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This section presents the analysis and interpretation of the informations obtained in the

study. Findings were based on the data gathered through transcribed responses. The data are then

analyzed to be presented and discussed.

This section presents the interpretation of transcribed data that are gathered from the

respondents that are categorized into three (3) tables. It includes the forms of challenges, forms

of strategies and methods, and its effects in reading English language.


This part presents gathered data from the respondents in relation to the challenges that the

teachers in Molave West District encountered in addressing non-reader Grade 2 pupils in the new

normal setup. Responses are based on the individual insight and experiences of the participants.


1 Blancia
“The unexpected challenges that I have encountered
No Face-to-Face

upon addressing the non-reader was commonly caused

Class Reading
by the COVID-19 pandemic which is the limited
interaction between the teachers and the pupils.”

“Parents may sometimes neglect their responsibility in Guardian’s

teaching their children how to read with the use of
reading materials. They are usually most focused on
their jobs that sustained their daily needs.
‘Non-readers in this area are lack of reading practice,
since there’s no one who can guide and encourage Lack of Reading

Some of my pupils' parents are having a problem in

signal but still they can find a way to look for a better
Unstable 25
place where a signal is stable that, paves the way for Connection
pupils' improvement in reading.”

” In this mode of learning, learning must be done at

home but it's quite hard for those children who have
No Face-to-Face
parents who cannot read English language. So how do Class Reading
children learn to read English book if there's no one who Interaction
can teach them.”

“The assistance was not properly applied in teaching Guardian’s

Misconduct of
their child how to read in English Language.”

“In handling the non-reader, some of them find reading
as a punishment since they don’t find it very interesting. Lack of
They don't like to read if they don't feel like reading.”

“In this area, non-reader pupils can be easily approach

because they are more privilege in terms of mobile
technology; though the signal is unstable they can look Connection
for ways to look for a better connection.

“The new normal set-up of education was the greatest

No Face-to-Face
challenge of every teacher in addressing the non-readers Class Reading
that highly needs more reading supervision." Interaction
3 Dipolo

"Some of the parents in Dipolo do not have more time

but still they are trying their best to accommodate their Misconduct of
child's need. This affects the reading performance of
their children in the sense that they tend to misconduct
their ways in teaching their children how to read.”

“Non-reader pupils in this area easily divert their

attention in mobile gadgets rather than focusing their Environmental
attention in reading.”

“Since, they are located in lowland area, they may have

this little problem in terms of network, and still their
parents can find a way to look for a place/spot where the Unstable
Connection 26
signal is enough.”

4 Maestrado
"COVID-19 seriously affects today's education and in
No Face-to-Face
terms of addressing the non-reader pupils, it is also the
Class Reading
challenge of the teacher to come up with strategies to
cater the pupils reading needs."

"Parents just let their child do whatever they want is also

a challenge for me as a teacher. They are so lenient to
their child, not knowing it would affect to their child's Leniency
reading performances."

"The challenge I have only encountered in the aspect of

Lack of
the non-reader pupils is the lack of motivation that Motivation
causes them to neglect reading.”

“In terms of network availability, some have WIFI and
others use data network which is still sustainable to use.
Others may have problems on its speed, they just have to
look for a place or area where, strong signal is
"The challenges that I have encountered upon No Face-to-Face
addressing the non-reader pupils in today’s education is Class Reading
rooted with the implementation of the new normal mode Interaction
of education."

“As a teacher, the challenges I have perceived from the

aspects of the parents of my non-reader pupils, is that Guardians’
not all of them knows how to read and write. “
5 Miligan

“Pupils are having a hard time to read especially in

English book, for they tend to work or do something else
instead of reading as what pupils should do at this age."
Distraction 27

“Those who are having problems in terms of signal, can

still look for ways, like loading 90 pesos just to have Unstable
sufficient data network.”

“As a teacher, this challenge hinders the quality

interaction with my pupils resulting in poor reading No Face-to-Face
performance. The outbreak of the pandemic itself is the Class Reading
challenge for the non-reader pupils in today’s set-up of Interaction

“The challenges that I have noticed when it comes to the

6 Rizal parents are that they tend to manipulate the reading Guardians’
Misconduct of
competency of their child.” Assistance

"Pupils' reading interest is the main problem which

affects their reading performance. They need to be Lack of
motivated to practice reading."
“Parents in Rizal have android phones but others still
have problems with signal but, still they can be able to
go to areas or connect with their neighbours’ WIFI."

