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General Overview of Spatial Impression,

Envelopment, Localization, and Externalization

David Griesinger


This paper provides an overview of the current knowledge of the problems of spatial impression, envelopment, and
localization in enclosed spaces. The emphasis will be on small spaces, but the approach draws heavily on concert
acoustic studies. The literature on this subject has been contradictory and controversial. In the last few years a consen-
sus has been developing that envelopment is primarily determined by lateral reflected energy arriving at least 80 ms af-
ter the direct sound. Localization is traditionally linked to the apparent source width (ASW), which has been associated
with the interaural correlation (IACC) of the first 80 ms of the impulse response of a space. Although ASW and IACC
may be useful in concert hall measurement, they do not work well in small spaces. This paper will present two new
measures: the diffuse field transfer function (DFT) and the average interaural time delay (AITD). The DFT is a mea-
sure of envelopment, and is useful both in small and large rooms. The AITD is a measure for "externalization," a sonic
property unique to small rooms. A closely related measure, the net interaural time delay (NITD), is useful in under-
standing localization in small spaces.

1. INTRODUCTION Listening rooms also suffer from a perceptual

anomaly that has no obvious counterpart in
In the best concert halls and opera houses low performance spaces. Low frequency instruments
frequency sounds envelop the listeners, in popular music, such as the kick drum and the
Although one is aware that the attack of the bass guitar, are almost always perceived as
kettledrums come from the stage or the pit, the coming from inside the head. This perception
ring of the drum and the rumble of the bass drum does not occur in the concert venue, even when
come from all around the hall. The bass viols these instruments are amplified. This "in the
and the cellos have the same property, head" localization is unique to recorded music.
particularly when they play pizzicato. One of the It is always perceived as artificial by the author.
joys of an organ concert is hearing the bass swirl In this paper we will use the word
around the cathedral when a pedal note is held. "externalization" to describe this perceptual
When the acoustics produce envelopment music property.
has a living quality that is highly prized by
conductors and players. When recorded music is Both externalization and envelopment depend
played through loudspeakers, envelopment can strongly on the recording technique, but they
often seem adequate at frequencies above appear to be independent of each other. In
1000Hz, but poor at lower frequencies. In fact, rooms where low frequency envelopment is
many recording engineers seem to be unaware perceptible, low frequency instruments in
that low frequency envelopment is either classical music are often perceived as external,
possible or desirable, while low frequenciesin popular music are often
"in the head".
Envelopment at higher frequencies can also play
unexpected tricks. Normally the sound image Both envelopment and externalization are highly
from a conventional stereo system stays fixed dependent on properties of the room. Years ago
between the two loudspeakers. But this is not we noticed that it is possible to perceive low
always the case. Occasionally sound seem to frequency envelopment in some home listening
surround the listener, even in a non reflective rooms, and not in others. In [43] we attempted
room. to studyenvelopmentthroughmeasurements of
localization. We noted that in many listening
rooms it was possible to localize low frequencies



