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come true!
Check out our
Calendar Girls
centre spread!

shares a
message of
What is the
hope and why
worthiest love
it’s so important
of all? Are you
to all of us
practicing it?

One lucky business owner

takes away our Business
Support Package - Find out


Contents. Who can believe we’re coming to the end of
another year?
4.The Empowerment of 14. Marketing through
Self-development Thought Leadership I always use this time of year to reflect.
Reflect on what worked and what didn’t in my
6. Leadership - what’s in a 16. A Goal is not just for
business. Reflect on new relationships that
definition? Christmas
have been built and how to make them even
8. Self-publishing: Is it for you? 18. Running out of Steam stronger in the coming year(s). Reflect on how
grateful I feel for all that has come and gone in
10. Next Year’s Marketing Trends 20. Men Tell Health
my life, for new experiences, new friendships,
12. Now’s the Time to Plan for 2022 24. A Message of Hope new learning, new clients and everything I’ve
been lucky to see and feel over these past 12
26. The Vision months.
28. Affirm your Love this
Christmas This is a time to celebrate. It is a sad time for
many as they remember the happier times
30. Carve some Self-care
with people who are no longer with us, but
this Christmas
it’s also a time to celebrate those loved ones
32. Through Eyes of Wonder and the times shared together and to feel
lucky we were blessed to have them in our
lives. We have a beautiful dedications page to
remember those loved ones within this edition
and I would urge you to read and hold your
loved ones close to your heart. Tell them what
they mean to you and cherish those special
FEATURED moments.

34. Our 2022 Calendar Girls

2022 starts a new journey and a new year
where promises are made and new dreams
36. Christmas in The Barn are set in motion. I find it exciting. To think
about what’s ahead and what can be achieved.
38. Eleven around our Table 50. Dedications

40. Christmas Presence 52. Manifest a Better You I want to thank my team who have been
absolutely amazing in keeping this publication
42. Giver, Taker, Receiver? 54. A Perfect Gift alive and fresh at every edition. They’ve met
44. The Value of Christmas 56. Taking Back Control deadlines and worked through some evenings
to ensure we continue to give you quality
46. The Message 58. If Fate Allows reading. Thank you to Danielle Robyn (Design),
48. A New Year Special Laura Billingham (Editing) and Nicola Matthews
60, Figuring it Out
(Advertising), you’re all superstars!

I also want to say a massive thank you to all

of our customers and especially those who’ve
stuck with us since the start and continue to
support us unconditionally. You’re the reason
we’re still here.

Wishing you ALL a very

Happy Christmas and
a wonderful start to

All opinions within these

articles are the writers
2 3
1 - Listen Don’t take on too much...
don’t smoke, mock Vegans...
Listen to others, by listening, really listening
you can begin to form an understanding of or regularly go tipping that
what other people want and expect from you.
8th pint down your neck.
The empowerment
Ever had the feeling that you just can’t do the
right thing? We all have. It’s because we were Remember you’re not being
not really listening. It’s all too easy to surmise
what people want and then deliver your vision manly, you’re not being cool

of self-development of that. People appreciate being listened to.

you’re just self-sabotaging.
Stop it...and deploy what you
KNOW is right...moderation.
2 - Plan
Planning is key to any level of success.
Throughout life, you will have a degree of
luck. It’s highly unlikely that luck will carry you 5 - Fifth and
through your whole life. Write a plan, try your
hardest to stick to it and you will see that you finally
achieve much more with the plan than without
one. Try above all else to do something good. You
have one life, who knows how long it will be?
Nobody wants to be that hated guy, the one
remembered as being mean or snarky. Aim
to be kind, that will win more respect than
3 - Save material wealth. and by deploying some of
the previous 4 points, who knows, hopefully,
It’s key and related to the above point. Luck someone will think YOU, are an inspiration.
sometimes runs out...and if you have
saved a little money here and there, the
chances are you’ll be more equipped to get
yourself out of a scrape or two. It’s hard to do it
and takes discipline...but can be done, so hang
in there and be strong.

What does being inspirational mean? I suppose Once upon a time, in my younger days, I
4 - Self-care
inspiring someone is to motivate certainly had an overinflated opinion of myself This is probably the most important thing.
them... encourage them in some way. and my abilities. Over the years though I have always can’t love someone
that has given way to what I hope is a more else until you learn to love/accept yourself. In
Several of the MO2VATE team encouraged me measured and pragmatic approach to life. addition, I also think that you can’t really help
to write this article. I resisted at first because That will be the basis of this article for those other people unless you believe in yourself, and
I wasn’t sure I had anything to say that hasn’t reading who are always beating themselves up have the energy and capacity to follow through.
been said before. However, it did occur to about not being good enough, which I am led
me the other night that perhaps I should give to believe is ever increasing numbers of men
it a go and try to impart at least a few words these days. Here goes. Phil Gregory
of inspiration and hopefully just a little bit of
common sense.

4 5
What’s in a
Ian Llewellyn-Nash

There are perhaps two givens: to lead is What will you contribute? As a leader, given
By background I am a Social Scientist. Definitions – as a scientist, a nurse there is to have someone who follows; to have a the context in which you work; given your
In terms of occupation I have been an a certain safety in definitions. They point follower is to have a relationship base to strengths, your values, your way of working
educator, a registered nurse, a Royal to a reality that something is this, but not your leadership. In the context of a leader- - what is it you will add to that place in terms
Naval medic, a Church Minister, and that! When I began to become interested in follower relationship, what does your of lasting value?
a Housing Officer. All these aspects people development, or personal leadership leadership look like?
shape who I am. When I became a - it seemed an ideal way to go that I taught Leadership is about who you are – more than
leader, I somehow got lost amongst ‘the definition’. Yet, I soon discovered that If you are anything like myself, I am relatively what you do. Your leadership flows out of a
all the things that I had done. When I after some 40 years of academic study into certain that you did not wake up one value base. Here is a helpful activity for you
was asked by colleagues, what type of leadership there are undoubtedly as many morning and step into the world as any sort to start to build your leadership – personal
leader I was, the textbook definitions definitions as there are people to ask! of leader. You may have read books about or professional:
sounded good, yet they seemed leadership, you may have attended courses,
trivial. There was a lesson I needed to This presents a challenge – is leadership ‘this’, even conferences on leadership – none Choose three feelings from the list below
learn. or is it ‘that’? of that however makes you a leader. They that you want to encourage in your
are certainly valuable components on the leadership, or in your team.
journey - but they do tend towards being
‘outcome’ oriented. That is, they focus on Absorbed, Capable, Challenged, Confident,
things you have done. Curious, Empowered, Encouraged,
Energised, Engaged, Enthusiastic, Inspired,
Leadership emerges out of the process Interested, Intrigued, Motivated, Optimistic,
- process enriches. Are you struggling to Receptive, Resourceful, Safe, Stimulated,
make sense of your leadership journey, are Understood, Valued.
you feeling unsure as to how you show up
as a leader, do folk listen to you, respond Question - What do you currently do in your
to you, even follow you? Focus not on the ‘leading’ that is likely to encourage these
tasks of leadership: they are simply the tools. feelings?
Leadership is about who you are, much more
than about what you do.

6 7
Everyone has at least one book to write,
whether for business, a novel, memoir, or A good format to follow for any book is to publish the paperback first. That way, friends,
children’s. Many entrepreneurs write a short family and colleagues will have the actual book on their bookshelves, and you make that
book as a giveaway, to sell and to show their

revenue right from the beginning. Then wait 3-4 weeks and publish the eBook. Also, you
expertise. Some people are writing their can make a PDF to use as giveaways and promotions. Then, if your book merits it, make
memoirs for family and friends. Others want it into an audiobook through the ACX program associated with Amazon.
to publish the next best-selling novel, hoping

to sell the movie rights. Two great tools for any writer or entrepreneur are YouTube tutorials and Fiverr. There is
an array of YouTube tutorials for any task. For those tasks you don’t want to do yourself,
The shortest book you can publish on Fiverr is a great resource to find professionals waiting to serve you for reasonable fees.

- Is it
Amazon, with a spine, is 36 pages. Anyone
can write a 36-page book about something Self-publishing has never been easier. Amazon has many wonderful attributes, and many
they know in one or two days and get it traditional writers opt to go the self-publishing route.
edited and published in a week or two.

for you?
Be sure to have your book edited by a Don’t wait, pen on paper, fingers on keyboard and . . . Go!
professional to give it the polish it needs.

For those who want a longer book, 98

pages allows room for you to put the title
of the book and the name of the author
on the spine. Many people are opting for
the comfortable 120–135-page book.
These days, a full-length book is anywhere
from 250-350 pages. The days of the 500-
page book are long gone due to the short
attention span of readers.

