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Kefir's History

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Kefir's History
dates back many centuries to the shepherds of the Caucasus mountains. They
discovered that fresh milk carried in
leather pouches would occasionally
ferment into an effervescent beverage.

the Caucasian Mountains, legend has it that the resulting kefir "grains
(not really a true grain) were a gift to Orthodox
people from Mohammed, who
instructed them on how to use the grains. Mohammed strictly forbade them from
away the secret of kefir preparation to other people, or pass anyone
kefir grains, because they would lose their "magic
strength." The
legend explains why kefir grains and the method for kefir preparation have been
surrounded by mystery
for so long.

most of recorded history, kefir was scarcely known outside the Caucasian
Mountains, although Marco Polo
mentioned it in recounting his travels.

self-carbonated dairy-based beverage continues to be popular in Russia,
southwestern Asia and Eastern and
Northern Europe, and has recently gained some
popularity in the United States.

Kefir's Production
kefir is made by fermentation of the "kefir" grains, which resembles
miniature cauliflowers that are the size of
wheat kernels. These grains consist
of casein and gelatinous colonies of microorganisms that are grown together
symbiotically. The dominant microflora are Saccharomyces kefir, Torula kefir,
Lactobacillus caucasicus, Leuconnostoc
species and lactic streptococci. In
addition, some yeast is present.These many beneficial microorganisms are what
separates kefir from virtually all other cultured milk products, which
typically use only one, and rarely more than three
species in the culturing
process. These microorganisms produce a variety of changes in the milk.

Kefir's Health Benefits

cultures' chemical changes make the milk much easier to digest, allowing the
body to absorb more of the naturally
present nutrients. The transformation of
lactose to lactic acid allows people, even t hose with lactose intolerance, to
digest kefir and get its full benefits.Kefir is high in calcium, amino acids,
B-vitamins and folic acid. Kefir can play a
vital role in the development of a
healthy digestive tract in babies, as it protects against negative effects of
radiation and
helps improve the immune system. Kefir's friendly cultures also
produce specific antibiotic substances which can
control undesirable
microorganisms and act as anti-carcinogenic factors. Kefir also helps to
enhance bowel function and
control candida - a condition where there is an
excessive growth of yeast cells. In reference to Candida, Dr. Orla-Jenson,
noted Danish bacteriologist specializing in dairy research states that
"Kefir digests yeast cells and has a beneficial
effect on the intestinal

international Nobel prize winning researcher, Elie Metchnikoff (1908) found
that kefir activates the flow of saliva,
most likely due to its lactic acid
content and its slight amount of carbonation. Kefir stimulates peristalsis and
juices in the intestinal tract. For these reasons it is recommended as
a postoperative food since most abdominal
operations cause the bowels to stop
contracting and pushing food along (peristalsis).

unique properties include its use as a remedy for digestive troubles because of
its very low curd tension, meaning
that the curd breaks up very easily into
extremely small particles. The curd of yogurt, on the other hand, holds
or breaks up into lumps. The small size of the kefir curd facilitates
digestion by presenting a large surface for digestion
agents to work on. In
addition, kefir possesses mild laxative properties. It is also recommended to
restore the intestinal
flora of people who are recovering from a serious
illness or being treated with antibiotics.

 Kefir is predigested due to the fermentation

process rendering itself tolerable to those persons who can not tolerate
products.[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

story of kefir is littered with distinction: a 2,000 year history, a mention by
Marco Polo, and, in the 1980s, a
symbolic gift exchanged between superpowers at
the end of the cold war.

is a fermented milk product containing live probiotic organisms and rich in
nutrients required by the body:
proteins, minerals and vitamins. It is produced
by adding a fermented grain culture to milk.

in ancient times by nomadic shepherds in the Balkans, kefir was little known in
the West for 1,900 years,
despite being mentioned by Marco Polo. Then, by order
of the Russian Czar, it was brought to Russia at the beginning
of the twentieth
century and became popular in many parts of Europe.

Kefir is a cultured, creamy product with amazing health attributes. Its

tart and refreshing flavor is similar to a
drinking-style yogurt, but it
contains beneficial yeast as well as friendly 'probiotic' bacteria found in
yogurt. The
naturally occurring bacteria and yeast in kefir combine
symbiotically to give superior health benefits when
consumed regularly. It is
loaded with valuable vitamins and minerals, it contains easily digestible
proteins, and it boasts natural antibiotic properties - a natural
antibiotic made with milk! 
For the lactose intolerant, kefir's
abundance of beneficial yeast and bacteria provide lactase, an enzyme which
most of the lactose left after the culturing process. 

Kefir can be made from any type of milk, cow, goat or sheep, coconut,
rice or soy. Although it is slightly mucous
forming, the mucous has a
"clean" quality to it that creates ideal conditions in the digestive
tract for the colonization of
friendly bacteria. 

Kefir is made from gelatinous white or yellow particles called

"grains." This makes kefir unique, as no other milk
culture forms
grains. These grains contain the bacteria/yeast mixture clumped together with
casein (milk proteins) and
complex sugars. They look like pieces of coral or
small clumps of cauliflower and range from the size of a grain of
wheat to that
of a hazelnut. Some of the grains have been known to grow in large flat sheets
that can be big enough to
cover your hand!. The grains ferment the milk,
incorporating their friendly organisms to create the cultured product. The
grains are then removed with a strainer before consumption of the kefir and
added to a new batch of milk. 

