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How to Teach, Manage & Counsel Others?

Srila Prabhupada’s Vision

Make homes into temples and communities into congregations, for hearing and chanting.

Seven Purposes of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness

Srila Prabhupada enunciated these purposes of ISKCON when he incorporated the Society, in July 1966.
1. Study them carefully and underline keywords in each statement.
2. Why do you think this mission statement is important or relevant to our personal and social life?
3. What provision can be made to adopt the principle in our life? What activities, projects, services
according to your capacity and nature would you like to take up to assist Srila Prabhupad in
spreading the mission of Lord ChaitanyaMahaprabhu?

1. To systematically propagate spiritual knowledge to the society at large and to educate all people in the
techniques of spiritual life in order to check the imbalance of values in life, and to achieve real unity
and peace in the world.
2. To propagate consciousness of Krishna as it is revealed in the Bhagavad-gita and in the Srimad-
3. To bring the members of the Society together with one another and nearer to Krishna, the prime
entity, and thus develop the idea within the members and humanity at large that each soul is part and
parcel of the quality of Godhead (Krishna).
4. To teach and encourage the Sankirtana movement of congregational chanting of the holy names of God
as revealed in the teachings of Lord Sri ChaitanyaMahaprabhu.
5. To erect for the members and for the society at large, a holy place of transcendental pastimes,
dedicated to the Personality of Krishna.
6. To bring the members closer together for the purpose of teaching a simpler and more natural way of
7. With a view towards achieving the aforementioned purposes, to publish and distribute periodicals,
magazines, books and other writings.

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Selected Quotations

(Lord Caitanya said) “I am the only gardener. How many places can I go? How many fruits can I pick and
Here Sri CaitanyaMahaprabhu indicates that the distribution of the Hare Krsnamaha-mantra should be
performed by combined forces.
…All classes of devotees should combine to distribute the Hare Krsnamaha-mantra without consideration
of the time, place or situation.

“Therefore I order every man within this universe to accept this Krsna consciousness movement and
distribute it everywhere.”
– Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 9.34 & 36
yaredekha, tare kaha `krsna'-upadesa
amaraajnaya guru hanatara' eidesa

(Lord Caitanya told the brahmanaKurma) "Instruct everyone to follow the orders of Lord Sri Krsna as they
are given in Bhagavad-gita and Shrimad-Bhagavatam. In this way become a spiritual master and try to
liberate everyone in this land."

This is the sublime mission of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Many people come and
inquire whether they have to give up family life to join the Society, but that is not our mission. One can
remain comfortably in his residence. We simply request everyone to chant the maha-mantra: Hare Krsna,
Hare Krsna, KrsnaKrsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. If one is a little literate
and can read Bhagavad-gitaAs It Is and Srimad- Bhagavatam, that is so much the better.
…The Krsna consciousness movement is trying to elevate human society to the perfection of life by
pursuing the method described by Sri CaitanyaMahaprabhu in His advice to the brahmanaKurma. That is,
one should stay at home, chant the Hare Krsna mantra and preach the instructions of Krsna as they are
given in Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. –Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila, 7.128

At whosoever’s house Sri Caitanya accepted His alms by taking prasada, He would convert the dwellers
to His sankirtana movement and advise them just as He advised the brahmana named Kurma.
The cult of Sri CaitanyaMahaprabhu is explained here very nicely. One who surrenders to Him and is ready
to follow Him with heart and soul does not need to change his location. Nor is it necessary for one to
change status. One may remain a householder, a medical practitioner, an engineer or whatever. It doesn’t
matter. One only has to follow the instruction of Sri CaitanyaMahaprabhu, chant the Hare Krsnamaha-
mantra and instruct relatives and friends in the teachings of Bhagavad-gitaand Srimad-Bhagavatam.
–Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila, 7.130

The temple center is started just to present example to the neighboring residents how they can make a
small temple in each and every home. It is not necessary that hundreds and thousands of people will live in

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our temple, but if we can make effective propaganda, then the neighboring residents, householders, will be
inclined to be initiated and follow the modes of temple life. -Srila Prabhupada’s letter, 1 June, 1969

...My request to you is that you enter into the universities and colleges wherever possible and preach there
with a view to recruiting some first-class devotees for helping me manage and push on this movement all
over the world.
...The secret will be to engage them as they like to be engaged, that is, supposing I have got some
education, I am business student, or I have got some skill or talent, I am typist or musician or something like
that, so I will like to utilize these things for Krishna only if I am encouraged in a certain way, very tactfully,
and I must not be discouraged by too much forcing me at first to accept everything of shaving the head,
rising very early, going for street sankirtana, like that. No, let me come gradually, let me study also Krishna
Consciousness and see how it is practical and sublime.
-Srila Prabhupada's letter, 13 December, 1972