Another format that many professionals

are choosing are eBooks. The way Amazon
works is, the more books you have, the more
you build your algorithms and the more
books you sell. Some entrepreneurial writers
are only offering eBooks and growing their
list with a series of short books.

You can get samples of your book from

Amazon before your book is finished to
proof and see how it looks and to hand
to beta readers. Beta readers can be an
effective way to test your book to get
feedback about how it’s looking and if it’s
missing any key ingredients.

To get started, join KDP, Kindle Direct

Publishing, with the same password as your
Amazon account. Sign up, go to templates
and create your template. 6” by 9” is industry
standard. Choose the template with sample
content. Replace each area with your own
title, chapter list, and so on. You are on your
way. Mila Johansen

8 9
Eco-friendly credentials become This works well for email marketing for
important for consumers e-commerce businesses; sending content
and products related to their purchase
More companies than ever have started history will get more engagement than
putting the environment first and are mass emails.
planting trees, reducing their carbon
footprint. Taking time to segment your audience and
personalise content will also help build a
Consumers are likely to be conscious of relationship with your audience.
the companies they use and the impact
they are having on the environment. Social media and e-commerce become
Companies that put the environment first even closer related
are more likely to win the business of the
younger generation who are particularly The world of e-commerce is changing now
concerned about climate change. that Facebook has created new ways for
retailers to get their products in front
The younger generation has taken on of their customers. The new Facebook
tackling climate change, and more start- shops allow retailers to build collections
ups are based around solutions to help and have more control over how the shop
the crisis. looks. Facebook will be adding more

features to this new product and will be
Consumers expect personalisation building on the increase in e-commerce
sales caused by the lockdowns in 2020/21.
Companies like Netflix and Amazon

have been personalising their content The world is changing thanks to new
for years, and now personalisation is technologies and new attitudes towards
something that consumers are insisting how business should be conducted.
on. Whilst the pandemic will be a focus for
the foreseeable future, another area of
Since the world shut down in 2020, attention is how businesses can limit
people are surrounded by content, they the damage they do to the environment
The pandemic brought unprecedented chaos to our world in 2020/21. Now the are being targeted by thousands of and how they can position themselves as
economy is on the road to recovery. As every year, there have been developments in companies every day, personalising the leaders in reducing carbon emissions.
marketing which businesses need to be aware of. content they see means they are more
likely to engage with it.
As 2021 comes to a close, our attention moves to 2022 and the changes that
businesses might need to adapt to in order to keep growing.

The Hybrid model is here to stay for meetings and events.

During the past 18 months, the world turned to the digital world for communication,
meetings, and events. Very quickly, online platforms like ZOOM became essential.

Even though face to face meetings and events have resumed, there is still a preference
for some events like networking to remain online.

The flexibility of online events has helped businesses reach a wider audience as well as
being cost-effective for the organiser.

Emma Dunlop-Walters
10 11
Financial management is not just for
Christmas! Looking forward to 2022, can you
make any changes to cut costs? The best way
to find out where your money is going is to
budget. But don’t cheat as you are only going
to cheat yourself. Enter all of your costs – put
everything down! Once you have entered
everything you can review it to see which
costs you can reduce. Go on comparison
sites to check that you are
getting the best deal on
your utilities. I did this last
year and I was surprised
how much I saved. Take
out a set amount each

week so you can see where
your money is going. I
don’t know about you, but
for me the increased use of
cards isn’t helpful as it’s too
easy to spend more! Have

a shopping list to avoid
impulse buying.

Some of you will find using

a budgeting app useful to
keep track of your daily
expenditure. Mint and

for 2022
Pocketguard are rated
highly but choose the one
that suits you the best. For
budgeting to be successful
it needs to be regularly
reviewed and updated.
Also, if you are part of a
family, then get everyone
involved in the budgeting.
It’s Christmas time, mistletoe and wine! A nice surprising as we’ve got used to it. It’s so Sit down together and
sentiment, but for a lot of people, Christmas convenient and easy. Sometimes too easy! To make a plan that you can all
can be a big expensive headache. In fact, PwC keep tabs on your spending, plan ahead and stick to. Try and make it as
say that one in four consumers are likely to know what you want to buy before you go fun as possible.
spend £428 this festive season compared with online and also only buy that one item. Don’t
£384 last year – a 12% increase. This includes let yourself get distracted. Set yourself a limit Enjoy yourselves over the Christmas break
not just present buying but also socialising. Last of how much you want to spend and stick to it. and make 2022 a year to remember. You
year, we largely couldn’t do this so it’s nice to won’t regret setting those goals now and
have it to look forward to this year. However, The benefits of controlling your Christmas having a plan!
you don’t need to spend a lot. There’s always spending are massive. For one, you won’t be
free activities or events you can attend and in a position of having to face your credit card
some other steps you can make in reducing bills in January! Why add to your financial
those festive costs. stress? Instead, set some goals so that you don’t
overspend over the holiday period. Maybe you
The prediction is that online shopping will be fancy a holiday with a difference next year or
67% of Christmas spending, which isn’t changing your career? Whatever it is, write it Anna Goodwin
down now to help keep you on track. www.
12 13
Marketing Abbi Head

Through Money is often not the motive for many thought leaders as
impact and the ability to motivate others into new ways of
thinking will bring ultimate satisfaction. Thought leadership
requires a growth mindset and the willingness for self-

improvement and personal development to be the best version
of yourself. Having a sound knowledge of your industry
knowledge will increase your own self-belief, provide discipline,
prompt you to act, and emit the kind of positivity that people
want to be around. Thought leadership is therefore something

to be grateful for and leads to self-fulfillment on a deeper level.

Finding your voice, becoming a rising star, and establishing the platforms that work
best for you are the beginnings of your thought leadership pathway. Your dedication
to benefiting others, offering massive value, and adding to the dialogue within your
industry will help you gain confidence and a following that will create a blueprint for
success that others can follow.

As The Visuals Adviser, I help my clients spotlight their expertise, translate it into
Challenging traditional perspectives, Thought leadership marketing is a form of engaging visuals, and gain credibility as a subject-matter expert and potential thought
connecting ideas to develop new content marketing that positions you as a trusted leader through media exposure. That is the optimum result for me in public relations,
innovations, and having a vision and reliable source of up-to-date and thought- marketing and in my own thought leadership journey.
that makes you stand out from your provoking information that can set a pace in your
competition is a highly sought-after industry. Unlike advertising, this way of marketing
quality. Your infectious energy for is organic and offers your audience information
new ideas that ignite a spark in that they want to engage with rather than avoid.
others can make you a great leader, That makes thought leadership marketing
an attractive business associate, sustainable in the long term.
and rarely unemployed. This is the
realm of the ‘Thought Leader’, and By receiving recognition in your industry as
your position is highly sought after. a subject matter expert and go-to source for
People listen when thought leaders insights and inspiration, your clients are more
speak, making you an attractive likely to locate you, and further opportunities can
prospect as a public speaker, go-to be unsolicited. Thought leader marketing relies
expert, and content creator. on using your expertise in communications that
engage, enlighten, and encourage others to think
As a thought leader, your passion outside the box. You can be asked to contribute
is your thirst for the knowledge to blogs, articles, media, and trade publications,
needed for ground-breaking ideas as well as research that sets you apart from your
to become realities. It is also an competition. Consistency in marketing your
opportunity to gain credibility, to message is important to be associated with what
build your reputation and brand, as you say and stand for, as well as reinforcing your
well as demonstrating your expertise status.
in your prices and profitability.

14 15
A Goal is not
just for Christmas
Are you beginning to think what you’d like to Be, So, let’s look at the different types of
Do or Have by the end of next year? That’s a great goals. From my viewpoint, there are
start. Do you then check in either monthly or at three types
least quarterly to see if you’re on track to achieve
what you chose for yourself?
• Away from goals
I hope so. If not, that’s cool too. You can choose • Towards goals and
to change that and truly reach your goals. I like • Legacy goals
to think of a goal as a Post/Zip Code on a GPS.
It’s specific. You know exactly where you want to
go and have an expected time of when you’ll get The Away from goals are the ones
there. That’s a goal, something measurable in time we see every January. We want to
and detail. The route mapped out by your GPS is lose weight or reduce alcohol. We
your plan. It’s the step-by-step plan on how to get want to move away from something Trusha Lakhani
to where you want to get to. Plans, much as routes that does not serve us. These are
can change, but goals usually stay the same, unless good goals to have too. However,
something that truly causes you to change your when you achieve them, you’ve got
life course! nowhere further to go.
Towards goals are targets that take you forwards. Some Let’s have a think about the
people want to start to create an investment portfolio. If last two years and what you
it’s something you wish you’d done but as yet haven’t, then achieved. Did you choose it,
maybe the plan for that goal will be about learning and or did it get chosen for you?
hanging out with people who know how to do this. It could If you’re new to goal setting,
be to find a qualified wealth coach who can support you. be kind to yourself. Join a
group so that you’ll make
Legacy goals are your dreams and visions, not just about new friends that are also
what you’re going to leave in your will! Some people going through the process
spend time creating their vision for their life. This makes and fun of going through
decisions easier when you’re presented with a choice. Is it their plans that take them
taking you to your key vision or not? It’s your internal drive towards their target.
that propels you towards the life that you truly want.
And most important of
The best thing about setting goals is they don’t have to be all…When you achieve it…
big. They just need to charge you up to achieve something celebrate!
in your life and move you out of a comfort zone. Goals
do need to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
Realistic and Time-bound) otherwise, they’ll just become
another ‘to do’ list. Instead, create a ‘to achieve’ list.

