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ME 733 Mechanical Vibrations Laboratory



(Roll No:)
B.Tech. (Mechanical) VII Semester
Session 2021-22

Submitted to


NEW DELHI-110025

I, Name, Roll No:, student of B.Tech. (Mechanical) VII Semester, hereby

declare that the laboratory report of experiments of ME 733 Mechanical

Vibrations Laboratory, which is submitted by me to the Department of

Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia

Islamia, New Delhi as part of the requirement of this course, contains the results

of the experiments that have been virtually conducted by me using the virtual

laboratory facilitated by the Ministry of Education, Government of India under

the national mission on education through ICT.


Place: New Delhi

Date: 15/12/2021
Experiment 1:

MI of Connecting Rod..............................................................................................................1

Experiment 2: Impact test on cantilever Modal analysis...........................................................2

Experiment 3: Sine Sweep of base excitation of cantilever.......................................................3

Experiment 4: Forced response of SDOF..................................................................................4

Experiment 5: Free response of SDOF......................................................................................5

Experiment 6: Trifiliar Suspension............................................................................................6

Experiment 7: SDOF system – Arbitrary Excitation.................................................................7

Experiment 8: Tuned Vibration Absorber..................................................................................8

 Aim:
To find mass moment of inertia of a connecting rod from its vibration as a compound

Simple pendulum:
A bob attached to a thread or string hanging from a pivot constitutes a simple
pendulum. As the size of the bob is small compared to the length of the thread, the
mass of the bob can be considered to be concentrated at its centre and treated as a
point mass. The mass of the thread is very small compared to that of the bob, it is
neglected. Also, the thread is considered inelastic and inextensible and effects due to
these properties are neglected while studying the oscillations of the bob about the
pivot. Thus, the bob oscillates about the pivot when disturbed from its equilibrium
position and left to its own. The period of such oscillations is given by,
T = 2π
√ L

These oscillations are undamped natural vibration of the simple pendulum.  Physical
systems like a swing in children’s park, load hanging from a cable of a crane, can be
modelled as simple pendulum.
Compound Pendulum: Consider the oscillations of a solid body about the point of
suspension ‘O’ (pivot) as shown in the figure. 

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ⅆ2 θ 2
J0 2
+ Mg L =0

The pivot is at point O and the centre of mass of the body is at G. Let the distance
between the pivot and the centre of mass of the body be L. When the body is displaced
from its equilibrium position and left to its own, it oscillates about O. Such an
arrangement is called compound pendulum. Unlike simple pendulum, the mass is
distributed all along the length of the oscillating body and takes part in the
oscillations. Equation of motion of the compound pendulum is derived by taking
moments of the inertia-force and force due to gravity about the pivot ‘O’ and is given by
ⅆ θ 2
J0 2
+ Mg L =0
Where, J0, M, and θ are respectively the mass moment of inertia of the oscillating body
about the pivot, total mass of the oscillating body, and angle of oscillation (angle between
the line OG while oscillating and the vertical position of equilibrium).  The period of
oscillation of a compound pendulum is obtained from solution of above equation and is
given by,

T = 2π 0

(Period of oscillation = Time required to complete one oscillation)

Mass moment of inertia about the centre of mass, ‘G’, is given by 

JG = J0 – M.L2

Mass Moment of Inertia: Moment of a point mass m about another point or a line is given

by the product of the mass m and distance between another point or perpendicular
distance between the line and location of the mass.  For a solid body, its mass is
distributed all over its volume.  So, when we want to calculate its mass moment of inertia

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about a point, every elemental mass of the body is at different distance from the point
about which we want to take its moment.  So we

resort to use of calculus and find the mass moment of the body by integrating the product
of the elemental mass and its square of its distance from another point under
consideration.  Another point of consideration is usually the centre of gravity of the body
itself and we find the mass moment of inertia of the body about its own centre of gravity. 
Thus, for a slender rod, which can be considered as one-dimensional body, the mass
moment about its centre of gravity is given by, 

Similarly, we can find mass moment of inertia for a two- or three-dimensional solids
using double or triple integration. However, finding mass moment of inertia of solids
using analytical expressions as above is possible only for solids of regular geometry like a
cylinder and sphere. For solids of irregular geometry like a connecting rod or any link use
in a mechanism of any machine, the analytical method cannot be used, and we need to
use an experimental method as discussed in the present experiment.

Importance of knowing mass moment of inertia: Machines have several parts (links)
connected to each other that have linear or angular motion with changing acceleration
which result in inertia forces and moments. In order to calculate the moments due to
inertia, we must know the mass moment of inertia of the part that has angular motion
about a point. The mass moment of inertia of the part (or a link) can be found from period
of oscillation of the compound pendulum formed by pivoting the link and setting it into
oscillations as explained earlier.

 Theory:
Vibratory systems around us:
Here are some examples of physical systems where the vibrations are prominent and
can be observed easily. In musical instruments the vibrations are intentional. The parts
of musical instruments are designed so that they generate sounds that are pleasant to
listen. In many cases the vibrations are unwanted, and we try to minimize them.
1.   A chandelier hanging from ceiling oscillates to and fro following an initial
disturbance; maybe due to a breeze of air.

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2.   The oscillations of the chandelier at cathedral of Pisa, Italy, were studied by the
famous scientist Galileo Galilee.
3.   A load attached at end of a wire-rope of a crane oscillates to and fro due to initial
disturbance; maybe due to sudden stopping of carriage of the crane while
revolving about the vertical axis.
4.   The pendulum used in clock of olden days used to oscillate to and fro once every
second. i.e., it had a period of oscillation of one second.
5.   String of a guitar, when plucked and left to its own, vibrates and makes a musical
sound. It comes to rest after a while; the vibrations die out. Similarly, the
diaphragm of a table vibrates when hit and left to its own. It also comes to rest
after some time.
All these are examples of vibratory systems that are set into vibration following an
initial disturbance. All these systems have three components: mass, due to which the
system possesses inertia; elasticity, due to which potential energy can be stored; and
components that dissipate energy causing the vibratory motion to be damped which
bring them to rest after some time. Vibration or vibratory systems are classified in
number of ways. Some of the classifications are given below:
 Free and forced vibration - A free vibration occurs due to initial displacement or
velocity, or both, applied to the system only initially. There is no external force
acting on the system when the system is vibrating. A forced vibration occurs when
the system vibrates in response to external force applied continuously. When the
force applied is periodic, i.e., it repeats itself after a fixed interval of time, the
forced vibration is called periodic. If the periodic force and hence the resulting
vibration varies sinusoidally with respect to time, the vibration is called harmonic.
If the force is not periodic, the forced vibration is called aperiodic or random.
 Damped and undamped vibration - When the vibratory system has elements that
offer resistance to motion, energy is continuously dissipated, and the free vibrations
of such systems come to halt after some time. This is called damped vibration and
such systems are called damped systems. Forced vibration of a damped system
continues as long as the force acts but some of the work done by the external force
is lost in overcoming the resistance offered by the damping elements. Systems
without damping elements are called undamped systems and their vibrations are
called undamped vibrations. All systems in nature have some or the other damping
element and their natural vibrations are damped. Hence, they come to rest after
some time following free vibrations. Nevertheless, we study the vibration of
undamped systems because the concepts developed in studying them are useful in
analyzing and understanding the phenomena occurring in vibration of damped as
well as complicated systems. When the force of resistance offered by a damping
element is proportional to velocity of mass of the system, it is termed as viscous
damping and the damping element is called a viscous damper. If the force of

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resistance has a constant value, it is termed as Coulomb damping. Damping due to
dry friction shows this kind of behavior. Coulomb damping can occur when the
system has components rubbing over each other. There are other types of damping
also which shall be discussed later.
 Degrees of freedom: The vibratory systems are classified as single-degree-of-
freedom systems, multi-degree-of-freedom-systems or continuous systems. The
number of degrees of freedom corresponds to the number of independent co-
ordinates required to completely describe the motion of the system. In fact, it is the
sum of the possible ways each mass can move independently of other masses. The
translation of a mass along the three axes, X, Y and Z, and the three rotations about
each of these axes constitute possible ways of motion of a mass. Many times, many
of these six motions of a mass are restricted and a mass can have one or two
degrees of freedom, i.e. only translation or translation and rotation of a single mass
about any one of the axes.
 Linear and Non-linear Vibrations: Vibration is said to be linear if the damping
force is proportional to velocity, inertia force is proportional to mass, and restoring
force is proportional to displacement. If any of this proportionality is not satisfied,
the system is said to be non-linear.
 Solving engineering problems: Analytical methods are usually applied to models
of actual systems. We carry out experiments on models if physical systems are not
available for testing. While preparing such models, we exclude superfluous details
of the system but include all essential and important features of the actual system.
While doing so, we idealize and approximate important behaviour of the system
without affecting much the accuracy in predicting the behaviour. The system model
so developed provides ease of application of analytical and experimental
techniques. Once a satisfactory model is developed, laws of Physics can be applied
which give a set of mathematical equations relating the properties and variables of
the system. Such a set of mathematical equations is called mathematical model of
the system. Solving the set of equations (or a single mathematical equation)
provides expression for the system variable in terms of location and time. We call
this as ‘solution’ of the problem. As an illustration of the concepts described above,
see the example given below.

Physical These days we have number of towering buildings.  Many a times the

system residential part of such a building is supported on a tall concrete
structure.  One of such buildings is the ‘Milad Tower’, situated in Tehran,
Iran.  Its head consists of a large pod with 12 floors and below is a
staircase and elevators to reach the area.

The oscillations of such tall buildings, in response to earthquake and wind,

are important from design point of view.  And to study these oscillations,

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we must know the characteristics of its natural vibration. 

Analysis of such a physical system can be very much complicated.  To

obtain first rough estimate of the natural frequency of vibration, the
problem can be stated, and the physical system can be modeled in a simple
way as described below.

To find natural frequency of oscillation of the tower in the direction

perpendicular to the vertical axis (i.e., natural frequency of transverse
oscillation of the tower) and position of the head at any given time.

The physical model for the system under

consideration can be as shown in This is the
simplest model.  Only the mass of the
building at the top is considered and it is
M considered to be concentrated at one
point.  The mass of the vertical pillar
    supporting the building is neglected and is
considered to be a cantilever offering only
Physical elasticity.
model of the Thus, it becomes a single degree of
system freedom system with single mass and only
one way of motion of the mass: translation
in direction perpendicular to the vertical
axis of the building.  Further we assume
  that the amplitude of this motion to be

The equivalent stiffness of the cantilever is

3 EI
given by K = 3 .

Mathematical model:
Using Newton’s second law of motion, the equation of motion of the mass is written as,
d x
M 2
+ Kx=0 .

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The first term is the inertia force which is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration and
the second term is the spring force given by stiffness of the spring multiplied by its
elongation or compression.

The differential equation is a mathematical model of the system. 

General Solution:

The solution to the above differential equation is given by

x = Asinωnt + Bcosωnt  

A and B are constants that depend on the initial conditions, i.e., the displacement and
velocity of the mass when we started measuring our time.

These are known as initial conditions.

ωn is the natural frequency in radians per second and is given by,

ωn =
√ K

Particular solution obtained from the initial conditions

Substituting the initial conditions in above expression, we can obtain the values of A and
B.  Thus, if X0 and V0 are the initial displacement and velocity, respectively, given to the
mass, the above expression will yield values of A and B as  A=  and B = X0. 

Now the expression for x becomes,

x= sinωnt + X0cosωnt  
And we can obtain the value of x at any time t from this expression.
Thus, we have obtained the expressions for natural frequency and position of the head at
any given time ‘t’ and the problem stated by the problem statement is solved.

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1. Weigh the connecting rod using a balance available in the laboratory and record its
mass, M.
Find location of the centre of gravity of the connecting rod and mark it as G.
2. Rest the connecting rod on the peg fitted on the wall. Leave enough clearance
between the connecting rod and the wall so that the connecting rod can oscillate
freely in vertical plane. This forms a compound pendulum.
3. Measure the distance between the centre of gravity and the point ‘O’ on the
connecting rod on which it is supported on the peg. Record the distance OG as L.
4. Displace the connecting rod by a small angle in the vertical plane and leave it to its
own to oscillate.
5. Using the stopwatch, measure and record the time required to complete ten
oscillations of the connecting rod.
6. Repeat the process thrice and take average of the time taken for ten oscillations.
This is to average out the errors in measurement. Since time taken for ten
oscillations is recorded, one tenth of this time is the time period of oscillations of
the connecting rod, the compound pendulum. Record this period as T.
7. Calculate the moment of inertia of the connecting rod about the pivot, i.e., point
‘O’ from the expression
8. Calculate mass moment of inertia of the connecting rod about its centre of gravity,
G, from J 0= 2 .

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9. Minimum 3 calculations are necessary to plot the graph.
JG = J0 – ML2

Q1) How is moment of inertia of a rod of uniform section can be found?