In addition to beneficial bacteria and yeast, kefir contains minerals and
essential amino acids that help the body
with healing and maintenance
functions. The complete proteins in kefir are partially digested and therefore
easily utilized by the body. Tryptophan, one of the essential amino acids
abundant in kefir, is well known for its
relaxing effect on the nervous system.
Because kefir also offers an abundance of calcium and magnesium, which
are also
important minerals for a healthy nervous system, kefir in the diet can have a
particularly profound
calming effect on the nerves. Kefir's ample supply of
phosphorus, the second most abundant mineral in our
bodies, helps utilize
carbohydrates, fats, and proteins for cell growth, maintenance and
Kefir is rich in Vitamin B12, B1, and
Vitamin K. It is an excellent source of biotin, a B Vitamin which aids the
assimilation of other B Vitamins, such as folic acid, pantothenic acid,
and B12. The numerous benefits of maintaining
adequate B vitamin intake range
from regulation of the kidneys, liver and nervous system to helping relieve
disorders, boost energy and promote longevity. 
The benefits of consuming kefir regularly in the diet are numerous.
Easily digested, it cleanses the intestines,
provides beneficial bacteria and
yeast, vitamins and minerals, and complete proteins. Because kefir is such a
balanced and nourishing food, it contributes to a healthy immune system and has
been used to help patients
suffering from AIDS , chronic fatigue syndrome,
herpes, and cancer. Its tranquilizing effect on the nervous
system has
benefited many who suffer from sleep disorders, depression, and ADHD (attention
hyperactivity disorder).  
The regular use of kefir can help
relieve all intestinal disorders, promote bowel movement, reduce flatulence and
a healthier digestive system. In addition, its cleansing effect on the
whole body helps to establish a balanced inner
ecosystem for optimum health and

Kefir can also help eliminate unhealthy food cravings by making the body
more nourished and balanced. Its excellent
nutritional content offers healing
and health-maintenance benefits to people in every type of condition.[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

Two delicious kefir recipes

 Make kefir with the freshest milk possible and add as many of the
following  ingredients as desired:  

1 tsp. of unrefined flax seed oil
Lecithin, which aids fat digestion, to
Fiber, such as Nutri-Flax
Probiotics (friendly bacteria)
Natural flavorings or herbs such as
nutmeg, cinnamon, non-alcoholic vanilla or natural
fruit flavoring
Fresh or frozen organic fruits,
strawberries, raspberries, bananas, kiwi, mango etc.
Blend together for a delicious,
nutritious breakfast, lunch, or snack and enjoy! 

Cool Kefir
Dressing (No Oil)

cups fresh Kefir
heaping tbs. fresh parsley, chopped
heaping tbs. fresh chives, minced
heaping tbs. fresh lemon zest, finely chopped
heaping tbs. fresh garlic, finely chopped
tsp. sea salt
tsp. Herbamare TM 
tsp. xanthan gum
1.   Combine all ingredients
(except xanthan gum) and blend thoroughly. 
2.   Slowly add xanthan gum and continue
to blend until mixture thickens.
3.   Full flavor will develop after 6 to
8 hours. 

Note:  Dairy products combine best with nonstarchy vegetables and

acid fruits. Don't hesitate to add a little Flax Seed
Oil to this recipe. 

The easiest  way

to have fresh kefir available any time is to make it yourself!  Among the
benefits of homemade
kefir:  you can choose the milk you use -- organic,
nonfat, low fat, whole, goat's or cow's milk; it's very rich in
and, of course, it can't get any fresher. 

These are divided into four Genus groups:


Lb. brevis
Lb. cellobiosus
Lb. casei ssp.alactosus
Lb. casei ssp. rhamnosus  Lc. lactis ssp. lactis[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

Lb. casei Lc. lactis var. diacetylactis

Lb. helveticus ssp. lactis Lc. lactis ssp. cremoris
Lb. delbrueckii ssp. lactis S. salivarius ssp. thermophilus
Lb. delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus S. lactis
Lb. lactis Enterococcus durans
Lb. fructivorans Leuconostoc cremoris
Lb. hilgardii L. mesenteroides
Lb. kefir 
Lb. kefiranofaciens
 *Lb. kefirgranum sp. no
*Lb parakefir sp. nov.

Kluyveromyces lactis
Kluyveromyces marxianus var.
K. bulgaricus  Acetobacters aceti
K. fragilis / marxianus A. rasens
Candida kefir
C. pseudotropicalis
Saccharomyces ssp. Torulopsis holmii
Encyclopaedia of Food
Food Technology and
Nutrition under "Kefir"
pages 1804-1808.
* Two new
species recently discovered. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
(3) 435-439 (1994) [21 ref. En]
Research shows that units count of microbes in kefir grains that were Gram stained were:
Bacilli (single cells,
pair, chains), Streptococci
(pair, chains) and Yeast (single
cells). The means and ranges were
: Bacilli 66, 62-
69% ; Streptococci 16,
11-12% ; Yeasts 18, 16 -20%.
Note: I have no knowledge of C. albicans has
ever been isolated from kefir
grains, in fact, with the help and use
of daily intakes of kefir, I have helped to eliminate in
myself  C. albicans infection (over growth).

These two wonderful articles were written by 

Cathy J. Saloff-Coste
from Danone at their website
       Kefir is a
refreshing fermented milk with a slightly acidic taste. It is made only from
kefir grains or mother cultures
prepared from grains, although attempts to
produce kefir with pure cultures are in progress.

       Kefir grains are

a complex and specific mixture of bacteria and yeasts held together by a
polysaccharide matrix.
The lactic acid bacteria and yeast fermentation of milk
results in the production of numerous components, including
lactic acid, CO2, a
small amount of alcohol, and an array of aromatic molecules, all of which
provide kefir with its
unique organoleptic properties. Many health benefits
related to the consumption of kefir have been observed, but
rigorous research
using modern scientific methods is in its early stages.

       Kefir is a fermented
drink which has been consumed for thousands of years. It originated in the
mountains in the former Soviet Union where the drink was fermented
naturally in bags made of animal hides. Its use is
currently being expanded
because of its unique organoleptic properties and its long tradition of health

distinguishes itself from the more known fermented milk yogurt in that it is
traditionally made only from kefir
grains which contain a complex mixture of
both bacteria and yeasts. The resulting kefir possesses unique organoleptic[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

characteristics. Research on its health benefits is just beginning, and there

remain many questions unanswered.