16 17
Running a business takes energy so you need to that I can’t do it, I just don’t find it fulfilling.
make sure you have plenty of it especially This is the most important lesson I learnt, do
when you hit those bumps in the road that what gives you energy most of the time and

Running out
inevitably appear. Thinking of your business as a limit the time you spend on things that sap
journey is a useful way to remember that it’s not your energy.
all about the end destination, we also need the
right vehicle to get there and keep topping up the If you’re running a business, it’s easy to fall

of steam
tank with the right fuel. into the trap of doing all the things nobody
else wants to do, especially if you’re good at
I joined our family retail business straight from them. Taking time to think about the role you
school, I had spent most of my school holiday
are creating for yourself in your business and
working in the business and really enjoyed it. I
having a vision of what that looks like will help
enjoyed school and was tempted to stay on to
to prevent ending up in a place you don’t want
take A levels but my father had other ideas, the
to be.
business was growing and he needed my help.

“If you’re running

I soon realised that working full time in the
business was a lot different to a few hours during
the school holidays, I decided to step up and take
some responsibility. The first thing I decide to
put my stamp on was the fresh produce section,
a business, it’s easy
buying the right products, displaying and pricing
to maximise sales.
to fall into the trap
Retail is detail is what they say so getting the of doing all the
things nobody else
display right was important, using the different
colours to create a tempting display and then
seeing the result in sales was exhilarating. I
moved on to other departments in the store and
each time putting my creative side to use and
wants to do”
putting my own stamp on how things were done.
Mark Terrell
As time went by, I started to take on more
responsibility and eventually ended up in charge
of the day to day running of the store and
managing people became the biggest part of my
day. I’d had never had any formal training to
manage people so I led the only way I knew, by
supporting and encouraging.

When I look back on my energy levels at each

step in my journey I realise now where I get
my energy from and what takes energy from me.
Being creative and solving problems using new
ideas generally gives me energy especially when
it’s something that I regard as worthwhile and
that makes a difference.

What doesn’t give me energy is having

responsibility and managing people, it’s not

18 19
Many times, it’s the circumstances and our a person experiences a greater desire to
beliefs formed over time due to exposure to complete certain tasks or engage in regular
culture, religion, etc. that decide how we feel activities.
about our most significant events in life.
Mental health is directly related to how we feel
about certain things and how intensely we feel
about them. 4 - Recognising emotions in others
No feeling is useless or out of place. Every
emotion has its value and significance, the goal
is to understand and identify them so that they Social situations can be handled efficiently
can become constructive and manageable. when one understands what people are
thinking and feeling. It is important to have
Emotional Intelligence has these 5 elements: good social connections for great physical and
psychological well-being.

1 - Knowing one’s emotions

5 - Handling relationships


Self-awareness is the ability to evaluate our
own emotions and understand the impact they Relationships give us a sense of belonging and
can have on oneself. Through self-awareness can help us live healthier, happier, and longer
one can identify their own strengths and areas lives. They can nurture us through a sense of
to improve. This alone can provide somebody belonging and sense of purpose. An emotionally
with mental health issues to appreciate their intelligent person would be able to handle
current position. criticism without denial, blame, excuses, or
anxiety. One of the hallmarks of high emotional
intelligence is self-awareness. This means that
2 - Managing emotions a person with high EI would be open-minded,
good listeners and that they would apologise
when they’re wrong.
The ability to regulate emotion could be
mandatory for dealing with mental health. Our
emotions can vary throughout the day and
their very nature can show whether we can Research proves that people with a lower EI
control these emotions. When experiencing have higher risk of depression or anxiety. That
mental health challenges, it can be deemed is proportionate to someone understanding
that minor issues become major due to their own emotions and that of others,
inability to cope. Regulating emotion is not and have trained themselves to respond
easy and is something that should be practised appropriately, without getting annoyed or
consistently. Common strategies to regulate angry. Someone with a high EI would know how
emotion include setting goals, mindfulness, to lift their own or others’ spirits up in some
deep breathing, meditation, positive self-talk, complicated situations.
listening to music and reflective practice.
The best part is that EI is a skill that can be
learnt at any stage of life. This invaluable skill
should be taught in schools as core of the
3 - Motivating oneself curriculum so that mental health issues can be
minimised in children and adults.
Sam Dossa A persistent influx of motivation is a Until we get there, it’s a personal responsibility.
characteristic symptom of happiness. Also, Let’s start now!
happiness can be increased or prolonged when
And if not now, when?
20 21
22 23
While it is true that hope doesn’t In fact, the old adage of “hope for the best
solve anything without action, and plan for the worst” can keep you balanced
hope can have a massively and prepared by not blindly hoping, even if in
positive psychological effect that action, in considering and planning for other
keeps us going. eventualities.

It helps us manage stress and anxiety as it Just like when you go on holiday or have a
allows us to believe we can make a difference, break, you hope to have a great time and return
which makes us make a difference when home refreshed. Though you may be glad you
combined with action. planned for the worst by keeping a payment
card separate just in case you get your bags
At the beginning of any venture or change, stolen (ask me how I know about that!).
there is hope before there is proof. We come

up with a business idea that we hope will be Or maybe when you spread your investment
successful. We test the market in the hope they risk among a variety of opportunities.
are responsive. We invest in the future in the
hope that it will lead to a return of something Though I do live my family
better. motto of dum spiro spero, for
Same with your own health and fitness
while I breathe, I hope.
transformations, would you even bother if you Not as an eternal optimist, as a realist who
hoped not to achieve your goals? How would applies action and planning behind the hope.
that motivate you to try that little bit more,
push that boundary or try something new until This Christmas, take a moment to be thankful
you find what works for you? for the hope that carried you through the
start of each of your ventures and changes,
It would be a poor situation if we hoped for remembering that with that hope, you will stay
the worst. Can you imagine how demotivating motivated to continue to make a difference in
that would be? If you hoped for a rubbish day the future.
ahead, would you even get out of bed?

Though that doesn’t mean being “Pollyanna”

(an Americanism) about it, burying our heads Martin Sharp
in the sand and being overly optimistic is not
Do you get carried away with the commercial version of Christmas, or do you relate more to its good practice for life or business.
traditional messages?

The truthful answer is likely a bit of both, and there is nothing wrong with that. While it is easy
in the UK to take a break, indulge a little too much in the party and potentially exchange gifts as
a way to remember those who are important to you.

Yet one of the most powerful messages of Christmas is shared with Eid, Diwali, and other
celebrations, that being the message of hope. There is the possibility of something better,
something more significant, more splendid, that there will be a future, and it is worth it!

24 25
In the comparison image, on the left is 6th January,
on the right is 21st December. The difference is 19lb.
I went from a size 14 to a 12. Right before the pandemic,
I was at 9st4lb and wanted to be 9st.

Then the pandemic hit. My routine moved to home

working. A lot of my walking was lost. I worked out as

best I could in the living room, ran around the village,
walked around the village, biked around the village.
Then the wedding was cancelled.

What I learned on the journey was massive.

I understood how to get the best out of my body, what
I enjoyed eating, and saw a huge effect on my energy
levels. I was so very proud of my achievement. I praised
those around me who would help and support me. I did Lisa Cobble
It’s January 2019, I weigh almost 11 stones (at 5’1” that is overweight). My brother is due to get
it for that feeling, the one that was SO strong.
married on 1st August 2020. I have 20 months. I have never been slim, always seen myself as
overweight but love going to the gym before work.
My biggest takeaway - anything is possible when you try
I have a vision; a vision of being at the wedding, in a gorgeous outfit and feeling amazing. I can and don’t give up. It is your journey, your vision and your
hear people saying how great I look, and I know it is true. The vision is so strong that it fires me up. success; no one can do it for you. Own it, enjoy it and
I want it. I want the feeling it gives me. feel empowered for doing so.

My issue lay in my relationship with food and

alcohol. My vision changed all of that.

I got to work. I decided to take control over

what I consumed. I could say no, so I did. I
looked for quick fixes, hacks, anything that
could get me there fast. With 20 months to
work on my vision, I settled on ‘slow and steady
wins the race’.

