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Nama: -Aisha Suci H / 4

-Rafida Amelia / 32
Kelas: XII AKL 2
*in call*
Aisha: “Good morning, Amel.

Amel: “Hello good morning. Sorry, who is this?”

Aisha: “Hello this is me Aisha, sorry if I disturb you”

Amel: “oh Aisha. That’s okay. Can I help you?”

Aisha: “Not really. I want to ask you something”

Amel: “Of course Aisha. Please go on”

Aisha: “Are you busy for the day after tomorrow? I have a birthday party. Could you come to my

Amel: “I would like to, but I have so many works to do. I have over time”

Aisha: “I am taking a day off, so I would be happy to help you finish the job so you can come to my
birthday party.”

Amel: :is it okay for you?”

Aisha: “sure. It is no problem. I will come to your house tomorrow morning, okay?”

Amel: “okay, thank you for your help Aisha”

Aisha: “you’re welcome. See you soon”

Amel: “see you”

*at Amel’s house*

Aisha: “hello amel”

Amel: “hello Aisha. Come in, please”

Aisha: “okay, what can I help you mel?”

Amel: “oh can you write my portofolio, please?”

Aisha: “sure, what should I write?”

Amel: “you can see and write from this file”

Aisha: “okay”

Amel: “do you want to drink?”

Aisha: “no, that’s okay”

Amel: “that’s okay, I will bring you ice tea and some snacks”
*bring the snacks”

Aisha: “thank you, Amel”

Amel: “don’t mention it”

Aisha: “btw, I have finished the portofolio, what can I do more mel?”

Amel: “hmm, I think that’s enough”

Aisha: “are you sure?”

Amel: “yes, hehe”

Aisha: “okay then”

*after they finished their works”

Amel: “Aisha thank you very much for your help”

Aisha: “no problem. Don’t forget tomorrow to come to my birthday party ya”

Amel: “I’ll promise”

Aisha: “okey, bye mel”

Amel: “bye”

*at Aisha’s house*

Aisha: “hello amel, welcome to my birthday party”

Amel: “hello Aisha, thank you”

Aisha: “enjoy the party okay”

Amel: “okay, btw can I help you something?”

Aisha: “hmm, is it okay?”

Amel: “of course, what can I help you?”

Aisha: “can you move the cake to that table, please?”

Amel: “sure, wait here”

*after Amel moved the cake”

Amel: “Aisha, I already move the cake to that table, anything else can I help?”

Aisha: “nothing, that’s okay, thank you for your help Amel. Sorry if I bothered you”

Amel: “hey, that’s not a problem”

Aisha: “hehe okay, please enjoy the party okay, eat anything you want”

Amel: “oh okey, sure”

*after the party over*

Aisha: “hi amel, are you enjoy the party?”

Amel: “of course I am. Btw here’s your present. Im sorry I forgot to gave you at first”

Aisha: “woahh, thank you amel. You’re so sweet”

Amel: “hihi youre welcome, hmm can I help you to clean these table?”

Aisha: “that’s okay Amel. I don’t want to bother you”

Amel: “hey youre not bother me. Let me help you okay”

*after their clean all tables”

Aisha: “Amel thank you so much for all your help. Im so glad to have friend like you”

Amel: “youre welcome Aisha. I have to go home”

Aisha: “oh okay, do you want me to take you home by car? I can if you want”

Amel: “No no, that’s fine. I will call taxi online”

Aisha: “are you sure? I feel uncomfortable for that”

Amel: “of course. Just take a rest okay”

Aisha: “well, okay. Once again thank you very much amel”

Amel: “don’t mention it. Goodbye sha”

Aisha: “bye mel”

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