        Two types

of kefir exist: sugary, a fermented sweetened water; and milky, a fermented
milk beverage. This article
addresses the milky variety, whose norm has been
established by the International Dairy Federation (2) , and it will
provide an
overview of its characteristics and a discussion of its potential health

Characteristics and consumption of kefir

        Kefir is a
refreshing slightly carbonated and acidic fermented milk (3) . It can be
consumed as is, or can be used in
cooking (in soups, sauces, and cakes). The
distinctive organoleptic properties differ from yogurt in that small amounts
CO2, alcohol, and aromatic molecules are produced as a result of a dual
fermentation of lactic acid bacteria and

       Although kefir is

just being discovered in some areas of the world, it has been very popular in
the former Soviet
Union, Hungary, and Poland for many years. In the former
Soviet Union, kefir accounts for 70% of the total amount of
fermented milk
consumed (4). It is also well known in Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Germany (5)
, as well as in
Greece, Austria, Brazil, and Israel (6). It is currently
available in the United States, primarily as an ethnic drink, and is
growing in
popularity in Japan.

Kefir grains
       While yogurt can
readily be made from the lactic acid bacteria present in fresh yogurt, kefir
can only be made from
kefir grains and mother cultures prepared from grains.
The grains contain a relatively stable and specific balance of
which exist in a complex symbiotic relationship. The grains are formed in the
process of making kefir
and only from pre-existing grains. They resemble small
cauliflower florets, and each grain is 3 to 20 mm in diameter
(7). Kefir grains
are clusters of microorganisms held together by a matrix of polysaccharides.
The grains include
primarily lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli, lactococci,
leuconostocs) and yeasts, and include acetic acid bacteria and
possibly other
microorganisms (8).

        The overall

organization of microorganisms of grains is not completely elucidated. More
than a thousand years of
consumption have demonstrated that the microorganisms
in kefir are not pathogenic. Even further, milk inoculated with
grains can
suppress the growth of some pathogens such as Salmonella or Shigella (1) . The
grain matrix is composed of
a complex of 13% protein (by dry weight), 24%
polysaccharide, plus cellular debris and unknown components (6) . The
polysaccharide is a water-soluble substance known as kefiran. Several
homofermentative Lactobacillus species
including L. kefiranofaciens and L.
kefir (9-11) produce this polysaccharide. They are an integral part of the
grain, and
without their presence, kefir grains cannot be propagated. The
mechanism, however, is not fully understood.

Fabrication of kefir
       There exist several
methods of producing kefir (see Figure 1). Food scientists are currently
studying modern
techniques to produce a kefir with the same characteristics as
those found in traditional kefir, but without some of its

1. Traditional process
       The traditional,
or artisanal, method of making kefir is currently achieved by directly adding
kefir grains (2-10%) to
milk that has been pasteurized and cooled to 20-25¡C.
After a period of fermentation lasting around 24 hours, the grains
are removed
by filtration. The beverage, itself containing live microflora from the grain
(see Table 1), is then ready for
consumption. The grains grow in the process of
kefir production, and are reused for subsequent fermentations (6). ?
Grains can
then be dried at room temperature and kept at cold temperature (4¡C). For a
longer conservation, they can be
lyophilized (freeze-dried) or frozen (14) .

        A second
method, known as the"Russian method", permits production of kefir on
a larger scale, and uses a series of[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

two fermentations. The first step is to

prepare the cultures by incubating milk with grains (2-3%), as just described.
grains are then removed by filtration and the resulting mother culture is
added to milk (1-3%) which is fermented for 12
to 18 hours (6). Several
problems associated with traditional kefir have led to a more modern method of
production. The
traditional method produces only small volumes of kefir, and
requires several steps, each additional step increasing the
risk of


 In addition,
the grains themselves are not well understood, and are not well
controlled.  Strong pressure from the CO2
gas content can lead to the
explosion of the recipient unless appropriate containers which resist the
escaping of gas are
used (14). Finally, the shelf-life of traditional kefir is
very short, less than three days.

2. Recent process
To resolve the above difficulties, some producers in
Eastern Europe have begun using concentrated lyophilized cultures
made from
grains (7). These mother cultures are then used as bulk starters for direct
inoculation of the milk. More
control over the process and fewer steps provide
a more consistent quality.

3. Current areas of research

Attention is now being turned toward producing kefir
from pure, defined cultures (15-17). This method will allow for a
control of the microorganisms involved, an ease of production, and a more
consistent quality. The product will
also have a longer shelf-life (14) of 10
to 15 days at 4¡C. It will also permit various modifications of the product to
achieve certain health or nutritional benefits.

        Two basic

procedures for manufacturing kefir have been developed using pure cultures
isolated from kefir grains.
Milk can be inoculated simultaneously with lactic
acid bacteria and yeast, or it can undergo two fermentations, the first
lactic acid bacteria and the second with yeast. Results have been encouraging,
but finding the right equilibrium of
bacterial and yeast strains to create a
product with the characteristic properties of traditional kefir including both
organoleptic qualities and the health benefits - is a difficult task. The
major difficulty is understanding the microbiology
of kefir.

The microbiological, chemical, and nutritional

composition of kefir
       The composition
and flavor of kefir vary significantly, depending on a variety of factors
including the source (cow,
ewe, goat, mare) (18) and the fat content (regular
fat, lowfat, nonfat) of the milk used, the composition of the grains or
starters, and the technological conditions of production(14).
Table 2 lists some of the biochemical components of
the range of kefir. The major products formed during fermentation
are lactic
acid, CO2, and alcohol. Many aromatic compounds, including diacetyl and
acetaldehyde are present in kefir
(14) .

        Diacetyl is
produced by Str. lactis subsp. diacetylactis and Leuconostoc sp. (7). The pH of
kefir is 4.2 to 4.6 (19).
As in yogurt, the lactose content is reduced in kefir
(14), and the b-galactosidase level is increased as a result of
Information on vitamin and mineral content is limited and sometimes
contradictory, but overall, there do
not seem to be significant variations from
that of the milk used. There is also a small increase in proteolysis, leading
an increase in free amino acids (2).