to a particular loudspeaker, but phantom images

were unstable. Panning low frequencies between So we have at least three mysteries to untangle.
two loudspeakers did not yield the same First, why do some rooms support low frequency
positional dependence as is noted at higher envelopment, and what can be done to provide it
frequencies. The phantom image tended to pull in rooms that do not? Second, why do the kick
to the center of the listener's head - and be drum and the bass guitar almost always end up
judged as closer to the center than it was banging away inside your head and what can we
intended to be. do to get them out? Third, why do some
recordings sound enveloping even when you
In [43] we found that the apparent position of the listen to them through two front loudspeakers in
low frequency sound could be brought more into a relatively non reflective room?
alignment with the high frequency sound if the
separation at low frequencies was increased 2. ENVELOPMENT IN CONCERT HALLS
electronically. The circuit, dubbed a "spatial
equalizer" has become popular with many The study of envelopment in concert halls has
engineers. However the primary virtue of the been marked by conlradictions between common
spatial equalizer for these engineers turned out observation and accepted theory. In [44] we
not to be improved localization, but enhanced outline a theoretical framework that resolves
envelopment. The spatial equalizer works by these discrepancies. The framework has the
increasing the left minus right (L-R) component following major parts:
of the sound below 300I-Iz. In most listening
rooms the improvement in localization is subtle, 1. Envelopment at low frequencies is perceived
but the improvement in envelopment is obvious, when the interaural time delay fluctuates at a
rate of between 3Hz and 20Hz. Above
In the succeeding years we noticed that this 400Hz fluctuations in the interaural intensity
circuit is completely inaudible in some rooms, difference (IID) and fluctuations in the lTD
Ironically, in most sound mixing studios the are both important.
circuit is inaudible because the antiphase
component of the Iow frequency sound cannot be Below 400Hz the interaural time delay is the
heard. These rooms typically have a high degree principle cue for localizing the horizontal
of symmetry and carefully control the low direction (azimuth) of low frequency sounds. In
frequency reverberation time. The widespread the absence of reflections, the lTD determines
use of such rooms for sound mixing has had at azimuth with high accuracy - within a few
least two undesirable effects. These rooms tend degrees at frequencies of 500Hz and above.
to make professional engineers unaware that low Below 500Hz the accuracy is proportional to the
frequencies can be enveloping. These rooms frequency, so that localization to +-20 degrees is
also encourage the use of microphone techniques still possible in the 63Hz octave band.
that enhance imaging at the expense of
envelopment. For example, recording techniques Lateral reflected energy causes the lTD - and
that utilize only closely spaced omnidirectional thus the perceived azimuth - to shift. When the
microphones (such as most binaural techniques) sound source is broad-banded, or consists of a
produce excellent imaging with earphones, but musical tone with vibrato, the shift in lTD
poor low frequency envelopment with becomes a fluctuation. For sources of both
loudspeakers. If your room does not permit you speech and music the fluctuation is essentially
to hear envelopment, you will not know what random (or chaotic) in nature. Fluctuations at
you aremissing, rates slowerthan 3Hz are perceivedas source
motion. Above this frequency they are perceived
The externalization of low frequencies is even as envelopment.
more mysterious. Typical home stereo systems
often externalize low frequencies, whereas 2. Where the sound source consists contains
symmetrical listening spaces are the most likely rapid attacks - such as the start of a speech
to sound artificial. These rooms are often phoneme, or the attack of a musical note -
described by their owners as possessing "tight" the onset of the sound at the listener is
low frequency imaging. To my ears the low uncorrupted by reflections. In this case the
frequencies are centered, but they are unlike ITD during the attack accurately determines
anything one W°uld hear in a concert, the sound direction, and later fluctuations



produce envelopment. Thus it is possible to

have both good localization (a low apparent We conclude that the front/back ratio is primarily
source width) and high envelopment at the important for sound that includes a substantial
same time. At higher frequencies the IID amount of energy above 3kHz. With such sound
performs a similar role, and localization is sources it is most likely possible to make the
determined by both IID and ITD. front/back discrimination during the separation
of sound into a foreground and a background
3. For speech or music that is relatively stream. Thus the front/backratio is likely to
transparent to reverberation, the fluctuations contribute to both the continuous form of
are maximal during the pauses between envelopment, and its perceptually much more
phonemes or notes. The loudness of the important relative, the background perception.
reverberation during these pauses
determines the degree of envelopment. The The statements given above outline the
importance of the reverberation during relationship between the physical sound field and
pauses is increased by the formation of the the perception of envelopment. Within this
background sound stream. Where the framework there are several unavoidable
background stream is easily separated from difficulties. For example, it is plain from
the foreground stream, envelopment is -6dB statements three and four that the perceived
stronger for a given direct to reverberant degree of envelopment will depend both on the
ratio, loudness ofthesoundsource,andthetypeof
music being played. This effect is easily
4. For thickly orchestrated music where such observed, and it does not make it easy to develop
pauses are rare, the overall amount of reliable measures. Statement number 5 implies
fluctuation determines the degree of that the spectrum of the source and the spectrum
envelopment. This is the case when the of the reflections will make a significant
source is relatively continuous, such as difference to how envelopment is perceived.
massed strings, or a pink noise test signal.
For frequencies below 1000Hz the perception of
5. In carefully controlled loudspeaker envelopment depends on maximizing the
experiments by Morimoto's group in Kobe, fluctuation in the interaural time delay of the
it has been found that reflections that come sound field at the listener. For music that is
fi.ombehind the listener are more relatively transparent to reverberation it is the
enveloping than reflections that come fxom reverberant component of the perceived sound
the front. They have proposed measuring that creates envelopment. For more continuous
envelopment through the front/back ratio, music, it is the total fluctuation in the lTD that
Statement number 5 indicates that the
envelopment perception does not solely arise For frequencies below 1000Hz in small listening
from interaural fluctuations. Where it is possible rooms the reverberation time is usually
to discriminate between fi.ont and rear sound, sufficiently short that the room itself is unable to
rear sound is perceived as more enveloping. We develop significant fluctuations in the ITD in the
know from the physics of sound perception that pauses between syllables or notes. Thus creating
it is possible to discriminate fi-ontsound the perception of envelopment in the background
rear sound in two ways. At low frequencies the stream depends on how the room acoustics
two can be discriminated through small interact with the material (particularly the
movements of the listener's head, that cause reverberation) on the recording. The
predictable changes in the ITDs. Unfortunately loudspeakers and the room form a transfer
head movements produce no shifts in ITDs when system, which ideally can transmit the
the sound field is largely diffuse - this enveloping properties of the recording to the
localization cue works only with sound that is listener. Our job is to find a way of measuring
well localized. At high fi.equencies it is possible the effectiveness of this transfer system, and then
to discriminate sound that comes from behind by to find how the transfer can be optimized.
notches in the frequency spectrum at about
5kHz. These notches are present when sound At frequencies above 1000Hz the front/back
comes from greater than about 150 degrees from ratio will have important implications for our
thefront, choiceofloudspeaker positions.



