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Root Chakra Overview and

Journal Prompts

The root chakra represents our stability, instincts,

emotional stability, and feelings of security.

The root chakra is our most primal and

fundamental energy center and is where we feel
grounded and rooted.

Our childhood greatly influences the state of our

root chakra and the difficulty we experience
balancing it. Now that we’ve gotten the
fundamentals out of the way, let’s address some
of the basic information.

Color: RED

Location: Base of the spine/groin region

Ria Slā: Intuitive Spiritual Doula

Root Chakra Overview and
Journal Prompts

Signs of a Blocked Chakra

*blocked chakras means that energy flow is
restricted and not flowing freely through the
energy center

1. Trust issues with others

2. Repeated financial struggles
3. Obsessed with money and financial aspects of
4. Feeling disconnected from others
5. Dysfunctional relationships
6. Emotionally unstable
7. Low energy
8. Anxiety issues
9. Dealing with bouts of depression
10. Overthinking
11. Fear of losing things or hoarding out of fear of
losing things

Ria Slā: Intuitive Spiritual Doula

Root Chakra Overview and
Journal Prompts

12. Developing eating disorders or unhealthy

eating habits
13. Not comfortable being yourself around others
14. Feel that you can’t rely on others
15. Issues with sleep or dealing with nightmares
16. Apparent mother and/or father wound

Ria Slā: Intuitive Spiritual Doula

Root Chakra Overview and
Journal Prompts

12. Developing eating disorders or unhealthy

eating habits
13. Not comfortable being yourself around others
14. Feel that you can’t rely on others
15. Issues with sleep or dealing with nightmares
16. Apparent mother and/or father wound

Signs of an Overactive Chakra

Dealing with anger or Rage

Having a short temper
Being impatient with life and others
Greediness and never feeling like you have

Ria Slā: Intuitive Spiritual Doula

Root Chakra Overview and
Journal Prompts

Techniques to Balance and Heal the Chakra

1. Wear the color red with the intention of

opening, balancing, and harnessing the energy of
the root chakra.
2. Chant “LAM” (this is the one I personally prefer
to do while showering)
3. Go for a walk in nature
4. Meditating and visualizing the root chakra
5. Taking a shower

Ria Slā: Intuitive Spiritual Doula

Root Chakra Overview and
Journal Prompts

Do you recognize any of the blockage symptoms

in yourself?
What about overactive symptoms? If yes, which
ones do you recognize?

When did you first notice that you were

experiencing these symptoms?

Do you feel like you struggle with balancing the

root chakra?

How did you feel after practicing some of the root

chakra healing techniques?

How connected am I to my physical, emotional,

and spiritual self?

Ria Slā: Intuitive Spiritual Doula

Root Chakra Overview and
Journal Prompts

What was my childhood relationship like with my

mother, my father, and my family members?

Are there patterns I’d like to end? Are there

traditions I’d like to continue into my own life?

How do I feel supported or unsupported in

achieving what I want in life?

In what ways do I feel I have a right to be here?

In what ways have I been questioning that right?

Ria Slā: Intuitive Spiritual Doula

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