Ans1) Let us consider a uniform rod of mass (M) and length (l) as shown in Figure Let us
find an expression for moment of inertia of this rod about an axis that passes through the
center of mass and perpendicular to the rod. First an origin is to be fixed for the
coordinate system so that it coincides with the center of mass, which is also the geometric
center of the rod. The rod is now along the x axis. We take an infinitesimally small mass
(dm) at a distance (x) from the origin. The moment of inertia (dI) of this mass (dm) about
the axis is,

As the mass is uniformly distributed, the mass per unit length (λ) of the rod is, λ = M/l.
The (dm) mass of the infinitesimally small length as, dm = λdx = M/l dx. The moment of
inertia (I) of the entire rod can be found by integrating dI.

Q2) Why is it important to find moment of inertia of a body of irregular shape (e.g., an
oscillating link of irregular shape used in a mechanism of a machine)?

Ans2) Machines have several parts (links) connected to each other that have linear or
angular motion with changing acceleration which result in inertia forces and moments. In
order to calculate the moments due to inertia, we must know the mass moment of inertia
of the part that has angular motion about a point. The mass moment of inertia of the part

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(or a link) can be found from period of oscillation of the compound pendulum formed by
pivoting the link and setting it into oscillations 

Q3) Write the formula that relates period of oscillation of a compound pendulum and its
moment of inertia and dimensions?

Ans3) T =2 π
√ J

Q4)   Why do we use a triangular peg resembling a knife-edge as support for suspension
of the connecting rod rather than an object of any other shape?

Ans4) To minimize friction and to ensure purely oscillating motion.

Q5) List three sources of errors that can occur during conduct of the real experiment (in
real laboratory situation)?

Ans5) Every experimental measurement, no matter how carefully you take it, contains
some amount of uncertainty or error. You are measuring against a standard, using an
instrument that can never perfectly duplicate the standard, plus you’re human, so you
might introduce errors based on your technique. The three main categories of errors are

 Systematic Error
 Random Error
 Personal Error

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 AIM:
To find first few natural frequencies of a cantilever by impact test.

A. Beams and Cantilever

Beams are structural members that have smaller dimensions of cross sections
compared to its length (its axis) and are subjected to loads perpendicular to its axis,
i.e., they are subjected to transverse loads. The whole beam deforms in the plane
containing the axis and the transverse loads. We say that the beam bends. The beams
are usually supported at both ends and they are termed differently depending on the
support conditions.
      When one end of a beam is fixed, and the other free, it is called a Cantilever beam,
or simply a Cantilever. When both end-supports re simple, the beam is called a Simply
Supported Beam. If both ends of a beam are fixed, it is a Fixed-Fixed Beam or simply
a Fixed Beam.

B. Physical systems that can be modeled as cantilever:

The diving board on a swimming pool, the slab on a porch, wall mounted structures,
overhanging booms of cranes, etc can be modeled as cantilever. These physical
systems can be idealized with loss of some accuracy and generalization but ability and
simplicity of analysis. The vibration characteristics of these systems can be very well
understood by knowing the vibrations of its cantilever model.      
As explained in the general theory, the characteristics of natural vibration are
extremely important in knowing the response of the systems to forced excitations.
      In this experiment, we shall find out the natural frequencies of a cantilever from its
response to harmonic support-excitation.

C. Natural Vibration of a Cantilever - Natural frequencies and mode shapes:

A Cantilever is a continuous system-its mass and elasticity are distributed all over its
volume. It can be considered to have infinite very small masses connected by infinite

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very small springs resist the banding of the Cantilevers. Hence there are infinite
degrees of freedom and infinite natural frequencies. And also, corresponding to every
natural frequency, it has a particular shape of vibration, called Mode Shape. The
lowest natural frequency is called Fundamental natural frequency and corresponding
mode, fundamental mode or simply the first mode. Here are animations for first three
modes of vibration of a Cantilever. Click on the figures to see the modes.

Mode - I Mode - II Mode - III

A cantilever of rectangular cross section bxd; Area of cross-section, A = bxd; and
length L is shown in the figure. Cross-sectional dimensions are small compared to its

Let us consider its natural vibration in vertical plane, perpendicular to its length L. Let
I be the second moment of the area of cross section about neutral axis perpendicular to
1 3
the plane of vibration; I = bd  
Let E be the modulus of elasticity of the material from which the cantilever is made.
For steel value E is taken as E = 210GPa (210x109 N/m2) and for Aluminum, it is
Let ρ be the density of the material; for steel, ρ = 7800 kg/m3; for Aluminum, ρ =

D. Equation of Motion:
Once disturbed from its position of equilibrium and left to its own, the cantilever will
vibrate naturally; it will perform natural vibration. From theory, we know that the
4 2
∂ v ∂ v
vibration of a cantilever is governed by the equation  EI 4 + ρA 2 =0 ; with the
∂x ∂t
boundary conditions: at x = 0 (i.e. at fixed end): Deflection v(0,t) = 0 and Slope
∂2 v
dv(0,t)/dx = 0, at all t and at x = L (i.e. at free end), Bending moment EI 2 =0  and
∂ v
Shear force EI 3 =0  

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The initial condition is v(x,0) = 0
           As both, boundary conditions and initial conditions, are specified, the problem
is said to be of mixed initial value and boundary value problem.
           For small amplitudes of vibration of the cantilever, the motion can be assumed
to be harmonic, and we can write this equation in terms of amplitude of vibration as a
function of x alone. The equation is as follows:
4 4
ⅆ V ( x) ⅆ V ( x ) ρ Aω 2
  −λV ( x ) =0  or  − V ( x)=0
ⅆ x4 EI
    There are infinite sets of V(x) and λ which together satisfy the above equation. Such
problems are called Eigenvalue problems and the solutions are called eigenvalues λi,
and eigenvectors V(x)i.
V(x) is function of x that shows shape of the cantilever (Amplitudes of vibration at
different values of x) corresponding to the respective frequencies of natural vibration
λi. The shape of cantilever vibrating with certain natural frequency is called mode
shape of cantilever for that frequency. Three of them were shown in figures earlier.
E. Impact test, excited modes and natural frequencies:
When a cantilever is given an impact at some point, it is set into vibration. In general,
the cantilever will not vibrate in any one single natural mode with corresponding
single natural frequency of vibration. Rather, number of modes will participate in its
vibration depending on the point of impact with corresponding natural frequencies as
components of the periodic vibration. In an impact test, an accelerator is fitted at some
point on the cantilever and the cantilever is hit with an impact hammer giving an
impulse to the cantilever. FFT analysis of the signal received from the load cell fitted
at the tip of the impact hammer reveals that it contains all frequencies over a range.
Similarly, the FFT analysis of the signal will also reveal that it contains all those
frequencies but amplitude of vibration corresponding to the natural frequencies will be
high. Exactly this phenomenon is used to identify the natural frequencies of the
cantilever by impact test. Ratio of signals received from the accelerometer and that of
the impact hammer is taken in frequency domain which is called FRF (Frequency
Response Function). The accelerometer is fixed at one point on the cantilever and
impulse is given at predetermined points with the impulse hammer. Corresponding
FRFs are computed using the software of modal analysis. Using techniques of curve
fitting, Modal Identification Function is generated that shows peaks at the natural
frequencies with the selected range of frequencies. And thus, the natural frequencies of
the cantilever are found by the impact test.

 Theory:
Vibratory systems around us:
Here are some examples of physical systems where the vibrations are prominent and
can be observed easily. In musical instruments the vibrations are intentional. The parts

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of musical instruments are designed so that they generate sounds that are pleasant to
listen. In many cases the vibrations are unwanted, and we try to minimize them.
1.   A chandelier hanging from ceiling oscillates to and fro following an initial
disturbance; maybe due to a breeze of air.
2.   The oscillations of the chandelier at cathedral of Pisa, Italy, were studied by the
famous scientist Galileo Galilee.
3.   A load attached at end of a wire-rope of a crane oscillates to and fro due to initial
disturbance; maybe due to sudden stopping of carriage of the crane while
revolving about the vertical axis.
4.   The pendulum used in clock of olden days used to oscillate to and fro once every
second. i.e., it had a period of oscillation of one second.
5.   String of a guitar, when plucked and left to its own, vibrates and makes a musical
sound. It comes to rest after a while; the vibrations die out. Similarly, the
diaphragm of a table vibrates when hit and left to its own. It also comes to rest
after some time.
All these are examples of vibratory systems that are set into vibration following an
initial disturbance. All these systems have three components: mass, due to which the
system possesses inertia; elasticity, due to which potential energy can be stored; and
components that dissipate energy causing the vibratory motion to be damped which
bring them to rest after some time. Vibration or vibratory systems are classified in
number of ways. Some of the classifications are given below:
 Free and forced vibration - A free vibration occurs due to initial displacement or
velocity, or both, applied to the system only initially. There is no external force
acting on the system when the system is vibrating. A forced vibration occurs when
the system vibrates in response to external force applied continuously. When the
force applied is periodic, i.e. it repeats itself after a fixed interval of time, the
forced vibration is called periodic. If the periodic force and hence the resulting
vibration varies sinusoidally with respect to time, the vibration is called harmonic.
If the force is not periodic, the forced vibration is called aperiodic or random.
 Damped and undamped vibration - When the vibratory system has elements that
offer resistance to motion, energy is continuously dissipated, and the free vibrations
of such systems come to halt after some time. This is called damped vibration and
such systems are called damped systems. Forced vibration of a damped system
continues as long as the force acts but some of the work done by the external force
is lost in overcoming the resistance offered by the damping elements. Systems
without damping elements are called undamped systems and their vibrations are
called undamped vibrations. All systems in nature have some or the other damping
element and their natural vibrations are damped. Hence, they come to rest after
some time following free vibrations. Nevertheless, we study the vibration of

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undamped systems because the concepts developed in studying them are useful in
analyzing and understanding the phenomena occurring in vibration of damped as
well as complicated systems. When the force of resistance offered by a damping
element is proportional to velocity of mass of the system, it is termed as viscous
damping and the damping element is called a viscous damper. If the force of
resistance has a constant value, it is termed as Coulomb damping. Damping due to
dry friction shows this kind of behavior. Coulomb damping can occur when the
system has components rubbing over each other. There are other types of damping
also which shall be discussed later.
 Degrees of freedom: The vibratory systems are classified as single-degree-of-
freedom systems, multi-degree-of-freedom-systems or continuous systems. The
number of degrees of freedom corresponds to the number of independent co-
ordinates required to completely describe the motion of the system. In fact, it is the
sum of the possible ways each mass can move independently of other masses. The
translation of a mass along the three axes, X, Y and Z, and the three rotations about
each of these axes constitute possible ways of motion of a mass. Many times, many
of these six motions of a mass are restricted and a mass can have one or two
degrees of freedom, i.e. only translation or translation and rotation of a single mass
about any one of the axes.
 Linear and Non-linear Vibrations: Vibration is said to be linear if the damping
force is proportional to velocity, inertia force is proportional to mass, and restoring
force is proportional to displacement. If any of this proportionality is not satisfied,
the system is said to be non-linear.
 Solving engineering problems: Analytical methods are usually applied to models
of actual systems. We carry out experiments on models if physical systems are not
available for testing. While preparing such models, we exclude superfluous details
of the system but include all essential and important features of the actual system.
While doing so, we idealize and approximate important behaviour of the system
without affecting much the accuracy in predicting the behaviour. The system model
so developed provides ease of application of analytical and experimental
techniques. Once a satisfactory model is developed, laws of Physics can be applied
which give a set of mathematical equations relating the properties and variables of
the system. Such a set of mathematical equations is called mathematical model of
the system. Solving the set of equations (or a single mathematical equation)
provides expression for the system variable in terms of location and time. We call
this as ‘solution’ of the problem. As an illustration of the concepts described above,
see the example given below.

Physical These days we have number of towering buildings.  Many a times the

system residential part of such a building is supported on a tall concrete
structure.  One of such buildings is the ‘Milad Tower’, situated in Tehran,

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Iran.  Its head consists of a large pod with 12 floors and below is a
staircase and elevators to reach the area.

The oscillations of such tall buildings, in response to earthquake and wind,

are important from design point of view.  And to study these oscillations,
we must know the characteristics of its natural vibration. 

Analysis of such a physical system can be very much complicated.  To

obtain first rough estimate of the natural frequency of vibration, the
problem can be stated, and the physical system can be modeled in a simple
way as described below.

To find natural frequency of oscillation of the tower in the direction

perpendicular to the vertical axis (i.e., natural frequency of transverse
oscillation of the tower) and position of the head at any given time.

The physical model for the system under

consideration can be as shown in This is the
simplest model.  Only the mass of the
building at the top is considered and it is
M considered to be concentrated at one
point.  The mass of the vertical pillar
    supporting the building is neglected and is
considered to be a cantilever offering only
Physical elasticity.
model of the Thus, it becomes a single degree of
system freedom system with single mass and only
one way of motion of the mass: translation
in direction perpendicular to the vertical
axis of the building.  Further we assume
  that the amplitude of this motion to be

The equivalent stiffness of the cantilever is

3 EI
given by K = 3 .

Mathematical model:
Using Newton’s second law of motion, the equation of motion of the mass is written as,

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d x
M 2
+ Kx=0 .

