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D20181082940 Week 4: Food and Agriculture Issues



First and foremost, food is any substance that is regularly eaten or drunk by living thing is
considered food. There are 4 basic food energy sources: fats, proteins, carbohydrates and
alcohol. Next, agriculture means the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops and
raising livestock. Now based on the main article that were review which is food and agriculture
issues Covid-19 and the food and agriculture sector, the main highlight are how Covid-19 impacts
on agricultural production and incomes, how it shifts in consumer demand and the disruptions to
food supply chains.

This food and agriculture issue is very important during this pandemic era and the source
of living for humans. The limit on the mobility of people across borders and lockdowns are
contributing to labor shortages for agricultural sectors in many countries, particularly those
characterized by periods of peak seasonal labor demand or labor-intensive production. In
Malaysia, the consumer demand on food is high as the economic are stable if compared to other
countries with higher rates of poverty. There are also higher demand on nutritious food from the
food agriculture since the pandemic such as fruits and vegetables.

In addition, the availability on the food are everywhere but the accessibility are low as
people need to limit the distance from each other and not to spread the virus even more. The
stability of price during the pandemic are also not doing well. This will lead the people to shift to
cheaper and less health diets foods and facing malnutrition state. The agency of food and
agriculture also loss of affiliation to unions and had a weakened power of producers organization
as they face the loss of economic and social empowerment, Therefore, there are an inability for
them to meet and organize the situation well.

Earlier crises (The food price crisis on 2007 & 2008) have provided insight into certain
activities that governments might take to limit COVID-19's effects on the food chain. To combat
this issue from happening again, we need to provide clear and transparent communication at the
domestic level especially on agriculture that we have known for. We also need to avoid trade
restrictions also keep domestic, regional and international markets open. Minimize the avoidable
trade costs of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and address labor constraints in the
D20181082940 Week 4: Food and Agriculture Issues

food supply chain is the best way to face this. Health and food safety throughout the food chain
need to be ensure and were planned thoroughly for all the people. The parties involved need to
facilitate movement food product and ensure the food and nutritional needs of vulnerable
populations are met throughout the year with a proper planning.

We as a learner need to always learn from the crisis to increase preparedness for future
shock and support the transition to a more resilient agricultural sector and food system in our
country. There are few challenges that were emphasized through the presentation and the most
related point was the ongoing emergency of climate change, and the need for the food system to
be resilient to a range of extreme weather events. This point were so related to our country where
we always faced the rainy season at the end of the year and how the government made a
preparation throughout the season especially on this food and agriculture issues.

To conclude all of this, food and agriculture issue is not an easy thing to handle. This issue
is very important to all human beings as it is part of human lives. We need to support the transition
to a more resilient agricultural sector and food system in our country as other developed country.
Me as a future teacher should teach the students regarding this matter and tell them how
important this issue in our lives.

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