Office Technology Activity Book

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The Ministry of Education owns the copyright to this activity book, Office Technology for Year 9.

Schools may reproduce this in part or in full for classroom purposes only. Acknowledgement of
the Technology and Employment Skills Training Section of the Ministry of Education copyright
must be included in any reproduction.

Any other use of this book must be referred to the Permanent Secretary for Education through the
Director Technology and Employment Skills Training.

Issued free to schools by the Ministry of Education.

Trial version 2019

Year 9, which is based on the revised Year 9 Office Technology syllabus, 2019.

© Ministry of Education, Heritage and Arts, Fiji, 2019

Published by
Technology and Employment Skills Training Section
Ministry of Education, Heritage and Arts
Level 1, Harbour Front Building
Rodwell Road
Private Mail Bag
Phone: 3306077


This Activity Book has been written to cater for the students taking Office Technology at Year 9 level
to be trialed in Fiji secondary school in 2019. It is hoped that this book will be useful in implementing
the revised Year 9 syllabus and class activities designed in this book.

It is anticipated that this Activity Book will minimize the amount of time for teachers in lesson
preparation and more time will be devoted to actual classroom learning and teaching.

There are varieties of activities in this book which students should do in order for them to understand
the basic concepts taught in each sub strand.

January 2019

This Activity Book for Year 9 Office Technology has been compiled by the Office Technology Department
of the Technology Education Skills and Training [TEST] Section of the Ministry of Education.

It was written and compiled by the Year 9 Office Technology writer’s panel comprising of the following

1. Mrs Ana Sovalevu Yat Sen Secondary School

2. Mrs Asena Rogoyawa Dudley High School

3. Mrs Shobhna Chaudary Rampur College

4. Mr Sonal Chandra Nasinu Muslim College

Special thanks to Mr Sanivalati Nabogikolo for all the graphic designs and Mr Sonal Chandra
for designing the cover page of this book.

This publication has been made possible through the support and assistance provided by the Senior
Education Officer Office Technology Mrs Seruwaia Raile, Principal Education Officer TEST
Mr Pene Aropio, Director TEST Ms Alumeci Tuisawau and all the Subject Advisors of the TEST
Section of the Ministry of Education.

Above all, the TEST staff and the family members of the writers are acknowledged for their
patience and wholehearted support.

Every effort has been made to acknowledge all copyright.

Copyright © January 2019

All Rights Reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recoding or
otherwise, without the permission of the
Technology Education Skills and
Training Section of Ministry
of Education, Fiji.


Strand/Sub-strand Number Activities Page Number

and Name

Strand 1 – Sub-strand 1 Activities 1 to 6 5 - 11

Office and Equipment Application Questions – Activity 7 12
Strand 2 – Sub-strand 1 Activities 1 to 5 13 - 18
Using Application Software Application Questions – Activity 6 19
Strand 2 – Sub-strand 2 Activities 1 to 3 20 - 23
Use of internet Application Questions – Activity 4 24
Strand 2 – Sub-strand 3 Activities 1 to 5 25 - 30
Document Processing Application Questions – Activity 6 31 - 32
Strand 3 – Sub-strand 1 Activities 1 to 5 33 - 37
Office Roles and Functions Application Questions – Activity 6 38 - 39
Strand 3 – Sub-strand 2 Activities 1 to 5 40 - 44
Customer Service Application Questions – Activity 6 45
Strand 3 – Sub-strand 3 Activities 1 to 4 46 - 50
Business Communication Application Questions – Activity 5 51
References 52 - 53


Content Learning Outcome:

OT Recognise the history and importance of an office in
determining career paths.


Identify and describe the pictures shown below:

Picture 1 Picture 2

Picture 3 Picture 4

Picture 5 Picture 6

Picture 7 Picture 8


The characters of this role play are receptionist and guest and the scenario is in Bula
Vinaka hotel. Students have to get in pairs and perform this role play. The tasks
performed by the Receptionist is shown below.

