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Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2013;94:822-8


Effects of Continuous Passive Motion on Reversing the Adapted

Spinal Circuit in Humans With Chronic Spinal Cord Injury
Ya-Ju Chang, PhDa,b,* Jing-Nong Liang, MSa,* Miao-Ju Hsu, PhDc,d Hen-Yu Lien, PhDa,b
Chia-Ying Fang, MSa,e Cheng-Hsiang Lin, PhDf
From the aDepartment of Physical Therapy and Graduate Institute of Rehabilitation Science, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University,
Taoyuan; bHealthy Aging Research Center, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan; cDepartment of Physical Therapy, College of Health Science,
Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung; dDepartment of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital,
Kaohsiung; eDepartment of Rehabilitation Technology, Tzu Hui Institute of Technology, Pingtung; and fDepartment of Statistics, Tunghai
University, Taichung, Taiwan.

Objective: To investigate the possibility of restoring the adapted spinal circuit after spinal cord injury (SCI) by means of long-term continuous
passive motion (CPM) of the ankle joint.
Design: Randomized controlled trial with repeated measures.
Setting: Research laboratory in a general hospital.
Participants: Individuals with motor complete SCI (NZ14) were recruited from a community.
Intervention: CPM of the ankle joint for 1 hour a day, 5 days a week for 4 weeks.
Main Outcome Measures: Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) scores for evaluation of spasticity and postactivation depression (PAD) were
documented prior to and after intervention.
Results: MAS scores improved after 4 weeks of CPM intervention, indicating a reduction in spasticity of the ankle joint. PAD was restored after
4 weeks of training.
Conclusions: Passive motion of the ankle joint alone was sufficient in reversing the adapted spinal circuit, and therefore indicates that spasticity
after SCI could possibly be managed by CPM intervention. The results of this study support the use of the passive mode of robot-assisted therapy
for humans with complete SCI who cannot exercise actively.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2013;94:822-8
ª 2013 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine

After injury to the spinal cord, the spinal circuitry undergoes neurons through monosynaptic connections in the spinal cord.3
various adaptations, which are paralleled by the progressive onset The H-reflex is evoked by direct activation of Ia afferents and
of the syndromes of spasticity.1-3 Alterations of the spinal circuitry can reflect the excitability of the alpha motor neuron pool.4
function, such as the reduction of postactivation depression (PAD) Several studies showed that the soleus H-reflex increased in
at the Ia-motoneuron synapse, could be one of the main spinal spastic patients, but there are controversial reports.5-9
mechanisms underlying spasticity. PAD is a frequency-related depression of the H-reflex and has
The Hoffmann reflex (H-reflex) is a compound muscle action been documented in both humans3,10-16 and cats.2,17 PAD of the
potential elicited by electric stimulation of afferent Ia fibers in reflex discharge has been described for stimulus intervals as long
the mixed muscle nerve with subsequent recruitments of motor as 10 to 20 seconds.18 PAD has been suggested to hold the
synaptic efficacy of the Ia fiber at a relatively low level during
Chang and Liang contributed equally to this article. voluntary movements and is of functional significance because it
Presented to the Society for Neuroscience, November 3e7, 2007, San Diego, CA.
Supported by the National Science Council, Taiwan (grant nos. NSC 94-2314-B-182-003 and
would keep the stretch reflex at a relatively low gain, and thus
95-2314-B-182-044-MY2), the Chang Gung Medical Research Program, Taiwan (grant no. contributes to the prevention of clonus development.14
CMRPD180101), and the Healthy Aging Research Center, Chang Gung University. PAD can evaluate the integrity of adapted spinal circuitry. PAD
No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research supporting
this article has or will confer a benefit on the authors or on any organization with which the authors
has been shown to be impaired in spinal cord-lesioned animals19,20
are associated. and in humans3,11,21 with spasticity after spinal cord injury (SCI).

