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Name : Dwi Lengga Tegar Zebua BAHASA INGGRIS 1

NIM : 21111014 Home work 1

E-mail :
Date : August 18th 2021
(Jawaban Diberi Warna MERAH)
1. He ---- very tired, he is falling asleep.
a. are
b. is
c. in
d. am

2. I am going to ---- a shower.

a. make
b. wash
c. take
d. do

3. I can't believe you went to school ----.

a. with your feet
b. on foot
c. by feet
d. with walking

4. He is not a doctor, ----?

a. is him
b. does he
c. he is
d. is he

5. What ---- those people doing?

a. is
b. all
c. are
d. some

6. I am very ----, I can eat a cow.

a. thirsty
b. hungry
c. tired
d. cold
7. United States is a beautiful ----.
a. city
b. town
c. continent
d. country

8. I think Josh is a little bit ---- than you.

a. more tall
b. taller
c. tallest
d. most taller

9. He ---- got a nice house.

a. have
b. has
c. is
d. –

10. The ---- is very bad today, it is raining cats and dogs.
a. whether
b. air
c. weather
d. temp

11. When ---- you go on a vacation? Tomorrow.

a. do
b. did
c. are
d. will

12. How ---- apples have you eaten? I have had three.
a. big
b. many
c. much
d. quantity

13. Do you watch any movies ---- TV?

a. with
b. on
c. in
d. above
14. Don't disturb me, I ---- for an important exam.
a. am studying
b. study
c. studied
d. studying

15. ---- you ever seen a castle?

a. Are
b. Have
c. Do
d. Did


USE a/an/the if necessary.

- I saw a man and the man is waiting for a Train
- They leave for the Europe. They want to attend a meeting in the London and the Paris.
- the statue of Liberty in the United States was a gift from the France

myself, you, yours, yourself, he, his him himself, she, her, hers, herself, it , itself, its, we, us, our,
ours, ourselves, they, them, their, theirs, themselves. (Jawaban Diberi Warna MERAH)

- Prof Simon will visit Indonesia in June. He will be the keynote speakers in some
seminars. Do you know that he visited Indonesia in 2010?
- Prof Michael is delivering a speech. His Speech is very good. My father went to school
with him. While he is in Jakarta Prof Michael is staying with us in our home.
- his laptop is small but mine Is big. My laptop is blue but his laptop is black .

USE RELATIVE PRONOUN (who, that, which, whom, whose etc) ; INTERROGATIVE PRONOUN
( why ; what; where; how etc) (Jawaban Diberi Warna MERAH)

- what books are these? They are my grammar books. What book are you reading?
- You can have tea or coffee which do you prefer ?
- How Far is Jakarta to Bandung? how can we reach there (by train). how much is the
cost of the ticket.
- The man whom the car belong to is my father.
- A widow is a woman whose husband is dead.
- The hotel that I stay is very expansive.

- He shouted at me ( loud/loudly)
- Sheila usually goes to bed (in/at) midnight and get up (on/at) 4:00 .
- The bank is (in/on/at) Soedirman street.
- This program is for all the people (through/throughout) the country.
- I am sick. I can’t go with you . (however/ nevertheless/ moreover ) I appreciate your
- The hotel is reasonable ( moreover, nevertheless, furthermore) the location is perfect.
- Jenny goes to her office although/though/even though she is still sick.
- Did Jennifer hear it in the radio or see it on television?
- Anbody is welcome.
- David doesn’t work hard. I work hard/ harder/ more hard than him
- I need much times/time to do this.


- Sam said, “ I work hard today” sam said that he work hard today
- The teacher said, “Write quickly” “write quickly” the teacher said

(Jawaban Diberi Warna MERAH)

My name is Hans. I (1)---- a mechanic. I (2)---- in London, I (3)---- a brother and a sister. My
sister is a university student. She (4)---- medicine. She is going to be a doctor. My brother
doesn't want (5)---- to university. (6)----he wants to be a mechanic like me. He comes and (7)----
me in my shop on Sundays. He hasn't finished his education yet. (8)---- his education, he is
thinking of (9)---- with me. We will (10)---- the business together.
1. Is/are/am/do
2. Believe/think/arrive/live
3. Owns/learn/have/study
4. Teach/learn/studies/uses
5. Go/goes/went/to go
6. Because/Although/Behind/During
7. Works/helps/is angry with/shouts at
8. For/Because/After/So
9. Works/worked/to work/working
10. Run/depart/put/wear

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