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ANNALI DI GEOFISICA, VOL, 43. N. 4, August 2000 From earthquake intensities to earthquake sources: extending the contribution of historical seismology to seismotectonic studies Paolo Gasperini(!) and Gianluca Valensise@) () Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Bologna, Iraly () stituto Nazionale di Geofisica, Roma, laly Abstraet The epicentral locations and magnitudes of the events reported in the Catalogue af Strong Italian Earthquakes are obtained from intensity data through a standardized and established algorithm, However, we contend that the dense and homogeneously collected data sets presented in this catalogue can also be used to assess the location, physical dimensions znd orientation of the earthquake source on purely historical grounds. The method we describe is of special value for older earthquakes and for all events that fall in areas where the understanding of faulting and tectonics is limited. Atthe end of the calculations the seismic source is represented as an oriented «rectangle». the length and width of which are obtained from moment magnitude through empirical relationships. This rectangle is meant to represent the actual surface projection of the seismogenic fault or, atleast, the projection of the portion of ihe Earth crust where a given seismic source is likely to be located. Sources derived through this procedure can then be juxtaposed to sources derived from instrumental and geological dats for constructing fault segmentation, and earthquake recurrence models arid for highlighting inear gaps in the global seismic release. To test the method we applied it systematically to all M > 5.5 earthquakes that occurred in the Central and Southern Apennines in the past four centiries. The results are encouraging snd compare well with existing instrumental, direct geological and geodynmic evidence, The method is quite stable for dilferent choices of the algorithm parameters and provides elongation directions which in most cases can be shown to be statistically significant. The resulting pattern of source locations and orientations is homogeneous, showing a consistent Apennines-parallel trend that agrees well with the NE-SW tectonic extension style of the central and southern portions of the Italian peninsula. Key words historical earthquakes ~ source modern practice of seismic hazard assessment. orientation ~ seismotectonies ~ seismic insensity This effort forms the basis for supplying more faithful predictions of ground shaking than those obtained from conventional seismotectonic ana- 1, Introduetio lyses, both in the near-field and for the more populated areas away from the main tectonic Assigning the most severe historical earth belts, Defining a set of homogencous seis- quakes to specific individual seismogenic soure-__ mogenic sources, however, is not an easy as- es is one of the most important aspects of the signment, As Reiter (1991) puts it «Defining and understanding seismotectonic sources i often the major part of a seismic hazard analy- Marling auldess: Prot. Paolo Gaspecini, Dipanimento S18 ahd requires knowledge of the regional and i Fisica, Universita di Bologna, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 8, focal geology, seismicity and tectonics», Per- 40127 Bologna, tly: e-mail: paolo haps due to the difficulties in identifying indi- 765 et | vidual large sources, either by recourse to geo- logical data alone or through combination of historical and geological evidence, most nation al seismic hazard plans still rely almost exelu- sively on catalogues of historical seismicity with very little support from field and instrumental data (¢.g., Muir-Wood, 1993). This condition further stressed by the circumstance that in many countries the amount of knowledge available on historical seismicity is often considered sufti- cient to supply a satisfactory representation of the earthquake potential, Histo smicity is commonly spread over wide tectonic regions simply to derive rates of occurrence for differ- ent classes of ground acceleration, and any di- rect reference to a specific fault or to the physics of the earthquake phenomenon is invariably lost. We certainly agree that historical catalogues supply a reasonable first-cut representation of regional seismicity, but we want to demonstrate that the information contained in homogene- ously collected intensity observations such as the Catalogue of Strong Italian Earthquakes can be used to quantify the essential parameters of the seismic source. In other words, intensity observations may provide a wider and more valuable contribution to the assessment of seis- mic hazard than is commonly assumed, We pro- pose a strategy through which seismogenic sources documented solely by historical infor- mation can be described by the same set of physical parameters normally used to describe sources for which modern instrumental obser- vations are available, though with a lesser de- gree of confidence. Our approach is similar to that taken by John- ston (1996) and Bakun and Wentworth (1997) for quantifying the seismic moment of some large pre-instrumental earthquakes of stable continental regions and California, respectively, but somewhat more ambitious. Our goals is to process intensity data: 1) to estimate the loca tion of the seismogenic source, expressed as the center of the distribution of damage, and of its size, to be derived from the overall extent of the damage pattern (these first two steps are de- scribed in detail in the contribution «Deriving numerical estimates from descriptive informa- tion: the computation of earthquake parame- ters», by Gasperini and Ferravi (2000, this vol- 766 Paolo Gasperini and Giunluee Valensise ume); 2) to make inferences about the physical dimensions of the seimogenic source (length and width) using empirical relationships (Wells and Coppersmith, 1994), and 3) to calculate the orientation of the seismogenic source using an original algorithm described later on in this pa- per. The estimated parameters are then calibrat- ed using earthquakes for which both intensity and modern instrumental data are available. Each earthquake source is then conceptually and graphically delineated by an oriented «reetan- gle> representative of the fault at depth. TI rectangle is meant to represent either the actual surface projection of the