Pulmonary Embolism

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New Diagnostic and Treatment

Modalities for Pulmonary Embolism:

One Path through the Confusion

Pulmonary embolism is one of the greatest diagnostic challenges in emergency medicine. New techniques and strategies con-
stantly arise for the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. A review of the new diagnostic and treatment modalities for pul-
monary embolism (PE) suggests that it should be suspected in any patient with unexplained dyspnea, tachypnea, or chest pain. All
patients suspected of PE must be risk stratified, ideally with a criteria-validated clinical decision rule. After assessing pre-test prob-
ability, D-dimer assays will reliably exclude PE in the low risk group and no further imaging is warranted. Computed tomography
(CT) angiogram is the initial imaging study of choice for stable patients. V/Q scans should be used only when CT is not available
or if the patient has a contraindication to CT scans or intravenous contrast. Bedside echocardiography or stabilization of the patient
and CT angiogram are the initial tests for suspected massive PE. If PE is confirmed, hypotensive patients should be treated with
thrombolytics. Both heparin and low molecular weight heparin are equally effective initial treatments for stable patients with sus-
pected or confirmed PE.
Because accurate screening and identification of pulmonary embolism frequently requires more than a single test, knowledge
of existing diagnostic techniques allows an evidence-based strategy for diagnosis. New therapeutic choices may benefit patients
with confirmed pulmonary embolism.
Key Words: Pulmonary embolism, D-dimer, CT angiogram, chest pain.

Introduction This article will concentrate on recent changes in

the diagnosis of PE, as well as new treatment op-
PULMONARY EMBOLISM (PE) is one of the most tions for emergency department (ED) patients.
enigmatic disease processes facing emergency
medicine. Its high incidence, morbidity, and mor- Epidemiology
tality are compounded by the difficulty of making
the diagnosis. If syphilis is the “great masquer- The incidence of PE in the United States is es-
ader,” then surely pulmonary embolism is the timated at 600,000 cases per year (3); it results in
“great trickster.” It can present insidiously, eludes 50,000 – 200,000 deaths annually (4). Early esti-
simplistic diagnostic strategies, and if not treated, mates from the 1970s and 1980s suggest that
can kill our patients. The importance of this clini- roughly two-thirds of fatal PEs were undiagnosed
cal entity is reflected in the approximately 1,000 until autopsy (3, 5). Short-term survival rates for
articles published each year, as well as ever-chang- PE were originally reported at 77 – 94% (6 – 9).
ing practice guidelines, which reflect advances in One cohort study using data for 1966 – 1999
the relevant technology, assays, and medications. demonstrated a 59% thirty-day survival rate and
Recently two major organizations, the Ameri- 48% one-year survival rate for patients diagnosed
can College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and with pulmonary embolism (10). Patients present-
the British Thoracic Society (BTS), separately re- ing with hypotension have had a higher initial mor-
vised guidelines for the evaluation and manage- tality rate (up to 30%) (11) than do patients with
ment of suspected pulmonary embolism (1, 2). co-morbidities such as congestive heart failure,
malignancy, and neurological disease (10). How-
ever, Calder et al. in 2005 pointed out that much of
Department of Emergency Medicine, Mount Sinai, School of this mortality data was overestimated, based on in-
Medicine, New York, NY. patient or autopsy populations, while analysis of
Address all correspondance to Chris Langan, M.D., Depart-
ment of Emergency Medicine, Box 1149, Mount Sinai Medical untreated or missed pulmonary embolism in ambu-
Center, One East 100th Street, New York, NY 10029. latory patients treated in the ED had recurrence
Accepted for publication June 2005. rates and mortality less than 5% (12).
528 © THE MOUNT SINAI JOURNAL OF MEDICINE Vol. 73 No. 2 March 2006

ABG = arterial blood gas LE = lower extremity
ACEP = American College of Emergency Physicians LMWH = low-molecular-weight heparin
ACLS = advanced cardiac life support LR = likelihood ratio
BTS = British Thoracic Society MDA = trademark for a type of D-dimer
CT = computed tomography PA = pulmonary artery (angiogram)
CTA = CT angiogram PaCO2 = arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide
CTV = CT venogram PaO2 = arterial partial pressure of oxygen
D/C = discharge PE = pulmonary embolism
DSA = digital subtraction angiography PIOPED = Prospective Investigation of Pulmonary
DVT = deep venous thrombosis Embolism Diagnosis
Dx = diagnosis TEE = transesophageal echo
ED = emergency department V/Q = ventilation/perfusion
ELISA = enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay VTE = venous thromboembolism
JVD = jugular venous distention