0003-9993/13/$36 - see front matter ª 2013 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine
Continuous passive motion on spinal circuitry of SCI 823

Studies also showed that the decrease of PAD rather than the The immediate decrease in reflex sensitivity after short-term
decrease of the amplitude of the H-reflex was related to the intervention of continuous passive range of motion exercises of
spasticity after SCI.3,22 the ankle joint has been shown in both nonimpaired individuals
The decrease of PAD after SCI is dependent on the time and individuals with SCI.29,30 There was also a decrease in the
postinjury. In rats with spinal cord contusion20 and spinal cord Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) score, indicating a decrease of
transection,19 the magnitude of PAD was comparable with that of spasticity.30 However, the long-term effect has to be established.
the control intact animals at acute phases postinjury, but at chronic The purpose of this study was to investigate if multiple sessions of
phases of injury, the magnitude of PAD was significantly lower. continuous passive motion (CPM) of the ankle joint could restore
Individuals with chronic SCI show less PAD compared with acute the spinal circuit functions, PAD, after injury to the spinal cord
and nonimpaired individuals.3,21 once they had undergone adaptations. Because the single joint
Minimizing post-SCI complications, for example immobiliza- CPM will have better control of the range of motion for the joint
tion, might reverse these adaptations and consequently reduce to be trained than cycling motions, and animal studies showed
spasticity. Decreased muscle tone has several clinical benefits, promising restorations of PAD after 4 weeks of passive cycling
such as allowing patients to perform functional activities easier, training, the treatment duration was set at 4 weeks. One subject
wear orthosis, and perform home exercise programs. In order to was overtrained for an additional 8 weeks to preliminarily explore
remobilize paralyzed muscles after motor complete SCI, the the optimal duration of training. The results of this study could
therapeutic strategies are limited to passive exercise or electric provide a new concept in clinical rehabilitation for individuals
stimulation. Electric stimulation has shown promising effects on with chronic SCI and provide evidence for applications of the
the restoration of muscle properties.23,24 However, no parallel passive mode of robot-assisted therapy.
restoration of the spinal circuitry function was found. Passive
exercise used to be overlooked clinically because of the uncer-
tainty of the therapeutic effect and its high demand for man power.
The recent development of robot-assisted therapy makes the long-
term passive exercise with high repetition possible, but the ther- Fourteen subjects who had sustained a motor complete SCI for at
apeutic effect on the restoration of spinal circuitry and clinical least 6 months (chronic SCI) prior to testing were randomly allo-
features needs to be clarified. cated into either the 4-week ankle CPM training group or the
In transected animal studies, passive exercise can restore PAD. control group (no training) (table 1). The randomization was
Four weeks of passive cycling attenuated and reduced the degree according to a balanced prerandomized table. All subjects were
of atrophy in hind-limb muscles of spinal cord transected rats.25,26 recruited from the community. Subjects’ medical conditions were
Skinner et al19 conducted 3 months of 5 days per week passive stable. One subject allocated in the CPM training group volunteered
cycling in acute spinal cord transected rats and showed the to be overtrained for an additional 8 weeks after the end of the study
restoration of the PAD of the H-reflex to a level similar to the in order to explore the dose response of training. All subjects had
nonimpaired rats. Statistically significant levels of PAD were motor complete paralysis, which was corresponding to American
evident by 30 days of passive cycling exercise, although restora- Spinal Injury Association classification grade A or B,31-33 at or
tion of PAD could be seen starting 15 days postintervention.27 above the T12 level. The sample size was determined by a pilot
A linear increase in PAD of the H-reflex was observed with study, and the SD was estimated from previous research.3
a duration of 90 days of passive cycling implementation.27 In All subjects gave their written informed consent in accordance
summary, passive exercise is able to restore PAD in spinal cord with the Declaration of Helsinki. The study was approved by the
transected animals in 4 weeks. institutional review board.
There are limited studies that document the effect of passive
exercise on the restoration of spinal circuitry in humans with Experimental procedures
SCI. A case study reported that 1 patient with SCI who under-
went 13 weeks of daily passive cycling showed gradual resto- Prior to electrophysiologic testing, each subject underwent muscle
ration of PAD with time. Subjective assessments indicated tone evaluation of the ankle joint using the MAS in sitting position
a significant reduction in spasticity.28 However, the effect of with knee flexion to 90 . This position was chosen to minimize the
passive cycling exercise has never been successfully reproduced influence of gastrocnemius muscle tone. All clinical examinations
in a controlled group study in order to set up clinical guidelines. were proceeded under identical conditions for each test by
A possible explanation is that passive cycling is a motion a licensed physical therapist who was blinded to group allocation.
involving multiple joints of the lower extremities. The range of All subjects were seated with back support during electrophysio-
motion of the involved joints is difficult to control in cycling logic tests. The testing leg was determined in a randomized
training. For example, excessive hip and knee movement might manner. The testing leg was secured with hook and loop straps on
compensate the movement of a stiff ankle joint. The treatment a forceplate system30 with knee flexion 110 , and the slope of the
effect is not easy to reproduce because of inconsistent range of forceplate was adjusted such that the ankle was supported in
joint movements across subjects. neutral position (0 dorsiflexion or plantarflexion).
The surface electromyographic recording electrode was posi-
tioned on the soleus muscle.30,33-36 The recording electrode was
List of abbreviations: positioned in parallel with the soleus muscle, approximately 2cm
CPM continuous passive motion lateral to the midline of the distal calf and distal to the lateral head
H-reflex Hoffmann reflex of the gastrocnemius, about two thirds the distance from the knee
MAS Modified Ashworth Scale
joint line to the lateral malleolus. A ground electrode was placed
PAD postactivation depression
over the lateral malleolus. The M-waves and H-reflexes of the
SCI spinal cord injury
soleus were elicited by transcutaneous electric stimulation of the
824 Y-J Chang et al

