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During the second term students from 808 class had a teaching and learning process focused on the past tense topic. But
getting students attached to the topic through the pandemy was challenging. I used different methodologies through
classroom, gmail, meet, etc. This sample shows some observations of a final class that collects the learning of past simple
tense and the expression "used to" from students, using their childhood memories to practice the language goal proposal.

The challenge was to develop interest in the past simple and used to virtual significant learning. Getting them to
appropiate the correct form of used to expression through something important to them such as their childhood.


Students of 808 class in ciudadela´s school where showing 1. Presenting the topic, goals, criteria on google slides.
tiredness and lack of interest in the classroom weekly activities 2. Students provide some sentences with used to on the
during the second term due to different inconvinients with the
jamboard app.
internet, virtuality and the efects of pandemy and lockdown
3. Modeling an example with "used to" by using a photo
atmosthere. Taking this into account the purpose here is to
and childhood teacher memories.
change the class by answering ¿how to get students of 808
more interested and in English language? 4. Students exercise by stickng their photos from when
they were kids on the jamboard and writing about a

MODELING APPROACH METHODOLOGY actions that they used to do when kids and do not do
This is a strategy where the teacher applys a structure of now, using past simple tence and the expression used
the language (simple past tense and used to) by using a to.
situation from their own life, becoming a model to 5. Socializing aloud the examples at hte end of the
motivate students and getting them familiar to the topic. virtual meeting. 6. Self-assessment on a google format.
This methodology was used when after explaining the TIME: A term. A class 90 minutes.
topic of used to the teacher showed their own photo and OBSERVATIONS
wrote an example of something that she used to do in the Students got the expression "used to" and implement
childhood but she does not do now, as the students would simple past tense properly easilly thanks to modeling
have to do then from their own pics and lives. and the apealing TIC tools. They enjoyed thinking and
expressing emotions, they were spontaneous and
possibly (for a while) they forgot how hard English
used to seem to them. They would have prefered
having presential classes instead of virtual..

HOW TO USE "USED TO" IN ENGLISH. GOENGLISH youtube channel. November 7th de 2014. In:

THE OPEN RESOURCE BANK FOR INTERACTIVE TEACHING. A JISC OER 3 project at the Faculty of Education. Teaching approaches:
Modelling. University of Cambridge. 2012

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