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Kayla Parker

1119 Fulton Rd. San Marcos CA 92069 * 404-989-1883 *

April 19, 2020

To whom it may concern:

I have known Stephanie Tucker in a variety of capacities for thirteen plus years. I have watched her work
with customers in a retail setting, volunteer many hours at her children’s elementary school, and advocate
for modification/accommodations for children with Individualized Education Plans. In addition, I have
watched her adapt to a multitude of different roles in her life with a positive attitude and an open-mind.

Stephanie is efficient, detail-oriented, and extremely organized. While advocating for a proper educational
setting for children in school Stephanie collected data, organized meetings, and produced outside-the-box
ideas to ensure a successful outcome. This work took endless hours and dedication. She does it because
she cares.

Stephanie also has an excellent rapport with people of all ages and backgrounds. Her communication
skills are professional and personable. She is an honest and reliable person that I can trust personally as a
friend and also as a professional. I value her input and opinion on any situation I come across. After
having a conversation with her I feel rejuvenated and better prepared to move forward with my own

I highly recommend Stephanie for any position or endeavor that she may seek to pursue. She will be a
valuable asset for any organization.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Kayla Parker

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