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PE R S PE C T IV E Why Is a Cow?

Why Is a Cow?

Why Is a Cow? Curiosity, Tweetorials, and the Return to Why

Anthony C. Breu, M.D.​​

I  recently had the following ex-

change with my 4-year-old
daughter while reading her favor-
ly latent. But though “what” has
served me well, its questions are
not as absorbing, and its answers
trations that are especially help-
ful to visual learners; and links
to primary resources for addition-
ite book at bedtime: not as gratifying. al, self-directed learning. More-
Me: “.  .  .  with Emma Rose inside.” About a year ago, “why” recru- over, with more than 126 million
Daughter: “Why was Emma Rose in desced when I recognized a gap daily users, Twitter offers a rich
the house?” in my understanding of patho- medical community for peer re-
Me: “Because she was sleeping.” physiology. Whereas I knew what view, feedback, and discussion.
Daughter: “Why was she sleeping?” happens when people have a mas- The platform allows students to
Me: “Because it was nighttime.” sive acute hemorrhage (they be- interact directly with professors,
Daughter: “Why was it nighttime?” come anemic), I realized I did temporarily flattening hierarchies
Me: “Because the Earth rotates.” not know why they became ane- and opening channels for com-
Daughter: “Why does the Earth mic — though at this point I had munication that are unavailable in
­rotate?” been a doctor for 12 years. The conventional medical education
To this fourth “why,” I replied explanation is fascinating, and formats.
“I don’t know” and moved on when I posted it on Twitter,1 I re- As educational tools, tweeto-
with the story. After finishing the alized that although even noncli- rials have been widely embraced.
book, I sat in bed wondering not nicians knew the answer to the Some experts use them to supple-
only about the potential answers “what” question, most people had ment their lectures or podcasts or
to my daughter’s question, but remained comfortably ignorant re- to promote newly published re-
also why I’d failed to ask it my- garding the “why,” just as I had. search. The uptake of those that
self. Had I lost my curiosity? Since I posted the answer, my I have researched and posted is
When I was my daughter’s age, opening tweet has been seen by probably attributable in part to
I, too, asked series of “why” ques- more than 120,000 Twitter users, the persistence of human curios-
tions. And my parents did their and more than 10,000 of them ity. Though many of us in medi-
best to answer them, just as I do viewed the entire nine-tweet cine do not lose our interest in
now. My father had a more well- thread. The size of that audience “why,” its easy replacement with
developed closing technique: when far outstrips the reach of any pa- “what” is troubling. If used cor-
I arrived at a question for which per I’ve written or lecture I’ve de- rectly, Twitter can be a haven for
he had no answer, he’d respond, livered and signaled that I was physicians who hope to rekindle
“Why is a cow?” It was his an- far from alone in being fascinated and stimulate the curiosity that
nouncement that we’d reached the by questions about pathophysiol- made them choose a career in
limit of our collective knowledge ogy and mechanisms of disease. medicine. The shift in focus is
and that the dialogue was over. The thread about anemia in what gnawed at me when my
In the intervening years, al- acute hemorrhage was my first daughter asked about the Earth’s
though “why” never fully remit- “tweetorial.” Tweetorials have been rotation: her question highlighted
ted in my consciousness, it was defined in various ways, but in the primacy of “what” in my per-
overtaken by “what,” particularly medical education they are most sonal and professional life and
as I trained for a career in medi- appropriately viewed as a collec- the reality that I had become con-
cine. What is the treatment for tion of threaded tweets aimed at ditioned to seeking facts, not ex-
community-acquired pneumonia? teaching users who engage with planations.
What is the differential diagnosis them. Tweetorials may include My experience is not unique,
for upper gastrointestinal bleed- polling questions so that viewers nor is the call for a return to
ing? To succeed, I needed to mas- can test themselves; pictures, “why.” In 1999, Faith Fitzgerald
ter “what.” “Why” remained large- videos, and short animated illus- outlined the rewards of curiosity

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The New England Journal of Medicine
Downloaded from at RUTH LILLY MED LIBRARY on February 17, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright © 2019 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PERS PE C T IV E Why Is a Cow?

but also noted that “it is our duty, medical Twitter to be a venue for mental space and energy for en-
as those who now teach young advocacy, empowerment, and yes, gagement. So my other hope is
physicians, to identify medical curiosity. that the excitement of the “why”
students with a gift for curiosity The emergence of tweetorials questions explored in tweetorials
and take infinite pains not to sup- inspired me to dive deeper into will be as restorative for others
press but to encourage that gift.”2 the mechanism of anemia in acute as it has been for me.
In 2016, Simpkin and Schwartz­ hemorrhage and then to share As for my daughter’s question,
stein urged educators to ask ques- what I’d learned. Just a year ear- the Earth rotates because of the
tions focusing on “how” and lier, I would have mentioned my angular momentum that resulted
“why,” not “what” as one way of newfound understanding to a few from asymmetrical gravitational
“encouraging students’ curiosity colleagues, then tucked it away accretion after the Big Bang. And
to explore and capacity to sit in the back of my mind. Now, I if my daughter asks me “Why
comfortably with uncertainty, ac- and many others look for oppor- was there a Big Bang?,” I’ll be
knowledging that certainty is not tunities to turn curiosity into forced to reply, “Why is a cow?”
always the end goal.”3 tweetorials that are vehicles for Disclosure forms provided by the author
Although the push for curios- teaching. They’re a new and use- are available at
ity is not new, social media offer ful tool for nonsynchronous edu-
new modes for its expression and cation, learning that fills the men- From the Veterans Affairs Boston Health-
cultivation. Twitter, for instance, tal space and time of the learner care System, West Roxbury, MA; and Har-
vard Medical School, Boston.
showcases the tolerance of uncer- instead of asking the learner to
tainty that Simpkin and Schwartz­ fit within the space and time of
1. Breu A. Why do patients with acute hemor-
stein champion by fostering a the teacher. Given that time and rhage become anemic? Twitter (@tony_breu).
public conversation between an mental energy are two of physi- June 5, 2018. (https://twitter​.com/​tony_breu/​
emeritus professor and a medical cians’ most precious commodi- status/​1004181592582119429).
2. Fitzgerald FT. Curiosity. Ann Intern Med
student over a shared love of ask- ties, this flexibility is crucial. 1999;​130:​70-2.
ing questions.4 And if they need One hope is that tweetorials — 3. Simpkin AL, Schwartzstein RM. Tolerat-
help arriving at valid answers, and Twitter more generally — al- ing uncertainty — the next medical revolu-
tion? N Engl J Med 2016;​375:​1713-5.
Twitter offers a vast network for low physicians and trainees to 4. Centor R. Should we move to quantiferon
expert response and dialogue. seize a few of the in-between testing? Do we need isolation in the absence
This community also provides minutes, the time we spend wait- of productive cough? Twitter (@medrants).
June 4, 2019 (https://twitter​.com/​medrants/​
new opportunities for engage- ing for a meeting to begin or rid- status/​1135996832700620801).
ment — including online chats ing an elevator, and reclaim them 5. Topf JM, Sparks MA, Phelan PJ, et al. The
and journal clubs — that were for the development of curious evolution of the journal club: from Osler to
Twitter. Am J Kidney Dis 2017;​69:​827-36.
unavailable in the past.5 Though inquiry. But we need even more
social media sites are often seen than time; with the rising rates DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1906790
as homes of vitriol, I have found of burnout, we also need the Copyright © 2019 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Why Is a Cow?

1098 n engl j med 381;12  September 19, 2019

The New England Journal of Medicine

Downloaded from at RUTH LILLY MED LIBRARY on February 17, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright © 2019 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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