"The main problem is the implementation of no face- to- No Face-to-Face

face class interaction where I can’t be able to directly Class Reading
address the needs of my non-reader pupils." Interaction

“Parents in this area assist their children but they tend Guardians
Misconduct of
to misconduct it. The approach used is inappropriate.” Assistance

"As I have perceived on the pupils in terms of their

7 Villasis reading performance is that pupils are having a hard
time learning to read as they are not motivated by their
Lack of 28
parents.” motivation

“Some also have Wi-Fi connection, while others are Unstable

using data connection. But there are times signal are Connection
temporarily unstable.”

Alicia “One of the challenges that I encountered in today’s No Face-to-Face

education is that I really had a hard time addressing the Class Reading
non- reader pupils because of the COVID-19 pandemic" Interaction

"They cannot give any teaching to their child about

reading practices for the parents also don’t know how to
read." Guardian’s

"The challenge I have encountered in the aspect of my
pupils, is they do not practice reading. Most of the
Lack of Reading
guardians in upland are illiterate which they cannot Practice
assist and teach their child.”

"Poor network availability is the common issue of Alicia

"Blended learning challenges both the pupils and

No Face-to-Face
teachers in today’s education due to the pandemic and
Class Reading
everyone should adhere to it because it’s the mandate
coming from the DEPED."

“The challenge I have faced towards the aspect of the

parents is that they failed to fully assist their children in
Guardian’s’ 29
terms of reading. Parents are having a hard time in Misconduct of
managing their time to teach.” Assistance

“In my class, the problem I have perceived from my non-

reader pupils is that they are not interested to read. They
Lack of
don’t like reading in the first place which made them Motivation
think that they are already left behind.”

"Pupils in this area are having a hard time coping up Unstable

with this new mode of learning due to the unstable Connection
network connection.”
"Having a no face-to-face class is a barrier in
No Face-to-Face
establishing reading proficiency among the pupils. As a
Class Reading
teacher, I just follow the new protocol and do my best to
thrive in the situation."

"The parents just let their child do what they wanted to

do. If the child doesn't want to study then it’s okay for
them. The parents do not think what would be the result Leniency
on the child’s skill of reading."

"In this time of pandemic, pupils are not motivated to
read as they can't even flip a single page of their module; Lack of
parents usually answer it.”

Lack of Digital
“In Bag-ong Ariosa ES only few guardians has android
phone which is intended for the reading enhancement of
the pupils. And, if some has, still no use due to lack of
network connection.”

11 Gutlang
"You know, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought heavy
challenges not only to me as a teacher but to my pupils No Face-to-Face
as well because we could not closely facilitate the pupils Class Reading
reading performance at home considering the situation Interaction
that we are in nowadays."

"Now in the time of pandemic of learning must be done

at home and the teacher has less interaction of the child.
So if the parents do not know how to read, it affects the Illiteracy
child's reading performances in English Language.”

Lack of Reading
“Most of my pupils did not practice reading especially
those non-reader pupils, they tend to have an illiterate
guardian, they were not guided properly in terms of
Lack of Digital
“Not all is privilege in terms of technology. The place is
located in a far-flung barangay and is impossible to have
a good network connection.”

12 Lower
Dimorok "You know what, there are so many challenges that I
encountered upon addressing the non-reader pupils but No Face-to-Face
the effect of the pandemic is really on top it all because Class Reading
conducting a reading test is very impossible through Interaction
distant learning."

"Parents are having a hard time to accommodate the

reading performances of their child because they Guardian’s
themselves don’t know how to read.”

"Most of the parents of my non-reader pupils are

illiterate so, it would affect the reading skills and
performance of the pupils based on the assessment that Lack of Reading
Practice 31
was given to them.”

“Having mobile technologies are not efficient when Lack of Digital

network connection is very poor." Devices
"Today with the uncontrollable rising of the pandemic No Face-to-Face
cases, I find it literally hard to address those pupils who Class Reading
can't read.” Interaction

"In all aspects, the parents had the most challenging

when it comes to the motivation of the child to learn. The
parents were no able to guide their child on reading. Leniency
They let them do whatever they want.”

13 Malili
“As a teacher, I noticed that the non-reader pupil’s lack
of motivation towards reading affected their reading Lack of

Lack of Digital
"Poor network connection and less mobile technologies
are the common problems that, we teachers, pupils,
guardians are facing."

