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Curso RGB C Very.

Inglês D Plenty.
Prof.: Lohaine
4. Complete the question below:
1. Escolha a alternativa que completa correta e “For the pick-nick we´ll need
respectivamente a sentença abaixo. ___________CDs, _________ cheese to make
“___________ people hunt wild animals for sandwiches and ________ lemonade.”
sport. _________ damage has been caused by A Many, much, much.
this kind of hunting”. B Much, many, much.
A Many … many.
C Many, many, many.
B Many … much.
D Much, much, much.
C Much … much
D Much … many 5. Jim drinks _______ soda every day!
A Lots.
2. Mark the sentence in which “most” is being B Plenty.
used as a quantifier.
C A lot of.
A The most memorable writing in eighteenth-
D Many.
century America was done by the founding
6. Read the comic and answer the question
B They were practical philosophers, and their
most typical product was the political
C The writings of Benjamin Franklin show the
Enlightenment spirit in America at its best and
most optimistic.
D Together with the Bible and the newspaper,
Almanacs were the most-widely read material
in Colonial America.
E The Bible, the newspaper and Benjamin
Franklin’s Almanacs were often the only ( ) The toothbrush said that the toilet paper’s
reading matter in most Colonial households. job is the best.
( ) The toothbrush said that it has the worst
3. “At least 13 "self-inflicted" deaths happened job in the world and the toilet paper agreed.
in a year in England among people who took ( ) The toilet paper’s thinking conveys the
the two substances, the Victoria Derbyshire meaning that there is always someone who has
programme found. _______, including two a worse job.
contestants on Love Island, took their own ( ) The toilet paper’s thinking was ironic,
lives between April 2018 and March 2019. possibly interpreted as “so, you do not know
Coroners have reported seeing a rise in such what I actually do”.
The alternative that best completes the empty Choose the alternative that corresponds to the
space found in the text is: correct order:
A Much. a) T – T – T – F
B Many. b) F – F – F – T
c) F – F – T – T
d) F–F–T–F skills aside from video games and possibly
singing. However, despite all this, Greg has
had his kind and caring moments, but not that
9. Choose the best alternative according to the
A Greg is always an adorable kid.
B Greg suffers bullying at school.
C The text talks about Greg’s character.
D Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a true story, based
on Gregory Heffley’s life
7. According to the cartoon, we can affirm that
a) The boy would not marry the girl at all. Can you recognize your emotions?
b) “If” and “unless” have exactly the same If I ask you how you are feeling, you may
meaning. answer: “I’m feeling good, I’m fine”! But what
c) The girl was happy, because the boy does that “good” or “fine” really mean? Would
accepted to marry her when she grows up. it mean fascinated, curious, balanced, joyful,
d) There is only one way that the girl would encouraged, hopeful, motivated, happy?
marry the boy: being the last girl on Earth. On the other hand you might also reply:
“I’m feeling bad”, and, then, recognize that
you are feeling bored, lonely, sorry, anxious,
fearful, nervous, insecure or frustrated.
The advantage of making such distinctions,
rather than feeling “good” or “bad” is that your
emotions indicate what you need to do to feel
more satisfying.
8. Choose the best alternative according to the For example, if you are angry with a person,
dialogue in the cartoon you can argue with him, you can request him
A The boy is not interested in taking a shower to stop his offensive behavior or you can avoid
for the next years. him. You have choices. Recognize each of
B The boy is in love. Due to it, he’s going to your emotions and pay attention to what they
take a shower. are communicating to you.
C The girl doesn't want to take a shower 10. According to the text, we can infer
anymore. that______________________.
D The girl accepts the boy the way he is. A Our emotions are divided only between
good and bad
Gregory “Greg” Heffley is an American B It’s very easy to identify if our emotions are
middle school student and also the main good or bad
protagonist of the book series Diary of a C You have no choice when you are annoyed
Wimpy Kid. with somebody
Greg is lazy, petty, slightly narcissistic, D Our emotions may indicate what we need to
sociopathic, egotistical, eccentric, do to feel happier
egocentric, usually backstabbing, and
sometimes even selfish and dishonest, and
apparently lacks talent. He hardly has any

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