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Aaron S.

Gesmundo January 29, 2022


Assignment 1

1. What are the different process states in Operating System?

There was 7 states of process in operating system, the 7 state is New (Create), Ready, Run,
Blocked or wait, Terminated or completed, Suspend ready, Suspend wait or suspend blocked.

The New (create) state is a step that the procedure is in the process of being created, but it has
not yet been created. It is the program in secondary memory that will be picked up by the operating
system to create the process. The Ready state, this process is ready to execute and is awaiting CPU time
to complete its task. Processes that are ready to be executed by the CPU are kept in a ready process
queue. The Run state is the CPU selects the process for execution, and the instructions within the
process are executed by any of the CPU cores that are available. The Blocked or wait state continues to
wait in main memory and does not consume any Cpu power. Terminated or completed state is the
process is terminated, and the PCB is removed. The Suspend ready state is processes in the suspend
ready state were originally in the ready state but were swapped out of main memory and placed on
external storage by the scheduler. Suspend wait or suspend blocked state similar to Suspend ready, but
it employs the process that was executing I/O operations before moving to secondary memory due to a
lack of main memory.

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