Table 1 Subject demographics, injury characteristics, and spasticity measurements

Control Injury Level Age Time Postinjury (mo) ASIA Grade MAS Pre MAS Post P (MAS Post vs Pre)
Training Group
1y C5 28 15 A 4 3 .013*
2 C7 30 16 A 5 4
3 T4 36 30 A 4 4
4 C5 20 18 A 3 3
5 C6 25 40 A 3 2
6 T10 34 18 A 3 2
7 T12 45 6 B 2 1
Control Group
8 C5 30 18 B 5 5 .159
9 C7 30 30 A 4 5
10 T12 35 12 A 3 3
11 T4 40 60 A 3 3
12 T 40 24 A 3 3
13 T 37 42 A 4 4
14 T4 35 18 A 4 4
Abbreviation: ASIA, American Spinal Injury Association.
* Significant difference between pre- and post-MAS score (P<.05).
Subject was overtrained for an additional 8 weeks.

tibial nerve at the popliteal fossa with a fixed pulse width of All data were processed and analyzed offline. For the PAD of
500ms. The maximal M-wave was determined. Electric stimula- the H-reflex, the peak-to-peak amplitude for each H-reflex was
tions were set at an intensity that could elicit H-reflexes of peak- obtained. For each pair of H-reflexes, the peak-to-peak amplitude
to-peak amplitudes of 20% of the maximal M-wave.10 of the test H-reflex was normalized to the peak-to-peak amplitude
For the PAD recordings, 5 pairs of soleus H-reflexes were of the corresponding conditioning H-reflex.
elicited in a randomized order at each of the following frequen- A 2-way (time conditions  frequency) repeated-measures
cies: 0.1Hz, 1Hz, 5Hz, and 10Hz. The paired stimulation para- analysis of variance was used to determine if the dependent
digm was chosen to minimize the possible muscle architecture variable (PAD) was different between the time conditions (pretest
change to influence the compound muscle action potentials during and 4wk) at each frequency tested in the 2 groups (training group
muscle tetanic contractions.34,35 The time interval between 2 and control group). The post hoc Tukey analysis was used
consecutive pairs was 15 seconds to ensure complete recovery of whenever a significant main effect was found. The Wilcoxon
the H-reflex. signed-rank test was used to analyze the change of MAS scores
Ankle CPM training was administered using a custom-made before and after training. Statistical significance was considered to
training system. The axis of rotation was aligned with the anatomical be present at P<.05 in all the analyses.
axis of the ankle joint. The frequency of motion was adjusted to 1.5
cycles per second, and the range of motion was kept at 5 Results
displacement from neutral for a total ankle displacement of 10 .29,30
Subjects in the CPM group received 60 minutes of CPM All subjects (mean  SD, 31.148.13y for the CPM training
training of both legs per day, 5 days per week for 4 weeks at home group; 35.294.15y for the control group) completed this study
or the institute where they were accommodated. Subjects in the (fig 1). The time postinjury  SD of subjects in the training and
control group received no training; however, they continued to control groups were 20.411.1 and 29.116.8 months, respec-
receive general health consultations. Except for the CPM training, tively (see table 1). All subjects had sustained a motor complete
no other training or rehabilitation was given during the period of SCI for at least 6 months (chronic SCI) prior to testing (see
the experiment. The daily log of CPM training was recorded and table 1). None of them was taking antihypertonia medication
verified every week. Subjects in the training group showed good during the period of the study.
compliance to the training. In both the training and control groups, Prior to training, the H-reflex was not significantly depressed at
subjects’ daily life activities remained the same as before they 1Hz and 5Hz for both groups (P>.05), suggesting that the PAD
participated in this study. The schedules for testing were the same was impaired in these frequencies. The H-reflex was significantly
for both groups. The MAS score, H-reflex, and PAD were tested depressed to 41%45% and 63%62% only at 10Hz for the
prior to and after the 4 weeks of training. The posttraining test was training and control groups, respectively (P<.05). There was no
performed at least 24 hours apart from the last training session to significant difference between the training and the control groups
prevent an immediate effect. at pretest conditions when compared statistically (F1Z.52,
At the end of the study, 1 of the subjects in the training group PZ.485) (see table 1).
was overtrained for an additional 8 weeks to complete 12 weeks A lower ratio of test H-reflex/conditioning H-reflex represents
of training. For this subject, tests were done every 4 weeks a stronger PAD. In the training group (nZ7), after 4 weeks of
throughout the course of training. CPM training, group data showed a lack of interaction between
Continuous passive motion on spinal circuitry of SCI 825