The first term is the inertia force which is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration and
the second term is the spring force given by stiffness of the spring multiplied by its
elongation or compression.

The differential equation is a mathematical model of the system. 

General Solution:

The solution to the above differential equation is given by

x = Asinωnt + Bcosωnt  

A and B are constants that depend on the initial conditions, i.e., the displacement and
velocity of the mass when we started measuring our time.

These are known as initial conditions.

ωn is the natural frequency in radians per second and is given by,

ωn =
√ K

Particular solution obtained from the initial conditions

Substituting the initial conditions in above expression, we can obtain the values of A and
B.  Thus, if X0 and V0 are the initial displacement and velocity, respectively, given to the
mass, the above expression will yield values of A and B as  A=  and B = X0. 

Now the expression for x becomes,

x= sinωnt + X0cosωnt  
And we can obtain the value of x at any time t from this expression.
Thus, we have obtained the expressions for natural frequency and position of the head at
any given time ‘t’ and the problem stated by the problem statement is solved.


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 PROCEDURE: Experimental set-up
A. Apparatus: Following apparatus will be used to perform the real experiment:
a. Impact Hammer
b. Accelerometer
c. Multi-channel Vibration Analyzer (At least two-channel)
d. A PC or a Laptop loaded with software for modal analysis.
e. Test-specimen (A cantilever held in a fixture)
f. Power supply for the PC and vibration analyse, connecting cables for the impact
hammer and accelerometer, fasteners and spanner to fix the specimen in the
fixture, and adhesive/wax to fix the accelerometer).

B. Brief information about the important apparatus used in real experiment:

a. Impact Hammer: This looks like an ordinary hammer, but its head is fitted with a
load cell and contains electronic circuitry and an output cable that can be connected to
vibration analyzer. On hitting the impact hammer on any structure an impulsive force
is applied to the structure which is a cantilever in our case. An equal and opposite
force is sensed by the load cell fitted in the head of the hammer. This generates an
electric signal that is given to vibration analyzer which analyzes the signal, compares
with the signal received from accelerometer fixed o the structure, and this information
is used to develop FRF (Frequency Response Function) and finally the natural
frequencies of the structure are found.

b. Accelerometer: An accelerometer is a device (a transducer) which when attached

to a vibrating structure gives out electric signal proportional to the acceleration. This
signal is given to a vibration analyzer which processes and analyzes the signal. In case
of this experiment, the signal coming from accelerometer fitted to the cantilever is
analyzed with respect to the one received from the impact hammer in order to find the
natural frequencies of the cantilever.

c. Vibration Analyzer: Vibration Analyzer is an electronic device that processes and

analyzes the signals received fro transducers used in vibration measurement like

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impact hammer, accelerometer, digital tachometer, etc. It has number of channels, i.e.,
it can receive number of electric signals simultaneously. Four-channel vibration
analyzer is quite common. The vibration analyzer has very sophisticated electronic
circuits and works together with a computer. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is an
algorithm frequently used for analysis of the electric signals which provide frequency
components, and their corresponding amplitudes present in the signals.

d. A PC or a Laptop loaded with a software for modal analysis: In addition to the

software used along with the vibration analyzer, softwares are available now-a-days
devoted exclusively to the modal analysis. Such softwares facilitates inputting data to
the computer related to geometry of the structure, location of fixing of the
accelerometer on the structure as well as points of hitting of the impact hammer, their
directions, and so on. Also, there are facilities to select type of analysis required,
ranges of various parameters of interest, and so on. Such softwares essentially process
the signals received from the impact hammer and accelerometer, carrying out their
FFTs, finding FRF, obtaining Mode Indicator Function, carrying out curve fitting over
a selected range of frequencies, and finally providing the natural frequencies, mod
shapes, and modal damping factors.

e. Fixture and Test-Specimen: A fixture holds the Steel bar of rectangular cross
section firmly at one end so that the specimen can be considered as a cantilever. The
cross-sectional dimensions of the cantilever are 11.8 x 3.175 mm and length 150 mm.
The fixture holds the bar firmly at one end and the fixture rests on a table. A small
(miniature) accelerometer is attached at the point, marked as node 5, using an
adhesive, Locktite.
3. Procedure – Real experiment
a. Prepare the cantilever: Measure the length on the fixture that holds the steel bar and
leave a margin of that length on the steel bar. Divide the remaining length of the steel
bar into six parts and mark node numbers at each division – from 1 through 7. Let
node 7 be the free end and node 1 the fixed one. Fix the accelerometer to the steel bar
at node 4 but on the face of the bar opposite to the markings. Ensuring that face of bar
with markings and node numbers up, fix the bar into the slot on the fixture so that a
cantilever is formed.

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b. Connect the wires and cables: Make connections of the vibration analyzer, PC or
laptop, accelerometer and the impact hammer as given in the manuals or under
guidance of experts.
c. Switch on the power supply. Open the softwares of vibration analysis and
experimental modal analysis installed on the PC/laptop. Provide necessary inputs and
make necessary settings in the softwares. Ensure that there is proper supply and
communication between the devices connected.
d. Now we shall provide impacts by the impact hammer on the nodes marked on the
cantilever one by one. Impacts will be given on nodes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7; node 1 is
fixed. Accelerometer is connected at node 5. Signals from the impact hammer and the
accelerometer will be received by the vibration analyzer for each impact provided one
by one and will be compared and analyzed by the softwares. Curve known
as Frequency Response Function (FRF) will be generated by the software that is used
to find the natural frequencies of the cantilever.
e. Observe the curve and read frequencies that correspond to peaks of the FRF.
4. Procedure – Virtual experiment
A cantilever will be seen on the screen of your PC, held in a fixture at one end, thereby
making its one end fixed. It is divided into six equal parts and seven points are marked
from 1 to 7 due to this division. An accelerometer is seen fixed at point 5. Point 7 is at
free end. The point at which the hammer is to be hit can be selected by choosing it
from the button ‘choose’ and the hit can be performed by clicking on the button ‘hit’.
Dimensions and material of cantilever are given. The FRF is displaced in the window
after every hit. At the end Mode Identification Function is seen from which the natural
frequencies can be identified. Follow the steps given below to find the natural
frequencies of the cantilever by impact test:
a. Choose point 2 from the button for the hit; the hammer will move just above that
point. Perform the hit by clicking on the button ‘hit’. The cantilever will be seen
vibrating for some time and corresponding FRF (input at point 2 at which hammer is
hit and output from point 4 at which the accelerometer is fixed) will be displayed in
the window.
b. Repeat step ‘a’ for hits at all other points from 3 to 7.
c. Click on the button ‘obtain FRF’; Modal indicator Function will be displayed.

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d. Observe the graph marking frequencies corresponding to the peaks. The peaks
correspond to the natural frequencies.

5. Observations and analysis:

1. Observe FRF (Mode Identification Function)
2. Note the frequencies that correspond to the peaks of amplitude. These correspond to
the natural frequencies of the cantilever. In fact, they correspond to the natural
frequencies of the principal modes of the cantilever that were excited or participated in
vibration of the cantilever due to impacts.
3. Compare these values with those obtained from formulae given in the ‘background’
of this experiment
4. Ponder on the difference in values obtained from these two sources – Experimental
and Analytical.

Q.1) How many natural frequencies does a cantilever have?
     a. One b. Two c. Infinite d. Cannot be predicted

Q.2) Theoretically, how many frequency components does an impulse of very short

duration and large amplitude have?
     a. Only one b. All over a range of frequencies c. few selected frequencies d.
cannot be said

Q.3) Which method of finding natural frequencies did we use in the current
    a. Fixed accelerometer and roving hammer
    b. Hammer at fixed point and roving accelerometer
    c. Hammer and accelerometer both at fixed point
    d. Hammer and accelerometer both roving

Q.4) What is FRF (Frequency Response Function)

   a. Response of a point to an excitation of single frequency
    b. Ratio of output from accelerometer (response at a point) to input by impact
hammer (excitation at some point) in frequency domain
    c. Response of a point to harmonic excitation with frequency varied in step

Q.5) Why is the FRF complex?

    a. Because it is ratio of quantities that may not be in-phase
    b. It is ratio of quantities that are complex themselves

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    c. FRF is not necessarily complex.

Q.6) How do we find natural frequencies of a cantilever from the FRF or Modal
indicator Function?
    a. FRF gives the natural frequencies directly in a tabular form
    b. The shape of the curve of FRF (or MIF) consists of number of peaks and
each peak corresponds to a natural frequency of the cantilever
    c. Natural frequencies cannot be found from the FRF (or MIF)

 Aim:
Sine Sweep of base excitation of cantilever.
A. Beams and Cantilever
Beams are structural members that have smaller dimensions of cross sections
compared to its length (its axis) and are subjected to loads perpendicular to its axis,
i.e., they are subjected to transverse loads. The whole beam deforms in the plane
containing the axis and the transverse loads. We say that the beam bends. The beams
are usually supported at both ends and they are termed differently depending on the
support conditions.
      When one end of a beam is fixed, and the other free, it is called a Cantilever beam,
or simply a Cantilever. When both end-supports re simple, the beam is called a Simply
Supported Beam. If both ends of a beam are fixed, it is a Fixed-Fixed Beam or simply
a Fixed Beam.

B. Physical systems that can be modeled as cantilever:

The diving board on a swimming pool, the slab on a porch, wall mounted structures,
overhanging booms of cranes, etc can be modeled as cantilever. These physical
systems can be idealized with loss of some accuracy and generalization but ability and

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simplicity of analysis. The vibration characteristics of these systems can be very well
understood by knowing the vibrations of its cantilever model.      
As explained in the general theory, the characteristics of natural vibration are
extremely important in knowing the response of the systems to forced excitations.
      In this experiment, we shall find out the natural frequencies of a cantilever from its
response to harmonic support-excitation.

C. Natural Vibration of a Cantilever - Natural frequencies and mode shapes:

A Cantilever is a continuous system-its mass and elasticity are distributed all over its
volume. It can be considered to have infinite very small masses connected by infinite
very small springs resist the banding of the Cantilevers. Hence there are infinite
degrees of freedom and infinite natural frequencies. And also, corresponding to every
natural frequency, it has a particular shape of vibration, called Mode Shape. The
lowest natural frequency is called Fundamental natural frequency and corresponding
mode, fundamental mode or simply the first mode. Here are animations for first three
modes of vibration of a Cantilever. Click on the figures to see the modes.

Mode - I Mode - II Mode - III

A cantilever of rectangular cross section bxd; Area of cross-section, A = bxd; and
length L is shown in the figure. Cross-sectional dimensions are small compared to its

Let us consider its natural vibration in vertical plane, perpendicular to its length L. Let
I be the second moment of the area of cross section about neutral axis perpendicular to
1 3
the plane of vibration; I = bd  
Let E be the modulus of elasticity of the material from which the cantilever is made.
For steel value E is taken as E = 210GPa (210x109 N/m2) and for Aluminum, it is
Let ρ be the density of the material; for steel, ρ = 7800 kg/m3; for Aluminum, ρ =

D. Equation of Motion:
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Once disturbed from its position of equilibrium and left to its own, the cantilever will
vibrate naturally; it will perform natural vibration. From theory, we know that the
4 2
∂ v ∂ v
vibration of a cantilever is governed by the equation  EI 4 + ρA 2 =0 ; with the
∂x ∂t
boundary conditions: at x = 0 (i.e. at fixed end): Deflection v(0,t) = 0 and Slope
∂2 v
dv(0,t)/dx = 0, at all t and at x = L (i.e. at free end), Bending moment EI 2 =0  and
∂3 v
Shear force EI 3 =0  
The initial condition is v(x,0) = 0
           As both, boundary conditions and initial conditions, are specified, the problem
is said to be of mixed initial value and boundary value problem.
           For small amplitudes of vibration of the cantilever, the motion can be assumed
to be harmonic, and we can write this equation in terms of amplitude of vibration as a
function of x alone. The equation is as follows:
4 4
ⅆ V ( x) ⅆ V ( x ) ρ Aω 2
  −λV ( x )=0  or  − V ( x)=0
ⅆ x4 EI
    There are infinite sets of V(x) and λ which together satisfy the above equation. Such
problems are called Eigenvalue problems and the solutions are called eigenvalues λi,
and eigenvectors V(x)i.
V(x) is function of x that shows shape of the cantilever (Amplitudes of vibration at
different values of x) corresponding to the respective frequencies of natural vibration
λi. The shape of cantilever vibrating with certain natural frequency is called mode
shape of cantilever for that frequency. Three of them were shown in figures earlier.