We want every house to be a temple, not that our place should be the only place for the people to come.
No, this should be the process: that they learn at our place, then establish the same thing at home."
-Srila Prabhupada's letter, 14 April, 1972

Immediately, a person cannot be renounced, therefore gradually, step by step. So unless there is proper
training... Now just like we are selling millions copies of these books, they are reading, and how many of
them coming forward? So it requires training. Training is essential to make them Krsna conscious.
-Srila Prabhupada, evening darsana, Bombay, 14 August , 1976

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Four Stages in the Life of a Group

1. Form - The Get Acquainted Stage

Perhaps someone has said to you, “you aren’t a bit like I thought you were when we first met!” This is
common reaction. First impressions are often based on past relationships with other people. It can take
two or three sessions before group members overcome these false conclusions about each other. This is
also sometimes called the “honey-moon” stage, because people enjoy their newly found camaraderie.

2. Storm - The Conflict Stage

When people get to know each other in the intimacy of a small group, they often don’t like every aspect of
other’s personalities. Value systems will clash. One person may talk too much; another may be insensitive;
someone else may be too sensitive. After four or five sessions together, these conflicts might surface in the
discussions and other areas. A “sand-papering” effect will take place. People then begin to trust each other
enough to air their differences and to work through them.
If you have never been in a small group, you may find the first experience with the conflict stage a bit scary,
but don’t be afraid! Gently guide the group, letting the participants share deeply. The members will resolve
these differences. The result is dramatic! The group’s identity will be established and commitment to the
group will occur.

3. Conform - The Community Stage

The conflict stage is followed by a meaningful period in which the members find an identity and stability as
a group. There is also risk at this point: because the group has found meaningful relationships, it may
decide it wants to close itself off to remain undisturbed. If this is permitted, the group might become
selfish, stop the missionary work of outreach, and become stagnant.

4. Perform- The Outreach Stage

The group exists to practice and share Krishna consciousness. Some however will feel more enthusiastic to
preach once the group goes beyond the third stage.

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Systematic Training and Education in Krishna Consciousness (approx 19 years)

Thematic learning through VOICE Courses

Course name Siddhanta Vaishnava Mood Mission & Duration
Lifestyle (VMML )
Topics Sessions Topics Sessions
Discover Yourself (DYS) 6 6 1 ½ months
Positive Thinker (PT) 5 10 12 12 6 months
Self-Manager (SM) 5 12 12 12 7 months
Proactive Leader (PL) 5 12 12 12 7 months
Total approx 2

Systematic learning through weekly satsang

Bhakti Shastri Bhagavad Gita, Nector Of Instruction, Nector Of 2 yrs
Devotion, Isopanisad
Bhakti Vaibhav SrimadBhagavatam (canto 1 to 6) 4yrs
Bhakti Vedanta SrimadBhagavatam (canto 7 to 12) 5 yrs
Bhakti Sarvabhouma ChaitanyaCharitamrut 6 yrs
Total 17 years

The six parts of weekly meeting: (approx 2 hrs)

1 Begin with Kirtan / Vaishnava Song 10 min
2 Sloka recitaton / Offering prayers 5 min
3 Siddhanta Topic – DYS, PT, SM (DUA + QA) 50 min
4 1. Variety Program 20 min
b. Video
c. Public Speaking
d. Preaching/Seva related
e. Devotional skill building (Mridanga, Kartal , Vaishnava Song, Arati,
Altar, Tulsi)
f. Celebrations (Acharya appearance & disappearance, appreciations)
5 THOUGHT on Holy Name, chanting japa or ending Kirtans 10 min
6 ANNOUNCEMENTS: upcoming events, homework, special achievements, service 5 min
allocation, B’days, management discussion

End with Prasadam

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How to conduct discussions in a group?

Discovery, understanding &application are the 3 phases of discussion, used in order to connect with the
audience at their level. Speaker may give fantastic presentation which audience may even appreciate but
may find difficult to accept & apply. DUA are such wonderful questions which puts the audience in the
perspective of trying to be together, in learning ‘how to learn any subject’ and thus learning can be

Three Phases of Discussion

Below are examples of questions that could be asked in the three different phases of the discussion. Some
will apply to the topic under scrutiny, others will not. One should always try to find stimulating questions
directly based on the subject at hand.

