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Tutorial 11

Salvage is the term used for the voluntary rescue of a vessel or its cargo in peril at sea is a voluntary
action governed by admiralty law and is rewarded only after a measure of success ("no cure, no

Basically salvage, in maritime law, is the act to rescue a ship or its cargo on navigable waters from a
peril that, except for the rescuer’s assistance, would have led to the loss or destruction of the

Except for salvage performed under contract, the rescuer—known as the salvor—must act
voluntarily without being under any legal duty to do so, apart from the general duty to give
assistance to those in peril at sea or to stand by after a collision. So long as the owner or his agent
remains on the ship, unwanted offers of salvage may be refused. A derelict—a vessel found entirely
deserted or abandoned without hope or intention of recovery—is, however, fair game for anyone
who comes across it.

3 major elements to a salvage

i) Danger
ii) Voluntary Services
iii) Success

But for the purpose of this question, we shall only further elaborate on the element of danger.
Tutorial 12

Salvage is the term used for the voluntary rescue of a vessel or its cargo in peril at sea is a voluntary
action governed by admiralty law and is rewarded only after a measure of success ("no cure, no

Article 1(a) of London Convention, provides that a "Salvage operation" means any act or activity
undertaken to assist a vessel or any other property in danger in navigable waters or in any other
waters whatsoever.

This basically meant that without the rescuer’s assistance, would have led to the loss or destruction
of the property

In The Five Steel Barges, The right to salvage may arise out of an actual contract; but it does
not necessarily do so. It is a legal liability arising out of the fact that property has been salved, that
the owner of the property has had the benefit of it shall make remuneration to those who have
conferred the benefit upon him, notwithstanding that he has not entered into any contract on the

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