E. Harmonic excitation, Resonance and Natural frequency:

When the cantilever is subject to forced vibration, it will vibrate. This can be done by
holding the cantilever in a fixture, firmly mounting the fixture on a table of vibration
shaker and vibrating the shaker harmonically up and down with a known frequency. If
we gradually change the frequency of vibration of the table within a range, say from 20
Hz to 2000 Hz, and note the amplitude of vibration of the tip of cantilever, we can plot
a graph of amplitude of vibration of the cantilever versus frequency of excitation. We
know that when the frequency of excitation matches with the natural frequency, the
amplitude of response is large. Thus, the frequencies in the graph mentioned just now
corresponding to high values of response must correspond to the natural frequencies of
the cantilever in the selected range of excitation frequencies. Thus, we find first few
natural frequencies of the cantilever under test by exciting the support harmonically
and carrying out the “Sine-Sweep”.

 Theory:
Vibratory systems around us:
Here are some examples of physical systems where the vibrations are prominent and
can be observed easily. In musical instruments the vibrations are intentional. The parts
of musical instruments are designed so that they generate sounds that are pleasant to
listen. In many cases the vibrations are unwanted, and we try to minimize them.

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1.   A chandelier hanging from ceiling oscillates to and fro following an initial
disturbance; maybe due to a breeze of air.
2.   The oscillations of the chandelier at cathedral of Pisa, Italy, were studied by the
famous scientist Galileo Galilee.
3.   A load attached at end of a wire-rope of a crane oscillates to and fro due to initial
disturbance; maybe due to sudden stopping of carriage of the crane while
revolving about the vertical axis.
4.   The pendulum used in clock of olden days used to oscillate to and fro once every
second. i.e., it had a period of oscillation of one second.
5.   String of a guitar, when plucked and left to its own, vibrates and makes a musical
sound. It comes to rest after a while; the vibrations die out. Similarly, the
diaphragm of a table vibrates when hit and left to its own. It also comes to rest
after some time.
All these are examples of vibratory systems that are set into vibration following an
initial disturbance. All these systems have three components: mass, due to which the
system possesses inertia; elasticity, due to which potential energy can be stored; and
components that dissipate energy causing the vibratory motion to be damped which
bring them to rest after some time. Vibration or vibratory systems are classified in
number of ways. Some of the classifications are given below:
 Free and forced vibration - A free vibration occurs due to initial displacement or
velocity, or both, applied to the system only initially. There is no external force
acting on the system when the system is vibrating. A forced vibration occurs when
the system vibrates in response to external force applied continuously. When the
force applied is periodic, i.e. it repeats itself after a fixed interval of time, the
forced vibration is called periodic. If the periodic force and hence the resulting
vibration varies sinusoidally with respect to time, the vibration is called harmonic.
If the force is not periodic, the forced vibration is called aperiodic or random.
 Damped and undamped vibration - When the vibratory system has elements that
offer resistance to motion, energy is continuously dissipated, and the free vibrations
of such systems come to halt after some time. This is called damped vibration and
such systems are called damped systems. Forced vibration of a damped system
continues as long as the force acts but some of the work done by the external force
is lost in overcoming the resistance offered by the damping elements. Systems
without damping elements are called undamped systems and their vibrations are
called undamped vibrations. All systems in nature have some or the other damping
element and their natural vibrations are damped. Hence, they come to rest after
some time following free vibrations. Nevertheless, we study the vibration of
undamped systems because the concepts developed in studying them are useful in
analyzing and understanding the phenomena occurring in vibration of damped as
well as complicated systems. When the force of resistance offered by a damping
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element is proportional to velocity of mass of the system, it is termed as viscous
damping and the damping element is called a viscous damper. If the force of
resistance has a constant value, it is termed as Coulomb damping. Damping due to
dry friction shows this kind of behavior. Coulomb damping can occur when the
system has components rubbing over each other. There are other types of damping
also which shall be discussed later.
 Degrees of freedom: The vibratory systems are classified as single-degree-of-
freedom systems, multi-degree-of-freedom-systems or continuous systems. The
number of degrees of freedom corresponds to the number of independent co-
ordinates required to completely describe the motion of the system. In fact, it is the
sum of the possible ways each mass can move independently of other masses. The
translation of a mass along the three axes, X, Y and Z, and the three rotations about
each of these axes constitute possible ways of motion of a mass. Many times, many
of these six motions of a mass are restricted and a mass can have one or two
degrees of freedom, i.e. only translation or translation and rotation of a single mass
about any one of the axes.
 Linear and Non-linear Vibrations: Vibration is said to be linear if the damping
force is proportional to velocity, inertia force is proportional to mass, and restoring
force is proportional to displacement. If any of this proportionality is not satisfied,
the system is said to be non-linear.
 Solving engineering problems: Analytical methods are usually applied to models
of actual systems. We carry out experiments on models if physical systems are not
available for testing. While preparing such models, we exclude superfluous details
of the system but include all essential and important features of the actual system.
While doing so, we idealize and approximate important behaviour of the system
without affecting much the accuracy in predicting the behaviour. The system model
so developed provides ease of application of analytical and experimental
techniques. Once a satisfactory model is developed, laws of Physics can be applied
which give a set of mathematical equations relating the properties and variables of
the system. Such a set of mathematical equations is called mathematical model of
the system. Solving the set of equations (or a single mathematical equation)
provides expression for the system variable in terms of location and time. We call
this as ‘solution’ of the problem. As an illustration of the concepts described above,
see the example given below.

Physical These days we have number of towering buildings.  Many a times the

system residential part of such a building is supported on a tall concrete
structure.  One of such buildings is the ‘Milad Tower’, situated in Tehran,
Iran.  Its head consists of a large pod with 12 floors and below is a
staircase and elevators to reach the area.

The oscillations of such tall buildings, in response to earthquake and wind,

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are important from design point of view.  And to study these oscillations,
we must know the characteristics of its natural vibration. 

Analysis of such a physical system can be very much complicated.  To

obtain first rough estimate of the natural frequency of vibration, the
problem can be stated, and the physical system can be modeled in a simple
way as described below.

To find natural frequency of oscillation of the tower in the direction

perpendicular to the vertical axis (i.e., natural frequency of transverse
oscillation of the tower) and position of the head at any given time.

The physical model for the system under

consideration can be as shown in This is the
simplest model.  Only the mass of the
building at the top is considered and it is
M considered to be concentrated at one
point.  The mass of the vertical pillar
    supporting the building is neglected and is
considered to be a cantilever offering only
Physical elasticity.
model of the Thus, it becomes a single degree of
system freedom system with single mass and only
one way of motion of the mass: translation
in direction perpendicular to the vertical
axis of the building.  Further we assume
  that the amplitude of this motion to be

The equivalent stiffness of the cantilever is

3 EI
given by K = 3 .

Mathematical model:
Using Newton’s second law of motion, the equation of motion of the mass is written as,
d2 x
M + Kx=0 .

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The first term is the inertia force which is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration and
the second term is the spring force given by stiffness of the spring multiplied by its
elongation or compression.

The differential equation is a mathematical model of the system. 

General Solution:

The solution to the above differential equation is given by

x = Asinωnt + Bcosωnt  

A and B are constants that depend on the initial conditions, i.e., the displacement and
velocity of the mass when we started measuring our time.

These are known as initial conditions.

ωn is the natural frequency in radians per second and is given by,

ωn =
√ K

Particular solution obtained from the initial conditions

Substituting the initial conditions in above expression, we can obtain the values of A and
B.  Thus, if X0 and V0 are the initial displacement and velocity, respectively, given to the
mass, the above expression will yield values of A and B as  A=  and B = X0. 

Now the expression for x becomes,

x= sinωnt + X0cosωnt  
And we can obtain the value of x at any time t from this expression.
Thus, we have obtained the expressions for natural frequency and position of the head at
any given time ‘t’ and the problem stated by the problem statement is solved.

 Experimental Set-up:

A physical model of a cantilever held in a fixture that rests on a table of a shaker is

seen on the screen. The values of amplitude and frequency of vibration of the shaker
table can be entered. The shaker is made to vibrate harmonically over a frequency
range with suitable step size of frequency. It vibrates at the lowest frequency for some
time, jumps to next frequency obtained through the step-size of frequency and
vibrates at that frequency for some time and jumps to next frequency, and so on. It
continues to do so till it reaches the highest frequency of the range provided. Thus, a
sine-sweep is carried out over the frequency range. As the cantilever along with the

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fixture is mounted on the shaker table, vibration of shaker table provides excitation to
fixed end of the cantilever, i.e. support-excitation to the cantilever. An accelerometer
is shown mounted at suitable place on the cantilever. Output of the accelerometer goes
to vibration analyser displaying displacement (twice integrated from acceleration)
versus real time. The frequency of excitation, in Hz, amplitude of vibration of the
point where the accelerometer is attached and its phase difference with respect to the
excitation are displayed in the window. The whole assembly, cantilever, exciter,
accelerometer can be seen vibrating. The frequency of excitation is swept through a
suitable range and a plot of amplitude and phase difference of vibration of free end
versus excitation-frequency can be seen plotted. Observation of the plot are made and
analyzed. Results are tallied with relevant numerical calculations.

 Observation:

 Procedure:

1.Enter the dimensions of the cantilever in metre – The length, and width and
thickness of cross section of the cantilever.

2. Press the button calculate which will calculate the area and moment of inertia of the
cross section of the cantilever.

3. Select the material of the cantilever. The density and Young’s Modulus of the
material will be displayed immediately.

4. Press the button ‘Vibrate’. The shaker table will start vibrating along with the
fixture and the cantilever.

5. An accelerometer is shown attached to the cantilever at the free-end of the

cantilever. This is connected to vibration analyser. Thus, the magnitude of vibration of
the free end can be measured. A plot of magnitude of vibration of the free end of the
cantilever (i.e., the response) and the frequency of vibration of shaker table (i.e., the
excitation) is obtained. Observations of the plot are made and analysed.

 Observation and analysis:

1. Enter the dimensions of the cantilever in metre – The length, and width and
thickness of cross section of the cantilever. Observe the plot x v/s ω. Note that it has
number of peaks. These peaks correspond to resonances, i.e., when the frequency of
excitation matches with one of the natural frequencies of the cantilever. Thus, the

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excitation frequencies corresponding to the peaks are natural frequencies of vibration
of the cantilever. The lowest one is the fundamental frequency.

 Do This:

Compare the values of frequencies of resonance with those obtained from analytical
formulae from books. Ponder on differences in the values, if any. Remember that
formulae are derived from idealization of actual systems.

 Review:
1. How is moment of inertia of a rod of uniform section can be found?

Ans: Moment of Inertia of a rod having uniform cross sectional area whose axis goes
through the center of rod, having mass (M) and length (L) is generally expressed as;
The Moment of Inertia can also be expressed using another formula when the axis of
the rod goes through the end of the rod. In this case, we use;

2. Why is it important to find moment of inertia of a body of irregular shape (e.g. an

oscillating link of irregular shape used in a mechanism of a machine)?

Ans: Moment of Inertia is one of the many mass properties that describe an object’s
stability and the forces needed to alter its motion. Mass moment of inertia reflects an
object’s amount of resistance to any change in its rotational rate about an axis.

3. Write the formula that relates the period of oscillation of a compound pendulum
and its moment of inertia and dimensions.

Ans: The period of oscillation of a compound pendulum is given by,


(Period of oscillation = Time required to complete one oscillation)

Mass moment of inertia about the center of mass, ‘G’, is given by 

4. Why do we use a triangular peg resembling a knife-edge as support for suspension

of the connecting rod rather than an object of any other shape? 
Ans: To minimize friction and to ensure purely oscillating motion.

5. List three sources of errors that can occur during conduct of the real experiment
(in real laboratory situation).

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Ans: Common sources of error include instrumental, environmental, procedural and
human error. They are either random or systematic depending on the outcome of the
In real laboratory situations most, common mistakes include misreading gauges,
making calculation mistakes etc.

