Drug Study Joyciee

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Name of student: __________________________________ Section and Group number:_____________________________

Name of CI:_______________________________________ Area of Exposure:_____________________________________

Name of Drug Frequency/ Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing
Timing/Route Action Responsibilities

Generic Name: 0.01- Relaxes bronchial Cardiac  Hypersensitivity CNS: cerebral 1. Have an alpha-adrenergic
Epinephrine 0.03mg /kg IV smooth muscle by Resuscitation to drug hemorrhage, blocker or facilities for
(0.1 – 0.3 stimulating beta2 vertigo, intermittent positive
Brand Name: ml/kg dose of receptors and  Cardiac subarachnoid pressure breathing
Adrenaline, 1:10,000 alpha and beta arrhythmias or hemorrhage readily available in case
Adrenaclick solution) receptors in the tachycardia pulmonary edema occurs
sympathetic CV: ventricular 2. Use extreme caution
nervous system fibrillation, when calculating and
altered ECG, preparing doses as this is
widened pulse a very potent drug
pressure, 3. Protect drug solutions
from light, extreme heat
Respiratory: and freezing
dyspnea, 4. Make resuscitation
respiratory equipment readily
difficulties available
5. Prepare drug for
Skin: Pallor, anaphylactic shock
urticaria 6. Monitor heart rate, blood
pressure, pulse
Other: tissue 7. Cardiac monitor must be
necrosis attached to neonate
8. Discard solution if it’s
discolored or contains
precipitate or after 24
9. Don’t mix with alkaline
solutions. Consult a drug
reference for more
10. Don’t give autoinjectors

Name of Drug Dosage/ Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing

Frequency/ Action Responsibilities

Generic Name: 0.01 mg/kg IV, May displace Known or  Hypersensitivity CNS: tremors 1. Give continuous infusion
Naloxone IM, or subcut opioid analgesics suspected to drug to control adverse effect
hydrochloride from their opioid-induced CV: ventricular of epidural morphine
receptors respiratory fibrillation, 2. Dilute 2mg of drug in 500
Brand Name: (competitive depression, ventricular ml D5w or NSS to yield a
Narcotan, Nalox antagonism); drug including that tachycardia, HTN concentration of 0.04
has no cause by with higher-than- mg/ml; use within 24
pharmacologic pentazocine, recommended hours
activity of its own methadone, doses 3. Monitor neonate for
nalbuphine, opioid withdrawal signs
and EENT: edema, and symptoms
butorphanol congestion, 4. Drug may increase the
inflammation respiratory rate within 1
to 2 minutes
GI: vomiting 5. Monitor respiratory
depth and rate.
Skin: diaphoresis, 6. Provide oxygen,
injection-site ventilation and other
pain and resuscitation measures as
erythema needed
7. Don’t confuse naloxone
with naltrexone
8. Reassure family that
neonate will be
monitored closely until
effects of opioid resolve
9. Instruct caregivers that
naloxene administration
can precipitate acute
opoiod withdrawal
symptoms ,which can be
fatal to neonate
10. Instruct caregivers on the
use of autoinjector and to
seek emergency care as
soon as possible when
it’s used

Name of Drug Dosage/ Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing

Frequency/ Action Responsibilities

Generic Name: 10-20 ml/kg Replacement of Suspected  Respiratory or  Hypernatremia 1. Observe for signs of
Volume prn IV circulating blood blood loss metabolic extravasation
Expanders volume and/or the alkalosis  Rapid 2. Observe routine
infant appears  Infants with administration electrolyte to ensure
Brand Name: to be in shock renal may associated serum sodium is within
(pale, poorly impairment with normal range
perfused and intraventricullar 3. Administer drug as
with weak hemorrhage prescribed
pulses) and has 4. Rate of infusion should
not responded  Tissue necrosis not exceed to the
adequately to recommended rate of
other infusion of no more than
resuscitative 1 ml of bicarbonate IV
measures per minute
5. Dilute prior to use 1:1
with sterile water for
6. Filter prior to
administration through a
5 micron filter
7. Administer by slow IV
injection and the rate not
to exceed 1
8. Incompatible with
calcium. Compatible with
NS, D5W, D10W
9. Stop Iv fluid. Flus with NS
before and after
10. Observe the 10 rights of
administering the
Name of Drug Dosage/ Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing
Frequency/ Action Responsibilities

