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Country Facility Name

United States Acadia Gas Plant

United States Ada Plant
United States Ajax Gas Plant
United States Allison Gas Plant
United States Altamont Gas Plant
United States Amber Gas Plant
United States Anschutz Ranch East
United States Antelope Hills Gas Plant
United States Antelope Hills Plant
United States Antelope Ridge
United States Antioch Gas Processing Plant
United States Arapahoe Plant (I and II)
United States Armstrong
United States Artesia
United States Atmore
United States Atoka Gas Processing Plant
United States Austin Creek Gas Plant
United States Austin Giddings
United States Aux Sable Liquid Products
United States Avinger
United States Azle Plant
United States Aztec Manistee
United States Badlands
United States Bairoil CO2 Plant
United States Baker Plant
United States Bakken
United States Barracuda Gas Plant
United States Baxter Compressor Station- Baxter Pass Co.
United States Bazor Ridge
United States Bear River
United States Bearkat
United States Beaver Creek
United States Beaver Creek Plant
United States Beaver Gas Processing
United States Belfield Gas Plant
United States Bellmon Plant
United States Belridge Gas Plant
United States Benedum
United States Benedum II Plant
United States Big Escambia Creek
United States Big Hole
United States Big Lake Gas Plant
United States Binger
United States Binger Operations L.L.C.
United States Bison Treating Facility
United States Blacks Fork Gas Plant
United States Bluestone
United States Boldman
United States Bone Springs Plant
United States Bossier Levee Board
United States Bradford Ranch
United States Brasada Plant
United States Bridgeport Plant
United States Bridwell River Ranch Gas Plant
United States Brookeland Gas Plant
United States Brundage Canyon Gas Plant
United States Buck Peak
United States Buckeye CO2 Plant
United States Burbank Plant
United States Burns Point Plant
United States Cadiz Plant
United States California-San Joaquin Basin Onshore CA10
United States Calumet
United States Cameron Meadows Gas Plant
United States Camrick Gas Plant
United States Cana Plant
United States Canadian Valley Gas Plant
United States Canute
United States Cargray Plant
United States Carlsbad Chaparral Gas Plant
United States Carmen
United States Carpinteria Gas Plant
United States Carter Creek Gas Plant
United States Cashion Plant
United States Casper Plant
United States Caspiana Gravel Point
United States Caspiana Plant
United States Castleberry
United States Cedar Hill Gas Plant
United States CGU Cordona Lake Plant
United States Chaco Gas Plant
United States Chaney Dell Gas Processing Plant
United States Chapel Hill Gas Plant
United States Chatom Plant
United States Cheney Plant
United States Chester Gas Processing Plant
United States Chico Plant
United States Chipeta Plant
United States Chipola Field Gas Plant
United States Chisholm Plant
United States Chitwood
United States Chunchula Gas Plant
United States Churchtown Compressor Station
United States Cimarron
United States CIPCO Supersystem
United States Clinton
United States Clyde Gasoline Plant
United States Coalgate Plant
United States Coalgate/Stonewall Gas Plant
United States Cobb
United States Concho Gas Plant
United States Conroe Plant
United States Copley Gas Plant
United States Corinne Dehy Refrigeration Station
United States Cornell-Mahoney Gas Plant
United States Cotton Valley Gas Plant
United States Cowtown/Corvette Plant
United States Cox City
United States Coyanosa
United States Crane Gas Plant
United States CRC Huntington Beach Gas Plant
United States Crescent
United States Crestwood West Coast North Coles Levee
United States Crossroads
United States Custer Plant
United States Cut Bank NGL Plant
United States Cutthroat B
United States Dagger Draw Gas Processing Plant
United States Deadwood
United States Delmita Gas Plant
United States Denton Gas Plant
United States Denver Unit CO2 Recovery Plant
United States Desoto Gas Plant
United States Dogwood Oaks Plant
United States Dollarhide Gas Plant
United States Dorcheat Gas Processing Plant
United States Douglas Plant
United States Dover-Hennessey Gas Plant
United States Dragon Trail
United States Driver Gas Processing Plant
United States Dry Creek Plant
United States Dry Trail
United States Dubach Gas Plant
United States Dubberly Plant
United States Duncan Gas Processing Plant
United States Eagle Chief Plant
United States Eagle Plant
United States East Texas
United States East Texas Gas Plant
United States East Vacuum Liquid Recovery Plant
United States East Vealmoor Plant
United States Eaton
United States Echo Springs Gas Plant
United States Edward Gas Plant
United States Egan JT
United States Elba Mini Plant
United States Electra Gas Plant
United States Elk Basin Gasoline Plant
United States Elk City Gas Plant
United States Ellwood Onshore Facility
United States Elm Grove Plant
United States Elm Grove Plant
United States Elmore City
United States Emigrant Trail Gas Plant
United States Empire Abo Gas Plant
United States Enbridge G&P (North Texas LP)
United States Eunice
United States Eunice Plant
United States Eunice Plant
United States Eustace Gas Plant
United States Fain Gas Plant
United States Fairway Gas Plant
United States Fall Rock
United States Farrar BOA
United States Fidelity Silvertip
United States Flag City Processing Partners, LLC
United States Formosa Hydrocarbons Company
United States Fort Beeler
United States Fort Union Medicine Bow Treating Facility
United States Foss Compressor Station
United States Fox Plant
United States Fraser 8
United States Ft. Lupton Plant
United States Fullerton
United States Garden Creek I
United States Garland Gas Plant
United States Gibson Plant
United States Gilcrest Gas Processing Plant
United States Gillis Gas Plant
United States Gilmore Gas Plant
United States Glenpool (Creek) Plant
United States Godley Gas Plant
United States Goforth Plant
United States Goldsmith
United States Goliad
United States Gomez Plant
United States Goose Lake Gas Plant
United States Gordo BWB Compressor & Process Plant
United States Gordon
United States Grand Cheniere Plant
United States Grand Gas Gathering Plant
United States Grand Valley Gas Plant
United States Granger Gas Plant
United States Gray County Plant
United States Grayson Gas Plant
United States Greeley Gas Plant
United States Greeley Plant
United States Gregory
United States Grey Badger
United States Grunder Run Plant
United States Gulf Plains Gas Plant
United States Hainesville Gas Plant
United States Halley
United States Hamlin
United States Hardeman Plant
United States Harley Dome Plant
United States Harrah Plant
United States Hartland 36 Processing Plant
United States Hastings Extraction Plant
United States Hatters Pond Gas Plant
United States Hawkins Gas Plant
United States Hay Canyon Treating Facility
United States Headlee
United States Hemphill Plant
United States Henderson
United States Hess Tioga Gas Plant LLC
United States Hickory Bend Plant
United States Hidetown Plant
United States High Plains Plant
United States Hilight Complex
United States Hiwannee CO2
United States Hobart Cryo Plant
United States Hobart Ranch Gas Plant
United States Hobbs Cryogenics Plant
United States Holden
United States Hopeton
United States Houston Central Plant
United States Houston Plant
United States HS&P Gas Plant
United States Huckabay
United States Huntsville Gas Plant
United States Hurricane Gas Processing Plant
United States Ignacio Gas Plant
United States Indian Basin Gas Plant
United States Indian Creek Gas Plant
United States Indian Mound
United States Indian Springs Gas Plant
United States Indian Village Plant
United States Inglewood Gas Plant #3
United States Irion County Plant
United States Ironhorse Gas Plant
United States Jackson
United States Jal #3 Plant
United States Jameson Plant
United States Jayhawk Gas Plant
United States Joaquin Plant
United States Kalkaska Gas Processing
United States Kane Plant
United States Kastler Dew Point Plant/UT
United States Kelton Gas Plant
United States Kenedy
United States Kenova
United States Kensington
United States Kermit
United States Kernridge
United States Keystone
United States Keystone Plant
United States Keystone Plant
United States King Ranch Gas Plant
United States Kingfisher
United States Kingman Gas Plant
United States Kripple Kreek Gas Plant
United States Krotz Springs Gas Plant
United States Kutz Gas Plant
United States La Gloria
United States La Veta Gas Plant
United States Ladder Creek
United States Lafayette
United States LaGrange Plant
United States Lake LaRose Gas Plant
United States Lancaster
United States Langley Processing Plant
United States Larose Processing Plant
United States Las Flores Canyon, POPCO
United States Las Flores Canyon, SGTP
United States Leedey Plant
United States Leesville
United States Lefors Plant
United States Lewis Run Plant
United States Lightburn Extraction Plant
United States Lignite Gas Plant
United States Lilli Plant
United States Linam Ranch
United States Lisbon Plant
United States Lisbon Plant
United States Little Knife Plant
United States Little Missouri Plant
United States Lone Camp
United States Longhorn Gas Plant
United States Longhorn Gas Plant
United States Longview Gas Plant
United States Longview Plant
United States Lost Cabin Gas Plant
United States Low Temperature Separation Plant No. 1
United States Low Temperature Separation Plant No. 2
United States Lowry Gas Plant
United States Lucerne
United States Lufkin Plant
United States Luling Gas Plant
United States Madill Gas Plant
United States Maljamar Gas Plant
United States Marion Gas Plant
United States Markham Gas Processing Plant
United States Markley Plant
United States MarkWest Majorsville Cryo Plant
United States Marmarth Plant
United States Matli Plant
United States Maysville Plant
United States McClure
United States McKamie Gas Plant
United States McKenzie Plant (aka Grasslands Plant)
United States Mckittrick 172
United States Mclean Plant
United States McMullen
United States Meeker Gas Plant
United States Mehan Gas Plant
United States Mentor Plant
United States Mercy Gas Plant
United States Mertzon Plant
United States Mewbourne
United States Midkiff
United States MidMar East
United States MidMar West
United States Milfay Plant
United States Minco Plant
United States Minden Beacon
United States Mobile Bay Processing
United States Mobley Plant
United States Mocane Station
United States Monitor 11
United States Monroeville Plant
United States Montebello Gas Plant
United States Monument Butte Plant
United States Monument Plant
United States Mooreland
United States Mount Pearl Gas Plant
United States Muldon Gas Storage Field
United States Mull Unit Sorrento Field
United States Murphy Gas Plant
United States Mustang
United States Nash
United States National Helium Plant
United States Natrium Extraction and Fractionation Plant
United States Neale
United States Neches Field Plant
United States Neptune Gas Plant
United States Nesson Plant
United States New Hope
United States Newcastle Complex
United States Nine Mile Gas Plant
United States Norse
United States North Beach Plant
United States North Douglas Plant
United States North Fayette Sweetening Plant
United States North Hobbs Plant
United States North Terrebonne Plant
United States Northridge Plant
United States O`Connor
United States Okarche
United States Old Ocean
United States Opal Gas Plant
United States Oregon Basin Gas Plant
United States Osage Gas Plant
United States Osage Hills Gas Plant
United States Osborne Plant
United States OSR-Halliday Unit LPG
United States Oxy Block31 Plant
United States Ozona
United States Ozona Gas Processing Plant
United States Paden Plant
United States Painter
United States Palo Duro Gas Processing Facility
United States Panhandle Superplant
United States Panther Creek Plant
United States Parachute Creek Gas Plant
United States Pascagoula Gas Processing Plant
United States Patrick Draw Gas Plant
United States Patterson II Plant
United States Pavillion Plant
United States Pecos Diamond
United States Pegasus
United States Pelican Plant
United States Penn Cryo Gas Plant
United States Perkins Plant
United States Phoenix Arrington Ranch Plant
United States Phosphoria Gasoline Plant
United States Piceance Creek
United States Piceance Creek Plant
United States Pineview Gas Plant
United States Pioneer Cryogenic Plant
United States Plain Dealing JT Plant
United States Plaquemine Plant
United States Plateau Creek Plant
United States Platte Valley Gas Plant
United States Platteville
United States Pleasant Valley
United States Premier DeBeque
United States Price Dew Point Plant/UT
United States Price Raptor Plant/UT
United States PSI Kaplan Plant
United States Ramsey Plant
United States Ranger Plant
United States Rawhide
United States Rawlins
United States Rebel Plant
United States Red Bluff Plant
United States Red Deer Plant
United States Red Hills Gas Processing Facility
United States Red Wing Creek Gas Plant II
United States Redtail Gas Plant
United States Reno
United States Reno Gas Plant
United States Rifle Gas Plant-Rifle Creek/CO
United States Ringwood
United States Riverdale Gas Plant
United States Roberts Ranch
United States Robin Hill Plant
United States Robinson Lake Gas Plant
United States Rocky Mount
United States Rocky Mount Gas Plant
United States Rodman
United States Roger Mills
United States Rogersville Cryogenic Plant
United States Roggen
United States Rose Valley
United States Rosebush Plant
United States Rosewood Plant
United States Rothermel Conditioning Plant
United States Roystone Plant
United States Sage Creek
United States Saint Jo Processing Plant
United States Sale Ranch Gas Plant
United States Salem Gas Plant
United States Salt Creek Processing Plant
United States Samson Benton Plant
United States San Juan Basin Gas Plant
United States San Juan Gas Plant
United States San Martin Plant
United States Sand Hills Gas Plant
United States Santa Clara Valley Gas Plant
United States Satanta Gas Plant
United States Schultz NGL Facility
United States Sea Robin Gas Processing Plant
United States Seminole Gas Processing Plant
United States Seneca Plant
United States Shackelford Plant
United States Shackelford Plant
United States Shamburger Lake Unit Pipeline
United States Sherman
United States Sherman 35
United States Sherwood Plant
United States Shilling Gas Plant
United States Shoebar Gas Processing Facility
United States Sholem Alechem
United States Shoup Gas Plant
United States Shute Creek Treating Facility
United States Signal Hill West Unit Gas Plant
United States Silo Gas Plant
United States Silver Creek Plant
United States Silver Oak Gas Processing Plant
United States Skull Creek Dew Point/CO
United States Slaughter Gasoline Plant
United States Slaughter Gasoline Plant (Mallet)
United States Sligo Processing Facility
United States Smokehouse
United States Snyder Gasoline Plant
United States Sonora Gas Plant
United States Sonora Plant
United States South Canadian
United States South Carlsbad Dew Point Plant
United States South Coles Levee Gas Plant
United States Southern Dome Plant
United States Southwest Ozona
United States Spearman Plant
United States Spindle
United States Spivey
United States Spraberry
United States Spring Creek
United States Spring Valley Gas Plant
United States St. Regis Treatment Facility and Jay Gas Plant
United States Stagecoach Gas Plant
United States Stateline I
United States Stearns Gas Plant
United States Stephens Plant
United States Sterling Plant
United States Stingray Gas Plant
United States Stockman Plant
United States Sugarloaf Plant
United States Sunray Gas Plant
United States Sutton Sonora Plant
United States Sweetwater Creek Plant
United States Sweetwater Plant
United States Table Rock Gas Plant
United States Tecumseh Gas Plant
United States Terrace Gas Plant
United States Texas City Processing Plant
United States Thomas
United States Thompsonville Gas Plant
United States Three Rivers
United States Tilden
United States Timberland Gathering & Processing Company, Inc.
United States Tippett
United States Toca Gas Plant
United States Tolar Plant/Black Diamond
United States Townsend Gas Plant
United States Tract 75 Gas Plant
United States Trinidad
United States Tupelo Gas Processing Plant
United States Tyler Gas Plant
United States Van Plant
United States Velma Gas Processing Plant
United States Venice Gas Plant
United States Ventura Gas Plant 7
United States Vermillion Gas Plant
United States Versado Gas Processors, LLC - Saunders Plant
United States Vivian Gas Processing Plant
United States Waha Plant
United States Waskom Gas Processing
United States Wasson ODC Unit CO2 Removal Plant
United States Watford City
United States Wattenberg Gas Plant
United States Waynoka Gas Processing Plant
United States Weatherford
United States West Branch Gas Plant
United States West Union Gas Plant
United States Wetumka
United States Wheeler
United States Wheeler
United States Whitetail Plant
United States Wiggins Gas Processing Plant
United States Wilcox Gas Plant
United States Wildcat Caddo Plant
United States Wildfork
United States Willard CO2 Recovery Plant
United States Williams Mobile Bay Processing Plant
United States Willow Creek
United States Wilson Creek Gas Processing Plant
United States Womack Hill Gas Plant
United States Woodall Plant
United States Woodsboro Plant
United States Woodward Gas Plant
United States Worland
United States Worland Plant
United States Worsham-Steed Cryogenic Gas Plant
United States WPMT NGL
United States Yates Gas Plant
United States Yellowhammer Gas Plant
United States Yenter Gas Plant
United States Yoakum Gas Processing Plant
United States YU Bench
United States Zybach
Canada Elmworth
Canada Encana Resthaven
Canada Elmworth
Canada Gas Processing Plant
Canada Encana Resthaven
Canada Dawson Creek
Canada Fort Nelson
Canada North Portal
Canada Nottingham
Canada Weyburn NGL Recovery Plant
Canada Shaunavon
Canada Penn West Loverna 2
Canada Kerrobert
Canada North Dodsland
Canada Penn West - North Dodsland Plant
Canada Shaunavon
Canada Smiley
Canada Gas Processing Plant
Canada Amoco Empress
Canada Cochrane Extraction Plant
Canada Petro-Can Empress
Canada PanCdn Empress
Canada ATCO Midstream Empress (3)
Canada Cross Alta
Canada Semcams Kaybob South #3
Canada ATCO Carbon
Canada Husky Strachan
Canada Iberdrola
Canada Solex Harmattan-Elkto
Canada Saturn
Canada Petro-Can Hanlan
Canada Keyera Homeglen-Rimbey
Canada Hamburg
Canada Semcams Kaybob Amalgamated
Canada Amoco Ellerslie
Canada Shell Caroline
Canada Talisman Edson
Canada Wascana Crossfield
Canada Keyera Simonette
Canada Wapiti
Canada Musreau
Canada Shell Waterton
Canada Para
Canada Keyera Strachan
Canada Shell Jumping Pound
Canada AEC Saddle Hills
Canada Joffre Ethane Extraction Plant
Canada Dunvegan
Canada Husky Rainbow
Canada Keyera Ricinus
Canada Musreau II
Canada Keyera Brazeau East
Canada Trilogy Kaybob
Canada Blaze Brazeau River
Canada Primewest Crossfield East
Canada Veresen Hythe
Canada Pengrowth Judy Creek
Canada Kaybob
Canada Berland Sweet Plant
Canada Wild River
Canada Keyera Minnehik-Buck Lake
Canada Keyera Nevis
Canada Narraway
Canada Wild River
Canada Keyera West Pembina
Canada Progress
Canada Border Midstream Mazeppa
Canada Peyto Oldman
Canada Shell Burnt Timber
Canada Crestar Wembley
Canada Bellatrix
Canada D Energy Wildcat Hills
Canada Gold Creek
Canada Banshee
Canada Karr
Canada Peyto Nosehill
Canada Open Range Ansell
Canada Petro-Can Ferrier
Canada Berland River West
Canada Cutbank
Canada Conoco Ghost Pine
Canada Galloway
Canada Clear Hills Bndylks
Canada Duvernay
Canada Spectra Gordondale East
Canada Devon Savanna Creek
Canada Talisman Wild River
Canada Fourth Creek
Canada Peyto Oldman North
Canada Petro-Can Ricinus
Canada Leland Sweetening
Canada Pengrowth Quirk Creek
Canada Suncor Rosevear Plant
Canada Chinchaga
Canada Keyera Paddle River
Canada Talisman Bigstone West (Fir)
Canada Keyera Bigoray Plant
Canada Burlington Sand Creek
Canada Garrington Olds
Canada Keyera Nordegg River
Canada Alder
Canada Kelt Copton
Canada Keyera Cynthia
Canada ECA Kaybob
Canada Beau Gilby
Canada Keyera Gilby Plant
Canada Knopcik
Canada Semcams West Whitecourt (Windfall)
Canada Duvernay Sundance
Canada Viking-Kinsella
Canada Ocelot Sylvan Lake
Canada Josephine
Canada Crestar Sinclair
Canada Conoco Peco
Canada Wolf South
Canada PanCdn Hussar
Canada Petro-Can Whitecourt
Canada Jupiter Kakwa
Canada 7G Lator
Canada Peyto Brazeau Gas
Canada Spectra Pouce Coupe
Canada 981405 Doris
Canada Amoco Willesden Green
Canada Chevron Mitsue
Canada Edson West
Canada Fairborne Marlboro Sweet
Canada Galloway Gasplant
Canada PanCdn Countess
Canada Sandhills
Canada Ansell
Canada Anderson
Canada Exshaw
Canada Penn West Pembina
Canada PanCdn Countess
Canada Peyto Wildhay
Canada Sturgeon Lake
Canada Cecil North
Canada PanCdn Wayne-Rosedale
Canada ATCO Campbell-Namao
Canada Vulcan
Canada Teepee
Canada PanCdn Bassano
Canada Hays Sour
Canada Apache Provost
Canada Petro-Can Gilby
Canada Paramount Bistcho Lake
Canada Provost
Canada Cessford
Canada LRE Edson
Canada Bilbo
Canada Musreau
Canada Tourmaline Hinton
Canada Mosaic Jayar
Canada Apache Provost
Canada Keyera Braz North Plt
Canada PanCdn Wintering Hills
Canada Marten Creek
Canada Perpetual Wolf
Canada Boundary Lake S
Canada Cascade Caroline
Canada Crestar Niton
Canada Gulf Steen River
Canada Marathon Kakwa
Canada APL Niton
Canada PanCdn Cavalier
Canada Keyera Pembina
Canada AltaGas Mosquito Creek
Canada PanCdn Wayne-Rosedale
Canada Progress
Canada Waskahigan
Canada Liege
Canada Talisman Mcleod River Plant
Canada Husky Hussar
Canada D Energy Carrot Creek
Canada Pengrowth Carson Creek
Canada ACL NGL LPt Refridge Plant
Canada Smoky
Canada ATCO Atim
Canada Devon Wimborne
Canada Midwest Leduc-Woodbend
Canada AltaGas Rainbow Lake
Canada Donnelly
Canada AltaGas Parkland
Canada Peyto Kakwa Sweet Gas
Canada Granum
Canada Wayne-Rosedale
Canada Red Land South
Canada ATCO Fort Saskatchewan
Canada Trilogy Two Creek
Canada PanCdn Alderson
Canada Stellarton Edson
Canada Sunnynook
Canada Willow
Canada AltaGas Services Pembina
Canada PanCdn Ferrybank Plant
Canada Big Bend
Canada Energy Processors Windfall
Canada Velvet Edson
Canada Petro-Can Wilson Creek
Canada Cascade Valhalla
Canada Chevron Acheson
Canada Signalta Forestburg
Canada La Glace
Canada PCR Bantry North
Canada Apache Cecilia Plant
Canada Alderson
Canada Apache Willesden Green
Canada Hamburg North
Canada Bonavista Tees
Canada Husky Ansell
Canada Husky Goodlow
Canada Northstar Cyn-Pem
Canada Apache Nevis
Canada Pembina Blue Rapids
Canada 981405 Thunder
Canada AltaGas Chigwell
Canada AltaGas Esther
Canada AltaGas Prevo
Canada BP Canada Callum Creek
Canada CDN 88 Twining
Canada Kaybob
Canada Tarragon Eyremore
Canada Connorsville
Canada Crestar Huxley
Canada Husky Bivouac
Canada Pembina
Canada Renaissance Sylvan Lake-21
Canada AEC Mcleod
Canada Apache Provost
Canada Kakut
Canada Apache NGL Lonepine West
Canada Chinchaga
Canada PanCdn Verger
Canada APF Energy Countess
Canada Keyspan Worsley
Canada Apache Provost
Canada Talisman Shane
Canada Husky Deny Kiskiu Smoky River
Canada Duvernay Oldman
Canada Lightstream Jumpbush
Canada Coyote
Canada Ferrier
Canada Rider Pembina A
Canada Vernon Lake
Canada Husky Boyer Haig River Steen
Canada Mitsue
Canada Ansell
Canada Willesden Green
Canada Nipisi
Canada Ferrier West
Canada Probe Leduc Gas Processing Facility
Canada Shinning Bank
Canada Eaglesham
Canada West Culp
Canada Corbet
Canada Highvale
Canada Nal Sturgeon Lake
Canada Kettle River
Canada Summit Craigmyle
Canada Vermilion Carrot Creek
Canada Sturgeon Lake South
Canada Husky Delia
Canada Conoco Hotchkiss
Canada Pengrowth Mcleod
Canada Cowpar
Canada PCP Countess
Canada Archer Bruce
Canada Husky Galahad
Canada Three Hills Creek
Canada Imperial Ferrier
Canada Samson Rainbow
Canada Conoco Westlock
Canada Puskwaskau
Canada Berland River
Canada Highpine Joffre
Canada Spartan Oil Pembina
Canada Crooked Lake
Canada Cypress Thorsby
Canada Husky Drumheller C
Canada Talisman Med Lodge
Canada D Energy Watelet
Canada Little Chicago
Canada Thunder Manola
Canada Orlen Lochend
Canada Bigstone
Canada Prairie River
Canada AltaGas Princess
Canada Dunvegan
Canada Normandville N
Canada 981384 Wimborne
Canada Burlington Resthaven
Canada Gadsby
Canada PanCdn Entice
Canada Petro-Can Bezanson
Canada Sun Century Bittern Lake
Canada AEC Suffeild A2 Solution Facility
Canada Tony Creek
Canada Harvest Gilby
Canada Husky Galloway Sundance
Canada Stettler
Canada Amoco East Garrington
Canada Apache Garrington
Canada Husky Rumsey
Canada Marathon Strachan
Canada Tarragon Ghost Pine
Canada Tarragon Swalwell
Canada Ferrier
Canada PanCdn Provost
Canada SWR Windfall
Canada Cabre Joarcam
Canada Calling Lake S
Canada Crestar Little Bow
Canada 981405 Wedge
Canada ACL Granum T
Canada Majorville
Canada Hanna
Canada New Cache Doris
Canada Penn West Tomahawk
Canada Talisman George
Canada Tarragon Queenstown
Canada New Cache Doris
Canada AltaGas Hobbema