 Aim:
To study, experimentally, the response of a SDOF system to harmonic excitation
applied to the mass for different values of damping factor.
Importance of studying response of a SDOF system to harmonic excitation

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Life of components and their joints in an assembly under vibration greatly depends on
amplitude of vibration. Hence, it is important to know the amplitude of vibration.
Amplitude of vibration tends to be high particularly at and near resonance that occur
when the excitation frequency is close to the natural frequency of a system. And
therefore, the natural frequency of vibration must be separated considerably from the
excitation frequency.
     A Spring-Mass-Damper arrangement is considered in this experiment for finding
its response to a harmonic excitation. Resonance is characterized by high value of
amplitude of vibration. The Spring-Mass-Damper arrangement is an idealized model
of a machine resting on resilient pad or sheet. The machine, say a lathe-bed and its
accessories, can be considered rigid representing the mass in the SDOF system, and
the resilient pad, a spring and damper together. The concepts developed while
studying a SDOF system are fundamental and useful for studying complex systems

 Theory:
Vibratory systems around us:
Here are some examples of physical systems where the vibrations are prominent and
can be observed easily. In musical instruments the vibrations are intentional. The parts
of musical instruments are designed so that they generate sounds that are pleasant to
listen. In many cases the vibrations are unwanted, and we try to minimize them.
1.   A chandelier hanging from ceiling oscillates to and fro following an initial
disturbance; maybe due to a breeze of air.
2.   The oscillations of the chandelier at cathedral of Pisa, Italy, were studied by the
famous scientist Galileo Galilee.
3.   A load attached at end of a wire-rope of a crane oscillates to and fro due to initial
disturbance; maybe due to sudden stopping of carriage of the crane while
revolving about the vertical axis.
4.   The pendulum used in clock of olden days used to oscillate to and fro once every
second. i.e., it had a period of oscillation of one second.
5.   String of a guitar, when plucked and left to its own, vibrates and makes a musical
sound. It comes to rest after a while; the vibrations die out. Similarly, the
diaphragm of a table vibrates when hit and left to its own. It also comes to rest
after some time.
All these are examples of vibratory systems that are set into vibration following an
initial disturbance. All these systems have three components: mass, due to which the
system possesses inertia; elasticity, due to which potential energy can be stored; and
components that dissipate energy causing the vibratory motion to be damped which
bring them to rest after some time. Vibration or vibratory systems are classified in
number of ways. Some of the classifications are given below:

Page 32 of 70
 Free and forced vibration - A free vibration occurs due to initial displacement or
velocity, or both, applied to the system only initially. There is no external force
acting on the system when the system is vibrating. A forced vibration occurs when
the system vibrates in response to external force applied continuously. When the
force applied is periodic, i.e. it repeats itself after a fixed interval of time, the
forced vibration is called periodic. If the periodic force and hence the resulting
vibration varies sinusoidally with respect to time, the vibration is called harmonic.
If the force is not periodic, the forced vibration is called aperiodic or random.
 Damped and undamped vibration - When the vibratory system has elements that
offer resistance to motion, energy is continuously dissipated, and the free vibrations
of such systems come to halt after some time. This is called damped vibration and
such systems are called damped systems. Forced vibration of a damped system
continues as long as the force acts but some of the work done by the external force
is lost in overcoming the resistance offered by the damping elements. Systems
without damping elements are called undamped systems and their vibrations are
called undamped vibrations. All systems in nature have some or the other damping
element and their natural vibrations are damped. Hence, they come to rest after
some time following free vibrations. Nevertheless, we study the vibration of
undamped systems because the concepts developed in studying them are useful in
analyzing and understanding the phenomena occurring in vibration of damped as
well as complicated systems. When the force of resistance offered by a damping
element is proportional to velocity of mass of the system, it is termed as viscous
damping and the damping element is called a viscous damper. If the force of
resistance has a constant value, it is termed as Coulomb damping. Damping due to
dry friction shows this kind of behavior. Coulomb damping can occur when the
system has components rubbing over each other. There are other types of damping
also which shall be discussed later.
 Degrees of freedom: The vibratory systems are classified as single-degree-of-
freedom systems, multi-degree-of-freedom-systems or continuous systems. The
number of degrees of freedom corresponds to the number of independent co-
ordinates required to completely describe the motion of the system. In fact, it is the
sum of the possible ways each mass can move independently of other masses. The
translation of a mass along the three axes, X, Y and Z, and the three rotations about
each of these axes constitute possible ways of motion of a mass. Many times, many
of these six motions of a mass are restricted and a mass can have one or two
degrees of freedom, i.e. only translation or translation and rotation of a single mass
about any one of the axes.
 Linear and Non-linear Vibrations: Vibration is said to be linear if the damping
force is proportional to velocity, inertia force is proportional to mass, and restoring
force is proportional to displacement. If any of this proportionality is not satisfied,
the system is said to be non-linear.

Page 33 of 70
 Solving engineering problems: Analytical methods are usually applied to models
of actual systems. We carry out experiments on models if physical systems are not
available for testing. While preparing such models, we exclude superfluous details
of the system but include all essential and important features of the actual system.
While doing so, we idealize and approximate important behaviour of the system
without affecting much the accuracy in predicting the behaviour. The system model
so developed provides ease of application of analytical and experimental
techniques. Once a satisfactory model is developed, laws of Physics can be applied
which give a set of mathematical equations relating the properties and variables of
the system. Such a set of mathematical equations is called mathematical model of
the system. Solving the set of equations (or a single mathematical equation)
provides expression for the system variable in terms of location and time. We call
this as ‘solution’ of the problem. As an illustration of the concepts described above,
see the example given below.

These days we have number of towering buildings.  Many a times the

residential part of such a building is supported on a tall concrete
structure.  One of such buildings is the ‘Milad Tower’, situated in Tehran,
Iran.  Its head consists of a large pod with 12 floors and below is a
staircase and elevators to reach the area.

Physical The oscillations of such tall buildings, in response to earthquake and wind,
system are important from design point of view.  And to study these oscillations,
we must know the characteristics of its natural vibration. 

Analysis of such a physical system can be very much complicated.  To

obtain first rough estimate of the natural frequency of vibration, the
problem can be stated, and the physical system can be modeled in a simple
way as described below.

To find natural frequency of oscillation of the tower in the direction

perpendicular to the vertical axis (i.e., natural frequency of transverse
oscillation of the tower) and position of the head at any given time.

Physical M The physical model for the system under

model of the consideration can be as shown in This is the
system     simplest model.  Only the mass of the
building at the top is considered and it is
considered to be concentrated at one
point.  The mass of the vertical pillar
supporting the building is neglected and is
considered to be a cantilever offering only

Page 34 of 70

Thus, it becomes a single degree of

freedom system with single mass and only
one way of motion of the mass: translation
in direction perpendicular to the vertical
axis of the building.  Further we assume
that the amplitude of this motion to be

  The equivalent stiffness of the cantilever is

3 EI
given by K = 3 .

Mathematical model:
Using Newton’s second law of motion, the equation of motion of the mass is written as,
d2 x
M 2
+ Kx=0 .

The first term is the inertia force which is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration and
the second term is the spring force given by stiffness of the spring multiplied by its
elongation or compression.

The differential equation is a mathematical model of the system. 

General Solution:

The solution to the above differential equation is given by

x = Asinωnt + Bcosωnt  

A and B are constants that depend on the initial conditions, i.e., the displacement and
velocity of the mass when we started measuring our time.

These are known as initial conditions.

ωn is the natural frequency in radians per second and is given by,

ωn =
√ K

Particular solution obtained from the initial conditions

Page 35 of 70
Substituting the initial conditions in above expression, we can obtain the values of A and
B.  Thus, if X0 and V0 are the initial displacement and velocity, respectively, given to the
mass, the above expression will yield values of A and B as  A=  and B = X0. 

Now the expression for x becomes,

x= sinωnt + X0cosωnt  
And we can obtain the value of x at any time t from this expression.
Thus, we have obtained the expressions for natural frequency and position of the head at
any given time ‘t’ and the problem stated by the problem statement is solved.

 Procedure:
(a) Experimental Set up and Procedure: You see a physical model of a Spring-
Mass-Damper system, supported at bottom (Spring and damper grounded and
supporting a mass). Values of mass, spring stiffness, and damping coefficient are
entered in the windows provided for the purpose. A vertical force whose magnitude
varies sinusoidal with respect to time is applied on the mass i.e., a harmonic excitation
is given to the system acting on the mass. The amplitude of the force is entered. The
range of frequencies of the harmonic force is prescribed by entering the lowest and
highest values of the range of frequencies. The frequency is increased in steps,
dwelling at each frequency for some time and reaching the highest frequency of the
range. An accelerometer is shown mounted on the mass to measure its acceleration
and in turn its displacement. Output of the accelerometer goes to vibration analyzer
displaying displacement (twice integrated from acceleration) versus time. By clicking
the button ‘start’, the harmonic force starts acting on the mass. The plot of amplitude
of vibration of the mass, X v/s ω, and its phase difference with respect to the
excitation-force can is seen in the windows. The mass can be seen vibrating.
Observation of the plot are made and analyzed later. Results will be tallied with some
numerical calculations. The set of observations will be made for different dampers,
i.e., for different values of damping factor, ζ.

(b) Observation and analysis:

1. Observe the plot X v/s ω (or X/X0 v/s ω/ω n). Note that X increases gradually till it
reaches a certain value of ω and then decreases. Values of X are smaller for greater ζ

Page 36 of 70
(or C) and also the peak occurs at slightly changed ω (   ).
2. Compare the plots for different values of damping factors and note the reduced
response and slight change in resonance frequency. Hence note that resonance is
damping-controlled, and amplitude of vibration can be considerably reduced by
3. Use the values of frequency of resonance, ω R, and damping factor, ζ, to find ω n

from  . Tally the value so obtained with the value obtained

from  .

  (c) Try this and observe what happens and why:

1.Compare the plots obtained through the experiments with the plots given in the
books on Mechanical Vibration.

2.How does an over-damped system respond to a harmonic excitation, i.e., the value
of damping coefficient C is greater than CC, or the value of ζ is greater than 1.?

 Reviews:

18BME057 While carrying out the sine-sweep the natural frequency of the system need
not fall in the frequency range of excitation.        False

a. The amplitude of response of the system to harmonic excitation mainly depends on the
damping.             True

b. Resonance which is characterized by high value of response occurs when the frequency
of excitation is equal to natural frequency of the system.         True

c. frequency of excitation cannot be changed, the resonance can be avoided by changing

stiffness or mass but it requires change in basic design of the system.            True

 Aim:

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To find damping coefficient and damped and undamped natural frequencies of an
under-damped single degree of freedom system from its response to an initial

Importance of knowing vibration damping coefficient, and damped and undamped

natural frequencies of a vibratory system
A machine resting on a resilient pad or sheet may be modeled as a spring-mass-
damper arrangement. The machine, say a lathe-bed and its accessories, can be
considered rigid representing the mass M kg with motion only in vertical direction.
The resilient pad can be considered to be a spring and a damper together. Let the
spring constant of the pad be K N/m and its coefficient of damping C N.s/m. Since
there is only one mass and only one probable motion (motion in vertical direction) the
system is a single degree of freedom system. The damping will be assumed to be
viscous, i.e., the resistance to motion is proportional to the velocity of mass of the

     Let this type of single degree of freedom system be acted upon by a harmonic
force; i.e. the value of a force varies with respect to time following the equation
f = F0 sinωt or f = F0 cosωt. When the frequency of such harmonic force acting on the
system equals the natural frequency of the system, the amplitude of motion of the
mass of the system is large and resonance is said to occur. Amplitude of forced
vibration tends to be large when the difference between the frequency of the harmonic
force acting on the vibratory system and the natural frequency of the system is small.

     Value of amplitude at and near resonance depends on amount of damping present

in the system; the damping factor is a measure of the amount of damping. Variation of
amplitude of vibration of a single degree of freedom system and frequency of the
harmonic force acting on the system, for various values of damping factor, is shown in
fig.1, plotted as X/Xst versus ω/ωn ; X is amplitude of displacement; X st is the
displacement of mass under action of static force F 0 , amplitude of the harmonic
force ω; is frequency of the harmonic force; and ωn is the undamped natural frequency
of the system. The ratio X/Xst is called Magnification Factor (MF).

Fig.1. Plot X/Xst versus for different values of damping of factor ω/ωn for different
values of damping of factor.
Large amplitude of forced vibration at and near resonance can be dangerous to the
system because it may lead to failure of its components and joints. In order to have

Page 38 of 70
small amplitude of vibration of a system excited harmonically, either the difference
between the natural frequency of the system and the excitation frequency must be
large or the damping factor for the system must be sufficiently high. So, we must
know the natural frequency of the system and the damping factor to predict the
amplitude of vibration when a harmonic force acts on the system. This experiment
demonstrates a method to find these parameters from natural vibration of the system.
A system consisting of a spring, a mass and a damper is considered for the purpose.
An initial displacement X is given to the mass; No initial velocity is given.
Displacement of the mass with respect to time is recorded. A typical plot of such a
record is as shown in fig.2, and is given by the equation x =

( ( ))

ω t
sin ω d t+ tan
−1 √1−ζ 2 . ωd is damped natural frequency given by √ 1−ζ 2 
√ 1−ζ

ωn ; ζ is the damping factor which is ratio of damping coefficient C to critical damping
coefficient Cc. Critical damping coefficient C c = 2√ KM  . K is stiffness constant of the
spring used in the system and M is the mass.  

Fig.2. Plots of displacement ‘x’ versus time ‘t’ for two values of damping factor, ζ =
0.1 and ζ = 0.3. Initial displacement, X 0, as well as undamped natural frequency of
vibration, fn, are taken as 1.

