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AMITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 3) ClsHaan g AR 3 CLASS. SEC. ASSIGNMENT NO. = m SUBJECT TREZHt ROLLNO, ZOIBTTIO$0C€ DATES “March 1 siGn Ami, a = ra rar imvol i cigs tolling ea | + pf” celtalse ati Lat . | meee of 2 high comemntiationn shih. cam fern” of kath oy Ape tahich oa ae frit. the cts (Cie a trav | t Gate comvertion th tha chya t tlie fr fo fo is ct ape on Concentration | goad 18) Compound. to com vatmbgral «Chala ne _ He advo tees bin Scav si obvio, He ¢ ot dae “ Hat jt save ra Rivets Oro Aim Bir cle. ens TF obyo dav loererinn _ Frsat ara T — berprettuns boil ata fo fo Ago Tt pamt ts fin fom 2 Copa Bod in the fp leet, — Scanned with CamScanner AMITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Prey name SHAAN Gong CLASS Ske ASSIGNMENT NO. sUBIECE TREZ4L ROLLNO. 2018 T T0900 DATE 1. SIGN, Ahi detising, fubsic stile femme Aching | mratoral tmp Ai tics 2 hax Joao’, alasorbency There Preeaition temoved by action_of hot othe bn ay wtous bol im presence & dvithh svrfectort. _ ries pool, a oa je toction im wal A) Nevosymes am tn3yme fledecing mryjar, inltecluceg d on Cong coping a ba sctivity Apel Cann Cape ke Ocho Ove fH =P from do- 8 . Memes ae pH 9 temp she Te Eat rain tained. Aro aj - z - f — - _ a 2 ¥ 5 7 “eo eZ —____—_—_«3- So = ws! _ _ = rH she ue Aye tates, = Scanned with CamScanner © ‘ AMITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL “p : same DSHaAny Sens CLASS sec suspect TL 247 ROLLNO. 28TH —_DATE T.SIGN. ASSIGNMENT NO. ©). Aeeging Gad Simyeing ib om Officemmt meatted 4 ‘sing 59 hecauge ay th rote cffectne te dooae fibers ombal ed im the felsic. shltine can he Gosencd sf tony om _fobric Burfact . To ochelve the th fabric u passed | —Fhhawgh beakion dad buahey doviak, — _ Th ic _ppatses outs 4 barn i at feck « Shad So ony tte Mhehs pikes ars burt” 8 hence fe _heatirg § bsuphlng —@etion —__ ik dows rane ffficney- Lite ca Hants i A oo a “ab B Fearon pe Pin bales im cotton ~ pal Ho, b leching. - » | Gocrctaal As there ou ret aac Aeact with H,o, 8 js the rain Ties for sceutme of Hobs. | eco purity of HO, fo ofhal— «| the cal decom position of HO, [+] obs sfoin hove heavy metal tons *| if the Atom ing pets high ow Sepa ht Bhan a Scanned with CamScanner AMITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL (Sopp NAMED SHRAN Sees CLASS SEC. ASSIGNMENT NO. SUBJECT TREZ41 ROLLNO. 2OXBTTIOSCS DATE. T. SIGN. dumedion be facet — - —— _ | rapt Teall ma ca — ding Ba hl “Pp Pa lL —————— == i if sgl acidy : 4 cefte los & | “elas . = =r at p joa te Pg = tl inn Hie veng fond a ~ aes in oie he 1B odcled shih fast entation Scanned with CamScanner AMITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Ge+ iy eeseiincnneciccccrccscsesy NAMI Tsuna § Gang ste ASSIGNMENT NO CLASS supper THEZ ROLLNO. Zo T TIS DATEA ESIGN. Ay diy : — Cotton fabric mee > 1:6 Naon - d% boda Mh - 8 % Detergat — Of 4 = them 7 Or duonhity = W 28 mes = soe wtf bie C- Cone of btock sof | ‘) Neo ¢ 3% wt = $e20 x»0.03 = I-6 Stock Bol” = 30% whe ie, 30g of MeOH im loomnl igor 100 m€ > 34 nme 4 $600 | n > $2 Gta) | z T | it) boda Meh os ey oo: wt So xo,oes = 26 Ky + 26004. bince 116 pourdsd 26004 4 be poodan i etepeited a Scanned with CamScanner (©) AMITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL (Pr Set name. SHAAN Gong CLASS SEC ASSIGNMENT NO. SUBIECT TRE 241 ROLLNO, 2018T TO 9OS~_DATE. T.SIGN. 1 - ny, Deta ger . li = | ° = of 7. - == — | we > __ S20 np. 00f + 200 eee Atock. of = 20% why | ; 5 | _ 2890 . > kms — ne oz a ll _ ys sae pe To a “ML febe = 6 | a = : = { Uhy 5 6 C tigen ! a eee ky 16k 370 = (rsa) | camaagageneeneeeeceet! ee |e a ee Boge { Scanned with CamScanner

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