Canada Meyer
Canada ACL NGL Stewart Plant
Canada Trilogy Clover Plant #2
Canada Wintering Hills West
Canada Rycroft
Canada Sylvan Lake
Canada Amoco Pembina (Sub #2)
Canada Pennwest Esther
Canada Rife Ferintosh
Canada Botha
Canada Pengrowth Brent
Canada Suncor Pine Creek Plant
Canada Semcams ULC West Fox Creek
Canada Adanac Tomahawk
Canada Husky Elnora
Canada Ante Creek
Canada Border Midstream Gladys
Canada Clear Prairie
Canada Encana Rosebud
Canada Gulf Med River
Canada Kaiser Negus
Canada Lookout Butte
Canada Montgomery
Canada Integra Manaska
Canada Ferintosh
Canada Apache Zama
Canada Med Lodge
Canada Midcoast Provost
Canada Ketch Worsley
Canada Coastal Sounding
Canada Taurus Consort
Canada Apache Nevis
Canada Cenovus Lake Newell
Canada Marathon Battle Cr Twining
Canada Leedale
Canada PanCdn Strathmore
Canada Husky Wayne-Rosedale
Canada Valhalla
Canada Ketch Tangent
Canada Crestar Jenner
Canada Hoole South
Canada Kakut Sweet
Canada Surge Hotchkiss
Canada Penn West Vista Creek
Canada Queenstown
Canada Sedalia
Canada Northrock Carrot Creek
Canada Sullivan Lake
Canada Clear Hills
Canada Ante Creek
Canada Newport Worsley
Canada Husky Stewart Lake
Canada Renaissance Blood North
Canada Star Pouce Coupe
Canada Marathon Shouldice
Canada Valhalla
Canada PanCdn Countess
Canada Amoco Pembina (Sub #7)
Canada Sunnynook
Canada Thunder Lake
Canada Pengrowth Flowing Energy Monitor
Canada Apache Provost
Canada Vermillion Mikwan
Canada Burlington Killam North
Canada Crestar Leaman
Canada Cypress Farrow
Canada D Energy Benton
Canada Drumheller
Canada BNP Whitecourt
Canada Cessford
Canada Carvel
Canada Puskwa
Canada Real Resources West Provost
Canada ATCO Widewater
Canada Magin Three Hills Creek
Canada Conoco Joarvie
Canada Smith West
Canada AltaGas Kirkpatrick Lake
Canada Markwest Bantry Plant
Canada Edson
Canada Amoco Pembina (Sub #8)
Canada Watts East
Canada Journey Herronton
Canada Stanmore
Canada Anderson Willesden Refrig Plant
Canada Stellarton Rowley
Canada Atlee-Buffalo
Canada Bashaw
Canada D Energy Craigmyle Michi
Canada NRK Brewster
Canada Trilogy Deep Valley
Canada Marten Hills
Canada Brantfarrow
Canada Vermilion Pembina
Canada Argosy Claresholm
Canada Energy Processors Mikwan
Canada Hadrian Berry
Canada Husky Jarvie
Canada Joffre
Canada Mobil Pembina
Canada Pembina-Sunnybr
Canada Pennwest Lennard
Canada Worsley
Canada Garden Plains
Canada Burlington Norris (Mundare)
Canada Conoco Majeau Lake
Canada Ember Kelsey
Canada Husky Overchem Mitsue
Canada Husky Wayne-Rosedale
Canada Killam
Canada Rich
Canada Tarragon Twining North
Canada Belair Penhold
Canada Win Cowley Plant
Canada D Energy Woodriver
Canada Heathdale Stanmore
Canada Trilogy Smoky River Gpl
Canada CDN Conquest Vega
Canada Husky Davey Lake
Canada Cessford
Canada ACL NGL L.P. South Plant
Canada Cecil
Canada Ferrier
Canada Hadrian Highvale
Canada Apache Virginia Hill
Canada Crooked Creek
Canada Energy Processors Pembina
Canada Ghost Pine
Canada Michichi
Canada Penn West Bigoray
Canada Westlock
Canada Opal Gilby
Canada Dryden Creek
Canada Garden Plains
Canada Pembina
Canada Bonavista Kipp
Canada Land Ferrybank
Canada Tri Seven Judy Creek
Canada Provident Craigmyle
Canada Chinchaga
Canada AcClaim Castor
Canada Devon Clover Plant #1
Canada PanCdn Halkirk
Canada Penn West Pembina
Canada ATCO Carbon South
Canada Westlock
Canada Glencoe Chigwell
Canada Celsius Whitecourt
Canada Pembina
Canada Penn West Crystal
Canada Inception Plant
Canada Baytex Wimborne
Canada Star Mikwan
Canada Crestar Med River
Canada Enermark Chigwell
Canada Penn West Compeer
Canada Basset Lake
Canada Shiningbank Berrymoor Pembina
Canada D Energy Bashaw
Canada CDN Forest Penhold
Canada Enermark Bashaw
Canada Craigmyle
Canada Haro #1
Canada Archean Bellshill
Canada Bonavista Cherhill
Canada Kaybob S.
Canada Link
Canada Newport Eyremore
Canada Calcrude Cherhill
Canada Northrock Deanne
Canada Apache Swan Hills
Canada Bearspaw East Drumheller
Canada Bonavista Cessford
Canada Bonavista Spirit River
Canada Cenovus Alderson
Canada Corbett
Canada Pennwest Pembina (Sub #1)
Canada Archer Killam
Canada Darwin
Canada Shiningbank Niton
Canada Twin Butte Viking
Canada Greencourt
Canada Kelt Boundary Lake South
Canada Husky Steele Bolloque
Canada Blackpearl Mooney
Canada Altana Black Butte
Canada Apache Leahurst
Canada Burlington Garrington
Canada Compton Halkirk
Canada Haro #4
Canada NCE Petrofund Provost
Canada Sedalia
Canada Sun Century Fenn West
Canada Penn West Willesden Green
Canada Poco Pembina
Canada APF Sakwatamau
Canada Ramparts
Canada PanCdn Wayne-Rosedale
Canada AltaGas Acadia West
Canada Endev Eyemore
Canada Shaman Fenn Big Valley
Canada Husky ABgp
Canada Eog Halkirk
Canada Invasion Bison Lake
Canada Norcen Provost
Canada Pengrowth Draig Hanna
Canada St Albert
Canada BEI Chip Lake
Canada Imperial Redwater
Canada Corse Huxley
Canada Defiant Energy Sunset Plant
Canada Enermark Hackett
Canada Husky Cessford
Canada Penn West Provost
Canada Bonavista Rycroft Sys
Canada Encana Verger
Canada Bonavista Chinchaga
Canada Spartan Alexander
Canada Encal Sylvan LK
Canada Enermark Wildmere
Canada Argonauts Thorsby
Canada AAV Joffre
Canada Journey Pembina Berrymoor
Canada Rainbow (Sousa)
Canada Pennwest Sousa
Canada Keywest Wayne-Rosedale
Canada Tarragon Ghost Pine
Canada Glencoe Chigwell
Canada Husky Armstrong Rochester
Canada Apache Canada Provost
Canada Dawson
Canada Baytex Twining
Canada Pennwest Sawn Lake
Canada Peyto Cutbank
Canada Success Berry
Canada Phoenix
Canada Archer Viking
Canada AEC Hill
Canada Pennwest Haro
Canada Pengrowth Nipisi
Canada Advantage Hill
Canada PanCdn Badger
Canada Husky Garrington
Canada Harvest Et Al Evi
Canada AltaGas Del Bonita
Canada Battle
Canada Harvest Suff Refridge Plant
Canada Mirage
Canada Westrock Pouce Coupe South
Canada Husky Bow Island
Canada Blackspur SF Lake
Canada Jaycor Hercules
Canada Opal Redwater
Canada Talisman Benson Pembina
Canada Haro #3
Canada Pennwest Countess
Canada Star Swan Hills
Canada Vermillion Gilby
Canada Alderson
Canada Provident Cessford
Canada Sounding Lake
Canada Pengrowth Mkwan
Canada Surge Willesden Gr
Canada Bonavista Manyberries
Canada Bindloss North
Canada Bindloss South
Canada Nipisi
Canada Celtic Utikuma
Canada Westcoast Clarkelake
Canada E C Cabin
Canada AltaGas Holdings Fortstjohn
Canada Westcoast Fortstjohnse
Canada Westcoast Commotion
Canada ECA Sunrise
Canada Aitken CGS Aitkencreek
Canada SEMC Sunrise
Canada Fort Nelson North
Canada Murphy Tuppercreek
Canada ECA Towerlake
Canada Shell Saturn
Canada Veresen Cutbank
Canada Shell Groundbirch
Canada Progress Caribou
Canada Progress Lilylake
Canada Progress Town
Canada Progress Farrellcreekwest
Canada Apache Komie
Canada Copol Noel
Canada CNRL Septimus
Canada ARCRes Parkland
Canada Shell Groundbirch
Canada Penn West Helmet
Canada ARCRes Sunrise
Canada Crew Wilder
Canada Tourmaline Doe
Canada CNRL Ladyfern
Canada SEMC Aitkencreek
Canada Copol Ring
Canada Westcoast Sikanni
Canada Buckinghorse
Canada Progress Altares
Canada Tourmaline Sunrise
Canada SEMC Peggopesh
Canada Endurance Sierra
Canada Aitkencreek
Canada AltaGas Town
Canada SEMC Jedney
Canada Black Swan Aitkencreeknorth
Canada Canbriam Altares
Canada Aux Sable Septimus
Canada CNRL Ladyfern
Canada TAQA North Chinchagariver
Canada Direct Boundarylake
Canada CNRL Cypress
Canada CNRL Kahntahriver
Canada Chinook Martin
Canada Terra Pintail
Canada Pengrowth Groundbirch
Canada UGRBC Blair
Canada Kanata Daiber
Canada Ecog Maxhamishlake
Canada GSENR Maxhamishlake
Canada Leucrotta Doe
Canada Direct Boundarylake
Canada Shell Brassey
Canada Direct Parkland
Canada Shell Sunsetprairie
Canada Whitecap Boundarylake
Canada Pacific Grizzlynorth
Canada Harvest Shekilie
Canada Shell Sundown
Canada Copol Ring
Canada Shell Monias
Canada Whitecap Boundarylake
Canada Harvest Hayriver
Canada CE Farrell Creek
Canada CSRI Farrellcreek(Seekobes)
Canada Goldboro
Canada Transgas- Colleville
Canada Viewfield
Canada AltaGas - Loverna
Canada Steelman
Canada Innes
Canada Viewfield Expansion
Canada Teine Dosland N
Canada Teine Stranraer
Canada Teine Plato
Canada Kisbey
Canada North Smiley
Canada Glen Ewen-Oxbow
Canada Prairiedale
Canada Teine Avon Hill
Canada Gull Lake West
Canada Weyburn/Lougheed
Canada 7G Lator#2
Canada Ansell
Canada Jupiter
Canada Tourmaline Edson
Canada Zeta Creek
Canada Ferrier
Canada ATCO Midstream
Canada Elmworth LNG Phase
Canada Bonterra Sweet Gas Processing Plant
Canada 7G Cutbank
Canada Simonette
Mexico CPG Arenque
Mexico CPG Burgos
Mexico CPG Cactus
Mexico CPG Cangrejera
Mexico CPG Cd. Pemex
Mexico CPG La venta
Mexico CPG Mata Pionche
Mexico CPG Morelos
Mexico CPG Nuevo Pemex
Mexico CPG Pajaritos
Mexico CPG Poza Rica
Owner Name (Company)
Targa Midstream Services LLC
DCP Midstream
Enbridge Pipelines (Texas Gathering) L.P.
Enbridge Pipelines (Texas Gathering) L.P.
Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC
Lumen Midstream Partnership LLC
Merit Energy Company; XTO Energy Inc; Omimex Petroleum
ONEOK Field Services
Regency Field Services LLC
DCP Midstream
MarkWest Oklahoma Gas Company, LLC
Enterprise Hydrocarbons L.P.
DCP Midstream
Gas Processors Inc
TPL Arkoma Midstream LLC; MarkWest Oklahoma Gas Company, LLC;
Legacy Reserves Operating, LP; XTO;
DCP Midstream
Aux Sable Liquid Products, LP
Enbridge G & P (East Texas) L.P.
EnLink Texas Processing, LP
Aztec Producing Company, Inc.
Kinder Morgan
Memorial Production Operating LLC
ONEOK Rockies Midstream
Kinder Morgan
Targa Resources
Xcel Energy
American Midstream (Mississippi), LLC
Moffat Pipeline Corporation
BreitBurn Operating, L.P.
Devon Gas Services LP; Caerus Oil & Gas, LLC;
Regency Field Services LLC
Whiting Oil and Gas Corp; WBI Energy Midstream, LLC;
Superior Pipeline Company LLC
Seneca Resources Corporation
Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent WestTex LLC
Bemedum Gas Partner, LP; Upton Gas GP, Inc.
Escambia Operating Company, LLC
HRM Resources II, LLC
Targa Midstream Services LLC
Mustang Ventures CO
Legacy Reserves LLC; Slawson Exploration;
Western Gas Partners, LP
Green River Processing, LLC
MarkWest Energy Appalacia, LLC
Ranch Westex JV LLC
J-W Gathering Company
Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
WGR Operating, LP
EnLink Midstream Services, LLC
Bridwell Oil Company
Regency Field Services LLC
LINN Operating Inc.
Chevron USA, Inc; Marathon Oil Company; ConocoPhillips
Kinder Morgan (Scissortail Energy LLC)
Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC; American Midstream Partners LP;
MarkWest Liberty Midstream & Resource
California Resources Corporation; Chevron, USA;
Enable Products LLC
PSI Midstream Partners, LP
Camrick Gas Processing Company, LLC; Exxon Mobil; Jetta-X2 LP
EnLink Midstream, LLC.
ONEOK Field Services
Enable Products LLC
Regency Field Services LLC
Enterprise Field Services, LLC
Eagle Chief Midstream, LLC (subsidiary of Caballo Energy)
Venoco, Inc
Superior Pipeline Company LLC
Tallgrass Energy Midstream LLC
J-W Gathering Company
Enable Midstream Partners, LP
Gas Processors Inc
XTO Energy Inc
Enterprise Field Services, LLC
Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent WestOk LLC
Costar Midstream LLC
American Midstream Chatom, LLC
ONEOK Field Services
Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent WestOk LLC
Targa Midstream Services LLC
Chipeta Processing LLC
Bridwell Oil Management, LLC
Energy Transfer
DCP Midstream
Union Oil Company of California
Cobra Pipeline Company, LTD
DCP Midstream
DCP Southeast Texas Plants
Enable Products, LLC
Prowers Gas Gathering Co. LLC
Enable Midstream Partners, LP
TPL Arkoma Midstream LLC; MarkWest Oklahoma Gas Company, LLC;
Markwest Energy Appalacia, LLC
Davis Gas Processing, Inc
Southcross Energy GP LLC; Southcross Gathering Ltd.;
Dominion Transmission, Inc.
Samson Resoures
XTO Energy Inc
Cowtown Gas Processing Partners L.P.
Enable Products LLC
Regency Field Services LLC
Apache Corporation
California Resources Corporation LA Basin
Regency Field Services LLC
Crestwood Equity Partners
DCP Midstream
ONEOK Field Services
Omimex Canada LTD
QEP Energy Company; Exon Mobil; Ballard Petroleum
Agave Energy Company
Enterprise Hydrocarbons L.P.
Davis Gas Processing, Inc.
Occidental Permian Ltd; Chevron Texaco; ConocoPhillips Company
Plains Gas Solutions
Chevron; OXY;
Bonanza Creek Energy, Inc.
Tallgrass Energy Midstream LLC
Mustang Ventures CO; DCP Midstream;
Encana Oil & Gas USA Inc
Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent WestTex LLC
Saga Petroleum LLC
Breitburn Operating LP
Regency Field Services LLC
Regency Field Services LLC
Enterprise Gathering LLC
Eagle Chief Midstream, LLC (subsidiary of Caballo Energy LLC)
DCP Midstream
DCP Midstream; DCP Midstream Partners, LLC;
MarkWest Energy East Texas Gas Company, LLC
ConocoPhillips; XTO Energy Inc; BP America Production
West Texas Gas Gas Processing, LP; G W Holding, Inc; Davoil Oil & Gas, Inc
DCP Midstream
Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent WestTex LLC
J-W Gathering Company
JP Oil Company, LLC
Layline North Texas, LLC
Enbridge G & P (Oklahoma) L.P.
Venoco, Inc
Regency Field Services LLC
Enable Midstream Partners, LP
Cimarex Energy Co.
Green River Processing, LLC
AKA - Frontier Field Services
Enbridge G&P (North Texas LP)
DCP Midstream
EnLink Processing Services, LLC
Targa Midstream Services LLC; Chevron USA;
Tristream East Texas LLC
Pioneer Natural Resources
Exxon Corporation (26.46%); Vanguard Operating, LLC (20.01%); Petrohunt, LLC (17.82%)
XTO Energy Inc.
Fidelity Explorationa nd Production Company
Broadwalk Midstream, LLC
Formosa Hydrocarbons Company
Williams Partners, LP
Crestone Energy Ventures LLC; Copano Energy LLC; Western Gas Wyoming
Continuum Midstream, LLC; Chesapeake Operating Co; Transok, LLC
DCP Midstream
BreitBurn Operating, L.P.
Kerr McGee Gathering, LLC
DCP Midstream
ONEOK Rockies Midstream, a division of ONEOK Partners
Marathon Oil Company
EnLink LIG Liquids, LLC
AKA - Frontier Field Services
Targa Field Services LLC
Enterprise Hydrocarbons LP
Kinder Morgan (Scissortail Energy LLC)
Energy Tansfer Partners
EnLink Texas Processing, LP
DCP Midstream
DCP Midstream
Regency Field Services LLC
Dart Oil & Gas Corporation
Samson Resoures
Enbridge G&P (North Texas), L.P.
Plains All American; Plains Gas Solutions, LLC;
Rose Petroleum (US) LLC (9/1/14 - present); SEP - Cisco Dome I, LLC (through 8/31/14);
Williams Mid Stream
Mountain Gas Resources, LLC
Regency Field Services LLC
Grayson LLC; Hughes South; F. Lane Mitchell
Crimson Resource Management Corp
DCP Midstream
Southcross Energy GP LLC
Midstream Energy Services, LLC
KCS Energy Inc.
DCP Midstream
Hainesville Gas Gathering Corporation
Regency Field Services LLC
Regency Field Services LLC
Medallion Energy Services, LLC
Red Rock Gathering Company, LLC
Kinder Morgan (Scissortail Energy LLC)
Merit Enerrgy Company
Dominion Transmission, Inc
Four Star Oil and Gas Company
XTO Energy, Inc.; ExxonMobil Corp - XTO Branch; HHE Energy
Encana Oil and Gas USA
Chevron U.S.A. Inc.; Occidental Petroleum Corporation; Four Star Oil and Gas
Regency Field Services LLC
Enbridge G & P (East Texas) L.P.
Hess Corporation
Pennant Midstream LLC
Enbridge Pipelines (Texas Gathering) L.P.
Targa Resources
Western Gas Partners, LP
Treetop Midstream Services, Greenleaf CO2 Solutions
Enbridge Pipelines (Texas Gathering) L.P.
Enbridge Pipelines (Texas Gathering) L.P.
DCP Midstream
Chesapeake Appalachia LLC
SemGas, LP
Copano Processing LLC
MarkWest Liberty Midstream & Resources
Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas
Enbridge G&P (North Texas), L.P.
Tulsa Hurricane, LLC; THR Holdings, LLC; Bear Paw, LLC
Oxy USA WTP LP; Enterprise Field Services LLC; NGL Ventures LLC
Crestwood Panhandle Pipeline LLC
Advance NGL, Inc.
TECO Gas Processing, LLC; Eagle Rock Energy Partners, LP;
JP Oil Company, LLC
Freeport McMoRan Oil & Gas Company (FMI)
Davis Gas Processing, Inc; Michael Davis; David Davis
QEP Field Services Company
Energy Transfer Company
Regency Field Services LLC
WTG Jameson, LP
Linn Energy
Enable Midstream Partners
Merit Energy Company
Kane GPP, LP; Seneca; Elkhorn Holdings, LLC
Questar Pipeline Company
Kelton Gas Services - LLC
Energy Transfer Company
Markwest Energy Appalacia, LLC
Utica East Ohio Midstream, LLC
Aera Energy LLC
Regency Field Services LLC
Elkhorn Holdings, LLC; Bald Eagle Operating, LLC;
MarkWest Liberty Midstream & Resources
ExxonMobile Production Company
DCP Midstream
Lumen Midstream Partnership LLC
Pecan Pipeline Company
JP Oil Company, LLC
DCP Midstream
Tabula Rasa Energy LLC
DCP Midstream
MSL Oil & Gas Corp
Energy Transfer
Whiskey Bay Gas Co LTD
Kerr McGee Gathering LLC
MarkWest Energy Appalacia, LLC
Discovery Producer Services; Williams Midstream MLP; DCP Midstream
ExxonMobil Production Company
ExxonMobil Production Company
ONEOK Field Services
Utica East Ohio Midstream
Regency Field Services LLC
Elkhorn Investments, LLC; Bradford Income Properties LP; Elkhorn Holdings, LLC
Dominion Transmission, Inc.
ONEOK Rockies Midstream
Noble Energy Inc
DCP Midstream
Castleton Commodities International
Regency Field Services LLC
Petro-Hunt, L.L.C.; Oxy USA; True Oil Company
Targa Badlands, LLC
Enbridge G&P (North Texas), L.P.
Targa Gas Processing LLC
Enerfin Resources Company
Costar Midstream LLC
Enbridge G & P (East Texas) L.P.
ConocoPhillips (Burlington Resources); Moncrief; Plains Exploration & Production/Pogo
California Resources Corporation; Chevron, USA;
California Resources Corporation; Chevron. USA;
Targa Resources
DCP Midstream
Hilcorp Energy Company
Davis Gas Processing, Inc
Madill Gas Processing Company, LLC; Cimarex Energy
AKA - Frontier Field Services
Dart Oil & Gas Corporation
Williams Field Services-Gulf Coast Company LP
MarkWest Liberty Midstream & Resource
ONEOK Rockies Midstream
Kinder Morgan
Oneok Field Services
Enable Products LLC
Bonanza Creek Energy, Inc.
Oneok Rockies Midstream, a division of ONEOK Partners
McLean Gas Processing Company, LLC; Scout Energy
Houston Pipeline Company
Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC
Tag Petroleum Inc
Merit Energy Company
Kinder Morgan (100% owner of chiller)
Targa Resources
DCP Midstream
Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent WestTex LLC
Coronado Midstream LLC
Coronado Midstream LLC
Kinder Morgan (Scissortail Energy LLC)
Superior Pipeline Company LLC
DCP Assets Holding
DCP Midstream
MarkWest Liberty Midstream & Resources
Regency Field Services LLC
BreitBurn Operating, L.P.
Palmer Petroleum Inc
Freeport McMoRan Oil & Gas Company (FMI)
Newfield Exploration Company
Targa Midstream Services, LLC; Chevron USA;
DCP Midstream
Southern Natural Gas Company, LLC
Mull Drilling Company, Inc.
Freeport McMoRan Oil & Gas Company (FMI)
DCP Midstream
SemGas, LP
Spectra Energy Corporation; ConocoPhillips Company;
Blue Racer Midstream
Texas Petroleum Investment Company
Breitburn Energy Partners LP
Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC; Samchully Midstream 1, LLC;
Nesson Gathering LLC
Enbridge G & P (East Texas) L.P.
WGR Operating L.P.; Black Hills Exploration & Production; John Paulson
Enbridge G&P (Oklahoma) L.P.
Kinder Morgan
Plains Gas Solutions
Red Rock Gathering Company, LLC
Progenies Operating LLC
Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC; DCP Midstream; Targa Resources
EnLink Midstream Services, LLC
DCP Midstream
DCP Midstream
Arrowhead Pipeline L.P.; Exxon Mobil;
Marathon Oil Company
Lumen Midstream Partnership LLC
Osage Hills Pipeline Company, LLC; Alex Gas Systems
Enbridge Pipelines (Texas Gathering) L.P.
Woodbine Production Corp
Occidental Petroleum
DCP Midstream; Devon Energy; Johnson Lindley
Kinder Morgan (Scissortail Energy LLC)
Merit Energy
Agave Energy Company
DCP Midstream
ONEOK Field Services
Williams Mid Stream
BP America Production Company; Enterprise;
Mountain Gas Resources, LLC
Plains Marketing LP
DCP Midstream
DCP Midstream; Cheveron Texaco; Sharples Trust
EnLink Pelican, LLC
Mountain Gathering, LLC
Superior Pipeline Company LLC
Regency Field Services LLC
Devon Gas Services LP
Sourcegas Services LLC
Davis Gas Processing Inc
Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC
Cypress Oil and Gas; Discuss Oil; Southern Management Services, Inc.
EnLink LIG Liquids, LLC
Encana Oil and Gas
Western Gas Partners LLC.
DCP Midstream
Newfield Exploration Company
Red Rock Gathering Company, LLC
Questar Pipeline Company
Questar Field Services
PSI Midstream Partners, LP
Delaware Basin Midstream, LLC
Robert Beard; Steve Hayes; Larry Long
DCP Midstream
Colorado Interstate Gas Company, LLC
Energy Transfer Company
Regency Field Services LLC
Regency Field Services LLC
Agave Energy Company
True Oil LLC
Whiting Oil and Gas Corporation
Superior Pipeline Company LLC
Whiting Oil and Gas Corporation
Xcel Energy; Source Gas;
Mustang Ventures CO
Crimson Resource Management Corp
DCP Midstream
Laurel Mountain Midstream, LLC
Whiting Oil and Gas Corporation; Kaiser Francis Mid-Continent LP;
Linn Operating, Inc
Samson Resoures
Mustang Ventures CO
Enable Midstream
Continuum Midstream, LLC; Magnum Hunter Resources Corp;
DCP Midstream
SemGas, LP
Summit Petroleum Corp
Regency Field Services LLC
Devon Gas Services, L.P.
Elkhorn Holdings LLC; Seneca;
ONEOK Partners
KinderMorgan - Copano Field Services/North Texas, LLC
Citation Oil & Gas Corp
Occidental Permian Ltd.; ExxonMobil;
Samson Resoures
ConocoPhillips; BP;
Castleton Commodities International, LLC; Anadarko Petroleum Corp.;
Enterprise Hydrocarbons L.P.
Targa Midstream Services, LLC
Vintage Pipeline, Inc.
Linn Energy as of 01/1/15; Pioneer Natural Resources prior to 01/1/15;
Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC; Apache Corporation; Louis Dreyfus Gas Processing LLC
Hess Permian Gas Processing LLC; Oxy Corporation; Marathon Corporation
MarkWest Liberty Midstream & Resources
DGP Taurus GP Holding, LLC
Targa Midstream Services, LLC
Valence Operating Company
SemGas, LP
BreitBurn Operating, L.P.
MarkWest Liberty Midstream & Resources, LLC
Enterprise Hydrocarbons L.P.
Agave Energy Company
DCP Midstream
Enterprise Hydrocarbons LP
ExxonMobil Production Company
Signal Hill Petroleum, Inc.
Kaiser-Frontier Midstream, LLC
EnLink Texas Processing, LP
TPl SouthTex Pipeline Company LLC
Questar Pipeline Company
Enable Midstream Partners, LP
Chesapeake Operating Inc.
ExxonMobil Corporation; Kinder Morgan CO2; West Texas Gas Processing
WTG Gas Processing, LP
Enterprise Hydrocarbons LP
Enable Products LLC
Enterprise Field Services, LLC
Central Resources, Inc.
Kinder Morgan (Scissortail Energy LLC); OKC Gathering LLC;
DCP Midstream
Regency Field Services LLC
DCP Midstream
R&B Oil & Gas Inc.; Atlas KS Energy LLC; Hayes Oil & Gas LLC
DCP Midstream
Superior Pipeline Company LLC
Mustang Ventures CO
Breitburn Operating, LP
QEP Field Services Company
ONEOK Rockies Midstream, a division of ONEOK Partners
Linn Energy
ONEOK Field Services
Targa Resources
Targa Resources
Enable Midstream Partners
Windsor Energy Group
Regency Field Services LLC
DCP Midstream
J-W Pipeline Company
Enbridge G & P (Oklahoma) L.P.
Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
Enerfin Resources Company
Whiting Oil And Gas Corporation
Kinder Morgan Tejas Pipeline LLC
Enable Products LLC
Enterprise Hydrocarbons L.P.
DCP Midstream
Regency Field Services LLC
XTO Energy
Regency Field Services LLC
Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC; Targa Resources; Apache
Samson Resoures
Kinder Morgan Production Company LLC
Enbridge G & P (East Texas) L.P.
TPL Arkoma Holdings LLC
J-W Gathering Company
Unocal-CNAEP; HHE Energy Company; Nortex Corporation
Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent LLC
Targa Capital LLC; Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC; Oneok Vesco Holdings, L.L.C.
Aera Energy LLC
QEP Field Services; Wexpro Company;
Targa Mid Services, LLC; Chevron USA;
Caruthers Producing Co Inc
Regency Field Services LLC
Waskom Gas Processing
Occidental Permian Ltd; Oxy USA WTP; Devon Energy Production Co Lp
Kinder Morgan
Anadarko Petroleum Company
Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent WestOk LLC
Enbridge G & P (North Texas) L.P.
Whiting Oil And Gas Corporation
Dominion Transmission, Inc.
Enable Products LLC
Enable Products, LLC
Regency Field Services LLC
Elkhorn Investments, LLC; National Fuel Gas Midstream; Bradford Energy Partners II, LP
Western Operating Company
DCP Midstream
Wildcat Midstream Caddo LLC
Gas Processors Inc
Oxy USA WTP; Permian Basin LP; Devon Energy Production Co LP
Williams Mobile Bay Producer Services, LLC
Chevron USA Inc.
Pruet Production Co.
Regency Field Services LLC
Southcross Energy GP LLC; Southcross Processing LLC;
ONEOK Partners
Washakie Midstream Services LLC
Devon Energy Corp.
NorTex Midstream Partners, LLC
Occidental Permian Ltd
Kinder Morgan Production Company LLC
W&T Offshore
Sterling Energy Investments LLC
Enterprise Hydrocarbons, LP
Saga Petroleum, LLC
Enbridge Pipelines (Texas Gathering) L.P.
ConocoPhillips Canada Operations Ltd.
Pembina Gas Services Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
ARC Resources Ltd.
Jupiter Resources Inc.