Pathophysiology TABLE 1
Risk Factors for Pulmonary Embolism
Pulmonary embolism is commonly a sequela
Major Risk Factors for PE
of thrombosis of the deep veins of the legs or Immobility
pelvis. Less commonly, the origin of the clot is Abdominal/pelvic surgery
the vena cava, an upper extremity, or even the he- Hip/knee replacement
morrhoidal vein. Approximately 70% of patients Late pregnancy
on diagnosis with PE have a proven deep venous C-section
Lower limb fracture
thrombosis (DVT), and it is assumed that the Abdomen/pelvis/advanced malignancy
other 30% have a DVT that has already been dis- Previous PE
lodged (13).
Risk factors for thrombosis, and consequent Minor Risk Factors for PE
PE, include those associated with Virchow’s triad: Congenital heart disease
Congestive heart failure
stasis, trauma, and hypercoagulability. The major Hypertension
risk factors are abdominal/pelvic surgery, hip/ Superficial venous thrombosis
knee replacement, late pregnancy, c-section, Indwelling venous catheter
lower limb fracture, abdomen/pelvis/advanced Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
malignancy, immobility, as well as previous PE. Oral contraceptives/estrogen therapy
Neurologic disability
Prospective Investigation of Pulmonary Em- Long-distance travel
bolism Diagnosis (PIOPED), a study validating Obesity
the use of nuclear lung scanning with a pulmonary Smoking
angiogram, provides excellent data on the clinical
manifestations of PE (14). Fifty-six percent of pa- Source: reference 2.
tients with PE in the PIOPED study had immobil-
ity, making this the most common factor (14).
Minor risk factors (Table 1) include congenital this was not confirmed in one recent study (17).
heart disease, congestive heart failure, hyperten- When patients with PE are tested, thrombophilias
sion, superficial venous thrombosis, indwelling such as Factor V Leiden, antiphospholipid anti-
venous catheters, chronic obstructive pulmonary body syndrome, and protein C and S deficiencies
disease, oral contraceptives/estrogen replacement are present in 25 – 50% of patients with confirmed
therapy, neurologic disability, long distance travel PE (18). It is important to note that multiple risk
and obesity (2). Increasing use of indwelling cen- factors are often present in patients with pul-
tral catheters in the subclavian vein have made monary embolism; some of these risk factors may
upper extremity DVTs more common than in the be synergistic. For example, Factor V Leiden in-
past, accounting for up to 20% of pulmonary em- creases the risks of thromboembolism by 3 – 5-
bolisms in some studies (15, 16). Cigarette smok- fold, but combined with estrogen use it rises to
ing is believed to be a minor risk factor, although 35-fold (2, 13, 18).

Diagnosis or 4, leg edema, or jugular venous distention (JVD)

(15, 21). Tachypnea (>16 breaths/ minute) is fre-
The signs and symptoms of pulmonary em- quently identified as the most common sign of PE,
bolism overlap with those of many other disorders, with tachycardia (>100 beats/ minute) as the next
making it a challenge of when to include it in the most common (Table 2). As many ED patients pre-
differential diagnosis of patients presenting with a sent with one of these two signs, their specificity
nonspecific complaint. Data from the PIOPED for PE is limited. PE may also be associated with
study demonstrate that over 97% of patients with fever, with or without radiographic changes, and
confirmed PE had dyspnea, tachypnea, or chest thus potentially misdiagnosed as pneumonia.
pain. Therefore, at the minimum, it is prudent to The ECG on presentation will most commonly
consider PE in any patient with one of these mani- show sinus tachycardia with non-specific ST/T
festations without a clear alternative diagnosis. wave changes (24). Incomplete right bundle
The clinical manifestations of pulmonary em- branch block is also frequently seen (27). The clas-
bolism run the gamut of frank hypotension and res- sic S1Q3T3 is reported in only 20% of patients;
piratory instability to no signs or symptoms at all. though suggestive, it is certainly not pathogno-
Massive PEs may present in cardiac arrest, with monic, since it may be present in any patient with
syncope, or with enough right heart strain to cause right heart strain of any etiology (28).
elevations of troponin (19 – 22). However, the
most common presenting symptom in any PE is Risk Stratification
dyspnea, which occurs in approximately 75% of
patients, with sudden onset dyspnea having a When PE is considered, systematic risk stratifi-
higher predictive value (15, 23). Chest pain, usu- cation should be performed to help decide which ad-
ally pleuritic in nature, is the second most common ditional diagnostic tests to perform. Accurate identi-
symptom, reported in 66% of PIOPED patients fication of PE relies heavily on an estimation of the
(14). Other symptoms include cough, hemoptysis, patient’s risk, to specify any subsequent testing.
syncope, palpitations, wheezing, and leg pain (24). The most objective way to perform risk strati-
Patients may also be relatively asymptomatic (25), fication is through the use of a clinical decision
especially younger, healthy adults (26). rule. There are three clinical decision rules, which
Physical examination also reveals various have been validated for the ED population: the
signs in a patient with PE. Patients may have Wells Criteria (29), the Wicki Criteria (30) and the
tachypnea, tachycardia, rales/wheezing, fever, S3 Charlotte (also known as Kline) Criteria (31).

