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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 February 13, 2022 pm – Nepal Civil War

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: PA “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CCCIV] – Non-Battleground States + GA

With so much “signal” [Bannon’s nomenclature, differentiated from “noise”] emanating

from *Arizona*, *Georgia*, *Pennsylvania* and *Wisconsin*, it’s easy to overlook how
scrupulous Tim Griffin has consistently been when covering the nation within an hour
(Tuesdays @ 11, c/o Thomas More Society); somewhat obscured, also, is how Election
Forums have gone national [California, Georgia, South Carolina, PA and Wisconsin].

In Florida, Defend Florida’s Interim Report revealed 800,000 inactive voters in the 2020
Election, with a third of those canvassed not residing at the Registered Address; thus,
Grassroots Republicans Warn of Dem Floridians using part-tme Florida Residents’ votes
to steal the 2022 Election from DeSantis (using Gateway Pundit info on the ERIC System).

In North Carolina, Rep. Cawthorn sued the Board of Elections due to an unconstitutional
attempt to disqualify him from reelection, presaging what Dems contemplate for Trump.
And the results of the South Carolina Citizen-Led Ballot Canvass of the 2020 General
Election were presented on Saturday, February 5, 2022 in Columbia, S.C.

In Massachusetts, Caroline Colarusso et al. filed litigation which is now on appeal

challenging the constitutionality of Covid-19 inspired changes to election laws that allow
no-excuse, absentee voting [(781) 279-1197;], a suit
that mirrors what’s occurring in PA. On behalf of AUDIT THE VOTE IN MASSACHUSETTS,
she invites people to SIGN A PETITION supportive of this initiative.

The Constitutions of both Commonwealths contain very similar provisions that strictly limit
the circumstances when voters may cast ballots other than at local polling places.
Thus, the Legislature can change the way citizens vote only by following a time-consuming
Constitutional Amendment process, mandating a plebiscite; drastic changes cannot be
made by a simple majority vote of the Legislature. That’s why they are encouraged by PA's
Commonwealth Court action which held that a similar no-excuse absentee voting law
enacted by the PA Legislature violated Article VII, Sect. 14 of the Constitution. Rule of law
must be upheld, and the court did exactly that. They have every reason to believe that the
Massachusetts Appeals Court will make the same finding in their litigation. That’s why
they call upon the legislature to reject proposed legislation which would make no-excuse
absentee voting permanent before it is embarrassed by enacting an unconstitutional law.
Illustrative of fact that these issues are national is revelation that, after a new Texas Law
requiring ID Info on Absentee Ballots, 28% of mail-ins in the primary were rejected. Thus,
EVERYONE is invited to sign the formal nationwide petition-to-decertify the 2020 Election
and to Set Aside Arizona’s Electors c/o Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem.

So much is happening in Georgia that the reader is simply advised to acquire the
password-protected weekly summary that’s PERSONALIZED; the Meeting Recording Link
is @ CP-GA Election Integrity Update 2/5/2022; for example, CISA is Now Warning of the
Untimely Release of Secret Audit Report on Dominion Voting Machines in Georgia,
although SoS Raffensperger is suddenly supporting its public release to dispel “misleading
media articles.” During the 2/12/2022 CP-GA Statewide Tele-Town Hall at 9:00 a.m. ET,
updates regarding the Constitution Party and the litigation/lobbying were provided; the
Q&A is always enlightening. One need only click here to log in or to activate an account,
then one can RSVP via the website. [It’s unclear why RINO/Dems claim to be Republicans.]

At Wednesday’s press conference, Garland Favorito announced his VoterGA election

integrity report had refuted Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s 10-page
1/6/2021 letter sent to Pence, Georgia members of Congress, and the Georgia General
Assembly; Raffensperger “Withheld Facts…[and] contained Many False Statements and
Deceptively Misleading Claims,” as per the 42-item rebuttal. The SoS withheld all the
evidence the Georgia General Assembly had collected in three hearings in 12/2020.
Furthermore, following delivery of that letter, additional problems justifying an audit
were exposed via court case evidence and responses to open record inquiries. [VoterGA
volunteers promptly hand-delivered the report to the entire Georgia General Assembly.]
Raffensperger Facilitated Ballot Harvesting in Georgia, and then defended the results with
a Completely Bogus Report; he claimed on 2/9/2022, “Nobody in the State Knows How
Many Ballots were Dropped Off at the Drop Boxes.” Gateway Pundit reported also he’d
failed to uphold his promise to Trump that he would investigate concerns raised by
auditor Bryan Geels impacting upwards of 97K ballots (far above the final margin).

Just as is true with the suitcases-under-the-skirts, most everyone has seen the harvesting
video from 10/12/2020 in Gwinnett County; the trafficker fanned out ballots to take a
selfie photograph on his phone [note 1:55 & 2:35] to text as proof to his employer. [True
the Vote indicated in its complaint that traffickers received $10 a ballot in 2020.] As per
prior discussion of the Grand Jury System, when the Fulton County DA pursued Trump on
Junk Charges, her Office was opened to investigations on ALL FRAUD ACCUSATIONS.

Citizens have been advised to “Communicate with residents and build stronger ties in the
neighborhoods you serve with Next Door‘s engagement tool for public agencies and
service providers.” This is consistent with the ongoing Precinct Project. The Deep State
keeps resisting freedom, noting that the Department of Revenue in Georgia banned a
PragerU bumper sticker. Finally, Raffensperger is trying to distract the public by having
announced a partnership with Salesforce and MTX. {Here’s a bit of needed levity that
encompasses multiple populist initiatives; we all need surcease occasionally.}

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