Plains Midstream Canada ULC

Inter Pipeline Extraction Ltd.
Spectra Energy Empress Management Inc.
1195714 Alberta Ltd.
ATCO Energy Solutions Ltd.
TransCanada Energy Ltd.
Semcams ULC
ATCO Energy Solutions Ltd.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Iberdrola Canada Energy Services Ltd.
Taylor Processing Inc.
Pembina Gas Services Ltd.
Direct Energy Marketing Limited
Keyera Energy Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Semcams ULC
AltaGas Ltd.
Shell Canada Limited
Repsol Oil & Gas Canada Inc.
Nexen Energy ULC
Keyera Energy Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Pembina Gas Services Ltd.
Shell Canada Limited
Paramount Resources Ltd.
Keyera Energy Ltd.
Shell Canada Limited
Encana Corporation
AltaGas Holdings Inc.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Keyera Energy Ltd.
Pembina Gas Services Ltd.
Keyera Energy Ltd.
Trilogy Resources Ltd.
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd.
TAQA North Ltd.
Veresen Midstream General Partner Inc.
Pengrowth Energy Corporation
XTO Energy Canada ULC
ConocoPhillips Canada Operations Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Keyera Energy Ltd.
Keyera Energy Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Tourmaline Oil Corp.
Keyera Energy Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Lexin Resources Ltd.
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp.
Shell Canada Limited
ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp.
Bellatrix Exploration Ltd.
Direct Energy Marketing Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Tourmaline Oil Corp.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp.
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp.
Direct Energy Marketing Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Pembina Gas Services Ltd.
ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Shell Canada Limited
Spectra Energy Midstream Corporation
Devon Canada Corporation
Repsol Oil & Gas Canada Inc.
Spectra Energy Midstream Corporation
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp.
TAQA North Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Pengrowth Energy Corporation
Bonavista Energy Corporation
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Keyera Energy Ltd.
Repsol Oil & Gas Canada Inc.
Keyera Energy Ltd.
ConocoPhillips Canada Operations Ltd.
Pengrowth Energy Corporation
Keyera Energy Ltd.
ConocoPhillips Canada Operations Ltd.
Kelt Exploration Ltd.
Keyera Energy Ltd.
Encana Corporation
AltaGas Holdings Inc.
Keyera Energy Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Semcams ULC
Shell Canada Limited
ConocoPhillips Canada Operations Ltd.
Nal Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd.
ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp.
ConocoPhillips Canada Operations Ltd.
Encana Corporation
TAQA North Ltd.
Jupiter Resources Inc.
Seven Generations Energy Ltd.
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp.
Spectra Energy Midstream Corporation
Trident Exploration (Alberta) Corp.
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Cardinal Energy Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Bonavista Energy Corporation
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp.
Cenovus Energy Inc.
Trident Exploration (Alberta) Corp.
Tourmaline Oil Corp.
Tourmaline Oil Corp.
Exshaw Oil Corp.
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Cenovus Energy Inc.
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp.
ARC Resources Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Encana Corporation
ATCO Energy Solutions Ltd.
ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Cenovus Energy Inc.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Apache Canada Ltd.
Direct Energy Marketing Limited
Strategic Oil & Gas Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp.
Long Run Exploration Ltd.
Harvest Operations Corp.
Tourmaline Oil Corp.
Tourmaline Oil Corp.
Mosaic Energy Ltd.
Apache Canada Ltd.
Keyera Energy Ltd.
Cenovus Energy Inc.
AltaGas Ltd.
Perpetual Energy Operating Corp.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
TAQA North Ltd.
ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp.
Strategic Oil & Gas Ltd.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Mosaic Energy Ltd.
Encana Corporation
Keyera Energy Ltd.
AltaGas Ltd.
Cenovus Energy Inc.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Bonavista Energy Corporation
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Direct Energy Marketing Limited
Pengrowth Energy Corporation
Ember Resources Inc.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
ATCO Energy Solutions Ltd.
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
NEP Canada ULC
AltaGas Ltd.
Long Run Exploration Ltd.
AltaGas Ltd.
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Encana Corporation
ATCO Energy Solutions Ltd.
Trilogy Resources Ltd.
Cenovus Energy Inc.
Long Run Exploration Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
AltaGas Ltd.
Bonavista Energy Corporation
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
AltaGas Ltd.
Velvet Energy Ltd.
Tamarack Acquisition Corp.
TAQA North Ltd.
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Signalta Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Cenovus Energy Inc.
Apache Canada Ltd.
Encana Corporation
Apache Canada Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Ember Resources Inc.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Vermilion Energy Inc.
Ember Resources Inc.
TAQA North Ltd.
Trident Exploration (Alberta) Corp.
AltaGas Ltd.
AltaGas Ltd.
AltaGas Ltd.
Lexin Resources Ltd.
Pengrowth Energy Corporation
Encana Corporation
Husky Oil Operations Limited
ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp.
ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
ConocoPhillips Canada Operations Ltd.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Notine Holdings Inc.
Apache Canada Ltd.
Long Run Exploration Ltd.
Ember Resources Inc.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Cenovus Energy Inc.
Journey Energy Inc.
Sydco Energy Inc.
Apache Canada Ltd.
Hanna Oil & Gas Company - Canada ULC
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Shell Canada Limited
Lightstream Resources Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
TAQA North Ltd.
ConocoPhillips Canada Operations Ltd.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
NEP Canada ULC
Ish Energy Ltd.
Long Run Exploration Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Trident Exploration (Alberta) Corp.
New Star Energy Ltd.
Nal Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Marquee Energy Ltd.
Vermilion Energy Inc.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Sydco Energy Inc.
Pine Cliff Energy Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Cenovus Energy Inc.
Perpetual Energy Operating Corp.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Whitecap Resources Inc.
Spyglass Resources Corp.
Apache Canada Ltd.
Long Run Exploration Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Vesta Energy Ltd.
Bonterra Energy Corp.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Petrus Resources Corp.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Repsol Oil & Gas Canada Inc.
Direct Energy Marketing Limited
Crescent Point Energy Corp.
AltaGas Ltd.
Orlen Upstream Canada Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
AltaGas Ltd.
AltaGas Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Trident Exploration (Alberta) Corp.
ConocoPhillips Canada Operations Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Ember Resources Inc.
Birchcliff Energy Ltd.
Sun Century Petroleum Corporation
Cenovus Energy Inc.
Firenze Energy Ltd.
Harvest Operations Corp.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Baytex Energy Ltd.
Apache Canada Ltd.
Apache Canada Ltd.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Encana Corporation
Ember Resources Inc.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Outlier Resources Ltd.
Enerplus Corporation
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd.
Trident Exploration (Alberta) Corp.
Long Term Asset Management Inc.
ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp.
ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp.
AltaGas Ltd.
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Cequence Energy Ltd.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
AltaGas Ltd.
AltaGas Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Ember Resources Inc.
Trilogy Resources Ltd.
Cenovus Energy Inc.
Boulder Energy Ltd.
Spry2 Energy Inc.
Bonterra Energy Corp.
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Rife Resources Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Pengrowth Energy Corporation
Bonavista Energy Corporation
Semcams ULC
Adanac Oil & Gas Limited
Husky Oil Operations Limited
ARC Resources Ltd.
Lexin Resources Ltd.
AltaGas Ltd.
Cenovus Energy Inc.
ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp.
Delphi Energy Corp.
Questfire Energy Corp.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
ConocoPhillips Canada Operations Ltd.
Shackleton Exploration Ltd.
Apache Canada Ltd.
Sinopec Daylight Energy Ltd.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Enercapita Energy Ltd.
Coastal Resources Limited
Spur Resources Ltd.
Ember Resources Inc.
Cenovus Energy Inc.
Ember Resources Inc.
Omers Energy Inc.
Ember Resources Inc.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Surge Energy Inc.
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Imaginea Energy Corp.
AltaGas Ltd.
Sinopec Daylight Energy Ltd.
Surge Energy Inc.
Sydco Energy Inc.
Lexin Resources Ltd.
Baytex Energy Ltd.
Beringer Energy Inc.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
AltaGas Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Birchcliff Energy Ltd.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Bonavista Energy Corporation
ARC Resources Ltd.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Cenovus Energy Inc.
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
AltaGas Ltd.
Rolling Hills Energy Ltd.
Apache Canada Ltd.
Vermilion Energy Inc.
AltaGas Ltd.
ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp.
TAQA North Ltd.
Direct Energy Marketing Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Bonavista Energy Corporation
TAQA North Ltd.
NEP Canada ULC
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Blackpearl Resources Inc.
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Apache Canada Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
AltaGas Ltd.
Cardinal Energy Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Journey Energy Inc.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Anderson Energy Inc.
Ember Resources Inc.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Long Run Exploration Ltd.
Marquee Energy Ltd.
TAQA North Ltd.
Trilogy Resources Ltd.
Harvest Operations Corp.
TAQA North Ltd.
ARC Resources Ltd.
Long Term Asset Management Inc.
AltaGas Ltd.
Bonavista Energy Corporation
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
ARC Resources Ltd.
Petrus Resources Corp.
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Baytex Energy Ltd.
AltaGas Ltd.
Long Run Exploration Ltd.
Ember Resources Inc.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Oil & Gas International Inc.
Lexin Resources Ltd.
Direct Energy Marketing Limited
ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp.
Trilogy Resources Ltd.
Twin Butte Energy Ltd.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Ember Resources Inc.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd.
Apache Canada Ltd.
Harvest Operations Corp.
AltaGas Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Nal Resources Limited
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Bonavista Energy Corporation
Land Petroleum International Inc.
Second Wave Petroleum Inc.
Marquee Energy Ltd.
Kelt Exploration Ltd.
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Trilogy Resources Ltd.
Logic Energy Ltd.
Tamarack Acquisition Corp.
ATCO Energy Solutions Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Glencoe Resources Ltd.
Enerplus Corporation
Sinopec Daylight Energy Ltd.
Journey Energy Inc.
Inception Exploration Ltd.
Long Run Exploration Ltd.
ARC Resources Ltd.
ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp.
Enerplus Corporation
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Boulder Energy Ltd.
ARC Resources Ltd.
Direct Energy Marketing Limited
TAQA North Ltd.
Enerplus Corporation
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Spyglass Resources Corp.
Harvest Operations Corp.
Long Run Exploration Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Spyglass Resources Corp.
Journey Energy Inc.
TAQA North Ltd.
Apache Canada Ltd.
Bearspaw Petroleum Ltd.
Journey Energy Inc.
Petrus Resources Corp.
Cenovus Energy Inc.
Velvet Energy Ltd.
ARC Resources Ltd.
Perpetual Energy Operating Corp.
Baytex Energy Ltd.
TAQA North Ltd.
Twin Butte Energy Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Kelt Exploration Ltd.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Blackpearl Resources Inc.
Pine Cliff Energy Ltd.
Quattro Exploration and Production Ltd.
ConocoPhillips Canada Operations Ltd.
Canadian Oil & Gas International Inc.
Spyglass Resources Corp.
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Sun Century Petroleum Corporation
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Petrus Resources Corp.
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Long Run Exploration Ltd.
Manitok Energy Inc.
AltaGas Ltd.
Journey Energy Inc.
Shaman Energy Corporation
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Crescent Point Energy Corp.
Lone Pine Resources Canada Ltd.
Goodland Energy Ltd.
Pengrowth Energy Corporation
Sinopec Daylight Energy Ltd.
Beringer Energy Inc.
ARC Resources Ltd.
Corse Energy Corp.
Surge Energy Inc.
Enerplus Corporation
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Petrus Resources Corp.
Cenovus Energy Inc.
Sydco Energy Inc.
Spartan Energy Corp.
Harvest Operations Corp.
Enerplus Corporation
Petrus Resources Corp.
Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd.
Journey Energy Inc.
Nuvista Energy Ltd.
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Harvest Operations Corp.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Glencoe Resources Ltd.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Apache Canada Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Eagle Energy Inc.
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp.
Success Resources Ltd.
Baccalieu Energy Inc.
Perpetual Energy Operating Corp.
Chinook Energy Inc.
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Anterra Energy Inc.
Terra Energy Corp.
Harvest Operations Corp.
Gamet Resources Ltd.
Harvest Operations Corp.
Gryphon Petroleum Corp.
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Harvest Operations Corp.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Enerplus Corporation
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Blackspur Oil Corp.
Jaycor Resources Inc.
Baytex Energy Ltd.
Inplay Oil Corp.
Spyglass Resources Corp.
Cardinal Energy Ltd.
ARC Resources Ltd.
Vermilion Energy Inc.
Husky Oil Operations Limited
Spyglass Resources Corp.
Crescent Point Energy Corp.
Pengrowth Energy Corporation
Surge Energy Inc.
LGX Oil + Gas Inc.
TAQA North Ltd.
TAQA North Ltd.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
XTO Energy Canada ULC

AltaGas Holdings Inc.

Aitken Creek Gas Storage ULC

Apache Canada Ltd.

ARC Resources Ltd.

ARC Resources Ltd.

WGSI Holdings Corporation

Westcoast Transmission Company Limited

AltaGas Ltd.

Black Swan Energy Ltd.

Canbriam Energy Inc.
Aux Sable Canada Ltd.

Chinook Energy (2010) Inc.

Canada Energy Partners Inc.

