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The Interrelationships Among Height, Weight

And Chronological, Dental And Skeletal Ages*

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

INTRODUCTION In this study, the nature of the inter-

Orthodontics includes the study of relationships among height, weight, and
the growth and development of the chronological age, dental and skeletal
dentofacial complex particularly, and development was investigated. The pur-
the growth and development of the pose of this investigation was to point
body generally16. Over-all growth and out the value of various physical indices
development should be recognized as of the over-all developmental status and
one of the most important factors in the nature of the relationships among
orthodontics. these indices.
The early prevention and intercep- The appearance and union of the
tion of dentofacial deformities is de- different skeletal centers of ossification
pendent upon an accurate interpreta- follow a fairly definite pattern and time
tion of the inherent facioskeletal pat- schedule from birth to maturity. A
tern and the over-all growth and de- roentgenographic study of these skeletal
velopment. maturational processes provides a valu-
Hereditary, functional, environment- able criterion of the child's level of os-
al, sexual, nutritional, and metabolic seous maturation13,23 . The skeletal ma-
factors influence normal growth and turity of the individual is known as bone
development greatly. The proportional age or skeletal age. The carpal area
effects of each of the factors are not provides a useful index of skeletal ma-
easily determined, but nevertheless, turation and is frequently utilized be-
orthodontists should attempt to evaluate cause it is easily accessible and radio-
each patient in relation to these in- graphs can be taken at a minimum of
fluences. expense and timer'.
Physical growth and developmental Suitable standards, such as those of
manifestations provide useful criteria Todd,' Flory,' Greulich and Pyle 8,9
for orthodontic diagnostic evaluations. areusdtominklagewh
Orthodontists frequently utilize such the x-rays are evaluated.
physical characteristics as weight, The development and eruption of
height, skeletal maturation and dental teeth are a part of the child's total de-
development which are subjected to velopment. Dental developmental
biometric tests and compared with schedules are used as indices of growth
standards based upon large groups of and maturation during childhood since
healthy subjects in order to evaluate teeth develop and erupt in character-
the growth and maturational status of istic sequences and within predictable
age ranges. 11, 13,12,23
Serial radiographic studies of the
*Based on a thesis submitted to the Gradu- dentition provide very critical and use-
ate Faculty in the School of Dentistry in ful methods for appraising the intra-
partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Science, University
alveolar dental development throughout
of Pittsburgh, June, 1960. the various developmental stages of the

190 Green July, 1961

teeth." The radiographic evaluation of development and body growth. In this

intra-alveolar growth and calcification study an attempt was made to deter-
of the dentition provides a valuable mine the nature of the correlations
indicator of dental age and serves as among dental, skeletal, height, weight,
an index of the over-all maturation of and chronological ages.
By comparing the physical measure-
ments of a child with the measurements A total of fifty-six Caucasian males,
of healthy children over a period of between the ages of eight and twelve
time, it is possible to determine whether years, were selected from patients in the
he is progressing toward maturity at an pedodontic and orthodontic depart-
average rate. ments, School of Dentistry, University
Height and weight are the physical of Pittsburgh. The following data were
manifestations of growth and develop- obtained from each subject: chrono-
ment which are probably utilized most logical age, a carpal radiograph of the
in diagnostic procedures, and in the as- left hand and wrist, a lateral head radio-
sessment of growth and development. graph, height and weight.
Body weight is probably the best index The carpal radiographs were ana-
of nutrition and growth because it sums lyzed by comparing each radiograph
up all increments in size. 1,20,23 with the standards of Greulich and
Although there are individual pat- Pyle. 9 For evaluation of the dental de-
terns in physical manifestations, certain velopment, the norms of Nolla 14 were
trends in the rate of growth are com- utilized. The height and weight data
mon to all children. The different stages were evaluated by means of norms pro-
of the life cycle exhibit different rates vided by Olson and Hughes. 15 These
and trends of growth. When evalu- various physical indices of growth and
ating growth and development by development were evaluated and as-
means of physical measurements, many signed age values. These age values
factors which introduce variability into were obtained by comparing the raw
growth trends and rates should be con- data and materials to normative age
sidered. Tables are available which pro- values and standards which are based
vide mean height and weight measure- on age and the stage of maturity. This
ments for sex age groups. These tables method permits the expressions of
provide a guide for evaluating indi- growth and development to be based
viduals in reference to the pattern of on the same qualities. Statistical analy-
growth of a group similar to the child ses were applied to these physical index
being evaluated, since a child normally values to determine the nature of the
maintains his relative pattern of growth correlations among them.
as compared to his age group. 1.23
Many investigators 3,5,6,10,18, 21 have FINDINGS
studied the relationship between the The dental ages ranged from 93
dentition and various aspects of growth months to 158 months with a mean of
and development. The findings of these 109.55 months; the skeletal ages varied
investigators, in general, support the from 70 months to 149 months with a
theoretical contention that positive re- mean of 129.46 months; the weight
lationships exist in varying degrees be- ages were from 83 months to 191
tween the maturation of various tissue months with a mean of 133.66; the
systems, whereas other investigators 2," chronological ages ranged from 95
found low correlations between dental months to 144 months with a mean of
Vol. 31, No. 3 Interrelationships 191