front. This data agrees with subjective

3. ENVELOPMENT AT HIGH experiments into the angular dependenceof
FREQUENCIES ASW and spaciousness reported by Ando.

In the frequency band between 300Hz and (Ando and Morimoto use the interaurai cross
3000Hz envelopment is determined by a correlation (IACC) as one of their measures of
combination of fluctuations in the IID and the the spatial properties of concert hail sound.
lTD. This fact was discovered independently by Morimoto uses the IACC of the first 80ms of a
the author and Blauert. Blauert notes in [7] and binaural impulse response as a measure.
[8] that fluctuations in IID have slightly different Beranek and Hidaka call this measure (IACCe).
perceptual properties than fluctuations in lTD. For reasons described extensively in [44], the
He concludes that different brain structures are author finds the measure often misleading,
involved in the two perceptions. Envelopment at particularly in small rooms. However the IACCe
frequencies below 300Hz is determined almost does describe the high frequency angular
entirely by fluctuations in the lTD. The dependence of envelopment quite well.)
important virtue of the framework presented in
[44] for the perception of envelopment is that the Using interaural fluctuations it can also be
concept of interaural fluctuations takes the study shown that if there are two sound sources in an
of envelopment out of the realm of anechoic space, and uncorrelated band-limited
psychoacoustics and into the realm of physics, noise is played through each source, the sense of
We can model the mechanisms that create these envelopment will be maximum when both
fluctuations, and we can measure them. sources are at the optimal angle for the frequency
band in question. For frequencies below 700Hz
Once we have moved the problem into the realm the optimal angle is 90 degrees - the sources
of physics, we can see that the problem of must be at the sides of the listener. As the
envelopment has two parts - the nature of the frequency rises, the optimum position moves
envelopment receiver, and the nature of the toward the medial plane.
sound field surrounding the receiver.
The angular dependence of envelopment at high
The receiver for envelopment is the human head, frequencies has important consequences for
the outer and inner ears, and the brain. The sound reproduction systems. A few years ago
soundfield is the combination of direct and the author was playing a stereo tape of applause
reflected energy at the listening position. The through a standard two channel system in a
head/ear system is the antenna for the perception relatively dead room. He was very surprised to
of envelopment. Like other antenna, this system hear the applause coming from ail around him,
has directional properties. We can study the even though the loudspeakers were clearly in
directional dependence of the head/ear system front. Adding a bandpass filter quickly showed
for single reflections by convolving test signals that the perception was a simple result of the
with published Head Related Transfer Functions angular dependence of high frequency
(HRTFs) such as the ones put on the web by Bill envelopment. The 1700Hz band produced a
Gardner. After the convolution we can detect surrounding perception, even though the
and measure the interaural fluctuations that result loudspeakers were at +-30 degrees. Because the
using the software detectors that will be applause had significant energy in this band, the
described later in this paper, result was enveloping. We conclude that
stereophonic reproduction works in part because
This work is yet to be done. However several envelopment in a particular frequency band can
years ago the author did models of the high give an impression of envelopment in all bands,
frequency behavior of interaural fluctuations and even with a relatively narrow front
using a simple head model. We found that the loudspeaker pair, envelopment at some
resulting fluctuations depend on the azimuth of frequencies will be high.
the reflection. For 1000 Hz the optimum angle
lies in a cone centered on a line drawn through Morimoto's front/back ratio becomes important
the listener's head. This cone makes an angle of when the reflected sound contains significant
about 60 degrees from the front of the head. At energy above 3000Hz. In the author's
about 1700Hz the cone includes the standard experience with concert hails and opera houses it
loudspeaker positions at +- 30 degrees from the is rare that there is significant energy at those