Exxonmobil Canada Properties

Seven Generations Energy Ltd.
Bonavista Energy Corporation
Repsol Oil & Gas Canada Inc.
Tourmaline Oil Corp.
Keyera Energy Ltd.
Petrus Resources Corp.
ATCO Energy Solutions Ltd.
Ferus Natural Gas Fuels Inc.
Bonterra Energy Corp.
Seven Generations Energy Ltd.
Encana Corporation
Operator Name Latitude Longitude
Targa Midstream Services LLC 30.232731 -92.508297
DCP Midstream 32.489628 -93.076025
Enbridge Pipelines (Texas Gathering) L.P. 35.477719 -100.151059
Enbridge Pipelines (Texas Gathering) L.P. 35.580042 -100.094679
Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC 40.356183 -110.280384
Lumen Midstream Partnership LLC 35.136374 -97.90555
Merit Energy Company 40.92228 -110.386884
ONEOK Field Services 35.840409 -99.784495
Regency Field Services LLC 35.202764 -101.788617
DCP Midstream 32.672469 -103.555321
Antioch Gas Processing Plant 32.833595 -92.808744
MarkWest Oklahoma Gas Company, LLC 35.697165 -99.177009
Enterprise Products Operating LLC 29.166214 -97.020451
DCP Midstream 32.755256 -104.317473
Gas Processors Inc 31.12293 -87.510012
TPL Arkoma Midstream LLC 34.350795 -96.147612
Legacy Reserves Operating, LP 42.787591 -106.64066
DCP Midstream 29.88994 -96.836661
Aux Sable Liquid Products, LP 41.36953 -88.432865
Enbridge G & P (East Texas) L.P. 32.874333 -94.552689
EnLink Texas Processing, LP 32.900033 -97.565453
Aztec Producing Company, Inc. 44.252981 -86.211082
Kinder Morgan 46.255511 -103.735307
Memorial Production Operating LLC 42.237741 -107.561036
ONEOK Rockies Midstream 46.30565 -104.249768
Kinder Morgan 47.655411 -104.163268
Targa Resources 29.895989 -93.716657
Xcel Energy 39.407564 -108.340978
American Midstream 31.705884 -88.662099
Moffat Pipeline Corporation 39.746258 -104.989944
EnLink Permian II, LLC 31.74377 -101.598906
BreitBurn Operating, L.P. 44.99529 -84.671007
Devon Gas Services LP 42.92945 -108.027343
Regency Field Services LLC 36.75406 -100.416826
Whiting Oil and Gas Corp 46.896095 -103.270623
Superior Pipeline Company LLC 36.651156 -97.351698
Seneca Resources Corporation 35.292328 -119.706007
Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent WestTex LLC 31.561615 -102.990027
WTG Benedum Joint Venture LP 31.504638 -101.937793
Eagle Rock Energy G & P, LLC 31.12293 -87.510012
HRM Resources II, LLC 40.714707 -107.531167
Targa Midstream Services LLC 30.130655 -93.27367
Mustang Gas Products, LLC 35.265839 -98.38167
Binger Operations LLC 35.298973 -98.341081
Western Gas Partners, LP 43.650716 -105.483095
Green River Processing, LLC 41.579844 -110.012934
Markwest Liberty 39.751882 -104.9976
MarkWest Energy Appalacia, LLC 37.516105 -82.51727
Regency Field Services LLC 31.460143 -103.405564
J-W Gathering Company 32.309262 -93.470884
Chevron U.S.A. Inc. 31.9946 -102.1373
WGR Operating, LP 28.45008 -99.207161
EnLink Midstream Services, LLC 33.166818 -97.842732
Bridwell Oil Company 33.758117 -98.201635
Regency Field Services LLC 31.110807 -94.003833
Linn Operating Inc. 40.130184 -110.528079
Custom Energy Construction 40.649124 -107.606839
Chevron 32.983926 -103.381076
Kinder Morgan (Scissortail Energy LLC) 36.70323 -96.792271
Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC 29.804531 -91.625779
MarkWest Liberty Midstream & Resource 40.256078 -81.021239
California Resources Corporation 35.299223 -119.356146
Enable Products LLC 35.542548 -98.162048
PSI Midstream Partners, LP 29.895989 -93.608418
Carrera Operating Company 36.604455 -100.792666
EnLink Midstream, LLC. 35.614074 -98.130478
ONEOK Field Services 35.58107 -98.146263
Enable Products LLC 35.465455 -99.279045
Regency Field Services LLC 35.435809 -101.178531
Enterprise Field Services, LLC 32.303275 -104.569856
Eagle Chief Midstream, LLC 36.580146 -98.497248
Venoco, Inc 34.43985 -119.494229
Chevron 40.878702 -110.523814
Superior Pipeline Company LLC 35.798941 -97.687122
Tallgrass Energy Midstream LLC 42.880078 -106.628048
J-W Gathering Company 32.279529 -93.675308
Enable Midstream Partners, LP 32.268508 -93.568997
Gas Processors Inc 31.251992 -87.020732
Davis Gas Processing, Inc. 33.259073 -101.33042
XTO Energy Inc 31.427043 -102.483711
Enterprise Products Operating, LLC 36.298337 -107.989846
Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent WestOk LLC 36.320701 -98.28683
Gas Solutions II Ltd 32.476712 -95.101969
American Midstream Chatom, LLC 31.454516 -88.283972
ONEOK Field Services 37.609198 -97.773048
Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent WestOk LLC 36.080176 -98.878043
Targa Midstream Services LLC 33.317481 -97.856624
Chipeta Processing LLC 40.629672 -109.48288
Bridwell Oil Management, LLC 30.858661 -90.752786
Energy Transfer 29.871378 -96.907002
DCP Midstream Partners LP 34.903107 -97.908178
Chevron Corp 30.945179 -88.185847
Cobra Pipeline Company, LTD 39.431326 -81.422214
DCP Midstream 36.116616 -98.936672
DCP Midstream 29.881121 -93.941043
Enable Products, LLC 35.487129 -98.965863
Prowers Gas Gathering Co. LLC 38.130948 -102.220925
Enable Midstream Partners, LP 34.506764 -96.303076
TPL Arkoma Midstream LLC 34.620039 -96.219642
Markwest Energy Appalacia, LLC 38.44507 -81.318691
Davis Gas Processing, Inc 31.460845 -99.927829
Southcross Gathering Ltd. 30.222358 -95.359014
Dominion Transmission, Inc. 39.037188 -80.514015
Samson Resources 33.841777 -88.564282
ExxonMobil 32.941924 -102.94729
XTO Energy Inc 32.806951 -93.385369
Cowtown Gas Processing Partners LP 32.224251 -97.539362
Enable Products LLC 34.77587 -97.903248
Regency Field Services LLC 31.151064 -103.085129
Apache Corporation 31.379167 -102.383886
CRC South 33.680141 -118.014566
Regency Field Services LLC 35.974942 -97.627151
Crestwood (f.k.a. Inergy) 35.299635 -119.360696
DCP Midstream 32.468834 -94.294895
ONEOK Field Services 35.761671 -98.986706
Northwestern Energy 48.741184 -112.378837
QEP Energy Company 37.516428 -108.871472
Agave Energy Company 32.771922 -104.218379
EnLink Permian, LLC 31.762155 -101.429545
Enterprise Products Operating LLC 26.649292 -98.451129
Davis Gas Processing, Inc. 32.956718 -103.301801
Occidental Permian Ltd 32.902602 -102.89504
Vernon E. Faulconer, Inc. 32.009435 -93.665067
Plains Gas Solutions 31.140503 -87.073996
Chevron 32.322259 -102.637921
Bonanza Creek Energy, Inc. 33.251111 -93.192707
Tallgrass Energy Midstream LLC 43.025625 -105.422264
Mustang Gas Products, LLC 36.098457 -97.93306
Encana Oil & Gas Usa Inc 40.001432 -108.835416
Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent WestTex LLC 31.931202 -101.957326
Saga Petroleum LLC 45.247808 -108.790287
Breitburn Operating LP 36.802911 -101.660018
Regency Field Services LLC 32.690543 -92.6743
Regency Field Services LLC 32.4875 -93.204583
Enterprise Gathering LLC 32.231628 -94.74511
Eagle Chief Midstream, LLC 36.585578 -98.436364
DCP Midstream Partners LP 29.037647 -96.700476
DCP Midstream 32.248943 -94.454298
MarkWest Energy East Texas Gas Company 32.144206 -94.319269
ConocoPhillips 33.015658 -103.292792
WTG Gas Processing, LP 32.414522 -101.259571
DCP Midstream 40.528132 -104.660575
Williams Midstream Srvcs, LLC 41.731363 -108.190154
Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent WestTex LLC 31.447784 -101.959413
J-W Gathering Company 32.343561 -93.491179
JP Oil Company, LLC 30.69203 -91.75054
Layline Energy I, LLC 33.984599 -98.893144
Vanguard 44.793232 -108.833729
Enbridge G & P (Oklahoma) L.P. 35.392795 -99.429929
Venoco, Inc 34.490964 -120.082703
Regency Field Services LLC 32.468317 -93.503112
Enable Midstream Partners, LP 32.375942 -93.500198
Cimarex Energy Co. 34.624103 -97.406772
Green River Processing, LLC 41.352553 -110.258884
Frontier Field Services 32.8385 -104.4189
<Null> 32.957993 -97.701942
DCP Midstream 32.646682 -103.663424
EnLink Processing Services, LLC 30.478213 -92.426403
Targa Midstream Services, LLC 33.009615 -103.472963
Tristream East Texas LLC 32.326786 -95.972438
Pioneer Natural Resources 35.583227 -101.851685
Vanguard Operating, LLC 32.07446 -95.59616
Vinland Energy 37.258891 -83.603328
XTO Energy Inc. 31.295467 -96.098985
<Null> 44.766375 -108.961651
Broadwalk Field Services, LLC 28.960431 -96.686062
Formosa Hydrocarbons Company 28.666621 -96.572461
Williams Partners, LP 39.831039 -80.577385
Western Gas Partners, LP 43.108549 -105.32317
Continuum Midstream, LLC 35.579026 -99.722383
DCP Midstream 34.286445 -97.499455
BreitBurn Operating, L.P. 43.84812 -84.006255
Kerr McGee Gathering LLC 40.084553 -104.770627
DCP Midstream 32.291803 -102.722601
ONEOK Rockies Midstream 47.754899 -103.16124
Marathon Oil Company 44.795976 -108.552242
EnLink LIG Liquids, LLC 29.641738 -90.960458
AKA - Frontier Field Services 40.236872 -104.815604
Targa Field Services LLC 30.253634 -93.122729
Enterprise Products Operating LLC 26.448095 -98.284263
Kinder Morgan (Scissortail Energy LLC) 35.945956 -96.007495
Energy Tansfer Partners 32.427613 -97.543547
EnLink Texas Processing, LP 32.633837 -97.512343
DCP Midstream 31.970238 -102.627189
DCP Midstream LP 28.549294 -97.574024
Regency Field Services LLC 30.576 -102.490519
Dart Oil & Gas Corp 44.026027 -85.4435
Samson Resources 33.258259 -87.91414
Enbridge G&P (North Texas), L.P. 32.585722 -98.341715
Plains Gas Solutions 29.788353 -92.738847
Rose Petroleum (US) LLC 39.243485 -109.435365
Williams Midstream 39.53652 -108.048082
Anadarko Petroleum 41.565757 -109.580795
Regency Field Services LLC 35.553705 -100.949372
Petro-Chem Operating Co., Inc. 32.499156 -93.736372
Crimson Resource Management Corp 35.343586 -119.0663
DCP Midstream 40.374538 -104.717024
Southcross Gathering Ltd. 27.923546 -97.287078
Midstream Energy Services, LLC 35.343747 -101.436423
Kcs Energy Inc. 41.868146 -79.137818
DCP Midstream 27.623458 -97.83227
Energy Production Corporation 32.678759 -95.445891
Regency Field Services LLC 31.812903 -102.985828
Regency Field Services LLC 32.864887 -100.132312
Medallion Energy Services, LLC 34.305087 -99.817013
Red Rock Gathering Company, LLC 39.156737 -108.606572
Kinder Morgan (Scissortail Energy LLC) 35.512136 -97.1437
Merit Energy Company 42.58078 -83.662111
Dominion Transmission, Inc. 39.591434 -80.617184
Chevron Corp 30.890017 -88.018078
XTO Energy, Inc. 32.641589 -95.235144
Encana Oil and Gas USA 39.268871 -108.78118
Four Star Oil and Gas 31.900518 -102.354184
Regency Field Services LLC 35.842146 -100.339536
Enbridge G & P (East Texas) L.P. 32.113386 -94.79023
Hess Corporation 48.301499 -102.961925
Columbia Midstream Group 40.966148 -80.54929
Enbridge Pipelines (Texas Gathering) L.P. 35.480654 -100.237541
Targa Resources 31.845533 -102.002368
Anadarko Petroleum Company 43.584193 -105.549758
Greenleaf CO2 Solutions 31.705884 -88.574155
Enbridge Pipelines (Texas Gathering) L.P. 35.974943 -100.330528
Enbridge Pipelines (Texas Gathering) L.P. 35.928271 -100.191796
DCP Midstream 32.696731 -103.62739
Penspen (Formerly dba Greystar Corp.) 37.828038 -82.098226
SemGas, LP 36.643351 -98.597889
Copano Processing LLC 29.481803 -96.655275
MarkWest Liberty Midstream & Resources 40.162053 -80.252814
Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas 34.605224 -120.397272
Enbridge G&P (North Texas), L.P. 32.282582 -98.198825
Copano Processing LLC 30.803994 -95.55085
Elkhorn Gas Processing, LLC 38.39835 -81.984745
Williams Midstream Srvcs, LLC 37.092288 -107.954557
Oxy Permian Resources - Delaware Basin 32.608697 -104.448949
Crestwood Panhandle Pipeline LLC 35.547841 -100.866493
Advance NGL, Inc. 33.054034 -98.553983
Enterprise Products Operating LLC 30.713061 -94.821997
JP Oil Company, LLC 30.528691 -93.047567
Freeport McMoRan Oil & Gas Company (FMI) 33.987869 -118.370469
Davis Gas Processing, Inc 31.150468 -101.214883
QEP Field Services Company 40.663847 -109.589181
Energy Transfer Company 29.022613 -96.489474
Regency Field Services LLC 32.128123 -103.517799
WTG Jameson, LP 32.041808 -100.692727
Linn Operating 37.585051 -101.314734
Enable Midstream Partners 31.923437 -94.054419
Merit Energy Company 44.727945 -85.058465
Elkhorn Gas Processing LLC 41.651283 -78.834018
Questar Pipeline Company 40.878637 -109.181465
AKA - Frontier Field Services 35.438095 -100.196102
Energy Transfer Company 28.847463 -97.954753
Markwest Energy Appalacia, LLC 38.354766 -82.563704
Utica East Ohio Midstream, LLC 40.716303 -80.956345
Penspen (Formerly dba Greystar Corp.) 37.86884 -82.351574
Aera Energy LLC 35.290857 -119.644749
Regency Field Services LLC 31.763896 -102.929975
Elkhorn Gas Processing LLC 41.717915 -79.157407
MarkWest Liberty Midstream & Resources 40.791207 -80.045276
ExxonMobil Production Company 27.449436 -97.862486
DCP Midstream 35.776991 -97.707417
Lumen Midstream Partnership LLC 37.641346 -97.786578
Pecan Pipeline Company 33.484253 -97.972109
JP Oil Company, LLC 30.50884 -91.792882
Williams Midstream Srvcs, LLC 36.343339 -107.979036
DCP Midstream 27.164942 -98.130403
Tabula Rasa Energy LLC 37.486474 -105.070863
DCP Midstream 38.823114 -102.459868
MSL Oil & Gas Corp 41.795375 -78.728067
Energy Transfer 29.915694 -96.889526
Energy Transfer Co 30.294843 -91.829572
Kerr McGee Gathering LLC 40.121762 -104.768826
MarkWest Energy Appalacia, LLC 37.543926 -82.818983
Williams Field Services Group LLC 29.597122 -90.342394
ExxonMobil Production Company 34.508783 -120.145763
ExxonMobil Production Company 34.492449 -120.003428
ONEOK Field Services 35.859389 -99.370329
Utica East Ohio Midstream 40.427531 -81.295917
Regency Field Services LLC 35.383425 -100.819092
Elkhorn Gas Processing, LLC 41.91787 -78.762757
Dominion Transmission, Inc. 39.112398 -80.44817
ONEOK Rockies Midstream 48.836935 -102.546327
Noble Midstream Services 40.749071 -103.828284
DCP Midstream 32.739175 -103.683243
Castleton Commodities International 38.2889 -109.161328
Regency Field Services LLC 32.662072 -92.62018
Petro-Hunt, L.L.C. 47.232889 -103.305604
Targa Badlands, LLC 47.810962 -103.145455
Enbridge G&P (North Texas), L.P. 32.543912 -98.337205
Targa Midstream Services LLC 33.27201 -97.514173
Enerfin Resources II-92 LP 33.798738 -98.51102
Gas Solutions II Ltd 32.513898 -94.797297
Enbridge G & P (East Texas) L.P. 32.398542 -94.709089
ConocoPhillips Company 43.262589 -107.619669
California Resources Corporation 35.296252 -119.346744
California Resources Corporation 35.29815 -119.351395
Targa Resources 30.071574 -92.802963
DCP Midstream 40.441452 -104.676375
Hilcorp Energy Company 31.411671 -87.424903
Davis Gas Processing, Inc 29.721778 -97.750525
Carrera Operating Company 34.089566 -96.778
Frontier Field Services 32.897679 -103.702282
Dart Oil & Gas Corp 44.096864 -85.126971
Williams Field Services-Gulf Coast Company LP 28.953506 -96.091982
W. W. Sub, Inc. 33.27405 -98.387678
MarkWest Liberty Midstream & Resource 39.984851 -80.544686
ONEOK Rockies Midstream 46.329738 -103.944467
Kinder Morgan 35.860199 -98.426811
Oneok Field Services 34.833048 -97.431614
Enable Products LLC 35.645872 -99.195049
Bonanza Creek Energy Resources LLC 33.249708 -93.494355
ONEOK Rockies Midstream 47.568761 -104.07307
Chevron 35.315854 -119.758257
Carrera Operating Company 35.243034 -100.642624
Houston Pipeline Company 28.231978 -98.55808
Enterprise Gas Processing LLC 39.83571 -108.251424
Tag Petroleum Inc 36.13998 -97.0793
Merit Energy Company 44.455993 -84.131637
Hilcorp Energy Company 29.762544 -95.274301
Targa Resources 31.268029 -100.911686
DCP Midstream 40.235497 -104.772363
Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent WestTex LLC 31.513855 -102.000853
Coronado Midstream 32.321695 -102.042288
Coronado Midstream 32.314646 -102.52081
Kinder Morgan (Scissortail Energy LLC) 35.746742 -96.655868
Superior Pipeline Company LLC 35.242335 -97.801111
DCP Midstream 32.672515 -93.298101
DCP Midstream 30.383839 -88.130563
MarkWest Liberty Midstream & Resources 39.526492 -80.518127
Regency Field Services LLC 36.71611 -100.502515
BreitBurn Operating, L.P. 43.600537 -83.951802
Palmer Petroleum Inc 31.520958 -87.307481
Freeport McMoRan Oil & Gas Company (FMI) 34.015057 -118.110764
Newfield Exploration Company 40.197977 -109.941487
Targa Midstream Services, LLC 32.620448 -103.302875
DCP Midstream 36.481585 -99.116522
Citation Oil & Gas Corp 29.984042 -95.525462
Southern Natural Gas Company, LLC 33.797416 -88.800085
Mull Drilling Company, Inc. 38.800361 -102.849092
Freeport McMoRan Oil & Gas Company (FMI) 34.027474 -118.285015
DCP Midstream 35.281002 -97.812386
SemGas, LP 36.666173 -98.056245
DCP Midstream 37.101854 -100.907836
Blue Racer Midstream 39.754853 -80.775434
Texas Petroleum Investment Company 30.663498 -93.562257
Breitburn Energy Partners LP 31.946206 -95.256889
Enterprise Gas Processing LLC 29.796704 -91.546854
Nesson Gathering LLC 48.349477 -102.966435
Enbridge G & P (East Texas) L.P. 32.189861 -96.107829
WGR Operating L.P. 44.707748 -104.270368
Enbridge G&P (Oklahoma) L.P. 35.859389 -99.370329
Kinder Morgan 48.623978 -102.945955
Plains Gas Solutions 31.472734 -86.948699
Red Rock Gathering Company, LLC 39.936534 -108.842623
Progenies Operating LLC 30.169103 -96.92214
Oxy USA WTP LP 32.722503 -103.508477
Enterprise Gas Processing LLC 29.641738 -90.960458
EnLink Midstream Services, LLC 34.887263 -96.252147
DCP Midstream 40.377493 -104.43854
DCP Midstream 35.713233 -97.968005
Harvest Pipeline 29.092349 -95.76602
Williams Midstream Srvcs, LLC 41.781438 -110.229289
Marathon Oil Company 44.281633 -109.509834
Lumen Midstream Partnership LLC 36.571676 -96.674723
Carrera Operating Company 36.556122 -96.144008
Enbridge Pipelines (Texas Gathering) L.P. 35.97468 -100.949372
Woodbine Production Corp 30.954093 -95.905621
OXY Permian EOC 31.417308 -102.421914
Chevron 30.392728 -101.140797
DCP Midstream 30.375221 -101.341489
Kinder Morgan (Scissortail Energy LLC) 35.528883 -96.567797
Merit Energy 40.890961 -110.640925
Agave Energy Company 32.186863 -103.847555
DCP Midstream 35.69976 -101.39791
ONEOK Field Services 35.401148 -99.2813
Williams Mid Stream 39.479527 -108.062496
BP America Production Company 30.363523 -88.546669
Anadarko Petroleum 41.368139 -109.003562
Plains Gas Solutions 29.711998 -91.318579
Encana 43.443137 -108.814133
DCP Midstream 32.711304 -104.119285
DCP Midstream 31.513855 -101.887345
EnLink Pelican, LLC 29.711998 -91.318579
Mountain Gathering, LLC 40.811885 -79.983151
Superior Pipeline Company LLC 35.958997 -97.052207
Regency Field Services LLC 35.912221 -100.298097
Devon Gas Services LP 42.957147 -108.104817
Rocky Mountain Natural Gas, LLC 39.733254 -108.067649
Davis Gas Processing Inc 39.76096 -108.285657
Citation Oil & Gas Corp 29.991145 -95.518557
Enterprise Gas Processing LLC 41.772033 -110.279737
Petro-Chem Operating Company, Inc. 32.506133 -93.746772
EnLink LIG Liquids, LLC 30.226156 -91.288311
Encana Oil and Gas 39.078268 -108.157923
Anadarko Petroleum 40.079039 -104.849903
DCP Midstream 40.228619 -104.867854
Newfield Exploration Company 40.171825 -109.995538
Red Rock Gathering Company, LLC 39.193052 -108.550719
Questar Pipeline Company 39.511274 -110.700649
Questar Pipeline Company 39.497373 -110.763709
PSI Midstream Partners, LP 29.869599 -92.216054
Delaware Basin Midstream, LLC 31.845629 -103.89371
Ranger Gas Gathering, L.L.C. 32.502283 -98.661526
DCP Midstream 32.253612 -101.47296
Colorado Interstate Gas Company, LLC 41.711307 -107.025927
Energy Transfer Company 31.763687 -101.516027
Regency Field Services LLC 31.862463 -103.958571
Regency Field Services LLC 35.955722 -100.801632
Agave Energy Company 32.16931 -103.389877
Delta Process Field Services, LLC 47.774614 -103.440919
Whiting Oil and Gas Corporation 40.690353 -103.822879
Superior Pipeline Company LLC 37.801854 -98.476962
Whiting Oil and Gas Corporation 44.248764 -83.820861
Xcel Energy 39.778963 -108.157735
Mustang Gas Products, LLC 36.35703 -98.29585
Crimson Resource Management Corp 37.926155 -102.6598
DCP Midstream 31.701574 -102.54577
Laurel Mountain Midstream, LLC 40.39975 -80.32536
Whiting Oil and Gas Corporation 47.992913 -102.575696
Linn Operating, Inc 32.975122 -93.701581
Samson Contour Energy 32.910781 -93.685796
Mustang Gas Products, LLC 36.260537 -97.924473
Enable Midstream 35.615698 -99.650224
Continuum Midstream, LLC 36.420073 -82.942309
DCP Midstream 40.111244 -104.280088
SemGas, LP 36.843262 -98.772926
Summit Petroleum Corp 43.712284 -84.776853
Regency Field Services LLC 32.794268 -94.995954
Devon Gas Services, L.P. 31.501284 -96.517589
Elkhorn Gas Processing LLC 41.67687 -79.028119
ONEOK Rockies Mid-Stream 42.833027 -105.896385
KinderMorgan - Copano Field Services/North Texas, LLC 33.620786 -97.689795
WTG Gas Processing, LP 32.155704 -101.884582
Citation Oil & Gas Corp 38.63489 -89.051063
Occidental Permian Ltd. 32.868232 -100.795123
Samson Contour Energy 32.727604 -93.633537
ConocoPhillips 36.408617 -108.000656
Castleton Commodities International, LLC 36.744 -108.345042
Enterprise Products Operating LLC 29.212801 -98.371653
Targa Midstream Services, LLC 31.382414 -102.437126
Vintage Pipeline, Inc. 34.481736 -118.79236
Linn Energy 37.499228 -101.314734
Exterran Energy Solutions 39.359627 -81.172309
Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC 29.897202 -92.039711
Hess Permian Gas Processing LLC 32.689072 -102.741452
MarkWest Liberty Midstream & Resources 39.802267 -81.333228
Davis Gas Processing, INC 32.395925 -99.023662
Targa Midstream Services, LLC 32.775095 -99.24217
Valence Operating Company 32.4337 -95.328713
SemGas, LP 33.648913 -96.700068
BreitBurn Operating, L.P. 44.021163 -85.39389
MarkWest Liberty Midstream & Resources, LLC 39.286077 -80.78544
Enterprise Products Operating LLC 27.951141 -98.525972
Agave Energy Company 33.0056 -103.4999
DCP Midstream 34.453476 -97.555032
Enterprise Products Operating LLC 27.838543 -97.596572
ExxonMobil Production Company 41.902147 -110.737626
Signal Hill Petroleum, Inc. 33.800838 -118.165785
Kaiser-Frontier Midstream, LLC 41.378 -104.848686
EnLink Texas Processing, LP 32.670773 -97.782647
TPl SouthTex Pipeline Company LLC 28.589963 -97.7735
Questar Pipeline Company 40.772039 -107.614046
Oxy 33.423106 -102.48574
Oxy 33.442275 -102.487076
Enable Midstream Partners, LP 32.523472 -93.500857
Penspen (Formerly dba Greystar Corp) 37.963462 -82.021641
Kinder Morgan CO2 32.775873 -100.845571
WTG Sonora Gas Plant LLC 31.564529 -101.950405
Enterprise Products Operating LLC 30.43727 -100.560362
Enable Products LLC 35.55906 -98.098909
Enterprise Products Operating LLC 32.112116 -103.840348
Central Resources, Inc. 35.302276 -119.364336
Kinder Morgan (Scissortail Energy LLC) 35.389419 -97.489332
DCP Midstream 30.532674 -101.143052
Regency Field Services LLC 36.230721 -101.218039
DCP Midstream 40.112117 -104.828282
Pioneer Exploration, LLC 37.313824 -98.056624
DCP Midstream 31.811856 -102.112273
Superior Pipeline Company LLC 36.890768 -97.920494
Mustang Ventures, LLC 36.427794 -97.786179
Quantum Resources Mgnt Co 30.873657 -87.212
QEP Field Services Company 40.661114 -109.405406
ONEOK Rockies Midstream 48.212501 -103.75359
Linn Energy 33.927417 -117.885193
ONEOK Field Services 34.461757 -97.647453
Targa Resources 31.814898 -101.046409
Targa Resources 29.827543 -93.658028
Enable Midstream Partners 31.732689 -94.201579
Windsor Energy Group 44.820076 -108.938228
Regency Field Services LLC 36.038493 -101.77412
DCP Midstream 30.43727 -100.560362
J-W Pipeline Company 33.27201 -97.514173
Enbridge G & P (Oklahoma) L.P. 35.457108 -99.438949
Chevron U.S.A. Inc. 41.602144 -109.620433
Enerfin Resources I LP 33.793116 -98.447881
Whiting Oil And Gas Corporation 38.751911 -120.091745
Kinder Morgan Tejas Pipeline LLC 29.390837 -94.919889
Enable Products LLC 35.728955 -98.740441
Enterprise Products Operating LLC 30.423579 -94.745207
DCP Midstream 28.191213 -98.225836
Regency Field Services LLC 28.3018 -98.585106
XTO Energy 36.937968 -101.008618
Regency Field Services LLC 31.215443 -102.153144
Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC 29.836049 -89.739576
DCP Midstream 32.36652 -97.919486
Samson Contour 32.534639 -92.480371
Kinder Morgan Production Company LLC 30.894485 -102.036255
Enbridge G & P (East Texas) L.P. 32.144049 -96.083024
TPL Arkoma Holdings LLC 34.556921 -96.242192
J-W Gathering Company 32.407528 -95.441336
Unocal-CNAEP 32.532301 -95.642613
Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent LLC 34.468811 -97.608473
Targa Resources (Targa Capital) 29.674973 -89.997318
Aera Energy LLC 34.02289 -119.743256
QEP Field Services 41.604099 -110.012934
Targa Midstream Services, LLC 32.938575 -103.444136
Caruthers Producing Co Inc 32.850434 -93.95633
Regency Field Services LLC 31.218884 -103.079724
Enable Midstream Partners, LP 32.449483 -94.091807
Occidental Permian Ltd 32.979716 -102.902247
Kinder Morgan 47.794735 -103.654594
Anadarko Petroleum Company 39.785218 -104.701958
Targa Pipeline Mid-Continent WestOk LLC 36.88656 -98.707532
Enbridge G & P (North Texas) L.P 32.845915 -97.901438
Whiting Oil And Gas Corporation 44.341238 -84.286069
Dominion Transmission, Inc. 39.286077 -80.78544
Enable Products LLC 35.226061 -96.23232
Enable Products, LLC 35.435159 -100.302403
Regency Field Services LLC 35.436627 -100.116826
Elkhorn Gas Processing, LLC 41.666445 -78.748329
Western Operating Company 38.409759 -121.752953
DCP Midstream 29.376812 -96.843902
Wildcat Midstream Partners 32.231855 -93.648248
Gas Processors Inc 31.442457 -87.447452
Oxy USA WTP 32.91319 -102.992333
Williams Mobile Bay Producer Services, LLC 30.357569 -88.142384
Williams Midstream Srvcs., LLC 39.831559 -108.123502
Chevron USA Inc. 40.080392 -107.762922
Pruet Production Co. 31.8758 -88.3239
Regency Field Services LLC 35.634692 -100.229433
Southcross Processing LLC 28.199937 -97.36807
ONEOK Partners 36.4223 -99.4036
Washakie Midstream Services LLC 43.960628 -107.99838
Devon Energy Corp. 43.965815 -108.09387
Worsham-Steed Gas Storage, LLC 33.022907 -98.062155
Occidental Permian Ltd 32.970648 -102.985126
Kinder Morgan Production Company LLC 30.942402 -102.111927
W&T Offshore 30.371231 -88.173254
Sterling Energy Investments LLC 40.637138 -103.231466
Enterprise Products Operating, LLC 29.224409 -97.096123
Saga Petroleum LLC 44.081597 -109.062292
Enbridge Pipelines (Texas Gathering) L.P. 35.59368 -100.216821
ConocoPhillips Canada (BRC) Partnership 55.0408471 -119.6331756
Pembina Gas Services Ltd. 54.1714931 -118.3338127
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.9549489 -119.1911308
ARC Resources Ltd. 54.78601 -117.6501695
Jupiter Resources Inc. 54.1714931 -118.3338127
Westcoast Energy Inc. Carrying On Business as Spectra Energy Transmission 55.7925942 -120.5227498
Westcoast Energy Inc. Carrying On Business as Spectra Energy Transmission 58.6544039 -122.6894258
Steel Reef Infrastructure 49.0118374 -102.4820966
Nal Resources Limited 49.3894096 -101.7581061
Cenovus Energy Inc. 49.4713933 -103.7081278
Crescent Point Resources 49.7286807 -108.5302555
Penn West Petroleum 51.6290619 -109.7058407
Beaumont Energy Inc. 51.76609 -109.1853751
Husky Oil Operations 51.7347854 -108.7430377
Penn West Petroleum 51.7424374 -108.8407948
AltaGas Ltd. 49.5665246 -108.6346977
Penn West Petroleum 51.615054 -109.5207591
Whitecap Resources 51.5052776 -109.2835267
Plains Midstream Canada ULC 50.6778848 -110.0249726
Inter Pipeline Extraction Ltd. 51.2216041 -114.4952671
Spectra Energy Empress Management Inc. 50.6826728 -110.0340432
1195714 Alberta Ltd. 50.6728444 -110.0302763
ATCO Energy Solutions Ltd. 50.6777736 -110.052932
TransCanada Energy Ltd. 51.400117 -114.0313
Semcams ULC 54.097715 -116.6167876
ATCO Energy Solutions Ltd. 51.4793802 -113.0551138
Husky Oil Operations Limited 52.1484832 -115.3305315
Iberdrola Canada Energy Services Ltd. 53.7006506 -115.973107
AltaGas Ltd. 51.6909548 -114.4769422
Pembina Gas Services Ltd. 53.9712473 -117.297268
CQ Energy Canada Resources Partnership 53.2058652 -116.8094798
Keyera Energy Ltd. 52.7578194 -114.1087824
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 57.3610736 -119.7534375
Semcams ULC 54.3407741 -116.8692152
AltaGas Ltd. 53.4561426 -113.4870857
Shell Canada Energy 51.9630069 -114.7605576
Repsol Oil & Gas Canada Inc. 53.5578746 -116.5526103
Nexen Energy ULC 51.1912619 -113.9423861
Keyera Energy Ltd. 54.421373 -117.757503
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.8480854 -119.2235921
Pembina Gas Services Ltd. 54.386646 -118.7716147
Shell Canada Energy 49.3074951 -114.0019741
Paramount Resources Ltd. 54.4486482 -118.6043622
Keyera Energy Ltd. 52.2274054 -115.1788955
Shell Canada Energy 51.13848 -114.580815
Encana Corporation 55.4800389 -119.0580293
AltaGas Ltd. 52.2893746 -113.5434804
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.9984833 -118.529736
Husky Oil Operations Limited 58.4489957 -119.2363851
Keyera Energy Ltd. 52.036673 -115.1374409
Pembina Gas Services Ltd. 54.392827 -118.777351
Keyera Energy Ltd. 52.9473338 -115.9015742
Trilogy Resources Ltd. 54.5225 -116.8
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 53.179522 -115.753482
TAQA North Ltd. 51.3971869 -114.0292822
Veresen Midstream General Partner Inc. 55.4134486 -119.8352877
Pengrowth Energy Corporation 54.570458 -115.523072
XTO Energy Canada 54.1813096 -116.6872096
ConocoPhillips Canada (BRC) Partnership 54.1076794 -117.5146035
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 53.9776678 -117.2847436
Keyera Energy Ltd. 52.9399482 -114.8318401
Keyera Energy Ltd. 52.314 -113.077
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.3517823 -119.4603122
Tourmaline Oil Corp. 53.857637 -117.3845096
Keyera Energy Ltd. 53.0396414 -115.9560622
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.7247483 -119.4046645
Lexin Resources Ltd. 50.6461619 -113.7725155
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. 53.7540993 -117.0925467
Shell Canada Energy 51.5702 -114.8526
ConocoPhillips Canada Energy Partnership 55.3360952 -119.222941
Bellatrix Exploration Ltd. 52.8700197 -115.1012082
CQ Energy Canada Resources Partnership 51.2192939 -114.6469517
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.831231 -118.657939
Tourmaline Oil Corp. 53.3076617 -116.938656
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.6126888 -118.2143995
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. 53.7684267 -116.9120647
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. 53.6220814 -116.7974928
CQ Energy Canada Resources Partnership 52.4962528 -114.9892384
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.033401 -117.75693
Pembina Gas Services Ltd. 54.3612922 -119.1333853
Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. 51.6373552 -112.8655752
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 53.5836605 -116.8444761
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 56.6239301 -119.9477453
Shell Canada Energy 53.9897401 -117.3558101
Spectra Energy Midstream Corporation 55.8796502 -119.2939287
Devon Canada 49.6280338 -114.5729665
Repsol Oil & Gas Canada Inc. 53.8559625 -117.3820648
Spectra Energy Midstream Corporation 56.0995817 -119.2869565
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. 53.7556164 -117.0904182
