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2. Most of us think of wealth as money ,property and power , so in

such a case it would just be material prosperity and an abundance
of possessions. However, this type of wealth is only a part of Real
wealth. Money is just a tool but Real Wealth is something that
makes life worthwhile. First of all, we should think that whether
money can buy everything including time or happiness,
satisfaction or confidence,healthor love.These are the small things
which we are never going to get no matter how much money we
spend. True wealth is not measured in money or status or power. It
is measured in the legacy we leave behind for those we love and
those we inspire. This is absolutely true because ,after the death of
a people no body remember the fame and wealth one had in the
world but is only remembered by the quality of his heart and his
good personality. This situation fits perfectly with the quote
“Measure wealth not by the things you have, but by the things you
have for which you would not take money. “That’s where true
wealth resides in the truly valuable things which we
would never trade for anything. Those are the things which make
us wealthy in spirit, and they help us find happiness within us. That
is true wealth.
In my perspective, I believe that our wealth is not measured by
money , in fact it is measured by the degree of happiness and
satisfaction you have towards life,positive personal relationships,
having a happy and healthy family, For example, I think that a poor
healthy happy family is much wealthier than a richsick broken
family. The close poor families have something money cannot
measure up to which is love and health. Wealth could also be
measured by having good friends , enjoyable times, hopes and
dreams, achievement, life experiences and spiritual well-being. to
me these things are the unpurchasable treasures that define true
3. The meaning of the word conservation is a careful preservation
and protection of something. It also means the preservation of a
physical quantity during transformations or reactions. It also means
sustentation. We should conserve water, soil and minerals. Other
forms of conservation are animal conservation, marine
conservation, human conservation and environmental
conservation. Firstly , environmental conservation is about
protection of our environment . Our environment can be protected
by forest conservation, soil conversation, waste management,
pollution control and public awareness. It is also important to note
that conservation of one form of environmental factor is directly
related to other forms of conservatio such as water, forest ,
marine, animal and environmental conservation. The following are
the measures to conserve the environment such as stopping
deforestation, utilisation of natural renewable resources , finding a
solution to stop forest fire which is a way to stop forest life such as
plants and animals. To reserve deforestation, afforestation should
be done to conserve the environment. Awareness among public
must be created to protect the wildlife, animals, marine, forests ,
resources such as water, soil and other forms of natural world. We
should find ways to control our population. Also, we should find
ways to stop air, land, water and soil pollution. We should adopt an
environment friendly lifestyle and try to reduce, reuse , recycle and
refuse the waste materials. Species that are endangered, in
danger of being hunted and killed should be saved. We should
adopt waste management techniques.
4. You could listen to your favourite selection of love songs and think
of how lovely it would be if your love life was as rosy as in songs.
Unfortunately, life is not always a bed of roses and real love is not
as simple as you think. There are three main reasons why real
love is not so much of a fantasy.

