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UNIT I: Introduction

1. Meaning of Doctrines
2. Nature of Doctrines: Theological Constructs of Particular Communities in a Particular
Time: Doctrines are Contextually formulated and Reformulated: Difference between
Doctrines and Dogmas
3. Relationship between Faith and Doctrines
4. The Relationship between Apostolic Faith, Historic Church and Contemporary-
Contextual Realities
5. Relationship between Doctrines and Faith-praxis

UNIT II: The Doctrine of Authority

1. Revelation
2. Faith Communities: Testimonies of the Communities of Faiths
3. Traditions and Scripture
4. Contextual Reflections on Authority

UNIT III: The Doctrine of the Triune God

1. God the Father/Mother, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit

a. Godhead as Trinity
b. Trinitarian Interpretations: Western, Eastern and Indian
c. The concept of Perichoresis and its social implications
2. God the Father/Mother
a. Features of Christian Understanding of God (Attributes, Analogies, Metaphors and
b. Understanding of God from the Margins (feminist, Dalit, Adivasi, tribal etc.)
3. Jesus Christ
a. Historical Jesus and the Reign of God
b. Select Understanding of Jesus Christ in the New Testament
c. Select Understanding of Jesus Christ in the Early Church
d. Select Understanding of Jesus Christ in the Contemporary Discussions
4. The Holy Spirit
a. Biblical Understanding of the Holy Spirit
b. Classical Approaches to the Holy Spirit
c. Discussions of Filioque
d. Ecumenical Discussions on Pneumatology
e. Reinterpretation of Pneumatology in the Context of the Ecological Crisis
f. Feminine Images of the Holy Spirit
g. Charismatic understanding of the Holy Spirit

UNIT IV: The Doctrine of Creation

1. God the Creator

2. Creation-Evolution-Creationism
3. Scientific Theories of the Origin of Universe and creatio exnihilo
4. Implications of the Doctrine of Creation
a. Creation as Essentially Good
b. God’s presence in Creation-Theism-Pan-en-theism
c. Sacramental Universe
d. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

UNIT V: Theological Anthropology

1. Humanity as Created: Image of God, Hmanity as Co-creators, and co-creatures

2. Human as Man and Woman
3. Unity of Human Personhood, Dignity, Subjectivity, Freedom
4. Non-anthropocentric Theological Anthropology

UNIT VI: Doctrine of Sin and Salvation

1. The Nature and Dimension of Sin: Fall, Original Sin and Free Will- Eastern and Western
2. Structural- Systemic- Personal Sin
3. The Problem of Evil
4. Grace, Faith, Confession, Justification and Sanctification
5. Salvation as Liberation, Humanisation, theosis
6. Salvation as Renewal and Fullness of Life
7. Salvation of the Community of Creation

UNITVII: Doctrine of Ecclesiology

1. Biblical Images of the Church

2. Major Models of Ecclesiology
3. Marks of the Church: One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic
4. Church as Sign and Sacrament of the Reign of God
5. Ecclesis Reformata, Samper Reformanda- Church Reformed is always being Reformed
6. Church in Relation to other religious/secular communities

UNIT VIII: Worship and Sacrament

1. Biblical and Theological Foundation of Worship

2. Definition of Sacrament
3. Nature and Function of Sacrament
4. Eucharist:
a. Different Understandings of Eucharist
b. Theological and Sociological Significance of Eucharist
c. Ecological Significance of Eucharist
5. Baptism:
a. Different Understandings of Baptism
b. Baptism-Conversion-Discipleship-Non-baptised Christians
6. Ecumenical Affirmation on Ministry and Sacraments: BEM Document

UNIT IX: Doctrine of Ministry and Mission/Witness

1. Different Patterns of Christian Ministry

2. Ministry of the Laity/Priesthood of All Believers
3. Church’s Ministry in Today’s World
4. Discerning God’s Mission in the World and the Calling of the Church
5. Paradigms of Mission
6. Witness as Mission
7. Mission as Participation in God’s acts of Liberation and Renewal of Life
8. Theosis and Mission

UNIT X: Doctrine of Eschatology

1. The Nature, Ground and Content of Christian Hope

2. Reflections of Apocalypse, Millennium, Rapture, Second Coming, Judgment
3. History and Eschatology
4. Realised Eschatology, Proleptic Eschatology
5. The Resurrection of the Dead, Eternal Life and fulfillment of the Reign of God
6. Eschatology and Redeemed Earth

Concluding Reflections

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