Symptoms and Physical Signs of PE

Common Symptoms in Patients with PE Percentage of Patients with Symptom

Dyspnea 84%
Pleuritic chest pain 74%
Apprehension 59%
Cough 53%
Hemoptysis 30%
Sweating 27%
Non-pleuritic chest pain 14%

Common Physical Signs in Patients with PE Percentage of Patients with Sign

Tachypnea > 16 breaths/min 92%

Rales 58%
Accentuated S2 53%
Tachycardia > 100 beats/min 44%
Fever > 37.8°C 43%
Diaphoresis 36%
S3 or S4 gallop 34%
Thrombophlebitis 32%
Lower extremity edema 24%
Cardiac murmur 23%
Cyanosis 19%

Source: reference 14.


Wells Criteria for Pulmonary Embolism were found to have similar predictive accuracy for
PE among ED patients. It can be argued that the
The Wells Criteria decision rule consists of a Wells Criteria are quicker, easier, and more cost-
point scoring method (Table 3). A score of 0-2 is effective as well as providing results similar to
interpreted as low risk, correlating with a probabil- those of the Wicki Criteria. Although the ACEP
ity of PE of 3.6%. A score of 3-6 is moderate risk has not formally endorsed an individual scoring
with 20.5% probability of PE, while a score of system, the Wells Criteria have the lowest pretest
greater than 6 points is high risk with a 66.7% probability in the low risk group and are the only
probability of PE. One of the strengths of the Wells criteria that the ACEP recommends for use with
Criteria rule is that it relies only on the history and whole blood cell qualitative D-dimer.
physical, requiring no ancillary testing for risk
stratification. One problem with the Wells Criteria Charlotte Criteria
is the “alternate diagnosis less likely than PE”
component. This component adds some degree of The Charlotte Criteria rule was specifically de-
subjectivity to an otherwise objective rule. How- veloped to determine if a patient is at low enough
ever, the Wells Criteria have been prospectively risk of PE to allow for diagnostically definitive
validated. When compared with the Wicki Criteria, bedside testing (Table 5). It stratifies patients into
the Wells Criteria showed moderate-to-substantial low-risk or high-risk groups. Among low-risk pa-
interrater agreement (32) and were found to reli- tients, PE can presumptively be excluded by the
ably risk stratify pretest probability for patients use of a D-dimer assay. If two or more of these
with suspected PE (33). components are present, the patient is considered
at high risk with a 40% probability of PE; these pa-
Wicki Criteria tients are considered at too great a risk to allow for
bedside testing (31). The lower risk group was not
Unlike the Wells Criteria, the Wicki Criteria further subdivided and had a 13.3% probability for
rely on ancillary testing in addition to signs and PE. The Charlotte Criteria results have been
symptoms. Calculation of a Wicki score requires prospectively validated in conjunction with a diag-
interpretation of both a chest radiograph and an ar- nostic algorithm; patients deemed negative for PE
terial blood gas (Table 4). Scores of 0 – 4 are low through the combined use of this decision rule and
risk with a 10% probability of PE, scores of 5 – 8 the algorithm had a less than 1% false negative rate
are moderate risk with a 38% probability of PE, (34). Recently, a modified Charlotte Criteria rule,
and scores of 9 – 12 are high risk, correlating with which excluded pregnant patients, patients > 70
an 81% probability. years of age and patients with symptoms for more
When the predictive accuracy and concor- than four days, yielded a 99.9% negative predic-
dance of the Wells and Wicki Criteria were com- tive value for pulmonary embolism in patients with
pared (by members of the group that did the initial low clinical suspicion of PE, when used in con-
Wicki Criteria research), the two prediction rules junction with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent

Wells Criteria for Assessment of Pretest Probability of Pulmonary Embolism

Criteria Points

1. Suspected DVT 3.0

2. An alternative diagnosis is less likely than PE 3.0
3. Heart rate > 100 beats/min 1.5
4. Immobilization or surgery in previous 4 weeks 1.5
5. Previous DVT/PE 1.5
6. Hemoptysis 1.0
7. Malignancy (on treatment or treated within past 6 months) 1.0

Score Mean Probability of PE % of Patients with This Score Risk

<2 3.6% 40% low

2–6 20.5% 53% medium
>6 66.7% 7% high

Source: reference 29.


Wicki Criteria for the Assessment of Pretest Probability for PE

Criteria Points

Age 60 – 79 1
Age > 79 2
Prior DVT/PE 2
Recent surgery 3
Heart rate > 100 beats/min 1
PaCO2 < 36 2
PaCO2 = 36 – 39 1
PaO2 < 49 4
PaO2 = 49 – 60 3
PaO2 > 60 – 71 2
PaO2 > 71 – 82 1
Chest X-ray: plate-like atelectasis 1
Chest X-ray: elevation of hemidiaphragm 1

Score Mean Probability of PE % of Patients with This Score Interpretation of Risk

0–4 10% 49% low

5–8 38% 44% moderate
9 – 12 81% 6% high

Source: reference 30.