seismogenic fault or, at least, the projection of the portion of the Earth crust where a given seismic source is more like~ ly to be located. Our ultimate goal is to complement and strengthen with historical information the usu- ally limited instrumental or surface faulting ev- idence forming the current earthquake distribu tion and recurrence models. This is done under the assumption that each source tends to pro- duce characteristic earthquakes and that cach earthquake is representative of the maximum, ource potential. To test our method we applied it systematically to a subset of the Caralogue of Strong ltalian Earthquakes including all the M> 5.5 earthquakes that occurred in the Central and Southern Apennines during the past four centuries, After a first catalogue of historical sources has been obtained, additional and often unknown seismogenic faults can be inferred from the analysis of the spatial relations between adjacent sources, or between them and other historical or instrumental earth- quakes, or by recourse to more focused geolog- ical observations. The process allows the extent of overlap between adjacent sources, that is, the regularity of the seismic release in space, to be tested (if the sources tend to a characteristic behavior they should not overlap nor leave substantial gaps). Proving or disproving such regularity has obvious and important implica- tions for the assessment of regional seismic hazard, This contribution represents a condensed version of a paper published by Gasperini er al. (1999) in the Butletia of the Seismological Soci- ety of America. Since its first elaboration the ensites to curthyusike soumves: extend algorithm for deriving three-dimensional earth- quake sources from intensity data has been wide- ly used on Italian, Greek, Spanish, French-and Northern European data in the framework of the EC project termed «Faust» (e.g., Leschiutta et al., 2000). In particular, the algorithm was used to derive over 150 «purely historicab» soure- es in the framework of the «Database of poten- tial sources for earthquakes larger than Italy» (Valensise and Pantosti, 2000) The program «Boxer», that performs all the computations described in this paper, is availa~ ble in executable form (for both Macintosh nd Windows platforms) from: http://ibogts.4f. unibo. it/user2/paolo/www/boxer/boxer:html. Previous efforts Estimating fault parameters from Mercalli intensity data has been the object of numerous investigations during the past twenty years and indeed represents one of the most challengi developments of modern seismic hazard as- sessment. Probably the first attempt to derive quantitative information on the earthquake source from macroseismic data can be traced back to Shebalin (1973), who proposed to esti- mate the dimension and orientation of a seis mogenic fault from the ellipticity of the highest degree isoseismals. This study, however, ana- lyzed the shape of hand-drawn isoseismals of a Timited number of selected earthquakes, and therefore its conclusions qualitative Starting with the contribution of Ohta and Satoh (1980), several attempts have been made at modeling macroseismic intensities generated by sources of known geometry with various techniques. Among them are the Kinematic Function KF (Chiaruttini and Siro, 1981), the generation of synthetic seismograms by normal mode summation (Panza and Cuseito, 1982; Suhadole ¢f al., 1988; Piervi et ai., 1993) or by cing (Zahradntk, 1989). Some of these investigators have subsequently tried to infer the focal parameters of historical earthquakes from intensity data (e,g., Chiaruttini and Siro, 1991; Sirovich, 1996), but so far the results of these attempts have not been extensively tested are still essentially 167 motectonie studies against instrumental data, partly due to the fact that good quality homogeneously collected in- tensity data were not widely available in revised catalogues until 1995, ‘Notwithstanding possible rapid developments of these techniques in the near future, we be- lieve that at present most of them are not relia ble enough for widespread application. In the absence of a physical model explaining the spa- tial pattern of intensity data (in particular, of a function for converting ground displacement, velocity and acceleration into felt intensity), macroseismic data alone have not been able to constrain efficiently parameters of the seis- mogenic source which do not have a straightfor- ward correspondence with the observed intens ty, such as the fault dip and the sense of slip (fault rake), On the contrary, the strike of the seismic source (that is, the azimuth of the seis- mogenic fault) is somehow related to the distri- bution of the earthquake effects. In the past, the fault azimuth was commonly inferred by means of a visual inspection of hand-drawn isoseismals (¢.g., in Shebalin, 1973 and subse- quent Shebalin-type approaches). This proce- dure obviously introduces a great deal of arbi. trariness, since the person in charge of drawing the isoseismals may somehow convey in the artwork his or her own preconceptions about the location and geometry of the seismogenic fault, often foreing the data to say more than they really show. More recently other workers have produced «objective» isoseismals through automatic computer contouring (e.g., De Ru- beis et al., 1992), but also in this case all po: ble inferences can only be visual, and therefore subjective and almost impossible to test statisti- cally. A visual analysis of isoseismal Tines may indeed be helpful for identifying survey blun- ders or anomalous intensity points resulting from site effects. However, the statistical analy- sis of individual observed intensity values must be preferred when the goal of the analysis is to derive global quantitative estimates of the main source parameters, This can now he done using the homogeneously collected and inter- preted data supplied by the Catalogue of Strong Italian Earthquakes in its various ver- sions. Paolo Gasper ‘Modeling approach As atest of the algorithm we focused on the Central and Southern Apennines (a portion of the Italian territory between 40,0° and 43.2° latitude north, 12.8° and 17.0° longitude east) for this is the most seismically active region of the whole Italian peninsula and is characterized by a relatively well defined uniform tectonic pattern, For the region of our interest the