I tested things; if I liked them and they worked,

they stayed. If they were too difficult or not for
me, they went. The effort started to pay off;
most weeks some weight would come off. I was
not super strict, but my vision was so intense
that it gave me an inner strength, the likes I
have never experienced before, and it made me

As the weeks went by, I would switch up the

training regime, try different things to keep
my body guessing. The overall routine was set,
and applying it became easy. I could feel the
difference in my body. The pride I felt in myself
far outweighed any want of something that
would destroy the good work.

26 27
Affirm your love this Christmas
What better time of year than the As humans we all experience love in our lives, whether it is a
festive period to affirm our love. For partner, a parent, our children, a friend, our pets. It is undeniably
many, Christmas is filled with love, joy, the best feeling in the world. So why do we shy away from loving
mulled wine and mince pies. When ourselves just as much as we love others. Loving yourself comes
we mention the word love though we from knowing your self worth.
think of our loved ones, our families,
children, friends, pets.. whatever it is in Self worth is the opinion we have about ourselves and the value
our lives that we love. The love I want to we place on ourselves. To me this is such an important tool in
touch on though is the most important loving yourself and without it, it just would not be sustainable. Now seems a great time to start, 6 simple things that we would not hesitate to tell
love of all, the one you wouldn’t’ think Knowing your self worth comes from our self beliefs. others if they needed to hear it.
of first and foremost. This kind of love
is one we cannot and should not be The belief that you are a good person who deserves good things
living without, we are all worthy of this and wholeheartedly believes you are worthy of love.
love. Self Love….
1. I deserve good things
If we cannot love ourselves, how can we expect others to love us? 2. I am worthy of love
You, yes, you, yourself, more than anybody in the entire universe 3. I accept myself unconditionally
deserves your love and affection.
4. I acknowledge my own self-worth
Affirmations might not be for everyone and they can take some
getting used to but they are a great way to affirm those beliefs
5. I release negative self talk
and set you on that road to self acceptance. They do not need to 6. I am enough
be read out loud but if you say positive things to yourself about
yourself it is guaranteed to make you feel better (the research is So this Christmas instead of just spreading the love to others, keep some of it for
there to back it up!). Remember to keep your thoughts positive yourself. Loving yourself is not about vanity, it is so important for our sanity. Make
too. It all begins and ends in our own mind. What we give power yourself a priority. Loving yourself is not selfish, it is self fulfilling and beautiful.
to, has power over us if we allow it. Self confidence, self love,
self belief, is a super power, once we start to believe in ourselves,
Joanne Taylor magic will start happening.
28 29
Stress or de-stress
Stress is one of the biggest culprits when it comes Maddison USA, led by Richard Davidson and his Alicja Son
to getting sick. Lifestyle health conditions such team of researchers, found that mindfulness and
as diabetes, cancer, heart disease are on top of meditation provides lasting positive changes in the
the ladder when it comes to statistics of ill health. brain and the immune system.
Stress, however, can be a complex issue that doesn’t
always have an easy solution, so we need to learn Another study from 2016, by David Black and
strategies to calm our body and mind. George Slavitch, reviewed 1600 participants and
showed daily mindfulness and medication have
Modern lifestyles and the complexity of our jobs, a positive impact on our ageing process, and Yoga is not only a great way
juggling the demands of work, home, relationships, appears to be associated with reductions in pro- to move the body, but it also
and pressures during the festive season impact inflammatory processes, increases in cell-mediated has some known benefits to
our coping ability to deal with stress. Our body defence parameters, and increased enzyme activity our immunity. Try the Cobra
takes that strain, but long-term exposure to stress that guards against cell ageing. They found the pose for three deep breaths to
is detrimental to immunity and other organs in immune cell telomerase responded positively; they stimulate the thymus for the
the body. We must take time for ourselves, build recorded higher telomeres activity, which indicates growth of T-cells. The legs up the
healthier routines, learn how to respond to stressful that the practice of medication and mindfulness wall position can also help the
situations, as exposure to long term chronic impacts positively on our biological ageing process body relax by encouraging blood
oxidative stress is detrimental to our health. Taking circulation, lymph drainage,
time for you is not selfish; it’s necessary so that you . relaxation and resetting the
can continue to positively support your family and nervous system.
Downward facing dog and the
So, what can we do? Become aware of how stress plank stimulate the four main
plays a detrimental or positive role in our life, when physiological systems: the
you notice imbalance, don’t wait; experiment see circulatory, digestive, nervous,
what works for you. It is fun to try new things. and endocrine systems. These
communicate and support the
Meditation, yoga and mindfulness, slow deep working of our immune system,
breathing are some of the tools. Mindfulness and helps to clear congestion and
practice is the ability to stay in the present moment, sinuses to drain.
learn to notice, feel sensations, get in tune with
your body. Give yourself a space to unwind,
relax, create movement in your
Less mental stress also means less physical stress life during this festive season
and gives more power to your immune system. and ultimately this will help your
A 2004 study at the University of Wisconsin, body and organs to stay healthy.

30 31
Through Eyes
Kim Lengling
of Wonder

Thirty years ago, in the early morning hours, I woke to a small face an inch from my own
with a whispered, “Mommy, are you awake?”

The dog jumps up on the bed and places his face alongside this small person and my face is
filled with toddler breath and dog breath. I smile.

Glancing at the clock on the nightstand, I see that it is 5:30 a.m. on Christmas morning. The
perfect reason for the up close and personal wake-up! With a hug for both the toddler and
the dog, I untangle myself from the blankets, climb out of bed and grab my robe.

Glancing back toward the bed, the toddler and dog sit side by side, eagerly awaiting
permission to go into the living room to see if Santa has come.

I make my way down the hall and into the living room. With excitement in my voice, I call for
my daughter to come and see what Santa had done.

I hear my daughter and the dog’s patter of feet come down the hall. My daughter’s small
face peeks around the corner, eyes wide with wonder and her mouth forming a perfect “oh”.
A moment later, the dog’s head peers around the corner. Two precious faces noticing that To me, those moments caught in time are a part of what the Christmas spirit is about; hope
Santa had indeed made a visit. and love and wonder. To watch your child gaze in awe and wonder at the Christmas tree.
Their excitement when they notice the filled stockings and gifts under the tree. You want
In that moment, I wished time could that feeling to always be with them.
stand still. I wanted that precious
moment ingrained in my memory so I know not all look forward to the holiday season. I know there are those who may not have
that I could bring it out in the years wonderful memories of Christmas’ past.
Many carry hurt, depression, loneliness, anxiety or loss. Those souls that dread the festive
As it happens, the years have passed season. Those who may have lost hope.
by so quickly. My daughter is now
in her 30’s and living her own life, Let’s do our part to share hope this holiday season and into the New Year. Take time to
and that precious dog has long phone someone who is alone. Stop by a neighbour’s house with a card or small gift. Mail
since crossed the rainbow bridge. Christmas cards so that someone receives a holiday greeting in their mailbox.
Christmas mornings are a far cry
from how they used to be. It is the small personal gestures that could mean the most to someone who feels alone or
lost during the holiday season. Let’s make sure people know that the world is a better place
with them in it. Let’s spread a message of hope and wish everyone a holiday filled with child-
like wonder.

32 33
Our 2022 Calendar Girls


In March we celebrated International Women's ANIKO HEVIZI ALY JONES

Day by publishing a whole list of inspirational
women and their stories. From that edition
was born this wonderful project of producing a
365-day Social Media Calendar. We thought it
would be great fun to also choose 12 women to
take part as Calendar Girls and choose a month
that suited them. Not happy with just having LAVINIA MILNER-GRAY
DR ARTHIE MOORE-ROBBERTS a calendar, we also wanted to offer one of the women who took part in the whole process an
opportunity to take away 50% of the calendar
sales (after costs) by submitting a business
proposal on what they would do with the money
should they be chosen!
We can now announce the lady who will be
taking home this package is Lavinia Milner-
Gray. We have quite a few entries and ALL were
worthy for different reasons but the whole
team agreed, Lavinia's proposal stood out SUSAN TOTMAN
and her reasons also stood out. We love self-
development and think it's a hugely important
process to grow as a person and in your business
and so Lavinia is planning on doing just that
CIARA HENEGHAN with the money by putting it towards a course to enhance her skills as a health professional so
she can pass this knowledge onto her clients to
improve their lives.
Girls 2021 and a massive well done to Lavinia
for your forward thinking, great presentation
and commitment to personal development.
To pre-order a copy of this fantastic calendar
which is packed full of value for your social
content, please pre-order at RITA PRESTON KIM LENGLING
34 35
Magical. Dreamy. I bear witness. All was calm, and all was bright,
indeed, a “Silent Night.”
My Christmas miracle occurred when I was
young. Grandma was still with us, so I was not I did not hear human words, but I
yet 20. heard love. I felt warmth. Mama
cleaned her babies, and they glowed
I was “Home for the Holidays” from university a soft hue, almost silver lavender
for home-cooked food, Christmas treats, (common with newborn Brown Swiss
candlelight church service, and time with cattle). The animals snuffled and
family. Slumber beckoned on December 24th. made sounds of peace.