Generic Name: 1 mEq/kg IV Acts as an  Cardiac  Hypocalcemia Metabolic: 1. Observe for signs of
Sodium slowly alkalinizing agent Arrest  Patient on pulmonary alkalosis as a sign of over
Bicarbonate followed by 1 by releasing sodium restriced edema treatment
mEq/kg every bicarbonate ions. 2. Assess neonate’s fluid
Brand Name: 10 minutes of Skin: severe balance throughout the
arrest tissue damage therapy
following 3. Pay attention to fluid
extravasations of overload such as
IV solution hypertension, edema,
DOB, rales or crackles
GI: belching 4. Assess for alkalosis by
monitoring the neonate
Other: altered breathing pattern
hypernatremia, 5. Observe sites closely.
reduction in CSF Extravasion should be
pressure, avoided as tissue
intracranial irritation or cellulitis may
hemorrage occur
6. Hyperkalemia should be
assessed by monitoring
signs and symptoms such
as U wave on ECG,
7. Do not use if unclear or
contains precipitate
8. Administer drug as
9. Administer drug
observing the 10 rights of
10. Store medication at
controlled room

Name of Drug Dosage/ Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing

Frequency/ Action Responsibilities

Generic Name : 10 mL/kg IV Replaces and For the Hypersensitivity to Hypernatremia, 1. Discard product if it
Sodium Chloride bolus, maintain sodium treatment of sodium chloride extravsation, venous contains particulate
administer chloride levels hypovolemia thrombosis, matter, is cloudy or
Brand Name: over 5 to which are during Hepatic pulmonary edema, discolored
Hizon 0.9% minutes essential ions cardioplumona impairment respiratory arrest, 2. Discard unused portion,
sodium chloride, necessary in ry resusciation renal failure, do not store for later use
larmabak normal cellular and shock Renal impairment convulsion 3. Protect drug from
metabolism freezing
4. Store at controlled
temperature (between 68
and 77 degreeso
5. Run the infusion at the
rate of 1 ml/hr
6. Monitor for the signs of
infiltration/sluggish flow
7. Check the level of the IVF
for a correct sotuin,
medication and volume
8. Check and regulate the
drop rate
9. Change the IVF if needed
10. Administer the drug
slowly to prevent

Name of Drug Dosage/ Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing

Frequency/ Action Responsibilities

Generic Name: 1-5 For the Hypersensitivity to Venous irritation, 1. Discoloration of solution
Dopamine mcg/kg/min treatment of sympathomimetic vomiting, indicates decomposition
hydrochloride continuous IV hypotension amines and sulfates tachycardia, and should be discarded
that may occur vasoconstriction, 2. Do not mix with any
Brand Name: after return of Uncorrected hypotension, other drug, blood, or
spontaneous tachyarrythmias bardycardia, blood products.
circulation hypertension Do not flush line.
during 3. Administer via syringe
cardiopulmory pump
resuscitation 4. Change fluid and tubing
after cardiac every 48 hours or earlier
arrest if solution is discolored
5. Monitor for adverse
6. Observe closely for IV
filtration; discontinue
immediately and notify
the physician
7. Assess color and
extremities of the
8. Continuous
9. Diluted solution stable for
48 hours at room
10. Store at room
temperature <300C.
Protect from light.

Name of Drug Dosage/ Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing

Frequency/ Action Responsibilities

Generic Name: There is no Hypertonic Indicate for use Hypersensitivity to Hives, 1. Prepare the medication
lactated ringer's specific solutions are as a source of any of the itching, site
injection pediatric those that have an electrolytes, components. swelling of the 2. Observe for signs of fluid
dose. The effective calories and eyes, face or overload
Brand Name: dose is osmolarity greater water for throat, 3. Do not administer unless
dependent on than the body hydration coughing, solution is clear and
 Lactated weight, fluids. This pulls sneezing, container is undamaged.
Ringer's clinical the fluid into the difficulty 4. Solution containing
condition and vascular by breathing, acetate should be used
laboratory osmosis resulting fever, with caution as excess
results in an increase infection at the administration may result
vascular volume. injection site, in metabolic alkalosis.
It raises and 5. Solution containing
intravascular redness/red dextrose should be used
osmotic pressure streaking and with caution in patients
and provides fluid, swelling form the with known subclinical or
electrolytes and injection site overt diabetes mellitus.
calories for 6. Discard unused portion.
energy. 7. In very low birth weight
infants, excessive or rapid
administration of
dextrose injection may
result in increased serum
osmolality and possible
8. Properly label the IV Fluid
9. Observe aseptic
technique when changing
IV fluid
10. Monitor for continuous

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