second. release of the Catalogue of Strong Italian Earthquakes (1997) lists 41 large earthquakes, for a total of over 7500 intensity data points (see table 1). We decided to include in our ana- lysis the felt reports gathered during a prelimi- nary survey of the effects of the 26 September 1997, Coifiorito, Central aly earthquak (WGMSCE, 1997), as it allows for an interest- ing a posteriori test of our approach Our modeling strategy involves five steps (fig. 1): Step 1 ~ Locating the source — We first com- pute the epicenter of each of the 42 earthquakes from macroseismic data alone, The epicenter, that is found through the averaging technique described by Gasperini and Ferrari (2000, this volume), is then used as the origin of the refer ence system for locating the extended source and for analyzing the azimuthal distribution of felt intensities to determine the source strike. Step 2 — Assessing the earthquake seismic moment ~ The distribution of felt intensities of each earthquake is then used to infer the earth- quake seismic moment M, and the correspond ing moment magnitude M using the algorithm also described by Gasperini and Ferrari (2000, this volume) Step 3 ~ Assessing the source dimensions (length and width) ~ The seismic moment of each individual earthquake is then used to infer the physical dimensions of the relevant source under the hypotheses set forth above (each source tends to produce characteristic earthquakes and cach earthquake is representative of the maxi- ‘mum source potential). We used Wells and Cop- persmith’s (1994) empirical relationships to cal- culate the full rupture Jength and width of the sad Gianluca 768 seismogenic source. Although most of the best studied strong Ttalian earthquakes exhibit pure normal faulting, reverse and strike-slip faulting earthquakes are expected to take place particu- larly along the Adriatic margin. For this reason we used the relationships that were derived by these investigators as an average of «All» possi- ble faulting styles Log,(RLD) Log,,(RW) 0.59(+ 0.02): M -2.44(+ 0.11) 0.32(+ 0.02) M — 1.01(+ 0.10) where RLD and RW are the subsurface rupture length and the down-dip rupture width, respec tively, and M is the moment magnitude. Step 4 ~ Assessing the source orientation (acinuth) ~ Once the source has been located and its physical dimensions evaluated, this step involves assessing its true orientation. This is accomplished by a new algorithm described in detail in the following section Step 5 ~ Representing the source ~ The seis- mie source is finally drawn as a rectangle cen- tered on the macroseismic epicenter. The rec tangle represents either the actual surface pro- jection of the causative fault or, at least, the surface projection of the portion of the Earth crust within which the fault is more likely to be located. Since Italian faults tend to be predom- antly dip-slip, as a first approximation the width of the rectangle delineating each source is plotted as if it represented the projection of a fault dipping 45° in an unspecified direction perpendicular to the fault strike (see fig. 2a). The assessment of the orientation of the seismogenic source Our reasoning starts from the common ob- servations that the direction of maximum elon- gation of the highest degree isoseismals is con- trolled by the geometry of the seismogenic stru ture and that the highest degree isoseismals tend to approximate the projection of the fault upon the Earth surface (fig. 2a). We assume that these observations are the perceptible expression of a physical link between the source at depth and From carhquake imensities to earthquake sourves: extending the contribution of historical seismology to seismotectonic studies ‘Table I. The table lists 41 M > 5.5 earthquakes of the Central and Southern Apennines taken from the second release of the Catalogue of Strong lalian Earthquakes (1997), plus the 1997 Colfiorito earthquake. M, is the scquivalent magnitude» computed analyzing the distribution of Mercalli intensity data (Gasperini and Ferrari, 2000, this volume), that we assume to represent the moment magnitude M. NTot and NAz are total number of data available for the given earthquake and number of data ustd for computing the souree azimuth, respectively, The reported azimuths are those obtained using our preferred choice for distanee weighting and lower bound for the intensity threshold (see text) and correspond to the orientations of the solid white rectangles in fig. 5. The table also lisis the standard deviation of the computed azimuths (under the assumption of Von Mises-type distribution) -¢ levels of the Rayleigh and Kuiper tests («uniform» means that the text returns a significance igher than 0.10 and therefore the hypothesis H, of uniformity of the data distribution cannot be rejected: see Appendix 3 in Gasperini er af.. 1999, for details) Date Lat. M, Locality NTot_NAz Azimuth Rayleigh Kuiper O7/30/1627a 41.74 15.34 6.7 Gargano 65 22 137 < 0.10 <001 O7/30/1627b 41.69 15.38 5.8 San Severo 1 - ~ - - 08/07/1627¢ 41.76 15.33. 5.9 Gargano S 3) Tf444 Uniform Uniform O9/06/1627d 41,60, Gargano 2 = - 7 = 1015/1639 42.65 Monti delta Laga 15 10 062220 <0.01 — <0.05 05/31/1646 41.87 Gargano 18 50624156 Uniform Uniform OT/23/1054 41.63 Sorano-Marsiea 44°16 MO=47 Uniform <0.01 OG/S688 41.28 Sunnio 2% 17 18el4 <001 <0.01 09/08/1694 40.88 pina 24 31 1s12 <0 <001 3/4/1702 Beneventano a7 4 Uniform Uniform O1/14/1703a Norcia 196 33 <0.05 <0 O1/16/17030 Roio Piano 2210 117146 Uniform —-< 0.05 02/02/1703 Aquilano 7 7 lde28 <0.05 <0.05 11/03/1706 Maietla 9 7 1618 <001 << 001 05/12/1730 Umbrian Apennines 22 1000459 Uniform < 0.01 03/20/1731 Foggiano 50053) 120435010 <0.10 11/29/1732 Valle Ufita 168 409296 Uniform Uniform 10/06/1762 Aquitano 6 = = = = 0731/1786 San Demettio 7 - - 7 - 03/18/1796 Casamiceiola Terme 1 = ~ = = 07/26/1805 Molise 8 «0.05 <0.05 02/01/1826 Basilicata 4 Uniform < 0.10 112011836 Southern Basilicata 6 <0.10 <010 O8/4/1851a 40.96 Basilicata 6 < 0.10 <0.05 O8/14/1851b 40,99 Melfi = = - 04/09/1853 40.82 Inpinia 6 005420 Uniform < 0,05 121601857 Basilicata 18 127211 001 <0.01 03/1211873 Polverina 3 080209 <0.01 Uniform 09/10/1881 Lanciana 4 087#17 — <0.01 0.05 07/28/1883 Casamieciola Terme 8 092277 — Uniform <0.05 o2easi904 Marsica 7 086448 — Uniform Uniform 06/07/1910 Inpinia 4 126416 <001 <0.10 OVINI9IS 41.99 13.65 6.9 — Avezzano 07/23/1930 41.05 15.36. 