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I believe in the power of kindness. I believe the simplest acts of generosity can make the
world a better place. Kindness can be the easiest part of your life. Anyone can be kind,
and there is no excuse not to be. Whether you tell your friend you like her dress, or pay
for the person behind you in line, kindness should be in everybody’s lives. I believe in the
power of kindness to change the world.
“Kill them with kindness” is an infamous quote I like to refer to in my daily life. There is
no reason to have drama with somebody. If somebody chooses to dislike you, bully you,
or just be mean in general, just be kind. There is no reason to fight back. If you act like
you don’t care, it makes them look worse and you will look like the nicest person ever. If
you just act kind to people, they will treat you the same. My mom always taught me to
live a drama free life. If you are angry, vent to a parent or best friend and let it go. Life is
too short to hold grudges. My life is filled with kindness because I rarely get into a fight
with anyone. All it takes is kindness. Treat people with kindness and respect, and you will
get the same in return.
My dad always told me to live life like a camera is watching you at all times. WHat he
said really stuck with me because if I were on camera, I would want to seem as generous
as possible. As a result, I always try to give random acts of kindness and see people’s
excited expressions. I believe that performing random acts of kindness is the best way to
strengthen the power of kindness. One night, me and my five best friends Jessie, Ana,
Julia, and Jillian were at the 99’s. There was an old man sitting all by himself, and we
overheard the waitress say ¨happy birthday to him. Depressed that he was all alone on
his birthday, my friends and I decided to pay for his bill. Just that simple act of kindness
made this man's entire birthday. He, as well as the other waiters, were all so impressed
with us girls. Everyone came up to us after he left thanking us for showing kindness
towards a stranger. In return, the waitress thought we were awesome for being raised
the right way, she gave us free dessert!
One night, my sister Madison, her friend Grace, and our dance teacher Nikki went out to
dinner. The whole night they were having so much fun that they didn't even think to go
on their phone all night. One guy sitting at a different table happened to notice how
much fun they had without technology, he decided to pay for their meal. He thought it
was amazing how much fun they were having. This act of kindness by the man made
their day so much better, and they came home to tell everyone about it. Random acts of
kindness like that is what makes happier people all around.
I believe the power of kindness can be stronger in everyone’s life if they just try. Simple
things like telling your teacher what a great class that was, to buying somebody’s whole
meal, can make a difference in the world. I believe that incorporating kindness into
everyday life can make somebody’s day a whole lot better, and maybe even save a life. I
always incorporate kindness into everyday because it makes you, and the other person
feel good. If I didn’t follow my belief, I wouldn’t have the amazing, caring friends I have
It is so important to have kindness in everyday life. Kindness can make somebody’s 0/10
day, go to a 6/10 day just in one compliment.By spreading kindness, you are saving a
person or multiple people from a horrible day, and who knows, you might get a nice
compliment back as well.

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