Fee Management System Erp For Schools Colleges

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Fees Management System


FCM [Fees Collection Management / Automation Module]

• Feel the difference of Modern computing injected in the software to save your valuable time

• Useful features enabled to flow the data in an efficient manner as per your command

• Trouble free Accounts management of fees collection makes you to feel the comfort

• One stop software solution to manage your school fees collection with Multi Language

• Control the fees collection operations with the minimal manpower (single staff) & with the
hassle free, paper less management


• Ability to track & post the student records as per the formal process like admission,
promotion / retain and up to relieving

• Statistical report like Fees Pending & Forecasting helps to retrieve the unpaid student details
& to analyze the consolidated fees yet to collect in the Academic year (future).

• Detailed checklist of the Fees Structure – Class / Student type wise & Fees intimation slips
can be printed to inform about the pending dues to the parents

• Essential reports like consolidated daily fees collection, Deduction given list, Student fee
paid details can be taken instantly

• Sensational pre - defined valuable reports can be exported to excel format which leads you
to prepare customized report as per your school requirement


• Do you want to categorize the fees structure according to your accounting purpose? (i.e.
Term fees, Transportation Fess, Hostel Fees etc.)?

• Are you in need of a special feature to collect the part payment & to avail Fees wise
deduction for some students during the fees collection?

• Are you facing difficulties to assign the fees for the various types of students in a same class?
(Categorization of the students can be done. i.e. Regular, Scholarship, Hostel student,
Regular student with bus facility).

• Do you want to do the usual formal operations smoothly in a simple way like
promoting/retaining the students from one class to another & relieving the students?
General Details

• Multi user environment

• User Creation & high security setting options

• School Logo can be placed

• Help Available for each and every screen

• Database Backup options

Key Benefits:

• Any Number of Fees Categories / Fees Heads / Student Types

• Part Payment Option

• Fees entered for a class / month can be copied to same class - different month or different
class or to next academic year

• Fees settings can be done for Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Yearly

• Separate receipt number for each Fees Category

• Fees deduction can be given. Whole fees for a student can be given as deduction.

• Two types of receipt printing - Abstract (without Fees Heads) / Detailed (with Fees Heads)

• Easy to use student Promotion / Retaining entry

• Fees Collection Summary Report - All / Specific Fees Category with /without the combination
of specified period

• Fees collection details report - All /Specific Fees category with all /specific fees Head with
/without the combination of specified period

• Student Fees paid details

• Forecasting list is possible, if fees settings made for the whole academic year

• Pending fees collection report - class wise

• Deduction given list

• Fees structure can be taken for all / specific class

• Deleted Receipt details

• Fees collection details - horizontal format (fees heads as column heading)

• Single /Multi - user environment

• User creation and high security setting options

• Backup /Restore options

Fees Management System (Screen Shots)

Login Screen

Module Summery
Student Info Report

Fees Module
Classwise Fees Payment Details

Fees Receipt/Invoice
Pending Fee Report

Quick Student Search/Student Report

Student Admission Form

Logout Screen

Please feel free to contact for live demo & use of Fee Management System. Contact No. +91
9717610770, 011 4056 4553, or email us: info@bainbridge.co.in

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