6.7 Ipinia 25° 122+16 <001— < 0.01 16 10821f << 0.01 << 0.01 09/26/1933 Maiella 3025205 < 0.01 < 0.05 1/03/1943 Oftida 16 149222 < 001 < 0.01 8/18/1948 Zapponeta 9 010231 < 0.03 < 0.01 08/21/1962 Inpinia I 160828 < 005 < 0.01 09/19/1979 Valnerina 30° 156224 <001 << 0.01 1980 Inpinia 13 126225 <001 — <0.01 1984 Val Comino 3) 152434 <0.10 Uniform 09/26/1997 Colfiorito 19 W5s10 <00l <001 769 4 wa © wg va wo 4 Seyi anos way tS ey arene “ow Extensive data set Limited data set Algorithm developed in Gasperini and Ferrari (1997) (see Appendix 1, 2) Macroseismic epicenter i Moment magnitude Algorithm Wells and Coppersmith’s (1994) developed \~ “ in this paper Fault strike Fault t width y area Inferred oriented source Inferred circular source w " w a ww vn Fig. 1. Block diagram showing the various steps of our analysis. 7710 From earthquake intensive to earthquake sourcest extending the contebntion of historical seismology to scismotectonic studies @ Fault plane, its projection onto surface, and highest degree isoseismals Fault expression at surface (if any) | Direction of elongation of the | highest degree isoseismals | (to be determined) Individual intensity data-points. Vector representation of individual data-points with respect to the epicenter Fig, 2b, Geometry of the problem. a) Fault plane, its surface projection, and isoseismals. b) Vector representation of Mercalli intensity data points with respeet (o the macroseismic epicenter (i.e. the mid point of the data distribution) m7 Paulo Gasperini the pattern of ground shaking at the surface. Under this assumption, if all the sites where the largest intensities were observed are considered as the end-points of vectors belonging to a polar coordinate system centered on the macroscis- mic epicenter, the azimuth of each individual vector is likely to be close to the true strike of the fault; the larger the distance from the epi center, the higher the probability (fig. 2b). Hence, the strike of the fault may be inferred by com- puting the «circular mean» of the azimuth of these sites. Since the geometry of the surface projection of the fault is symmetrical with re- spect to the epicenter (that is, two orientations at 180° to one another are equivalent), the azimuth is represented by an angle ranging from 0° to 180°. We calculate this orientation by: 1) dou- bling the azimuth of each site with respect to the 2) calculating the circular mean of and 3) halving the resulting circu Jar mean, Similay the reliabi the uniformity in the distribution of the data themselves. Since the angular location and the dispersion are not independent variables, a uni- form distribution has no significant central val- 0 any other analysis of angular data, y of the circular mean rests upon uc and any further statistical analysis is there- fore generally meaningless. A number of statis- tical tests are available to analyze the uniform- ity of a circular distribution. Among them the Kuiper test proved preferable for small data sets, while the Rayleigh test proved most powerfull where the distribution of the parent population Von Mises-type (Rock, 1988). The mathemat- ical details of the procedure for calculating the circular mean, the associated standard deviation and the significance levels of the distribution uniformity tests are deseribed in Appendix 3 of Gasperini ef al, (1999). Before running the algorithm with real data we must select an appropriate lower threshold for the macroseismic intensity of the data points, to be included in the averaging process. Ideally, the data set of cach earthquake source should clude only the localities where the observed tensity is largest. In real applications, howev- er, such maximum effects often occur at a lim- ited number of scattered sites as a result of local amplifications induced by the near-surface 2e~ nd Gianluca Valensise 772 ology, of particular characteristics of the local buildings, of focusing of the seismic energy or constructive interference of wave-trains from different portions of the source. Under such circumstances the highest intensities of a given earthquake may represent outliers in the data distribution, in which case the source is more correctly represented by the pattern of sites that experienced an intensity one or even two de- grees lower than the maximum observed. A rational criterion to choose the intensity threshold is to select a value such that the aver- age epicentral distance of sites having a larger intensity is comparable to the fault size, As we have seen in Step 3, we can use Wells and Coppersmith’s (1994) empirical relationships to calculate an approximate source length as a fune- tion of Mf. We can then pick the intensity thresh- old that gives the best equivalence between half of the fault length and the average distance of the data points from the epicenter, Nevertheless, our experience shows that the plain application of these criteria may lead us to retain data points having an intensity more than two or three de- grees lower than the maximum intensity. This condition may be: 1) the effect of the presence of strong intensity amplification effects; 2) the result of incompleteness of the macroseismic field and hence of mislocation of the true epi- center (¢.g., when this oceurs offshore or close to the shoreline), or 3) the result of overestima- tion of the earthquake magnitude. We therefore decided to establish a lower bound for the inten- sity threshold to prevent the inclusion of inten- sities data which are too low to be representative of the source orientation, Based on our experi- ence with the data set analyzed in this paper, we set this lower bound at one degree below the maximum intensity plus uncertainty (for exam ple, for an J,,, equal X we allow the intensity threshold to reach intensity WII-X). This is also the maximum value normally attained from the difference between the epicentral intensity 1, and the maximum intensity J... A further important issue is the choice of an appropriate distance weighting scheme. Under the assumptions mentioned above and for any given intensity, the farther @ certain site, the higher the probability that the azimuth of that site approximates the strike of the fault, We assume that this probability is proportional to some function of the distance. normalized by the average epicentral distance of all data points having the same intensity. This