frequencies coming from the rear. Sound from foreground and a background stream. Where
the rear of a hall is often spatially diffused, and this separation is possible, it is the spatial
has been reflected off many surfaces. Typically properties of the background stream -
each surface takes a toll on the high frequency specifically the amount of interaural fluctuations
content. In halls where an electronic - that determine the envelopment we perceive.
enhancement system has been installed it is In a small room there is almost never sufficient
possible to experiment with the frequency late reflected energy to contribute to the
spectrum of the reflected energy, and invariably background perception. The late energy must be
the sound is better if frequencies above 3000I-Iz supplied by reverberation in the original
are attenuated. Thus the author is not convinced recording. To predict the degree of envelopment
that the front/back ratio is an important measure we perceive we must be able to predict the
for concerthall design, strength of the interaural fluctuationsduring the
reverberant segments of the recording.
However Morimoto has shown conclusively that
the front/back ratio is important when listening Recording engineers know that for best results
with loudspeakers, and the author can confirm the reverberation in a two channel recording
the observation. This issue becomes quite should be uncorrelated - completely different in
important in the design of surround sound the left and right channels. It is the job of the
playback systems. Several of the best sound loudspeaker/room system to cause the listener to
mixers for surround sound have noted that they have adequate interaural fluctuations when this
prefer the rear loudspeakers to be placed +- 150 condition occurs. The loudspeaker/room system
degrees from the front, and not the more typical is acting as a transfer system, transferring the
+-110 degrees. At 150 degrees these decorrelation in the recording to the listener's
loudspeakers are capable of producing the ears. We need a measure for how effectively this
frequency notches in the HRTFs that indicate transfer works.
rear sound, and speakers at 110 or 120 degrees
cannot. The author is convinced that Finding a test signal for measuring
loudspeakers at 150 degrees produce a more envelopment:
exciting surround sound picture. A loud sound
effect from 150 degrees from the front is much This problem turned out to be much more
more exciting than one from 120 degrees, difficult than expected. Much of the difficulty
lies is choosing a test signal that will adequately
In addition, one of the most effective uses of a represent music. As mentioned in the section on
surround sound system for popular music is the concert hall acoustics, the perception of
presentation of a live performance, where the envelopment is highly influenced by the
applause and noise from the audience draws the presence of gaps in the music that allow
listener into the experience. Applause has reverberation to be heard. In this study we will
substantial high frequency content, and the assume that such a gap has already occurred -
front/back ratio becomes important, we are trying to model the transfer function of
the reverberation within that gap.
However, what is good at high frequencies is not
necessarily good at low frequencies. As we will The correlation time of musical signals:
see, for optimal envelopment at low frequencies
the surround loudspeakers should be at the sides However music has another very interesting
of the listening area. We might conclude that a property that is highly relevant to this study.
single pair of surround loudspeakers is not Music generally consists of notes - segments of
sufficient - although if we are clever there may sound that have a recognizable pitch. Although
be ways around this problem, the notes may be rich in harmonics, the
fundamental frequency is often steady.
BELOW IO00Hz IN SMALL ROOMS - If we autocorrelate a musical signal with itself
THE DFT we will see that over a certain length of time the
autocorrelation function is strongly non-zero.
Envelopment below 1000Hz depends on That is, as long as a note continues there will be
interaural fluctuations, andon the ability of a strong fluctuation in the autocorrelation
human perception to separate sound into a function. Ando has published material that



found that the average length of the non-zero milliseconds. If the music (or the reverberation
region of the autocorrelation function was related from the music) has a correlation length that is
to the type of music being played, with modern significantly longer than this time constant the
serial music having a short correlation time, and room does not generate interaural fluctuations
romantic symphonies having a long correlation directly. This means that a single driver in the
time. Such a result would be expected from the room will not produce interaural fluctuations at
average length of the notes in the various the ears of a listener. The room can however
musical styles, as well as the presence in many detract from the transfer of fluctuations from
types of modern music of percussive sounds with multiple drivers, and this is the effect we wish to
no well established pitch. Ando discovered that measure.
as the correlation length of a musical example
increased, the ideal reverberation time of a A detector for envelopment at the listening
performance space also increased. We will see position
that this result can be predicted from the
properties of the DFT. A detector for envelopment is also a difficult
problem. We had hoped to be able to use a
When we started working for a measure of measure developed for concert halls, the
envelopment in rooms we used band limited pink interaural difference, or IAD. To make a long
noise as a test signal. Reference [44] contains story short - it doesn't work. We were in fact
several experiments and observations of the unable to find a proxy measure that could even
spatial properties of band limited pink noise, duplicate the perceived envelopment in an
The correlation length of band limited noise anechoic space, let alone the envelopment in a
depends on the bandwidth chosen (and to some reflective space. For example, it is obvious that
degree on the filter type.) For our first work we a single sound source in an anechoic space is
choose to use a bandwidth approximately equal incapable of producing envelopment. Our
to the width of a critical band in the human ear. measure must show that this is the case. By
The results showed that this was not a good similar reasoning, two sources driven by highly
choice. Although the results appeared to be correlated material should also give near-zero
accurately reflect the envelopment of noise envelopment in an anechoic space, and the
signals in small rooms, they did not predict the measure should reflect this. The IAD fails on
envelopment of musical signals, both counts.

