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3 N ptained by insolubilizing the di IN isobtained By ng the dissolved a eis oe tion. Where obtained by the addiice: gyn HH to amine ai the reduc terme er G08 eh re obtained by the destabilization of a solution te Jactis termed precipitated silica, After ere obNych manner as to yield very fine i Prtor NLT 1h, it Contains NLT 99.0% of so, pn sca Fale the Sample to platinum crucible, mi f anhydrous potassium carbonate, ignite at a ih 2007189 Horner for 10 min, and cool Disolve the oi of recently distilled Water, warming if tin? Md slowly add 2 mL of ammonium TS, feria: A deep yellow color is produced, ry ‘root Saunt the Somplein a tared platinum dish at 1000" ahi (Bina desiccator, and weigh. Carefully wet with teint add 10 mL of hydrofluoric acid in small valet is, Evaporate on a steam bath to dryness, and. ‘ool, Add 10 mL of hydrofluoric acid and 0.5 mL of sulfuric Stand evaporate to dryness. Slowly increase the ‘Sepeture untill ofthe acids have been volatized, and ‘gi at 1000", Cool in a desiccator, and weigh. The Berence between the final weight and the weight of the ‘aly ignited portion represents the weight of SiO. teria: NLT 99.0% on the previously ignited wweunries ‘honcanic IMPURITIES _isntantion (733 leg ‘afi gre the Sample, previously died and weighed, at Th, ‘eeplance criteria: it loses NMT 8.59% of its weight Pride and Sulfate, Chloride 221): Boil § gin $0 mt of ‘under reflux condenser for 2h, cool, and fier. A ‘cporton ofthe filtrate shows no more chloride than, Chet 121.0 mL of 0.020 N hydrochloric acid (0.1%). rag and Sulfate, Sulfate (221): A 10-mL portion of the coe" the test for Chloride shows no more sulfate than safe t 5.0 ml. of 0,020 N sulfuric acid (0.5%) Single efhod (211) diggin: Transfer 4.0 g to a platinum dish. Add 5 mt Sha geal and 35 mL of hydrofluoric acid, and evaporate aygfa bath, Cool, Add $ mL. of perchloric acid, 10 mL orate Ct acid, and 10 mL of sulfuric acid, and {ea 0 @ hot plate to the production of heavy fumes, fvnt gg@tsly transfer toa 10G-ml beaker with the aid O19 42430 ydrochiovie acid, and evaporate to dryness, COO! hydrochloric acid, aliute with water to 40 ™e Offi al Monographs / Siicon 6009 and heat t VOLUN dissolve any Analyst Benard dhe Goo) Transfer toa 100-m cept Sm eth water to volume (NMS ppt: Metts the req ea tion. secre ofthe test SPH (791): 4 3 “Los on pf Bina sary ren SY in 20) NMT 5.096 Tag oY 8 Ome a 143"for 4h ADDITIONA\ . iL REQUI Packacna REMENTS Protected jn? STORAGE: Preserve in tight containers, + tneanes (22, moisture, a Precipitated st Li is i 0 state whether itis sca gel or Colloidal Silicon Dioxide SiO, Silica (7631-86.9), DEFINITION ‘olloidal Silicon Dioxide isa submicroscopic roscopic fumed si Brepared by the vapor-phase hydrolysis ofa sicon compound. When ignite , 99.0% and NMI 100801 Oy 2 contains NIT IDENTIFICATION ‘A: ProceouRe inalysis: Transfer S mg toa pltiaum crucible, and mix with 200 mg of anhydrous potassium carbonate. Heat the ‘tucible toa red color with the aid of a Bunsen burner for 10 min, and cool. Dissolve the melt in 2 mL of freshly distilled water, watming if necessary, and slowly add 2 mL ‘of ammonium molybdate TS to the solution. Acceptance criteria: A deep yellow color is produced. +B. PRoceDuRE [Note—-Avoid contact with o-olidine when performing, this test, and conduct the test in a wellventilated hood} ‘Analysis: Pace 1 drop ofthe yellow silicomolybdate solution from Identification test A ona filter paper, and evaporate the solvent. Add 1 drop of a saturated solution of o-tolidine in glacial acetic acid to reduce the slicomolybdate to molybdenum blue, and place the paper over ammonium hydroxide, Acceptance criter ASSAY * Procenune m ite the Sample in a tared platinum crucible at or 2h, col na descator and weigh, Aad 3 sulfuric acid, and add enough alcohol to just drops of uta complete. Add 13 mcf hydrofluoric magsten fhe Sel-ventlated hood evaporate on a hotplate Bd, an a eumnet 05-105) 3 aig ce to resample doesnot spatter as dryness s approached. Heat the crucible to lee co tne pa re | the crc residue at 1000 # 25° for 30 min, coo Pinel ee am eae alysis car ing with “Add 15 ml. of hydrofluoric aid”, Arh Be easy spec, prev ned The woes, represents the weight of SO, nthe portion sia; 99.09%-100.596 0n the previously 60.08 ‘A greenish blue spot is produced. 1000+ taken. Acceptance crite ignited basis aunushy CamScanner Ea = s Fy A co PS a

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