function should be somehow related to the attenuation of the intensity with distance. A simple relation, which proved to fit well-the attenuation of earthquake intensity for the Italia territory was proposed by Berardi er al, (1993). This relation, termed CRAM (Cubic Root Attenuation Model), is giv- en by the following expression: Al=a+bD) where Af = /,—/ is the difference between the epicentral intensity and the intensity observed ata given site, and D is this site’s distance from tie epicenter, A least squares fit overall the sites, having an assigned intensity in our database returned a = -0.46 and b = 0.93 (the corre- sponding coefficient of variation is R* = 0.52). We can then invert the CRAM relation to esti- mate the average normalizing distance for each intensity and use the cubic root of the normal- ized distance as a weight assigned to each of the data used to estimate the fault azimuth, ‘To evaluate the overall reliability of Step 4 of our modeling approach we performed a stability analysis by comparing the results of different weighting schemes. Reasonable choices for this, test include: a) No distance weighting (all data are as- signed the same weight). b) Cubic root of distance weighting (see above). c) Distance weighting (weight is proportional to the normalized distance of the point from the epicenter). Similacly, we tested different lower bounds for the intensity thresholds according to the fol- lowing schemes: d) Zero degree lower bound (which implies that only data points where maximum intensity is observed are used). €) One degree lower bound (see discussion above). £) No lower bound (all available data could be used) Notice that in both cases we are essentially comparing the results of our preferred or «cen- ake intensities fo carthquake Sources: extending the cont 173 cismology to seismotectonie studies tral» schemes, indicated by (b) and (¢) and a ready described in the text, with those obtained using two extreme scenarios. Finally, we need to define the minimum size earthquake for which the method can be used with confidence. This step is crucial since the analysis of earthquake Sourves comparable in size with the average distance between the sites used to estimate the azimuth could yield mean- ingless results because of the low «resolving power» of the data distribution itself. Based on the average spacing of historical settlements in Italy, we assume this minimum fault length to be somewhere between $ and 10 km, which corresponds to a moment magnitude of 5.3 and 5.8 respectively (Wells and Coppersmith, 1994). We therefore decided to analyze only earth quakes for which M > 5.5. Good candidates must also be characterized by at least 5 data, which is the minimum figure for which the statistical tests hold rigorously. This condition applies to 27 out of 42 earthquakes of magni tude 5.5. and above reported by the Caralogue of Strong Italian Earthquakes for the region of interest (see column NAz in table I). To maxi- mize the use of available data, however, we tentatively extended the application of the algo- rithm to 9 additional events for which at least 3 data points are made available by the selection criteria, Modeling results Figure 3a-d shows the full modeling proce- dure applied to the 23 July 1930, Irpinia (South- erm Italy) earthquake (see also fig, 1 and discus- sion on modeling strategy in previous section). For this earthquake there exists an instrumental estimate of M, = 6.6 (Margottini et al., 1993) The mactoseismic data set includes 511 locali- ties with MCS intensities in the range IT to X. The epicenter (a) is computed by averaging the coordinates of the 3 sites where the maximum, intensity (X) was observed (see Gasperini and Ferrari, 2000, this volume), The moment mag- nitude (M = 6.7: (b), that was computed with the mixed epicentral intensity-isoseismal radii meth- od (see Gasperini and Ferrari, 2000, this vol- ume), is slightly kuger than the instrumental Paolo Gasperini and Gianluca Valensise rontauasadan jeuy ( s apm juoduoUt a1 CH (“XDI 29s :oyyenbysva eI v9 ajduues r 01 ainpadoact aip jo uoN 40'E - Ze"0= APIA bbe - W 6S'O=UIBUe7 607 5 ayenbyyiee ejuidiy || WO uoREIND|ED @ ce a ree ose) Annee | 714 From earthquake intensities to earthquake sources: extending the contribution of bistorieul seismology to seisimotectonic studies estimate. The source azimuth (N108°W: (c)) was determined using 16 intensity data in the range VII-IX to X. The length and width of the inferred source (32.6 and 13.6 km, respectively: (d)) are computed from Wells and Coppersmith’s (1994) relationships; to aecount for the presum- able dipping geometry of the fault, however, we plotted the source width as the surface projec- tion of a 45° dipping plane (multiply the width, by the cosine of 45°) A similar procedure was followed for all the 42. M > 5.5 Central and Southern Apennines earthquakes that we selected to test our ap- proach. Figures 4 and § show the location, ex- tent and orientation of the inferred sources. These earthquakes occurred between 1600 A.D. and present, and are shown by rectangles construct ed using exclusively historical information fol- lowing the five steps of our modeling scheme. We recall that such rectangles comprise a syn- thetic representation of the source that is coher- ent with standard schematizations based on in- strumental or field evidence, Figure 3a-d shows the results obtained using different distance weighting schemes, while fig. 5 shows the ef- fect of different choices of different lower bounds for the intensity threshold, Under the relatively strict requisites of our preferred schemes ((b) and (e)), for 6 out of 42 earthquake sources we could calculate only the location and size but not the azimuth (all of them have Af < 6.0), and. for this reason they are shown with circles in which the diameter is the estimated fault length (except for three solutions obtained with the more tolerant scheme (f), for which a rectangle is shown), For many sources the estimated azimuth does not differ much for different distance weighting schemes (see fig. 4). The most evident diserep- ancy concems the large 1627a, Gargano eatth- quake, which appears to vary from a trend al- most parallel to the Apennines (from about N60°W for the (a) and (b) schemes t0 about N30°E for the (c) scheme), Less pronounced differences (within 10°) can be observed for some of the largest