Art 2 Studio Art - Drawing and Painting

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Art 2: Studio Art - Drawing

and Painting
Still Life of Objects (that represent you) with Name Design:
Art Deco or Art Nouveau Pen and Ink Drawings
Watercolor Stylized Eye & Pencil Realistic Eye
Pencil Drawn Stylized Eye
Collage Portrait Painting
Collage to Painting Project
Still Life of Objects (that represent you)
with Name Design: Pencil
● Draw 3+ objects that
represent you
● Shade with a range of
● Incorporate your name in
a font that represents
● Create a well-crafted
work of art
Pen: Art Deco & Art Nouveau
● Create a pen and ink drawing that
shows a range of value
● Create a pen and ink composition
that represents art deco or art
nouveau style
● Create a composition that
incorporates the Principles of
design (Emphasis/Focal Point,
Balance, Unity, Movement,
Pattern, Rhythm, Contrast)
● Create a well crafted work of art
Realistic Eye & Watercolor Stylized Eyes

● I can shade one of my eyes as Objectives:
realistically as possible from ● I can create a watercolor
observation painting that has varying
● I can shade with a range of value techniques
● I can create a well crafted work ● I can paint a stylized eye with
of art varying colors,
● I can paint with watercolor and
have good craftsmanship
Collage to Acrylic Painting
• Students must create a collage that shows
– Contrasting Color
– Contrasting Textures
– Contrasting Shapes
• Students must draw out their collage and match
the paint colors
• Students must paint with good craftsmanship
Collage Painting
• I can dye paper with tea to create
value to collage down
• I can draw a portrait of myself and
add watercolor to make the portrait
pop out against the collaged
• I can incorporate items that
represent myself and/or my future
• I can create a well crafted project
• I can incorporate the principles of
design to create a strong composition
within my piece. (Emphasis/focal
point, movement, unity, rhythm,

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