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1)What are your hobbies?- Sənin hobbilərin nələrdir?
2)Why do you like your hobbies so much?- Nə üçün bu hobbini seçmisən?
3)How often do you do these hobbies?- Neçə vaxtdan bir bu hobbini edirsən?
4)How long have you been doing these hobbies, and how did you get started?- Nə
qədər müddətdir ki bu hobbi ilə məşğul olursan? Necə başlamısan?
5)What hobbies did you used to have, but now do not? - əvvəl olan ancaq indi
olmayan hobblərin olub? Hansılar idi onlar?
6)Is it important to have hobbies? Why/why not?- İnsanın bir hobbisi olması
vacibdir? Niyə hə? Niyə yox?

After finishing homework, children like to enjoy their free time by doing some
extra activities. Such as painting, dancing, singing, or playing. It relaxes their
minds. Hobbies can be considered as a leisure activity. This also helps us to make
more friends who live in our area of interest. A hobby can be easy or difficult.
Stamp collection is a very difficult type of hobby because it requires a lot of
patience. But painting and dancing can be done at any time.

I have many hobbies, but I like reading most. Books are always a good friend to
me. It is a good way to improve my vocabularies by learning many new words. I
start to reading book when I am in grade 3. My brother inspired me to do that. I
usually share my hobby with my friend and my English teacher. Reading opens up
the knowledge door for me. Reading books tell me about the world's history. I
think reading is one of the most interesting activity and I will keep this hobby

Relax- istirahət etmək if- əgər forever-həmişəlik
Stressful- stresli mind- beyin knowledge- bilik
After- sonra free time- boş vaxt
Stamp collection- marka kolleksiyası extra activity- əlavə aktivitə
Painting- rəsm çəkmə singing- mahnı oxuma
Travelling- səyahət leisure- asudə vaxt
Consider- hesab etmək to make friend- dostluq qurmaq
patience- səbir any time- istənilən vaxt
require- tələb etmək most- ən çox
area of interest- maraq dairəsi improve- inkişaf etdirmək
inspire- ilhamlandırmaq share- bölüşmək

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