Observe that the amplitude reduces exponentially with respect to time;

Amplitude =  X −ζ
ω t

The natural logarithm (logarithm to the base e) of the ratio of amplitudes of two
successive cycles is constant which is known as logarithmic decrement, denoted by δ;
Amplitude of one cycle X
δ = loge = n
Amplitude of consecutively next cycle X n+1

Page 39 of 70
 Theory:
Vibratory systems around us:
Here are some examples of physical systems where the vibrations are prominent and
can be observed easily. In musical instruments the vibrations are intentional. The parts
of musical instruments are designed so that they generate sounds that are pleasant to
listen. In many cases the vibrations are unwanted and we try to minimize them.
1.   A chandelier hanging from ceiling oscillates to and fro following an initial
disturbance; maybe due to a breeze of air.
2.   The oscillations of the chandelier at cathedral of Pisa, Italy, were studied by the
famous scientist Galileo Galilee.
3.   A load attached at end of a wire-rope of a crane oscillates to and fro due to initial
disturbance; maybe due to sudden stopping of carriage of the crane while
revolving about the vertical axis.
4.   The pendulum used in clock of olden days used to oscillate to and fro once every
second. i.e., it had a period of oscillation of one second.
5.   String of a guitar, when plucked and left to its own, vibrates and makes a musical
sound. It comes to rest after a while; the vibrations die out. Similarly, the
diaphragm of a table vibrates when hit and left to its own. It also comes to rest
after some time.
All these are examples of vibratory systems that are set into vibration following an
initial disturbance. All these systems have three components: mass, due to which the
system possesses inertia; elasticity, due to which potential energy can be stored; and
components that dissipate energy causing the vibratory motion to be damped which
bring them to rest after some time. Vibration or vibratory systems are classified in
number of ways. Some of the classifications are given below:
 Free and forced vibration - A free vibration occurs due to initial displacement or
velocity, or both, applied to the system only initially. There is no external force
acting on the system when the system is vibrating. A forced vibration occurs when
the system vibrates in response to external force applied continuously. When the
force applied is periodic, i.e., it repeats itself after a fixed interval of time, the
forced vibration is called periodic. If the periodic force and hence the resulting
vibration varies sinusoidally with respect to time, the vibration is called harmonic.
If the force is not periodic, the forced vibration is called aperiodic or random.
 Damped and undamped vibration - When the vibratory system has elements that
offer resistance to motion, energy is continuously dissipated, and the free vibrations
of such systems come to halt after some time. This is called damped vibration and
such systems are called damped systems. Forced vibration of a damped system
continues as long as the force acts but some of the work done by the external force
is lost in overcoming the resistance offered by the damping elements. Systems

Page 40 of 70
without damping elements are called undamped systems and their vibrations are
called undamped vibrations. All systems in nature have some or the other damping
element and their natural vibrations are damped. Hence, they come to rest after
some time following free vibrations. Nevertheless, we study the vibration of
undamped systems because the concepts developed in studying them are useful in
analyzing and understanding the phenomena occurring in vibration of damped as
well as complicated systems. When the force of resistance offered by a damping
element is proportional to velocity of mass of the system, it is termed as viscous
damping and the damping element is called a viscous damper. If the force of
resistance has a constant value, it is termed as Coulomb damping. Damping due to
dry friction shows this kind of behavior. Coulomb damping can occur when the
system has components rubbing over each other. There are other types of damping
also which shall be discussed later.
 Degrees of freedom: The vibratory systems are classified as single-degree-of-
freedom systems, multi-degree-of-freedom-systems or continuous systems. The
number of degrees of freedom corresponds to the number of independent co-
ordinates required to completely describe the motion of the system. In fact, it is the
sum of the possible ways each mass can move independently of other masses. The
translation of a mass along the three axes, X, Y and Z, and the three rotations about
each of these axes constitute possible ways of motion of a mass. Many times, many
of these six motions of a mass are restricted and a mass can have one or two
degrees of freedom, i.e. only translation or translation and rotation of a single mass
about any one of the axes.
 Linear and Non-linear Vibrations: Vibration is said to be linear if the damping
force is proportional to velocity, inertia force is proportional to mass, and restoring
force is proportional to displacement. If any of this proportionality is not satisfied,
the system is said to be non-linear.
 Solving engineering problems: Analytical methods are usually applied to models
of actual systems. We carry out experiments on models if physical systems are not
available for testing. While preparing such models, we exclude superfluous details
of the system but include all essential and important features of the actual system.
While doing so, we idealize and approximate important behaviour of the system
without affecting much the accuracy in predicting the behaviour. The system model
so developed provides ease of application of analytical and experimental
techniques. Once a satisfactory model is developed, laws of Physics can be applied
which give a set of mathematical equations relating the properties and variables of
the system. Such a set of mathematical equations is called mathematical model of
the system. Solving the set of equations (or a single mathematical equation)
provides expression for the system variable in terms of location and time. We call
this as ‘solution’ of the problem. As an illustration of the concepts described above,
see the example given below.

Page 41 of 70
These days we have number of towering buildings.  Many a times the
residential part of such a building is supported on a tall concrete
structure.  One of such buildings is the ‘Milad Tower’, situated in Tehran,
Iran.  Its head consists of a large pod with 12 floors and below is a
staircase and elevators to reach the area.

Physical The oscillations of such tall buildings, in response to earthquake and wind,
system are important from design point of view.  And to study these oscillations,
we must know the characteristics of its natural vibration. 

Analysis of such a physical system can be very much complicated.  To

obtain first rough estimate of the natural frequency of vibration, the
problem can be stated, and the physical system can be modeled in a simple
way as described below.

To find natural frequency of oscillation of the tower in the direction

perpendicular to the vertical axis (i.e., natural frequency of transverse
oscillation of the tower) and position of the head at any given time.

The physical model for the system under

consideration can be as shown in This is the
simplest model.  Only the mass of the
building at the top is considered and it is
M considered to be concentrated at one
point.  The mass of the vertical pillar
    supporting the building is neglected and is
considered to be a cantilever offering only
Physical elasticity.
model of the Thus, it becomes a single degree of
system freedom system with single mass and only
one way of motion of the mass: translation
in direction perpendicular to the vertical
axis of the building.  Further we assume
  that the amplitude of this motion to be

The equivalent stiffness of the cantilever is

3 EI
given by K = 3 .

Page 42 of 70
Mathematical model:

Using Newton’s second law of motion, the equation of motion of the mass is written as,
d2 x
M 2 + Kx=0 .

The first term is the inertia force which is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration and
the second term is the spring force given by stiffness of the spring multiplied by its
elongation or compression.

The differential equation is a mathematical model of the system. 

General Solution:

The solution to the above differential equation is given by

x = Asinωnt + Bcosωnt  

A and B are constants that depend on the initial conditions, i.e., the displacement and
velocity of the mass when we started measuring our time.

These are known as initial conditions.

ωn is the natural frequency in radians per second and is given by,

ωn =
√ K

Particular solution obtained from the initial conditions

Substituting the initial conditions in above expression, we can obtain the values of A and
B.  Thus, if X0 and V0 are the initial displacement and velocity, respectively, given to the
mass, the above expression will yield values of A and B as  A=  and B = X0. 

Now the expression for x becomes

x= sinωnt + X0cosωnt  

And we can obtain the value of x at any time t from this expression.

Thus, we have obtained the expressions for natural frequency and position of the head at
any given time ‘t’ and the problem stated by the problem statement is solved.

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 Observation:

 Procedure:

(a) Experimental set up and procedure

You see a Spring-Mass-Damper system supported at bottom (spring and damper are
grounded and they support a mass). The values of K, M and C can be entered by using
the buttons provided on the screen by typing numerical values. Similarly, value of
initial displacement X to be given to the can be entered. Click the ‘run’ button with
icon and leave. This is like releasing the mass that was pressed through X m. On
leaving, the mass will vibrate up and down. These are damped natural vibration
because the mass is vibrating in response to the initial disturbance alone without any
external force acting continuously and damping is present. The displacement of the
mass with respect to its equilibrium position (i.e., the position before the initial
displacement was given) will be as shown in the plot. Make the following observation
from the plot and use the data obtained from the plot to obtain values of damping
factor and damped natural frequency of the system.

(b) Observation and analysis:

1. Observe the plot x v/s t, particularly the amplitude of x. Note that the amplitude is
exponentially decaying with respect to time, t. Time taken to complete one cycle,
i.e., the time period τ, is constant.

2. Measure the time period, τ, (the difference between time of similar points of two
consecutive cycles) thrice and take average

3. Measure amplitudes of any two successive cycles and take natural logarithm of
ratio the amplitudes, greater amplitude to the smaller one. This is called
logarithmic decrement, δ. Repeat this thrice and take average.

Amplitude of one cycle

4. δ = loge
Amplitude of consecutively next cycle

5. Use following formulae to find damping factor, ζ, and damped natural frequency

of the system, ωd, from the values of τ and δ obtained from the steps above.

2π 2π
τ = ω   and τ = ω   .
d d

Page 44 of 70
6. Substitute the values of δ and τ above and find out damped natural
frequency, ωd, and damping factor, ζ, for the system.

7. Change value of coefficient of damping C on the screen. This will change the
value of damping factor, ζ. But take care that it remains less than 1 so that the
system is under-damped, and the foregoing discussion is valid.

8. Repeat the procedure from steps 1 through 6.

9. Note the changes in time period τ, and logarithmic decrement, δ,

You will find that the time period decreases with increasing ζ, i.e., damped natural
frequency decreases with increasing ζ. And the rate of decay of amplitude
increases with increase in value of the damping factor, ζ.

(c) Do This:

Use the values of damped natural frequency, ωd, and damping factor, ζ, and find

undamped natural frequency, ωn and damping coefficient, C, 
ωd = ωn√ 1−ζ 2 ζ= C =
c 2 √ KM

 Reviews:
18BME069 What is the importance of knowing the natural frequency and damping factor
of a vibratory system?

Ans: When an object vibrates at a frequency equivalent to its natural frequency, the
vibration of the amplitude increases significantly which could lead to damage, therefore,
it is important for us to know the natural frequency. 

18BME015 Describe an actual physical system which you know that can be modeled as a
single degree of freedom system. If you do not know any, observe it in nature around you,
in an industry you visit, in the laboratory or workshop of your college.

Ans: Accelerometer

18BME059 What is special about the natural logarithm of ratio of amplitudes of

displacement of two successive cycles of a damped single degree of freedom system?

Ans: The special thing about the  natural logarithm of ratio of amplitudes of displacement
of two successive cycles of a damped single degree of freedom system is that it only
depends on zeta (the damping ratio) which is equal to 2 πζ

Page 45 of 70
18BME017 What is the effect of damping factor on damped natural frequency and
logarithmic decrement of a viscously damped single degree of freedom system?

Ans: The amplitude of the resonance peak decreases and the peak occurs at a lower    

18BME016 in case of resonance occurring in a single degree of freedom system, what

can be done to lower the amplitude of the resulting displacement of mass?
Ans: The amplitude of vibration is strongly dependent on the frequency of excitation, and
on the properties of mass system. So, if we decrease the mass amplitude will be

Page 46 of 70
 Aim:
To study Trifiliar Suspension.

 Theory:
The arrangement shown in the figure is called trifiliar suspension. It consists of a
circular disc of uniform thickness suspended from ceiling by means of three uniform
wires of equal length. The points of suspension are equispaced from the centre of the
disc. If a small angular displacement is given to the disc in its own plane and left, the
disc oscillates in horizontal plane about the vertical axis passing through its centre.
The equation of motion of the disc is given by,
J0 = mass moment of inertia of the disc about vertical axis passing through its center.
For the disc, J0 is given by, 

where m0 is mass of the disc and r its radius.   =angular acceleration of the disc
a = distance between the point of suspension on the disc and its centre
l = length of wire between the point of suspension on the ceiling and the disc.