Fig 1 Flowchart of the inclusion process of the SCI subjects.

the time and frequency factors when compared statistically 1Hz and 5Hz, but to a lesser extent. No further increase in the
(F2Z.18, PZ.836). This suggests that the training induced similar amount of PAD was observed for stimulation frequencies of 10Hz
effects in the frequencies. Main effects showed that 4 weeks of after the fourth week of training.
CPM training resulted in a significant increase in the amount of
PAD (F1Z7, PZ.038) when compared with pretest conditions
(fig 2). These results suggest that 4 weeks of CPM training Discussion
resulted in a restoration of the adapted PAD in individuals with
chronic SCI. The control group (nZ7) showed no changes in the This study showed that 4 weeks of ankle joint CPM training
adapted PAD when tested 4 weeks apart (see fig 2). restored PAD of the soleus in individuals with chronic spastic SCI.
Group data for the training group (nZ7) showed significantly Moreover, the decrease of hypertonus was also observed after
lowered MAS scores when the pretest (medianZ3, 25th percen- training, which was evident by the decrease of the MAS score of
tileZ3, 75th percentileZ4) and 4 weeks (medianZ3, 25th per- calf muscles and the clonus of ankle joints. The effects were
centileZ2, 75th percentileZ4) conditions were compared maintained in the subject who had been overtrained for 12 weeks.
(PZ.013) (fig 3). This result suggests that 4 weeks of CPM After 4 weeks of ankle CPM training, we observed an increase
training resulted in a decrease in MAS scores, indicating in PAD rather than restoration. Our results supported results from
decreased hypertonia. Group data of the MAS scores for the previous studies in animal models19,27 and a human case report,28
control (nZ7) group showed no change when the pretest showing that the restoration of adapted PAD is possible by means
(medianZ4, 25th percentileZ3, 75th percentileZ4) and 4 weeks of passive movement. To our knowledge, this is the first study that
(medianZ4, 25th percentileZ3, 75th percentileZ5) conditions presented group data with a control group demonstrating
were compared (PZ.159) (see table 1). successful restoration of PAD by means of CPM in humans with
The subject from the training group who completed 12 weeks chronic SCI.
of CPM training showed that PAD restored prominently over the Previous studies reported that passive cycling could restore
first 4 weeks of training (see fig 3). After the fourth week of PAD in spinal cord transected animals19,27,37,38 and a human with
training, PAD continued to increase at stimulation frequencies of SCI. In the present study, we demonstrated successful restoration
826 Y-J Chang et al

pre test
4 weeks
test H-reflex/conditioning H-reflex

1.6 1.6

1.4 1.4

1.2 1.2

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.1 Hz 1 Hz 5 Hz 10 Hz 0.1 Hz 1 Hz 5 Hz 10 Hz

Training group (N=7) Control group (N=7)

0.1 Hz
1 Hz
test H-reflex/conditioning H-reflex

5 Hz





week 0 week 4 week 0 week 4


Fig 2 PAD prior to and after training in the training and control groups. A lower ratio of test H-reflex/conditioning H-reflex represents
a stronger PAD. In the upper panel, the bars show mean and SDs of test-H-reflex amplitude normalized to their respective conditioning H-reflexes
in the training (nZ7) and the control (nZ7) groups during pretest (black bars) and 4 weeks (white bars) conditions at stimulation frequencies of
0.1Hz, 1Hz, 5Hz, and 10Hz. The lower panel shows that the ratio of test H-reflex/conditioning H-reflex decreases significantly after 4 weeks in the
training group but not in the control group.

