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Name: Hoàng Trung Kiên

Class: MKT1602

Course: MGT_103

Principles of youthful management

I. Context

Entering the 21st century, the world has carried with it numerous extraordinary

worldwide changes. Just over the most recent twenty years of the 20th century,

humankind has seen the quick advancement of information technology, the

revolution in biological engineering, and particularly the progressions in the idea of

the relationship. In the relationship between people in friendly relations, the role of

individuals is underlined like never before.

Today, there will be no longer managers who can just trust that clients will

come and purchase the items they have made and disregard the requirements and

desires of clients. And there could be no longer chiefs who can just sit and yell and

request trusting that subordinates will consent.

Therefore, in the new setting of worldwide turn of events, where Vietnam needs

incorporation, there are basic necessities for changes in technique, technology,

training, and new speculation in the industry management. Great managers should

be the individuals who have a more reasonable perspective on their worth to the

association they oversee. They should benefit as much as possible from the human

resources around them. To accomplish that, the manager should have in his grasp a

significant weapon that is his own principles. A good manager will have principles to
meet the various requirements of employees while advancing individual and

collective strength in the organization. That is the reason why my topic is "Dinh Tri

Khai - principles of youthful management"

II. Introduction

1. Profile

Dinh Tri Khai is a young man who has a passion for art and design. He

graduated highschool at St Charles College in Canada in 2015. After that, he went to

Sheridan College to study History of Art. In this time, Khai got an internship in a

printing and design company named Card Room Studio. A year ago, he went back to

Vietnam to study Human resources in RMIT. At the present time, he is the president

of Hoi Media Company.

2. Organization

Hoi Media Company was founded by two young passion students Khai and

Thanh on 23/2/2020. With the motto of promoting creativity in marketing, Hoi offers

customers communication services such as creating content, writing scripts, and

providing directors. Hoi also has professional photography and videography services

for customers who have advertising requirements for image content. With a team full

of young and strong personality staff, Hoi believes in bringing customers quality

products with a unique color.

3. Achievement

In the Vietnamese market, it is not difficult for us to find a person who is

confused between advertising and marketing. Gradually the concept of advertising

was misinterpreted through the media. And with a passion for art as well as a desire

to redefine the concept of advertising in the Vietnamese market, Dinh Tri Khai

founded Hoi Media Company. He wants to let people know that advertising is really

about creativity, not marketing to increase sales. He began the journey with the first

project collab with Urban Outfit, a Vietnamese local brand. Despite the stressful

epidemic situation, the company has continuously acquired many projects from

many different customers and has made significant developments. Until now, even

though the epidemic has spread, the company is still able to operate online and is

still working on many potential projects.

III. Personal statement about an excellent manager

To begin with, a manager is the person who is responsible for carrying out the

management process, which is a set of activities that is directed at resources of an

organization with the objective of reaching organizational goals in an efficient and

effective way. Good managers are usually classified by their position. They know

how to create the organization goals, overall strategy, and operating policies.

However, excellent managers can also be evaluated based on their ability to do their

best in the basic management functions and based on their management skills.

IV. Comparison

1. Satisfaction

To determine an excellent manager, it must be based on four basic

management functions which are planning and decision making, organizing, leading

and controlling. Controlling in working is the biggest strength of the young man Dinh

Tri Khai. Khai knows how to monitor and fix every activity of Hoi in the process of
reaching the goal. In the working process, in spite of the fact that there might be

some problems that exist unpredictably, Khai always shows that he is very flexible.

For example, in the first project, the customer had a fear that Hoi was a new

company, so they asked for a demo right near the project implementation time. Khai

from working as a director of photography accepted to be a photo model to get a

demo product for the client.

Dinh Tri Khai is also a good manager in planning and decision making. His

goals for the organization are so specific and he always has the best way to reach

that goal. Starting as a student whose major is human resource management at

RMIT University, he founded Hoi as his first company. In 2019, he had a project

called “Chill Evening”. This is a podcast series about the life of Saigon people and

Saigon lifestyle. Khai aims to be the No1 in the podcast category on the Spoon - a

sound social media be the No5 on Spotify an. Eventually, the result was better than

expected. “Chill Evening” podcast also reached No1 on Spoon, No3 on Spotify.

Moreover, “Chill Evening'' went viral on Tiktok livestream and Youtube Watch.

The ability of Khai in organizing is quite good, too. He can organize his staff

and resources of the company into groups without making any malfunctions. The

proof of this is that despite having a strong-personality staff, Khai still takes Hoi to

develop day by day and always successfully completes the goal of any projects.

2. Differentiate

Initially, when establishing a company, managers always face certain

difficulties. And in Hoi, in addition to having to do business calculations and strategic

planning, Dinh Tri Khai's biggest obstacle is leading. Because each member of Hoi

has a very strong personality, Khai cannot impose his own views on employees
immediately. Therefore, he sometimes cannot get Hoi’s members to work together.

This explains why Hoi has not been able to have breakthroughs yet. In addition, Khai

still does not have the skills to share with others, which has greatly affected the

connection between him and his employees or between employees with employees.

Many members of Hoi have also left because they could not find a common voice

with Khai. So in the future, Khai will have to improve his ability to share with people

to become a good manager.

V. Summary

In the present open and incorporated economy, the achievement of an

enterprise isn't just founded on monetary potential just as human potential yet in

addition impacted by initiative and the managers' style. Dinh Tri Khai is one of the

young managers that wants to bring his own style to the advertising market. Even

though he has to improve his leading, he is an excellent manager because of his

ingenuity in planning and decision making, his unique style in controlling, and


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