We take any of the section from the chapters, ask students to read the paragraph & then we start with
1. ‘Discovery’ Questions
“What were the most important points from what we just read?”
“What were the main ideas or concepts?”
Here we expect students to rephrase or state the concept as it is based on what they consider as

2. ‘Understanding’ Questions
“Which analogies Srila Prabhupada used?”
“What analogies did Srila Prabhupada use to explain this concept?”
“Why does the verse say ................?”
“What does it really mean when ..............?”
“Did anyone find any new insight?”

3. "Application" Questions
“Which part of the purport touched you the most? Why?”
“How can we practically apply these teachings in our life?”
“What obstacles could we face in applying these teachings?”
“Did you recognize any specific instruction that helps you in solving some of your personal problems?”
“What new insight you found in this passage?”
“How would you present this point to a non-devotee?”
“Did anyone see these concepts in action? Would you like to share the experience?”
“Anyone had an experience that confirms this point?”
“What do you personally want to apply from this discussion?”
“What do you personally want to take with you from this discussion?”

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Following is an example of how to formulate DUA questions for the section of a chapter


The transcendental vibration established by the chanting of Hare Krsna Hare KrsnaKrsnaKrsna Hare
HareHare / Hare Rama Hare Rama RamaRama Hare Hare is the sublime method for reviving our
transcendental consciousness.
As living souls, we are all originally Krsna conscious entities, but due to our association with matter from
time immemorial, our consciousness is now adulterated by the material atmosphere.
The material atmosphere in which we are living , is called maya or illusion. Maya means “that which is not.”
And what is this illusion? The illusion is that we are all trying to be lords of material nature, while actually
we are under the grip of her stringent laws. When a servant artificially tries to imitate the all powerful
master, he is said to be in illusion.
We are trying to exploit the resources of material nature, but actually we are becoming more and more
entangled in her complexities. Therefore although we are engaged in a hard struggle to conquer nature, we
are ever dependent on her. This illusory struggle against material nature can be stopped at once by revival
of our Krsna consciousness.
Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, KrsnaKrsna Hare Hare is the transcendental process for reviving this original, pure
consciousness. By chanting this transcendental vibration, we can cleanse away all misgivings within our
hearts. The basic principle of all such misgivings is the false consciousness that I am the lord of all I survey.
Krsna consciousness is not an artificial imposition on the mind. This consciousness is the original, natural
energy of the living entity. When we hear this transcendental vibration, this consciousness is revived.
This simplest method of meditation is recommended for this age. By practical experience also, one can
perceive that by chanting this maha- mantra, or the Great chanting of deliverance, one can at once feel a
transcendental ecstacy coming through from the spiritual stratum.
As such this chanting should be heard from the lips of a pure devotee of the Lord, so that immediate effects
can be achieved. As far as possible, chanting from the lips of non-devotees should be avoided. Milk touchéd
by the lips of a serpent has poisonous effects.
The word Hara is a form of addressing the energy of the Lord, and the words Krsna and Rama are forms of
addressing the Lord Himself.
The material energy called maya, is also one of the miulti- energies of the Lord; and we are also the energy,
the marginal energy of the Lord .
The living entities are superior to material energy. When the superior energy is in contact with inferior
energy, an incompatible situation arises; but when the superior marginal energy is in contact with the
superior energy, Hara, it is established in its happy, normal condition.
These three words, namely, Hara, Krsna, and Rama, are the transcendental seeds of the Maha mantra. The
chanting is the spiritual call for the Lord and His energy, to give protection to the conditioned soul. This
chanting is like the genuine cry of a child for it’s mother’s presence. Mother Hara helps the devotee achieve
the supreme father’s grace, and the Lord reveals Himself to a devotee who chants this mantra sincerely.

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No other means of spiritual realization is as effective in this age of quarrel and hypocrisy as the chanting of
the maha- mantra:HareKrsna Hare KrsnaKrsnaKrsna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama RamaRama Hare

1) What does the Hare Krsna mantra do to our consciousness?
2) Why is our consciousness adulterated now? What do we think wrongly in this consciousness?

1) What happens when we try to exploit material energy?
2) How can we stop this great struggle over material energy?
3) Explain the meaning of the maha- mantra.
4) What makes the living entity happy? Why does the maha- mantra make one happy?
5) Why is it important for us to chant this maha- mantra?

1) Share your realization of how you feel when you chant the Maha-mantra during the kirtan or japa.