Page 47 of 70
                Let an irregularly shaped solid body of mass m be kept on the disc with its
centre of mass aligned with the vertical axis passing through the centre of the disc.
And let the disc along with the body be set into angular oscillations as before. Then
the equation of motion of the disc together with the solid body is given by,

The period of oscillation is given by,

Vibratory systems around us:

Here are some examples of physical systems where the vibrations are prominent and
can be observed easily. In musical instruments the vibrations are intentional. The parts
of musical instruments are designed so that they generate sounds that are pleasant to
listen. In many cases the vibrations are unwanted, and we try to minimize them.
1.   A chandelier hanging from ceiling oscillates to and fro following an initial
disturbance; maybe due to a breeze of air.
2.   The oscillations of the chandelier at cathedral of Pisa, Italy, were studied by the
famous scientist Galileo Galilee.
3.   A load attached at end of a wire-rope of a crane oscillates to and fro due to initial
disturbance; maybe due to sudden stopping of carriage of the crane while
revolving about the vertical axis.
4.   The pendulum used in clock of olden days used to oscillate to and fro once every
second. i.e., it had a period of oscillation of one second.
5.   String of a guitar, when plucked and left to its own, vibrates and makes a musical
sound. It comes to rest after a while; the vibrations die out. Similarly, the
diaphragm of a table vibrates when hit and left to its own. It also comes to rest
after some time.
All these are examples of vibratory systems that are set into vibration following an
initial disturbance. All these systems have three components: mass, due to which the
system possesses inertia; elasticity, due to which potential energy can be stored; and
components that dissipate energy causing the vibratory motion to be damped which
bring them to rest after some time. Vibration or vibratory systems are classified in
number of ways. Some of the classifications are given below:
 Free and forced vibration - A free vibration occurs due to initial displacement or
velocity, or both, applied to the system only initially. There is no external force
acting on the system when the system is vibrating. A forced vibration occurs when

Page 48 of 70
the system vibrates in response to external force applied continuously. When the
force applied is periodic, i.e. it repeats itself after a fixed interval of time, the
forced vibration is called periodic. If the periodic force and hence the resulting
vibration varies sinusoidally with respect to time, the vibration is called harmonic.
If the force is not periodic, the forced vibration is called aperiodic or random.
 Damped and undamped vibration - When the vibratory system has elements that
offer resistance to motion, energy is continuously dissipated, and the free vibrations
of such systems come to halt after some time. This is called damped vibration and
such systems are called damped systems. Forced vibration of a damped system
continues as long as the force acts but some of the work done by the external force
is lost in overcoming the resistance offered by the damping elements. Systems
without damping elements are called undamped systems and their vibrations are
called undamped vibrations. All systems in nature have some or the other damping
element and their natural vibrations are damped. Hence, they come to rest after
some time following free vibrations. Nevertheless, we study the vibration of
undamped systems because the concepts developed in studying them are useful in
analyzing and understanding the phenomena occurring in vibration of damped as
well as complicated systems. When the force of resistance offered by a damping
element is proportional to velocity of mass of the system, it is termed as viscous
damping and the damping element is called a viscous damper. If the force of
resistance has a constant value, it is termed as Coulomb damping. Damping due to
dry friction shows this kind of behavior. Coulomb damping can occur when the
system has components rubbing over each other. There are other types of damping
also which shall be discussed later.
 Degrees of freedom: The vibratory systems are classified as single-degree-of-
freedom systems, multi-degree-of-freedom-systems or continuous systems. The
number of degrees of freedom corresponds to the number of independent co-
ordinates required to completely describe the motion of the system. In fact, it is the
sum of the possible ways each mass can move independently of other masses. The
translation of a mass along the three axes, X, Y and Z, and the three rotations about
each of these axes constitute possible ways of motion of a mass. Many times, many
of these six motions of a mass are restricted and a mass can have one or two
degrees of freedom, i.e. only translation or translation and rotation of a single mass
about any one of the axes.
 Linear and Non-linear Vibrations: Vibration is said to be linear if the damping
force is proportional to velocity, inertia force is proportional to mass, and restoring
force is proportional to displacement. If any of this proportionality is not satisfied,
the system is said to be non-linear.
 Solving engineering problems: Analytical methods are usually applied to models
of actual systems. We carry out experiments on models if physical systems are not
available for testing. While preparing such models, we exclude superfluous details
of the system but include all essential and important features of the actual system.

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While doing so, we idealize and approximate important behaviour of the system
without affecting much the accuracy in predicting the behaviour. The system model
so developed provides ease of application of analytical and experimental
techniques. Once a satisfactory model is developed, laws of Physics can be applied
which give a set of mathematical equations relating the properties and variables of
the system. Such a set of mathematical equations is called mathematical model of
the system. Solving the set of equations (or a single mathematical equation)
provides expression for the system variable in terms of location and time. We call
this as ‘solution’ of the problem. As an illustration of the concepts described above,
see the example given below.

These days we have number of towering buildings.  Many a times the

residential part of such a building is supported on a tall concrete
structure.  One of such buildings is the ‘Milad Tower’, situated in Tehran,
Iran.  Its head consists of a large pod with 12 floors and below is a
staircase and elevators to reach the area.

Physical The oscillations of such tall buildings, in response to earthquake and wind,
system are important from design point of view.  And to study these oscillations,
we must know the characteristics of its natural vibration. 

Analysis of such a physical system can be very much complicated.  To

obtain first rough estimate of the natural frequency of vibration, the
problem can be stated, and the physical system can be modeled in a simple
way as described below.

To find natural frequency of oscillation of the tower in the direction

perpendicular to the vertical axis (i.e., natural frequency of transverse
oscillation of the tower) and position of the head at any given time.

Physical M The physical model for the system under

model of the consideration can be as shown in This is the
system     simplest model.  Only the mass of the
building at the top is considered and it is
considered to be concentrated at one
point.  The mass of the vertical pillar
supporting the building is neglected and is
considered to be a cantilever offering only

Thus, it becomes a single degree of

Page 50 of 70
freedom system with single mass and only
one way of motion of the mass: translation
in direction perpendicular to the vertical
axis of the building.  Further we assume
that the amplitude of this motion to be

The equivalent stiffness of the cantilever is

3 EI
  given by K = 3 .

Mathematical model:
Using Newton’s second law of motion, the equation of motion of the mass is written as,
d x
M 2
+ Kx=0 .

The first term is the inertia force which is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration and
the second term is the spring force given by stiffness of the spring multiplied by its
elongation or compression.

The differential equation is a mathematical model of the system. 

General Solution:

The solution to the above differential equation is given by

x = Asinωnt + Bcosωnt  

A and B are constants that depend on the initial conditions, i.e., the displacement and
velocity of the mass when we started measuring our time.

These are known as initial conditions.

ωn is the natural frequency in radians per second and is given by,

ωn =
√ K

Particular solution obtained from the initial conditions

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Substituting the initial conditions in above expression, we can obtain the values of A and
B.  Thus, if X0 and V0 are the initial displacement and velocity, respectively, given to the
mass, the above expression will yield values of A and B as  A=  and B = X0. 

Now the expression for x becomes,

x= sinωnt + X0cosωnt  
And we can obtain the value of x at any time t from this expression.
Thus, we have obtained the expressions for natural frequency and position of the head at
any given time ‘t’ and the problem stated by the problem statement is solved.

 Observation:

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 Experimental set up:
A metallic circular disc of suitable radius and uniform thickness is hung from the
ceiling using three wires. The points of suspension are equi-spaced from the center of
the disc so that the wires are vertical and of equal length, and the disc is horizontal.
Mass of the disc and its outside radius are measured. Let them be m o kg and r meters
respectively. Similarly, the length of wires between the point of suspension from the
ceiling to those on the disc and distance of point of suspension on the disc from its
centre are measured. Let them be l metre and a metre respectively. Such an
arrangement is called a trifiliar suspension. In such an arrangement, if is a small
angular displacement is given to the disc in horizontal plane and left, the disc will
oscillate about the vertical axis passing through its centre.
     Read background for details. The period of angular oscillation of the disc is given

by  , g is acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s2 and J is mass moment

of inertia of the disc about the vertical axis passing through its centre and is given

by  .
      A solid body of irregular shape, whose mass moment of inertia is to be found, is
kept on the circular disc. The center of mass of the body is aligned approximately with
the centre of the disc by judgment.

Now the setup is ready for performing the experiment by following the procedure
given below: 

 Procedure:

1. Prepare the trifiliar suspension using the circular disc and tree wires as explained
in the experimental set up.

2. Keep the solid body of irregular shape on the disc. See that the centre of the mass
of the body is aligned with the centre of the disc by moving the body on the disc
and using your own judgment.

3. Give a small angular displacement to the disc in its own horizontal plane and
about the vertical axis passing through its centre, say about 100, and leave. The
disc along with the solid body will oscillate about the vertical axis passing through
the centre of the disc and centre of mass of the body.

4. Measure time taken by the disc for known number of oscillations, say 10

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5. Calculate period of oscillation of the disc, i.e., time taken for one oscillation. Let it
be T seconds.

6. Calculate the moment of the inertia of the solid body using the formula (read

J = mass moment of inertia of the solid body about its center of mass that was aligned
with the center of the disc, kg.m2
g = acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s2
T = period of the oscillation of the disc + the solid body, second
a = distance of point of suspension on the disc from its center, meter
mo = mass of the disc, kg
m = mass of the solid body, kg
l = length of the wire between the points of suspension on the ceiling and the disc, metre.
Jo = mass moment of inertia of the circular disc about vertical axis passing through its
1 2
centre, kg.m2; it is given by, .  J= m0 r .
r = outside radius of the circular disc, metre.
 Review
1. How is the moment of inertia of a solid body of regular shape (e.g. a disc or a
cylinder) found?

Ans: The moment of inertia depends on the mass distribution in a system. Calculus is used to
find the moment of the body by integrating the product of the elemental mass and its square
of its distance from the other point under consideration. Otherwise, in general form, MOI is
expressed as the summation of I = m × r2.

2. Why do we need to find moment of inertia of solid bodies of irregular shapes in

real life?

Ans: The moment of inertia (MOI) is one of the many mass properties that describe an
object's stability and the forces needed to alter its motion. For aerospace engineering
(irregular shapes), stability is a crucial element in designing and manufacturing section.

3. What will be the effect of increasing or decreasing the length of suspension and
MI of base on the period of oscillation of the trifilar suspension?

Ans: Period of oscillation will increase if the length of suspension is decreased, and vice-
versa. Period of oscillation will increase if the MI of oscillating body is decreased and

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 Aim:
To observe the response of a single degree of freedom (SDOF) system subjected to
A. Background:
This is experiment is about response of a single degree of freedom (SDOF) system
subjected to excition which is non-periodic (aperiodic) but deterministic with respect
to time. The type of excitation seen in Experiment No. 2 is periodic and moreover,
harmonic or sinusoidal. Such type of excitation has a fixed amplitude and a particular
frequency. Mathematically, its value, as a function of time, t, is expressed by the
expression f(t)=F0 sin(ωt), where F0 is the amplitude and ω is the frequency of the
force excitation. In case of support excitation (Experiment No 3), it is. Such kind of
excitation is observed in case of machine running at constant speed and having a
rotating unbalance.
       However, many times, the excitation is non-periodic or aperiodic, and, of course,
non-sinusoidal. It may be applied suddenly and for a very short time but having a large
value or it may have a moderate value but applied suddenly and for a finite period of
time. Or it may be applied for a short duration but with gradual increase in its value,
starting with zero; And there are many more such possibilities. The excitation can be a
force excitation or a support excitation having variation with respect to time as stated
above. The force (or motion of the support) may vary continuously though it is
aperiodic but following some relationship with time (i.e., it is deterministic in nature)
and is called an arbitrary forcing function. The study of response of a single degree of
freedom system (SDOF System) to such a force or support excitation is the basis of
this experiment.
      An impulse is a large force, F0, acting for a very short interval of time, Δt. It is
measured by the product F0*Δt = I. Response of SDOF system to an impulse is
obtained easily. It follows the principle of conservation of momentum and response of
SDOF system to initial velocity. If the mass of the system is initially at rest, its
momentum, immediately after the application of impulsive force, is obtained from I =
Mv-Mu. Where M is the mass, u is initial velocity, v is velocity immediately after the
application of the impulse, and I is the impulse, I = F 0*Δt. If initial velocity u is zero
(i.e., if the mass is at rest, initially), the velocity of the mass, immediately after
application of impulse, is obtained as,
v = 0∆t
This can be considered as the initial velocity given to the system and the response of
the system is written as,
F 0 −ζ ω t
y(t) = e n
sin ⁡(ω d t )
M ωd
If damping is very small, and hence neglected, we write and get the response of
undamped SDOF system to impulse as,
y(t) = sin ⁡( ωn t )
M ωn

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The symbols carry their usual meanings as explained in earlier experiments and also
given on the next page.
Consider a SDOF system falling from a height 'h' on the ground with support touching
the ground first. The motion of the mass can also be considered to be with initial
velocity but a sudden and continuous force equal to weight of the mass acting on it
after the hit.
The response is given by,

[ ]
−ζ ω t
V 0 −ζ ω t Mg
e cos ( ωd t−∅ ) −1 ζ
x(0) = e n
sin ( ω d t ) + 1− ; ∅=tan
ωd K √1−ζ 2
√1−ζ 2
      The first term in the above expression is due to initial velocity V 0 given by
V0 =(2gh)0.5, where h is the height through which the system falls down and the
support hits the ground.
      The second term is due to the fact that the weight of the mass, Mg, starts acting on
the mass suddenly and continuously after the support hits the ground.
In case of an undamped system with ζ = 0, the above expression reduces to
M = Mass of system idealized as rigid lump mass,
K = Stiffness of spring; the spring represents the resilient material or component
present in actual, real-life system, like a cork sheet, rubber support, etc.
C = Damping coefficient of damping material present in the system; the resilient
materials themselves mentioned above provide the damping
ωn = Undamped natural frequency = (K/M)0.5
Cc = Critical damping coefficient =2(KM)0.5
ζ = damping coefficient factor = C/C c; whose value is considered to be less than 1 as
the system is under-damped
ωd = Damped natural frequency = (1-ζ2) ωn

B. About the Experiment:

The experiment considers motion of body of a car after falling into a ditch of depth ‘h’
or after passing over a hump of a selected shape. The car-body is modelled as a single
rigid lumped mass supported over the axle through the suspension (shock absorber).
The suspension is represented by the spring and the viscous damper. The motion of the
body of the car is obtained using expression given earlier and shown in the simulator.
The motion is also shown graphically as a function of time. There is facility to select
the values of different parameters and dimensions of either the ditch or hump. This is
an example of support excitation of SDOF which is aperiodic but deterministic. By
aperiodic, we mean, not repeating after a fixed interval of time, and by deterministic,
we mean its value can be obtained exactly for any given value of time. The animation
of car showing same concept is given below.

