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RTO 21113 CRICOS 03401C

HLT42015 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage
CHCCOM006 Establish and manage client relationships
Role Plays

Role Play One

The Client’s Role

You are a very disgruntled client, you have only ever had a massage once
before and it turned out to be a bad experience. You are desperate for a
massage and your friends have encouraged you to try again and recommended
a clinic to you. You are very nervous and need reassuring. English is your
second language; you believe the last clinic you visited treated you poorly as
they didn’t spend any time or make any effort trying to communicate with you.
You wanted a half hour relaxing massage and the therapist insisted you asked
for an hour massage, you were embarrassed because you weren’t told what
clothing to remove, The pressure was too hard, they ignored your request to
lighten it. It was not a relaxing experience.

The Therapist’s Role

A client has phoned to let you know that they have recommended a friend to
you and explains that the friend really wants a massage but has had a bad
experience in the past.

The therapist will greet the client, build rapport, manage any language barriers,
negotiate the treatment plan and explain the treatment process including
confidentiality, informed consent, draping, taking into account the client’s
cultural background and ensuring the client is confident with the level of care
they will receive throughout the treatment.

CHCCOM006 Role Play Scenario’s V2 04-02-2018

RTO 21113 CRICOS 03401C

Role Play Two

The Client’s Role

You are an elderly person that requires a walking frame to be mobile.

You are very slow and have a hearing impediment. Your goal for the
treatment is to relax the tension in your leg muscles as they always

The Therapist’s Role

An elderly client struggling on a walking frame arrives for their

appointment. Their hearing is poor and they are very frail. You do
not have an electric massage table in the clinic.

The therapist will demonstrate the approach taken with the elderly
client to ensure a successful outcome taking into account the client’s
lack of mobility and poor hearing. The therapist will greet the client,
use appropriate communication skills to build rapport & trust,
acknowledge timeframes, negotiate treatment plan, follow draping
protocol and will follow policy and procedure guidelines. Explain the
treatment process including confidentiality, informed consent
ensuring the client is confident with the level of care they will receive
throughout the treatment.

CHCCOM006 Role Play Scenario’s V2 04-02-2018

RTO 21113 CRICOS 03401C

Role Play Three

The Client’s Role

You are a client with English as your second language and struggle to
understand what is being said to you. You have come to the clinic for
your appointment on your own

The Therapist’s role

The therapist must use their communication skill/techniques to ensure
the client understands the informed consent, agrees to it before dating
and signing the document. The client must also understand the
treatment procedure. It may be necessary to use a variety of
communication techniques to demonstrate your communication ability.

Role Play Four

The Client’s Role

You have been for a long lunch and consumed a few alcoholic drinks.
As you walk to catch public transport you notice a Massage clinic.
Although feeling a little unsteady you decide to see if you can get an
appointment. You walk in and request one straight away. While
waiting in the reception area you answer a call on your mobile and
start having a loud conversation disrupting the clinic ambiance and
disturbing other clients

CHCCOM006 Role Play Scenario’s V2 04-02-2018

RTO 21113 CRICOS 03401C

The Therapist’s Role

A client has walked in off the street wanting an immediate

appointment. Their behaviour suggests that they may have been
drinking. Although the client is polite they are oblivious to other
clients and engage in a loud conversation on their mobile phone.

The therapist will greet the client, build rapport, use basic
counselling skills, and determine if the treatment is contraindicated
due to the client’s consumption of alcohol. The therapist will follow
policy and procedure guidelines. If not contraindicated explain the
treatment process including confidentiality, informed consent
ensuring the client is confident with the level of care they will receive
throughout the treatment.

CHCCOM006 Role Play Scenario’s V2 04-02-2018


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