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Opening speech

Honorable chairs and distinguished delegates

87.9% of the total population in Myanmar are Buddhists.

Now who makes up the other 12%? Well besides Muslims
there are also 6,2% Christians and 0,5% Hindus. Nevertheless
Myanmar’s government chose to target its biggest ethnic
minority - the Rohingya Muslim community. Islam has
evidently been the most targeted religion in the world since
the 21th century. Constant discrimination and attacks by
powerful states and the media have led to prejudice and fear
to the people. Apparently the government took advantage of
the rising hate towards Muslims during past few decades.

The delegation of Egypt announces that we support Rohingya

Muslims and condemn the crimes committed against this
ethnic minority.

We need to focus on an effective solution to this crisis. We

must return the Rohingya Muslims to their homeland and call
out Myanmars government to take responsibility for its
doings. If not out of conviction, then because they have been
its inhabitants since the 15th century. Every country has a
responsibility to tok care of its inhabitants and provide them
with equal protection.

Thank you

We believe that part of the solution to this problem would be

a victory over Myanmar at the International Court of Justice
in The Hague. The Gambia has launched a case backed by the
Organization of Islamic Cooperation. And Egypt itself is part
of this organization. If more members supported the Gambia
and helped it, the problem would be solved at the state
level.This would stop the army and police from discriminating
against Rohingya Muslims and committing other crimes
against them. These crimes are human rights violations. They
affect the mental and physical condition of people. And
children are especially at risk.

The second part of the solution would be propaganda. Once

the problem at the government level has been resolved it
needs to be resolved between the residents. The people of
Myanmar were not spared during this crisis. The army
committed crimes against them. So that the propaganda of
unification based on coexistence and peace between
Rohingya Muslims and others would be a contrast to the old
propaganda. We believe it would be refreshing especially
after the failure of the previous one.

The third part of the solution would be education. Education

about suffering on both sides. This would prevent a possible
conflict that would arise if either side wanted revenge. The
focus should also be on the mental health of the population
and their academic education once things have been put in
Relocating refugees to the island Bhasan Char

The United Nations and the government of Bangladesh have

signed an agreement to work together to help Rohingya
refugees on an island in the Bay of Bengal, where thousands
of people have been relocated from crowded camps near the
border with Myanmar.

The government has already relocated more than 19,000

Rohingya to Bhasan Char Island, and the UN said one of the
key reasons for signing the agreement was to start serving
that population. So far, the solutions for this crisis are not
fully effective. The latest solution for relocating refugees to
Bhasan Char Island has significant drawbacks.

This remote island is in danger during the monsoon period. A

large amount of funds has been invested in the restoration
and protection of the island. As the monsoon season
approaches, refugees and aid workers fear that inadequate
protection from storms and floods could put people on the
island at serious risk. The Bangladeshi government has
touted Bhasan Char as a solution to a serious overcrowding in
refugee camps at Cox’s Bazaar where nearly a million
Rohingya refugees from Myanmar live. The government
ultimately aims to relocate 100,000 refugees to the island.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s government has spent more
than $112m on development, adding sea walls, hospitals,
schools and mosques, and insists it is no more a vulnerable
area. Myanmar has shown no signs that it will create
conditions for the safe, dignified, and voluntary return of the
refugees. Refugees are dissatisfied with this solution, which
means that a new one must be found soon. What Egypt
considers the best solution is to return refugees to Myanmar
once the situation calms down. Egypt has called Myanmar to
take responsibility for its doings. And as part of the
Organization for Islamic Cooperation, it supports the Gambia
in the court against Myanmar.
And as much as Egypt supported Bangladesh in this project,
this solution was taken only as a temporary one. To consider
that the island is lifelong housing for refugees is a hole new
level of discrimination. We urge everyone to keep in mind
that the camp is overcrowded and that Bangladesh sees this
as a temporary solution as does Egypt.

Education of refuges

In order to prevent the stagnation of this community at this

time and after they return to Myanmar, it is essential that
there is access to education.Children make up 50% of the
refugee community at Camp, despite the large number of
agencies investing in education, currently 500,000 children
still do not have access. Children have suffered deep trauma
and, with little access to child-friendly safe facilities, face
serious protection risks, including human trafficking, and
child labor.
Without adequate support, children are faced with the
possibility of growing up without education and without the
means to cope with the terrible things they have
experienced. Children are currently learning a total of five
subjects; English, mathematics, Burmese, life skills for levels
1 and 2, in addition to science for levels 3 and 4.
Classes are taught by a Bangladeshi teacher from the host
community and a Burmese language teacher from the
Rohingya community

UNICEF also provides education and learning opportunities

for older groups, with more than 18,000 Rohingya
adolescents aged 15 to 18 being trained in literacy,
numeracy, life skills and vocational skills. However, there are
still significant gaps. Adolescent-targeted programs must be
expanded to reach all 74,000 Rohingya adolescents between
the ages of 15 and 18.
15,000 children and adolescents study in over 3,200 learning
This would prevent a possible conflict that would arise once
things have been put in order. The focus should not only by
on their academic education it ŠUD by also on ther mental
health. All this woudh help in longtime trem pis. Wich is gool
of Egypat.

Povežem sa trćim djelom rješenja

Mijanmar i Kina

In goal of this solusions

If we take into account that some time ago there were
elections in Myanmar and that the army won with 80%
percent of the votes, we believe that propaganda is very
important for this case. We believe that with good
propaganda we can reduce the power of the military. As we
know, Myanmar’s Democratic leader Suu Kyi does not
support the existence of genocide. Ato is because the people
are still strongly influenced by the nationalist movement
whose humanity is practically non-existent.

Ako je Amerika uvela sankcije za Mijanmar zašto bi onda slala

oružije mjanmarskoj vojsci. Ako ga ne šalje vojsci onda ga
šalje demokratima. Amerika je poznata po invaziranju drugih
država zarad širenja demokratije. Mijanmar ima izvore
prirodnih bogadstava kao što su nafta i plin. Uslučaju da je
oružije za vojnike to znači da se predhodno izrečeni stavovi
Amerike ne poklapaju sa njenim najnovijim akcijama. A u
slučaju da je oružije za demokrate u Mjanmaru Egipat smatra
to greškom jer je naša politika da se izbjeglice vrate što prije
u Mijanmar. To je posebno bitno jer je Bangladeš popunio
svoj kapacite. Želimo da istaknemo da je ovaj korak vrlo
rizičan jer može biti začetak rata. A to znači jol više žrtava i
imaće ekonomske posledice na mnoge države.
SA as part of the Organization for Islamic Cooperatio, we believe that
the Saudi Arabia should be on the side of our resolution.
Especially if we take into account that it was this corporation
that supported the Gambia, which brought the case to court
in The Hague. Saudi Arabia has emphasized its humanitarian
actions from the beginning. Switching to the side of the
second resolution would be completely against the basic
Islamic principle, and Saudi Arabia is guided by Sharia. At
least officially.

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