 Procedure:
This experiment models a car as a single degree of freedom system passing over a
hump of given shape or falling into a ditch (or from a step) of depth h. You must
provide the values of system parameters such as masse of body of the car, M, stiffness

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of the suspension, K, and coefficient of damping of the suspension, C, and velocity of
the car. Also, you need to choose the dimensions and the shape of the hump or the
depth of ditch (or step). To view the response of the car, run the simulator and observe
the motion of car and plot of displacement of the car versus time after the car passes
over hump or the step.
Follow the steps given below:

1. On clicking the tab ‘Simulator’, you will be directed to another screen displaying a
hyperlink “Click here to open the Simulator”. Click on the hyperlink to open the

2. There are two smaller screens and smaller windows provided to input the values of
different parameters. Also given are some notes and massages; read them. Out of
the two smaller screens, the one on the left is for viewing the animation of motion
of the car – a small clip of motion of an animated car can be viewed in this
window. The screen on the right will show a plot of displacement of the car body
versus time after the car has passed over the hump or fallen from the step (or into a

3. Input the values of parameters in the smaller windows. See the suggested ranges
that appear in the windows and choose any value that lie within the range

4. Click on ‘Calculate’ to get the values of undamped natural frequency, ω n, critical

damping coefficient Cc, and the damping factor, ζ. Ensure that the value of ζ is less
than 1 - The system is under-damped.

5. Click on the button ‘Run’. The animation on the left screen will begin. The first
part exhibits the process of system-modelling wherein we move from a real-life
situation to a physical model. In this animation, you will see a car being
transformed into a physical model. Near the end of animation, the wheel is seen to
fall from a step (or pass over a hump). The shape and size of the hump/step was
already selected before starting the simulation.

6. As soon as the animation is complete, you would see the graph of displacement of the
mass, x(t), (representing the body of the car) versus time, t, as the response to
excitation provided by hump/step.

7. Study the graph and observe the maximum values of displacement and time taken
to die out the oscillations to a sufficiently low value.

8. Repeat the experiment trying different set of values of parameters and compare the
motion and graphs obtained every time.

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9. Provide feedback on your experiment informing us what your liked and the aspect
of experiment needing improvement.

 Review

1. Arbitrary excitations are those which are:

a. periodic and harmonic
b. aperiodic but known functions of time
c. aperiodic but non-deterministic
d. non-linear
Ans: aperiodic but known functions of time

2. Response of SDOF systems to arbitrary excitations are studied fundamentally by

studying the response of the system to.
a. a unit impulse
b. a step excitation
c. harmonic forcing function
d. none of the above
Ans: C

3. The oscillation of the mass in a damped SDOF system subject to an impulse excitation
die out after a period of time because
a. the excitation is an impulse
b. the system is damped
c. it is a single degree of freedom system
d. the oscillation will not die out
Ans: A

4. If the damping factor is smaller, response of a SDOF system subject to an impulse will
a. considerable for a longer interval of time
b. negligible after a short interval of time
c. continue for ever
d. can not be predicted
Ans:. A

5. After falling from a height, the oscillations of an electronic equipment packed in a box
and surrounded by some resilient material can be modeled as
a. response of a SDOF system subjected to an impulsive force
b. response of a SDOF system whose support is subject to an initial velocity and a step
excitation force given to the `mass
c. response of a SDOF system subjected to a step input alone
d. a ramp excitation given to the mass
Ans:  b

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 Aim:
Tuned Vibration Absorber
Many–a-times, a vibratory system under forced vibration is required to run near
resonance i.e., the excitation frequency is close to the natural frequency of the system.
Under such a situation, the response of the system can be large, and we must try to
reduce it by taking some measure. The excitation frequency may be constant in many
cases as in case of a machine with rotor-unbalance running at constant speed. By
attaching a separate smaller spring-mass system, an auxiliary system, to the main
system the vibration of the main system can be reduced, drastically, if the mass and
the stiffness of the auxiliary system are properly calculated, i.e., if the auxiliary
system is tuned to the natural frequency of the main system and the excitation
frequency. Under this condition, the vibration of the main system is reduced almost to
zero and the auxiliary system vibrates in response to the excitation. So, it is termed as
vibration absorber and this method of vibration control is called vibration absorption.

In this experiment, you will try to design a tuned vibration absorber. You will also
study the effect of changing the mass and stiffness of an auxiliary system (i.e., natural
frequency of an auxiliary system when it is isolated) on response of the main system
to a harmonic force. The harmonic force is considered to be generated out of
unbalanced rotating mass with constant rpm. The mass and stiffness of main system
are considered to be fixed which is usually the case in practical situation also. The
frequency of the excitation force and natural frequency of main system are close to
each other. Thus, we have a main system with fixed natural frequency and a harmonic
excitation force having frequency closer to the natural frequency of the main system.
In other words, we have a system running at or near resonance having a large
response, naturally, which will be reduced by attaching a properly tuned vibration
absorber. Damping is neglected for simplicity and ease of understanding.

Follow the procedure given on another screen which is opened by clicking the tab
‘Procedure’ and use the simulator later to perform the experiment.

 Theory:
The theory on which the design of tuned vibration absorber is based is as given below:
The response of a SDOF system, subjected to a harmonic force having frequency
close to the natural frequency of the system, will be quite large when the frequencies
are equal. It will be infinite, theoretically, if damping is neglected. The variation of
amplitude of response with respect to the excitation frequency is as shown in the

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graph below.

Undamped SDOF system with

harmonic force excitation
Response of undamped SDOF
system to harmonic force;
Magnitude of response v/s
frequency of excitation, ω/ωn
For an undamped SDOF system, the forced response is given by,

where, Xst is the static deflection of the spring which is equal to the ratio of amplitude of
the excitation force, F0, and the stiffness of the spring, K.
ω - Excitation frequency,
ωn – Natural frequency of the system.
At ω = 0.95ωn, we get X/Xst = 10.26. The plot of the amplitude of response, X/Xst, versus
frequency ratio, ω/ωn, is shown in the figure above.
Now, we attach an auxiliary SDOF system with mass M2 and stiffness K2 to the main
system which has a mass M1 and stiffness K1. When these systems were independent
(separate), they would have their own natural frequencies given by ωn1 = (K 1/M1)^0.5 for

Page 60 of 70
the main system, and ωn2 = (K1/M2)^0.5 for the auxiliary system
It is to be noted that on attaching the auxiliary system to main system, another system is
formed which is now a two degree of freedom system. It will have its own two natural
frequencies but quite different from ω1 and ω2 that we considered above.
The response of each mass of the system, now a 2-DOF system, to harmonic force acting
on M1 (Amplitude of vibration of each mass is given by), is given by

μ is the mass ratio = M2/M1. ωn1 = (K1/M1)^0.5 and ωn2 = (K1/M2)^0.5, However, the
natural frequencies of the 2-degree of freedom system formed after attaching the auxiliary
system are given by different expressions in terms of M 1, M2, K1, and K2. Plot of the
dimensionless responses of each of the two masses is shown above when a harmonic
force acts on M1 when excitation frequency is close to natural frequency of main system,
ω ≠ ω1, but much away from natural frequency of auxiliary system, ω ≠ ω2, Mass ratio
μ=M2/M1= 0.15.

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Frequency response of each of the two masses when a
]-->Main system attached withharmonic force acts on M1 when excitation frequency is
an auxiliary system – Now, aclose to natural frequency of main system ω ]-->≈ ω1 but
2-DOF system much away from natural frequency of auxiliary
system, ω ≈ ω2. Mass ratio μ=M2/M1= 0.15.

Now we consider that excitation frequency is almost equal to the natural frequency of the

main system alone. Because of this, its response would be large before attaching the

auxiliary system. If we attach the auxiliary system such that its natural frequency is equal

to the excitation frequency, and hence also equal to that of the main system, and

substitute ω =ω1 =ω2 in above equations, we find that X 1 reduces to zero and X2 =

F0/(μ.K1), Xst = F0/K1. Thus, by attaching an auxiliary system with natural frequency equal

to the excitation frequency and natural frequency of the main system makes the response

of the main system zero though the auxiliary system oscillates with an amplitude equal to

F0/(μ.K1). And this is the principle of working of a vibration absorber.

While designing the vibration absorber, we must select K 2 and M2 such that ω = ω 2 =
(K2/M2)^0.5 and to keep response of auxiliary system minimum, we must have X 2 =
F0/(μ.K1) minimum. As F0 and K1 cannot be changed, adjusting the mass ratio =M 2/M1(in
fact, only M2) is in our hand. For smaller X2, we should have large M2 and we cannot
increase M2 to a very large extent because the auxiliary system should not be bulky. So, a
compromise is made and value of μ is kept in the range of 0.05 to 0.25. Observe this in
the figure below.

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In this experiment, while the auxiliary system is tuned, you would choose different values
of mass ratio and observe the responses of the primary and secondary systems. The
responses can also be observed even if the auxiliary system is not tuned i.e., when the
natural frequency of auxiliary system is not equal to the excitation frequency or the
natural frequency of the main system. This is done by choosing values of M 2 and K2 such
that ω ≠ ω2 as ω2 = (K2/M2)^0.5.

 Procedure:

This experiment deals with the process of design of a tuned vibration absorber. Read
the text provided on the screen opened on clicking tab ‘Background’.

On opening the screen of simulator by clicking the tab ‘simulator’ and following the
hyperlink ‘click here to open the simulator’, you will see graphics of main system
having mass M1 and stiffness K1 (divided in two springs, each having stiffness K 1/2)
attached with an auxiliary system with mass M2 and stiffness K2. A representative
rotating mass is seen inside M1. The values of mass and stiffness of the main system
and the unbalance mass and its rotational speed are fixed i.e., the natural frequency of
the main system before attaching the auxiliary system and the forcing frequency are
fixed (cannot be changed) and their values are close to each other ω = 0.95 ω n.

The values of mass and stiffness of the auxiliary system can be selected by the user,
i.e., natural frequency of the auxiliary system as an independent and separate system
can be changed. You are supposed to input different values of the mass and stiffness
of auxiliary system (M2 and K2) and observe the responses of this and the primary

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system. You are also supposed to note that when the value of natural frequency of the
auxiliary system is equal to the excitation frequency, the response of the main system
is reduced to minimal. It is the value of natural frequency (the ratio K 2/M2) of the
auxiliary system that is important and not the individual values of M 2 and K2. The
design of a dynamically tuned vibration absorber is governed by the permissible
response of the mass of auxiliary system, M 2, which is given by the ratio of amplitude
of the forcing function and stiffness of the auxiliary system (X 2 = F0/K2). Higher
values of K2 keep the response X2 low but demand greater values of mass M 2.
Usually, the value of the mass ratio, M2/M1, is kept between 0.05 and 0.25.

Follow these steps to work with the simulator:

1. Input values of mass, M 2, and stiffness, K2, of the auxiliary system in the suggested
range. Select the value of M2 around 0.1 times the mass M1 and the value of K2 such
that he ratio K2/M2 is very nearly equal to the ratio K1/M1.

2. Run the simulation.

3. On stopping the simulation automatically, observe the values of responses of

X1 and X2. Note that when ω= ω1 = ω2, X1 = 0 and X2 = F0/K2.

 Review:
1. The vibration absorber is called ‘tuned’ because
  A. Excitation frequency is equal to natural frequency of the main system alone
  B. The natural frequency of auxiliary system is adjusted to be equal to the
excitation frequency while the main system is operating with excitation
frequency equal to its own system.
  C. Natural frequency of the auxiliary system is equal to that of the main system
though excitation frequency may be different
  D. There is no significance of the word ‘tuned’ as such.

2. The tuned vibration absorber is effective only if

  A. The main system is running under near-resonance condition
  B. It is effective over quite a wide range of frequencies
  C. Natural frequency of the auxiliary system is equal to that of the main system
though excitation frequency may be different
  D. It can be designed for any general condition.

3. Designing of a tuned vibration absorber becomes critical due to the fact that
  A. Maintaining the stiffness to mass ratios of main and auxiliary systems are difficult
to be made equal.
  B. If a smaller mass is selected as the secondary mass, its amplitude becomes
large so also the secondary spring.

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  C. It is difficult to match all the three frequencies – natural frequencies of the main
and auxiliary systems and the excitation frequency.
  D. The design is never a difficult task.

4. The amplitude of secondary mass under tuned condition and main system at near-
resonance depends on
  A. Amplitude of the main system
  B. Natural frequency of the secondary system
  C. Ratio of amplitude of the excitation force acting on main mass and the
stiffness of the auxiliary system
  D. Ratio of natural frequencies of primary and secondary systems.

5. The value of mass ratio, M1/M2, is important from due to the following:
  A. It provides the compromise needed to design the secondary system
  B. It helps in equating the natural frequencies of primary and secondary systems
  C. Heavy secondary mass can reduce the response of the primary system
  D. The ratio has no role to play in the design of the vibration absorber

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