As an experiment, we measured the frequency (As luck would have it, the IACC measure does
width and phase fluctuation in the reverberation distinguish between echoic and anechoic spaces.
from musical notes of various lengths in a real However - again making a long story short - the
concert hall (Boston Symphony Hall.) The IACC fails to predict observed results at
resulting reverberation had high coherence. We frequencies below 200Hz.)
were able to use the reverberation in Boston as a
test signal in calculating the DFT, and we found We found it was necessary to go back to first
that to achieve a similar results with noise we principles. The hypothesis in [44] predicts that
had to use a filter bandwidth of 1-2Hz. A the perception of envelopment at low frequencies
disadvantage of such a narrow frequency is that depends on fluctuations in the ITD. There is no
the DFT in a small room is often highly shortcut - to measure envelopment we must
frequency dependent, and to find an average convolve the binaural impulse response from
value of envelopment one must separately each sound source with an independent signal,
calculate the DFT at many different frequencies, and then measure the fluctuations in the lTD that
Unfortunately there appears to be no short-cut, result. In practice this is difficult. Evolution has
We must calculate our measure using a narrow had millions of years to perfect methods of
band test signal, extractinglTD informationfromnoisy signalsat
the eardrums. We had to develop an algorithm
The reason we need a narrow band test signal is in software that make this extraction. Our
obvious in hindsight. Small rooms have current measure still needs some work, but it
relatively short reverberation times, often less seems to give useful results. Using this
than 0.5 seconds. The time constant of such a algorithm and a narrow band noise signal as a
space (the time it takes the sound to decay by test probe we developed our measure for
I/e) is the reverberation time divided by 7, or 70



envelopment in small rooms. We call it the 10. Measure the strength of these fluctuations
DFT, or diffuse field transfer function, by finding the average absolute value of the
fluctuations. The number which results is
The process of finding the diffuse field transfer the Diffuse Field Transfer function, or DFT.
function can be summarized:
11. Measure the DFT as a function of the
1. Calculate (or measure) separate binaural receiver position in the room under test.
impulse responses for each loudspeaker
position to a particular listener position. A
high sample rate must be chosen to maintain The most difficult part of this process is building
timing accuracy. In our experiments the ITD detector in software. The detector must
176400Hz is an adequate sample rate. be robust. The signals at the ears are noise
signals - in many places the amplitude is low,
2. Low-pass filter each impulse response and and the zero crossings can be highly confused.
resample at 11025Hz, and then do it again, Our detector should use very simple elements -
ending with a sample rate of 2756Hz. This just timers and filters - to do the job. It must be
sample rate is adequate for the frequencies very difficult to confuse. The design of this
of interest, and low enough that the detector is beyond the scope of this paper.
convolutions do not take too much time. Persons interested in its design, or in the Matlab
code for the whole DFT measurement apparatus,
3. Create a test signals from independent should contact the author. In the current version
filtered noise signals. Various frequencies of the code, it takes about 15 seconds to find the
and bandwidths can be tried, depending on DFT at a single receiver position, so a 7x7 array
the correlation time of the musical signal of of positions can be calculated in about 12
interest, minutes(ona laptopwitha 150MHzPentium.)

4. Convolve each binaural impulse response The current code uses noise signals with 10000
with a different band filtered noise signal, samples each. This is about 3.7 seconds at the
and sum the resulting convolutions to derive sample rate of 2756Hz. We are interested in
the pressure at each ear. random fluctuations in a signal in the 3Hz to
17Hz band - with typical maximum energy
5. Extract the lTD from the two ear signals by around 5Hz. Needless to say, the accuracy of
comparing the positive zero-crossing time of such a measurement given a 3.5 second duration
eachcycle, is not high. TheDFTweget fa'omthis
measurement has a semi-random variation of
6. Average the ITDs thus extracted to find the about 2dB, with occasional values as many as
running average lTD. The averaging 3dB different from what was expected. Thus the
process weights each lTD by the DFT we present here is somewhat noisy. We
instantaneous pressure amplitude. In other could improve the accuracy by increasing the
words, 1TDs where the amplitudes at the two length of the noise signals - gaining the usual
ears is high count more strongly in the improvement by a factor of 1.4 for each doubling
average than lTDs where the amplitude is of the signal length.
7. Sum the running average lTD and divide by
the length to find the average lTD and the With a single driver in an anechoic space the
apparent azimuth of the sound source. DFT should be zero. In practice, in spite of our
limited length of noise, the values we get are at
8. Subtract the average value from the running least 40dB less than the maximum values with
average lTD to extract the interaural two drivers. Thus our detector passes this test.
5a. Calibration of the DFT for noise signals
9. Filter the result with a 3Hz to 17Hz
bandpass filter to find the fluctuations that There are two major adjustments to the detector
produce envelopment, that we must set as best as we can to emulate the
properties of human hearing. The most