Health properties of kefir

       Kefir enjoys a
rich tradition of health claims. In the former Soviet Union, it is used in
hospitals and sanatoria for a
variety of conditions, including metabolic
disorders, atherosclerosis, and allergic disease (1). It has even been used for[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

the treatment of tuberculosis, cancer, and gastrointestinal disorders when no

modern medical treatment was available.
Its consumption has also been
associated with longevity in Caucasus (20) . Various scientists have observed
benefits of kefir (21, 22) , but controlled studies have yet to
confirm their empirical findings.

research teams around the world have reported encouraging results, but several
methodological difficulties
still need to be resolved. Most studies to date
have been performed in vitro or using animal models, and human studies
are not
available.  Further, the effects of kefir grains or their isolates are
often studied, rather than the product kefir, and
there is no evidence that the
observed effects would occur using the drink itself. Also, kefir products vary
according to the composition of the grains used and even
according to the region in which it is made, and therefore
specific effects may
not be demonstrated in all kefirs. Given these caveat, a variety of health
benefits are being
investigated. Table 3 presents recent studies using kefir

studies have investigated the antitumor activity of kefir (20, 23, 24) and of
kefir grains (25, 26) . Specific
cultures isolated from kefir were also shown
to bind to mutagenic substances such as indole and imidazole (27, 28).
system stimulation with kefir (24) and with sphingomyelin isolated from the
lipids of kefir (29) have been
demonstrated in both in vitro and in vivo

        Kefir (30)

possesses antimicrobial activity in vitro against a wide variety of
gram-positive and gram-negative
bacteria (20, 31), and against some fungi (20)
. In Zacconi et al.ís recent study (30), the antagonistic effects of kefir
against Salmonella kedougou were attributed to the complexity and vitality of
the kefir microflora. De Vrese et al . (32)
demonstrated that fresh, but not heat treated,
disintegrated kefir grains suspended in kefir directly enhanced intestinal
lactose digestion in minipigs. This effect was attributed to microbial
b-galactosidase activity of kefir.  The above studies
provide encouraging
results, but much more research is necessary in order to demonstrate similar
effects using kefir in
humans. Further, a standardized, well-defined product
must be used in order to provide useful information.

Research on fermented milks (FM) has grown
dramatically in the past 20 years. FM have probiotic effects since their
consumption leads to the ingestion of large numbers of live bacteria which
exert health benefits beyond basic nutrition.
Major results of research are as
follows. Yogurt consumption reduces symptoms of lactose maldigestion compared
milk.  FM, may have antibacterial and immunological properties.
Ingestion of the lactic acid bacteria bifidobacteria
improves the colonic
microflora by increasing bifidobacteria levels. Lactobacillus casei reduces the
duration of some
types of diarrhea. Future research conducted using human
subjects, with rigorous methodology and modern statistical
analysis, will
provide further information on the health benefits of FM.

Keywords: fermented milk, probiotic, yogurt, kefir, Lactobacillus streptococcus,

Streptococcus thermophilus,
Lactobacillus casei, bifidobacterium

       Lactic acid
bacteria (LAB): a large group of bacteria with the common characteristic of
producing lactic acid as the
principal end product of metabolism; found in milk
and other natural environments LAB can be: a. homofermentative:
produce 70-90%
lactic acid; e.g., L. bulgaricus, S. thermo-philus, L. acidophilus b.
heterofermentative: produce at least
50% lactic acid plus other compounds such
as acetic acid, CO2, and ethanol; e.g., L. casei, bifidobacteria a. mesophilic:
grow best at a temperature range of 25-30¡C; e.g., L. casei b. thermophilic:
prefer a range of 40-44¡C; e.g., L.
bulgaricus, S. thermophilus a.
Facultatively prefer anaerobic anaerobic: conditions for metabolism, but are
(most LAB fit in this b. Strictly anaerobic: survive only in
anaerobic conditions; e.g., bifidobacteria

Functional foods:
       Foods that, by
virtue of physiologically active food components, provide health benefits
beyond basic nutrition
(Working definition of ILSI Functional Food Task Force,
Brussels, February 17,1997). Interleukin, interferon, tumor
necrosis factor:
examples of cytokines, which serve as signals between cells involved in immune
response. sIgA:[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

secretory immunoglobulin A; principal antibody produced by the

gut immune system.

Azoreductase,§-glucuronidase, glycocholic acid hydrolase, nitroreductase:
colonic enzymes implicated in the
conversion of procarcinogens to
carcinogens.  LDL/HDL: ratio between blood levels of low density
lipoprotein and high
density lipoprotein; level above 3 indicates increased
risk of cardiovascular disease. Breath hydrogen test: measurement
of hydrogen
expired after oral lactose load of 12-50 g compared to base level; > 10-20
ppm indicates malabsorption.

From legend to science: Historical perspective

       For centuries,
fermented milks have been purported to provide a large gamut of health
benefits, from improving
well-being to increasing longevity. One story recounts
that in the sixteenth century, King Fran*ois the First of France
suffered from
persistent diarrhea, and after several unsuccessful treatments, a Turkish
doctor was sent in. He brought
with him sheep and a secret recipe for yogurt.
The king was soon cured of his intestinal infection.

Scientific interest began much later, in the early

twentieth century, when Elie Metchnikoff, a Nobel-prize winning
biologist at
the Pasteur Institute in Paris, first suggested that lactobacilli might
counteract the putrefactive effects of
gastrointestinal metabolism (1). In the
past twenty years, scientific research has blossomed, with an interest in
ranging from antimicrobial effects to reduction of risk of cancer. Much
valuable preliminary work has been done using
animal or in vitro models, which
allow for much greater control over variables than when studying humans, and
offer reproducible results. These models are also useful for studying the
mechanisms involved.


Studying the effects of FM on humans presents several

challenges. Fermented milksare unctional foods, and as such,
their impact on
human physiology is of a small amplitude and not easily detected. Also, early
humans studies, though
numerous, were generally case reports rather than modern
experimental studies (randomized). Currently, researchers are
beginning to
address these methodological problems.