Welcome the guest

Check reservation

 
Ask to see their Listen to the
passport quest

Ask to fill in the Check availability

check-in form of the room

Give a key to the


Wish a nice stay


1nstruction. 1nstruction.
Read and practice the dialogue with your partner. Read and practise the dialogue with your partner. (R
(R stands for Receptionist, G- for Guest.) stands for Receptionist, G- for Guest.)

R Good afternoon. G Good afternoon. I am Vincent Krieg.

R Welcome to Bula Vinaka hotel, Mr. Krieg. Do you

have a reservation? G Yes, I do

R Let me check, please... A single room for two

nights? G That’s right.

R Can I see your passport or ID card, please?

G Here you are.
R Thank you. May I ask you to sign here, please?

R Here is your key. Your room number is 305, on the G Certainly.

third floor; the lift is over there. Breakfast is between
7:00 and 10:00 a. m. in the dining area on the ground
floor. G Thanks a lot. By the way, are there any
swimming facilities?
R Yes. There is a swimming pool in the basement.
You can get a swim from 6 a.m. to 10 p. m.
Do you need help with your luggage? G No, I am fine, thanks

R Enjoy your stay!

G Thanks.


Use the case study below to classify and inform Tom whether he has all the
components for starting an office.

Tom is starting a new business. He is planning to have an office.

There are four components in an office. These are people, tools, data and other

resources. Given below is the list of things that Tom currently has for his office.

Anne (Secretary), List of customers, List of stock, Computer, Printer, Scanner,

Pen, Pencil, Eraser.


ACTIVITY 4 – Case study

Study the picture below and answer the questions that follow:

1. List a good impression the Receptionist will have to display to the visitors waiting to be served.

2. What do you think the Receptionist should do to the:

(a) telephone caller

(b) visitors

3. Apart from being a Receptionist or a Secretary, name two other careers that a person can choose to
do after studying Office Technology in school.

ACTIVITY 5 – Case study

Study the two pictures below and answer the questions that follow:

1. What do you think is the position of the gentleman shown in the picture above?

2. What would be the highest qualification a person should achieve in order to be in that position?

3. What do you think is the position of the lady shown in the picture above?

4. What would be the highest qualification a person should achieve in order to be in that position?

ACTIVITY 6 – Case study

Study the picture below and answer the questions that follow:

1. Which office equipment in the above picture would be the main solution to the problem faced by most
employees in the over-heated office?

2. Mrs Vinaka needs to cancel her flight to Auckland to attend the company’s general meeting next
week due to the tropical cyclone. What method of communication should be used so that people in
Auckland are well informed?

3. What do you think is the best location for an office?


ACTIVITY 7 – Application Questions

Year Questions

Section C – Question 1
2016 In a paragraph, discuss five skills an efficient secretary in an office should possess in order to
fulfill the roles and duties of the position

Section B – Question 5 (b)

Describe a feature of a receptionist and explain how she deals with external customers.
Section C – Question 1
In a paragraph, discuss five duties that a secretary needs to carry out at the beginning of each
working day.



Content Learning Outcome:

OT Demonstrate knowledge of the use of Microsoft Word
and Power-point to enter text and present information.

ACTIVITY 1 – Naming of computer parts

Name the computer parts, labelled A to G in the picture shown below:

Write two columns, the headings should be input and output

devices and place the names of the computer parts in its correct

ACTIVITY 2 – Labelling of computer


Choose a word given in the table below that best describes the picture and write
the word against number 1 to 9.

ACTIVITY 3 – Labelling of toolbar

Study the formatting toolbar below and answer the questions that follow:

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) ()

f ( g) (h )

1. Label the following formatting tools (a) to (h).

2. List the three different font styles you have learnt in class.

3. Draw the icon that represents creating a bulleted list.

4. State the function of the formatting tools.


ACTIVITY 4 – Answer the questions

Study the Microsoft Word shown below and answer the questions that follow:

Answer the following questions:

1. Name the margin used.

2. How would you add a header to the above document.
3. How can you use indented paragraph in the document.
4. Write the steps for inserting a clipart in the above
5. Write the first four steps that you need to do in order
to create a table in the above document.
6. Explain how you would create a new paragraph from
the second sentence which begins ‘With the scope…..’
7. Define word wrap.
8. Name the formatting features used in the above

ACTIVITY 5 – Practical exercises

(a) The teacher will divide the students in pairs and create the presentation
using Microsoft Power point.

