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: a PRESIDE NCY COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) , CHENMAI-o5 TAMIL DEPARTMENT — MODEL EXAM 2022 | TITLE OF THE PAPER : GENERAL ENGrLISH NAME + KALIDOSS . B DEPARTMENT tnd BA TAMIL LITERATURE REGISTER NUMBER —: 401331100%017 SUBJECT + GenevoR English “Ti SUBSECT CODE 'aEHCS DATE & TIME { QB. 01-9009 & satrietiacolp TOTAL PAGES WRITTEN: Ih SIGNATURE + B-Febihees, dh. peop of Teo eehonee 013211002017 @ by katherine mansfield Kolhevine mansfield is a populor writer of New Zealand. She wos 0 short story writer, essayist and Sournalicsk. Hey Stories axe known fey the portrayal of delicate human emotions. which fells about A cup of Tea is a Short Story ch wornan -Thowgh the Selfish ond jealous nature of 0 vi ike the Character is helpful and generous ¢ not go. this Stevg mansfield e yumen emotions. it appears | bab in Yeality iti beautifully pov traits © subil A cop Gp tea is about Rosemary fell. central Chavactey thin story She is not a Very very viclhshe has the he is the beautiful worn but she is feeling of Superiovrry pecaune of hey richest aunch iniellee! . on avainy evening She goes 19 an antipe Shop which she Frequently visi. pier finish hey hoping, When she Ge Ye comes out ik wo Yoaning + When she We about yo enter her Cor, dretk por ax and arsed OQ poo’ Yowng al four B. kaliclors fy uoizaiioogo1 @ ¥ money for a cap of ten Suddenly, on Ides Suck Ye mind of Rosemorg, fell ypsteadk oe Givi Smnol\ Camowrt Co} money, che gleridied fo take! hor heme, Wer intention uns wor 1 [rep Ane gt bat te disply hey weeth anc Social Supetorryy: Ee addition ghe alto wonted to ty Something twk| dymoticadiy hoppers Me glories ond novels | Dy claaical quniters - once dhey yeach Rosemary Pell’ Youse the Young gi) wes awestruel by We Interior's 6} the howe. Rosmory fell offered the tee and Srecks iy Tok vee philip, the \nuaord of posemary Fell entere Aheiy Yoon he wor yelly surprised by the cxppearance diately yealized Of the poo¥ yours gland he imme! é the ulterior motives of posinory Ril « He eae decided to give % ind af. emotion fen fe d the poor Jo Yosemary fell. he Jook. her oot and. Sai yous git ts asfenichingly beaut ful posemory fell peje fo bun in Jealousy vand ghe imediably Sent the gyi wry by giving her Some moneg « Andl she drew. Op » applies make up ond ok hey husband whether , he is beatiful. B- Fakidbss goggioogoT _@) 4thuy in kis Story Katherine Mansfield , tels: the Slory Of the intvicok human emotions and behaviour edpecioly the complex layers 6} the female mini undevstanding Of the husband - d and the perfec | How do the Sparrows bring a change in the Jonely life Of Rahim khan ? The Sparrow by_k.Ahmed_Abbas K. a. Abbas is a famous Indian sh fas stories yeflet the Feelings of the down trodden and Lis short ‘story *The sparrow " tolls the ove and affection Jo the fellow human being . Rahim (chan 15 0. Fifly-yeorr old peasant. Everybooy in the villoge hates him foy his haysh and cyuel behaviour, He is unkind even fe childven and animols . No on€ doves 3 folk to him The childven use fo gun away Prom Phe ploy it they See hin . But he Wod a very diffevent man when he wor young. He wanted fo join ciyeus and wor in Jove @ with o Hinds givl, Radho.. Buk his poxents Yoh had other plans for hin omcl got B. folidoss ovr Story writer the poor. importance Of \ Q013MN00201 7 @__ hiv to Moy o Girl Of Ahel” Community. We Once hea Ry his Iuther boasting to his mothey how well he Sool in Getting hy Conte accept hs words obectiently, Ra Rahim hon Ahen decided to avenge hos defeat ak the hands of hi parents his family and Society Having decided Jo Jake vevenge , Rahim khon's fist and immediole Hyjal Wo hi wifes He Caw hey a8 the Scapegoat for olh his yrigadventwres. RIS kind Souk Suddenly becam as havch a Won. Fo nearly thirty yeas, he ill veated hit wife, hii two Sons and us to bullock’ . He qynorreltedt with everyone in dhe village Subsequently the entre village started yiex 3 elder Son unr +0 pate him. Six years yor ove Bare Dyom home after on wnusnody gevere bealing » Three years Loker hr econ son Nun abo fred hid brother. one cloy when Reo Phi Ehon yetuyns heme f¥om the Field? 