Yogurt, the ever-popular fermented milk

       According to the
Codex Alimentarius (5), yogurt is milk (usually cowís milk) that has been
fermented by
Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus under
defined conditions of time and temperature. Each
species of bacteria stimulates
the growth of the other, and the products of their combined metabolism produce
characteristic creamy texture and mild acid flavor. Fermentation is stopped
by cooling, and the final product, which
contains100-1000 million live bacteria
per ml, is refrigerated until use. As a fresh dairy product, it has a limited

1. Milk digestibility
       Given all the
research to date on FM, the fact that lactose is better digested from yogurt
than from milk by lactase-
deficient individuals is the most well-established
health benefit (6). Yogurt ingestion leads both to less hydrogen
production in
the breath hydrogen test (lactose maldigestion) (Figure 1) and to reduced
symptoms (lactose intolerance)
(Marteau, 1990; Lerebours,1989; Kolars, 1984).
This effect is related to the living bacteria, the enzymatic content ( e.g
,§-galactosidase), and the texture of yogurt.

2. Recovery from diarrhea

       Yogurt reduces
the duration of certain types of diarrhea, especially in children (Niv, 1963;
Boudraa, 1990). The
World Health Organization (WHO, 1995) recommends that
during treatment of diarrhea, yogurt should replace milk
when available since
it is better tolerated than milk and can help prevent malnutrition or
reestablish nutritional

3. Immunomodulating effects
       Yogurt has been
shown to enhance various parameters of the immune system in invitro models (13)
and in mice
(14-16). In humans, one study found an improvement in clinical
symptoms of nasal allergy, but no changes in any
parameters tested (17) . A
recent report with atopic subjects found no significant modification of immune
system[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

parameters, showing that there was no aggravation of the immune system

caused by yogurt (18) . Very high
concentrations of yogurt bacteria have led to
increases in IFNy, B lymphocytes, and natural killer cells (19) , and yogurt
consumption increased 2í,5í-a synthetase activity (a reflection of production
of IFNy) (20).

4. Reduction of risk of cancer

       A recent
epidemiological study from France showed that people consuming yogurt had less
risk of developing large
colorectal adenomas (21). In addition, the consumption
of yogurt in elderly subjects with atrophic gastritis led to a
decrease in the
procarcinogenic fecal enzymes nitroreductase and azoreductase (22). Research in
this field is intriguing,
but preliminary.

5. Blood cholesterol levels

       Mann and Spoerry
(23) reported over 20 years ago that Maasai warriors consumed several liters of
FM per day and
yet had low serum cholesterol levels. This observation sparked a
series of conflicting studies on the possible
hypocholesterolemic properties of
yogurt and other FM. Results have been inconsistent (24). What is clear is that
regular consumption of yogurt does not increase plasma cholesterol
concentration (24, 25); yogurt can be part of the
daily intake of individuals
who are concerned about heart disease.

Kefir, another traditional fermented milk

       Kefir is a
stirred beverage made from milk fermented with a complex mixture of bacteria
(including various species
of lactobacilli, lactococci, leuconostocs, and
aceterobacteria) and yeasts (both lactose-fermenting and
fermenting). The small amount of CO2, alcohol, and aromatic
compounds produced by the cultures give it its
characteristic fizzy, acid taste
(26). Kefir fabrication differs from that of yogurt in that kefir grains (small
clusters of
microorganisms held together in a polysaccharide matrix) or mother
cultures from grains (27) are added to milk and
cause its fermentation. Kefir
is actually a family of products, in that the grains and technology used can
significantly and thus result in products with different compositions.

        Many health

benefits have been traditionally reported. Kefir has been used for the
treatment of atherosclerosis,
allergic disease, and gastrointestinal disorders,
among other diseases (28). Until recently, most research has been limited
studies lacking modern statistical practices or to reports written up in Slavic
languages, rendering them inaccessible
to most western scientists.

studies have investigated antibacterial (29), immunological(30), antitumoral
(31), and
hypocholesterolemic(32) effects of kefir consumption on animals.
Results suggest potential benefits. Fresh, but not heat-
treated grains in kefir
enhanced intestinal lactose digestion in minipigs (33). While awaiting more
research, it is
important to remember that kefir, like yogurt, has been and
continues to be a part of the regular diet in central and
eastern Europe for
centuries.  Bifidobacterium: a natural inhabitant of the intestines
Bifidobacteria were first described
in 1900 by Tissier (34) . Since that time,
their classification has evolved continually, and currently includes around
thirty species (35, 36) . In general, they are strictly anaerobic,
Gram-positive rods which often have special nutritional
needs and grow slowly
in milk. Very few strains are adapted well enough to milk that they both grow
in sufficient
numbers and survive well throughout the shelf-life of the FM.

bifidobacteria produce both lactic acid and acetic acid as major end-products
of metabolism
(heterofermentative), many microbiologists consider them to be
lactic acid bacteria, albeit a special case.  Tissierís
hypothesis almost
100 years ago that bifidobacteria might have health benefits(37) was based on
the following
observations. Bifidobacteria are normal inhabitants of the human
intestinal tract throughout the life cycle, beginning just
days after birth.
Further, they are often the predominant microorganism in the gut of breast-fed
infants. It has since been
shown that breast-fed babies are less at risk for
diarrheal disease than formula-fed infants (38).  In addition to the above
inherent characteristics of bifidobacteria, some strains of the micro-organism
survive intestinal transit in sufficient
numbers to exert a metabolic effect in
the gut (39,40).

1. Effects on the intestinal microflora

       Ingestion of milk
fermented with bifidobacteria leads to an increase in fecal bifidobacteria
levels, both in infants[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

(43) and in adults (44) . Elevated levels return to

normal after cessation of consumption (39). Ingestion of FM with
has also led to a decrease in §-glucuronidase activity, but not in other
enzymes associated with colon (44).