important of these is the bandwidth we choose

for the noise signal. When we want to study the As an aside - we also found to our surprise that
envelopment of noise signals in a room we when multiple reflections are used the
would like a noise signal with the bandwidth and envelopment and the DFT depend strongly on
filter shape of a single critical band on the basilar the combination of delays chosen. This
membrane. In the Matlab code we use a sixth observation has pronounced implications for
order elliptical bandpass filter, similar to the concert hall design. It appears that when there
ones in a sound level meter. We need to choose are multiple lateral reflections the delay times of
the bandwidth, thereflectionsrelativeto each othermattera lot.
In fact, once a pattern has been set, the delay of
In an effort to calibrate the DFT detector, a series this pattern relative to the direct sound can be
of experiments on the envelopment of low varied with no change in envelopment. Some
frequency noise signals was performed. It is patterns are highly enveloping (greater than a
possible to probe the properties of the human diffuse field) and some are not enveloping at all.
envelopment detector through experiments with It seems that it is not just the total energy in the
single lateral reflections, and with multiple early reflections that is spatially important!
lateral reflections. We are interested in how the
envelopment impression depends on the delay of 5b. Bandwidth of the test signal for music:
single reflections, or the combination of delays
in multiple reflections. The apparatus described When we wish to calculate the DFF for music
in [44] was used, with continuous band filtered the test signal must have a longer correlation
pink noise as a source. The results were highly length than for noise. As mentioned above, we
interesting, can usereal reverberationasa test signal,orwe
can emulate the reverberation with a noise signal
First, (with a single subject) we found that the of 1-2Hz bandwidth. We will show some results
envelopment from a single lateral reflection based on narrow band noise.
depends on the delay of the reflection. There is
an interference effect. For frequencies in the 5c. Other considerations in the DFT
63Hz octave band a single lateral reflection at measurement system:
5.5ms delay produces a very wide and
enveloping sound field, with relatively low Another physiological variable in the DFT
sound pressure. A delay of 13ms produces a detector is the time constant used in the running
nearly monaural impression, with little or no ITD filter. Without this filter the ITD detector is
envelopment at all. As the frequency rises the hopelessly inaccurate, so there is a considerable
envelopment goes through one more cycle, reason to include it. Here we simply guess. A
becoming first super wide, and then somewhat time constant of about 50ms seems to work well.
less wide. Beyond 20ms all delays sound about In practice the filter is implemented with a
the same. variabletimeconstant.The TCis 50msfor
strong signals, and rises linearly as the signal
This interference behavior arises from easily amplitude falls. This amplitude dependence
calculated cancellation between the direct sound keeps zero crossings at low amplitudes (which
and the reflection. Such interference is not tend to be very noisy) from affecting the running
possible when the delays are greater than the average very much.
coherence time of the noise signal, and this
depends on its bandwidth. Thus the properties of The 3Hz to 17Hz bandwidth used for the
the basilar membrane filters can be studied fluctuations is also a bit of a guess. It is based
through the interference effect. We find that at on measurements made with amplitude
least at 63Hz the basilar membrane can be modulated and phase modulated pure tones. The
modeled by an elliptical filter of one octave bottom line is that this bandwidth gives quite
width. If the basilar membrane was significantly reasonable results, so it seems a good choice for
sharper than one octave at 63Hz, we would now.
expect the interference effect to extend to greater
delays. If you use a ½ octave filter in the DFT The output of the DFT measurement is a number
detector you find that the interference effect with that represents the average of the absolute value
a single reflection does extend to higher delays, of the interaural fluctuations. It is expressed in
A one octave filter at 63Hz seems about right, milliseconds. What is the meaning of this