TABLE 5 Risk stratification establishes a pretest proba-

Charlotte Criteria for Rapid Rule-out of Pulmonary bility which then drives further testing to establish
Embolism Using D-Dimer and Alveolar Dead Space
a post-test probability: the post-test probability is
If any two are present, patient is unsafe for rule-out of then used to “rule in” or “rule out” the diagnosis of
pulmonary embolism PE. While each clinician must determine which
thresholds to use for this purpose, driving the post-
1. Age greater than 50 years or heart rate greater than sys- test probability below 1.5 – 2% is generally consid-
tolic blood pressure
ered acceptable in excluding the diagnosis of PE.
2. Recent surgery (requiring anesthesia) in past 4 weeks
3. Unilateral leg swelling (asymmetry on visual examination) A post-test probability of 80 – 90% is generally
4. Hemoptysis used for ”ruling-in” the diagnosis.
5. Unexplained room air pulse oximetry < 95% (non- The most obvious risk of missing the diagnosis
smoker, no asthma, no chronic obstructive pulmonary is disease progression, with its inherent morbidity
and mortality; not as widely considered are the
Source: reference 31. risks of over-diagnosing this disorder. Patients
falsely branded with a PE will be exposed to the
risks of anticoagulation (37), will probably be mis-
diagnosed again when presenting to health care
assay D-dimer (35). The only patient with a missed providers, and may encounter difficulties with life
diagnosis of PE in this study had a pneumothorax and health insurance.
that was treated, and a positive D-dimer that was
disregarded due to the alternate diagnosis (35). Diagnostic Testing

Risk Stratification by Clinical Opinion Choosing which test to order first is often
based on clinician preference and institutional
Clinicians may opt to perform risk stratification availability. Arterial blood gas (ABG) and chest X-
without the use of a decision rule. While the opin- ray are two tests that are often ordered, but have
ion of experienced clinicians has showed good cor- little effect on post-test probabilities.
relation with objective criteria (36), it is difficult to
know how true this may be for all emergency physi- ABG
cians. It may be preferable to use one of the clinical
decision rules above and augment the yielded Many authors believe that an ABG should not
pretest probability with clinical judgment. be part of the routine PE workup, as studies have

shown it has a low sensitivity and specificity Each assay has different diagnostic characteristics,
(38 – 40). The incidence of a completely normal making generalizations of the entire class difficult.
ABG approaches 40% in younger and healthier pa- Whole blood agglutination. The Sim-
tients (39). Sensitivity for the test increases when pliRED™ test, a qualitative red cell agglutination
the criteria for a positive test are arterial partial (whole blood assay) has been reported to have an
pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2)> 35, an arter- overall sensitivity of 84.8% and a specificity of
ial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) < 80, or an A-a 68.4% in a 1,177 patient trial that assessed its ef-
gradient > 20. However, since the negative likeli- fectiveness in diagnosing PE (46). This test is rapid
hood ratio (LR) using this criterion is 0.9, the ABG and can be done in minutes, even at the bedside. It
result has little impact on the pretest probability has been concluded by both the ACEP and the
(40). However, it is important to note again that the British Thoracic Society that this whole blood assay
Wicki and Charlotte Criteria both use an ABG as a can indicate a sufficiently reduced risk of PE to rule
component in calculating their respective scores. out the diagnosis in a patient with low pretest prob-
ability as defined by Wells criteria (1, 2).
Chest Radiograph Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA). ELISA tests have shown a pooled sensi-
While the chest X-ray in the investigation of tivity of 97% (47), but the conventional test may
PE can lead to an alternate diagnosis such as pneu- take up to 4 hours to run. In one study, a rapid
mothorax or pneumonia, it usually has abnormali- ELISA test had an overall sensitivity of 95% (48)
ties that are nonspecific and non-diagnostic. Clas- and one test in particular, the VIDAS™, has been
sic signs such as peripheral oligemia (Wester- shown to have a sensitivity of 97%, but a specificity
mark’s sign) and pleural wedge based densities as low as 8% (49). A negative result on this test has
(Hampton’s hump) occur in less than 20% of pa- been specifically shown to be of value in both the
tients (41 – 43). Conversely, up to 80% of X-rays in low and intermediate probability groups (48).
PE can be interpreted as abnormal when signs re- Latex agglutination. Latex agglutination as-
sulting from modification of anatomic structures says have shown disappointing results when used in
(descending pulmonary arteries, elevated dia- the diagnosis of PE. They were designed for the di-
phragmatic domes, heart shadow, peripheral ves- agnosis of hematologic disorders such as dissemi-
sels) are taken into consideration (23, 24, 41, 42). nated intravascular coagulation. Given this purpose,
Other X-ray signs such as densities, infiltrates, and the sensitivity suffers to yield a greater specificity;
effusions are all common with PE. Atelectasis and the values are 70% and 76% respectively (1) and
the resulting elevation of a hemidiaphragm are the thus should not be used in the diagnosis of PE.
most common X-ray abnormalities (43). Immunoassays. Immunoassays, both im-
munofiltration and latex particle immunoassays,
D-dimer are new and promising. The MDA™ latex particle
immunoassay has demonstrated sensitivities of
D-dimer is a fibrin degradation product formed 97 – 99% (49, 50).
by the enzymatic activity of cross-linked fibrin Turbidimetric. The turbidimetric assays uti-
polymers. D-dimer is thus present in venous lize another, newer form of D-dimer; these assays
thromboembolism, but may also be present in ma- have shown a pooled sensitivity of > 95% (49), but
lignancy, pregnancy, myocardial infarction, dis- take two hours to yield results.
seminated intravascular coagulation, sickle cell The British Thoracic Society and the ACEP
disease, and during the postoperative period (44). agree on a level B recommendation that D-dimer
D-dimer levels are also correlated with position should only be considered after assessment of clini-
and size of the PE, and are thus highly accurate cal probability, and that D-dimer cannot be used as a
markers for segmental PEs and less accurate for lone test to rule out PE in the high pretest probabil-
peripheral subsegmental PEs (45). ity cohort. The ACEP has assigned a level B recom-
The function of the D-dimer assay in the work- mendation for using a negative D-dimer to exclude
up of PE is to lower the post-test probability of PE; PE in low Wells pretest probability patients with a
therefore, a negative result is quite useful. A posi- negative whole blood assay (i.e., SimpliRED™). A
tive result rarely alters our clinical suspicion signif- level C recommendation was given for the use of the
icantly and therefore necessitates further testing. whole blood (SimpliRED™) assay without Wells
There are five different types of D-dimer assays Criteria. The British Thoracic Society agrees with
available: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, the recommendation and recommends that Sim-
whole blood agglutination, latex agglutination, and pliRED™ be limited to low pretest probability
the newer turbidimetric and immunofiltration assays. groups, i.e., a Wells of less than three.