7 old Joely fom the neighbourhood! jell him Fhaf his wife hor gone te hey Jpvothey's place and that She would be back shoriy - Rahim Fhe \enows Ahot She will never come back. Ve sualdenty begirs ® feel Sonely noi because he lover hit family but because he has no one now +o display hus anger- Nobocky is B. ledlidoss 2oagne0a017 6) theve fo woah hi feet, to give him food and othey Colobles - WWie usife's absence maker him feel Uncomfortable ox if a piece al fyvmiteve hax been yemoved from ha house. Later as Rahim Khan clean the yoof he spots a cma nett of Sparvows in a Comer Immediately he desives jo exert hit mighfon thern «But geod cense prevails upon him after long gon and he Jeaves them wndusrvybesl . He ties te hove peter Jook at there Bul the porent ca Nate cto pot allow him fo by hovering avound! him fluttering theiy wing hovol at hir face: He Is amuse! at the Fille pivels heroic oftods foSove the Vee ones. He yealizer theiY love crrol cave 7 the family. Soon the young ones grow well dnd begi ground inside hi howe. He starts feeding them wath preadcvumb!s and omer grains - He Calls Vem o% Bund onc wore ofter hy Awve Sont. Mow thee Je Sokal SNomsformakiown (n Wa fernpevament omel otter On \fe. Tre wages foo obgerve the chomye ininien . Bok wey continued heir enmity agaist Mw. Ke even chopped Shouting af Ye Criidres Ona yoiny day Chom Khan notices rot the Yook hos begun fo Jeat. near the Sparrows nest, We jromediately climbs fui Yok te Close eer B fokdoss n fo Move ab, He qeks futur, drenched ig ghee Yain. He Sfovts Sneexing amd fails to eke cove at one: He we ket | up he next daw with igh fever. Wis only compantont Sign Gf Raion hon Look Lins ouk oxvived with hey 9013QN008017 © now one the hwo Sparrows, AY thet moment he Uovvier aloouh gre condition of fhe tue birds offer hi death. cox couple of dlasys passed: ns there is no Laden & Villages became Supiciows. They gend fev We wife Whe gone « when They come jp they could) Gee Ws becky \yiny shill ce earch fhe Fluttering | the pid . L. a Bost £93 b. Birds of a feather idioms eee meaning : someone who doer bad things he was divwonest , buk he war onty bas egg inthe gee Sentence » He is the ony bool €99 jn pur society , meaning; ZF you desibe feo people ot birds Gf o Poather qo mean that Yhey howe very Similiow chaovacterishe , injevest oy belief. B. Kokdoss Q013HNOORONT Os c. cok ono clos life meaning: A life in which parineys ove contontly OF freyuneily eyuaral Hing sentence They Jeaol a col a cloy iife. d. cnld's ploy meaning: pn extremely simple dark ov at vit is vey ewy todo. Sentence: He thought the work would be chilelh play, e. Fit ov o fiddle fon very heal thy meantng: Zn goos! pryorer) conditi and strong. sentence - 2 feet Fit 8 O fidelle in the movning . B Kabiboss goancoga7 ss ® ee Section A prince pimityi is dhe prolagonst Ip the one act ploy. ‘the Peat TYap written by Suki HoH, munvo Ke is the Yuley of kedtavia. Creigning princeaf Ke devia.) Social interaction Stimulates the release ely phones ax wstomed 16 ne that's Foy many people , © dopamine. Because So many people We th Jools of social inteva.cion , thy become act king hom for thab hit o} doparni constantly chee thers on Social Yelewed when they connect with © media py ome othey Opp. w Socyares of Pthent (1.C hyo/464~397 BCE) iS among fhe most farnous Figure® in world fuafovy for hit conivibutions to the development ef anctent Great philosopty which provided the foundation for oll of westem philosophy » He is in Fact | Known O8 the “Father of westen philescphy ” For ‘thud Yeason He wor orviginatyy a sculploy who Seems fo hove also hod a twnber of other occupations, including soldiey, before he wor fold bythe ovocle ab Pelph that he was the Wiselt mon in dhe worlds Zp an effort 40 Prove B.Falidesd _ 2y0130)\008017 & the ovacle Wrong , he ember test on Anew covery op questioning those Who go, proved the ovacle cosveck socvetes man inthe wovld because he oid nok claim to know anyting ©} impoyiunces wo the wisest were Gaid Jo be wise dod, in doing Swomi vivekananda Says, Vif Y Syn things &n Wot peyson. ¥ Any single Achivement Con be Possible accidentay alto vbut that Small thin gs OMY | Yelly mattert , Swami yivecanonde Sams, © BF you wonk | Ao develop your personality, Ve wail nok gyoxt from extemal but frove deeper, and that is mind , Weyierndl gppeovance is Just Tinges ap our personobity. Se Ghoxts rom The wad, wot from the body. Fad wor d former by he was foul clin! Opprove Rakim \chan Wor a be year