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Extremism is the quality or state of being extreme . It is also defined as advocacy
of extreme views that is radicalism.

Extremism in Islam:-
There is no such thing as extremism in Islam. It is just a false accusation against
Islam by the people of the West. This false accusation has lead the death of many innocent
muslim men , women and children . The truth is that this accusation was not the cause of a
personal hatred but a cause of the religious hatred. In the Quran , Surah Al-Baqarah verse no

“There shall be no compulsion in the religion . The right course has become clear from the
wrong . So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in ALLAH has grasped the most
trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And ALLAH is hearing and knowing.”

This verse clearly defines that there is no compulsion in religion of any kind in Islam . Also,
Islam tells the jews and the christians to leave the extremist acts written in their book by the
authors who have misled many from the right path . In Surah Al-Maidah verse no 77:

“Say ,“O People of the Book! Do not go to extremes in your faith beyond the truth, nor
follow the vain desires of those who went astray before you . They misled many and strayed
from the right way.”

Regarding these verses Islam is not only a non-oppressive religion but it also says to the people
of other scriptures to stop their extremist acts .

Extremism in Islam according to the West:-

The western world has called muslims by many names like moderate muslims ,
extremist muslims , Muhammadans etc. Their motives are to shape the muslims as they want so
that the muslims lose their honor and become disunited so that these people can take advantage
of the situation. They call the muslims extremists in many occasions like when Taliban defends
his country , when Palestinians defend their country , when Iraqi fight for their country etc. They
are not ignorant of what they are causing in the Earth yet they want the resources of countries so
badly that they would not hesitate to cross any limit even if it means to kill every man in the
country. This is sort of their strategy . The steps of their strategy are as follows:

 The first step is to dishonor the muslims in the faces of every country by doing false
accusations on them .
 The second step is to cause genocide within the state .
 The third step is to enter the country by showing off as a hero of truth who is fighting
against extremist muslims.
 The fourth step is to loot everything from the muslim state and leave nothing .
 The fifth step is to leave the muslim state only to show to the world that the western
people do not like cruelty and oppression .

Extremist activities of the people of the previous scriptures:-

The christians and the jews are the biggest extremists that live on the Earth today.
They claim that Prophet Muhammad was a false Prophet . They also claim that Prophet
Muhammad spread Islam on the point of the sword. They say that muslims are extremists in their
religion. It is written in the bible Matthew chapter no 10 verse 34-35:

“Think not that I am come to send peace on Earth: I came not to send peace but a sword.
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her
mother and the daughter in law against her mother in law.”

Also, in Luke chapter 19 verse no 27:

“But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them – bring them here
and kill them in front of me.”

Also in Luke chapter 22 verse no 36:

“Sell your garment and buy a sword.”

These are extremist acts done by the christians that the muslims are trying to tell them that they
should stop doing yet they do not listen and blame muslims for acts they have not done .In the
book of Genesis chapter 17 verse no 8:

“And I will give unto thee , and to thy seed after thee , the land wherein thou art a
stranger , all the land of Canaan , for an everlasting possession ; and I will be their God .”

Now, we see in this verse that there is a mention of a prophecy which is about the promised land
of Canaan. Canaan at the time this verse was written, consisted of Palestine and many other
countries . Now , the jews think that they are the true owners of the land of Canaan as mentioned
in the verse, but the reality is that there is no mention of land of Canaan being only of jews. The
verse clearly says that it is for the seed of Abraham. Since, Abraham had two sons therefore the
land is for both of them and not for only one. The jews are invading Palestine thinking that they
are reclaiming their promised land but actually they are just attacking without reason because the
promised land is for both muslims and the jews according to the verse. They are killing
thousands of muslims in Palestine and the west has nothing to do about it this is because the west
itself is christian and christians follow the Old testament and the New testament . They also think
that the land has been promised to jews only. This is the extremism The Quran talks about that
they should stop.

Extremism in muslims of the present:

Many of the muslims of the present have become religiously unlearnt and they
have become extremists in their religion and they break the bounds of their religion and they
transgress from the rules of the religion . The muslims have started drinking alcohol which
Quran forbids . The muslims have also started Gambling over money , bribing , taking interest,
etc. By adopting such activities the muslims are being defamed in the world . The world takes
the acts of every individual as the whole collection of the society. They think that the society is
defined by the most evil among its dwellers. It is true that muslims have gone weak in faith
because of lack of knowledge of the religion and increase of love for the worldly life but most of
the muslims they are engaged in their daily prayers and the enjoin the good and forbid evil and
do as they say. Yet the world still considers muslims as a threat to the society because of the
prefix “extremist” added before “muslims” .

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