TAQA North Ltd. 51.8735745 -114.9889378
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.0354352 -117.7557686
Pengrowth Energy Corporation 50.7498011 -114.4955243
Bonavista Energy Corporation 54.653856 -116.096167
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 57.3387046 -118.6566627
Keyera Energy Ltd. 53.9027391 -115.1901783
Repsol Oil & Gas Canada Inc. 54.1361665 -117.2402954
Keyera Energy Ltd. 53.3922677 -115.3110472
ConocoPhillips Canada (BRC) Partnership 52.904837 -115.3256109
Pengrowth Energy Corporation 51.7410797 -114.1347117
Keyera Energy Ltd. 52.7769934 -115.6625259
ConocoPhillips Canada (BRC) Partnership 52.8672775 -115.1000274
Kelt Exploration Ltd. 54.1295122 -119.2174924
Keyera Energy Ltd. 53.255856 -115.555034
Encana Corporation 54.4006652 -117.1397631
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 52.5848666 -114.3666718
Keyera Energy Ltd. 52.4641741 -114.3475064
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.3970211 -119.5913978
Semcams ULC 54.1862553 -116.2113405
Shell Canada Energy 53.6540749 -117.0808132
Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. 53.1893688 -111.7571811
Nal Resources Limited 52.2296101 -114.3955948
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 56.1691255 -119.4268147
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 55.245063 -119.6908457
ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. 53.2017457 -116.2185271
ConocoPhillips Canada (BRC) Partnership 53.3735566 -116.0847491
Encana Corporation 51.0225757 -112.9466735
TAQA North Ltd. 54.1309432 -115.5486718
Jupiter Resources Inc. 54.2282405 -118.6301796
Seven Generations Energy Ltd. 54.45995 -118.230532
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. 52.7779212 -115.7575286
Spectra Energy Midstream Corporation 55.9475148 -119.9297184
Trident Exploration (Alberta) Corp. 54.4524206 -114.8750605
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 52.6510138 -115.0778068
Cardinal Energy Ltd. 55.2676155 -114.6030093
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 53.4987715 -116.8057031
Bonavista Energy Corporation 53.7761556 -116.7976146
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. 53.621588 -116.854008
Cenovus Energy Inc. 50.9168134 -112.4499683
Trident Exploration (Alberta) Corp. 54.3898661 -114.7621231
Tourmaline Oil Corp. 53.4397219 -116.5570027
Tourmaline Oil Corp. 53.3839893 -117.470276
Exshaw Oil Corp. 55.6575711 -119.0104725
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 53.316593 -114.980543
Cenovus Energy Inc. 50.796704 -112.0141289
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. 53.7624194 -117.3660661
ARC Resources Ltd. 54.9100162 -117.692678
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 56.3474435 -119.1892949
Encana Corporation 51.3054971 -112.6522584
ATCO Energy Solutions Ltd. 53.7221093 -113.5885041
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 50.2696137 -112.8931884
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.3779445 -118.4987858
Cenovus Energy Inc. 50.8431371 -112.461678
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 50.129233 -111.906892
Apache Canada Ltd. 52.23367 -111.289535
CQ Energy Canada Resources Partnership 52.4661333 -114.3459116
Strategic Oil & Gas Ltd. 59.6408715 -118.3079167
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 52.1421795 -112.1553363
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.0243418 -111.6434401
Long Run Exploration Ltd. 53.6666307 -116.6002236
Harvest Operations Corp. 54.6492615 -118.9150279
Tourmaline Oil Corp. 54.361877 -118.755995
Tourmaline Oil Corp. 53.4431315 -117.6550379
Mosaic Energy Ltd. 54.348432 -118.4164996
Apache Canada Ltd. 52.1062193 -110.6977106
Keyera Energy Ltd. 53.1880084 -115.6360726
Cenovus Energy Inc. 51.1265765 -112.3550191
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 55.6437609 -114.6576329
Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. 53.4624238 -116.4152482
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 56.3644165 -119.9277581
TAQA North Ltd. 51.8562337 -114.750579
ConocoPhillips Canada Energy Partnership 53.6704181 -115.7629419
Strategic Oil & Gas Ltd. 59.5993696 -117.397606
Husky Oil Operations Limited 54.4394317 -118.7402903
Mosaic Energy Ltd. 53.7293214 -115.6031246
Encana Corporation 51.0077426 -113.1728533
Keyera Energy Ltd. 53.244994 -115.674014
AltaGas Ltd. 50.2273305 -113.5380229
Cenovus Energy Inc. 51.416667 -112.791667
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.7724014 -119.303875
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.5286231 -117.4638245
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 57.005549 -113.1897288
Bonavista Energy Corporation 53.7993492 -116.0859703
Husky Oil Operations Limited 51.0954375 -112.8177206
CQ Energy Canada Resources Partnership 53.5782975 -115.8547998
Pengrowth Energy Corporation 54.2844843 -115.698904
Ember Resources Inc. 51.771771 -113.622987
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.0561492 -118.3083783
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 53.634941 -113.7885392
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 51.8998439 -113.5691106
NEP Canada ULC 53.2403291 -113.8394111
AltaGas Ltd. 58.5650035 -119.1986856
Long Run Exploration Ltd. 55.6404502 -117.1195077
AltaGas Ltd. 50.2432225 -113.6094597
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. 54.1700674 -118.4808936
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 49.9597991 -113.546019
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.2114737 -112.5296448
Encana Corporation 51.2741309 -112.9010128
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 53.7165014 -113.1840411
Trilogy Resources Ltd. 54.41898 -116.35158
Cenovus Energy Inc. 50.290277 -112.006819
Long Run Exploration Ltd. 53.6587087 -116.660993
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.2141128 -111.3554481
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.3593448 -112.3548392
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 52.925805 -115.105265
Bonavista Energy Corporation 52.7568155 -113.9333196
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.7604499 -113.9604722
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 54.35919 -116.15324
Velvet Energy Ltd. 53.5796284 -116.1379474
Tamarack Acquisition Corp. 52.7282297 -114.5364407
TAQA North Ltd. 55.6036293 -119.3433484
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 53.5471033 -113.7338469
Signalta Resources Limited 52.6215164 -112.2083175
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.5201973 -119.3509108
Cenovus Energy Inc. 50.6760419 -111.7598697
Apache Canada Ltd. 53.8862845 -117.1960057
Cenovus Energy Inc. 50.2804015 -111.4700839
Apache Canada Ltd. 52.5091569 -114.7072763
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 57.4183633 -119.6729197
Ember Resources Inc. 52.5146298 -113.3589847
Husky Oil Operations Limited 53.4285144 -116.7101782
Husky Oil Operations Limited 56.2358001 -113.8873248
Vermilion Energy Inc. 53.385157 -115.6068722
Ember Resources Inc. 52.5146903 -113.1671562
TAQA North Ltd. 53.0357779 -115.2907734
Trident Exploration (Alberta) Corp. 54.2471218 -114.7332476
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 52.7202009 -113.6095102
AltaGas Ltd. 51.6496078 -110.1931636
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 52.3249785 -114.0220135
Lexin Resources Ltd. 50.0068824 -114.1455965
Pengrowth Energy Corporation 51.6940376 -113.2159429
Encana Corporation 54.4032733 -117.5983181
Husky Oil Operations Limited 50.4275647 -112.4573604
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.1765624 -112.0529954
Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. 51.915092 -113.373703
Husky Oil Operations Limited 58.4318578 -119.9746165
ConocoPhillips Canada (BRC) Partnership 53.1027913 -115.3620204
Husky Oil Operations Limited 52.2760884 -114.2168594
Notine Holdings Inc. 53.706947 -115.9750823
Apache Canada Ltd. 52.3186091 -111.4790425
Long Run Exploration Ltd. 55.489547 -118.3260734
Ember Resources Inc. 51.6800706 -113.9329916
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 57.3741816 -119.2335705
Cenovus Energy Inc. 50.8935562 -112.1724483
Journey Energy Inc. 50.7387454 -112.0829514
Sydco Energy Inc. 56.5600956 -119.0255703
Apache Canada Ltd. 51.981247 -111.1751136
Hanna Oil & Gas Company - Canada ULC 55.7587947 -118.2966812
Husky Oil Operations Limited 54.0042138 -118.2412884
Shell Canada Energy 53.8557186 -116.9838435
Lightstream Resources Ltd. 50.7239975 -112.7916799
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.4401794 -112.052248
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 52.4804624 -115.2061825
TAQA North Ltd. 53.1099847 -115.203153
Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. 53.0372278 -111.4053086
Husky Oil Operations Limited 58.1096948 -118.1109569
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.2675604 -114.6071566
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 53.4283487 -116.7132652
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 52.5948765 -114.8829951
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.9150257 -115.1367281
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 52.4405124 -115.2818854
NEP Canada ULC 53.3309604 -113.7193789
Ish Energy Ltd. 53.8279618 -116.3881784
Long Run Exploration Ltd. 55.609316 -118.002073
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.8002822 -117.7971101
Trident Exploration (Alberta) Corp. 54.3550488 -114.8132693
New Star Energy Ltd. 53.375338 -114.5284174
Nal Resources Limited 54.9659996 -117.6581321
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 56.198543 -110.6741073
Marquee Energy Ltd. 51.8156995 -112.4555705
Vermilion Energy Inc. 53.4850249 -115.6076887
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.939675 -117.2389342
Husky Oil Operations Limited 51.737123 -112.557529
Sydco Energy Inc. 57.153568 -118.3313585
Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. 53.831471 -115.9376989
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.9495635 -110.6238966
Cenovus Energy Inc. 50.4998417 -112.225574
Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. 53.0193623 -112.1884274
Husky Oil Operations Limited 52.5238865 -112.0470465
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 52.1566768 -113.5243322
Whitecap Resources Inc. 52.2877084 -114.9690392
Spyglass Resources Corp. 58.3660031 -118.9896257
Apache Canada Ltd. 54.090378 -113.632876
Long Run Exploration Ltd. 55.4336132 -118.04206
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.1060833 -117.5066597
Vesta Energy Ltd. 52.4381757 -113.8568639
Bonterra Energy Corp. 53.1831844 -114.4871514
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.4200948 -117.2938519
Petrus Resources Corp. 53.2262563 -114.0332899
Husky Oil Operations Limited 51.6363029 -112.7909783
Repsol Oil & Gas Canada Inc. 53.5348425 -117.034021
CQ Energy Canada Resources Partnership 53.140341 -113.7866724
Crescent Point Energy Corp. 50.5559371 -114.2359169
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 54.1044802 -114.2902683
Orlen Upstream Canada Ltd. 51.4668722 -114.4684729
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.2614714 -117.2419724
AltaGas Ltd. 55.2480436 -116.6330238
AltaGas Ltd. 50.7017378 -111.5548016
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.8960796 -118.3147711
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.8840074 -117.4621536
Trident Exploration (Alberta) Corp. 51.8460238 -113.7735234
ConocoPhillips Canada (BRC) Partnership 54.2272321 -118.3015806
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 52.2809079 -112.5783502
Ember Resources Inc. 51.4018325 -113.2412411
Birchcliff Energy Ltd. 55.1443358 -118.4391889
Sun Century Petroleum Corporation 52.9995946 -112.9719804
Cenovus Energy Inc. 50.7012784 -111.0244488
Firenze Energy Ltd. 54.378701 -117.1594328
Harvest Operations Corp. 52.4902494 -114.488041
Husky Oil Operations Limited 53.6391258 -116.92197
Baytex Energy Ltd. 52.3649901 -112.7333461
Apache Canada Ltd. 51.9195591 -114.3926402
Apache Canada Ltd. 51.8959518 -114.4003366
Husky Oil Operations Limited 51.8711274 -112.8847072
Husky Oil Operations Limited 52.3226358 -115.5759462
Encana Corporation 51.522618 -113.0100693
Ember Resources Inc. 51.5306603 -113.2760516
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 52.3666931 -114.9625098
Husky Oil Operations Limited 52.4768085 -111.4428111
SW Resources ULC 54.1228849 -116.2659288
Enerplus Corporation 53.256375 -113.0398906
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.0701231 -113.3118767
Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. 50.221395 -112.4413181
Trident Exploration (Alberta) Corp. 54.3465776 -114.899748
Long Term Asset Management Inc. 49.9597493 -113.5443355
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 50.558701 -112.6117362
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.6848736 -111.8515293
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 54.473315 -114.8099076
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 53.2803556 -114.7731485
Cequence Energy Ltd. 56.0954887 -118.7584338
Husky Oil Operations Limited 50.616877 -112.8397795
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 54.5460243 -114.7914183
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 52.873109 -113.6280661
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.0938828 -113.6232144
Ember Resources Inc. 51.7274061 -113.8190727
Trilogy Resources Ltd. 54.2344822 -116.6062225
Cenovus Energy Inc. 51.13103 -112.763254
Boulder Energy Ltd. 55.5741925 -118.8102892
Spry2 Energy Inc. 52.1949639 -114.1110635
Bonterra Energy Corp. 53.0542634 -114.9354415
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 51.7640979 -110.1458018
Rife Resources Ltd. 52.7763709 -112.9104463
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 57.500935 -118.740465
Pengrowth Energy Corporation 51.9031323 -111.6103794
Bonavista Energy Corporation 53.9437029 -116.7089316
Semcams ULC 54.2075224 -116.7657893
Adanac Oil & Gas Limited 53.5225281 -114.8751752
Husky Oil Operations Limited 52.0172803 -113.1465281
ARC Resources Ltd. 54.6718471 -117.6420174
Lexin Resources Ltd. 50.6950493 -113.6696932
AltaGas Ltd. 56.846944 -119.846111
Cenovus Energy Inc. 51.2713402 -112.8285293
ConocoPhillips Western Canada Partnership 52.3583443 -114.3242519
Delphi Energy Corp. 54.1619457 -117.6680457
Questfire Energy Corp. 49.1186004 -113.7606048
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 50.0470547 -113.5564934
ConocoPhillips Canada (BRC) Partnership 53.9196428 -115.7821427
Shackleton Exploration Ltd. 52.707602 -112.980736
Apache Canada Ltd. 59.0651157 -118.8763421
Sinopec Daylight Energy Ltd. 53.539185 -117.074512
Husky Oil Operations Limited 52.4414881 -110.3193858
Enercapita Energy Ltd. 56.5054217 -119.4302158
Coastal Resources Limited 51.600751 -111.240015
Spur Resources Ltd. 51.9588255 -110.7685509
Ember Resources Inc. 52.3643627 -113.1877319
Cenovus Energy Inc. 50.4418361 -111.8592896
Ember Resources Inc. 51.6426715 -113.3336407
Omers Energy Inc. 52.7205773 -114.5106946
Ember Resources Inc. 50.8895053 -113.3999927
Husky Oil Operations Limited 51.366494 -112.7698996
Surge Energy Inc. 55.5263421 -119.3755775
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 55.9699963 -117.5752014
Imaginea Energy Corp. 50.6536056 -111.1667274
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 55.9821715 -113.7657025
Sinopec Daylight Energy Ltd. 55.49374 -118.084
Surge Energy Inc. 57.0666013 -118.0301689
Sydco Energy Inc. 57.320546 -118.064821
Lexin Resources Ltd. 50.485295 -112.914858
Baytex Energy Ltd. 51.685845 -110.6672321
Beringer Energy Inc. 53.515183 -115.655344
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.9434455 -112.077374
AltaGas Ltd. 56.6229343 -119.9119999
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.6860098 -117.4142691
Birchcliff Energy Ltd. 56.5587424 -119.3651405
Husky Oil Operations Limited 51.7540419 -113.856779
Bonavista Energy Corporation 49.5224435 -112.8543221
ARC Resources Ltd. 55.8929856 -119.7915136
Husky Oil Operations Limited 50.6748197 -113.0850141
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.6393671 -118.9844298
Cenovus Energy Inc. 50.537422 -112.0284796
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 53.0923855 -115.2437537
Husky Oil Operations Limited 51.239478 -111.562331
AltaGas Ltd. 54.1194612 -114.8541485
Rolling Hills Energy Ltd. 52.0005069 -110.3874457
Apache Canada Ltd. 52.2017202 -110.2838293
Vermilion Energy Inc. 52.1801263 -113.0797746
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 52.844594 -111.71466
ConocoPhillips Canada Energy Partnership 53.8249846 -115.5559748
TAQA North Ltd. 50.7367413 -113.3229844
CQ Energy Canada Resources Partnership 51.4821663 -110.4106025
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.3589095 -112.418629
Bonavista Energy Corporation 54.2242136 -115.931918
TAQA North Ltd. 51.2888044 -112.1503131
NEP Canada ULC 53.6107192 -114.2332038
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.20114 -117.9136251
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 52.078507 -111.011485
Blackpearl Resources Inc. 55.3066851 -115.0418685
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 52.0417884 -113.6726567
Apache Canada Ltd. 54.3405521 -114.1117343
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.1229536 -114.1575407
AltaGas Ltd. 51.7708933 -111.4213863
Cardinal Energy Ltd. 50.5364361 -111.7445854
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 53.6897837 -116.7720818
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 53.1939662 -115.2922853
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.620677 -112.0686646
Journey Energy Inc. 50.6031851 -113.3764636
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.4490458 -111.57437
Anderson Energy Inc. 52.3536786 -114.6234796
Ember Resources Inc. 51.880997 -112.791491
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 50.7052842 -111.1574445
Long Run Exploration Ltd. 52.5742045 -112.8546561
Marquee Energy Ltd. 51.691832 -112.223436
TAQA North Ltd. 52.7013088 -115.996411
Trilogy Resources Ltd. 54.4457374 -117.6877811
Harvest Operations Corp. 55.3473262 -114.030412
TAQA North Ltd. 50.5836969 -113.294521
ARC Resources Ltd. 53.0881886 -115.0563267
Long Term Asset Management Inc. 49.9896407 -113.4370687
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 52.1049287 -113.0752301
Bonavista Energy Corporation 51.4146928 -111.7655143
Husky Oil Operations Limited 54.4059997 -113.9295423
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 52.3167965 -113.7328533
ARC Resources Ltd. 53.2321873 -115.0997845
Petrus Resources Corp. 53.1626082 -114.2031935
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 58.3044155 -118.8855932
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 56.5804274 -119.0569999
Baytex Energy Ltd. 51.8305388 -111.7756057
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 53.608122 -112.5837728
Long Run Exploration Ltd. 53.9302048 -114.37862
Ember Resources Inc. 52.789579 -112.488823
Husky Oil Operations Limited 55.2814047 -114.4244694
Husky Oil Operations Limited 51.4246222 -112.741076
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 52.7592979 -111.285427
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 52.0125989 -112.9835446
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.7865753 -113.4000444
Canadian Oil & Gas International Inc. 52.0625771 -113.8825724
Lexin Resources Ltd. 49.6964805 -114.2005305
CQ Energy Canada Resources Partnership 52.7276706 -113.2698815
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.5527088 -111.491832
Trilogy Resources Ltd. 54.5346581 -117.1176542
Twin Butte Energy Ltd. 54.258277 -114.5791058
Husky Oil Operations Limited 51.9636917 -113.7264919
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.3003456 -112.0432574
Ember Resources Inc. 51.5710854 -113.6898697
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 56.2803637 -119.1683643
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 52.3723504 -115.0602803
Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. 53.4868682 -114.4762703
Apache Canada Ltd. 54.5381038 -115.923251
Harvest Operations Corp. 55.1713562 -117.985593
Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd. 53.3459094 -114.744722
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.7386836 -113.1215767
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.6375361 -112.5308154
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 53.4337037 -115.1230606
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.1883485 -114.2135075
Nal Resources Limited 52.5188214 -114.1061583
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 57.8756175 -118.4144516
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.733377 -111.6408506
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 53.2321731 -115.1014555
Bonavista Energy Corporation 49.6902247 -112.9357261
Land Petroleum International Inc. 52.7554225 -113.8633174
Second Wave Petroleum Inc. 54.4617449 -115.3627555
Marquee Energy Ltd. 51.7213121 -112.389256
Kelt Exploration Ltd. 57.345926 -119.093776
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 52.1441253 -111.7540564
Trilogy Resources Ltd. 54.2344812 -116.6063035
Logic Energy Ltd. 52.2198571 -112.3084791
Tamarack Acquisition Corp. 52.893012 -114.862677
ATCO Energy Solutions Ltd. 51.4794801 -113.0568561
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.2095207 -113.7744343
Glencoe Resources Ltd. 52.62111 -113.617
Enerplus Corporation 54.2429102 -115.5591675
Sinopec Daylight Energy Ltd. 53.1401669 -114.3555992
Journey Energy Inc. 52.9412448 -114.4184263
Inception Exploration Ltd. 54.997786 -118.652027
Long Run Exploration Ltd. 51.8129256 -113.6183467
ARC Resources Ltd. 52.1674497 -113.2495116
ConocoPhillips Canada Energy Partnership 52.2657817 -114.5174426
Enerplus Corporation 52.6329733 -113.5719785
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 51.8680213 -110.145939
Boulder Energy Ltd. 58.338571 -118.536967
ARC Resources Ltd. 53.2753121 -114.7247183
CQ Energy Canada Resources Partnership 52.5467137 -112.9012539
TAQA North Ltd. 52.1239938 -113.8435208
Enerplus Corporation 52.6003595 -113.0782904
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.70667 -112.385
Spyglass Resources Corp. 58.0599048 -118.2854528
Harvest Operations Corp. 52.5527996 -111.6742223
Long Run Exploration Ltd. 53.8629097 -114.7514135
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.2055332 -116.8432599
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.9578475 -112.3679749
Husky Oil Operations Limited 50.4257968 -112.4566672
Journey Energy Inc. 53.8481673 -114.6208415
TAQA North Ltd. 52.3227575 -115.5342039
Apache Canada Ltd. 55.0429183 -115.478654
Bearspaw Petroleum Ltd. 51.5047465 -112.6742775
Journey Energy Inc. 50.9887627 -111.740175
Petrus Resources Corp. 55.7149612 -118.8350731
Cenovus Energy Inc. 50.3169182 -111.9681218
Velvet Energy Ltd. 54.2477609 -114.9608131
ARC Resources Ltd. 53.1739197 -114.8836777
Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. 52.7205978 -111.502325
Baytex Energy Ltd. 57.1910752 -116.8186608
TAQA North Ltd. 53.6905857 -115.7154804
Twin Butte Energy Ltd. 53.1145553 -111.7650743
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 54.1307123 -115.2272939
Kelt Exploration Ltd. 56.461328 -119.9064773
Husky Oil Operations Limited 54.5597147 -113.8338574
Blackpearl Resources Inc. 55.2332875 -115.0693364
Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. 49.0310675 -111.0536098
Quattro Exploration and Production Ltd. 52.447949 -112.5828888
ConocoPhillips Canada (BRC) Partnership 52.184836 -114.7342893
Canadian Oil & Gas International Inc. 52.3048157 -112.2047828
Spyglass Resources Corp. 57.97136 -118.583546
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 51.7935368 -110.8098216
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 51.5980781 -110.4727083
Sun Century Petroleum Corporation 52.0988307 -112.8526891
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 52.4500917 -114.6715508
Petrus Resources Corp. 53.1624274 -114.2047883
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 54.4347146 -116.1327705
Long Run Exploration Ltd. 53.9264859 -113.0965239
Manitok Energy Inc. 51.4017215 -112.9128391
AltaGas Ltd. 51.2131394 -110.3412755
Journey Energy Inc. 50.4998186 -112.4546618
Shaman Energy Corporation 52.0250146 -112.7781404
Husky Oil Operations Limited 53.6954595 -113.9641837
Crescent Point Energy Corp. 52.3029627 -112.0812034
Lone Pine Resources Canada Ltd. 57.21918 -116.3950329
Goodland Energy Ltd. 52.2296566 -110.2677327
Pengrowth Energy Corporation 51.6240657 -111.863953
Sinopec Daylight Energy Ltd. 53.6269174 -113.7035577
Beringer Energy Inc. 53.6087859 -115.4348896
ARC Resources Ltd. 53.952559 -113.075135
Corse Energy Corp. 51.9412622 -113.2423036
Surge Energy Inc. 55.0754824 -116.9633266
Enerplus Corporation 52.0218245 -112.4029934
Husky Oil Operations Limited 50.9084686 -111.5140764
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 51.9699752 -110.629668
Petrus Resources Corp. 55.6990102 -118.7773438
Cenovus Energy Inc. 50.7729677 -111.7826799
Sydco Energy Inc. 57.3470815 -119.5515095
Spartan Energy Corp. 53.8186091 -113.8604148
Harvest Operations Corp. 52.2566187 -114.2981454
Enerplus Corporation 53.0656534 -110.6106574
Petrus Resources Corp. 53.19777 -114.0981828
Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd. 52.2587635 -113.7415034
Journey Energy Inc. 53.2554477 -114.4384614
Nuvista Energy Ltd. 58.6829822 -118.6698285
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 58.6834522 -118.6715675
Harvest Operations Corp. 51.4522961 -112.940256
Husky Oil Operations Limited 51.7794577 -113.1932528
Glencoe Resources Ltd. 52.539511 -113.526835
Husky Oil Operations Limited 54.3494682 -113.539039
Apache Canada Ltd. 52.3315288 -111.1258147
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.8743207 -116.3793401
Eagle Energy Inc. 51.79666 -113.45
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 56.9255282 -115.9031518
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. 54.4168275 -119.3565549
Success Resources Ltd. 51.2730835 -111.7720981
Baccalieu Energy Inc. 52.3685741 -115.3775291
Perpetual Energy Operating Corp. 53.0406211 -111.6795984
Chinook Energy Inc. 56.4158352 -119.6704122
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 58.0742862 -118.7628435
Anterra Energy Inc. 55.8258631 -115.2226719
Enercapita Energy Ltd. 56.4743448 -119.7223686
Harvest Operations Corp. 50.3675749 -112.3397671
Gamet Resources Ltd. 51.8505244 -114.0758742
Harvest Operations Corp. 56.4955196 -115.6073143
Gryphon Petroleum Corp. 49.0908593 -112.5771903
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 52.88733 -111.020482
Harvest Operations Corp. 50.3360905 -111.1718367
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.8211228 -119.1303807
Enerplus Corporation 55.7733772 -119.8183283
Husky Oil Operations Limited 49.9359569 -111.406107
Blackspur Oil Corp. 50.5725539 -112.1591571
Jaycor Resources Inc. 53.4449216 -113.3107692
Baytex Energy Ltd. 53.9521201 -113.274099
Inplay Oil Corp. 52.9925551 -114.1275681
Spyglass Resources Corp. 58.2329313 -118.781681
Cardinal Energy Ltd. 50.865575 -112.2139164
ARC Resources Ltd. 55.0036166 -115.4585243
Vermilion Energy Inc. 52.4842987 -114.3064367
Husky Oil Operations Limited 50.1969264 -111.3434457
Spyglass Resources Corp. 51.0540165 -111.6881726
Crescent Point Energy Corp. 52.12282 -110.573
Pengrowth Energy Corporation 52.2848724 -113.2240817
Surge Energy Inc. 52.4720546 -114.8227671
LGX Oil + Gas Inc. 49.4104811 -110.6205424
TAQA North Ltd. 50.901965 -110.342678
TAQA North Ltd. 50.8871606 -110.3868173
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 55.9654794 -115.3562297
XTO Energy Canada 56.025639 -115.325667
Westcoast Energy Inc. 58.6521619 -122.6923657
Enbridge G & P Canada Inc. 59.23125 -121.691
AltaGas Holdings Inc. 56.1457286 -120.6691196
Westcoast Energy Inc. 56.1422975 -120.6697044
Westcoast Energy Inc. 55.5726 -121.9429
Encana Corporation 55.785065 -120.5374803
Aitken Creek Gas Storage ULC 56.9558466 -121.9182267
Spectra Energy Midstream Corporation 55.7969686 -120.5381785
Westcoast Energy Inc. Carrying On Business as Spectra Energy Transmission 59.2023 -121.594
Murphy Oil Company Ltd. 55.6416373 -120.5059568
Encana Corporation 56.00021 -120.65
Shell Canada Limited 55.9562833 -121.0714699
Veresen Midstream General Partner Inc. 55.3051792 -120.0500267
Shell Canada Limited 55.92465 -120.789
Progress Energy Canada Ltd. 57.34792 -122.8235373
Progress Energy Canada Ltd. 57.18542 -122.728
Progress Energy Canada Ltd. 56.81458 -122.022
Progress Energy Canada Ltd. 56.2343034 -122.0949538
Apache Canada Ltd. 59.17708 -121.584
ConocoPhillips Canada Operations Ltd. 55.2941069 -120.4871409
08-22-081-20 56.0349435 -120.8765754
ARC Resources Ltd. 56.00081 -120.442
Shell Canada Limited 55.9299612 -120.8919983
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. 59.5637519 -121.0567262
ARC Resources Ltd. 55.81052 -120.664
Crew Energy Inc. 56.1214869 -121.0300176
Tourmaline Oil Corp. 55.9700481 -120.3732081
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 57.1773846 -120.08775
Spectra Energy Midstream Corporation 56.9446038 -122.0743332
ConocoPhillips Canada Operations Ltd. 57.740411 -120.0099532
Westcoast Energy Inc. 57.2012479 -123.0133765
WGSI Holdings Corporation 57.4024922 -123.0042365
Progress Energy Canada Ltd. 56.3885682 -122.1875021
Tourmaline Oil Corp. 55.927901 -120.6514241
Spectra Energy Midstream Corporation 59.32292 -120.278
Endurance B.C. Gas Ltd. 58.685877 -121.3165188
Westcoast Transmission Company Limited 56.9558466 -121.9182267
AltaGas Ltd. 56.88125 -122.341
Spectra Energy Midstream Corporation 57.2332673 -122.2218231
Black Swan Energy Ltd. 57.03125 -121.847
Canbriam Energy Inc. 56.3040953 -122.0285598
Aux Sable Canada Ltd. 56.0531933 -120.7402385
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 57.1184378 -120.0842062
C-032-H/094-H-08 57.3641076 -120.0242605
Direct Energy Marketing Limited 56.3015593 -120.2309223
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 56.8255306 -122.3613758
Canadian Natural Resources Limited 58.0455442 -120.9073989
Chinook Energy (2010) Inc. 57.3350412 -121.3999439
Terra Energy Corp. 56.30273 -121.849
Pengrowth Energy Corporation 55.945121 -121.1234117
A-079-B/094-B-17 56.80746 -122.232
Kanata Energy Group Ltd. 56.79375 -122.291
Eog Canada Oil & Gas Inc. 59.9471785 -123.0706482
Gs E&r Canada Inc. 59.7120659 -123.1162351
Leucrotta Exploration Inc. 55.9572826 -120.2056163
Direct Energy Marketing Limited 56.2991538 -120.2308535
Shell Canada Limited 55.7146266 -120.8523876
Direct Energy Marketing Limited 56.0493401 -120.3124076
05-03-081-19 55.9279 -120.776
Whitecap Resources Inc. 56.3373895 -120.0849324
