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1. Your voice can change during pregnancy.

Throughout pregnancy, increases in estrogen and progesterone levels cause

changes in many parts of a woman's body, including changes to her voice (1).

Examples of changes that affect the voice include the following:

 Postural changes
 Swollen vocal cords
 Increased likelihood of acid reflux

 Postural changes

During pregnancy, hormonal changes cause ligaments to relax, causing changes in the shape
of the chest, back, and pelvis. These postural changes have the potential to completely alter
the support and singing mechanisms. As a result, some women may find that they are unable
to sing, especially during the third trimester. A woman should not push or strain her voice if
this occurs. A woman should remember that her inability to sing is a result of physiological
changes in her body, which will resolve after the baby is born (1).
Swollen vocal cords and altered range of voice

Women experience swelling in various parts of their bodies throughout pregnancy as

a result of fluid retention and other metabolic changes. During this time, the vocal
cords swell as well. This causes the vocal cords to become heavier and stiffer,
making them less pliable. This may have an effect on the woman's overall range
when singing. it is critical that women do not strain or push their voices because
Blood vessels in the vocal cords may rupture or leak. These blood vessels are
already more fragile and prone to being traumatized and tearing. Furthermore,
swollen vocal cords are softer and more prone to tears (1).

Increased likelihood of acid reflux

Acid reflux and indigestion are common complaints among pregnant women. Because of
hormonal changes during pregnancy, the lower esophageal sphincter relaxes, preventing
stomach acids from splashing up into the esophagus. Furthermore, the stomach capacity is
reduced, which increases the likelihood of acid regurgitation when the pregnant woman's
stomach becomes full. Acid reflux causing laryngeal irritation symptoms include a change in
voice, a frequent need to clear the throat, and heartburn (1).

2. Blood volume in the body during pregnancy increases This increase helps with the
extra oxygen needed to support a healthy pregnancy.
By the time of delivery, the total amount of blood in a pregnant woman's body has increased by
approximately 25%. The increase is accounted for by an increase in the total number of red blood
cells as well as an increase in the volume of blood plasma caused by fluid retention. Additional blood
is required to fill the uterus's large vessels. Furthermore, more blood is required to carry the oxygen
and nutrients required by the fetus and maternal tissues, as well as waste products. Furthermore, it
serves as a precautionary measure in the event of a fetal haemorrhage (2).

3. The uterus can expand greatly during pregnancy. During the first trimester, it’s about
the size of an orange. By the third trimester, it expands to the size of a watermelon.

What does the uterus look like?

The uterus is pear-shaped and has a thick muscular wall. It is made up of the fundus, the main
body known as the corpus, and the cervix. The uterine wall is composed of three layers. The
inside has a thin layer called the endometrium, which responds to hormones and sheds during
menstruation. The muscular wall forms the middle layer. The uterus's outer layer is a thin
layer of cells (3).

How does the uterus change during pregnancy?

The size of a woman's uterus grows dramatically during pregnancy as the baby grows. The
fundal height, or the distance from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus, is one way to
estimate growth. Fundal height varies from person to person, and a pregnant woman's uterus
can be affected by a variety of factors. For example, women who are carrying more than one
baby, are overweight or obese, or have certain medical conditions may have a different fundal
height. Also a full bladder will affect fundal height measurement, it is critical to empty your
bladder before each measurement (3).

4. Moms-to-be can start producing breast milk just 14 weeks into their pregnancy.

1. Sally Robertson B. Voice Changes and Pregnancy [Internet].

2022 [cited 13 February 2022]. Available from:
2. 2. pregnancy - Blood [Internet]. Encyclopedia Britannica. 2022 [cited 13 February 2022].
Available from:
3. 3. Anatomy of pregnancy and birth - uterus [Internet]. 2022
[cited 13 February 2022]. Available from:

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