of PAD using only ankle CPM training. Ankle CPM training targeted treatment joints should be assured while using passive
involves primarily repetitive motion of the ankle joint with cycling or other forms of passive training.
minimal motion over the knee and hip joints, whereas passive The subject who completed 12 weeks of CPM training showed
cycling involves motion over multiple joints of the lower that the improvements in PAD mainly occurred in the initial 4
extremity. From a biomechanical point of view, cycling in a seated weeks and were maintained in the subsequent 8 weeks of training.
position involves an ankle displacement of approximately 15 ,39 This duration of PAD restoration is comparable with those of
which was similar to the ankle joint displacement of 10 used in previous studies of passive cycling on spinal cord transected
the present study. In terms of training frequency, relatively more animals,19,27,37,38 but is shorter than that of a case report by Kiser
cycles of ankle dorsiflexion/plantarflexion are performed per unit et al28 in which PAD restoration began at 8 weeks of passive
time in ankle CPM training at the frequency of 1.5 cycles per cycling. Ankle CPM was selected over passive cycling, because
second compared with passive cycling at 60 rounds per minute the movement type of ankle CPM is different from that of passive
used in previous studies.19,28 Thus, our study suggests that the cycling on the whole leg. It was easier for the ankle CPM to
adequate range of motion and repetition numbers of motion of control the range of motion of the target joint than whole leg
Continuous passive motion on spinal circuitry of SCI 827

1.6 CPM group reported that it was easier to perform self and/or
family-assisted passive range of motion exercise after the first
week of training. Four of the subjects in the training group
test H-reflex/conditioning H-reflex

reported an improved quality of sleep because of fewer episodes of
lower-extremity spasm. Participants’ subjective statements sug-
1.0 4 weeks gested that the reduction of spasticity might translate to the
8 weeks
12 weeks
improvement in some aspects of quality of life. However, further
studies are needed for verification.
Study limitations

0.2 Limitations of this study should be kept in mind while interpreting

the results. First, the subjects included in this study had chronic
0.0 motor complete SCI. The individuals with acute and/or motor
0.1 1.0 5.0 10.0
incomplete SCI may not respond similarly to CPM training.
HZ Second, although this study had overtrained a subject to 12 weeks,
the follow-up effects after the training and the best dosage for
Fig 3 PAD for 1 participant who completed 12 weeks of training.
setting clinical training guidelines, such as training duration and
The y axis showed the amplitude of test H-reflex normalized to their
number of sessions, should be further studied. Third, training
respective conditioning H-reflexes. A lower ratio of test H-reflex/
effects on quality of life and functional outcomes were not
conditioning H-reflex represents a stronger PAD. The x axis showed
included in this study. These issues are suggested to be addressed
the testing frequencies. The 4 lines represent the values at prior to, 4,
in future studies.
8, and 12 weeks of CPM training. Note that the prominent PAD pattern
was shown at 4 weeks of training. No significant improvement in PAD
was shown at 8 and 12 weeks of CPM training. Conclusions

The 4 weeks of CPM training is effective in restoring adapted

cycling involving multiple joints. However, both the Kiser study28 PAD and reducing MAS scores in humans with chronic motor
as well as our overtrained study were case reports. Whether there complete SCI. Although a direct link between the restoration of
will be extra gain in PAD after 4 weeks needs to be evaluated in normative spinal circuit function and the level of spasticity has not
future studies with different designs. been established, the results of the present study showed a paral-
The alterations in presynaptic inhibition and interneuronal leled restoration of spinal circuit functions and a reduction in
activity,19,27 as a result of passive training, may be the mecha- spasticity in individuals with chronic motor complete SCI.
nisms underlying restored PAD. The loss of supraspinal influence
after injury is thought to cause intrasegmental reorganization,
resulting in a loss of PAD. It has been suggested that there is
sufficient plasticity in the cord to allow restitution of reflex H-reflex; Motion therapy, continuous passive; Muscle spasticity;
modulation to occur using exercise training19 and that passive Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries
cycling induces alternating contractions in the agonist and
antagonist muscles, providing recurrent signaling that possibly
modifies the hyperactive inhibition mechanisms in the SCI model, Corresponding author
thereby leading to a restitution of PAD.
After 4 weeks of ankle CPM training, the MAS scores were Ya-Ju Chang, PhD, 259 Wen-Hwa 1st Rd, Kwei-Shan Taoyuan,
improved in individuals with motor complete SCI, indicating Taiwan. E-mail address:
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