Pacific Northern Gas (N.E.) Ltd. 54.89375 -120.666
Harvest Operations Corp. 58.7688214 -120.0502599
Shell Canada Limited 55.5268421 -120.712355
ConocoPhillips Canada Operations Ltd. 57.7860862 -120.229618
Shell Canada Limited 55.7572 -121.311
Whitecap Resources Inc. 56.3947698 -120.0697425
Harvest Operations Corp. 58.6457107 -120.0676028
Canada Energy Partners Inc. 56.007178 -122.0474126
Canadian Spirit Resources Inc. 56.1662679 -122.0321698
Exxonmobil Canada Properties 45.172 -61.613
Transgas Limited 51.6624556 -109.2391346
Crescent Point Resources 49.6254937 -103.0651538
AltaGas Ltd. 51.6896479 -109.9753192
Plains Midstream Canada 49.3140316 -102.6330137
Lightstream Resources 49.5742465 -103.4265909
Crescent Point Resources 49.6184318 -103.0664137
Teine Energy Ltd. 51.7129325 -109.0847195
Teine Energy Ltd. 51.7374786 -108.5387087
Teine Energy Ltd. 51.2071475 -108.1103159
ATCO Energy Solutions 49.6445953 -102.7028546
Northern Blizzard Resources 51.7750359 -109.3842834
Crescent Point Resources 49.2069861 -102.0452909
Ish Energy Ltd. 51.7513927 -109.5814761
Teine Energy Ltd. 51.5613837 -108.9775984
Husky Oil Operations 50.1557253 -108.5508438
ARC Resouces General 49.4590221 -103.9028283
Seven Generations Energy Ltd. 54.458699 -118.229354
Bonavista Energy Corporation 53.35963 -116.48201
Repsol Oil & Gas Canada Inc. 54.0528135 -117.4427379
Tourmaline Oil Corp. 53.397892 -116.628161
Keyera Energy Ltd. 53.215956 -115.6732899
Petrus Resources Corp. 52.2911497 -115.1519181
ATCO Energy Solutions Ltd. 57.3383837 -118.4604087
Ferus Natural Gas Fuels Inc. 55.0441111 -119.6284223
Bonterra Energy Corp. 53.2315073 -114.5538954
Seven Generations Energy Ltd. 54.6165311 -118.6523088
Encana Corporation 54.4787903 -117.4421586
Pemex 22.275144 -97.816014
Pemex 26.015481 -98.481018
Pemex 17.898607 -93.194208
Pemex 18.090924 -94.358864
Pemex 17.882991 -92.48851
Pemex 18.092489 -94.04418
Pemex 18.813516 -96.40086
Pemex 18.137227 -94.370074
Pemex 17.862744 -93.121273
Pemex 18.116838 -94.404068
Pemex 20.525092 -97.469046
City (Site Name) County State / Province / Territory Zip Code / Postal Code
Egan Acadia Louisiana 70531
Gibsland Bienville Louisiana 71028
Wheeler Wheeler Texas 79096
<Null> Wheeler Texas 79003
Altamont Duchesne Utah 84001
Amber Grady Kansas 73004
Evanston Uinta Wyoming 82930
Crawford Roger Mills Oklahoma 73638
Canadian Hemphill Texas 79104
Oil Center Lea New Mexico 88240
Lisbon <Null> Louisiana 71048
Butler Custer Oklahoma 73625
Yoakum Dewitt Texas 77995
Artesia Eddy New Mexico 88210
Atmore Escambia Alabama 36502
Atoka Atoka Oklahoma 74525
<Null> Natrona Wyoming 82604
La Grange Fayette Texas 78945
Morris Grundy Illinois 60450
Avinger Cass Texas 75630
Azle Parker Texas 76020
Manistee Manistee Michigan 49660
Rhame <Null> North Dakota 58651
Bairoil Sweetwater Wyoming 82322
Baker Fallon Montana 59313
Sidney Richland Montana 59270
Cameron Cameron Louisiana 70631
<Null> Garfield County Colorado 81630
Waynesboro Wayne Mississippi 39367
Hayden Routt Colorado 80293
Garden City Glasscock Texas 79739
Grayling Crawford Michigan 49735
Riverton Fremont Wyoming 82501
Beaver Beaver Oklahoma 73932
Belfield Stark North Dakota 58622
Tonkawa Kay Oklahoma 74653
McKittrick Kern California 93251
Randkin Upton Texas 79788
Midkiff Upton Texas 79755
Atmore Escambia Alabama 36502
<Null> Moffat Colorado 81625
Lake Charles Calcasieu Louisiana 70605
Binger Caddo Oklahoma 73009
Binger Caddo Oklahoma 73009
Gillette Campbell Wyoming 82718
Granger Sweetwater Wyoming 82934
Denver <Null> Colorado 80202
Pikeville Pike Kentucky 41501
Barstow Ward Texas 79719
Elm Grove Bossier Louisiana 71051
Midland Midland Texas 79702
Catulla Dimmit Texas 78014
Bridgeport Wise Texas 76426
<Null> Clay Texas 76365
Brookeland Jasper Texas 75931
<Null> Duchesne Utah 84021
Craig Moffat Colorado 81625
Lovington Lea New Mexico 88260
Burbank Osage Oklahoma 74633
Franklin St. Mary Parish Louisiana 70538
Cadiz Harrison Ohio 43907
Tupman Kern California 93276
Calumet Canadian Oklahoma 73014
Johnsons Bayou Cameron Louisiana 70631
Balko Beaver Oklahoma 73931
Calumet Canadian Oklahoma 73014
Calumet Canadian Oklahoma 73014
Canute Washita Oklahoma 73626
White Deer Carson Texas 79097
Carlsbad Eddy New Mexico 88220
Carmen Alfalfa Oklahoma 73726
Carpinteria Santa Barbara California 93013
Evanston Uinta Wyoming 82930
Cashion Kingfisher Oklahoma 73016
Casper Natrona Wyoming 82604
Frierson DeSoto Louisiana 71027
Shreveport Caddo Louisiana 71115
Castleberry Conecuh Alabama 36432
Post Garza Texas 79356
Crane Crane Texas 79731
Bloomfield San Juan New Mexico 87413
Ringwood Major Oklahoma 73768
Winona Smith Texas 75792
Chatom Washington Alabama 36518
Cheney Sedgwick Kansas 67025
Seiling Woodward Oklahoma 73663
Chico Wise Texas 76431
Vernal Uintah Utah 84078
<Null> Saint Helena Louisiana 70441
LaGrange Fayette Texas 78945
Ninnekah Grady Oklahoma 73067
Chunchula Mobile Alabama 36521
Marietta Washington Ohio 45750
Seiling Woodward Oklahoma 73663
Port Arthur Jefferson Texas 77640
Clinton Custer Oklahoma 73601
<Null> Prowers Colorado 81043
Coalgate Coal Oklahoma 74538
Coalgate Coal Oklahoma 74538
Clendenin Kenewha West Virginia 25045
Paint Rock Concho Texas 76866
Conroe Montgomery Texas 77302
Weston Lewis West Virginia 26452
Aberdeen Monroe Mississippi 39730
Denver City Yoakum Texas 79323
Cotton Valley Webster Louisiana 71018
Cleburne Hood Texas 76033
Rush Springs Grady Oklahoma 73082
Coyanosa Pecos Texas 79730
Crane Upton Texas 79731
Huntington Beach Orange California 92648
Crescent Logan Oklahoma 73028
Tupman Kern California 93276
Marshall Harrison Texas 75672
Custer City Custer Oklahoma 73639
Cut Bank Glacier Montana 59427
Pleasant View Montezuma Colorado 81331
Artesia Eddy New Mexico 88210
Garden City Glasscock Texas 79739
Delmita Starr Texas 78536
Lovington Lea New Mexico 88260
Denver City Yoakum Texas 79323
Mansfield Desoto Louisiana 71052
Brewton Escambia Alabama 36426
Andrews Andrews Texas 79714
Magnolia Columbia Arkansas 71753
Douglas Converse Wyoming 82633
Hennessey Kingfisher Oklahoma 73742
Rangley Rio Blanco Colorado 81648
Midland Midland Texas 79706
Bridger Carbon Montana 59014
Guymon Texas Oklahoma 73942
Dubach Lincoln Louisiana 71235
Dubberly Webster Louisiana 71024
Henderson Rusk Texas 75652
Carmen Alfalfa Oklahoma 73726
Edna CR 282 Jackson Texas 77957
Carthage Panola Texas 75631
Carthage <Null> Texas 75633
Lovington Lea New Mexico 88260
Coahoma Howard Texas 79511
Eaton Weld Colorado 80615
Wamsutter Carbon Wyoming 82336
Midkiff Upton Texas 79755
Shreveport Caddo Louisiana 71051
Melville St. Landry Louisiana 71353
Electra Wilbarger Texas 76360
Powell Park Wyoming 82435
Elk City Beckham Oklahoma 73644
Goleta Santa Barbara California 93117
Haughton Bossier Louisiana 71037
Elm Grove Bossier Louisiana 71051
Elmore City Garvin Oklahoma 73433
Lyman Uinta Wyoming 82937
Artesia USA New Mexico 88210
Springtown Parker Texas 76082
Oil Center Lea New Mexico 88240
Eunice Acadia Parish Louisiana 70535
Eunice Lea New Mexico 88260
Eustace Henderson Texas 75124
Masterson Potter Texas 79058
Poynor Henderson Texas 75763
Oneida <Null> Kentucky 40972
Jewett Limestone Texas 75846
Powell Park Wyoming 82435
Edna Jackson Texas 77957
Point Comfort Calhoun Texas 77978
Cameron Marshall West Virginia 26033
Douglas Converse Wyoming 82633
Foss Custer Oklahoma 73628
Healdton Carter Oklahoma 73438
Pinconning Crawford Michigan 48650
Ft. Lupton Weld Colorado 80621
Andrews Andrews Texas 79714
Watford City McKenzie North Dakota 58854
Byron Park Wyoming 82412
Gibson Terrabone Parish Louisiana 70356
Platteville Platteville Colorado 80651
Lake Charles Calcasieu Louisiana 70615
Edinburg Hidalgo Texas 78541
Tulsa Tulsa Oklahoma 74033
Godley Johnson Texas 76044
Ft. Worth Parker Texas 76126
Goldsmith Ector Texas 79741
Berclair Goliad Texas 78107
Fort Stockton Pecos Texas 79735
Leroy Osceola Michigan 49655
Gordo Pickens Alabama 35466
Gordon Palo Pinto Texas 76453
Grand Chenier <Null> Louisiana 70643
Cisco Grand Utah 84540
Parachute Garfield Colorado 81635
Green River Sweetwater Wyoming 82935
Pampa Gray Texas 79065
Shreveport Caddo Louisiana 71101
Bakersfield Kern California 93309
Evans Weld Colorado 80620
Gregory San Patricio Texas 78359
Panhandle Carson Texas 79068
Warren Warren Pennsylvania 16365
Bishop Nueces Texas 78343
Mineola Wood Texas 75773
Kermit Winkler Texas 79745
Hamlin Fisher Texas 79520
Quanah Hardeman Texas 79252
<Null> Grand County Utah 81505
Harrah Lincoln Oklahoma 73045
Hartland Livingston Michigan 48380
Pine Grove Wetzel West Virginia 26419
Creola Mobile Alabama 36525
Hawkins Wood Texas 75765
Loma Garfield Colorado 81524
Odessa Ector Texas 79762
Canadian Hemphill Texas 79014
Henderson Rusk Texas 75654
Tioga Williams North Dakota 58852
New Middleton Mahoning Ohio 44442
Wheeler Wheeler Texas 79096
Midland Midland Texas 79706
Gillette Campbell Wyoming 82718
Waynesboro Wayne Mississippi 39367
Canadian Hemphill Texas 79014
Canadian Hemphill Texas 79014
Hobbs Lea New Mexico 88240
Holden Logan West Virginia 25625
Dacoma <Null> Oklahoma 73731
Sheridan Colorado Texas 77475
Washington Washington Pennsylvania 15301
Lompoc Santa Barbara California 93436
Stephenville Erath Texas 76401
Huntsville Walker Texas 77320
Hurricane Putnam West Virginia 25526
Durango La Plata Colorado 81303
Lakewood Eddy New Mexico 88254
Pampa Roberts Texas 79065
Graham Young Texas 76450
Livingston Polk Texas 77351
Reaves Allen Louisiana 70658
Los Angeles Los Angeles California 90056
Barnhart Irion Texas 76930
Vernal Uintah Utah 84078
Ganado Jackson Texas 77962
Jal Lea New Mexico 88252
Silver Coke Texas 76949
Ulysses Grant Kansas 67880
Joaquin Shelby Texas 75954
Kalkaska Kalkaska Michigan 49646
Kane McKean Pennsylvania 16735
Dutch John Daggett Utah 84023
Wheeler USA Texas 79096
Karnes City Karnes Texas 78118
Kenova Wayne West Virginia 25530
Kensington Columbiana Ohio 44427
Kermit Mingo West Virginia 25674
McKittrick Kern California 93251
Kermit Winkler Texas 79745
Claredon Warren County Pennsylvania 16313
Evans City Butler Pennsylvania 16033
Kingsville Kleburg Texas 78363
Cashion Kingfisher Oklahoma 73016
Cheney Kingman Kansas 67025
Bowie Montague Texas 76230
Krotz Springs St. Landry Louisiana 70750
Bloomfield San Juan New Mexico 87413
Falfurrias Jim Wells Texas 78355
La Veta Huernfo Colorado 81055
Cheyenne Wells Cheyenne Colorado 80810
Lewis Run McKeen Pennsylvania 16738
LaGrange Fayette Texas 78945
Breaux Bridge St. Martin Parish Louisiana 70517
Ft. Lupton Weld Colorado 80621
Langley Floyd Kentucky 41645
Larose <Null> Louisiana 70373
Goleta Santa Barbara California 93117
Goleta Santa Barbara California 93117
Leedey Dewey Oklahoma 73654
Dennison Carroll Ohio 44621
Lefors Gray Texas 79054
Bradford Bradford Pennsylvania 16701
Jane Lew Lewis West Virginia 26378
Lignite Burke North Dakota 58752
New Raymer Weld Colorado 80742
Hobbs Lea New Mexico 88240
La Sal San Juan County Utah 84530
Lisbon Claiborne Louisiana 71235
Killdeer Billings North Dakota 58627
Watford City McKenzie North Dakota 58854
Gordon Palo Pinto Texas 76453
Decatur Wise Texas 76234
Wichita Falls Archer Texas 76310
Longview Gregg Texas 75604
Longview Gregg Texas 75603
Lysite Fremont Wyoming 82642
Tupman Kern California 93276
Tupman Kern California 93276
Lake Arthur Cameron Louisiana 70549
Greeley Weld Colorado 80631
Frisco City Monroe Alabama 36445
Prairie Lea Caldwell Texas 78661
Madill Marshall Oklahoma 73446
Maljamar USA New Mexico 88264
Marion Osceola Michigan 49665
Markham Matagorda Texas 77456
Jermyn Jack & Young Texas 76459
Dallas Marshall West Virginia 26036
Marmarth Slope North Dakota 58643
Watonga Blaine Oklahoma 73772
Maysville Garvin Oklahoma 73057
Butler Custer Oklahoma 73625
Stamps Lafayette Arkansas 71860
Sidney McKenzie Montana 59270
Mckittrick Kern California 93251
Mclean Gray Texas 79057
Tilden McMullen Texas 78072
Rifle Rio Blanco Colorado 81650
Stillwater Payne Oklahoma 74075
Rose City Oscoda Michigan 48654
Cleveland San Jacinto Texas 77029
Mertzon Irion Texas 76941
Platteville Weld Colorado 80651
Midkiff Reagan Texas 79755
Tarzan Martin Texas 79783
Andrews Andrews Texas 79714
Stroud Creek Oklahoma 74079
Tuttle Grady Oklahoma 73089
Minden Webster Louisiana 71055
Coden Mobile Alabama 36523
Smithfield Wetzel West Virginia 26437
Beaver Beaver Oklahoma 73932
Bay City Bay Michigan 48706
Monroeville Monroe Alabama 36460
Montebello Los Angeles California 90640
Myton Duchesne Utah 84052
Monument Lea New Mexico 88265
Mooreland Woodward Oklahoma 73852
Houston Harris Texas 77069
Prairie Monroe Mississippi 39756
Kit Carson Cheyenne Colorado 80825
Los Angeles Los Angeles California 90007
Tuttle Grady Oklahoma 73089
Nash <Null> Oklahoma 73761
Liberal Seward Kansas 67901
Proctor Marshall West Virginia 26055
Merryville Beauregard Louisiana 70653
Jacksonville Cherokee Texas 75766
Centerville St. Mary Parish Louisiana 70538
Tioga Williams North Dakota 58852
Scroggins Franklin Texas 75163
Newcastle Weston Wyoming 82710
Leedey Dewey Oklahoma 73654
McGregor Divide North Dakota 58755
Evergreen Conecuha Alabama 36401
Rangely Rio Blanco Colorado 81648
Giddings Fayette Texas 78942
Hobbs Lea New Mexico 88240
Gibson Gibson Louisiana 70356
Calvin Hughes Oklahoma 74531
Kersey Weld Colorado 80644
Okarche Kingfisher Oklahoma 73762
Sweeny Brazoria Texas 77480
Opal Lincoln Wyoming 83124
Cody Park Wyoming 82414
Fairfax Osage Oklahoma 74637
Barnsdall Osage Oklahoma 74002
Miami Roberts Texas 79059
Madisonville Madison Texas 77864
Crane Crane Texas 79731
Ozona Crockett Texas 76943
Ozona Crockett Texas 76943
Paden Okfuskee Oklahoma 74860
Evanston Uinta Wyoming 82930
Loving Eddy New Mexico 88256
<Null> <Null> Texas 79007
Canute Washita Oklahoma 73626
Parachute Garfield Colorado 81635
Pascagoula Jackson Mississippi 39567
Rock Springs Sweetwater Wyoming 82901
Patterson St Mary Louisiana 70392
Pavillion Fremont Wyoming 82523
Artesia Eddy New Mexico 88210
Midkiff Midland Texas 79755
Patterson St. Mary Louisiana 70392
Renfrew Butler Pennsylvania 16053
Perkins Payne Oklahoma 74059
Canadian Hemphill Texas 79014
Riverton Fremont Wyoming 82501
Meeker Rio Blanco Colorado 81650
Rifle Garfield Colorado 81650
Houston Harris Texas 77069
Opal Lincoln Wyoming 83124
Shreveport Caddo Louisiana 71101
Plaquemine Iberville Parish Louisiana 70764
Mesa Mesa Colorado 81643
Ft. Lupton Weld Colorado 80621
Platteville Weld Colorado 80651
Myton Duchesne Utah 84052
Grand Junction Mesa County Colorado 81505
Price Carbon Utah 84501
Price Carbon Utah 84501
Abbeville Vermilion Louisiana 70510
Orla <Null> Texas 79770
Ranger Eastland Texas 76470
Bigspring Sterling Texas 79720
Sinclair Carbon Wyoming 82334
Garden City Glasscock Texas 79739
Orla Reeves Texas 79770
Miami Roberts Texas 79059
Jal Lea New Mexico 88252
Arnegard McKenzie North Dakota 58835
New Raymer Weld Colorado 80742
Turon Reno Kansas 67583
Whittemore Iosco Michigan 48770
<Null> Garfield Colorado 81650
Ringwood Major Oklahoma 73768
Riverdale Fresno California 81052
Odessa Midland Texas 79766
Bulger Washington Pennsylvania 15019
New Town Montrail North Dakota 58763
N/A Bossier Louisiana 71064
Plain Dealing Bossier Louisiana 71064
Waukomis Garfield Oklahoma 73773
Cheyenne Roger Mills Oklahoma 73628
Rogersville Hawkins Tennessee 37857
Roggen Weld Colorado 80652
Alva Woods Oklahoma 73717
Rosebush Isabella Michigan 48878
Gilmer Upshur Texas 75644
Groesbeck Limestone Texas 76642
Sheffield Warren Pennsylvania 16347
Glenrock <Null> Wyoming 82637
Montague Montague Texas 76251
Stanton Martin Texas 79782
Odin <Null> Illinois 62870
Snyder Kent Texas 79549
Benton Bossier Louisiana 71006
Bloomfield San Juan New Mexico 87413
Kirtland San Juan New Mexico 87417
Elmendorf Bexar Texas 78112
Crane Crane Texas 79731
Piru Ventura California 93040
Ulysses Grant Kansas 67880
St. Marys Pleasants West Virginia 26170
Erath Vermilion Louisiana 70533
Seminole Gaines Texas 79360
Summerfield Noble Ohio 43788
Cisco Eastland Texas 76437
Albany Shackelford Texas 76430
Tyler Smith Texas 75706
Sherman <Null> Texas 75092
Leroy <Null> Michigan 49655
West Union Doddridge West Virginia 26456
Freer Webb Texas 78357
Lea <Null> New Mexico 88213
Countyline Stephens-Carter Oklahoma 73425
Corpus Christi Nueces Texas 78410
Kemmerer Lincoln/Sweetwater Wyoming 83101
Signal Hill Los Angeles California 90755
Cheyenne Laramie Wyoming 82009
Weatherford Parker Texas 76087
Tuleta Bee Texas 78162
Craig Moffat Colorado 81625
Sundown Hockley Texas 79372
Sundown Hockley Texas 79372
Haughton Bossier Louisiana 71037
Chapmanville Logan West Virginia 25508
Snyder Scurry Texas 79549
Midkiff Upton Texas 79755
Sonora Sutton Texas 76950
Calumet Custer Oklahoma 73014
Loving Eddy New Mexico 88256
Tupman Kern California 93276
Oklahoma City Oklahoma Oklahoma 73149
Ozona Crockett Texas 76943
Spearman Ochiltree Texas 79081
Ft. Lupton Weld Colorado 80621
Harper Harper Kansas 67058
Midland Midland Texas 79706
Wakita Grant Oklahoma 73771
Enid Garfield Oklahoma 73701
Jay Santa Rosa Florida 32565
Vernal Uintah Utah 84078
Williston Williams North Dakota 58801
Brea Orange California 92821
Velma Stephens Oklahoma 73491
Sterling City Sterling Texas 76951
Cameron Cameron Louisiana 70631
Center Shelby Texas 75935
Powell Park County Wyoming 82435
Sunray Moore Texas 79086
Sonora Sutton Texas 76950
Decatur Wise Texas 76234
Sayre Beckham Oklahoma 73644
Rock Springs Sweetwater Wyoming 82935
Tecumseh Pottawatomie Oklahoma 76310
New Raymer Weld Colorado 96155
Texas City Galveston Texas 77590
Thomas Custer Oklahoma 73669
Mirando City Jim Hogg Texas 77369
George West Live Oak Texas 78022
Tilden McMullen Texas 78072
Tyrone Texas Oklahoma 73951
McCamey Upton Texas 79752
St. Bernard St. Bernard Louisiana 70085
Tolay Hood Texas 76476
Choudrant Jackson Louisiana 71227
Iraan Pecos Texas 79744
Trinidad Henderson Texas 75163
Coalgate Coal Oklahoma 74538
Tyler Smith Texas 75704
Van Van Zandt Texas 75790
Velma Stephens Oklahoma 73491
Venice Plaquemines Louisiana 70037
Ventura Ventura California 93001
Rock Springs Sweetwater Wyoming 82934
Lovington Lea New Mexico 88260
Vivian Caddo Louisiana 71082
Pecos Pecos Texas 79730
Waskom Harrison Texas 75692
Denver City Yoakum Texas 79323
Alexander McKenzie North Dakota 58831
Aurora Adams Colorado 80019
Alva Woods Oklahoma 73717
Weatherford Parker Texas 76088
West Branch Ogemaw Michigan 48661
West Union Doddridge West Virginia 26456
Wetumka Hughes Oklahoma 74883
Wheeler Wheeler Texas 79096
Kelton Wheeler Texas 79096
Kane Elk Pennsylvania 16735
Fort Morgan Morgan Colorado 95620
Hallettsville Lavaca Texas 77964
Frierson DeSoto Louisiana 71027
Frisco City Monroe Alabama 36445
Denver City Yoakum Texas 79323
Coden Mobile Alabama 36523
Rifle Rio Blanco Colorado 81650
Meeker Rio Blanco Colorado 81641
Gilbertown Choctaw Alabama 36908
Brisco Hemphill Texas 79011
Woodsboro Refugio Texas 78393
Woodward Woodward Oklahoma 73081
Worland Washakie Wyoming 82401
Worland Washakie Wyoming 82401
Perrin Jack Texas 76486
Denver City Yoakum Texas 79323
Iraan Pecos Texas 79744
Coden Mobile Alabama 36523
Sterling Logan Colorado 80751
Yoakum Lavaca Texas 77995
Meeteetse Park Wyoming 82433
Briscoe Wheeler Texas 79011
Elmworth Alberta
Resthaven Alberta
Elmworth Alberta
Ante Creek North Alberta
Resthaven Alberta
Arras British Columbia
Fort Nelson British Columbia
North Portal Saskatchewan
Nottingham Saskatchewan
Goodwater Saskatchewan
Shaunavon Saskatchewan
Hoosier Saskatchewan
Coleville Saskatchewan
Dodsland Saskatchewan
Dodsland Saskatchewan
Dollard Saskatchewan
Smiley Saskatchewan
Kindersley Saskatchewan
Medicine Hat Alberta
Cochrane Alberta
Medicine Hat Alberta
Medicine Hat Alberta
Medicine Hat Alberta
Crossfield East Alberta
Kaybob South Alberta
Wayne-Rosedale Alberta
Ferrier Alberta
Carrot Creek Alberta
Harmattan-Elkton Alberta
Sundance Alberta
Basing Alberta
Homeglen-Rimbey Alberta
Hamburg Alberta
Kaybob South Alberta
Ellerslie Alberta
Caroline Alberta
Edson Alberta
Crossfield Alberta
Simonette Alberta
Wapiti Alberta
Kakwa Alberta
Waterton Alberta
Kakwa Alberta
Ferrier Alberta
Jumping Pound Alberta
La Glace Alberta
Joffre Alberta
Dunvegan Alberta
Rainbow Alberta
Ricinus Alberta
Kakwa Alberta
Brazeau River Alberta
Kaybob Alberta
Brazeau River Alberta
Crossfield East Alberta
Sinclair Alberta
Swan Hills South Alberta
Kaybob South Alberta
Berland River West Alberta
Sundance Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Nevis Alberta
Palliser Alberta
Wild River Alberta
Brazeau River Alberta
Progress Alberta
Okotoks Alberta
Sundance Alberta
Water Valley Alberta
Wembley Alberta
Willesden Green Alberta
Jumping Pound Alberta
Elmworth Alberta
Basing Alberta
Karr Alberta
Nosehill Alberta
Ansell Alberta
Ferrier Alberta
Leland Alberta
Kakwa Alberta
Ghost Pine Alberta
Ansell Alberta
Boundary Lake South Alberta
Sundance Alberta
Gordondale Alberta
Coleman Alberta
Wild River Alberta
Mulligan Alberta
Sundance Alberta
Ricinus Alberta
Leland Alberta
Quirk Creek Alberta
Rosevear Alberta
Cranberry Alberta
Paddle River Alberta
Kaybob South Alberta
Bigoray Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Garrington Alberta
Brazeau River Alberta
Willesden Green Alberta
Grande Cache Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Kaybob South Alberta
Gilby Alberta
Gilby Alberta
Knopcik Alberta
Windfall Alberta
Sundance Alberta
Viking-Kinsella Alberta
Sylvan Lake Alberta
Bonanza Alberta
Sinclair Alberta
Peco Alberta
Whitehorse Alberta
Hussar Alberta
Whitecourt Alberta
Chime Alberta
Karr Alberta
Brazeau River Alberta
Pouce Coupe Alberta
Doris Alberta
Willesden Green Alberta
Mitsue Alberta
Ansell Alberta
Pine Creek Alberta
Ansell Alberta
Countess Alberta
Corbett Alberta
Edson Alberta
Anderson Alberta
Valhalla Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Countess Alberta
Sundance Alberta
Ante Creek North Alberta
Cecil Alberta
Wayne-Rosedale Alberta
Morinville Alberta
Long Coulee Alberta
Teepee Alberta
Countess Alberta
Hays Alberta
Provost Alberta
Gilby Alberta
Bistcho Alberta
Provost Alberta
Cessford Alberta
Edson Alberta
Wapiti Alberta
Kakwa Alberta
Hinton Alberta
Kakwa Alberta
Provost Alberta
Brazeau River Alberta
Wintering Hills Alberta
Marten Alberta
Edson Alberta
Boundary Lake South Alberta
Caroline Alberta
Niton Alberta
Dizzy Alberta
Kakwa Alberta
Niton Alberta
Cavalier Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Parkland Northeast Alberta
Wayne-Rosedale Alberta
Progress Alberta
Waskahigan Alberta
Liege Alberta
Mcleod Alberta
Hussar Alberta
Carrot Creek Alberta
Carson Creek Alberta
Wimborne Alberta
Smoky Alberta
Atim Alberta
Wimborne Alberta
Leduc-Woodbend Alberta
Rainbow Alberta
Girouxville East Alberta
Parkland Northeast Alberta
Muskeg River Alberta
Eastmont Alberta
Wayne-Rosedale Alberta
Hussar Alberta
Fort Saskatchewan Alberta
Two Creek Alberta
Alderson Alberta
Edson Alberta
Sunnynook Alberta
Cessford Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Ferrybank Alberta
Big Bend Alberta
Windfall Alberta
Edson Alberta
Wilson Creek Alberta
Valhalla Alberta
Acheson Alberta
Forestburg Alberta
Valhalla Alberta
Bantry Alberta
Sundance Alberta
Alderson Alberta
Willesden Green Alberta
Hamburg Alberta
Chigwell Alberta
Ansell Alberta
Goodlow Alberta
Cyn-Pem Alberta
Nevis Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Neerlandia Alberta
Chigwell Alberta
Esther Alberta
Medicine River Alberta
Porcupine Hills Alberta
Ghost Pine Alberta
Waskahigan Alberta
Eyremore Alberta
Connorsville Alberta
Huxley Alberta
Black Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Sylvan Lake Alberta
Mcleod Alberta
Provost Alberta
Kakut Alberta
Lone Pine Creek Alberta
Chinchaga Alberta
Countess Alberta
Countess Alberta
Worsley Alberta
Provost Alberta
Shane Alberta
Smoky Alberta
Sundance Alberta
Jumpbush Alberta
Coyote Alberta
Ferrier Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Viking-Kinsella Alberta
Boyer Alberta
Mitsue Alberta
Ansell Alberta
Willesden Green Alberta
Nipisi Alberta
Ferrier Alberta
Leduc-Woodbend Alberta
Pine Creek Alberta
Peoria Alberta
Eaglesham North Alberta
Corbett Alberta
Highvale Alberta
Sturgeon Lake South Alberta
Newby Alberta
Craigmyle Alberta
Carrot Creek Alberta
Sturgeon Lake South Alberta
Delia Alberta
Hotchkiss Alberta
Mcleod Alberta
Graham Alberta
Countess Alberta
Bruce Alberta
Galahad Alberta
Three Hills Creek Alberta
Ferrier Alberta
Rainbow Alberta
Westlock Alberta
Puskwaskau Alberta
Berland River West Alberta
Joffre Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Waskahigan Alberta
Thorsby Alberta
Wayne-Rosedale Alberta
Medicine Lodge Alberta
Wizard Lake Alberta
Turner Valley Alberta
Manola Alberta
Lochend Alberta
Bigstone Alberta
Gilwood Alberta
Princess Alberta
Dunvegan Alberta
Normandville Alberta
Stewart Alberta
Resthaven Alberta
Gadsby Alberta
Entice Alberta
Bezanson Alberta
Bittern Lake Alberta
Suffield Alberta
Waskahigan Alberta
Gilby Alberta
Ansell Alberta
Leahurst Alberta
Garrington Alberta
Garrington Alberta
Rumsey Alberta
Deanne Alberta
Wayne-Rosedale Alberta
Swalwell Alberta
Ferrier Alberta
Provost Alberta
Windfall Alberta
Joarcam Alberta
Calling Lake South Alberta
Little Bow Alberta
Corbett Alberta
Eastmont Alberta
Majorville Alberta
Hanna Alberta
Doris Alberta
Pembina Alberta
George Alberta
Queenstown Alberta
Doris Alberta
Nelson Alberta
Bouvier Alberta
Lone Pine Creek Alberta
Kaybob South Alberta
Hussar Alberta
Rycroft Alberta
Sylvan Lake Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Esther Alberta
Ferintosh Alberta
Botha Alberta
Garden Plains Alberta
Pine Creek Alberta
Kaybob South Alberta
Tomahawk Alberta
Elnora Alberta
Ante Creek North Alberta
Herronton Alberta
Clear Prairie Alberta
Hussar Alberta
Medicine River Alberta
Leland Alberta
Lookout Butte Alberta
Eastmont Alberta
Woodlands County Alberta
Ferintosh Alberta
Zama Alberta
Medicine Lodge Alberta
Provost Alberta
Worsley Alberta
Sounding Alberta
Provost Alberta
Nevis Alberta
Newell Alberta
Twining Alberta
Wilson Creek Alberta
Entice Alberta
Wayne-Rosedale Alberta
Valhalla Alberta
Tangent Alberta
Jenner Alberta
Hoole Alberta
Kakut Alberta
Hotchkiss Alberta
Hotchkiss Alberta
Queenstown Alberta
Sedalia Alberta
Carrot Creek Alberta
Spiers Alberta
Boundary Lake South Alberta
Ante Creek North Alberta
Worsley Alberta
Stewart Alberta
Blood Alberta
Pouce Coupe Alberta
Shouldice Alberta
Valhalla Alberta
Countess Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Cessford Alberta
Greencourt East Alberta
Provost Alberta
Provost Alberta
Mikwan Alberta
Killam North Alberta
Leaman Alberta
Herronton Alberta
Oyen Alberta
Wayne-Rosedale Alberta
Whitecourt Alberta
Cessford Alberta
Carvel Alberta
Puskwaskau Alberta
Provost Alberta
Widewater Alberta
Three Hills Creek Alberta
Jarvie Alberta
Decrene Alberta
Provost Alberta
Bantry Alberta
Edson Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Watts Alberta
Herronton Alberta
Stanmore Alberta
Willesden Green Alberta
Rowley Alberta
Jenner Alberta
Bashaw Alberta
Watts Alberta
Stolberg Alberta
Simonette Alberta
Peter Alberta
Herronton Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Eastmont Alberta
Mikwan Alberta
Berry Alberta
Jarvie Alberta
Joffre Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Rainbow Alberta
Worsley Alberta
Garden Plains Alberta
Norris Alberta
Majeau Alberta
Kelsey Alberta
Mitsue Alberta
Wayne-Rosedale Alberta
Killam Alberta
Rich Alberta
Twining Alberta
Penhold Alberta
Lundbreck Alberta
Wood River Alberta
Stanmore Alberta
Tony Creek North Alberta
Neerlandia Alberta
Davey Alberta
Cessford Alberta
Lone Pine Creek Alberta
Cecil Alberta
Ferrier Alberta
Highvale Alberta
Virginia Hills Alberta
Kleskun Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Ghost Pine Alberta
Michichi Alberta
Bigoray Alberta
Westlock Alberta
Gilby Alberta
Haro Alberta
Garden Plains Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Penny Alberta
Ferrybank Alberta
Judy Creek Alberta
Craigmyle Alberta
Chinchaga Alberta
Provost Alberta
Kaybob South Alberta
Halkirk Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Wayne-Rosedale Alberta
Westlock Alberta
Chigwell Alberta
Whitecourt Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Elmworth Alberta
Wimborne Alberta
Mikwan Alberta
Medicine River Alberta
Chigwell Alberta
Compeer Alberta
Rainbow Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Bashaw Alberta
Penhold Alberta
Bashaw Alberta
Craigmyle Alberta
Boyer Alberta
Bellshill Lake Alberta
Cherhill Alberta
Kaybob South Alberta
Leo Alberta
Eyremore Alberta
Cherhill Alberta
Deanne Alberta
Swan Hills Alberta
Wayne-Rosedale Alberta
Cessford Alberta
Valhalla Alberta
Alderson Alberta
Corbett Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Killam Alberta
Darwin Alberta
Niton Alberta
Viking-Kinsella Alberta
Greencourt Alberta
Boundary Lake South Alberta
Bolloque Alberta
Mooney Alberta
Aden Alberta
Leahurst Alberta
Garrington Alberta
Halkirk Alberta
Haro Alberta
Provost Alberta
Sedalia Alberta
Fenn West Alberta
Willesden Green Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Sakwatamau Alberta
Redwater Alberta
Wayne-Rosedale Alberta
Capron Alberta
Eyremore Alberta
Fenn-Big Valley Alberta
Atim Alberta
Provost Alberta
Bison Lake Alberta
Provost Alberta
Richdale Alberta
St Albert-Big Lake Alberta
Northville Alberta
Redwater Alberta
Elnora Alberta
Sunset Alberta
Leo Alberta
Cessford Alberta
Provost Alberta
Rycroft Alberta
Verger Alberta
Hamburg Alberta
Alexander Alberta
Sylvan Lake Alberta
Wildmere Alberta
Thorsby Alberta
Joffre Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Rainbow Alberta
Rainbow Alberta
Wayne-Rosedale Alberta
Ghost Pine Alberta
Chigwell Alberta
Rochester Alberta
Provost Alberta
Dawson Alberta
Twining Alberta
Sawn Lake Alberta
Netook Alberta
Berry Alberta
Phoenix Alberta
Viking-Kinsella Alberta
Hill Alberta
Haro Alberta
Nipisi Alberta
Hill Alberta
Badger Alberta
Garrington Alberta
Evi Alberta
Branch Alberta
Viking-Kinsella Alberta
Suffield Alberta
Progress Alberta
Pouce Coupe South Alberta
Bow Island Alberta
Countess Alberta
Hercules Alberta
Redwater Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Rainbow Alberta
Countess Alberta
Swan Hills Alberta
Gilby Alberta
Alderson Alberta
Cessford Alberta
Provost Alberta
Mikwan Alberta
Willesden Green Alberta
Manyberries Alberta
Bindloss Alberta
Bindloss Alberta
Nipisi Alberta
Nipisi Alberta
Northern Rockies British Columbia
Northern Rockies British Columbia
Taylor British Columbia
Taylor British Columbia
Chetwynd British Columbia
Northern Rockies British Columbia
Wonowon British Columbia
Arras British Columbia
Northern Rockies British Columbia
Arras British Columbia
Arras British Columbia
Sunset Prairie British Columbia
Tomslake British Columbia
Sunset Prairie British Columbia
Mason Creek British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Wonowon British Columbia
Beryl Prairie British Columbia
Komie British Columbia
Tomslake British Columbia
Sunset Prairie British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Sunset Prairie British Columbia
Northern Rockies British Columbia