number? How large should it be when the 6. lTD AND EXTERNAliZATION

envelopment is "just right", and is it possible for
it to be too high? The "in the head"perceptionalsoarisesfrom the
behavior of the ITD. When we are outdoors or
We might think we could calibrate the DFT by in a large space, a sound source at the side
using impulse responses measured in concert produces ITDs of about 0.75ms at the listener's
halls. This method has some advantages, but is head. We easily perceive fi'om this ITD that the
probably not what we want to do. The DFr source is external and at the side. When the
depends ultimately on the relationship between sound source is in the medial plane (directly in
the strength of the lateral sound field in the front, overhead, or behind) the lTD is much
region of the listener with the medial sound field, lower. We perceive the sound as centered. We
In a true diffuse field the medial signal will can usually tell if the source is directly in front or
dominate the lateral signal, since the medial field behind us. When this is possible, we perceive
includes both the front/back direction and the the sound as external.
up/down direction. In a concert hall this
situation is altered by the floor reflection. At It is well known that our ability to discriminate
63Hz the floor reflection enhances the lateral between rear sound and frontal sound at low
direction by canceling the vertical sound waves, fxequencies depends on our ability to move the
At 128Hz the opposite happens, with the vertical head. In natural hearing small movements of the
sound being enhanced by the reflection. Which head produce predictable changes in the lTD.
situation is optimal? In any case, why should we Small head movements localize and externalize a
expect that a concert hall - even a very good one source in the medial plane.
- would be optimal?
As we will see, in a small room the situation is
Once again experiments were performed to quite different. For medial sources (or for a
measure the envelopment using the apparatus of phantom image of a center source) a listener will
[44]. We found that below about 200Hz the experience a low ITD regardless of how the head
most pleasing overall sensation of envelopment is rotated. It is not possible to determine if the
occurs when two uncorrelated noise sources are sound is from the front or the back. The
on opposite sides of a listener in an anechoic perception becomes internal and artificial - a
space. (Above this frequency the envelopment perception peculiar to recorded music.
from such an array seems too wide, and a more
diffuse soundfield is preferred.) This implies It is not necessary that the sound source be
that below 200Hz the optimum value of the DFT localized to a particular direction for
is similar to the values we would measure in a externalization to occur. If the lTD changes
concert hall at 63Hz, where the floor reflection randomly - not in synchrony with head
enhances the lateral component of the sound, movements - externalization is still successful.
Our conclusion is that a diffuse field is not The resulting sound is perceived as external and
optimal at low frequencies. We can calibrate our enveloping. Our job in this paper is to find a
DFr detector by measuring its value when it is measure that describes the degree to which low
exactly between two noise sources in a simulated frequencies are externalized in a particular sound
anechoic space. The value we get is frequency field - ideally from a modeled or measured
dependent, but for the 63Hz octave band it is binaural impulse response. We can then use the
about 0.24ms. In the following paper we will measure to find how externalization can be
use this measure to study the envelopment at low optimized.
frequencies in listening rooms.
In conclusion we believe the DFT is a useful lTD
model for how human hearing perceives
envelopment when the sound source is band The Fourrier transform of the impulse response
limited pink noise. It is not clear at this time yields both pressure and phase as a function of
whether significantly different results would be frequency. To study the case where there is
obtained with other source signals, more than one driver active at the same time we
find it convenient to first find the impulse
response from each source separately. The phase
of the transform from each source is adjusted if

144 AES15th

necessary, and then the transforms are added to average pressure is useful nevertheless. To make
find the total pressure and phase. The transform the measure closer to what we hear we weight
of a binaural impulse response is found by the sum by -3dB per octave, so each 1/3 octave
separately calculating the transforms for each band gives an equal contribution to the sum.
ear. At low frequencies we assume the head can
be approximated by two omnidirectional We start with a binaural impulse response, either
receivers, separated laterally by 25cm. We do measured or calculated. That is, a separate
not auempt to model diffraction around the head, impulse response for the left ear and the right ear
which is minimal at the frequencies of interest, of a dummy head.

The lTD as a function of frequency can be found IL(t) = impulse response for the left ear
by finding the phase difference between the IR(t) = impulse response for the right ear
transforms of the left and right binaural Sum = sum of the frequency bins over the
responses. The phase difference is then frequencies of interest
converted to a time difference by dividing by
frequency. 2. FFTL(f) = ffi(IL(t))
3. FFTR(f) = fft(IR(t))
It is useful before going further to examine the
perceptual meaning of the impulse response and 7. Average Pressure ----sqrt(sum((magnitude
its Fourrier transform. Both are mathematical FFTL(0^2)/f)
concepts. It is not obvious that either should
have any relationship to what we hear with This average pressure contains a frequency
music. The impulse response is the response of factor, which we would like to eliminate
the room to a pistol shot or small explosion, when we plot pressure as a function of
These are fortunately rare in everyday life. frequency. We can define a normalized average
Nonetheless there is a considerable body of pressure:
literature that attempts to relate musical
perceptions to direct features of the impulse 8. Normalized Average Pressure = Average
response. Pressure / ( sum (l/sqrt(f))

The transform of the impulse response describes For Iow frequencies we assume that the
the steady state response of the room to single magnitude of FFrL is approximately equal to the
frequency sinusoids. These are plausibly magnitude of FFrR.
musical. In a smallrooms after the time it takes
for the sound to travel across the room a few We suggested above that the ITD at a particular
times the pressure is nearly at the steady state frequency could be found by comparing the
value. Most musical notes are longer than this, phase of the left and right parts of a binaural
and often the attacks of low frequency response. The problem is that this phase
instruments are slow enough that the room can difference is independent of the pressure at that
be modeled by the steady state condition, frequency. It is possible - in fact it is nearly
However each frequency in the transform always the case - that the frequencies where the
represents only a single musical note. We would phase difference is the largest are the ones for
like to know the response of the room over a which the pressure is the lowest. We are not
range of notes. We need a measure for average likely to take much notice of a large lTD if the
pressure and average phase, where the average is pressure is low. Unlike a lateral figure of eight
over frequency, microphone, which gives a maximum output at
the nulls of a lateral standing wave, we cannot
8. NORMALIZED AVERAGE PRESSURE determine the ITD of a sound we cannot hear. If
(NAP), AND AVERAGE lTD (AITD) we stand at such a null, we hear nothing.