No one dared approach the tinsel-covered pine There was no angst, simply comfort
tree the next morning until Dad returned from and joy. And so, we agreed to let
barn chores. We would wait while he savoured “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”
that first cup of coffee and then orange juice. (Mum, Brother, and Grandma) until
Looking back, he loved dawdling at that the dawn of Christmas day.
kitchen table, letting our anticipation inflate us
nearly to bursting. Dad had shared the greatest gift
with me that night. Suddenly, the
But I am getting ahead of the story. anticipation of presents under the tree
paled in comparison to witnessing
I awoke shortly after midnight and did my best a Christmas miracle. Dad was a
to avoid the creaky steps of the old, curved humble steward of God’s Word.
staircase. In the kitchen stood Dad.
We weren’t in Bethlehem that

Mother Cow had gone into labour earlier that wonderful night over 2,000 years ago
evening, so Dad wasn’t sleeping, just resting a when Christ was born, so I cannot
bit, then making repeated visits to the barn. attest to those facts. I do swear to
a calmness in our own stables one
Near the sink, he whispered, “Get your coat Christmas morn.

in the Barn
and c’mon.” Worried something was wrong,
I grabbed my coat as we headed down the Magic? Miracle? Faith?
basement stairs and out into the frosty air.
When one has faith, anything is
In the box stall was Mama Cow and not one, possible. Regardless of our faith, may
but two calves! Christmas twins! Mama Cow we each endeavor to share “Joy to the
was lowing softly, “Away in a Manger”. One World” this Christmas season!
Legends surround many holidays. Some stories are considered fact, others myth. soft lamp outside the stall area cast just enough
Throughout my almost six decades, I have read about animals talking on Christmas Eve. Have you glow so that Dad could see to make sure all
heard such tales? were healthy but not stress the new family.

It seems there are several such narratives of predominantly European origin, some magical, others
sombre. The essence remains constant: animals are granted speech for one night a year. As midnight
Christmas Eve approaches, they communicate in a common language.
Rita Preston
Have you beheld such phenomena?

36 37
eleven around our table
In an effort to save the evening, I see rosy cheeks and smiley faces
I start spinning them a story of now, and as the festivity draws
far away, long-forgotten lands, to a close, we start clearing up
cultures where people celebrate counting the plates.
their dead by inviting them to their
dinner table. Though doubtful, “Who would have thought we’d
the family starts playing along, manage eleven around our table
plates for Dad and M are set out, this year?”
and they instantly complain about
the absence of “pigs in blankets” As I turn off the lights, I swear I
and the beer being too cold. More can hear Dad “ Leave me that box
drinks are poured, and through of chocolates before you shut the
us they start telling their stories, door on your way out” giggling, I do

et me set the scene for you. There is only five of us, Mum, my soon my godmother and mum’s so.
We are in the Austrian Lake husband, my brother, his wife and childhood friend join too.
District, 2013, Christmas Eve. myself. We buried Dad less than two I sleep better than I have in weeks.
The last embers of light are painting months ago, and my stepson M, my As the atmosphere lifts, we
the stark mountain peaks in deep husbands beloved eldest son, had wander down memory lane; we The next morning I silently creep
orange and purple light; studded in passed away shortly before that. tell tales about our loved ones, outside, wrapped in my dad’s
between, like deep green jewels, lie Despite their misgivings, I managed there is laughter and many a tear, massive winter jacket, to watch the
beautiful ice-covered lakes. to convince the family that meeting two more plates are laid out for sunrise. To my surprise, I find my
here would be the right thing to do. our Bristol friends, who passed brother already there, crunching
Imagine as we zoom in, we find six months ago, oh how we miss through the snow. I quietly fall
a small country house nestled in Up to now, we have managed well, lit them; we quickly, before they start in with him, matching his long
amongst the snow-covered trees, the Christmas tree and exchanged moaning too, serve them their stride when he suddenly stops and
brightly lit windows and a smoke presents in good cheer, but now, favourite beetroot and cheddar on points. I catch my breath, there on
puffing chimney speak of Christmas gathered around the dining table, cocktail sticks. the snow-covered rose bush has
cheers; however, all is not well in our everybody seems to have lost their sprung a single deep red rose.
little kingdom. appetite. Nobody wants to mention
the elephant in the room. We feel
bereft, miserable, raw inside, missing
them. Stuck with our own thoughts,
awkward silence descends. I feel
doubtful now, “Surely Dad you would
have wanted us to meet here?”

Andrea Hochgatterer

38 39
Philip Horrod

Christmas Presence
hristmas is a special time, especially for children. Despite it still being night-time outside, For those children, Christmas can be a sad day. I was a child whose father was missing at
It’s a magical time, filled with laughter, joy and children everywhere can’t wait to get up, Christmas dinner can be a time of tears instead of Christmas. Who was missing at Christmas and
happiness. go downstairs and check which presents tinsel and crackers. And for those children, Christmas Easter and Birthdays. Who was missing as well
have their name written on them. Some present opening is just that bit less exciting. on those scary first days of the new school year.
A time of stories about Father Christmas, talking reindeer and written on tags, some written on the Missing because he was at sea, Captaining cargo
elves who make toys. wrapping paper itself. Wrapping paper Later in life, those children will understand why their ships across the oceans.
they’ll rip off in one go so that the dad was missing at Christmas, why they couldn’t be
It’s a time we remember the Nativity story and when school actual present can be got at as quickly as home on Christmas Day. Why they couldn’t be there But one Christmas he was there. One Christmas
children put plays on for parents. Like the Nativity in Love possible. to watch Home Alone again. Understanding that will he’d come home. He was there on Christmas
Actually. The one with a lobster in the crib scene! come later, but for now, it just hurts. morning and there at Christmas Dinner, carving
But there are some children who don’t the turkey and joking about Brussel sprouts. He
It’s a time when families get together and eat too much, drink wake up early. Who stay in bed for as So, despite Christmas being that special time for all, was there, and it was the best Christmas ever. The
too much and watch Home Alone, yet again! long as possible. Who see Christmas for some children, it’s also tinged with sadness about best Christmas present I’d ever had and have had
Day as just another reminder that their the father who’s missing. That real father they’d rather ever since.
It’s a time when children stay up late, hoping to glimpse Santa dad is missing. Missing because he’s be there than the chubby, jolly one with the big white
and wondering how he’s going to leave presents when their working away, keeping the family fed beard and the red and white suit. He was my Father Christmas, and his presence
house has no chimney. from a distance, in a job that’s not 9-5. meant more than any other present ever could.
A job like those in the forces, like those So how do I know about such children and how they
Then on Christmas morning, children wake up earlier than working in hospitals, or in one of those feel on Christmas Day? Happy Christmas!
they have done all year, desperate to know what’s underneath 24/7 jobs which keep the cogs of the
the tree for them, wondering if that one special toy will be world turning. Well, it’s quite simple, really - I was one.
there. The one that’s been in tv adverts since July. The one
scribbled on their Christmas list.

40 41
Giver, Taker,
or Receiver?
So, are these people Givers, or Takers?
Does the word ‘free’ really mean free?
Across the world right now, there will Naturally, the other topic many are thinking
Or does it actually mean, ‘I’ll give you a
be much talk of how Christmas can about is giving and receiving: ‘What do I buy
little, in order that I can take a lot’? It’s
be celebrated in 2021, conversations for dad?’ ‘How much should I spend on the
certainly worth thinking about, isn’t it?
around how many people can or should children?’ ‘What would I like myself’?’ And so
meet at any one time, what kind of public on. But it isn’t always easy to make the right
Which led me to wonder, ‘Am I destined to be always a Giver, and never a Taker?’ As I thought
celebrations should be permissible, and decisions around gifts at Christmas time. For
about this new question, I realised something afresh; I enjoy being a Giver, it is in my nature, it
so on. Of course, not everyone celebrates the vast majority of us, the biggest driver will
is at the heart of everything I do, but if I only ever give, I’m in danger of burning out before my
Christmas, but the same conversations be our desire to show love to those we hold
mission is done; maybe before my mission has hardly even started.
about meeting together and sharing family dear, but the messaging around us, playing
time will still be relevant. loud and clear across the media, doesn’t
So how do I change that? By listening to my heart, and appreciating that if I only ever give,
often truly represent that, and why would it?
I deny the fact that I am worthy to receive also; I deny the opportunity to others who want
After all, the glitzy adverts, Christmas music
to give to me. As 2021 draws to a close, I am learning – to give is deeply rewarding; to
in the background, images of families around
take, nowhere near so fulfilling, but to be open to receiving opens up a whole new world of
laden tables and so on are there for one
purpose only. Their function isn’t to ensure
our loved ones know how special they are;
no, it’s understandably, to make the big
brands their highest profits yet!