"Today's educational learning set-up is the inevitable No Face-to-Face

challenge for me as a teacher because I can't able to see Class Reading
my pupils.” Interaction

14 Silangit
"The parents who were unable to read an English
language affects the pupil’s reading performances. If no
one could teach and assist the child in reading, it would
result a slow reading progress." Guardian’s
"This problem would really affect the child especially
when it comes to reading, no one's gonna teach them Environmental
how to read or assist their learning needs.”

Lack of Digital
"In terms of technology, availability of android phones Devices
are only limited." and

"Due to the pandemic, addressing the non-reader pupils

is a challenging task for me as a teacher, because my No Face-to-Face
pupils are so distant and conducting reading strategies Class Reading
that would cater their reading needs, is a must in today’s Interaction

"It is the most crucial part here in upland area in which

the parents could not give any teachings to their child.
Parents were not able to read an English Language and Illiteracy
15 Simata
so the child's proficiency in reading has a less progress."

“Non-reader pupils tend to have a slow progress in

Slow learner
reading. It is on the child’s reading capacity which
affects their reading performance."

“Though, they have mobile technologies the problem is Unstable

the network connection.”
"It's just so devastating that today, out of all the
challenges I encountered, the strict implementation of no
No Face-to-Face
face-to-face class is really the problem in addressing the
Class Reading 33
non-reader pupils."

"Guardians in this area tend to tolerate their children,

instead of teaching them how to read, they’ll be the one
to answer it and children are not given the chance to Leniency

"Focus is a problem of every non-reader, they need

someone to push them into reading. The unwillingness of
Lack of Reading
a child to read can affect their reading skills and Practice
performance as well."

"Santo Rosario is located in a far-flung barangay where,

network connection is very poor." Connection

“Now, with the latest challenge that the pandemic had

brought to everyone, I really find it difficult on how to No Face-to-Face
1 Upper address the non-reader pupils in the midst of no face to Class Reading
7 Dimorok
face class interaction. How am I able to reach out to my Interaction
pupils if this will continue to happen?”
“Guardians don’t have the capabilities to teach their
pupils to read, because they themselves don’t even know Guardian’s
how to read and write.”


"In this mode of learning, learning must be done at home

but it's quite hard for those children who have parents
which cannot read English language. So how do children Environmental
learn to read English book if there's no one who can
teach them."

“The network connection here is really weak you just

have to look for an area where your phone can absorb
signal. That's we, teachers, are doing when we do this on Connection
call evaluation to our student’s reading performance."

Table 1: Forms of Challenges

Table 1 shows the challenges encountered by the Grade 2 teachers from the 17 schools of

Molave West District in addressing the non-reader pupils in blended learning.

The result shows that among the 17 respondents, the majority of them answered “No

Face-to-Face Class Reading Interaction”. The existence of Coronavirus disease affects

everyone, specifically in the field of primary education. It is one of the main challenges in

addressing the non-reader pupils as perceived by the teachers.

Non-reader pupils were used to face-to-face direct assistance in learning how to read.

Furthermore, it is a struggle for teachers to reach out their pupils due to the strict protocols

implemented by the government. Bozkurt and Sharma (2020) assert that the rapid, unexpected

and ‘forced’ shifting of classes from face-to-face to new mode of learning entails both numbers

of risks and challenges that need to be examined. Thus, the implementation of no face-to-face

class is a huge adjustment for both learners and teachers, especially in reading. 35
"Guardian's Illiteracy" was answered by the 6 respondents as forms of challenges

perceived by the teachers in Molave West District. Parent’s illiteracy has a huge impact since the

children’s basic education starts at home. At some point, children deprived in the joy of reading

since their guardians don't even integrate reading at home. Thus, failure of parental involvement

is a huge struggle for the teachers since they are obliged to integrate the reading material towards

the non-reader pupils. According to Cornille (2004), the earlier parents get entangled in their

children's literacy practices, the more profound the results and the longer-lasting the


In the parent's aspect, the figure above shows that out of 17 respondents there are 5 of

them stated that the guardians become lenient. "Guardian's Leniency" is an act of giving too

much freedom and tolerating a child's behavior. When a child is given too much freedom, they

tend to wander and create their own space. Thus, taking disciplinary action is essential for the

guardians to guide their child towards their reading practices. It usually occurs when the learning

must be done at home, especially now that we adapt a new normal education.

