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NUMBERS SP / SDP Type Blast Radius
Point Blank (Touching to 1m).. ......... 10 Office/Sheetrock Wall 5 / 15 per m² Grenade 1m per die of dmg
Close (1/4 Long range) ..…………........ 15 Concrete Block Wall 10 / 30 per m² Gas Grenade 3m
Medium (1/2 Long range) ……....….... 20 Reinforced Wall 20 / 60 per m² Molotov 2m / liter
Long (Full range)..............….....…....… 25
Brick Wall 25 / 75 per m² Flame Thrower 2m
Extreme (2x Long range) ……………..... 30
Stone Wall 30 / 90 per m² Cyberlimb flamer 1m
External Wall 50 / 150 per m² Mine 2m
LINE OF SIGHT AND Floor/Ceiling 25 / 75 per m² Claymore 6m line from explosion
COVER MODIFIERS Heavily Reinforced 100/ 300 per m² C-6 5m / kg
Floor RPG 4m
Target silhouetted ............................ +2 Office/Wood Door 5 / 15 Missile 6m
Target crouched/kneeling ....…........ -1 Heavy Wood Door 15 / 45 Shotgun (Close) 1m
Target prone ...................................... -2 Concealed Security 15 / 45 Shotgun (Med) 2m
Half body visible ............................... -2 Door Shotgun (Lng/Ext) 3m
Head and shoulders only visible ...... -3 Steel/Security Door 20 / 60 Micromissile 2m each
Blinded …………….. ........................ -5 Reinforced Steel Door 50 / 150
Head only ........................................... -4 Plexiglas Window 12 / 15 per m²
Behind someone else ......................... -4 Bulletproof Glass 15 / 45 per m²
External Windows 25 / 75 per m²
RANGED COMBAT TO-HIT Car Body, Door 10 / 30
Data Term 25 / 75
MODIFIERS Mailbox 25 / 75
Extra actions .......…....... -3/extra action Curb 25 / 75
Using off hand …………........................ -3 Armored Fridge 30 / 90 7 8 9
Using two weapons ..……....... -3 on both Weapon Emplacement 30 / 90
Firing while running .........………......... -3
Tree, Phone Pole 30 / 90
Firing a shoulder arm from hip …........ -2 5 TARGET 6
Concrete Utility Pole 35 / 105
Fast draw/Snapshot ..............……….... -3
Engine Block 35 / 105
Ambush/Surprise attack ....………....... +5
Hydrant 35 / 105
Silencer/Suppressor ...........…….......... -1 2 3 4
Aimed shot at vitals .....……................ -6 Armored Car Body 40 / 120

Aimed shot at head, hands, feet …..... -4 AV-4 Body 40 / 120

Aimed shot at stomach ..……………...... -3 Jersey Barrier 40 / 120

Aimed shot at arms, thighs …….......... -2
Aimed shot at chest ...…………….......... -1 PROPORTIONAL ARMOR
Bipod (stationary & braced…...... +1 to 2 TABLE Roll 1D10 if grenade misses. Roll 2nd
Gyro-Mount …………………................... -1
Difference in Bonus 1D10 for meters from target space
Turning to face target ………….……….... -2
Ricochet or indirect fire ……………........ -5 SP's Number
Loser of Facedown ...…......…………...... -3 0-4 +5
Target immobile …………….................. +4 5-8 +4
Moving target.................................... -1 Type Effect Damage
9-14 +3
(add'l -1 per 2 pts of MA above 5) Hallucinogen Confusion -4 INT
15-20 +2
Tiny target (bullseye, eye, vital area).. -6 Nausea Illness -4 REF
21-26 +1
Small target (body location, <1m) ......-4 Teargas Tearing -2 REF
27+ +0
Large target (car, large animal) …...... +2 Sleep Sleep** None
Very large target (truck, wall) ……...... +4 Biotoxin I Death 4D6
Aiming (max +3) .………….......... +1/turn BOD DAMAGE MODIFIERS Biotoxin II Death 8D6
Laser sight …………………........…........... +1 Body Hand to Hand Cast Weapon Nerve Toxin Death 8D10
Telescopic sight ... +2 Ext, +1 Med/Long 1-2 -1 -1 **Half effect is drowsiness, -2 to all stats
Targeting scope ………………….............. +1 3-4 0 0
Scopesight ............ +2 Long/Ext, +1 Med 5-6 +1 +1
Computer Sights .… +3 Long/Ext,+2 Med 7-8 +2 +1
Smartgun …………............................... +2 9-10 +3 +1
Smartgoggles …................................. +2 11-12 +4 +2
Three round burst (Close/Medium)... +3 13-14 +6 +3
Full auto, Close ......……….......+1/10 rnds 15+ +8 +4
Full auto, all other ……........... -1/10 rnds
Autoshotgun ...........…….....-2/add'l shot

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