Which got me thinking about a question

that’s been running around my head for
some months now; in the world of coaching,
how do we know who is a Giver, and who
is a Taker? How many times do we see
programmes offering to ‘10X our income’, or
promising a ‘6-figure income in 90 days’, or
‘Painless Profits While We Sleep’? And how
many of us can honestly say we haven’t been
drawn into a free webinar, masterclass, or
5-day challenge by the promise we’ll learn
the secrets of how to create the business
we’ve dreamed of?

Angela Roth

42 43
Level 1 – Survival. Mainly young kids, it’s all about food, gifts, attention just
on them. Me, Me, Me!

Level 2 – Tribal. They want EVERYONE here at their house for Christmas
lunch, the whole family all together. The tree has gone up early, and there’s
mulled wine and mince pies on arrival. Will be wearing lucky pants to ensure
things go well. Tradition is important!

Level 3 – Egocentric. The Life and Soul of the party, organises games, but
has to be the ‘banker’ in Monopoly or the ‘spinner’ in Twister. The Centre of
Attention, dressed as Santa, got the best turkey and pigs in blankets. Is the
provider, but things have to be done NOW!

Level 4 – Moralistic. Things have to be right! You get presents ONLY if

you’ve been good – uses Elf on the Shelf and Santa Cam. Will go to Midnight
Mass. Christmas lunch must have all the trimmings, there’s a seating
hierarchy for the table, The Head of the Family will carve the turkey whilst
they’re in the kitchen preparing gravy and brandy sauce.

The Value of
Level 5 – Strategic. Wants the biggest and best presents, and really NEEDS
the latest phone/computer/tablet. Loves to receive cards but ‘forgets’
to send them. Will have the most colourful jumper, made by a top Italian

Fashion House. Will emphasise that it is essential you all bring an item of
food to the party.

Level 6 - Sociocentric. Will have meditated in the morning to prepare for

the day and done their affirmations. There will be a nut roast alternative to
Hurrah! Christmas again, break out the baubles and mince pies. turkey, and uses recycled wrapping paper tied with string, Save The Planet!
Gives the biggest hugs, loves everyone, and only wants love in return, not a
Harrumph! Bah, Humbug! present. They will get you a goat in Africa for your gift.

What’s surprising to some is that it’s our values that drive these feelings. Our values Level 7 – Integrative. Moves between all the above and is functional in order
play a massive part in how we see Christmas, and it’s not always our fault we feel the to be the most flexible. Looks for Harmony, a Win-Win for everyone, does a
way we do. There are many factors that can influence what we think about the festive bit of everything.

But can we change these things? Well, yes, we can! So, do you see yourself in any of the above?
Remember, this is just a bit of fun, have a go!
Firstly, we need to decide where we sit on the values levels. Dr Clare Graves, an
American Psychologist, studied people’s responses to their environment and
formulated his hypothesis on values based on this. He devised a ‘Spiral Dynamic’
model, where we travel up and down a DNA like a spiral, based around our own default
programming, our thinking and our current environment. . And yes, we can move from
level to level on a regular basis without even thinking about it. Mark Wood

44 45
The Message The Message

I am the wind that ruffles your hair

I am the rain that washes away your tears of despair
I am the sunshine that will keep you warm
And I watch over you to keep you from harm

I am the purest love that will never die

I am the moon that lights up the night sky
My body may be gone but my soul is now free
To be who and where I always wanted to be Elke Wallace
I am with you in your dreams at night
My soul will be with you to make sure you’re all right
I am not gone; I am with you wherever you are
And I shine down on you as the brightest star

I love you forever till the end of all time

No one will ever change that, you’ll forever be mine

© Elke Andrea Wallace – 31 December 2015

The Message is a poem I wrote at the end of 2015 following the death of a dear
friend and soul twin, not to be confused with a relationship or “friend with

It popped up as I was about to go to sleep; I had to get up again to write it down

immediately, as it felt like a message from “the other side”.

If you have lost loved ones, parents, siblings, children, relatives, this message
may be something they want you to know or something they may even have told
you in dreams or by other means. (I believe there are things we cannot explain
with science.)

May this poem give you comfort at times when you are missing those that have
moved on from their physical existence.

46 47
2021 A Year In Review
2022 Predictions

In the year 2022 we will certainly still

For me it has been a year What a difference a year can make. From I feel that this group is going to combine its
be riding the waves, which way the wave
of being kinder to myself, the crashing lows of the global pandemic services and experience even more so as a lot of
will break is uncertain however a rise in
recognising my value and to the changes and pivots propelling you coaches/therapists/guides/ counsellors bridge
consciousness will continue opposing life
continuing to build forwards. For me I’m loving spending the gap and could help reduce the demand of
negating negative influences, business
on my values. But more time at home with my family and NHS services for Mental Health.
will continue picking up particularly
unfortunately I haven’t being more productive for my clients as
when humanitarian and environmental
seen a change in the lack I do not travel as much. It is great to be I would encourage everybody here to really
aspects are the leading values.. keep
of respect and violence in able to continue working on my health, focus on what they do best and keep serving
riding the wave
the world which saddens though fantastic to see my start-up their purpose as for some you are the light of
me, as this year I have met health, fitness and lifestyle coaching take their lives.
- Andrea Hochgatterer
some such kind, wonderful off so that I can help others. I’d love to
individuals which is spend more time with friends, and I’m That daily inspiration or motivation you post
how it should be. sure this will come in the year ahead. can reach all corners of the world so keep being
I see 2022 being all about 'the little the difference to somebody’s life.
- Tracey Secker - Martin Sharp people' coming together and turning
away from large corporations in favour I see 2022 as a year of change for the best and
of small local businesses. We'll all be- many things coming in to harvest for those that
come even more climate change aware, have built the foundations of what they do.
and the younger generations will become
more vocal and more active in politics Happy to be a part of this group and know that
and the way the world is run." more positive things are going to manifest here.
This year started off like no other year because I became an author. My first
collaborative book came out a few days into the new year! It’s been a year packed - Laura Billingham - Adam Claxton
with awards, award nominations, magazine articles, virtual book launches, book
signings, billboards in both Times Square-NYC & Atlanta. No better way to end the
year then with my fourth collaborative book being released. Then I will start 2022 2022 will a year of immense technological and societal innovation. I believe there’s going to be an
with another new collaborative book coming out January 1st. Ironically, my birthday increase in economic and social inequality- temporarily. It’ll be a year where we become numb to
falls in the middle of the book releases which are a few weeks apart! pandemic control. There will be unrest across Europe; the unrest will lead to more stringent lockdown
restrictions. Inflation will be rampant- prices will continue to increase at record rates. We may even
- LeTysha Montgomery see fuel cost £2 a litre. Blockchain and cryptocurrency will shock the general public as it soars in
value and begins our transition to web 3.0. We will have a year of more extreme weather and climate
change activism will increase especially among younger generations. We are heading towards an
uncertain year, but through uncertainty- we have the opportunity to build a better future.

48 - Sobanan Narenthiran 49
Dedications First Christmas in Heaven

It doesn’t seem right

To celebrate without your light When I look at this photo, I don’t see ‘mum and dad’ - I
My Nan, my best friend & now Yet the earth still spins see two very young people (20 and 21) embarking on a
my guardian angel. Remembering And the moon beams bright life together. The expression say it all - a little nervous,
the happy times we shared and a little unsure. They’re both gone now - passed within
beautiful memories we made. Revealing all the stars 6 weeks of each other at the beginning of 2020, and
That fascinated you so they hadn’t been together for many years. I miss them
Joanne x Time moves forward, yet stands daily - their loss makes me ‘top of the family tree’, and
still that’s hard to grasp. Happy Christmas mum and dad,
With little reminders to let us know wherever you are, I wish you could both see your first
great grandchild - Kol.
That when we most need it
This is a dedication to my Laura xx
Catherine Ann Davidson You signal you are near
mummy Pauline Eugenie
Christmas won't be the same at all
Salmon who tragically
Christmastime is here again - Without your handsome smile, my
died on February the 9th I’d like to say thank you to my
remember how much we loved it dear
on the way to work after boyfriend, Garry Stringer, for being
so? I look up and see your face in
slipping on the ice. You my best friend, my adventure partner
each shining star; the memories All the hugs we can muster
were my first love and I in life, my rock when times get tough
are strong and I'm reminded of the Are sent Heaven's way
have never felt pain like and the person I want to laugh with
joy and kindness you shared with In our hope that you have
this before but I promise every day.
so many - people and critters alike. A joyous Christmas Day
to try and keep making
Missing you, beautiful lady.
you proud. Love you He is also my nerd, one of the most intelligent people
Merry Christmas Cathy. We love and miss you infinity and
always and forever xXx I know and often the most stupid, all rolled into one…..
more Bryan Lee William Totman.
but he is just perfect the way he is. Oh, and as you can
Love, Susie Love, Mammie
Sherell Salmon see from his picture, he is very unique! - Tracey Secker

50 51
Manifest The key to manifesting is the action that
you take and how you are going to get the
desired outcome. With 2022 approaching, we

a better
can already hear the New Year’s Resolutions
starting to make an entrance.