1. Open file “Exercise1”

2. First slide

a. Create a title for you presentation

b. Include your name and class

3. Second Slide

a. Add your classmate’s information.

b. Using the insert function include a picture of your class mate

on the space provided.

4. Third Slide

a. Using the information from the previous exercise add your


b. Using the insert function include a picture of you on the space


5. Drag the slide of your personal information before your class mate’s

6. Go to the Title slide (Slide # 1) and change the background by right

clicking on the slide and choosing the “Apply Design Template”
function. Click on the “Layers” template and then apply.

(b) The teacher will divide the students into groups and create the presentation using
MS Power point.

1. Make a 2-minute presentation informing class of your favorite activity.

2. Include at least 6 slides.

3. Must include at least 2 pictures.

4. Background that enhances your presentation.

5. Reasons on why it is your favorite activity.

6. Why should people be encouraged to do this activity?

7. Be creative with the “activities” in the slides. Add whatever material you think is
appropriate and don’t hesitate to add pictures.

8. Then, add animation effects of your desire to slides 2 and 4.

9. Change the design template to blends.


ACTIVITY 6 – Application questions

Year Questions

2016 Section B – Question 2


(i) Name the program used in this presentation.

(ii) List the first two steps for inserting sound in the above presentation.

(iii) State the difference between animation and transition.



Content Learning Outcome:

OT Explore the ways of gathering information
from the internet.

ACTIVITY 1 – Identify the pictures

Identify the pictures shown below and state whether it is a website, web browser or
search engine.

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5


ACTIVITY 2 – Fill in the table

1. Elaborate on the advantages of using internet by describing the terms stated in

the advantages column.

Advantages Description







Social media

2. Elaborate on the disadvantages of using internet by describing the terms stated

in the disadvantages column.

Disadvantages Description



Leakage of


Exposure to
adult’s content


ACTIVITY 3 – Complete the words

Find the missing vowels to complete the following internet words.


ACTIVITY 4 – Application Questions

Year Questions
Section B – Question 2 (b)

2016 Given in the table below are four steps in accessing the internet. The steps are
not in their correct order.

1. Open a browser.
2. Turn the computer on.
3. Type the URL address you want to visit and press enter.
4. Connect the internet.
3. Turn the

Re-arrange the steps to indicate their correct order by writing the numbers in
the boxes provided.

Section B – Question 5 (c)

Explain one advantage of getting information from the internet.


Content Learning Outcome:

OT Demonstrate the skills of using the computer to
effectively produce documents.

ACTIVITY 1 – Use of keyboard

Study the diagram of a keyboard and answer the following questions.


1. Name the keys labeled (a – c) on the keyboard shown above.

2. What is the function of the following keys:
o Caps lock key
o Shift key
o Tab key
3. Differentiate between home keys and guide keys.
4. What is the function of arrow key?

ACTIVITY 2 – Case study

Study the pictures below and answer the questions that follow.

Picture 1 Picture 2

1. What is happening in Picture 1?

2. What do you think is happening in Picture 2?

3. State two similarities between Picture 1 and Picture 2.

4. Who can advise these people?

5. What would be the best solution that these two should follow to better their work

ACTIVITY 3 – Practical activity

What are the home keys?

Practice the use of home keys by attempting to the following activities.

Left Hand
ffff dddd ssss aaaa ffff dddd ssss aaaa ffff dddd ssss aaaa ffff dddd ssss aaaa
asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf
fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa
ffff dddd ssss aaaa ffff dddd ssss aaaa ffff dddd ssss aaaa ffff dddd ssss aaaa
asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf
fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa

Right Hand
jjjj kkkk llll ;;;; jjjj kkkk llll ;;;; jjjj kkkk llll ;;;; jjjj kkkk llll ;;;; jjjj kkkk llll ;;;;
jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl;
;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj
jjjj kkkk llll ;;;; jjjj kkkk llll ;;;; jjjj kkkk llll ;;;; jjjj kkkk llll ;;;; jjjj kkkk llll ;;;;
jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl;
;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj

Both Hands
fd fds fdsa jk jkl jkl; fd fds fdsa jk jkl jkl; fd fds fdsa jk jkl jkl; fd fds fdsa jk
fd fds fdsa jk jkl jkl; fd fds fdsa jk jkl jkl; fd fds fdsa jk jkl jkl; fd fds fdsa jk



ACTIVITY 4 – Identify the pictures

Study the pictures below and state which person is using the correct
posture: Left or Right.