To find the average pressure we could simply It would be possible to develop a model that
sum the pressure squared over the range of determines lTD the same way the ear does, by
interest to find the total pressure in the frequency first separating the sound into critical bands, and
band. The summation assumes that each then finding the timing of zero crossings for each
frequency was present in the steady state - which ear. See [44.] As we will see later, such a model
is not particularly likely - but this measure of is quite expensive computationally. Since we


want to calculate the ArrD at many frequencies averages out these differences, giving us a lower
and at many points in a room, there is a strong value than we would get using individual
incentive to develop an efficient model, frequencies. It does reflect the average
localization of a narrow band noise source. We
To make an average lTD that is closer to what are interested in externalization of the sound, and
we actually hear we weight the ITD with the externalization can take place even in the
pressure, lTDs with Iow pressure are given low absence of correct localization. Thus for
weighting, and ITDs with high pressure are externalization the average absolute value of the
weighted more strongly. We then normalize the ITD, the A1TD is a better measure.
resulting sum by dividing by the average
pressure ox)er the same frequency range. At low frequencies in a free field - with no
reflections - AITD and NliD are equal, and
Given this description the method of finding the independent of frequency. Their value depends
AITD follows directly: on the angle between the listener and the source,
and can be easily calculated.
5. Phase_angle(f) = angle(FFTL)-angle(FFTR)
6. liD(f) = Phase_angle(f)/(2*pi*f) If source_angle is the angle between the source
and a line drawn between the listener's ears
To find the AITD we multiply the absolute value (listener facing forward):
of lTD(f) by the absolute value of the pressure,
and sum over frequency. We also apply a -3dB Lateral AITD = 0.75ms*cos(source_angle)
per octaveweighting to give equal weight to all
bands. The sum is then normalized by dividing
by the weighted sum of the absolute pressure
overthe samefrequencyrange, os

6. AITD= ._°'s1
sum(magnitude(FFTL(f)) *abs(ITD(f))/(sqrt( <2o.4.
f))/(average pressure) _..J 02,
It is also possible to define a NET lTD (NITD) - 0,
one which preserves the sign of the ITD in the 2.54.5 6.5 5.5
sum. The NITD is always less than the AITD, 8.510.5
but it indicates our ability to determine the lateral
ft 14.5 17.5
direction of a sound source, not just its position-ft
Figure 1: The Lateral AITD in the center of a
7. NITD = 17'x23' anechoic space with a driver in the
sum(magnitude(FFTL(f))*ITD(f)/(sqrt(f))/(a upper left comer (at. 1',. 1'). Where the value is
verage pressure) high, the sound source will be localized to the
side of the listener.
Note that for simplicity we use only the
magnitude of FFTL(f) to represent the pressure We can also define a Medial AITD - by simply
at both ears. We could average the magnitudes rotating the listener's head by 90 degrees in
of FFTL and FFTR, but there seems to be no azimuth and calculating the AITD again. In a
reason to do so in practice, free field - assumingthe source angle has not

The NITD is a measure that expresses the

apparent direction Of a sound source in a given
frequency band. Not every frequency within the
band will localize to the same degree. In fact,
due to standing waves some frequencies may
localize to the wrong direction. The N1TD



At present it is not clear how close the AITD

must be to 0.75ms for complete externalization.
o.6, In our informal experience a value of 0.3ms or
04 lower will almost always sound internal. Values
of0.4msorsocansometimes beinternaland
g 0.2. sometimesbe external.Clarifyingthisquestion
o, willrequirefurtherexperiments.Howeverthe
2.5 AITDis usefulasa measure.Wewanttofind
456585 strategiesof speakerplacementandrecording
_25 techniquethat bringthe A1TDas closeas
lateralposition-ft14.517.5 front-backposition-_ possible to the free field value. Since in most
casesthe listener doesnot move the head very
Figure 2: The Medial AITD in the center of a much, at low frequencies we are mostly
17'x23' anechoic space with a driver in the interested in the lateral AITD.
upper left corner at. 1',. 1' Note that where the
lateral AITD is low, the medial AITD is high. Models that use these measures to study the
properties of listening rooms will be presented in
It makes sense to define a Total AITD, which is the next paper.
simply the RMS sum of the lateral and the
medial A1TD. Since cos^2 + sin^2 is one, in a REFERENCES
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