Table I
Correlation Coefficients
(Between all Age Variables)

Ages Dental Skeletal Weight Height

Skeletal 0.4616
Weight 0.4810 0.7570
Height 0.5630 0.7859 0.8145
Chronological 0.6774 0.6882 0.5534 0.6657

119.26 months; and the height ages tion was closer between dental age and
were from 88 months to 164 months chronological age than between dental
with a mean of 129.46 months. The age and skeletal age.
ranges for all age variables were great- A review of the correlation coeffi-
er than the chronological age range. cients in this study indicated that
The correlation coefficients for these chronological age was more highly cor-
age variables (Table I) showed that related to dental age (0.6774) than
each of these variables was positively were the other age variables. This ob-
con elated with all the other variables. servation indicates that in this study,
In Table I, dental age showed the chronological age is the best single pre-
highest degree of correlation with dictor of dental maturity. Approxi-
chronological age (0.6774) and the mately one half of the variability in
lowest correlation with skeletal age dental age may be accounted for by
(0.4616). Skeletal age revealed the chronological age variability.
highest correlation with height age There was a high correlation between
(0.7859) and the lowest correlation height age and weight age (0.8145).
with dental age (0.4616). Height age About two-thirds of the differences in
had the highest correlation with the weights of these subjects can be ac-
weight age (0.8145) and the lowest counted for on the basis of the differ-
correlation with dental age (0.5630). ences in their heights.
Weight age revealed the highest cor- The correlations did not fall into any
relation with height age (0.8145) and obvious pattern. There appears to be a
the lowest correlation with dental age slight indication of a factor composed
(0.4810). Chronological age had its of skeletal age, height and weight. This
highest correlation with skeletal age factor might be termed the skeletal
(0.6882) and the lowest correlation factor. We might hypothesize that the
with height age (0.5534). factors which control skeletal growth
and development are also quite im-
portant in determining height and
The correlation coefficients for the weight.
age variables studied showed positive The growth of individuals is often
correlation (ranging from 0.4616 to irregular and this should be realized
0.8145) between each other. in applying norms of development
The findings of this study support based on central tendencies and varia-
those of Hotz, Boulanger and Weiss- bilities of healthy children. Some aspects
haupt11 in that the degree of associa- of growth and development for healthy
192 Green July, 1961

children may show a shifting pattern of molar as related to skeletal and chrono-
growth, that is, a shift from high to logical ages.
average, to low and back to average The findings of this study support
again when comparing a child with his those of Hotz, Boulanger and Weiss-
maturing age group. Therefore, cor- hauptl° in that the degree of association
relation of these aspects of growth and was closer between dental age and
development often will not show the chronological age than between dental
degree of correlation which theoretically and skeletal age.
exists between these different areas of Chronological age was more highly
growth and development. correlated with dental age than any of
It should also be pointed out that the other variables studied. Skeletal
only sample evaluations in various areas age, height and weight showed a slight
of growth and development were ob- tendency to form a factor which is pos-
tained in this study. A more complete sibly controlled to some degree by the
appraisal of the entire skeleton rather same forces of growth and develop-
than the carpal bones alone, and the ment.
evaluation of the entire dentition, rather Further investigation of growth and
than just the mandibular posterior developmental relationship was indi-
teeth, might improve the degree of cated for a larger number of subjects
correlation between these variables. of both sexes, and in wider age ranges,
It is felt that this study served to particularly in the higher age ranges of
point out the need for more extensive males. This study also indicated the
investigation, the need for more current need for more recent and adequate
tables and norms representing more standards and norms and for more pre-
geographical areas, the need for a cise methods of evaluation of these ex-
larger and more representative sample pressions of growth and development.
of subjects from both sexes and the
University of Pittsburgh
need for more precise methods of ap-
praising growth and development. BIBLIOGRAPHY
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