Picture 1 Left or

Picture 2 Left or

Picture 3 Left or

Picture 4 Left or

Picture 5 Left or

Picture 6 Left or

Picture 7 Left or

Picture 8 Left or

ACTIVITY 5 – Case study

Study the picture below and answer the questions that follow.

1. Define ergonomic.

2. Is the above picture related to ergonomic? If yes, explain.

3. State the purpose of using ergonomic furniture.


ACTIVITY 6 – Application questions

Year Questions
Section B – Question 4 (a)
(b) (c)



(i) Name the keys labelled (a), (b), (c) and (d) on the above keyboard.

(ii) State the function of the delete key and shift key.

Section B – Question 4 (b)

(i) Name the font type used in the above document?

(ii) State the difference between font colour and shading.

(iii) In which menu can WordArt be found?


2016 Section C – Question 2

In a paragraph, discuss five types of visual aids that are used to present information
to audience.

2017 Section B – Question 4 (c)

(i) Describe one formatting tools used in the heading above.

(ii) Describe how the format painter is used in word processing.

(iii) Differentiate between landscape and portrait in relation to paper size.



Content Learning Outcome:

OT Demonstrate knowledge on the roles and functions
of the office and state ways to conserve the office environment.

ACTIVITY 1 – Case study

Read the following case studies and identify which primary concern of the
business they belong to.

1. Bella is an Administrative Personnel in the Pine Wood

Company. There are five staff that works under her.
They are responsible for the workers shift; manage the
finance and the monthly stock for the organisation.

2. With all new products advertised, welfare of the staff

and the organisation, the documentations on ordering
of supplies and payment of workers are the responsibility
of the accounts department.

3. The Administration department staff worked tirelessly

in the night trying to balance the company financial
transactions, analysing, reporting and process all
documentation ready for the manager tomorrow.

ACTIVITY 2 – Case study

Study the picture below and answer the questions that follow.

1. What is an office function?

2. State two office functions that is carried out by the office workers.

3. Differentiate between office function and business function.

4. How will these two functions contribute to the running of the business?

ACTIVITY 3 – Identifying the pictures

Write ‘S’ if a person provided a service and write ‘G’ if a person sells goods.

Farmer Teacher

Babysitter Taxi driver


ACTIVITY 4 – Fill the table

(a) Complete the Time Management Matrix below by filling the correct

These are the words:





(b) State two ways of managing money and resources.


ACTIVITY 5 – Case study

Study the picture below and answer the questions that follow.

1. Explain what the picture is about.

2. Is the picture related to managing resources? If so, explain.

3. Define the term green technology.


ACTIVITY 6 – Application questions

Year Questions

2016 Section B – Question 3 (a)

Study the picture below and answer the questions that follow.

(i) Name the office layout shown above.

(ii) List two work places where this office layout is used.
(iii) State two advantages of the office layout shown above.

Section C – Question 3
In a paragraph, discuss five areas of operation necessary for an organisation
to be effective.

2017 Section B – Question 2 (a)

Study the picture below and answer the questions that follow.

(i) Describe one advantage of using the office layout shown above.

(ii) Describe an organisation that uses the above office layout and explain
how it affects the flow of work.

Section C – Question 2
In a paragraph, discuss five criteria for a good office layout design.


Content Learning Outcome:

OT Recognise the different types of callers
and procedures of using business telephone.

ACTIVITY 1 – Case study

Read the case study below and answer the following questions.

Rina is the new receptionist for Bula Office Supplies Ltd. Rina is very smart
in dealing with visitors and customers at the reception desk. One afternoon,
she was busy attending to a customer at reception desk when the telephone
rings. She answered the telephone and talked to Mr Ram from General
Supplies Ltd who wanted to make an appointment with the Manager to
discuss some general issues.