Progress British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Rolla British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Wonowon British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Buckinghorse River British Columbia
Wonowon British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Northern Rockies British Columbia
Northern Rockies British Columbia
Wonowon British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Wonowon British Columbia
Beryl Prairie British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Goodlow British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Kahntah British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Sunset Prairie British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Farmington British Columbia
Northern Rockies British Columbia
Rolla British Columbia
Goodlow British Columbia
Groundbirch British Columbia
Rolla British Columbia
Sunset Prairie British Columbia
Goodlow British Columbia
Tumbler Ridge British Columbia
Northern Rockies British Columbia
Tomslake British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Chetwynd British Columbia
Peace River British Columbia
Northern Rockies British Columbia
Hudson's Hope British Columbia
Beryl Prairie British Columbia
Goldboro Nova Scotia
Coleville Saskatchewan
Stoughton Saskatchewan
Loverna Saskatchewan
Steelman Saskatchewan
Innes Saskatchewan
Stoughton Saskatchewan
Coleville Saskatchewan
Stanraer Saskatchewan
Elrose Saskatchewan
Kisbey Saskatchewan
Coleville Saskatchewan
Glen Ewen Saskatchewan
Major Saskatchewan
Kindersley Saskatchewan
Gull Lake Saskatchewan
Colgate Saskatchewan
Karr Alberta
Edson Alberta
Berland River Alberta
Edson Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Ferrier Alberta
Cranberry Alberta
Elmworth Alberta
Pembina Alberta
Karr Alberta
Waskahigan Alberta
Cd. Madero Tamaulipas 89530
Reynosa Tamaulipas 88640
Reforma Chiapas 29500
Coatzacoalcos Veracruz 96400
Ciudad Pemex Tabasco 86721
Huimanguillo Tabasco 86410
Cotaxtla Veracruz 94990
Coatzacoalcos Veracruz 96400
Villa Hermosa Tabasco 86000
Coatzacoalcos Veracruz 96400
Poza Rica Veracruz 93340
Address Capacity (MMcf/d)
04-08-070-11W6 725.26
08-11-060-03W6 300.17
04-08-069-08W6 119.4
10-07-067-24W5 40.14
07-11-060-03W6 20.13
1-9-1-4 W2M 24.39
7AND 8-17-5-32 17.61
5-16-6-13W2M 12.94
04-16-9-19W3 11.95
11-1-031-27 W3 7.91
3-27-32-23 W3M 7.38
13-11-32-20-W3 6.97
8-13-32-21 W3M 4.92
15-15-7-20 W3M 1.97
9-36-30-26 W3M 1.79
4-26-29-24W3M 1.51
04-12-020-01W4 6241.87
16-16-026-04W5 2487.92
10-11-020-01W4 2399.98
16-02-020-01W4 1193.95
01-10-020-01W4 1094.75
15-14-028-01W5 700.18
03-15-059-18W5 671.08
08-17-029-22W4 547.02
04-02-037-10W5 529.72
15-27-054-14W5 499.99
09-27-031-04W5 490.79
12-36-057-23W5 437.9
15-02-049-20W5 424.08
02-05-044-01W5 420.88
12-29-096-11W6 178.34
01-12-062-20W5 394.78
04-04-052-24W4 388.46
12-35-034-06W5 383.16
04-11-053-18W5 372.57
10-02-026-29W4 317.41
09-06-063-25W5 374.42
16-36-067-09W6 298.48
04-25-062-06W6 296.1
02-20-004-30W4 284.28
08-13-063-05W6 275
11-35-037-09W5 273.62
13-13-025-05W5 271.43
04-08-075-07W6 258.72
03-29-038-25W4 249.53
15-03-081-04W6 238.8
10-10-109-08W6 236.61
11-30-035-08W5 219.98
09-26-062-06W6 219.59
06-12-046-14W5 218.24
08-09-064-19W5 211.22
04-31-048-12W5 184.7
09-14-028-01W5 181.09
11-18-074-12W6 175.51
15-25-064-11W5 172.16
15-07-060-18W5 164.99
14-15-059-24W5 164.17
14-36-057-23W5 161.11
10-05-046-06W5 158.74
16-33-038-22W4 150.09
10-08-062-10W6 150.09
14-20-056-23W5 200
10-10-047-14W5 145.88
01-01-078-10W6 134.2
01-35-019-28W4 134.98
11-17-055-21W5 129.99
10-13-030-07W5 127.49
06-19-073-08W6 127.13
10-09-045-08W5 125
06-16-026-05W5 124.38
13-26-067-05W6 123
15-12-050-21W5 120.74
10-10-065-02W6 120.07
11-21-055-20W5 120
12-31-053-19W5 119.96
01-06-041-07W5 119.36
14-23-058-26W5 110.01
07-16-062-08W6 109.83
08-11-031-21W4 109.44
14-14-053-20W5 105.94
16-11-088-13W6 100.01
15-04-058-23W5 100.01
11-26-079-09W6 99.81
01-11-008-05W5 99.27
10-20-056-23W5 98.99
16-11-082-09W6 96
14-17-055-21W5 95.99
05-31-033-07W5 94.42
14-23-058-26W5 90.05
02-04-021-04W5 90.05
16-11-054-15W5 90.05
01-24-096-05W6 88.29
13-06-057-08W5 86.17
14-28-059-22W5 85
10-07-051-09W5 84.76
06-25-045-10W5 84.58
06-18-032-01W5 84.08
06-10-044-12W5 83.53
10-09-045-08W5 82.99
11-25-059-09W6 81.58
06-28-049-11W5 77.69
15-31-062-21W5 74.95
01-04-042-03W5 74.62
15-22-040-03W5 70.63
09-10-074-11W6 70.63
08-17-060-15W5 70.63
15-07-054-21W5 70.59
13-31-048-12W4 70.4
14-32-037-03W5 70.28
09-01-083-10W6 69.96
04-19-072-11W6 69.64
12-01-049-16W5 69.22
05-01-051-15W5 65.86
14-01-024-22W4 64.67
12-26-059-11W5 64.66
01-35-060-05W6 64
01-21-063-02W6 62.15
06-12-044-13W5 120.07
05-23-080-13W6 60.32
11-17-063-06W5 60.03
13-27-042-08W5 60.03
10-30-072-04W5 60.03
01-24-052-20W5 60.03
05-29-055-19W5 60.03
09-34-053-20W5 60.03
12-33-022-18W4 60.03
07-25-062-06W5 60.03
01-34-051-18W5 60.01
01-09-051-24W5 60
03-10-077-07W6 59.9
09-17-050-07W5 59.15
08-21-021-15W4 58.98
04-21-055-23W5 58.27
02-26-068-25W5 58.21
16-04-085-08W6 56.62
01-20-028-21W4 56.45
06-01-055-25W4 55.92
08-24-015-22W4 55.23
07-02-074-04W6 55.09
10-05-022-18W4 54.74
11-31-013-14W4 54.72
05-03-038-13W4 52.97
02-27-040-03W5 52.09
06-32-122-02W6 51.21
15-36-036-16W4 50.11
02-08-024-12W4 50.01
06-16-054-18W5 50.01
04-25-065-07W6 50
08-13-062-06W6 50
06-32-051-25W5 50
06-08-062-03W6 49.97
08-19-036-05W4 49.9
16-35-048-12W5 49.44
01-18-025-17W4 48.73
10-02-077-05W5 47.99
10-03-052-17W5 47.99
01-14-085-13W6 47.85
03-26-033-06W5 47.75
14-18-054-12W5 45.91
09-17-122-20W5 44.92
10-07-063-05W6 44.5
14-05-055-11W5 44.14
16-32-023-23W4 44.14
11-22-049-12W5 43.08
07-05-015-26W4 42.38
05-17-027-19W4 42.38
07-22-078-09W6 42.38
15-07-064-23W5 42.38
03-29-092-20W4 41.78
16-36-055-15W5 41.78
13-36-024-21W4 41.18
10-16-053-13W5 40.97
04-23-061-12W5 40.62
08-28-032-26W4 40.08
07-36-058-03W6 40.05
08-05-054-26W4 40.01
04-12-034-26W4 40.01
07-23-049-27W4 40.01
12-24-110-08W6 39.98
06-01-077-21W5 39.98
07-11-015-27W4 39.91
02-11-060-04W6 39.91
13-31-011-26W4 39.73
14-12-026-19W4 39.45
06-04-027-21W4 37.96
02-03-055-22W4 37.12
07-04-063-16W5 36.97
10-28-015-15W4 36.73
01-13-054-19W5 36.73
01-17-026-10W4 35.99
02-05-028-17W4 35.82
11-33-045-08W5 35.31
02-01-044-28W4 35.31
13-36-066-27W4 34.82
01-15-062-15W5 34.82
12-15-053-15W5 31.78
01-29-043-04W5 34.43
13-21-076-09W6 34
05-02-053-26W4 33.55
13-14-042-16W4 33
01-29-075-09W6 32.67
01-08-020-13W4 32.67
12-34-056-22W5 32.49
13-21-015-11W4 32.43
15-31-039-05W5 32.31
11-14-097-11W6 32.31
12-11-041-24W4 32.14
07-27-051-19W5 32.14
02-33-083-25W4 31.68
07-07-051-11W5 31.32
12-07-041-22W4 31.22
04-08-047-09W5 30.29
09-06-061-05W5 30.02
09-19-043-25W4 30.02
04-14-031-02W4 30.02
05-01-039-01W5 30.02
02-24-012-02W5 30.02
04-33-031-23W4 30.02
05-31-062-24W5 30.02
01-18-017-18W4 30.02
09-32-025-15W4 30
06-17-034-24W4 29.84
06-05-109-12W6 29.84
13-35-047-10W5 29.84
01-21-038-02W5 29.31
07-34-054-14W5 28.25
02-02-039-11W4 28.25
14-12-075-03W6 28
02-29-031-28W4 27.55
11-33-096-08W6 27.19
04-28-022-16W4 26.49
08-36-020-16W4 26.13
11-22-087-07W6 25.99
16-02-035-09W4 25.92
07-18-078-02W6 25.43
13-09-058-02W6 25.21
10-24-056-21W5 25
06-25-020-21W4 25
10-33-028-15W4 25
01-34-040-09W5 25
07-02-048-09W5 25
07-09-047-10W4 24.99
01-17-105-01W6 24.93
16-30-072-04W5 24.86
07-27-051-19W5 24.72
14-01-042-07W5 24.72
02-11-080-08W5 24.67
07-18-040-09W5 24.44
10-22-050-26W4 24.01
10-12-056-17W5 24.01
01-25-076-01W6 24
05-34-078-25W5 24
15-10-062-06W5 23.94
10-04-051-04W5 28.25
13-07-069-24W5 23.03
15-14-083-05W4 22.95
06-11-033-18W4 22.95
02-18-052-11W5 22.92
02-02-069-22W5 22.67
01-13-032-19W4 22.04
07-13-094-03W6 22
16-12-056-14W5 22
11-19-080-04W4 21.98
04-12-018-17W4 21.97
03-06-047-15W4 21.9
01-14-041-15W4 21.9
13-04-037-25W4 21.9
14-20-038-07W5 21.72
15-07-108-06W6 21.37
15-11-059-25W4 21.08
03-26-074-01W6 21.05
16-15-059-24W5 20.62
06-17-040-27W4 20.48
05-35-048-04W5 20.48
06-05-063-22W5 20.13
07-14-049-01W5 20.13
04-09-031-20W4 20.13
10-33-052-21W5 20.13
08-18-048-26W4 20.02
16-29-018-02W5 20.02
11-18-059-02W5 20.02
05-11-029-04W5 20.02
11-09-061-22W5 20
06-24-072-18W5 20
16-14-020-12W4 20
16-36-079-03W6 20
03-36-079-23W5 20
11-21-033-27W4 19.99
01-36-060-03W6 19.99
08-24-038-19W4 19.99
01-24-028-24W4 19.99
01-18-071-03W6 19.99
11-27-046-21W4 19.99
16-15-020-08W4 19.95
10-24-062-22W5 19.95
10-34-040-04W5 19.92
12-05-054-20W5 19.92
06-19-039-19W4 19.9
11-17-034-03W5 19.88
13-05-034-03W5 19.88
05-35-033-21W4 19.78
03-06-039-11W5 19.78
08-34-029-22W4 19.78
14-35-029-24W4 19.78
01-20-039-07W5 19.42
13-30-040-10W4 19.42
14-24-059-16W5 19.21
06-29-049-21W4 18.89
01-20-070-22W4 18.65
16-31-014-18W4 18.36
05-07-062-06W5 18.01
14-31-011-26W4 18.01
04-31-018-19W4 18.01
08-25-031-14W4 18.01
01-27-063-06W5 18.01
03-02-050-06W5 18.01
09-07-082-05W6 18.01
04-22-019-21W4 18
02-23-064-06W5 17.98
03-18-045-25W4 17.94
15-29-070-24W4 17.87
07-07-032-27W4 17.66
09-34-060-18W5 17.66
06-17-025-20W4 17.66
15-11-076-06W6 16.99
06-20-037-01W5 16.24
10-15-047-07W5 16
13-19-032-01W4 16
08-12-044-21W4 16
07-16-098-05W6 15.89
05-11-034-12W4 15.89
10-23-057-19W5 15.89
11-22-060-19W5 15.72
14-30-052-06W5 15.54
05-19-035-22W4 15.19
10-36-065-25W5 15.04
06-15-020-27W4 15.01
07-33-090-12W6 15.01
02-01-027-21W4 15.01
10-14-039-03W5 15.01
11-03-060-25W5 15.01
04-13-002-29W4 15.01
15-36-012-27W4 15.01
04-18-057-12W5 15.01
09-16-043-21W4 15
13-12-116-06W6 14.97
16-31-052-21W5 14.97
08-14-040-03W4 14.97
16-36-086-10W6 14.96
11-29-030-09W4 14.94
07-34-034-06W4 14.94
06-24-039-23W4 14.83
04-22-017-14W4 14.83
12-10-031-24W4 14.83
09-21-043-04W5 14.76
16-21-022-25W4 14.21
12-04-028-20W4 14.2
08-30-075-09W6 14.2
13-29-080-23W5 14.16
10-34-019-09W4 14.13
16-36-080-25W4 14.13
01-16-075-01W6 14.13
08-14-093-01W6 14.13
15-10-096-01W6 14
01-02-018-22W4 13.98
09-29-031-05W4 13.98
02-26-052-12W5 13.84
06-28-034-15W4 13.84
13-07-088-12W6 13.5
10-04-066-23W5 13.49
08-21-087-09W6 13.42
01-23-032-28W4 13.24
16-35-006-22W4 13.04
11-34-079-12W6 13
02-11-020-23W4 12.93
01-03-077-07W6 12.71
10-20-018-15W4 12.68
04-34-047-09W5 12.47
13-24-026-12W4 12.36
09-20-059-06W5 12.29
01-17-035-03W4 12.22
03-30-037-02W4 12.18
09-16-037-22W4 12.08
04-05-045-12W4 12.01
11-10-056-11W5 12.01
06-31-020-24W4 12.01
10-18-029-03W4 12.01
04-01-028-18W4 12.01
16-30-060-13W5 12
02-11-027-16W4 12
15-28-053-02W5 11.97
03-03-072-26W5 11.96
10-12-036-08W4 11.94
06-08-073-07W5 11.93
01-32-035-26W4 11.9
15-05-062-01W5 11.44
09-01-071-02W5 11.3
05-30-032-10W4 11.12
12-21-018-13W4 11.02
03-29-054-19W5 10.98
05-05-049-09W5 10.95
02-04-031-15W4 10.84
01-15-019-25W4 10.59
05-01-029-12W4 10.59
05-14-039-05W5 10.06
13-33-033-20W4 10.03
04-23-020-09W4 10
12-32-041-20W4 10
13-28-031-16W4 10
03-17-043-14W5 10
01-15-063-25W5 10
01-26-073-01W5 10
14-05-019-24W4 10
16-26-047-08W5 10
16-11-012-26W4 9.99
05-22-036-22W4 9.99
16-21-028-13W4 9.99
08-35-062-27W4 9.99
14-36-038-27W4 9.99
09-16-049-08W5 9.99
15-22-048-02W5 9.99
12-23-107-06W6 9.99
14-28-087-07W6 9.99
05-15-033-13W4 9.96
09-28-053-18W4 9.96
09-16-057-03W5 9.96
06-13-044-18W4 9.96
11-32-072-03W5 9.96
11-27-028-20W4 9.96
04-05-044-09W4 9.96
01-19-035-21W4 9.96
06-31-032-24W4 9.96
05-01-036-28W4 9.95
13-34-008-02W5 9.95
01-28-043-23W4 9.89
07-09-030-11W4 9.89
06-16-064-21W5 9.89
08-07-061-04W5 9.8
11-35-034-27W4 9.46
04-15-027-15W4 9.36
09-14-030-27W4 9.25
08-15-084-08W6 9.2
09-22-039-08W5 9.01
07-14-052-04W5 9.01
10-17-064-13W5 8.83
02-30-071-26W5 8.83
10-25-050-06W5 8.83
04-18-032-22W4 8.83
04-08-031-18W4 8.83
06-28-051-08W5 8.83
07-15-060-02W5 8.83
10-08-041-01W5 8.51
01-28-102-03W6 8.48
16-09-032-12W4 8.48
09-16-049-08W5 8.48
05-33-008-22W4 8.46
14-33-043-27W4 8.12
08-24-063-10W5 8.12
13-05-032-17W4 8.02
10-20-096-07W6 8.02
02-02-037-13W4 7.98
09-34-060-18W5 7.95
03-36-037-17W4 7.95
06-19-045-06W5 24.01
08-17-029-22W4 7.84
13-24-060-26W4 7.63
14-13-042-26W4 7.59
02-03-061-11W5 7.45
06-15-048-03W5 7.45
09-06-046-03W5 7.45
03-26-069-05W6 7.35
05-10-033-26W4 7.33
10-08-037-23W4 7.24
06-16-038-04W5 7.06
11-20-042-25W4 7.06
04-31-033-01W4 7.06
16-35-107-04W6 7
11-31-049-05W5 6.99
11-24-041-21W4 6.96
10-30-036-27W4 6.92
08-10-042-22W4 6.85
13-32-031-17W4 6.71
10-29-104-02W6 6.39
03-28-041-12W4 6.36
02-25-056-06W5 6.36
11-19-060-19W5 6.36
08-32-034-17W4 6.36
16-07-017-18W4 6.36
04-24-056-05W5 6.18
05-04-039-11W5 6.18
01-08-070-10W5 6
04-30-029-19W4 6
11-27-023-13W4 6
08-34-077-06W6 6
06-02-016-15W4 6
10-03-061-07W5 6
09-25-048-07W5 6
12-23-043-11W4 6
16-28-094-18W5 6
06-28-054-12W5 5.97
16-01-048-13W4 5.97
09-26-059-09W5 5.79
15-13-086-13W6 5.65
04-26-064-26W4 5.58
06-18-072-07W5 5.47
01-18-001-08W4 5.3
15-18-040-18W4 5.3
13-13-037-06W5 5.3
02-34-038-16W4 5.3
09-28-103-04W6 5.3
16-32-032-06W4 5.3
05-26-030-04W4 5.3
14-18-036-20W4 5.3
13-16-040-05W5 5.23
15-22-048-02W5 5.2
06-12-063-15W5 5.12
05-17-057-21W4 5.12
01-20-028-21W4 5.05
02-15-026-03W4 5
04-08-018-18W4 5
15-22-035-20W4 4.99
09-30-054-27W4 4.98
16-28-038-15W4 4.94
15-05-095-15W5 4.94
16-31-037-02W4 4.94
06-01-031-14W4 4.94
14-36-053-26W4 4.94
10-29-053-10W5 4.77
01-29-057-21W4 4.5
01-30-034-23W4 4.48
06-22-070-20W5 4.41
11-20-035-17W4 4.24
01-31-022-11W4 4.24
02-03-035-05W4 4.24
08-25-077-06W6 4.03
16-07-021-13W4 4
08-25-096-10W6 4
03-07-056-26W4 4
10-12-038-03W5 3.99
05-24-047-05W4 3.99
05-04-049-01W5 3.96
13-12-038-27W4 3.88
05-30-049-03W5 3.88
12-31-111-04W6 3.88
11-31-111-04W6 3.71
07-06-029-21W4 3.53
13-27-032-23W4 3.53
05-22-041-25W4 3.35
11-09-062-24W4 3.22
13-05-039-08W4 3.18
08-26-079-16W5 3.18
04-02-033-25W4 3.07
12-29-091-12W5 3
04-06-063-09W6 3
02-04-027-13W4 2.97
07-21-039-10W5 2.7
11-10-047-12W4 2.5
10-33-085-11W6 2.47
11-33-104-05W6 2.47
04-08-079-08W5 2.4
10-19-086-11W6 2.35
13-19-016-17W4 2.27
16-21-033-01W5 2.12
04-36-086-11W5 1.99
03-02-002-20W4 1.98
01-24-045-08W4 1.98
13-10-016-09W4 1.98
10-02-079-08W6 1.98
07-20-078-12W6 1.62
06-26-011-11W4 1.58
02-04-019-16W4 1.5
06-34-051-23W4 1.5
01-25-057-23W4 1.48
08-30-046-01W5 1.41
10-29-106-05W6 1.09
03-18-022-16W4 1.06
10-28-069-10W5 1.06
06-36-040-03W5 1.06
04-29-014-10W4 0.88
02-24-024-13W4 0.88
12-30-036-04W4 0.74
09-21-038-23W4 0.64
08-29-040-06W5 0.53
07-28-005-05W4 0.41
11-27-022-04W4 0.35
11-20-022-03W4 0.35
12-28-080-09W5 0.28
13-15-081-09W5 0.12
500 SABLE RD 597.55
4-20-31-23 W3M 64.68
13-5-8-8 W2M 33.81
16-25-31-29 W3 24.96
13-21-4-5 W2M 19.89
12-22-7-11 W2M 12.44
16-6-8-8 W2M 11.88
7-5-32-22 W3M 9.84
2-18-032-18-W3 7.96
11-12-26-16W3 4.99
5-13-8-6 W2M 4.98
9-30-32-24-W3M 3.16
5-14-3-1 W2M 2.99
2-23-32-26 W3M 2.99
13-12-30-22W3 2.64
5-9-14-19 W3M 1.62
11-12-6-15 W2M 0.98
01-21-063-02W6 230.96
12-31-050-17W5 100.29
04-36-058-24W5 98.88
04-17-051-18W5 59.96
11-10-049-12W5 54.38
02-25-038-09W5 35
04-20-096-03W6 15.62
08-08-070-11W6 10
11-17-049-04W5 9
10-10-065-05W6 284.04
10-29-063-23W5 49.9
Corredor urbano Luis Donaldo Colosio 400 poniente, col. Playa Miramar 33
Boulevard Lázaro Cárdenas, Esq. Ejército Nacional puerta 2 1200
Carretera Villa Hermosa Reforma, glorieta boca de limón 1275
Carretera Coatzacoalcos Villa Hermosa, km. 5.5, área industrial pajaritos 0
Km. 32 carretera Macuspana-Jonuta, Lázaro Cárdenas, s/n 915
Av. Juaréz s/n, Villa La venta Tabasco, col. Centro 182
Km. 6 carrerera moralito cotaxtla 125
Carretera Coatzacoalcos Villa Hermosa, km. 5.5, área industrial pajaritos 0
Carretera a Reforma s/n, poblado Luis Gil Pérez, municipio del Centro 1500
Carretera Coatzacoalcos Villa Hermosa, km. 5.5, área industrial pajaritos 192
Boulevard Lázaro Cárdenas s/n col. Morelos 490
Source Agency Reference Period Capacity (km³/d)
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2265.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1274.26
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4247.52
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4247.52
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1699.01
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 594.65
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1557.42
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1415.84
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3822.77
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 849.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 169.9
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 6371.28
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 7079.2
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2548.51
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 84.95
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 566.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 141.58
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2690.1
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 59465.3
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2406.93
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1415.84
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 141.58
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 566.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4530.69
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 184.06
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 707.92
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 424.75
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 566.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 28.32
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1699.01
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 48.14
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1557.42
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2690.1
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1415.84
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2548.51
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 396.44
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1274.26
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3964.35
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1415.84
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 283.17
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 424.75
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 424.75
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 7645.54
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 21662.3
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 0
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1982.18
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3539.6
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 481.39
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 707.92
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 22653.4
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 14.16
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2690.1
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 849.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 14.16
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1557.42
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 283.17
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4530.69
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 9202.96
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4728.91
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 7079.2
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3539.6
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 283.17
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 9910.88
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1699.01
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 849.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1132.67
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1840.59
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 849.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1755.64
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1274.26
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1840.59
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1274.26
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 707.92
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 254.85
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 226.53
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 283.17
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 16990.1
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 991.09
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 707.92
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 707.92
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2831.68
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 849.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 7503.95
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 22653.4
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 28.32
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3398.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2548.51
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1982.18
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5.04
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1840.59
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 11326.7
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3398.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 56.63
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 368.12
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 6796.03
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1840.59
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 283.17
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1019.4
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 991.09
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 84.95
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1274.26
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2548.51
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 8495.04
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5097.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3539.6
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 849.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 113.27
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1132.67
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 679.6
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1699.01
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2265.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 707.92
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 65.13
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1132.67
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1642.37
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3681.18
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 566.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 8211.87
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 28.52
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 113.27
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1189.31
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 707.92
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3681.18
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1415.84
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1699.01
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 6229.7
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 113.27
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2831.68
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4672.27
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 10760.4
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1132.67
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 849.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 20388.1
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 11326.7
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 605.98
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1274.26
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 368.12
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 21096
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 283.17
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 84.95
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 33.98
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 368.12
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4247.52
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 368.12
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 56.63
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 736.24
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1557.42
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1274.26
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1840.59
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2973.26
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 14158.4
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3114.85
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1642.37
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2265.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2491.88
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 424.75
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 9344.54
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 283.17
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4247.52
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 14724.7
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 9627.71
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 169.9
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 651.29
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 45.31
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3114.85
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2123.76
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3117.68
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 113.27
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3114.85
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 622.97
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5097.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 7503.95
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 707.92
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 19821.8
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 849.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1840.59
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 651.29
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2378.61
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 56.63
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 141.58
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1132.67
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3398.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 28.32
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2831.68
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 14158.4
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 566.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 70.79
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 19.82
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 764.55
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3398.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 707.92
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 56.63
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4813.86
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 453.07
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3114.85
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 169.9
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 566.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 849.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1132.67
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 226.53
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5097.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1982.18
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5097.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 707.92
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2123.76
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1415.84
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 7928.7
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 7079.2
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3737.82
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1982.18
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 283.17
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 849.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3539.6
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1189.31
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 254.85
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3964.35
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 28316.8
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 10052.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 424.75
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 566.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1415.84
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 283.17
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 16565.3
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5097.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1019.4
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5.95
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4134.25
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 84.95
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 424.75
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 453.07
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 8495.04
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 22653.4
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3114.85
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1274.26
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 12742.6
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1132.67
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2123.76
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 339.8
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 8495.04
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2123.76
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4530.69
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 21237.6
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 906.14
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2265.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3539.6
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 283.17
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5946.53
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 22653.4
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5097.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 736.24
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5097.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 141.58
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 6512.86
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 7503.95
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 481.39