earthquakes such as the 1980, Inpinia; the 1915, Avezzano; the 1732, Valle Ufita, and the 1703a, Norcia. In general, the algorithm seems quite stable for different weighting schemes; in particular, in almost all 715 cases the (b) scheme returns a result that is imermediate with respect to the other two, and for this reason we decided to regard it as our best choice. Choosing different lower bounds for the in- tensity thresholds (see fig. 5) also does not ap- pear (0 return drastically different results, The solutions obtained using the (e) and (f) schemes, are almost coincident for most of the earth- quakes. The only significant difference concems the 1703a, Norcia earthquake and three relative ly small (44 <6.0.) earthquakes (1762, 1786 and 1851b), for which the azimuth can only be com- puted using the (f) scheme. On the contrary, larger deviations exist between the (d) scheme and the other two; the largest of them again concerns the 1627a, Gargano earthquake, the source of which varies in orientation by nearly 90° from one scheme to another. For two other large earthquakes (1688, Sar nia) the deviation ranges between 10° and 20°. It should also be noted that in 21 cases (versus 6 for scheme (ec) and 3 for scheme (1) the azimuth cannot be computed with the more de- manding scheme (d) due to an insufficient number of data points (less than 3). In contrast, the algorithm is rather stable with respect (o the other two schemes. This suggests that the choice of using only data having the same intensity as the epicentral intensity (scheme (d)) is too re-~ strictive and represents an unjustified limitation of the applicability of the algorithm. We there~ fore decided to assume the (e) scheme, which is also more plausible from the point of view of the physies of the problem, as the most reason- able and reliable choice. Our preferred solutions are shown by white rectangles enclosed by a solid line in fig. 5 and are listed in table 1 along with our estimated macroseismic epicenter and moment magnitude M. For each earthquake table | also reports the significance level (s.1.) obtained from the Rayleigh and Kuiper distibution uniformity tests, (see Appendix 3 in Gasperini ef al., 1999), In most eases the Kuiper test allows the H7,hypoth- esis (data distribution is uniform) to be rejected at least at s.1. < 0.05, and therefore the source orientation can be estimated with confidence. For 11 earthquakes the significance level is larg- er than 0.05 and the H, hypothesis cannot be Paolo Gasperini and Gianluea Valensise T T Distance weighting schemes | | 43 “>, (a) All data have same weight LS (b) Proportional to cubic as root of distance Fig, 4. > 5.5 earthquakes in the Central and Southern Apennines from the year 1600 to 1997, with rectangles representing the surface projection of the inferred seismogenic sources. The source azimuths are computed as described in the text, The larger side of the rectangle represents the fault length computed as function of the moment magnitude M using Wells und Coppersmith’s (1994) relationships; the smaller side represents the surlace projection of the fault width assuming a dip angle of 45°, The figure shows the solutions obtained for different distance weighting schemes (see text and legend in figure). The rectangles drawn with solid lines represent our best guess and were obtained using the (b) scheme (cubic root weighting). Notice that (a) and (c) scheme solutions, may not appear if identical to the corresponding (b) solution. A circle having the diameter equal to the fault length replaces the rectangle for all sources for which the azimuth could not be computed due to insufficient number of data points (less than 3) 176 From hquake intensities to earthquake sources: extending the contribution of historical seismology to seismoteetonic udies Intensity threshold schemes __ (d) Zero degree lower bound LS {e) One degree lower bound L 13 14 Fig, 5. Sameas fig. 4 except forthe rectangles (seismogenic sources), which are obtained using the (b) weig! and varying the lower bound for the intensity threshold according scheme (ct soc text and fig. 4 ng to three different schemes (see text and legend in figure). ‘The rectangles drawn with solid lines represent our best guess and were obtained using the (e) scheme (one degree lower bound), Notice that (d) and (f) scheme solutions ‘may not appear if identical to the corresponding (e) solution, confidently rejected. We could tentatively reject the H, hypothesis for 4 of these 11 earthquakes where sil. < 0.10, whereas for the remaining 7 events the results must be considered with cau- tion, The reason why we do not simply diseard WW these results is because for most of these events the test statistics are not rigorous as the source azimuth was computed using less than five in- tensity data. In turn, the Rayleigh test does not allow the u ly hypothesis to be rejected Paolo Gayperini and Gianluca Valensise for about half of the computed azimuths (it ean be rejected tentatively at s.l. < 0.10 for 5 of them). At least some of these failures, however, could be ascribed to significant departures from a Von Mises-type distribution (which is not es- tablished for our data) more than to actual uni formity in the distribution of the data. At any rate, for both tests most of the failures concern moderate-sized events (M < 6.0), hence smaller sources for which the azimuth is more difficult to estimate. Comparing the inferred sources with instrumental and geologic evidence As most of the 42 analyzed earthquakes oc- curred in the pre-instrumental era, very few ex- tended fault models and focal plane solutions ate available for a direct comparison with our intensity-derived sources, In this respect we wish to recall that, due to the peculiar characteristics of Italian tectonics, and particularly the youth- fulness of the present stress regime (see, for example, Pantosti ef al., 1993), very few of the major Ttalian historical earthquakes have been positively associated with a well-identified a tive tectonic feature. The CMT database (pub- ished in Dziewonski et al., 1981 and subse- quent quarterly papers on Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors) supplies data for the four most recent earthquakes (1979, Valnerina; 1980, Irpinia; 1984, Val Comino; 197, Colfio- 1ito). For the 1962, Irpinia earthquake, a reason- ably reliable focal