Rina talked to him but forgot to write in the appointment book. After the
telephone conversation, she continued to attend to customers at the reception

Next morning Mr Ram comes at the reception desk to see the manager.

1. What are some personalities of the receptionist, Rina?

2. Write the correct steps which Rina should have done to answer Mr Ram’s call.

3. How will Rina handle the situation in the morning when Mr Ram arrives in the

4. Explain what Rina will do when Mr Ram arrives that morning.

5. Write down two basic business telephone protocol procedure used in all

ACTIVITY 2 – Telephone etiquette

Complete the following telephone conversation between Mrs Mana

and Marie, the receptionist.

Marie: “Good morning, Office Supplies Ltd, Marie speaking, how may I help you?

Mrs Mana: “Good morning, may I speak with Mrs Linda please?

Marie: ___________________________________________________________________


Mrs Mana: “Could you ask her to return my call please?

Marie: _____________________________________________________________


Mrs Mana: “Mrs Mana, my telephone number is 3315151

Marie: _____________________________________________________________


ACTIVITY 3 – Case study

Study the picture below and fill the table with good and bad manners.

Bad manners Good manners

ACTIVITY 4 – Telephone calls


ACTIVITY 5 – Telephone conversation


ACTIVITY 6 – Application questions

Year Questions
Section B – Question 3 (b)
2016 (ii) Explain why it is important to use a professional
voice and manner when
handling telephone calls in an office.
(iii) Explain what the caller needs to do before making an
outside call from an office.

Section C – Question 4
In a paragraph, discuss five issues that the caller needs to confirm
with the receiver when leaving messages through telephone.

Section B – Question 5 (b)

2017 Describe a feature of a receptionist and explain how she deals with
external customers.

Section C – Question 3
In a paragraph, discuss five ways of applying correct telephone


Content Learning Outcome:

OT Demonstrate knowledge of the communication
process and describe the different modes of communication.

ACTIVITY 1 – Identify the pictures

Identify and describe in a paragraph the picture given below.

The terms for each picture are: Organisation skills, communication skills,
answering mails, ordering supplies, answering phones, respond to

1 2

3 4

5 6

ACTIVITY 2 – Modes of communications

Label and describe the method of communication shown below.

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

ACTIVITY 3 – Case study

(a) Study the picture below and answer the questions that follow.

1. Who is the sender in the above picture?

2. What was the channel of communication?

3. How did the sender know that the participants have received the message?

(b) Who are the messengers in the picture below.


ACTIVITY 5 – Role play

Wordless Acting

 Divide students into groups of two and designate one student in each
group as A, and the other as B.
 Give each student a copy of the script.
 Student A will read their lines aloud, while student B will respond with
their lines using only body language.
 On the paper for each group is a different emotion that the wordless
actor must portray such as, in a rush, feeling guilty or bored.
 After the dialogue student A must guess what emotion of affliction was
being expressed by student B.

ACTIVITY 5 – Application questions

Year Questions

2016 Section C – Question 1

In a paragraph, discuss five skills an efficient secretary in an office should
possess in order to fulfill the roles and duties of the position

Section B – Question 5 (b)

2017 Describe a feature of a receptionist and explain how she deals with external

Section C – Question 1
In a paragraph, discuss five duties that a secretary needs to carry out at the
beginning of each working day.


Garton, K. (2001). Word Processing, Report Production and Complex Operations.

Horsfall, M and Cairns, S. (2005). Office Skills A Practical Approach – Third Edition.

Locker, K. O. (1998). Business and Administrative Communication.

O’Leary, Timothy J., and O’Leary, Linda I. (2010). Computing Essentials (Revised
Edition). Boston: Mcgraw-Hill.

O’Rourke, S and Barnett, S (2015). Communication, Organisation and Innovation – Third


Essential Skills for Word Processing: Microsoft Word 2007 TR Leger Adult Literacy and
Employment Preparation Program
Files/Practice...Processing_in_GDP.pdf .html/

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