The ACEP gives a B recommendation for the and high probability—the low and intermediate re-
use of a negative ELISA or turbidimetric D-dimer sults should preferably be referred to as non-diag-
to rule out PE in the low risk groups only. The nostic. More than 60% of patients fell into this
ACEP only gives a C recommendation for using non-diagnostic category. In PIOPED, even when
the immunofiltration D-dimer because it is new the scan was read as normal, there was still a 4%
and lacks the data of the other tests. However, BTS incidence of PE; similarly troubling, high proba-
has taken the stance of a level B recommendation bility scans were associated with a 12% false pos-
that any D-dimer in the low risk group can exclude itive rate. However, other studies have shown that
PE, while the VIDAS and MDA D-dimers exclude withholding anticoagulation from patients with a
PE in both low and intermediate risk groups. BTS normal V/Q scan resulted in a less than 1% subse-
further recommends that each hospital provide in- quent PE on long-term follow-up (55, 56).
formation on the sensitivity and specificity of its The ACEP has made a level A recommenda-
D-dimer test. Using the BTS guidelines, it is pos- tion that patients with low-to-moderate pretest
sible to rapidly rule out a PE in a patient even with probability and a normal V/Q scan can be deemed
intermediate pretest probability, if the hospital has not to have a significant PE. However, if the same
the VIDAS or MDA tests (1, 2). patients have a non-diagnostic V/Q scan, the
ACEP’s B level recommendation is that in order to
Alveolar Dead-Space Evaluation exclude significant PE without going to pulmonary
angiogram, the patient must have one of the fol-
As pulmonary emboli result in an obstruction of lowing: a negative turbidimetric or ELISA assay, a
the vasculature without affecting airway patency, an negative whole blood D-dimer with a Wells score
increased physiologic dead-space would be ex- less than 4, negative bilateral ultrasound in low
pected. This can be quantified by comparing the ar- probability group only, or negative serial bilateral
terial and expired carbon dioxide levels. The per- ultrasound for the moderate Wells score group. The
centage of alveolar dead-space can be calculated by BTS guidelines differ; with a level B recommen-
a modification of the Enghoff equation (51): dation they prefer that a V/Q scan be the initial in-
vestigation only if a chest radiograph is normal,
Dead-Space Percent = 100 × (PaCO2 – PetCO2) / (PaCO2) there is no concurrent cardiopulmonary disease,
standardized reporting criteria are used, and a non-
An abnormal result is generally considered >20%. diagnostic result is followed by further imaging.
End tidal CO2 is available in many EDs at the bed- BTS also considers that a normal V/Q scan reliably
side and can be used for this method, although in excludes PE in low risk groups and in intermediate
the studies analyzing the use of dead-space frac- groups with a negative VIDAS™ or MDA™ D-
tion, measurements were done by respiratory ther- dimer. Thus, while ACEP guidelines state that a
apists with portable equipment and simultaneous V/Q scan cannot rule out PE in a high probability
drawing of arterial blood (52). groups, the BTS guidelines conclude that a normal
While this is not useful as a sole test, the com- V/Q scan can only rule out PE in a high probabil-
bination of a D-dimer and a normal alveolar-dead ity patient if it is read as normal AND the patient
space percentage may be more sensitive than a D- has a normal chest X-ray and no baseline car-
dimer alone. Kline et al. used this strategy, which diopulmonary disease. Otherwise, BTS states that
yielded a false negative rate of less than 1% (53, 54). the patient must go on to CT angiogram.

