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AUB-MSFEA-CEE CIVE 310 – Mechanics of Materials Fall 2020-2021

American University of Beirut

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Course: CIVE 310 Mechanics of Materials

Instructor: George A. Saad, Ph.D., P.E.

Office: Bechtel 509

Course Description
Stresses, strains, and stress-strain relationships. Temperature. Axial bars in tension and
compression. Torsion of circular bars. Bending and shear stresses in beams. Combined stresses.
Stress transformation and Mohr’s circle. Computer spreadsheet applications and project.

Pre-requisites: CIVE 210 Statics

Text Book: R.C. Hibbeler, “Mechanics of Materials”, 10th Edition.

Moodle: Current/ previous course material will be available on MOODLE via the AUB website.

Class Hours: Section 1: TTh 9:30 - 11:00

Section 2: TTh 11:00 – 12:30

Office Hours: TTh 2:00 – 3:30

Grading System: 2 Tests 60%

Homework/ Participation 5%
Final Exam 35%


1. To introduce students to the basic principles and laws underlying mechanics of materials.
2. To train students in modeling and analysis techniques when formulating and solving
problems for predicting the states of stress and strain for bodies in static equilibrium.
3. To prepare students and introduce them to the design process accounting for strength and
safety conditions.
4. To apply the concepts of mechanics of materials to the solution of practical problems.
5. To foster effective interaction skills for peer teamwork and communication through
projects involving computer solutions.

AUB-MSFEA-CEE CIVE 310 – Mechanics of Materials Fall 2020-2021

Course Topics

1. Introduction/ Review of principles of statics (1 week)

a. Equilibrium principles
b. Analysis of plane trusses and beams
2. Concepts of stress and strain (2 weeks)
a. Axial and shear stresses/strains
b. Stress-strain relationships
c. Generalized Hooke’s Law
d. Temperature Induced Strains
e. Design criteria and safety factors
3. Axial members (2.5 weeks)
a. Axial stress, strain/deformation, and displacement
b. Lateral strain: Poisson’s ratio
c. Introduction to design
d. Applications
e. Statically indeterminate systems
4. Bending problems (3.5 weeks)
a. Pure bending
b. Bending stress, strain/deformation, and curvature
c. Composite beams: transformed section – application to reinforced concrete/
hybrid beams
d. Combined Bending with axial load
e. Biaxial bending w/o axial load
5. Shear stresses in beams (2 weeks)
a. Shear flow
b. Shear stress and strain
c. Applications
6. Torsion of circular members (2 weeks)
a. Limitations to circular/tubular bars
b. Shear stress, strain/deformation, and rotation
c. Analogy with axial systems
d. Combined torsion and shear loads
e. Applications
7. Combined Loading (1 week)
8. Stress transformation (1 week)
a. Stress transformation equations
b. Principal Stresses

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