Two Styles of Delegation

Authoritarianism Empowerment
Focused on methods Focused on results
Delegator is responsible for results Delegatee is responsible for results
Discourages commitment on the part of the Involves mutual commitment of delegator and
delegate delegate
Undermines trust Based on and building trust
Engages the body Engages imagination, conscience and free will
Gives no future prospects Prepares for future responsibility
Self-limiting Allows growth
System collapses in absence of delegator The system is sustainable in absence of delegator
Creates peons, ‘yes-men’, zombies Perpetuates generations of leaders

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Facilitation Skills - ABCD

Atmosphere Communication
 confidence  using specific language
 enthusiasm  clarifying technical terms
 being natural, being oneself  avoiding slang
 openness and honesty  maintaining eye contact
 capacity to disclose about oneself, when  looking at everyone in the group
appropriate  avoiding focusing too much on a person
 willingness to learn from the group  monitoring non-verbal clues (body language)
 willingness to admit one’s mistakes  awareness of everyone’s disposition
 using appropriate room layout
 setting the appropriate mood for the subject Discipline
 impartiality, treating everyone fairly  keeping the discussion on track
 treating everyone respectfully  establishing norms of behavior
 insisting on respectful behavior  addressing inappropriate behavior
 knowing how to deal with conflicting views  being aware of the passing of time
 sensitivity, consideration of special needs  keeping to the time allotted
 being flexible with the time when appropriate
Build-up  avoiding unhealthy controversies
 listening skills  avoiding offenses to Vaishnavas
 ability to draw people into the discussion  ensuring that key points are written down
 ability to ask questions in the right way  knowing how to use the option of hand-raising
 ability to ask the right questions  ability to wind-up the discussion
 ability to promote introspection  give a summary at the end
 acknowledging and valuing contributions
 ability to involve the shy
 seeking explanation before correcting
 ability to wait for answers
 remembering those who wanted to speak

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Aspects of counseling:

1. To provide necessities to assist PQ IQ EQ & SQ growth of counselee.
2. To protect them from maya – dangers, obstacles, doubts and temptations.
3. Cultural Engineering – An atmosphere of care, appreciation, respect, encouragement & service
4. To equip & engage them to do meaningful KC service/social contribution.


There has to be mutual inspiration in the relationship where counselor feels inspired by his counselee to
give counseling and counselee feels inspired to take counseling. This can be achieved by modeling and
caring for the individual.

1. Both counselor and counselee have to worry if the vision is being met and if they are inspiring each
2. Counselee - regular reporting, taking initiative in problem solving and sharing
3. Counselor - meeting (regular & one-on-one) , monitoring & assessing if the vision is being met

What is counseling?
Counseling is cultural engineering to enhance Krsna Consciousness of sub-ordinates under ones care.
Purpose of counseling is to develop firm attachment to Krsna, learn to associate with all vaishnavas and
take advantage of their mercy and to develop friendly compassionate relations with all living beings. (SB

Counseling /mentoring /guiding are like cultivation of plant. Various aspects of plant cultivation can be
compared to counseling in following ways.

1. Preparing soil = preparing heart of the individual, building trust & inspiration in the relationship
before sowing the seed of instruction. i.e. Modeling & mentoring

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2. Sowing the seed = giving instructions, guidance, education, tailor-made instruction for the stage of
3. Watering plant = ensuring offense less hearing and chanting for good spiritual growth
4. Sunshine = providing warmth of devotee association
5. Fencing & protecting = guarding against bad association and offenses
6. Supplying Fertilizer = giving multiple inspirations of bonafidevaishnavas, various service forums &
growth opportunities in KC
7. Removing weeds = help remove anarthas as at every stage of bhakti anarthnivritti is required

As care takers we should offer these to nurture KC of our mentees & as mentees weshould receive same
from our mentors. At every stage of our growth in spiritual life we need a superior who is situated at a little
higher stage than ours, although may not be a pure devotee. So formula to grow in spiritual life is ‘each
one teach one while being taught by one’.

Counselor is not a problem dumping ground but should assist counselee in problem solving. Counselor is
supposed to help and train counselee in addressing various issues in their personal & spiritual
life.Counselee shouldn’t approach counselor only when is in problem. They can do lot of positive activities
together like sharing ones study, realization, inspirations, observations, gratitude & regrets in spiritual life,
hearing & chanting, going for yatra etc.

How to accomplish?
Counselor should constantly meditate, for each of his counselee, on following 5 aspects of their spiritual
life, considering their current & ongoing needs. It’s a subtle science, but more one meditates on the needs
of their counselee more they flourish in their spiritual life. Thus counselor must give personal attention and
care, oversee as well meditate on the growth of his counselee.

