Infp Personality Type Reflection

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INFP Personality Type

I feel as though I am very much an INFP (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving)
person, also known as the mediator. Although the mediator is empathetic, generous, and
idealistic, this can also lead them to be a hopeless romantic, desperate to please, and unrealistic.
In my own experience, I’ve found that I am very passionate in everything I do and believe,
however that can make me prone to unrealistic standards, as I dream for a perfect world that is
far from obtainable. However, in this, I can easily become an activist and a force of change in
my community, to make the gap between us and utopia smaller every day. I also happen to be
very empathetic, with the natural cousin of emotional vulnerability. Because of my experiences
and my natural empathy, I find it easy to relate to a myriad of different situations, and can think
critically on a solution to almost anyones’ issues. In trying to help others, I open myself up to
heartache and pain.
My empathy is displayed in my everyday life, as I putter along trying to make everyone
happy. I say hello to the traffic lady every morning and every afternoon when I walk, as I never
see anyone else, and I can assume that it can be stressful trying to manage a parking lot and
pedestrians. In my gym class, I always offer to be partners with whoever is sitting off to the side,
because I know how difficult it can be to step out of your shell. Also in my gym class, whenever
I see students off on the sides I offer a Tylenol, as they might have a headache or cramps. A few
years ago, I came up with an interesting analogy for empathy and compassion. Compassion is
noticing someone is waiting in the rain, and feeling sorry that they don’t have an umbrella,
whereas empathy is sharing your umbrella with them until their taxi arrives. I always have an
With my generousness, I can find it hard to set boundaries in my life, making myself
prone to uncomfortable or painful situations. Often in romantic relationships I don’t think of my
own wants and needs and am only concerned with what the other person might want and how to
satisfy them. This was most prominently displayed last summer when a friend of mine came over
for what I thought was going to be an afternoon of videogames, but they were under the
impression I was inviting them over to have sex. This of course, caused a strife, as I didn’t want
to have sex with them, but I felt obligated to because that’s what they had been anticipating. *

Mediators thrive in career paths that align most with their personal values and beliefs.
They value helping others over monetary compensation, and allow their creativity to flow. Many
INFP’s find joy in entertainment, be-it playwrights, choreographers, artists, performers, dancers,
or singers They also crave independence and intuition in the workplace, a space for them to think
of all different solutions to any one problem. This aligns with my career path of choice, Forensic
Pathology. A semi-collaborative field that allows for individuals to bring justice for unfortunate
souls and closure to families using science, intuition, and prime intelligence. Being a Forensic
Pathologist would allow me to give a voice to victims of heinous crimes and catch criminals.
* this situation has been delt with appropriately

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