old muslim moun proferrion. Even though he was o bit aged ond Story . many poople Tn the sociely Of hive, while Some were afyaid of him ofhey Simply dir\iked him dine fo his cyuel potvre fowords hi wife. The large majority ©} women, or men however , preter Marriage and motherhood to she life of gaintliness , Sctence ou want 4o judge the | personality development DY Scholarship . with theiy immense capacity foy self B. kobidoss Ps) BS > — QOI3QN00H0L7 Sacrifice they one the wnquettioned |eaclers in ahimsa- Rosemony Feil the protagonis! and a wealthy young | MaWON 5 briny a young treet yuuif who appyoaches lex foy money pom te tea. ay onc b) ov If Someone cle something at the eleventh houy ; they do it at the ort Possible moment. Applicodions of nandteehnology have emerged with increasing neecl of nanoparticle Uses in voriow, Frelds of food Science and food microbiology , Including food procening food packaging : functional food) development , food safety , detection GF foo done pothoyent , and chalk - life extension of food and. /oy food products. B -Icolidoss S013 BNO A017 @ section - 8 Sketch Yhe chavactey of Pr: stronets. Pr.Sivonetz isa close fiend and peysondl physicap OL prince Pimityi. Pimitfi'g enemies hatch a plan 46 ayartinate him and they ave Yeady for the Yight moments Whent Px styoneiZ \cnows of the Conspivacy, he yeasons hat the prince Should pot be allowed 4» be parchered in Cold Wploods He falcer pity onthe prince «He is quick wited, When tre avaxink oavve to murder Pimityi, he Sones him by Sehing Shem thal the prince would of live Tove thon Civ olay! because of a heart Problem the murderers are fooled by the cloclor's words decide 4 adh As 0. doctor, he i¢ quite efficient. He is sue of Bimiii's heavt problem a3 Soon at he examines him. He is inclrumenial in making the prince kill hit would - be kallers. Though the prince diet ox he olvfnks the drugged wine his wish ie fultilled os he could Kill the Conspivatoys, PAleY all, the dig given by him Sowedt jhe prince os ik {eile WB enemies. it Go Saves! $e the prince o& % from dung 0 miserable oleath by a weal peas Thos, Py. Stronety fe comparsfonate, Loyal ard Fyiencdy Dimityt Ve _is a_quicle witted . effident Physteian, B. Kol doss = 20 QO1ZB\N00801T ® | Jwriite 6 facts @bouk Socrates # He wad of midelle economic Siatus. KotKere yok Wot porn ‘eka veisthy be He made money from fecching » 10 peliep in yeligion- & He died by hemlock poisoning: + He did not Leave any yecorled Feachings behind» Bares Yourke. He might hove been a democrat . Know tng selF. Saree, Wes wen ape ypberverel Evomple of communtcohion SETS. & Active listening -petive listening mean’ paying Close aftention 40 4he person who is speaking fe yows-- wx cornmunicalion Giyle 4 youy oudltence. -- ke Adapting Y° k gyvenddiness. - - Confidenced.-~ & Otiving and Yeceiving Seed back, -- B.kohidess -K Volume anc clarity. -- 4c Empathy... | 4 Respect. 13) Tt_ 18 personatity that waite - Swom! vivekanancla, rola was OF teachey OF veclanto, He ond Swomi Vive rand Philosophy ond spivitea Seeders Of Hincluis m jus Jeacher Roreatyishna pavarnaarnses peleving sapermacy! of peracnad experience: They ove overs Of roantcind We wie taught humanistic teachings We sail Bevirce to man is the yanigfestation of qovclsSvam' vivekonada jenowe foy Wis soul stiviing Jougusge He sgoict hous fo attvact people by owr personal chaviama Bathey thon a welt - ovgarnsest speech He want +> #ee the tran hols hap monivusly developed , greet in mincl great in peor , We influenced others and we get influenced by other cunh Owy pocket , OY virtues , ba intelled and ony vedies, ory apyruakity ol these Good _imprestion connot be oneatect by words alone are inflvencing orners. He is a patyibt Saint. al | Qo139Nwo 2O\T @® RB. kakelosg aaa QO\Z2NOS2ONT ®. You. Coo Create OM imprertion by your personolity, Wwe Should wor blame othey fur owr families + manging a family well dlepencls on one's personally, | orveat \éders of mankind had seal now Hhoughk . and genuno personality - They became famous not only | Gf They thoughts they become furmous for theiy Pertsonlity pevgonality Conivtbute two, Yreivds Of one's gucer. The idea oP odt educabion . al Training ahold pe tut rman making. perronedity byings power +o become Aéeee. Buccs. Se B -cotidless

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