“I am going to lose weight”, “I am going to

give up alcohol for a month”, “I am going to

Manifesting is a word I’m sure you would
eat healthier.”
have heard of by now, and we all have our
views on the power of manifestation. Some
Why not start now by setting the foundations
would argue whether it works or not, but
so by the turn of the clock into next year,
let me tell you one key ingredient that is
or whenever you wish to start manifesting,
missing from those that manifest successfully
you are ready to go. Use the power of
and those that don’t.
manifestation to go after what you truly
desire in all areas of your life and create a
plan using this easy 6 step guide.
When you manifest and apply the
appropriate action required to fulfil what
you are manifesting, it will be yours.

When you plant a seed for something to 1. Write down and fix in your mind what you want
grow, you can leave it, sit, and hope that the
plant will eventually grow and turn out how 2. Determine what you will give in return for what you want
you wanted it to.
3. Set a date of when you wish to receive/achieve it
Or you can TAKE ACTION! 4. Create a plan of action of how you will get what it is that you desire
Water it, nurture it, check the condition of 5. Write out a clear statement of what you want, agree and sign
the surroundings that you are asking the
plant to grow in, give it the relevant time 6. Read your statement out loud twice a day
necessary for growth to take place and enjoy
the process. Then, when the time is right
and as if by magic, the plant will eventually
break through the ground and blossom into
its fullest potential.
As you read your statement, see, feel, and
imagine yourself already in possession or
Did you give up on the plant when you
achieving what you are setting out to do.
couldn’t see overnight success?
This principle of auto-suggestion will help to
influence your thoughts and actions to build
Did you have little faith that it would grow,
so you quit on it?
You can manifest anything you want in life,
Were you forcing a process to take place
but you will have to keep the faith, trust in
quicker than the time that it actually
divine timing and take the relevant action
that is required.
Ask yourself the same questions when it
Now, are you ready to start manifesting a
comes to the areas of your life that you wish
better you for 2022?
to manifest more of! Adam Claxton

52 53
Stage 4: Discovery

The sweltering heat beat down upon us as we
walked to the car. As we had left the city, it
also seemed we had left the road, which had
turned into nothing more than a dirt track.
Eventually, we pulled up outside a rustic,
crudely built building. Clambered out of the
car and headed into the building to a small,

scruffy, cramped room. My host told me that
this room would hold and sleep about 30 of
the Slum children of India.

The dirty floor was where the children were

seated waiting for us. Obviously, they know
my friend, the host. He introduced me to
Kevin Hill the children, and I told them interactive stories, getting them involved where I could.
Lunchtime zoomed up. A simple meal was
prepared. My friend and I went outside with
some of the other kids.

“Do you want lunch here or to go back

home?” he asked. I looked around. There

Stage 1: FUN Stage 2: Disillusioned

were more flies than rice. My stomach said
to me, “Go home”. However, my heart said,
“Stay and eat with the children”.

This stage, well and truly belongs to the The next stage is to become disillusioned. “Stay here and eat with the children”. I said
children and families. For most of those The stage most parents dread. I had come to my friend. So, we stayed, and I actually
that celebrate Christmas, it is a time of joy, to the conclusion that Santa Claus did not enjoyed the fly flavoured rice! We did a lot
laughter. It is full of decorations, gifts, games, exist. There was no blinding revelation; it just more teaching and activities with the kids.
food and maybe even some snow. happened. When I was 16, my mum died. My
dad had died when I was five years old.
My happiest memory was the time we lived
in a caravan in Wales. We didn’t have any
The “True and
money, so it was over the winter with the Perfect Gift “ is to
caravan park closed. We were the only ones
Stage 3: Searching
there. All the Christmas gifts had been
wrapped. Christmas Dinner was being cooked,
give to those who
and it had snowed quite heavily. We had
an unexpected visitor. A fully grown sheep I tried a number of Christmases with my cannot repay you in
decided it too wanted to come and share friend. One time he came back with a
Christmas Dinner with us, so it barged into massive, fresh, whole salmon, lobbed it at
me and said, “Here, cook this.” So that year
any way. This way,
the caravan. We chased the sheep in and out
of the different rooms and, after several hours we had salmon for Christmas Dinner, but
something was still missing.
you can give at any
of these antics and lots of laughter, we finally
managed to get the sheep out of the caravan. time to anyone.

54 55
Things began to change for me
the day I took up meditation. I
remember walking down the street
and seeing a sign in a window saying
meditation classes. I knew it was

what I needed, as my life at that
point had become chaotic both
inside my head and on the outside.
I would meet amazing people who
were leaders; they would talk on
stage about the incredible life they’d
created through their passions. But
I was scared of failure. I didn’t know
This is the story of a young man who decided to one day take control of his own life and that I had to embrace my failures to
become the best version of himself. succeed.

This is the story of someone who had to break out of his old habits and install new ones to I changed the people I spent time
reinvent himself. with and began hanging out with
people who were collaborators
This is the story of how I woke up one day and realised that I could truly create anything and leaders. What they were doing
I ever wanted from my passion. A couple of years ago, I was at a crossroads and turning excited me, and I knew this was
point in my life when I began the start of my journey of change to what I am today. where I wanted to be. I went from
someone who didn’t have enough
I had always been fascinated by entrepreneurs and people creating their dream self-belief to someone with a
businesses from their own passions. Travelling to my mate’s wedding in Italy, I had my newfound confidence in life, and I
head tucked into Richard Branson’s book ‘The Virgin Way’, getting to know and envision became a leader along the way.
how entrepreneurs worked. Until then, I felt like I hadn’t been in control of my life; as a
teen, I wasn’t the sort of person who would stand up, take charge and lead people. I was Many people played a part in
the person who would follow. I was the sort of person who would work for people all of my transformation, life coaches,
the time. It would never have occurred to me that I could take charge of my life and be in mentors who helped me step up,
control of my own destiny. even my agent. A brand coach got
me to step out of my comfort zone
by getting me to organise weekly
events. I am forever grateful for
having him around during this time,
as he was the one who helped me
create my academy.

Simon Gibbons When I look back, I realise what was holding me back wasn’t anyone
else; it was me. I had to get rid of a
massive mental block about what
people think of me; this had been
the obstacle, and I had to create
an enormous shift in my head to
release it and set me FREE.

56 57
If fate
Brenda Dempsey

I remember as a child watching the movie ‘Meet Time waits for no man, and soon my children
me in St. Louis’ starring my dad’s Hollywood had grown and were having families of their
favourite, Judy Garland. It was when she looked own. Life and Christmases were so special with
out of the window and began singing ‘Have four generations. I would count my blessings.
yourself a Merry Little Christmas’ that I paid Needless to say, outside of my family, there
full attention. As a young child, I did not fully were relatives and friends who sadly passed
understand all of the lyrics, but it was a song that I on and so on hearing ‘Have yourself a Merry
would hear over and over again each year. Little Christmas’ and that famous line, it did
bring a tear to my eye with a deeper and more
Years later and a mum with my own four children, poignant meaning.
I always played this song on Christmas day
as it made me feel love inside and of course, I It was not until Christmas 2004 that this
particularly focused on my dad. Flooded with emotional tune really hit home as my father
memories, a wonderful smile illuminated my face. had passed away earlier in April of that year.
As the song played, it crushed my soul as Judy
As I aged, the words and not just the music took Garland was my dad’s favourite female singer. I
on a deeper meaning. I often thought about what could not bear to listen to it.
it would be like without my parents. Naturally, I
could not even imagine such an event. I loved my The following year my mother passed away on
mum and dad so much, and Christmas was always June 8th 2005. I dreaded Christmas that year.
special, going to Mass then visiting them with my I was now an orphan. It doesn’t matter that I
children. was a forty-something woman with a grown
family and granddaughter, Christmas without
The line ‘if the fates allow’ always brought that my parents was unbearable, yet I hid this pain
tear to my eye, and I could barely sing that one from everyone.
line. My voice would break as the hollowness
inside was too painful to imagine. Over time, 2016 was a particularly tough year when
other stars began to sing this beautifully written listening to this famous song as my beloved
song by Hugh Martin and Ralf Blane. Of course, sister, Patricia died on Christmas day.
their renditions had the same effect…definitely
brought sadness yet a sense of gratitude as I still As we near Christmas 2021…I can now give
had my family all around me. This uplifted feeling thanks and celebrate their lives, but those
allowed me to enjoy the song, but that nagging words still echo in my mind… ‘if the fates
line forever played in my mind. allow’. Merry Christmas.