One of the reasons is that love, at first sight, does not exist. It is
common to see a storyline in songs where a guy stumbles upon a
girl he meets for the first time and out of nowhere, he starts singing
his love for her. We hear a lot of people saying ‘It was love at first
sight when asked how they met but in reality, people are merely
attracted to the physical appearance when meeting someone for
the first time without really knowing who they are.
Besides, real love is not acquired that easily. Real love is an
adventure between partners. Both partners should be willing to
give their all to each other to ensure the prospects of finding real
love is high even if it is not guaranteed. By giving their all, both
sides need to be there for each other especially in midst of hard
This leads to the next point and that is, real love is found after
passing the hardship test together. The hardship test is continuous
in every relationship and this is when couples will start to see the
beauty of real love. Yes, couples will have their moments of drama
when facing an issue, no matter how big or small it is. However, a
clear sign that a relationship is strong is when couples manage to
overcome these hardships that put their love to the test even under
extreme conditions.
To sum it up, real love is not easy to acquire like in pop songs. Pop
songs are simply giving encouragement for people to love. I do
agree that it is heart-soothing to hear the romantic words being
sung in a nice melody but we ought to realize that real love is not a
fantasy, but an adventure.
5. A very good morning to our respected panel of judges, moderator
and my fellow competitors. Today, I would like to deliver a speech
entitled f I could be an animal I would definitely be a lion. I would
be a lion because they are one of the most dominant and strong
animals in the animal kingdom. They are referred to as ‘the king of
the jungle’ and possess a certain charming characteristic that
allows them to move fierce fast. They bear huge fangs and sharp
claws and will take on anything that gets in their way. They stalk
prey and move like smooth silk across the jungle floor, hardly
making a noise. Although they are avid quiet hunters, they can still
unleash a giant roar that will have any animal running for their life.
Lions are brave and courageous but most importantly, they are
leaders. They lead their families and show their young how to
become independent hunters and predators. If a lion were a
politician, I believe it would be quite a strong headed, opinionated
one. Always trying to dig up dirt on their opponent or find a way to
one-up them. They would mostly likely be very charismatic
speakers who can easily sway a crowd. They would be widely
respected as a public political figure and would go after the
unwanted things in the country with a vengeance. In my opinion,
they would make great politicians. They would hold their beliefs
close their hearts and fight endlessly for that they think is right.
They would constantly be trying to come out on top and push their
agendas. They would go to great lengths to make their plans
known and don’t necessarily care about a perfectly polished
reputation. I believe I have given you some points to support my
statements and while I take my leave I hope my speech has made
an impact on everyone present here today. Thank you to the
respected judges, moderator and the competitors for lending your
ears to listen to my humble speech.
6. Although they may seem passive, plants have their own complex
sensory systems too, designed to respond to dangers or other
changes in their environment. Plants may not have eyes, ears or a
tongue, but their skin can perform many of the same functions.
Plants are not only aware of when it rains or when it’s windy, but
they can respond accordingly. Just like us, plants have skin that
reacts to the environment around them, and this is crucial to their
” To err is human” it’s only human to make mistakes. As humans, we
think we forgive but usually we can’t forget easily, which is a larger part
of forgiveness. And” to forgive is divine” means that it’s very difficult for a
human to forgive. Everyone makes mistakes, commit sins at some point
in there life. It’s a human nature to make mistakes. But to forgive
someone from those mistakes is indeed very hard. It doesn’t happen
naturally like making a mistake. People are acting in a divine way when
they forgive. One almost have to be in a real holy place in there mind to
forgive someone. Man should always be forgiving as it is human nature
to commit mistakes. Adam and Eve, who disobeyed God by plucking the
forbid¬den fruit, were our forefathers. They were shunted out from the
Garden of Eden by God when he came to know about it. Sometimes in
his anger man loses his senses and commits mistakes. But once he has
done the mistake it is done. That is unalterable. The only remedy to
correct the mistake is acknowledgement and realization. Since all of us
are sinners at one time or the other, it will be desirable that we should
forgive our enemies because forgiveness is a gift given by the God.
Jesus Christ, even on the cross, during his last moments, was able to
say this about the people who had put him to death: “Father, forgive
them for they know not what they are doing.”
All of us are humans. We all have our weaknesses and strength. No one
is perfect. So when someone does a wrong to us, why can’t we forgive
them? Forgiving that person brings out the holy nature that lies in
human. It is not very easy to do it but once we truly forgive someone for
his mistake we will feel an inner peace. “All people commit sins and
make mistakes. God forgives them, and people are acting in a godlike
(divine) way when they forgive.” This saying is from “An Essay on
Criticism,” by Alexander
9. Globalisation has played a large part in making our seemingly large
world shrink. Our world is a smaller place, now as you all may know that
the word “World” actually represents the whole of human civilization
since the beginning of time, our experiences, history and also the human
condition in general.
“Globalisation” as I said is the drive that makes us humans break
boundaries that have been set up by nature. Human population to this
date stands at 7 billion and still increasing slowly but steadily and so are
the technological advances of mankind. First of all, we humans have
learnt to break the boundaries of being across various continents by the
invention of the airplane or aeroplane. We have the Wright Brothers to
thank for that although we might be a little bit late but these aviation
pioneers have managed to make the world a little smaller in size.
Humans can now travel the world and stay connected to their next of kin
that may be living in others parts of the world.
Then comes the inventions of other simpler but extremely useful vehicles
such as motorcycles, cars, trains and watercrafts. These simple but
useful machines make our lives easier and also keep us connected to
people all around us without having to worry about the distance.
Technology is another culprit behind the act of making the world a
smaller place; this has been done by the invention of new gadgets and
gizmos that enable us to reach out to one another. We have already, on
many occasions, reached new heights and breakthroughs that diminish
space time. For example, the biggest breakthrough of all time by Mark
Zuckerberg that has connected millions “Facebook”. The term
“Facebook” might not be foreign to all of you because I’m sure each of
you might have a Facebook account or have tried this amazing
application. Other than Facebook, applications such as Twitter have also
garnered followers around the world and the numbers don’t stop at
thousands but amount to millions. Well, millions? Doesn’t that explain a
lot to you? Now with billions of people connected on the same server, we
could have all the friends in the world without having to even travel. Now
that what I call a major breakthrough.
21. What human quality do we need more of and why?

There are many different kinds of people around the world. Some are
friendly and some are confident. However, it is very hard to look for
someone that we can identify as a good person. In my opinion, there are
several personalities of people, but two important qualities are being
faithful and being kind.

One of the greatest qualities a good person need is being faithful. First
and foremost, a trustworthy person is someone we can count on no
matter what. For example, a good person is a person with whom you can
talk to and trust with your secrets, they won't open their mouth just for
fun of it because they respect you. Furthermore, a trustworthy person
will never lie to each other. Another point of being a faithful person is
responsible. For instance, as a responsible member of the family, they
will take care of whenever they go far away will always worry for the
family members. Namely, with a friend relationship, a good person will
never penny wise pound foolish, keep a promise, Apologize when you've
made a mistake.

Being a kind person is another necessary quality of a good person.

Firstly, a good person is someone who has a warm heart. For instance,
he or she will give love to people around by they share their couple with
virtuous and kind actions such as doing charity, donate money to poor
people or taking care of old people in care homes. Moreover, becoming
a volunteer can help community life is improved by aiding others and
helping hands like joining green summer program. Secondly, caring for
each other is a way to build a good character too. For example, when
your friend or your family are in a bad situation, a good person can give
useful advice to them to help them solve the problem. Namely, Help your
friends deal with their struggles and support emotion when they are in
bad mood.

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