Cold-Pressed Groundnut Oil Benefits

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Cold-pressed organic groundnut oil

Oil is used extensively in day to day life of the people due to which there is an
increasing demand for different types of oils. Presently, the business of extracting oil
from the seeds is becoming popular in the country. India has a unique natural
condition for growing various oil crops, including mustard, soybean, cotton, peanut
and more.

Cold-pressed groundnut oil: In this method, groundnuts are crushed to force

out the oil. The significant cold-pressed groundnut oil benefit is more natural and less
processed. Hence, it is naturally healthier than refined groundnut oil. Plus, it will also
contain a richer and more authentic flavour. This low-heat process retains much of
the natural peanut flavor and more nutrients than refining does.
Cold-Pressed Groundnut Oil Benefits
It is Loaded With Antioxidants
Oil refining subjects the oil to extremely high temperatures. As a result, it damages all
the antioxidants naturally present in groundnut oil. On the other hand, cold-pressed
oils are processed at room temperature. Hence, it is loaded with antioxidants,
vitamins, and minerals. As a result, cold-pressed groundnut oil contains a high
concentration of vitamin E, oleic acid, and other nutrients. While Vitamin E
neutralises free radicals, fatty acids boost immune health. Therefore, cold-pressed
groundnut oil grants several benefits.
It Promotes Heart Health
Peanut oil is free from cholesterol, which makes it a healthy fat. It contains high levels
of HDL, which reduce the risk of developing heart-related conditions. Additionally,
the presence of plant-based sterols in the cold-pressed, organic groundnut oil helps
support heart health. Thus, cold-pressed groundnut oil helps with the regulation of
blood pressure and the resultant stress on your cardiovascular system.
It Boosts Skin Health
Apart from ingesting the oil, you can also apply cold-pressed groundnut oil topically
for boosting skin health. The high vitamin E content reverses skin conditions and
signs of ageing. The oil creates a skin barrier that locks in moisture and prevents skin
It May Improve Insulin Sensitivity
One of the lesser-known cold-pressed groundnut oil benefits is its ability to regulate
blood sugar levels. This characteristic is present due to the high concentration of
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in peanut oil. Your body slows down the
absorption of fat and secretes more insulin, both of which contribute to better blood
sugar management.

When choosing the peanut oil of your choice, opt for organic, cold-pressed groundnut
oil as it is the most chemical-free of them all.
Target audience
Cold-Press oil is benefitted to kids, seniors, and every member of your family.

Product Verification by Government of India

The oil can be sold in the market only after obtaining the license and certification by
the government of India. There are two types of licenses related to the food items
which are provided by the government of India and is required to be obtained. One
license is given by Bureau of Indian Standards and the other license is given
by FSSAI. Our product is being verified than government of India.

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