58 59
Tara Chatzakis

Just some of the ways we explain away the miracles that go on

around us every day. But what if there was no ‘luck’ involved?
What if you had created that ‘coincidence’?

There is something dictating the ways things work in the

universe called the Law of Attraction, and it’s been around for much longer than we have.

It’s responsible for how the flowers grow, the trees move, and the waters flow. It is also
responsible (in part) for how well your life and business go.

Every time you have a dream, you put that thought, and energy, out into the universe and the
wheels of manifestation are set in motion. If you continue to keep focusing on that dream,
We all have dreams. Dreams of making it big! Big business, big profits, but they can equal big more of that energy goes out, and the motion builds speed.
Add how you feel about your dream to the mix, and the energy in motion (emotion) starts to
It’s all about strategy and planning. As they say, ‘Fail to plan, you plan to fail’. orchestrate the people and places in your life ready for manifestation.

The problem is we start our businesses because we love what we do. We are super passionate Great news to know that we aren’t doing this alone, that the universe has our backs. However,
about our service or product. We want to put all our energy into our clients, not our social just as the dreams you focus on become your reality, so too do your nightmares if you allow
media status and marketing campaigns. them a premium place in your mind.

Yet as small business owners, we have to be able to attract clients and figuring it out can be Thankfully human beings are innately wired for success, so the dreams have a much stronger
overwhelming, but that’s a by-product of us trying to figure it all out ourselves. We feel like we energy than the nightmares. Meaning you don’t have to worry too much about worrying.
are doing it alone.
Planning is great for your business, but focusing on the outcome is just as necessary, if not
Good news though, we’re not. I’m here to let you know that you don’t need to have it all figured more so. And allowing the universe a little free rein, but not having it all figured out from the
out. You are not building your business alone. beginning makes dreams come true much faster.

You may have noticed there is something else working alongside us in this world. When it You play your part and let the universe take care of some of the ‘hows’, like bringing you the
shows up for us in a positive way, we call it: right clients. Living with Pronoia, rather than paranoia, and knowing you are supported
100% by energies much more powerful than you, can make your business journey more fun -
Luck Coincidence Serendipity Chance
Fluke as it should be!
60 61
Business Coaching
Business Coaching
Listening to Your Voice
Arah Perrett Consultancy
Karen J Burge - Business Coach
07828 028to559
Your Voice Arah Perrett
07944 Consultancy
478 348 Karen
07962 J275
115- Business Coach

Empowered Leadhership
Melitta Campbell, Business Coach
Karin Weiser

Empowered Leadhership Melitta Campbell, Business Coach Dare 2 Be Coaching
+41 79 304 6575
+45 2685 9778
Trusha Lakhani Action Coach Hayoka Consulting Aurora Wellness
Trusha Lakhani Action Coach CS Planners Academy of Entrepreneurial Excellence
07971 564 111
07834 694 838
07985 672 045
Annie Gibbins
Gibbins Kylie
CS Anderson Coaching
Planners Dare 2 Be Coaching Keri Ellen Tietjen
+ 61 4 1474 0741 905-906-9414
310 344 5184
Thrive 365 The Geek Coach
Thrive 365
Kylie Anderson Coaching Activate
AcademyYour Success
of Entrepreneurial by Philip Mallourides
07747 760015
Future You Business Coaching Dean Fox
07843 Coaching
092021 07192 908222
The Geek Coach
Future You Business Coaching Keri Ellen Tietjen

The Reluctant Leader Academy
07515 870305 07577 357256 + 65 0622 6114

Soulful Living with Andrea Lady Boss Royalty Mindset Coach
Soulful Living with Andrea Lady Boss Royalty Mindset Coach
400683136 07931 322 893 07032 313 061
Andrea Onadeko Relationship Coach Helen Pinkett Alison Lincoln
Andrea Onadeko Relationship Coach Helen Pinkett Sue Curr
07540 874 882
07958 749 966
Sue Curr
Bernadette Bruckner MojoOVP Coaching
Coach Parent Teen Coaching
Clarissa Kristjansson 07802
544 805
+46 7206 96 950 07891 084 093
Sofia Nordgren JL Coaching and Consultancy Finding
Parent Teen Excellence
Coaching with Jose Ucar
OVP Coaching
Mastering Your Monday 07886 735043
Shawna Snow Sense
07505 784of Direction
546 Tracy Lowry
1+302-981-1271 Brittany Parsons Coaching
JL Coaching and Consultancy
Bernadette Bruckner spiritual-visionary-session
Sofia Nordgren Well Be It
Habit Breaker
6801306752 0423 630 266 +26
7280 7458
Sofia Nordgren Sense of Direction
Anthony Frisina Andrea
Finding A Smith with Jose Ucar
Tonuva Coaching
07812 901366
+46 725 015 888
Mastering Your Mind Matters Tara Chatzakis Coaching
62 63
Coaching Ciara Heneghan Consulting
Exceed Coaching

Habit Breaker
+ 35 385
Ciara 878 7875
Heneghan Consulting
07984 528563
Exceed Coaching Charity and Social Enterprise
Walking Without Skin Your Reason to Breathe
Habit 488943 The Swap Shop The Luca Foundation Unique New Adventure
Walking Without Skin
Your Reason to Breathe
Propelled by Possibility
+278 2563 1959 07725 818898
Claxton Coaching Sevda Hussein Shumba Wileman
+ 905 447 4768 Julie McElroy
Sevda Hussein
Shumba Wileman
Andrea A Smith

07510 760910 07752 054430
Hearts Entwined
hello@andreaasmithg. Hearts
MbekeEntwined Eva Sekeres
Jacqueline Kent Coaching and Fitness Street Style Surgery

com Waseme
07967 151790 By George Pilates Primal Nature
Eva Sekeres 0115 727 0107 07956 665489
Shawna Snow Edmond Flanagan
Butterfly Creations Satwinder Sagoo Coaching
Mbeke Waseme Jacqueline Kent Coaching
stronger-together/ Sharp Fit For Life Anita Andor
Kevin Hill - Resilience Expert
31 65 203 6696
07400 881720
Jacob Lethbridge - 07956
Sam 753441
Mind and Body Coaching
Well Be It
Claxton Coaching Elaine Mitchell Fit-Ease 1Wishfit
WorkLife180 Jo Outram Financial Ftness Club
07557 470026 07769 311823
Anthony Frisina Tap Your Possible Monika Mateja
Butterfly Creations Universe Of Deliciousness Anna Goodwin Accountancy
Business Services
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Business Services
Hynotherapy and NLP

Stamp of Approval Rocket Station Nicola Matthews Limitless Transformation My NLP Works Oakes-Wilson Hypnotherapy
Changemaker Central Propelled By Possibility KI Leadership Institute
Peak District SEO
The Speaakers Index
Property Smiles
07956 887545 (905) 447-4768 72 439 4220 Oxford Spires Hypnotherapy Live Your Life Hypnotherapy
Virtual Business Pro Premier Property Solutions
3T G Kaur Consultancy
Trailblazer 360 Freedom
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Chris of Approval
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Quadrant Two Consulting
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Peak District SEO Rocket Station Property Smiles Jakenna Creative Design Thoughtful Innovations Laura Rose Creative
01629 707222 214-989-7937 07852 002105
Lifestyle Heidi McCurdy
Deearo Marketing The Visuals Adviser
Trailblazer 360
The Speaakers Index

Paterson Photographic Services
0800 6122 937 Elke Wallace ER Marketing Real Good Revival Sanctuary
London Performing Arts
Academy | www.londonper- Amanda Hall Photography
64 65
Aurea Reis Monika Mateja Visionary Heart

Gabrielle Anya Rafello com YBU Coaching Sherell Salmon
Origin of Energy Coaching The Old Fellah The Mineral Spa
Mind Body Alignment Mel Riley Counselling Finding Felicity
The Loss Connection Odelia Marvan
Jannette Barrett Rita Preston
At Home with Ayurveda

The Book Chief Bob Sanderson Gill Whitty-Collins
Kim Lengling Author Tecassia Publishing Little Red Typewriter
L&G Associates Caron Asgarali caronrasgarali78691029 Book Brilliance Publishing
Nicci Lou admin@bookbrilliancepublishing. com Debora Luzi Joanne Taylor
Mila Johansen info@deboraluzicoachingand

66 67
Christmas What are your
thoughts on the
a time to celebrate the
coming year?
people we love - read
See our readers
our dedications page
for 2022

shares her memories and special Leadership - is it what you do
moments of Christmas in Austria or who you are? Find out what
question you should be asking!



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