This challenge occurs when parents never prioritize in motivating and assisting their

child. Sahani Sanjay (2007) stated that the child's first school is at home, and his or her parents

are the first teachers. They not only guide the child on his or her developmental path, but they
also model appropriate behavior through their actions. The guardian's leniency indicates a risk of

spoiling the child that causes their reading performances to decrease and conflict with the child's

reading mastery in the English language.

"Guardian's Misconduct of Assistance" is one of the leading forms of challenges

perceived by the teachers in addressing the non-readers. As perceived by the teachers, the

modules were usually not answered by the pupils. Guardians assist non-reader pupils; however,

they tend to skip the burden of teaching their children for extensive hours. As a result, pupils

skipped their opportunity to read while answering their learning modules. Parental assistance is

crucial in partaking the role of the teacher especially in this blended learning

In the pupils’ aspect, 7 respondents answered "Lack of Motivation” as a challenge for

the teachers in addressing the non-reader pupils based on their willingness to read. This new

mode of learning affected the non-reader pupils' interest to exert more effort in practicing reading

with the assistance of the guardians. According to McGeown, Goodwin, Henderson, & Wright

(2012), reading is an activity generally requiring both effort and interest; therefore, the reading

skill of children has been correlated with their reading motivation.

“Lack of Reading Practice" is the one of the form of challenges answered by 5

respondents especially in the upland schools, where most parents are illiterate and less capable of

providing resources for their children’s needs. Thus, children struggle to read at home. Reading

practice is an essential process in which will enhance a child's reading skills. It is the best way

for a child to read the basic English language. According to Margarett Artwort (2008), reading

and writing is like everything else improves with practice. Children need to practice reading

which can be helpful for a fast reading improvement. In this way, they will discover how to read

letter sounds, syllables, and words. 

"Environmental Distraction" is one of the various forms of challenges faced by the

pupils in this pandemic as perceived by the teachers. Environmental factors influence everything

the children experience in terms of learning at home, wherein some of them tend to easily divert

their attentions on other matters. According to Petrill (2008), regardless of where children start as

far as reading skills, and the impact that genetics and environment had on their initial skills, we

found that their environment had an impact in how fast or how slowly those reading skills

developed. 37

Some children chose to help their parent than to read as they prefer to survive in this

pandemic, in particular to the upland areas. In the lowland areas, children tend to play online

games and other recreational activities rather than to read. The children divert their attention

which can cause slow progress in reading.

"Slow Learner" is the least answered form of challenge based on the data gathered. 

Slow learner pupils were those who were having a hard time to developed reading skills

(Fletcher et al., 2007). A non-reader pupil/s may tend to learn how to read step by step. These

pupils were those who could not blend syllables or read even a three-letter word. Pupils may

have these difficulties in reading by nature. Thus, this challenge is not totally a struggle because

it is a basically part in the reading process of a child that the teacher’s should address in the first


"Lack of Digital Device" is one of the common problems of today’s education in

particular to those less fortunate learners. It serves as the means of communication between the

parents and teachers. Results revealed that upland areas have high rates of shortage of mobile
technology. It is a challenge for both teachers and guardians to communicate. Thus, mobile

technology is necessary for blended learning.

According to Bayne (2014), technology not only provides students with access to a wide

array of online resources, but it also aids them in the learning process. One way of reaching the

pupils in this time of pandemic is through the use of technology. It is one way for the teachers to

facilitate the reading performance of every nonreader pupil/s. Guardians in the lowland areas

have cellular phones, whereas, in upland areas, some of them do not have any. Furthermore, not

all guardians had the privilege to have mobile gadgets intended for their child's educational needs

due to their socio-economic status.


“Unstable Connection" implies that it is struggle of the teachers in handling the non-

reader pupils in today's education since face-to-face interaction is prohibited. Based on the data

gathered, this challenge is common in the upland non-reader pupils lived in a far-flung barangays

with no signal connections at all. Keypad phone users in upland areas have a strong signal

connection, but not all could buy a prepaid load intended for their children's reading needs. Thus,

it affects the pupil's and teacher's reading interaction through phone calls.

It is also a common problem in lowland areas, some of the pupil's parents and guardians

had an unstable network connection even though accessing a prepaid load is not a burden in

terms of their children's reading needs. As a result, reading alternatives such as virtual reading

and phone call reading relies on the stability of the signal, through WiFi, data, and network



This part presents the forms of strategies and methods of the Grade 2 teachers in Molave

West District in addressing the non-reader pupils in new normal education. It indicates how the

teachers respond to the challenges they have faced in blended learning.