2. Effect on mild constipation

       Slow intestinal
transit can be partially corrected in women by the regular consumption of a
milk fermented with
yogurt cultures and bifidobacteria (41). This effect was
not observed with yogurt as a control, thus demonstrating the
specificity of
bifidobacteria for the increased colonic motility (42).

3. Prevention of diarrhea
       Few studies have
been performed. One double-blind study of infants demonstrated that a formula
with added B.
bifidum and S. thermophilus reduced the incidence of
hospital-acquired diarrhea compared to a standard formula. It also
lowered the
rate of rotavirus shedding into the environment (45).

4. Immunomodulating effects
       Ingestion of milk
fermented with B. bifidum led to an increase in phagocytic activity in
peripheral blood compared
to milk consumption (46). A mixture of B. bifidum and
L. acidophilus decreased chronic inflammation of the sigmoid
colon and
increased humoral immunity in a group of elderly subjects (47).

Lactobacillus casei: new interest in an old bacteria

        The group L.

casei consists of several species of facultatively anaerobic and
hetero-fermentative, mesophilic lactic
acid bacteria(48). Their metabolism
provides organoleptic qualities to several traditional FM and cheeses, and more
recently, to new fermented milks. L. casei have been detected in the feces of
both infants (49) and adults (50). Their
ability to survive transit through the
intestinal tract in adequate numbers to have a physiological effect (50) ,
with their potential health benefits make L. casei an ideal candidate
for a probiotic.

1. Treatment of diarrhea
       Several double
blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials have demonstrated that oral
consumption of L. casei reduces
the duration of diarrhea (51), and in
particular, rotavirus gastroenteritis (52) in children. In addition, L. casei
may help
reduce the duration of diarrhea associated with children in day care
centers (53), antibiotic treatment (54) and travelerís
diarrhea (55).

2. Effects on the intestinal microflora

       In addition to
increasing lactobacilli count in feces (50), milk fermented with L. casei has
been shown to lower the
activity of the colonic enzymes §-glucuronidase (50,
56), glycocholic acid reductase, and nitroreductase (56) in healthy
adults. A
recent study demonstrated a decrease in §-glucuronidase and §-glucosidase
activities in infants after ingestion
of a milk fermented with yogurt cultures
and L. casei. This effect was not found with yogurt alone or with gelled milk
(control) (57) , thus suggesting that the modification was due to L. casei or
to the association between L. casei and

3. Immunomodulating effects
       Challenge tests (
e.g ., using Salmonella typhimurium ) with oral ingestion of L. casei in mice
has led to increased
protection in animals infected with pathogenic bacteria
(58, 59). A few reports using human subjects have shown an
enhancement of
non-specific immune system activators, such as y interferon and interleukins
(ex vivo) (60) and of
specific immune responses to various challenges,
including rotavirus vaccine (61).  In a recent study infants with atopic
dermatitis were given formula with added L. casei. Not only did the
concentration of fecal tumor necrosis factor-a
decrease significantly (a
measure of the immune response), but clinical symptoms improved as well (62) .
Viability of
the bacteria is an important factor of its effectiveness (61).

Other probiotics[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

       In addition to
the probiotics discussed above, other bacteria, some well known and some more
recent, offer
additional health benefits. In particular, much research has been
conducted on L. acidophilus. Several studies suggest a
effect of L. acidophilus (63) , while others have investigated its ability to
prevent various types of
diarrhea (64) and to reduce the incidence of candidal
vaginitis (65).

In addition, consumption of L. acidophilus has led to

modifications of various parameters of the immune system (46),
and to a
decrease in several fecal enzymes associated with colon cancer (66). Less
well-known bacteria include Lb.
helveticus (67), L. plantarum(68) , and L.
reuteri (69). These lactic acid bacteria have different microbiological and
metabolic characteristics than the ones listed above, but may also exhibit
health effects, such as stabilizing the intestinal
microflora or reducing the
duration of diarrhea.

effects of lactic acid bacteria and FM can be categorized in the following way:
effects on the small
intestine and digestion, direct modification of the
colonic microflora and its metabolism, and general effects initiated in
colon. Thus, yogurtís main health benefit is related to improved lactose
digestion; while bifidobacteria primarily
affects the balance of the colonic
microflora; and kefir and L. casei provide more global benefits, the first in
relation to
its antimicrobial effects and the second to diarrhea. In all cases,
the lactic acid bacteria must be present in the FM in
very large numbers, and
must be live and active.  Not all effects have received as yet adequate
scientific attention. Few
studies have compared various types of FM. As more
research is performed using human subjects and with rigorous
methodology and
statistically valid conditions, the variety of health benefits of FM will
become more well-defined.


 Amidst the
plethora of sometimes contradictory evidence, it is important to remember the
nutritional and organoleptic
qualities of yogurt and kefir that make them both
healthful and pleasant choices in a balanced, varied diet, regardless of
probiotic effects. The probiotics discussed in this report are incorporated in
FM because of health benefits beyond
inherent nutrition, and are appropriate
for individuals with specific health goals. Taken together, they represent the
of both tradition and modern science; FM and probiotics have journeyed
from nutrition practice to nutrition science and
back again.

These two wonderful articles were written by 

Cathy J. Saloff-Coste from Dannone at their website

heard about Caucasicum offered through a nutritional MLM. Can you tell me more
about it?

information is about the best probiotic and anti-oxidant of which I've learned
during my research this year. We
were so impressed with its qualities both my
husband and I have been using it since January. Its ingredients are far
of ordinary yogurt, as made commercially. Because it is in capsule form, it can
easily be swallowed by those who
don't like yogurt, and want a product which
will give them more pro-biotic or friendly bacteria, along with its amazing
anti-oxidant properties.