Nuclear Isotope Lung Scanning— Leg Ultrasound

Ventilation/Perfusion (V/Q) Scan
Doppler examination of the lower extremities
In the past, ventilation/perfusion imaging was can be used to establish the diagnosis of PE if the
considered the diagnostic test of choice for the clinician accepts the proposition that the presence
evaluation of PE. PIOPED established the accu- of DVT in a patient with symptoms suggestive of
racy of this test with a criterion standard of pul- PE confirms a PE. Patients with confirmed PE will
monary angiogram. However, the use of the V/Q have DVT identified by leg ultrasound in approxi-
scan is problematic, primarily because its interpre- mately 50 – 70% of cases (14, 55). The treatment
tation is hindered by multiple cutoffs, ranging for stable PE and DVT is the same, so it may be
from normal to high probability, each with its own valuable to use leg ultrasound as an initial test in
diagnostic characteristics. While the PIOPED stable patients with suspected venous thromboem-
study established four levels of test reporting— bolism (VTE) or after inconclusive imaging. Lim-
normal, low probability, intermediate probability, iting the use of this test to patients with signs or

symptoms of DVT can increase the diagnostic (67) showed a 1% rate of PE on follow-up after nor-
yield. If the clinician has been trained and has the mal spiral CT. In 2002 – 2003, two retrospective and
available equipment, a positive bedside ultrasound two prospective studies were published with enroll-
can quickly and accurately make the diagnosis of ments of 993, 441, 507 and 246 respectively
DVT and therefore PE (57). (68 – 71). The studies had a false negative rate of
Ultrasound also has implications for the possi- 0.9 – 1.2% and proved that patient outcome is not
bility of recurrent PE. Theoretically, if diagnostic adversely affected by withholding anticoagulation
testing misses a PE, but there is no more clot to on the basis of a good-quality, normal spiral CT.
embolize, then the patient will not incur as signif- In 1998, multidetector CT scanners became
icant a risk from the misdiagnosis. Serial leg imag- available; these scanners can image multiple slices
ing has been found to be useful with a 3-month ve- with a single revolution of the detectors. Sixteen
nous thromboembolism (DVT or PE) rate of only multidetector spiral CT scanners are now available
0.5% among patients with non-diagnostic V/Q (60, 72), with the number of detectors growing
scans and initial negative lower extremity yearly. The multidetector scanners allow 1-mm to
Dopplers for DVT (58, 59), but such protocols re- sub-millimeter resolution, and the data can be
quire reliable patient follow-up and may have re- transformed into 2-D and 3-D reconstructed im-
source implications for repeat visits. ages. One of the most important features of this
The ACEP supports using serial ultrasound for new technology is the ability to image the entire
nondeterminate V/Q in low risk groups. BTS rec- pulmonary vasculature in one breath-hold. As a re-
ommends the opposite use of ultrasound; a positive sult of these advantages, the multidetector scan-
ultrasound in patients suspected of having a PE to ners are able to significantly increase the detection
confirm diagnosis. However, the BTS position is of subsegmental PE and evaluate pulmonary vas-
in agreement with the current literature and states culature down to 6th-order branches (73 – 75). PI-
that a single leg ultrasound should not be used for OPED II, a study of CT scanners for the diagnosis
exclusion of subclinical DVT. of PE, will further elaborate on the accuracy of the
new-generation scanners and test their ability to
CT Angiogram scan for pelvis and thigh DVT while the patient is
receiving the pulmonary scan (76). The latter strat-
In many institutions, the spiral CT has become egy is referred to as “CT venogram” (CTV). Using
the initial diagnostic modality for PE, because of the same contrast bolus as the CTA of the chest,
the high number of indeterminate studies obtained DVTs can be detected from the pelvis all the way
using conventional V/Q scans (14). The spiral CT, down to the calves. While it carries the downside
using as little as 100 cc of contrast, will directly vis- of increased radiation dosing, this approach offers
ualize thromboembolic filling defects as well as increased sensitivity. In a seven-center prospective
pleural effusions, vascular remodeling, and trial, scanning the pelvis and legs above the knee
oligemia, any of which may be present with PE identified an additional 18% of patients needing
(60). It is important to note that adequate visual- anticoagulation (77). However, it is important to
ization of the pulmonary vasculature cannot be ac- note that this study was done in 1998 – 1999, when
complished with a standard CT scan of the chest; it the first generation of multidetector CTs first be-
requires dedicated imaging procedures and proto- came available (55), and the same machine was not
cols often referred to as CT angiogram (CTA). used at all sites. It is possible that the new multi-
Using CT angiogram as the initial imaging modal- detector scanners would have found pulmonary
ity has proven to be cost effective (61). embolisms in many of the patients who had the
Another advantage of the CTA is that it may sole venogram diagnosis of DVT.
reveal alternative diagnoses. A patient suspected of In response to the emerging data on CTA, the
having PE may turn out to have pneumonia, aortic ACEP makes a level B recommendation that thin
dissection, tumor or pneumothorax, all which can spiral CT with 1 – 2 mm image reconstruction may
be revealed by the CTA (62). be used as an alternative to V/Q scan during the di-
Historically, the main limitation of spiral CT has agnostic evaluation of the patient with suspected PE,
been the inability to identify subsegmental PE (63). and a C recommendation to also perform CT
In the ACEP guidelines, it is noted that the sensitiv- venogram. The BTS guidelines place an even
ity of spiral CT for large segmental emboli is greater greater faith in the use of CTA for the diagnosis of
than 95%, while for subsegmental emboli it is only PE. With a level B recommendation, they state that
77%, according to three studies from 1996 – 1997 the CT pulmonary angiography is the recommended
(64 – 66). A recent review of the spiral CT literature imaging modality for non-massive PE. Furthermore,
is much more promising (60). In 2000, Goodman BTS has stated that patients with a good quality CT

