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Drag and Drop Method to Move Text

Microsoft Word includes drag-and-drop functionality, which

allows you to use the mouse to move a selection from one place
to another:
1. Select a block of text to move.
2. Hold down the mouse button and drag the selection to
another location in the document.
Enhancing / Formatting Your Word Document

 Use the Formatting toolbar to quickly change the type, size, style and color of text in your document.
Drop Caps Set tab stops
A drop cap is a large letter that
begins a paragraph and drops Tab stops enable you to line up
through several lines of text as text to the left, right, center, or to
shown below. a decimal character or bar
 Follow these steps to add character. You can also
drop caps to a paragraph: automatically insert specific
 Place the cursor within the characters, such as periods or
paragraph whose first letter will dashes, before the tabs. Select the
be dropped. paragraph in which you want to
 Select Format| Drop Cap set a tab stop. Do one of the
from the menu bar. following:
 The Drop Cap dialog box
allows you to select the position Under Alignment, select the
of the drop cap, the font, the alignment for text typed at the tab
number of lines to drop, and the stop.
distance from the body text. Under Leader, click the leader
option you want, and then click
Borders and Shading
 Access the dialog box by selecting Format
Border s and Shading from the menu bar ,or
 Select a suitable tab to insert the border
style, page border style or shading style for the
document. And then select the color, width,
To quickly place text in a pattern and other options.
column format, click the
Columns button on the standard
toolbar and select the number of
columns by dragging the mouse
over the diagram.
For more column options, select
Format/Page Layout |Columns
from the menu bar. The
Columns dialog box allows you
to choose the properties of the
columns. Select the number and
width of the columns from the
dialog box.

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