Caucasicum, is a combination of Kefir grain, which is among the world's first
known grains, and a type of yogurt
culture derived from Kefir. The end result
is a complex, symbiotic mixture of the micro-organisms that indigenous
of mid-Eastern countries have been consuming for many centuries. It naturally
contains 4 genera and 11 species
of probiotic, or friendly, bacteria. It is
then freeze-dried at low temperatures, and 2 probiotic growth accelerants are
added, recognized as superb. The end result is a complete, alcohol and
yeast-free, Kefir complex in every capsule.

yogurt which most Americans eat is quite basic. The yogurt manufacturers
usually add 2 species of friendly bacteria
to milk, along with flavorings,
sugar, and small amounts of overcooked fruit. It is then bottled in various
shapes of[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

containers, and then allowed to ferment in incubators. This is more

of a dessert than anything else. Even the plain
yogurt, while a good
calcium-rich food, is no match for the actual probiotics, or friendly bacteria,
contained in the Kefir
Caucasicum. However, there is a use in a healthful diet
for both the plain, calcium-rich yogurt, and the Kefir

other part of Caucasicum Plus is one which helps to give the product its unique
properties and astounding healthful
benefits. Rhodogen, a Trade- Marked
Formula, is an unusual extract from the root of an extremely rare variety of
named Rhododendron Caucasicum. It is also known as the Snow Rose, and
usually grows at altitudes above 7,000 ft. on
the Caucacus Mountains in the
Republic of Georgia. This was once part of the southern border of the Soviet
Union. It is
not unusual for people to live beyond 100 years of age in that
region. About 40 years ago Soviet scientists launched a
full scale research
project to discover the reason for this longevity.

was discovered that the Georgian peoples traditionally brewed the roots of
their Snow Rose into what they called
Alpine Tea. and added it to their widely
used Kefir culture, which proved to be the key to their longevity. The reasons
they did so were three-fold. The Alpine Tea or Rhododendron Caucasicum
sweetened the Kefir culture, while protecting
it from harmful bacteria, or
turning rancid before it could be eaten, and they learned over a long period of
time that it
gave them strength and energy. They also discovered that it
protected them from what today we call "free radicals,
pathogens, and
viruses." But to them it just seemed to ward off many diseases from which
their neighbors in
surrounding countries were always dying.

scientists learned that the Rhododendron Caucasicum has many important
properties of its own. It improves
physical abilities, increases activity of
the cardiovascular system, and increases blood supply to muscles and especially
to the brain. It also shows tremendous anti- bacterial activity against the
harmful bacteria, but allows "friendly" or
probiotics, such as are
found in Kefir culture, to thrive.

were many clinical studies and experiments performed over the years in the
First Central Moscow Hospital using
the Rhododendron Caucasicum alone. These
all proved very successful in cases of Heart Disease, Gout, Neuropsychotic
Disease, severe Depression, Capillary fragility, and Detoxicant (increasing
discharges of toxins from the body.)
The most important discovery, however, was
that it was the most tremendously effective ultra-antioxidant or "free
radical" scavenger in their experiences.

are other plant extracts such as pine bark and grape seed, sold under several
different product names, that have
shown strong anti- oxidant activity.
However, they are, by nature, much less effective "free radical"
Furthermore, the methods of extracting and producing those extracts
almost always include the use of organic solvents,
which generate highly toxic
and powerful "free radicals" them- selves,--the very things the
products were meant to
destroy. So, much of the scavenging energy of pine bark
and grape seed extracts is spent cleaning up the very dangers
that they

Rhododendron Caucasicum in CAUCASICUM PLUS is not only a much more effective
antioxidant or "free
radical" scavenger, but it is also absolutely
organic solvent-free, and 100% water soluble.

added to the Kefir Caucasicum culture, are concentrated minerals from the
waters of the Georgian mountains. Each
of these ingredients are incredible by
themselves, but when all 3 are combined, the final result is the unique product
known as Caucasicum Plus.

Caucasicum Plus helps to increase the circulation in the legs, it is a valuable
Formula to take on a regular basis.
I will Forward a Testimonial to you
concerning this.

further information on Caucasicum Plus, again please look in my Web Site below.
Also, if I can help you further in
any way, don't hesitate to write me with
more questions!

Health for YOU, and Everyone!

 Kefir is a cultured,
enzyme-rich food filled with friendly micro-organisms that help balance your
"inner ecosystem."[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

More nutritious and therapeutic than yogurt, it

supplies complete protein, essential minerals, and valuable B vitamins.

Why should I drink kefir?

is simple and inexpensive to make at home. 
is used therapeutically around the world in relieving Candidiasis, Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome, A.D.H.D.,
Crohn's, Emphysema, and restoring the inner
eco-system after antibiotic therapy. 
is great for kids who eat lots of junk food or sugar. 
is a natural tranquilizer and antibiotic. 
is excellent nourishment for pregnant and nursing women, the elderly, and
those with compromised
What if I'm lactose intolerant, don't do dairy
or don't
digest milk products well -
is kefir right
for me?
The beneficial yeast and friendly bacteria in the kefir culture consume
most of the lactose (or milk sugar). Eat kefir on
an empty stomach first thing in the morning before (or for) breakfast and
you'll bedelighted to find it can be easily
digested -- as numerous people who
have been lactose intolerant for years have discovered. 

We offer a kefir starter culture, an easy, reliable way to have fresh kefir whenever you desire.