mechanism computed using P-wave polarities is given by Westaway (1987). Direct surface faulting evidence was document ed for the 1915, Avezzano and for the 1980, Inpinia earthquakes, both of which were mod- eled also by inversion of coseismic elevation changes (see discussion below). Table II shows a summary of the comparison between these instrumentally or geologically derived azimuths and the results of our inten- sity-based computations, In general the agree- ment is quite satisfactory. In particular for the 1980, Irpinia earthquake our estimate is very close (within 10°) to the orientation of both of the CMT nodal planes and of the geologically inferred fault. For the 1979, Valnerina earth- 778 quake our solution is almost eoineident with one of the two nodal planes, but unfortunately no geological or seismological evidence is avail- able (o date to decide which is the actual rupture plane. For the 1915, Avezzano earthquake the maximum difference is 13°. For the remaining two earthquakes (1962, Trpinia and 1984, Val Comino) our result lies almost in the middle of the two instrumental solutions, with differences in the order of 20°-30°. Also for these two events no conclusive evidence exists to date as to which of the two nodal planes is the actual rupture plane, For three especially well documented eurth- quakes we decided to extend the comparison 10 the full definition of the seismogenic source. Figures 6a-c summarize the results of a compar- ison of evidence available respectively for the 1915 Avezzano, 1980 Irpinia, and 1997 Colfio- rito earthquakes versus the estimates derived in this paper. The following discussion focuses on the most evident discrepancies that emerge from this comparison. For the source parameters that are fit satisfactorily the reader may refer directly to the information shown in figs. 6a-c. 1915 Avezzano - The 1915, Avezzano (Cen- tral Ttaly), is the second deadliest earthquake of Italian history (fig. 6a). The concentration of population inv the depression of the former Fuci- no Lake, which had been reclaimed in the 1860's, and soon after re-utilized for extensive agricul- tural development and for new settlements, and the widespread amplifications of the ground motion induced by the particular configuration of the area, conspired in turning this earthquake into an immense catastrophe. Perhaps for this reason in current catalogues this earthquake i characterized by a large number of localities which were assigned intensity XI (see fig. 6a). This circumstance has driven the inferred M up {0 6.9, Which implies @ nearly 40 km-long caus- ative fault. The geodetic model proposed by Ward and Valensise (1989) implies « A 6.6, but this is aminimum figure as it is based on the portion of the fault that could be resolved by observations of coseismic strain. In view of this limitation and given the extent of the observed surface ruptures, we may conclude that the tue M of the 1915 earthquake was between 6.7 and 6.8. From earthquake intensities to earthquake sources: extending the contribution of historical seismology to seismotectonic studies Table IL. Source azimuths computed in this paperare compared with the comespondin; estimates for six of the largest earthquakes that occurred in the study region during this century. or geod cismological, geological Azimuths are derived trom strikes of focal mechanism nodal planes by reducing them to the 0°-180° range. Note that available published literature suggests that all of these earthquakes were characterized by predominantly normal faulting. Date Locality Arimuth(s), Reference OINSA9I1S Avezzano ~ 130° Servit ef al. (1986) 135° Ward and Valensise (1989) 122° Gasperini et al. (1999) 08/21/1962 Ipinia 130° or 6 ‘Westaway (1987) 160° Gasperini er al, (1999) 09/19/1979 ‘Valnerina, 3° or 161° CMT 156° Gasperini er al. (1999) 11/23/1980 Irpinia 135° or 123° CMT 125°+135° Pantosti and Valensise (1990) 126° Gasperini e7 al. (1999) 05/07/1984 Val Comino 174° or 132° cur 152° Gasperini et al. (1999) 09/26/1997 Colfiorito 143° and 154° Ekstrém er al. (1998) jocks) Part of the misfit in the orientation of the fault could be accounted for by the northwest- ward propagation of the coseismic rupture (Be- rardi et al., 1995) and by the lack of settlements to the north and south of the epicenter 1980 lrpinia ~ Our intensity-based source for the 1980, Inpinia earthquake (fig. 6b) is quite surprising for it fits the real seismic source near- ly to perfection except for its location, which is shifted to the northwest by about 8 km. Indeed the maeroseismic solution could not capture the intrinsic complexity of the earthquake rupture, that was characterized by at least three discrete ubevents occurring within a 40s time span, but it somehow responded to the northwestward propagation of the rupture (e.g., Bernard and Zollo, 1989), which caused an asymmetry in the distribution of the highest reported intensities, with respect to the location of the source, 1997 Colfiarito ~ The Colfiorito earthquakes (fig, 6c) make an especially interesting case as they occurred immediately after the modeling 45° 7719 Gasperini al, (1999) procedure and its parameters had been firmly established based on the experience gained from the rest of our data set. The analysis uses the te~ sults of a preliminary survey of the earthquake (WGMSCE, 1997) completed on 2 October, that is, a week afier the mainshocks, because the damage pattern was soon afer worsened by a series of strong aftershocks (M > 5), which effectively extended the region that ruptured during the sequence. The main limitation of our macroseismic solution is represented by its inadequacy to count for multiple ruptures occurring closely spaced in time, Unlike the case of 1980, when the moment release was dominated by the first mainshock subevent, the two mainshocks of the Colfiorito sequence were comparable in size and are presumed to have ruptured in opposite directions, generating a pattern of cumulative damage that does not fully reflect the actual energy release. We believe that, had the two shocks occurred separated in time by a few years, our approach would have retrieved the correct extent of each individual source. Paolo Gayperini and Gianluca Valensise zeL wnnwiey ¥ ‘qHusieso1oe yy 5 oeL~ innusey 4 yeaIbojo2 xn q vow 98) wowizy ‘mnapo25, sow Wy eoBojousieg S16} Arenuer eb yn y euowing n Node feu Jo ep a