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FICHA (2281739)


Actividad de aprendizaje 2 Evidencia 4: Resumen “Product distribution: the






Summary product distribution: the basics

The author wants to express the importance of the means and modes of transport
according to the characteristics of the product in order to be able to bring the client
in optimal conditions taking into account factors such as time and cost. Another
aspect that must be taken into account are the characteristics of the product such
as perishables, if they are dangerous substances, if the merchandise is valuable or
expensive, the quantity of product that is required to be shipped, which are the
means of transportation that are they will use will depend on the conditions that
have been agreed with the client, likewise it is important to take into account to
insure the merchandise and be clear when negotiating what will be
the responsibility that the supplier and the client will assume.
The modes of transport are the highway: it is characterized by its
flexibility, however it is not friendly to the environment, since today companies that
require hiring a company are interested in aspects such as the environment in
many cases is a promise of sale that sets them apart from the competition.
The railway, in comparison with the highway, is usually inflexible and expensive, it
is recommended when it is used for long journeys in which what is transported
goes from the point of origin to destination or in which it is not necessary to use
another mode of transport. This is the transport of coal. However,
there are countries in which this mode shows relevance and great
importance in the transport of merchandise due to the low costs. The air is one
of the fastest to travel long distances, but more expensive because it involves
payment of duties, and usually taxes must be paid, in addition to the merchandise
is measured per kg. The maritime or river: compared to air transport, it is usually
much cheaper, although it has its limitations such as the availability of ports, but it
is very convenient for transporting bulk, solid merchandise and containers,
machinery, vehicles.
We could conclude that the means of transport used to carry out the shipment will
depend on the characteristics of the product and the conditions that have been
negotiated to choose the means of transport and the logistics platform that allows
for better negotiation.

Aduana - customs
Agente de carga – freight agent
Buques – vessels
Calendario – calendar
Costoso – expensive
Embalaje – packaging
Empaque – packing
Envío – shipping
Ferrocarril – rail
Flete aéreo – air freight
Llamativo – striking
Peligroso – dangerous
Perecedero – perishable
Presupuesto – Budget
Productos – products
Proveedor – supplier
Rastreo – tracking
Riesgo – risk
Sistema – system
Transporte – transport
Valioso - valuable

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