttore to the year one thousande eisht hundrede ande dght shЛ tt h any manner attcte ne
rirste ande fourthe ciauses in the ninthe sectionne ov the f:rste artic‖ e;ande hat no sttlte,without the
konsente ov said state,shane be deeprived ow its eqqua‖ suFFrage in the senate.

atticHe vi.
an debtes kOnnttact(xl ande enngagementes enntered inn to= beeFoure the addoptione ov this
constimtione, shane be as vallid aggainste the united states unnder this oonstitutione, as unnder the
konfederatione.dlis constimtione,ande the taws ov the united states、Thiche shane be made in pursuense
hereov;ande a‖ reaties made,or whiche shaHe be made, unnder the authoritie ov the united sttltes,
shЛ tt be the suptteme law ov the ttntt ande the judges h ewery sttte sh』 に be bounde thereby,any
thing in the oonstimtione O『 lall′ s ov any state to the kontrarie not withe standing.the senattors ande
reepttsentttives b∝ foure menntiOn配 ,ande the membres o、 ′the seve確 ‖ State legisltamres,ande a‖
exx∝ utive andejudici』 I ottseぉ ,bothe ov the united sぬ tes ande ov the severali sぬtes,sh』 に be bounde
by arュ ニH二 atione to supporteせ lis constimtiOnei but no retigiouse teste shaneぃ Ⅳer be reequired as a

qualificatiOnne tO any oFise or pubblic truste unnder the united states.

aHiclte v五 .

r the esstablishmente ov世 js

the ratificatione ov tte konnventiones ov nine states,shane be suttciente lも
∞ nsdmtbne b∝ w∝ ne the states so radtting he Sarne,done m konven面 one tt the unnanimous
konsente ov the states presente the seventeenth dey ow septembre in the year ov our iord one thousande
seven hundrede ande e18htお Seven ande ov he hndependense ov the unhed states ov amenka,the arste,
in witnesse whereov our sovereisne appeWationes are herebye autogttafFed.

HII∬ obereiα H9 oriα ttleHIl innbiα θ

H● ous anm〔 iente bibPne maarigb9 Hmerihttn autoα rsttg ifFifminば tbis anむ ?

vヽ oY vel
証[gobereitte oriv■ 9■■ 1“ Hむ i釘 ?neaug annciente emttire state oL morotω anbe t,9 bl jure moorisbe
n証 〔
oHHII Ittpublic t由 1隠 II αOね 9mmentt bothumenttt are on tう e pubЫ it rethorbe tt amtriha,mttcient,

血arl=m,■ oHぅ 1範 朗腔 再▼ HeWM,■ oHbe m9∬ te tttrica,tbe noHb?区 ate,tuHle Fglanむ ?,α diat,miむ αuarむ ?,
側鷲う ● .

t,I。 ■0∬ tiⅢe n“ mttniOridl inH to perpetu■ 99

eば a gum
苗脱 劇b氏ぃAとい 』
justise Hzier minittr
in capids diminutio no,o,in red intt in proptta pe「 Юna suijじ 市sin prop百 o solo in prop面 ohくИ tdes.
knoMitt to agenr is knO、 濱ise to pttncipali.kROゝ tiSe to pttncipa‖ is kno、vlise:o agente,

CmpiFC tttC OV rnOro∝ o

moo前 shc nadondl r∝ public Federal1 80Vemmente
m∞ nshe amerika konsulate
c′ o9H soutthe w9斑 e314th plase
Fed.lall way washington rettrvalione
anncientc、 四 hington dittictc for∞ lumbia
sion nく 溜,― lem
unniv韓 ‖nalJrall att codde:4s3Ⅵ Ⅳ qvk25
tatittude iongimde 47.3198:.■ 122.34762

l etoお ぃ るol q…
― -3い■い "b吼 _い ‖
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taと ,● T=● 碕n● ω曽
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… d“ … q‐ い う11騨 r3oに お c卿 贈 te■●n― 働●thoお

… ― "『 節 “o9。 ∞●b etq_叫 増、
Iい い い お
― "b吼 `o:υ

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