angiogram need no further investigation for PE re- the inpatient ward, or at a later follow-up appoint-
gardless of the assigned level of pretest probability. ment depends on the individual clinical situation.

Echocardiography Treatment

Bedside echocardiography will demonstrate ev- While the diagnosis of PE is a true test of clin-
idence of PE in up to 80% of cases (78), especially ical acumen, the treatment is relatively straightfor-
in unstable patients when transesophageal echo ward. Countless review articles and monographs
(TEE) is used (79). Intracardiac thrombi in the right discuss the treatment regimens for venous throm-
heart may also be visualized. Echocardiography is boembolism (e.g., 12, 13, 25). Areas of new inter-
especially useful for patients suspected of massive est include the use of low-molecular-weight he-
PE or unstable patients who cannot be moved safely parin and indications for the use of thrombolytics.
outside of the ED. Furthermore, patients with right
ventricular dysfunction may benefit from the ad- Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin
ministration of thrombolytic therapy.
Anticoagulation must be administered to patients
Conventional Angiogram with confirmed PE. For unstable patients or those at
high risk, anticoagulation is often administered em-
The pulmonary angiogram was long consid- pirically while the patient is undergoing further work-
ered ideal for diagnosis of PE. The test is no longer up. This may be achieved with equal efficacy by
even available at some centers, and radiologists using either low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH)
who were once facile with the process now per- or unfractionated heparin (84 – 86). Unfractionated
form and interpret these scans only rarely. Even heparin will have a quicker onset and, according to
when it was used commonly, there was a high rate BTS, may be more desirable for massive PE or any
of interobserver disagreement for subsegmental situation in which anticoagulation may need reversal.
PEs (80). The test used today is often digital sub- LMWH does not require monitoring of partial
traction angiography (DSA); it is unknown thromboplastin time (PTT), is accurately dosed on a
whether the conventional angiography sensitivities per kilogram basis in a once or twice daily fashion,
are still applicable (81). The accuracy of the con- and is less likely to induce bleeding and thrombocy-
ventional pulmonary angiogram relies on selective topenia. Low-molecular-weight heparins seem ide-
catheterization of each subsegmental branch of the ally suited to the environment of the ED when infu-
pulmonary vasculature. Angiography of only seg- sions require medication pumps and careful nursing
mental branches, a common way of performing the care, and one subcutaneous injection allows twelve
exam, will lower the sensitivities (82). hours without any further treatment administration.
The recurrence rate of pulmonary embolism in Low-molecular-weight heparins also offer the
patients with normal angiograms ranges from additional flexibility of treatment in the patient’s
0.6 – 4.2% (83). Serious complications (from dye home. For stable patients with confirmed pul-
load, renal nephropathy and the invasive nature of monary embolism, the strategy of discharge with
the procedure) occur in 1.5% of cases, and a 0.5% follow-up and prescription for LMWH can be con-
procedural mortality rate has been reported (15). sidered. At this point, the data is still accumulating,
However, newer generation CT scanners appear to but this strategy may allow outpatient management
produce similar if not better results with less inva- of a disease that prior to now uniformly required
sive risk. Data from PIOPED II will establish hospital admission. Sending patients with non-diag-
whether CTA should be the new criterion standard nostic work-ups home on LMWH is also a tenable
for pulmonary embolism. option. Patients would be able to stay on treatment
until follow-up testing sufficiently lowers the possi-
Post-test Probability bility of PE. However, further studies must be per-
formed before this strategy can be recommended.
After testing, a post-test probability can be
generated. If this probability crosses the threshold Thrombolysis
for “ruling-in” or “ruling-out” the diagnosis of PE,
then the evaluation is complete. However, if diag- If a massive PE causes circulatory collapse, early
nostic uncertainty still exists, the patient will have thrombolysis is recommended (87). One study in a
to undergo further evaluation using the generated controlled trial of thrombolysis versus heparin was
post-test probability as the new pretest probability. aborted after 4 patients who were given thrombolyt-
Whether this testing will take place in the ED, on ics lived while 4 patients given only heparin died

Intubate if Resp Distress

Bedside TEE or
Bedside LE Doppler

Figure 1. Unstable patient with suspected PE.

