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Chapter 3 – Communication and Decision-making in the Workplace


General Instruction: Fit your answers in the boxes provided in each item.
You may directly encode your answers here or download these sheets and print (long
size) and use pen in answering.


Name: Course & Year:


1. (Imagine your Future Workplace) Cite examples of any (1) verbal and (1) non-verbal communication
conveying messages of care to your workmate.

Communication is part of our everyday life both verbal and nonverbal, and that’s why it’s
important. Being in a workplace would be great for enhancing your communicating skill. In
verbal communicating, I would give some advice to my workmate if he’s feeling down listen to
him and come up with a solution but it’s up to them what they do next after, the only thing
important is you show that you care to them. Or great them how’s their morning because it can
make them smile. Also smiling at them is nonverbal communication that can change your
workmate’s mood and make them feel better.

2. (Recall an incident in the Past) Cite examples of (1) verbal and (1) non-verbal communication you
have had in the past conveying disagreement to any of your family member, close relative, or classmate.

One thing is for sure communicating with our close one is valuable. It can lead someone to agree
or disagree. In the past during my high school days, my friend ask me to cut class with him but I
said no because we have exams at that time and I don’t want to fail, on the other hand, my other
friend shake his head it means he doesn’t want to get along. First I used verbal communication to
disagree with my friend who cut class and my other friend use nonverbal communication. We
communicate because we want to know what other perspective.

BA 41.Business and Management Integrals.2020

College of Business and Management CENTRAL MINDANAO UNIVERSITY
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Chapter 3 - Communication and Decision-making in the Workplace


General Instruction: Fit your answers in the box provided.

You may directly encode your answers here or download these sheets and print (long
size) and use pen in answering.



1. Write your top three (3) alternatives courses before you landed in Business Administration. Present
your evaluation in each viable alternative proving that your present course is indeed the best choice for
you. In evaluating compare using A. value/ benefit and B. cost/risk as guide in each alternative.

In college choosing courses is a difficult decision to make that’s why we think carefully about it. Before I
landed in Business Administration my alternative courses are First Bachelor of Science in Accountancy this
course is my dream course but didn’t pass the raw score for this course. It’s all about the transaction of
money, accounting, journalizing and you can be a Certified Public Accountant, being CPA is one of the
highest-paid jobs in the Philippines and it could make you successful in your life. The risk of this course is to
keep your consistency will you stay in this course or drop. The second is Bachelor of Science in Engineering I
choose this as my alternative course because it was suggested by my family, they want me to become an
engineer. Engineering is broad that refers to a variety of more specialized fields of engineering, each with a
focus on certainly applied mathematics and applied science and buildings. The benefit of being an engineer
is some country needs engineer and you can work abroad you can find a job easily also it might change your
life but it cost too much the materials for being a student engineer. And my last alternative course was a
Bachelor of Science in Education Major in English, it could benefit me to enhance my communicating skills
and grammar in English, and I want to teach the younger generation but it cost I don’t have a laptop and the
risk is probably my social anxiety would go up. I choose Business Administration as my last resort for the
reason that being a BSBA degree holder could give you more opportunities you can work in a company and
banks. Also, I want to be innovative in my future business that could help our country grow. This is the path
that I choose to become successful in life.

BA 41.Business and Management Integrals.2020

College of Business and Management CENTRAL MINDANAO UNIVERSITY

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