BPD201 B WS2016

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Student Number:




Class : BE Second Year (Civil)

Module : Building Drawing

Module Code : BPD201

Semester : III

Max. Marks : 50

Max. Time : 4Hrs.

General Instructions:

1. Answer all the questions.

2. Assume suitable data where ever necessary.
3. Write down the scale used for each question.
4. 3marks are reserved for neatness (1) and title block (2).

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Question No.1 [5.5, 5.5]
1.1 Draw English bond of one brick thick wall to a scale of 1:20 for the
following including all the details and labelling:
a. Plans (even and odd course)
b. Elevations showing at least three consecutive courses.
c. Isometric view of three courses.
Use modular brick.

1.2 Draw Single Flemish bond of one brick thick wall to a scale of
1:20 for the following including all the details and labelling.
a. Plans (even and odd course)
b. Elevations showing at least three consecutive courses.
c. Isometric view of three courses.
Use modular brick.

Question No.2 [8, 3]

2.1 Design and draw a staircase for a two storied hospital building to
scale 1:60 with the following data:
a. Staircase hall = 5.4m Χ 4.5m
b. Height of each floors = 3.3m
c. Thickness of landing and floor slab 150mm
d. Waist slabs =120mm
e. Thickness of wall 250mm and handrails 800mm.
Assume other necessary data, whenever required.

2.2 Differentiate the following with neat diagram:

a. Bevelled closer and Mitred closer
b. English bond and Flemish Bond

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Question No.3 [2.5, 6.5]
3.1 Draw the following truss in scale of 1:100.
a) Compound Howe Truss [Span=14m, Rise=4.5m]
b) Compound fink truss [Span=12m, Rise=4 m]
c) North light Truss [Span=12 m, Rise=4.5m]
d) Compound fan fink Truss [Span=16m, Rise=5m]
e) Combination of king and queen post truss [Span=15, Rise=5m].

3.2 Identify the numbered components 1-13 of Bhutanese Architecture

from Figure A.

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Question No.4 [8]
4.1 Draw to a suitable scale, the elevation and sectional plan of a six
paneled double leaf door with the overall size of 1.2m x 2.1m.Use
rebate of 15mm and 10mm respectively.
Frame section = 70mm x 100mm
Stiles section = 30mm x 100mm.
Wall thickness = 300mm.
Thickness of the panel = 25mm.
Width of (top, bottom, lock, frieze) rail= 100mm, 250mm,
200mm and 100mm respectively.
Also show the joints between the meeting stiles and panel.

Question No.5 [8]

5.1 Draw the front view (half elevation) of a timber Queen post roof truss of
12m clear span and pitch of 30˚ to a scale of 1:30. It is supported by the
brick wall 300mm thick. The following particulars are given;
a. Tie beam 300X150mm
b. Queen post and 180X150mm
c. Principal rafter 180X150mm
d. Common rafter 100X50mm
e. Struts 100X100mm
f. Purlin 100X180mm
g. Purlin cleat 150X 100X80mm
h. Straining beam 180mmX150mm
i. 450mm overhang, with Eaves boards 25 x 250 mm and
80X120mm wall plate.
j. 3 ways M.S.Strap 50x6 mm, M.S.Stirrup 50x10 mm were
used for the truss member connections.
Also draw the following details to a scale of 1:20.
a) Details at foot of the Queen Post.
b) Details showing queen post, straining beam and rafters.

*******GOOD LUCK*******

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