(All acronyms are defined in the glossary.)

Figure 2. Stable patient with suspected PE. (All acronyms are defined in the glossary.)
*May also use other objective criteria (Wicki or Kline)

Key Concepts

1. PE should be considered in any patient with unexplained dyspnea, tachypnea or chest pain. These pa-
tients must be risk stratified, ideally by a clinical decision rule.
2. A negative ELISA or MDA™ D-dimer will exclude PE in both low- and moderate-risk groups. Tur-
bidimetric and SimpliRED™ D-dimers will exclude PE in low-risk groups. Latex agglutination D-
dimers should not be used for excluding PE in any group. An alternative diagnosis should always be
sought when PE is excluded.
3. CT angiogram (CTA) with a multidetector scanner is the initial imaging study for stable patients with
suspected PE. For patients with low and moderate clinical pretest probability, a negative CTA ex-
cludes the diagnosis of PE.
4. V/Q scans should be used only when CTA is not available or contraindicated. All indeterminate scans
should have a CTA or pulmonary angiogram done before PE is excluded.
5. Unfractionated heparin and low-molecular-weight heparin are both treatment options for patients with PE.
In patients with confirmed PE and hypotension, thrombolytics should be administered if not contraindicated.

(88). Currently, clear data exist only for lysis in hy- agnosis of pulmonary embolism, and treat-
potensive patients (87 – 91). Debate is ongoing as to ment should be initiated.
whether stable patients with right ventricle strain on 4. If the VIDAS™ or MDA™ D-dimer is
echocardiogram should receive thrombolysis. Pa- negative, PE may be excluded in the low-
tients with right heart strain who received thromboly- and moderate-risk groups. Other D-dimer
sis recovered right heart function more rapidly, but assays (ELISA, turbidimetric, Sim-
there was no demonstrated mortality benefit (92 – 95). pliRED™) will reliably exclude PE in the
While the BTS supports a C recommendation low-risk group and no further imaging is
of using alteplase (96) for fibrinolysis of PE be- warranted.
cause it does not worsen hypotension, currently the 5. CT angiogram is the initial imaging study
FDA has approved the use of streptokinase, uro- of choice for stable patients. In patients
kinase or rt-PA for the treatment of pulmonary em- with low- and moderate-pretest probabil-
bolism. The ACEP gives a level B recommenda- ity, a negative CTA effectively excludes
tion to considering thrombolytics in hemodynami- the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism.
cally unstable patients with proven PE, and a C 6. V/Q scans should be used only when CT is
recommendation to the lysing of unstable patients not available or the patient has a con-
with high clinical suspicion of PE. The ACEP also traindication to CT scans or intravenous
gives a level C recommendation for fibrinolysis of contrast. If V/Q is normal, another diagno-
stable patients with confirmed PE and right ven- sis should be sought. Patients with indeter-
tricular dysfunction on echocardiography. minate V/Q scans should have CT an-
giogram performed. Patients with indeter-
Conclusions minate scans in the high probability group
should receive CTA or pulmonary an-
Diagnosis of PE may again change when the giogram. Patients in the moderate- and low-
results of PIOPED II are published. In the interim, risk groups with indeterminate scans can
the ACEP clinical policy and BTS guidelines give have PE excluded by serial leg ultrasounds.
an evidence-based roadmap to the evaluation and 7. Bedside echocardiography or hemodynamic
treatment of pulmonary embolism. The following status of the patient and CT angiogram are
are key points to the approach to pulmonary em- used diagnostically for suspected massive
bolism in the emergency department: PE. If PE is confirmed, hypotensive patients
1. We should consider PE in any patient with should be given lysis. For hypotensive pa-
unexplained dyspnea, tachypnea, or chest tients with high clinical suspicion of PE,
pain. thrombolytics can be considered.
2. All patients suspected of PE must be risk 8. Unfractionated heparin and low-molecu-
stratified, ideally by using criteria vali- lar-weight heparin are both treatment op-
dated by a clinical decision rule. tions for patients with confirmed pul-
3. If both PE and DVT are suspected and ul- monary embolism.
trasound is readily available, a positive leg 9. The diagnostic algorithms represented in Figs.
ultrasound for DVT is sufficient for the di- 1 and 2 provide a stepwise approach to both

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