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Std. No.




Class : BE Second Year Civil Engineering

Module : Fluid Mechanics

Module Code : FMH201

Max. Marks : 50

Max. Time : 3 Hrs

General Instructions:
1. Answer all the questions.
2. Unless otherwise stated, atmospheric pressure is 760 mm
of mercury.
3. Assume suitably any missing data.

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Question No.1 [ 5, 4 ]
1.1 An oil of viscosity 15 Poise and relative density 1.26 flows at a
velocity of 500 cm/s in a 10 cm diameter pipe. Determine:
i) Boundary shear stress in the pipe due to the flow.
ii) Head loss in a length of 12 m of pipe and
iii) Power expended by the flow in a distance of 12 m.
iv) Centre line velocity.
1.2 A 30 cm diameter pipeline carries water at a velocity of 3.5 m/s. if
the friction factor f = 0.028 and kinematic viscosity is 0.8 x 10-6
m2/s, determine:
i) The roughness height k by assuming fully rough turbulent
flow to exist,
ii) The shear stress at the wall and
iii) Velocity gradient at a radial distance of 5 cm from axis.

Question No. 2 [4]

Gate AB as shown in fig 1 is 1.2 m long and 0.8 m into the paper.
Neglecting atmospheric pressure, compute the force F on the gate and its
centre of pressure position X.

Question No.3 [1.5, 1.5, 3]

3.1 For the velocity vector V = y2 i – 3x j, determine the components of
rotation about x, y and z axes.
3.2 For the given stream function ψ = xy, verify whether it represents
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possible irrotational flow.
3.3 The velocity along the centerline of a nozzle of length L is given
by V = 2t [ 1 – (x ÷ 2L)]2 where V = velocity in m/s, t = time in
seconds from commencement of flow, x = distance from inlet to
the nozzle. Find the convective acceleration, local acceleration and
total acceleration when t = 3s, x = 0.5 m, and L = 0.8 m.

Question No.4 [4]

Water flows up a tapered pipe as shown in fig 2. Find the magnitude
and direction of the deflection h of the differential mercury manometer
corresponding to the discharge 120 litres per seconds. The friction in the
pipe may be neglected.

Question No.5 [3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 1]

5.1 What are static pressure and dynamic pressure? Derieve a
relationship between them.
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5.2 By attaching a short pipe, i.e, a mouth piece, it has been found
that the discharge is enhanced in comparision to that of a orifice.
Explain it clearly.
5.3 Derieve the equation of a streamline.
5.4 Prove that the stream lines and equipotential lines intersect each
other at right angles.
5.5 What are the various forces acting on a fluid in motion? Derieve
Euler’s equation of motion along a stream line.
5.6 What are the assumptions made in derieving Bournillis equation
of motion.

Question No.6 [0.5 x 10 =5]

Choose the most appropriate answer for each of the followings:
6.1 When subjected to shear stress, a fluid
i) Deforms continuously no matter how small the shear
stress may be.
ii) Deforms continuously only for large shear forces
iii) Undergoes static deformation
iv) Deforms continuously only for small shear stress.
6.2 A U tube manometer measures
i) Absolute pressure at a point
ii) Local atmospheric pressure
iii) Difference in total energy between two points
iv) Difference in pressure between two points
6.3 The flow of a fluid at constant rate in a conically tapered pipe is
classified as
i) Steady, uniform flow
ii) Steady, non-uniform flow
iii) Unsteady, uniform flow
iv) Unsteady, non-uniform flow
6.4 In a fluid flow, point A is at higher elevation than point B. Head
loss between these points is HL. The total heads at A and B are
Ha and Hb respectively. The flow will take place
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i) From A to B if Ha + HL = Hb
ii) From B to A if Ha + HL = Hb
iii) Always from A to B
iv) From B to A if Hb + HL = Ha
6.5 A pump delivers 50litres per seconds of water and delivers 7.5
kW of power to the system. The head developed by the pump is
i) 7.5 m
ii) 5 m
iii) 1.53 m
iv) 15.3 m
6.6 Equations of motion for laminar flow of a real fluid are known
i) Euler’s equations
ii) Bernoulli’s equation
iii) Navier-Stokes equation
iv) Hagen-Poiseuille equation
6.7 Friction factor f in a laminar flow through circular pipe was
found to be 0.04. The Reynolds number of the flow was
i) 2000
ii) 1000
iii) 1600
iv) Incomplete data to calculate the value.
6.8 For hydro-dynamically rough pipe
i) k/δ’ ≥ 6.0
ii) k/δ’ ≤ 0.25
iii) k/δ’ ≥ 4.5
iv) k/δ’ = 6
6.9 Which of these instrument is used to measure discharge
i) Pitot tube
ii) Current meter
iii) Rotameter

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iv) Pitot static tube
6.10 Shear velocity in a pipe is equal to
i) τo/ρ
ii) √(τo/ρ)
iii) √(τo/μ)
iv) (τo/ρ)2

Question No.7 [1 x 5 = 5]
Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the
codes given below the list.
7.1 The figure shows the rheological behavior of four types of viscous
fluids. With reference to the figure, match the following two lists:
List I (Curves List II (Classification)
in the figure)
A: Curve A 1. Dilatant
B: Curve B 2. Ideal Bingham
C: Curve C 3. Pseudo Plastic
D: Curve D 4. Newtonian
(a) 2 4 3 1
(b) 1 4 3 2
(c) 3 2 1 4
(d) 3 1 4 2

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7.2 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the
codes given below the lists:
List I List II
A: Moment of 1. Equation to find energy loss in a pipeline
momentum equation having laminar flow
B: Bernoulli equation 2. Equation of motion for one dimensional
steady flow of ideal incompressible fluid
C: Euler’s equation 3. Equation based on conservation of
momentum principle applicable to
circulatory flow
D: Hagen-Poiseuille 4. 3-D equation of motion based on principle
equation of law of conservation of momentum for
ideal and incompressible fluid.
(a) 2 3 4 1
(b) 3 2 1 4
(c) 2 3 1 4
(d) 3 2 4 1

7.3 Match list I with List II and select the correct code given below the
List I List II
A: Venturimeter 1. Flow rate
B: Current meter 2. Flow velocity
C: Piezometer 3. Gauge pressure
D: Barometer 4. Atmospheric pressure

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(a) 2 1 4 3
(b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 1 2 4 3
(d) 2 1 3 4

7.4 Match List I (units) with List II (dimensions) and select the correct
answer using the code given below the lists.
List I List II
A: Pressure 1. MoLoTo
B: Power 2. ML-2T-2
C: Reynolds Number 3. ML2T-3
D: Specific weights 4. ML-1T-2
(a) 3 4 2 1
(b) 4 3 2 1
(c) 4 3 1 2
(d) 3 4 1 2

7.5 Consider the following conditions for the pipe network as shown.

1. Q1 = Q2 2. hf1= hf3 3. Q2 = Q1 + Q3 4. hf1 = hf2 = hf3

Which of these conditions must be satisfied by the pipe system?
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 2 and 4 (d) 1 and 4

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