“In this new normal education, what I
Reading Video
normally did was have the parents video
their child reading for 5 minutes and
1 Blancia and
submit it to me via messenger. The
Distribution of
alternative reading materials I have used
Reading Toolkit
so far is the reading toolkit, it includes
flashcards and reading workshop.”

“My strategies and methods for the non- Distribution of

readers is that I conduct is video reading

Reading Toolkit

2 Bliss documentation send via messenger with and

reading toolkit.” Reading Video

3 Dipolo Distribution of
Reading Toolkit

“In order to deal with the challenges I've and

seen thus far, I've allowed parents to take Reading Video

a video on their children while reading Documentation

and send it to me through messenger. I

used reading toolkit as an alternative
material for the non-reader since it can
provide them a well-arranged workshop
that will help them their reading
“I handle this challenge by conducting a
virtual reading once a week through
Virtual Reading
Google meets in order to assess them
4 Maestrado properly. I believe the most often used
Distribution of
reading materials in terms of reading are
Reading Toolkit
the reading toolkits provided by the
School Division.”

“By doing a phone call reading, I am

able to address some of the challenges Distribution of
I've had with non-readers. I used flash Reading Toolkit
5 Miligan
cards and a reading worksheet as and
alternate reading material, with their Phone Call Reading
parents or siblings guiding or assisting

“The method I employed was virtual

Virtual Reading
reading, which will help pupils in the
6 Rizal reading process. I also provide my non-
Distribution of
reader students reading worksheets or a
Reading Toolkit
reading toolkit from the School

7 Villasis Reading Video

“In terms of the challenges I've Documentation
encountered with non-reader pupils, I've and
found that they are the results of parental Distribution of
mismanagement, that’s why I use the Reading Toolkit
method reading video documentation
where their parents or siblings will take
video on the child while reading. I
provide them a reading toolkit to use as
reading material while they are at home
and for them to be familiar with words
and pronunciation.”

“Some of the problems they face is that

they are mentally challenged, which is
why I address them by doing a house-to- House-to-House
house visitation twice a month to evaluate Reading Visitation
Alicia my non-reader students' reading abilities And
an the reading toolkit which I use as an Distribution of
alternative reading material will Reading Toolkit
persuade them to read.”

“I conduct a house-to-house visitation to

assess their reading ability and in order
House-to- House
to teach them how to read with two or
Reading Visitation

three syllables. As a teacher, I used the


9 Bag-ongArgao and
reading toolkit, which includes flashcards
Distribution of
and reading worksheets, to provide them
Reading Toolkit
with a better source of reading, and their
siblings will just assist them.”

10 Bag-ong Ariosa Phone Call Reading

“As a teacher, dealing with this and
challenge, particularly in terms of Distribution of
reading, is not simple. Since they have Reading Toolkit
keypad phones and some have android
phones, I use phone call reading twice a
week as a means to assess my students.
As for alternative reading materials, in
addition to the module that is supplied for
the pupils, I give them with a reading

“I only go house to house twice a month

to assess their reading proficiency in
some way. I'll be able to evaluate and
supervise my non-reader pupils. I also
Reading Visitation
used the reading toolkit, which includes
11 Gutlang and
flash cards and reading worksheets, to
Distribution of
give them with better and more credible
Reading Toolkit
reading material while they were at

“As a teacher, I do house-to-house

reading visits to address these challenges House-to-House
in order to facilitate reading difficulty of Reading Visitation

12 Lower Dimorok my non-reader pupils. Although some of and

my pupils are mentally challenged, I Distribution of
utilized a reading toolkit as an alternative Reading Toolkit
reading resource.”

13 Malili House-to-House
“One of the methods I utilized was a Reading Visitation
weekly house-to-house reading visitation and
to evaluate their reading proficiency and Distribution of
to see if they could improve. The reading Reading Toolkit
toolkit is the most common alternative
reading resource utilized by teachers. ”
“I feel it necessary to conduct a house to
house visitation as a teacher. As for my
alternative reading material, I used the
Reading Visitation
reading toolkit in order to develop their
14 Silangit and
reading proficiency since reading toolkit
Distribution of
includes flash cards and worksheets that
Reading Toolkit
will open their mind to read because
there are pictures.”

“As a teacher, I handle this challenge by

conducting a house-to-house reading House-to-House
visitation twice a month in order to assess Reading Visitation

15 Simata and evaluate their reading proficiency. As and

for the alternative reading materials, I Distribution of
used the reading toolkit as a guide and a Reading Toolkit
credible source for reading to those non-
reader pupils.”