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1557.42
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 56.63
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5804.94
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 141.58
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 16990.1
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4813.86
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 16990.1
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1897.23
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 339.8
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1415.84
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 7079.2
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 141.58
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 141.58
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1245.94
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 283.17
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 438.91
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 6371.28
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1132.67
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1076.04
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 679.6
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2548.51
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1132.67
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 56.63
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1415.84
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3398.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 15092.8
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4247.52
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4247.52
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 6229.7
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1132.67
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 198.22
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 141.58
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1415.84
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4247.52
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 84.95
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 14158.4
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 0.85
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 24635.6
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 241.26
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 707.92
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3822.77
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 6088.11
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 339.8
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2406.93
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2265.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 707.92
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 141.58
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 50970.2
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 56.63
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 276.09
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 7.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1472.47
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4049.3
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5946.53
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1033.56
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 775.17
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 424.75
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 283.17
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3256.43
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 8495.04
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 20388.1
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1557.42
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2.55
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 14.16
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 70.79
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 906.14
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2265.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3681.18
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 84.95
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 21237.6
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 113.27
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 70.79
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 962.77
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1132.67
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 22653.4
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 11326.7
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 141.58
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 56.63
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 18405.9
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 707.92
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 283.17
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 84.95
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3964.35
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 707.92
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 240.69
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 622.97
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 283.17
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3681.18
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 31148.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4389.1
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4672.27
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5097.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 41908.9
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 169.9
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 339.8
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 141.58
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 707.92
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 50.97
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2831.68
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 906.14
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3398.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2831.68
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 7079.2
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 991.09
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 13450.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2208.71
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 31148.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 31148.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3398.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4247.52
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2265.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1132.67
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2831.68
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 16990.1
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3539.6
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 566.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1699.01
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 169.9
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 141.58
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 566.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 56.63
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 22653.4
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 14.16
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 6371.28
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 28.32
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3114.85
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1982.18
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 679.6
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 736.24
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3398.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3681.18
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 8495.04
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 8495.04
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 226.53
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2123.76
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 6229.7
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5238.61
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 6031.48
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 736.24
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1699.01
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 339.8
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 566.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 707.92
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 226.53
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1415.84
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 424.75
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 10.76
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1982.18
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 509.7
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3964.35
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 56.63
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 28.32
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1982.18
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2831.68
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 707.92
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2123.76
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 7.65
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 339.8
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 849.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 254.85
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1415.84
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3114.85
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3964.35
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 42.48
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4247.52
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 113.27
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 15574.2
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 849.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5097.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 481.39
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 6229.7
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 283.17
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 18689.1
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 7645.54
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 16990.1
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 424.75
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 424.75
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 56.63
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 566.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 56.63
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 28316.8
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3114.85
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 991.09
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1699.01
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 8070.29
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 20388.1
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 56.63
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 424.75
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 11326.7
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1274.26
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 991.09
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 9486.13
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 6512.86
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 198.22
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2548.51
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 6229.7
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3398.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 991.09
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 509.7
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2548.51
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3114.85
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1019.4
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 622.97
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1699.01
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 113.27
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 481.39
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2548.51
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4247.52
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2831.68
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 127.43
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 849.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1755.64
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 8495.04
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 424.75
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5.66
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4672.27
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1755.64
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1274.26
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3398.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1330.89
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 566.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 84.95
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1132.67
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4247.52
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 9344.54
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2690.1
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4247.52
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1699.01
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1557.42
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 31148.5
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4389.1
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 28.32
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2047.3
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1840.59
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3398.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 56.63
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 33.98
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4530.69
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 21237.6
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 339.8
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1614.06
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1982.18
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 56.63
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3398.02
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 8495.04
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2831.68
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2406.93
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 7079.2
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 12459.4
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1982.18
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 283.17
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 424.75
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1699.01
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1699.01
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 169.9
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 42.48
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 6796.03
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 3681.18
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 141.58
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4530.69
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 19821.8
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 13592.1
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 56.63
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 56.63
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1699.01
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2265.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 169.9
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 566.34
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 1699.01
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 991.09
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 2760.32
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 5663.36
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 311.48
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 8495.04
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 84.95
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey 2014 4643.96
AER ST50 201603 20537
AER ST50 201603 8500
AER ST50 201603 3381
AER ST50 201603 1136.7
AER ST50 201410 570
NEB 201506 5673.56
NEB 201506 3682.89 201506 690.65 201506 498.66 201506 366.42 201506 338.39 201506 223.99 201506 208.98 201506 197.37 201506 139.32 201506 55.78 201506 50.69 201506 42.76
AER ST50 201603 176750
AER ST50 201603 70450
AER ST50 201603 67960
AER ST50 201603 33809
AER ST50 201601 31000
AER ST50 201603 19827
AER ST50 201603 19003
AER ST50 201603 15490
AER ST50 201603 15000
AER ST50 201603 14158
AER ST50 201603 13897.6
AER ST50 201603 12400
AER ST50 201603 12008.5
AER ST50 201603 11918
AER ST50 201411 5050
AER ST50 201603 11179
AER ST50 201603 11000
AER ST50 201603 10850
AER ST50 201603 10550
AER ST50 201411 8988
AER ST50 201603 10602.5
AER ST50 201603 8452
AER ST50 201603 8384.6
AER ST50 201603 8050
AER ST50 201603 7787.26
AER ST50 201603 7748
AER ST50 201603 7686
AER ST50 201603 7326
AER ST50 201603 7066
AER ST50 201603 6762
AER ST50 201603 6700
AER ST50 201603 6229
AER ST50 201603 6218
AER ST50 201603 6180
AER ST50 201603 5981
AER ST50 201603 5230
AER ST50 201603 5128
AER ST50 201603 4970
AER ST50 201603 4875
AER ST50 201603 4672
AER ST50 201603 4648.7
AER ST50 201603 4562
AER ST50 201603 4495
AER ST50 201603 4250
AER ST50 201603 4250
AER ST50 201603 5663.3
AER ST50 201603 4131
AER ST50 201603 3800
AER ST50 201603 3822.3
AER ST50 201603 3681
AER ST50 201601 3610
AER ST50 201603 3600
AER ST50 201603 3539.61
AER ST50 201603 3522
AER ST50 201603 3482.99
AER ST50 201603 3419
AER ST50 201603 3400
AER ST50 201603 3398
AER ST50 201603 3397
AER ST50 201603 3380
AER ST50 201603 3115
AER ST50 201603 3110
AER ST50 201603 3099
AER ST50 201603 3000
AER ST50 201603 2832.1
AER ST50 201603 2832
AER ST50 201603 2826.4
AER ST50 201512 2811
AER ST50 201603 2803
AER ST50 201603 2718.4
AER ST50 201603 2718
AER ST50 201603 2673.7
AER ST50 201512 2550
AER ST50 201603 2550
AER ST50 201603 2550
AER ST50 201603 2500
AER ST50 201512 2440
AER ST50 201603 2407
AER ST50 201603 2400
AER ST50 201603 2395
AER ST50 201603 2381
AER ST50 201603 2365.2
AER ST50 201603 2350
AER ST50 201603 2310
AER ST50 201603 2200
AER ST50 201603 2122.46
AER ST50 201603 2113
AER ST50 201603 2000
AER ST50 201603 2000
AER ST50 201603 2000
AER ST50 201603 1999
AER ST50 201603 1993.47
AER ST50 201603 1990
AER ST50 201603 1981
AER ST50 201603 1972
AER ST50 201603 1960
AER ST50 201603 1865
AER ST50 201603 1831.3
AER ST50 201603 1831
AER ST50 201603 1812.4
AER ST50 201603 1760
AER ST50 201603 3400
AER ST50 201603 1708
AER ST50 201603 1700
AER ST50 201603 1700
AER ST50 201603 1700
AER ST50 201603 1700
AER ST50 201603 1700
AER ST50 201603 1700
AER ST50 201603 1700
AER ST50 201603 1700
AER ST50 201603 1699.24
AER ST50 201603 1699
AER ST50 201603 1696.08
AER ST50 201603 1675
AER ST50 201603 1670
AER ST50 201603 1650
AER ST50 201603 1648.3
AER ST50 201603 1603.2
AER ST50 201603 1598.52
AER ST50 201506 1583.4
AER ST50 201510 1564
AER ST50 201603 1560
AER ST50 201603 1550
AER ST50 201603 1549.6
AER ST50 201603 1500
AER ST50 201603 1475
AER ST50 201410 1450
AER ST50 201603 1419
AER ST50 201603 1416
AER ST50 201603 1416
AER ST50 201603 1415.84
AER ST50 201603 1415.84
AER ST50 201603 1415.84
AER ST50 201603 1415
AER ST50 201603 1413
AER ST50 201603 1400
AER ST50 201603 1380
AER ST50 201603 1359
AER ST50 201603 1359
AER ST50 201603 1355
AER ST50 201603 1352
AER ST50 201603 1300
AER ST50 201408 1272
AER ST50 201603 1260
AER ST50 201603 1250
AER ST50 201603 1250
AER ST50 201603 1220
AER ST50 201408 1200
AER ST50 201603 1200
AER ST50 201603 1200
AER ST50 201603 1200
AER ST50 201603 1183
AER ST50 201603 1183
AER ST50 201603 1166
AER ST50 201603 1160
AER ST50 201603 1150.17
AER ST50 201603 1135
AER ST50 201603 1134
AER ST50 201603 1133
AER ST50 201506 1133
AER ST50 201603 1133
AER ST50 201410 1132
AER ST50 201411 1132
AER ST50 201603 1130
AER ST50 201603 1130
AER ST50 201603 1125
AER ST50 201603 1117
AER ST50 201603 1075
AER ST50 201409 1051
AER ST50 201603 1047
AER ST50 201603 1040
AER ST50 201603 1040
AER ST50 201603 1019
AER ST50 201603 1014.31
AER ST50 201603 1000
AER ST50 201603 1000
AER ST50 201603 986
AER ST50 201603 986
AER ST50 201603 900
AER ST50 201603 975
AER ST50 201603 962.8
AER ST50 201603 950
AER ST50 201409 934.5
AER ST50 201603 925
AER ST50 201603 925
AER ST50 201603 920
AER ST50 201511 918.3
AER ST50 201603 915
AER ST50 201603 915
AER ST50 201603 910
AER ST50 201603 910
AER ST50 201603 897
AER ST50 201603 887
AER ST50 201603 884
AER ST50 201603 857.6
AER ST50 201603 850
AER ST50 201603 850
AER ST50 201603 850
AER ST50 201603 850
AER ST50 201603 850
AER ST50 201603 850
AER ST50 201603 850
AER ST50 201603 850
AER ST50 201603 849.6
AER ST50 201603 845
AER ST50 201603 845
AER ST50 201603 845
AER ST50 201603 830
AER ST50 201603 800
AER ST50 201603 800
AER ST50 201603 793
AER ST50 201603 780
AER ST50 201603 770
AER ST50 201603 750
AER ST50 201603 740
AER ST50 201603 736
AER ST50 201603 734
AER ST50 201603 720
AER ST50 201603 713.8
AER ST50 201603 708
AER ST50 201410 708
AER ST50 201603 707.92
AER ST50 201603 707.9
AER ST50 201603 707.9
AER ST50 201603 707.5
AER ST50 201603 706
AER ST50 201603 704
AER ST50 201603 700
AER ST50 201603 700
AER ST50 201603 698.6
AER ST50 201603 692.04
AER ST50 201603 680
AER ST50 201603 680
AER ST50 201603 679.6
AER ST50 201603 679.6
AER ST50 201603 678
AER ST50 201603 800
AER ST50 201603 652
AER ST50 201603 650
AER ST50 201603 650
AER ST50 201603 649
AER ST50 201603 642
AER ST50 201603 624
AER ST50 201603 623
AER ST50 201603 623
AER ST50 201512 622.48
AER ST50 201603 622
AER ST50 201603 620
AER ST50 201603 620
AER ST50 201603 620
AER ST50 201603 615
AER ST50 201603 605
AER ST50 201603 597
AER ST50 201603 596.2
AER ST50 201510 584
AER ST50 201603 580
AER ST50 201603 580
AER ST50 201603 570
AER ST50 201603 570
AER ST50 201603 570
AER ST50 201603 570
AER ST50 201603 567
AER ST50 201603 567
AER ST50 201603 567
AER ST50 201603 567
AER ST50 201603 566.4
AER ST50 201508 566.4
AER ST50 201603 566.3
AER ST50 201603 566.3
AER ST50 201603 566.3
AER ST50 201603 566
AER ST50 201603 566
AER ST50 201603 566
AER ST50 201603 566
AER ST50 201509 566
AER ST50 201603 566
AER ST50 201603 565
AER ST50 201603 565
AER ST50 201603 564
AER ST50 201603 564
AER ST50 201603 563.5
AER ST50 201603 563
AER ST50 201603 563
AER ST50 201603 560
AER ST50 201603 560
AER ST50 201603 560
AER ST50 201603 560
AER ST50 201603 550
AER ST50 201603 550
AER ST50 201603 544
AER ST50 201603 535
AER ST50 201603 528
AER ST50 201603 520
AER ST50 201603 510
AER ST50 201505 510
AER ST50 201603 510
AER ST50 201603 510
AER ST50 201509 510
AER ST50 201603 510
AER ST50 201603 510
AER ST50 201603 509.71
AER ST50 201406 509
AER ST50 201603 508
AER ST50 201505 506
AER ST50 201603 500
AER ST50 201603 500
AER ST50 201603 500
AER ST50 201603 481
AER ST50 201603 460
AER ST50 201603 453
AER ST50 201603 453
AER ST50 201510 453
AER ST50 201603 450
AER ST50 201603 450
AER ST50 201603 450
AER ST50 201603 445
AER ST50 201603 440
AER ST50 201603 430
AER ST50 201603 426
AER ST50 201408 425
AER ST50 201603 425
AER ST50 201511 425
AER ST50 201603 425
AER ST50 201603 425
AER ST50 201603 425
AER ST50 201603 425
AER ST50 201603 424.9
AER ST50 201603 424.75
AER ST50 201603 424
AER ST50 201603 424
AER ST50 201603 424
AER ST50 201603 423.6
AER ST50 201603 423
AER ST50 201603 423
AER ST50 201603 420
AER ST50 201603 420
AER ST50 201603 420
AER ST50 201603 418
AER ST50 201603 402.5
AER ST50 201603 402
AER ST50 201601 402
AER ST50 201603 401
AER ST50 201603 400
AER ST50 201603 400
AER ST50 201603 400
AER ST50 201603 400
AER ST50 201603 396.4
AER ST50 201603 396
AER ST50 201603 396
AER ST50 201603 392
AER ST50 201603 392
AER ST50 201407 382.3
AER ST50 201603 382
AER ST50 201603 380
AER ST50 201603 375
AER ST50 201603 369.16
AER ST50 201603 368.17
AER ST50 201603 366
AER ST50 201503 360
AER ST50 201603 359
AER ST50 201603 353
AER ST50 201602 350
AER ST50 201406 348
AER ST50 201603 346.03
AER ST50 201603 345
AER ST50 201603 342
AER ST50 201603 340
AER ST50 201501 340
AER ST50 201603 340
AER ST50 201603 340
AER ST50 201501 340
AER ST50 201603 339.8
AER ST50 201603 339.8
AER ST50 201603 339
AER ST50 201603 338.63
AER ST50 201603 338
AER ST50 201603 337.8
AER ST50 201603 337
AER ST50 201511 324
AER ST50 201603 320
AER ST50 201511 315
AER ST50 201603 312
AER ST50 201603 311
AER ST50 201603 310
AER ST50 201603 307
AER ST50 201603 300
AER ST50 201603 300
AER ST50 201603 285
AER ST50 201603 284
AER ST50 201601 283.2
AER ST50 201603 283.2
AER ST50 201603 283.2
AER ST50 201509 283.2
AER ST50 201603 283.2
AER ST50 201501 283.17
AER ST50 201603 283.1
AER ST50 201603 283.05
AER ST50 201603 283
AER ST50 201603 283
AER ST50 201603 283
AER ST50 201603 283
AER ST50 201603 283
AER ST50 201601 283
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AER ST50 201603 282.1
AER ST50 201603 282
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AER ST50 201603 282
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AER ST50 201603 282
AER ST50 201603 281.74
AER ST50 201603 281.7
AER ST50 201603 280
AER ST50 201603 280
AER ST50 201603 280
AER ST50 201603 277.5
AER ST50 201603 268
AER ST50 201503 265
AER ST50 201603 262
AER ST50 201603 260.6
AER ST50 201603 255
AER ST50 201603 255
AER ST50 201512 250
AER ST50 201603 250
AER ST50 201510 250
AER ST50 201603 250
AER ST50 201603 250
AER ST50 201603 250
AER ST50 201603 250
AER ST50 201601 241
AER ST50 201603 240.2
AER ST50 201405 240
AER ST50 201603 240
AER ST50 201603 239.7
AER ST50 201603 230
AER ST50 201603 230
AER ST50 201603 227.14
AER ST50 201603 227.1
AER ST50 201603 226
AER ST50 201603 225
AER ST50 201603 225
AER ST50 201603 680
AER ST50 201603 222
AER ST50 201510 216
AER ST50 201603 215
AER ST50 201603 211
AER ST50 201603 211
AER ST50 201603 211
AER ST50 201603 208
AER ST50 201603 207.5
AER ST50 201603 205
AER ST50 201603 200
AER ST50 201603 200
AER ST50 201603 200
AER ST50 201601 198.2
AER ST50 201603 198
AER ST50 201603 197
AER ST50 201603 196
AER ST50 201603 194
AER ST50 201411 190
AER ST50 201603 181
AER ST50 201603 180
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AER ST50 201603 180
AER ST50 201603 175
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AER ST50 201603 170
AER ST50 201603 169.9
AER ST50 201603 169.9
AER ST50 201505 169
AER ST50 201603 169
AER ST50 201603 164
AER ST50 201602 160
AER ST50 201603 158
AER ST50 201603 155
AER ST50 201603 150
AER ST50 201603 150
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AER ST50 201603 150
AER ST50 201412 150
AER ST50 201603 150
AER ST50 201603 150
AER ST50 201603 150
AER ST50 201603 148
AER ST50 201603 147.3
AER ST50 201603 145
AER ST50 201603 145
AER ST50 201603 143
AER ST50 201603 141.58
AER ST50 201603 141.58
AER ST50 201603 141.3
AER ST50 201603 140.9
AER ST50 201603 140
AER ST50 201407 140
AER ST50 201602 140
AER ST50 201603 140
AER ST50 201408 140
AER ST50 201603 135
AER ST50 201603 127.4
AER ST50 201603 126.8
AER ST50 201603 125
AER ST50 201603 120
AER ST50 201603 120
AER ST50 201603 120
AER ST50 201603 114
AER ST50 201411 113.3
AER ST50 201603 113.28
AER ST50 201603 113.28
AER ST50 201603 113
AER ST50 201603 113
AER ST50 201603 112
AER ST50 201603 110
AER ST50 201603 110
AER ST50 201601 110
AER ST50 201603 105
AER ST50 201603 100
AER ST50 201603 100
AER ST50 201603 95
AER ST50 201603 91.3
AER ST50 201603 90
AER ST50 201603 90
AER ST50 201603 86.9
AER ST50 201603 85
AER ST50 201603 85
AER ST50 201603 84
AER ST50 201603 76.5
AER ST50 201603 70.8
AER ST50 201603 70
AER ST50 201603 70
AER ST50 201508 68
AER ST50 201603 66.5
AER ST50 201603 64.4
AER ST50 201603 60
AER ST50 201603 56.3
AER ST50 201603 56
AER ST50 201603 56
AER ST50 201603 56
AER ST50 201603 56
AER ST50 201603 46
AER ST50 201603 44.6
AER ST50 201603 42.6
AER ST50 201603 42.48
AER ST50 201603 42
AER ST50 201603 40
AER ST50 201603 31
AER ST50 201603 30
AER ST50 201603 30
AER ST50 201603 30
AER ST50 201603 25
AER ST50 201509 25
AER ST50 201603 21.06
AER ST50 201603 18
AER ST50 201603 15
AER ST50 201508 11.7
AER ST50 201603 10
AER ST50 201603 10
AER ST50 201601 8
AER ST50 201603 3.5
BCOGC 201506 28427
BCOGC 201506 22540
BCOGC 201509 21240
BCOGC 201506 19263
BCOGC 201506 15864
BCOGC 201506 11327
BCOGC 201506 11326.7
BCOGC 201506 11270
NEB 201506 7067.03
BCOGC 201506 6749
BCOGC 201506 5607
BCOGC 201506 5600
BCOGC 201506 5600
BCOGC 201506 5578
BCOGC 201506 5550
BCOGC 201506 5550
BCOGC 201506 5550
BCOGC 201506 5070
BCOGC 201506 4389.11
BCOGC 201506 4250
BCOGC 201506 4248
BCOGC 201506 4180
BCOGC 201506 4082
BCOGC 201506 3944
BCOGC 201506 3780
BCOGC 201506 3540
BCOGC 201506 3396
BCOGC 201506 3150
BCOGC 201506 3100
BCOGC 201506 2958
BCOGC 201506 2890
BCOGC 201506 2832
BCOGC 201506 2832
BCOGC 201506 2832
BCOGC 201506 2817
BCOGC 201506 2500
BCOGC 201506 2323
BCOGC 201506 2321
BCOGC 201506 2265
BCOGC 201506 2260
BCOGC 201506 2237
BCOGC 201506 1690
BCOGC 201506 1425
BCOGC 201506 1415
BCOGC 201506 1296
BCOGC 201506 1275
BCOGC 201506 1141
BCOGC 201506 1000
BCOGC 201506 1000
BCOGC 201506 792
BCOGC 201506 710
BCOGC 201506 707.9
BCOGC 201506 676
BCOGC 201506 648
BCOGC 201506 567
BCOGC 201506 563
BCOGC 201506 540
BCOGC 201506 400
BCOGC 201506 350
BCOGC 201506 312
BCOGC 201506 256
BCOGC 201506 250
BCOGC 201506 250
BCOGC 201506 227
BCOGC 201506 226.5
BCOGC 201506 200
BCOGC 201506 180
BCOGC 201506 56.6
BCOGC 201506 33.8
NEB 201506 16920.7 201506 1831.53 201506 957.39 201506 706.79 201506 563.22 201506 352.26 201506 336.4 201506 278.64 201506 225.4 201506 141.3 201506 141.02 201506 89.48 201506 84.67 201506 84.67 201506 74.76 201506 45.87 201506 27.75
AER ST50 201603 6540
AER ST50 201603 2840
AER ST50 201508 2800
AER ST50 201603 1698
AER ST50 201603 1540
AER ST50 201603 991
AER ST50 201510 442.3
AER ST50 201603 283.17
AER ST50 201603 254.9
AER ST50 201603 8043
AER ST50 201603 1413
Pemex 201606 934.4544
Pemex 201606 33980.16
Pemex 201606 36103.92
Pemex 201606 0
Pemex 201606 25909.872
Pemex 201606 5153.6576
Pemex 201606 3539.6
Pemex 201606 0
Pemex 201606 42475.2
Pemex 201606 5436.8256
Pemex 201606 13875.232

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