weiss 780 afoump 1 at Jo s9}ua91da BZUA}0q 92) Uynuzy QMISIOSOIIEHY yp q ies to earthquake sources: extending the contibution of historical seismology ta seismotectonic studios cow S2 yintuizy jeorBojoas) eon ©2120 $2) wnuuley waboowses in d 0861 JequsAoN Ez Ws a £ £ 781 Valensise Paolo Gasperini \d Giana 1B Isaq ano stuasoidas xoq IHOOUISIOS WON} SaIwUUNISD Pays: 1O10No ie ouBij04 782 I5jdsords owsisso1neyy i, spi ynuzy -paviqnuo) SuisiosasoHy ooW ssp ynwizy sp}O0Us O80} jPOIBO|OWNSIES: ouyaweg ZSW 8 wa ars ynuzy y sfroous 8€:00) jeaibojousies a L66| Jequieydag gz From earthquake intensities to earthquake sources: extending the conttibution of hisiorical seismology to seismetectonie studies In summary, our results agree fairly well with instrumental or surface faulting evidence ailable for a limited number of large earth- quakes, with typical inaccuracies in the order of 10 km for the source location, 0.2-0.3 mo- ment magnitude units for the source size, and 10°-15° for the source orientation. A limitation of the approach is represented by its inability to filter out possible distortions of the macroseis- mic field associated with source directivity or extreme source complexity. This characteristic, however, could eventually be turned to our ad- vantage for exploring the dynamic properties of the soutce if independent information on the rupture timing and propagation direction be- comes available. Nevertheless, the examination of the information available for modern earth- quakes shows that in several cases the inaceura- cy of our intensity-based estimates is comp: tole with the uncertainties in instrumental deter minations, 7. Tectonic constraints and implications Although this work was not expressly in- tended to contvibute to the understanding of recent Italian geodynamics, we feel that a dis cussion of our modeling results in the frame- work of the general seismotectonic context of this region may help assessing the ability of the algorithm to evaluate the true location, extent and orientation of major seismogenic source: At the same time, some of our results may sup- port on a more quantitative basis some of the current ideas concerning the Apennines seis- micity. ‘A general conclusion from a simple visual inspection of fig. 5 is that the main earthquake sources of this region align along the crest of the Apennines within a < 50 km-wide corridor, sug- gesting the existence of a relatively simple yet extremely continuous seismogenic belt, This intriguing circumstance was first pointed out exactly 150 years ago by Perey (1848) based on a qualitative examination of intensity data, and has later become the basis for the develop- ment of modern earthquake recurrence models for the region (¢.g., Valensise er al., 1993). No- table exceptions are represented by the 1627, 783 1646, 1731, 1881, 1943, 1948 earthquakes, which following Frepoli and Amato (1997, 2000) could be interpreted as the manifestation of the existence of an active compressive belt rather well separated from the main active extensional belt straddling the crest of the Apennines. A subsequent observation is that there ap- pears to be limited overlap between adjacent sources. This condition supports the earlier as- sumption that our data set of 42 large historical carthquakes is representative of as many indi- vidual sources belonging to a segmented belt. In conjunction with additional tectonic and instru mental evidence, this circumstance may form the basis for a systematic search for potential gaps in historical seismic release throughout the investigated region. ‘The combination of a mildly heterogeneous tectonic regime, some scatter in the input data and some instability in the processing algorithm could indeed be reflected in a tendency for the investigated sources to exhibit a rather scattered orientation. Quite surprisingly, no such tenden- cy appears from the results shown in fig. 5; on the contrary, most of the sources seem to align in a rather orderly fashion along the trend of the Apennines. In particular, while the main sources of the Southern Apennines all trend between N40°W and N6O°W, the sources in- ferred for the two largest shocks of the 1703 sequence (1703a and 1703b in fig. 5) seem 10 testify a known transition from the N70°W- trending Northern Abrutii tectonic structures to the decidedly more north-south tend of the Umbria-Marche Apennines (see, for example, Cello et al., 1997). The only significant depar tures from the general trend concern smalle size, less constrained earthquakes such as the 1639, 1646, 1853, 1873, 1881, 1904, 1933, 1948 Following the interpretation proposed by Valen- sise er al. (1993), at least some of these earth- quakes (particularly those closer to the axis of the Apennines) might reflect the activity of known transverse tectonic lineaments (that is, perpendicular to the main trend of the Apen- nines) which are known to predate the onset of the present stress regime, Overall, our modeling results are compatible with the general notion that the central and south- ern portions of peninsular Italy are actively ex- Paolo Gasperini tending in a direction perpendicular to the local strike of the Apennines. This circumstance has been qualitatively known for some time based on conventional geological evidence (¢.g., Scan- done (1983), but it has been recently demon- strated to hold also for present-day tectonies by Valensise er af. (1993) and Amato and Montone (1997), respectively based on the anailysis of the largest historical earthquakes comprising the Central and Southern Apennines segmented seis- mogenie belt and on a careful examination of divect indicators of the modern stress field (earth- quake focal mechanisms and borehole breakout data). The uniformity of the trend delineated by our intensity-based sources and its consistency with the information supplied by several inde- pendent lines of evidence represent an implicit validation of the approach itself. We recall that our approach relies on the working hypothesis that exch analyzed histori- cal earthquake represents the maximum-size event that can be generated by its respective source. If proven, this hypothesis allows each earthquake to be regarded as an individual char- acteristic source that can be used to construct a fault segmentation model, or to integrate an existing one. 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