Meditate on 5 S
1. Siksa – Systematic training & education in
Siddhanta - Sadachar - Sheela <=> Knowledge - skills - values of KC
2. Sadhana – Morning Program , Chanting, Health
3. Sanga – devotee association amongst senior, equal & junior, forums for 6 loving exchanges
4. Seva – Sufficient, according to psychophysical nature, talents & capacity (2-4 hrs. per week direct
seva to temple/community)
5. Sankirtan – Spreading the bliss around through Book Distribution, Harinaam, Preaching/ outreach

Think individually – prepare following chart and paste it at a prominent place for constant meditation
Name Siksa Sadhana Sang Seva Sankirtan Suggestions

Current & …….. ……… …….. …….. Identify what needs to be

Expected arranged additionally to
Status enhance 5 S further

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Counselor should ensure following:

1. Regularity of conducting meeting (once a month)

2. Keeping in touch with them in terms of inspirational touch & timely guidance – not udasin baba or Over
follow up.
3. Sadhana Card- filling up & showing to counselor
4. Basic Awareness of counselee’s whereabouts, activities & current needs (no negligence). If someone is
counselee for sake of formality then we can propose to choose other. They will understand that he is
affectionate n detached.
5. Basic faith & love given by
 Giving time, training
 Doing personal sacrifice – individual. Understand n fulfill their needs, interests and concerns
 By exemplary behavior - MMOT
6. Arrange for proper 5 S in senior, equal, junior association.
7. Do not become a road block in counselee’s progress – handover to other counselor

Guidelines for progressive growth in Krsna Consciousness

1 to 3 years 3 to 5 years 5 to 7 years Above 7 years
1. Complete small SP Should know the 1. Should know 1. In Depth understanding of
Books following in depth chapter wise and BG, SB, CC and 4
2. Complete Big SP 1. Vaishnava verse wise BG & Sampradayas
Books Etiquettes SB sections 2. Visiting the holy places and
3. Complete 2. VaishnavaSiddhanat 2. Should know the their importance
following course as basic 3. Other religions and dealing
series : Spiritual 3. Gaudiyavaishnava Management & with them
scientist (DYS), and Acharyas Communication 4. In depth understanding of
Positive Thinker, 4. SP Lila skills 6 Goswamis
Self Manager, 5. 108 verses of BG 3. Should know 5. Deeper understanding of
Proactive Leader 6. Brahmacharya Life leadership and Holy name
4. VMM(vaishnvaMo Mediation 6. Deeper concepts and inner
od and Mission) cultivations of 26 qualities
5. Initiation of devotee
7. Deeper understanding of
types of devotees and
dealing with them
8. Ramayan, Mahabharat
9. Should have done Bhakti
10. Brahman Initiation

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Reference verses on what is counseling

mac-cittä mad-gata-präëä bodhayantaùparasparam

kathayantaçcamäànityaà tuñyanticaramantica (BG 10.9)

The thoughts of My pure devotees dwell in Me, their lives are

fully devoted to My service, and they derive great satisfaction
and bliss from always enlightening one another and conversing
about Me.

dadätipratigåhëäti guhyamäkhyätipåcchati
bhuìktebhojayatecaiva ñaò-vidhaàpréti-lakñaëam (NOI 4)

"Offering gifts in charity, accepting charitable gifts, revealing

one's mind in confidence, inquiring confidentially, accepting
prasädam and offering prasädam are the six symptoms of love shared
by one devotee and another."

satäàprasaìgän mama vérya-saàvido bhavantihåt-karëa-

çraddhäratirbhaktiranukramiñyati (SB 3.25.25)

In the association of pure devotees, discussion of the pastimes

and activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is very
pleasing and satisfying to the ear and the heart. By cultivating
such knowledge one gradually becomes advanced on the path of
liberation, and thereafter he is freed, and his attraction becomes
fixed. Then real devotion and devotional service begin.

punaçcabhüyädbhagavatyanante ratiùprasaìgaçca tad-äçrayeñu

mahatsuyäàyämupayämisåñöià maitryastusarvatranamodvijebhya
(SB 1.19.16)

Again, offering obeisances unto all you brähmaëas, I pray that if

I should again take my birth in the material world I will have
complete attachment to the unlimited Lord Kåñëa, association with
His devotees and friendly relations with all living beings.

idaà hi puàsastapasaùçrutasyavä sviñöasyasüktasyacabuddhi-


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avicyuto 'rthaùkavibhirnirüpito yad-uttamaçloka-guëänuvarëanam
(SB 1.5.22)

Learned circles have positively concluded that the infallible

purpose of the advancement of knowledge, namely austerities, study
of the Vedas, sacrifice, chanting of hymns and charity, culminates
in the transcendental descriptions of the Lord, who is defined in
choice poetry.

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 Study purports to all the above verses.

 Go through positive thinker, self-manager course books & try to formulate DUA questions for
various sections


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