Reading Video
“ I used video reading documentation in Documentation
16 Santo. Rosario
this area with the aid of reading toolkit” and
Distribution of
Reading Toolkit

“I utilize phone call reading twice a week

to assess them because they have keypad
phones and some have android phones. I
Phone Call Reading
used the reading toolkit as an alternative
17 Upper Dimorok and
reading material, which contains flash
Reading Toolkit
cards and reading worksheets, to provide
them with better and more credible
reading material.”

Table 2: Forms of Strategies and Methods`

Table 2 shows how the teachers in Molave West District addressed the non-reader

pupils in this new normal education. It indicates how the respondents used various strategies and

methods in response to the challenges they have encountered in handling a non-reader pupils.

The “Distribution of Reading Toolkit” is the leading strategy used by the teachers in

both upland and lowland areas. It is a substitute for books, flashcards and reading worksheets

that are included to provide a reliable source of reading material. Moreover, teachers used the

reading toolkit to encourage students, particularly those who are non-readers, to practice reading

at home with the assistance of their parents. This toolkit is being provided by the Department of

Education to enhance the reading quality and learning experience of the pupils despite of this

pandemic. According to Belloni and Jongsma's (1978), pupils are eager to read when they have

reading materials to read.


Reading toolkit contains reading lessons sent at home for the pupils that will enable the

child's parents and teachers to addressed the weakness of the non-reader pupils. The integration

of this strategy in the reading practice of the non-reader pupils promotes good results if the child

put extra effort towards their reading development. The progress of the child in reading

determines how well they used the reading toolkit upon practicing their reading skills with the

assistance of their parents.

“House-to-House Reading Visitation” is one of the forms of strategies and methods that

teachers used when face-to-face interaction is the only option to guide the non-readers by

following safety protocols. In this new normal education, face-to-face class is not allowed; thus,

materials and guidance of teacher in terms of reading were commonly done through distance
learning. At some point, not all non-reader pupils have internet connection and some were living

in remote areas where network connectivity is weak or unavailable. The involvement of teachers

and parents in reading activities at home has a significant positive impact not only on reading

achievement, language comprehension, and expressive language skills (Gest, 2004).

This strategy is commonly applied to those inaccessible areas where unstable internet and

signal connection is weak in particular to upland school in Molave West District. This strategy

was commonly done twice a week by the teachers. Moreover, a guardian who cannot provide

enough assistance due to illiteracy also needs house-to-house reading visitation to support the

non-readers reading development.

“Reading Video Documentation” is also utilized by the respondents based on the

gathered data. This strategy is for non-reader pupils whose parents have android phones but

failed to join virtual reading due to poor signal connection. It is commonly used in lowland areas

where parents were asked by the teachers to use their android phones to take a recorded video on

their children while they read.


According to Hovland, Lumsdaine, and Sheffield (2020), educators have recognized the

power of audio-visual documentation to capture learner performance, particularly in home

schooling. The reading video documentation served as a substitute strategy for virtual reading.

At some point, the parents will send the video via messenger. Moreover, lowland and some of

the upland teachers ask the parents to present the video whenever they are about to meet up upon

getting the modules on the scheduled day since children are not allowed to go out from their

“Phone Call Reading” is one of the utilized strategies. Result showed that this strategy

is available in both upland and lowland areas. It is a strategy available to those who only use

keypad phones. Most of the parents in this area are using keypad phones, which is applicable for

phone call reading. The teacher used this strategy in accessible areas, where data or network

connection is available. Klingner (2007) asserts that, audio-assisted reading allows students to

read along in their books over the phone while their teacher hears them on an audio recording.

This is also convenient to both parents and teachers since it can be done anytime on their

respective areas. Most of the guardians owned a mobile technology that could be useful as a way

of hearing the audio of their pupils’ oral reading performance.

Phone call reading is done with the assistance of the parents so that the child must be able

to concentrate their attention into its reading practices. The teacher allows the non-reader pupils

to read via phone call using the reading toolkit that they handed to the parents. The teacher’s

observation and assistance during the child's phone call reading practice would slowly help the

pupils to learn to read English language one step at a time.


