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Servings Calories Total Fat (g) Saturated Fat (g) Cholesterol (mg) Sodium (mg) Potassium Carbohydrates (g)

hydrates (g) Fiber (g) Sugar (g) Protein (g) Vit A % Vit C % Calcium % Iron % Food Groups Comments:
Breakfast bread
mantecada muffins 2 400 22 6 60 270 46 0 20 6

skinny pop; popcon 1 100 7 0.5 0 50 10 2 0 1 2 whole grain
chocolate chip cookies 2 300 14 6 10 230 100 44 1 28 4 20 1.6 sweets
sandwhich 1 505 27 8.8 95 176 583 34 3.5 6.4 30 60 22 28 23 proteins, grains, dairy, meats
lemon chips 2 320 20 3 0 400 640 30 2 2 4 10 0 1.2 grain serving size: about 15 chips

french fries 2 260 10 2 0 280 544 38 4 0 4 40 0 fresh vegetables
chicken nuggets 2 320 6 2 100 1080 300 18 0 4 32 20 0.8 protein

TOTAL CALORIC INTAKE 2205 106 28.3 265 2486 2167 220 12.5 60.4 81 60 32 108 28.6
DAILY VALUE 2200 60 25 250 3000 2500 300 25 25 48 20 20 20 18

Subtract exercise 221

NET CALORIC INTAKE 1984 Reflection notes:

Amount of water (servings) 7

Amount of sleep (hours) 8.5 hr

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