Based on the results, Out of 7 respondents in lowland area, 2 of them answered “Virtual

Reading”. This is being applied in schools of Maestrado and Rizal ES which is accessible to

WiFi and data connection. Most guardians are android user and some of them has computer. It is

found out that this strategy is suitable for reading practice through online in this area. This

strategy is more convenient to the guardians who have technology and stable signal connectivity.
Virtual Reading is done via online. Reading online is one of the easier ways in

communicating with pupils. However, it is not applicable in upland or any area which has weak

signal. This strategy is used to observe the pupil’s reading performance in this new mode of

learning. Wallace (2003) highlighted the growing interest in comprehending the role of the web-

based teacher. She claims that web-based teachers should be able to "create presence in online

reading through a variety of techniques such as reader facilitation, direct instruction, and student



This part presents the effects of the utilized methods and strategies by the Grade 2

teachers in Molave West District to the non-reader pupils in learning to read English language.
This includes the teacher’s personal insight towards the reading performances of the Grade 2

non-reader pupil as interpreted below.


“So far, the performance of my non-reader

pupils was improving because of the fact that
1 Blancia those alternative strategies help them in reading
slowly and gradually. All of them can now read 3
letter words.”

“Upon using the reading toolkit and reading

video documentation, the performance of the

non-reader pupils were slowly improving. Most

2 Bliss
of them can read 3 letter words like cat, bat, mat.
I have noticed that these methods work well with
the non- readers.”

3 Dipolo

“The alternative reading strategies are effective

in addressing the forms of challenges especially
here in the lowland area. Most of the non-
readers in this area are improving due to much
privilege and is more driven to technology. They
can read letter words already.”
“The alternative reading strategies and methods
is effective here in this lowland school. All of the 48
non-readers under me now can able to read
4 Maestrado phrases and sentences. The effectiveness of the
methods used stems also from the parental
support and assistance with their child's reading

"The effectiveness of the methods is clearly seen

here in the lowland area the pupils here
participated in strategies and methods I have
5 Miligan conducted. The non-reader pupils improve to
read as time goes by. Most of the non-readers,
I’ve seen changes on their skill of reading like
they can already blend syllables”.

“I used a reading toolkit and virtual reading

instead to cater my non-reader pupils. Most of
them fully transcends into in to the reader
category from being a non-reader like they can
6 Rizal
read sentences and phrases. . Virtual reading
gives reading opportunities to the less fortunate
pupils who cannot join in online reading

7 Villasis

“As a teacher, since I used these strategies and

methods, I have noticeably seen the
improvements of my non-reader pupils. Majority
of them can read 3 letter words.”
“I had conducted a house to house visitation
twice a week and handed my pupils a reading49
toolkit for them to read. These strategies
8 Alicia
improved the performance of my pupils in
reading. I’m glad that all of them can already
blend syllables.”

“Distributions of reading toolkit is used in

reading especially for the non-reader pupils to
practice but their performance is still the same.
9 Bag-ong Argao
Most of them had no improvement seen towards
their reading performance like even blending of
sounds. “

“The strategies and methods that I had

conducted had develops the reading skills of my
non-reader pupils. Most of them still cannot read
but atleast they can blend sounds already.
10 Bag-ong Ariosa
Improvements towards the reading performances
of the Grade 2 pupils mainly because their
parents assist them when they are about to
practice reading.”

11 Gutlang

“One of my major ways in addressing the non-

reader pupils is that I conducted house-to-house
reading visitation and also distributed a reading
toolkit. Majority of the non-reader’s
performances are stagnant. They don’t still even
know how to blend sounds.”

“Using a new method of teaching in the no face- 50

to-face mode of education just like conducting a
house to house visitation and distributing a
12 Lower Dimorok reading in addressing my non-reader pupils, I
had noticed that the reading performance of my
pupils were improving. They can read few letter
words like man, pan, and van.”

“I have conducted several alternative reading

strategies just to cater the reading needs of my
non-reading pupils but with the usage of house
to house visitation and giving a reading toolkit.
13 Malili Furthermore, these methods is well suited to my
non-reader pupils because they are situated in
upland areas where they had no phones and the
data connection is unstable. Most of them can
now blend syllables.”

14 Silangit
“Conducting new strategies and methods just
like a house to house reading visitation
especially in a far-flung barangay would also
affect the reading performances of the child.
These methods were appropriate for my pupil’s
situation considering that they lived the upland
area where there's no access of internet
connection. Non-reader pupils under me cannot
still able to read or blend syllables.”


“We all know that the unavailability of mobile

phones is present in this area and even the
15 Simata
connection is not that enough in laying a phone
call reading for the pupils. The changes in
reading performance of my non-reader pupil is
somewhat developed as time, actually most of
them can now blend sounds.”

"The reading performance of my non-reader

pupils specifically when I chose to conduct a
house to house reading visitation is useful in
Santo. Rosario upland area. Their reading performance was
improving though their parents do not usually
assist them because of their farm related works.
Most of them can now blend syllable unlike their
performance before.”

“These alternative reading strategies is suited in

the pupils aspect and condition. They lived in
Upper Dimorok upland areas and so they cannot participate in
online reading. Those non-reader pupils of mine
have no changes the way they read.”
Table 3: Effect in Reading English Language

Table 3 shows the effects to non-reader pupils in reading in English Language as

perceived by Grade 2 teachers in Molave West District. The responses shown above illustrates

how the challenges in this new normal education are addressed through utilizing strategies and

methods of the teachers that affects the reading skills of the non-readers in English language.
One of the desirable effects of the teachers towards non-reader pupils is to become

“Readers who read sentences and phrases”. The coping mechanism upon addressing the non-

reader is effective within the 2 schools in the lowland area, in Rizal and Maestrado Elementary

school as perceived by the teachers. However, this effect was not acquired by the non-readers in

the upland area due to the shortcoming on resources, parents’ assistance and accessibility of the


According to Anderson (2017), reading strategies are believed to be essential for pupils'

reading proficiency, and reading strategies teach students how to handle their reading effectively.

The effectiveness of teachers' strategies matters in a pupil's reading performance. The assistance

from the guardians and teach ers, resources available and the capacity of the pupils to cope up

with this new mode of learning has positive effects in the pupil’s reading performances in

reading English language.

“Readers who can read only 3 letter words (CVC)” is the majority effect based on the

teacher’s perspective in the lowland area. Pupils under this category have improvements in their

reading performance within a school year. The reading performances of the pupils can be

justified through reading of consonant, vowels, and consonant or (CVC) words. It is words that

are considered the simplest words for emerging the pupils to decode by blending the three

sounds together. According to the data gathered lowland non-reader pupils were taught phonics
sounds of letters with the assistance of their parent and usually with the help of educational

videos online.

In the upland area, it is not totally acquired by the non-reader pupils based on the

perspective of the teachers. Non-reader pupils in upland schools were highly affected due to its

lack of resources, guardian’s illiteracy and limited interactions of the teacher due to

uncontrollable circumstances. 53

Based on the study, lowland area has the least numbers of pupils who are stuck in “Non-

readers who can only blend sounds and syllables”. These are the non-readers who ascended

from the pupils who were labelled as non-reader who cannot blend sounds and syllables at all.

Non-reader pupils in lowland tend to ascend more in learning to read than the pupils in

upland schools. Non-readers in this area are privilege in terms of technology. Digital devices are

crucial in terms of communicating with teachers, where their reading performances are being

assessed through the aid of strategies and methods employed.

Non-readers who can only blend syllables was the leading effect of non-readers in upland

area. This implicates a poor reading progress on the non-readers’ performance. Pupils in this

area tend to struggle more in terms of their reading performances in this time of pandemic, where

huge adjustments happen especially in terms of resources and learning environment.

According to Christo, Davis, and Brock (2009), when an appropriate environment and

guidance are provided, pupils with reading difficulties can perform similarly to their peers who

know how to read. It is crucial to provide appropriate aids for pupils to overcome their reading

difficulties, and with the guidance of parents, a child's reading proficiency can be improved.
Based on the results, there were no “Non-readers who cannot blend any sounds at all”

among the 17 respondents in the lowland area. The accessibility of resources and internet/data

connection helps the most and serves as reason why most of the non-reader pupils improved.

Guardian’s literacy and assistance contributed to the child’s learning how to read English


In upland area, the reading performances of the non-reader pupils have no changes or

progress at all. Thus, non-readers who cannot blend sounds at all is the second leading effect

based on the data. Pupils were taught of blending sound by the teachers but still remain non-

readers within a year. Parent’s assistance is neglected due to some factors where non-readers

cannot blend sounds at all. Most of the guardians are illiterate and are less capable to provide the

non-reader pupils necessary resources needed for the reading practice.

Chall and Jacobs (1983) asserts that, many illiterate parents who are unable to support

their child greatly affect their child's performance in school because they are unable to guide and

assess them, which may result in failure of reading performance as well as academic


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