If you prefer to purchase ready-made kefir at your health food store (in
this form it is perishable and would be found in
the refrigerated section), the
only such product approved by Body Ecology is made by Helios Nutrition. 
You can call
them toll-free at 1-888-3HELIOS (343-5467) to find out where it
may be available in your area. You can also visit their
Web site at:


Dr. Lee
Lorenzen, Biochemist

1908, Metchnikov wrote in his book, "The Prolongation of Life" that
the secret to longevity that he found in the
Russian mountains was the yogurt
that the people were making and eating.

villagers of Caucasus mountains gave us yogurt.  But this part of the world
is also the origin of fermented milk
product that may be good for your health
called Kefir. The
history of Kefir is
centuries old.  It is mentioned in the
Koran and is very well known in
Eastern Europe.  

acid bacteria (LAB) have been used to ferment foods for at least 4000
years.  Without understanding the
scientific basis, people used LAB and
kefirs (bacteria and yeast complexes) to produce cultured foods with improved
preservation and with different characteristic flavors and textures from the
original food.  A wide variety of foods
including sausage, ham, wine,
cider, beer, sauerkraut, olives, and pickles contain LAB and other GRAS
Recognized As Safe") microorganisms.  LAB are used
for many fermented milk products from all over the world as
well, including
yogurt, cheese, butter, buttermilk, kefir, and kourniss.  Although kefir is just being
discovered in some
areas of the world, it has been very popular in Europe and
the Middle East.  In the former Soviet Union, kefir accounts
for 70% of the total amount of
fermented milk consumed.  It is also well known in Sweden, Norway,
Finland, Hungary,
Poland, Germany, Greece, Austria, Brazil, and Israel.

yogurt, kefir is
milk based.  The process to make kefir involves fermenting milk with what are called kefir grains. 
grains are a mass of safe bacteria, yeast and polysaccharide (complex
sugars).  The grains are a living growing mass[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

that have been the subject

of much study to define exactly what makes up the grains.  Origin, storage,
growth, media (what you feed the kefir to make it grow) and handling all
influence the make up of the grains.

polysaccharide that makes up the mass of the kefir grain has been shown to be unique and has
been given the name
kefiran.  The fermentation process takes about twenty
four hours, during which the grains change milk into a sour
drink.  Many years of consumption in these countries have demonstrated
that the microorganisms in kefir
are not
pathogenic or disease causing.  Kefir is actually a preventative.  It
processes antimicrobial activity against a wide
variety of gram positive and
gram negative bacteria and against some fungi.  In a recent study by
Zacconi, the
antagonistic effects of kefir against Salmonella was attributed to the complexity
and vitality of the unique microflora
found in this complex.

folklore of Kefir
enjoys a rich tradition of health claims.  In the former Soviet Union, it
is used in hospitals and
Santeria for a variety of conditions, including metabolic
disorders, atherosclerosis, and allergic disease.  It has even been
for the treatment of tuberculosis, abnormal cell growth, high cholesterol
levels, gastrointestinal and metabolic
diseases, hypertension, ischaemic heart
disease and allergy.  The mild acid taste and its characteristic
facilitate salivation, enzyme secretion in the stomach and pancreas
and improved peristalsis.  Kefir
contributes to more
even movement of food in the intestine and the presence of
lactic acid, acetic acid and antibiotic substances inhibit
processes in the small intestine.

consumption has also been associated with longevity in Caucasus Mountains where
the drink was fermented
naturally in bags made of animal hides.  For
additional information, read the research of Dr. Kornai.

This is from the folklore of the region

and we make no claims as to the effectiveness of our kefir to treat or control
disease.  It
is, however, a very healthy drink which can help control bad bacteria and
yeasts in the digestive tract.

Caucasus Kefir was
brought to us by a Christian missionary in 1983.  We have kept this
complex alive since that
time and have studied the many. microorganisms it
contains, including Saccharomyces boulardii, a now well known
yeast which is
antagonistic to Candida albicans and pathogenic bacteria which cause severe
gastrointestinal upset for the
travelers.  After years of work we were
able to stabilize and freeze dry the complex so that it could be encapsulated
shipped to those in need. 

thousands of years, the villagers in the Caucasus mountains had never allowed
their precious complex to be used
outside their area, but the missionary (who
was originally born and raised in the village), convinced them that this
discovery was too important to be used by only a few people.  We are
honored that the people of the Caucasus have
shared their unique
development with us.

How to Make Kefir

Making Kefir
is a simple procedure, requiring only a few minutes of your time. Writing a recipe,
however, is a problem.
It is easier to start in the middle with the daily
routine of making Kefir
and then go back to explain how to buy your first
Kefir grains.

that there is a quart jar of 2 or 3-day old Kefir standing on the counter top in the
kitchen, this is the

Taste the Kefir to
see that it is finished to your taste.

Pour the Kefir
through a strainer into a bowl.[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

With the back of a spoon, gently press some of the remaining liquid from the Kefir grains.

Wash the Kefir
grains that are in the strainer under the faucet or with a spray. Move the
grains around in the strainer
once or twice to be sure that the grains at the
bottom are also being washed. The grains should be thoroughly clean.

Put the washed grains of Kefir
into a quart of fresh milk. (Do not have the jar of milk completely full. Allow
for the addition of the Kefir

tea cupful of grains to a quart of fresh goats milk is just about right for a
slightly thick Kefir
drink. As your Kefir
grains grow past this amount, you can start a second jar of milk.

Stir with a clean spoon, place a saucer on top of the jar to keep out the dust,
and set the jar back out of the way on the
counter top.

Pour the strained Kefir
that is in the bowl back into the jar that it was made in, put on a top, and

Allow the new Kefir
to stand for two or three days, stirring once or twice a day as you think of

Taste the Kefir milk
occasionally after the second day in order to determine when it is done to your

Repeat this process from No. 2 through No. 9 to start a new jar of Kefir.

Trum Hunter has an excellent section on Kefir on pages 75-83 in her book, Yogurt & Other
Milk Cultures. She
gives the history of Kefir, its unusual health values, and a few
excellent recipes. If her directions for freezing Kefir
grains (middle of page 79) are followed
carefully, it is a simple matter to store your Kefir grains during the winter when
your goats
are dry.

Kefir is a
living relationship, a symbiosis, of a number of bacteria and yeast, which form
grains or cauliflower-like
structures. These living organisms ferment milk into
the living food Kefir. Kefir is a Super Yoghurt, up to 36 times
more probiotic than yoghurt.

Kefir does not equal Kefir

There are at least three different varieties of cultures. The water Kefir has grains like milk Kefir, but is grown in water
with sugar
and dried fruit. It's also called 'Japanese water crystals' or 'Tibi'.

Scientific analysis indicates that there are many different friendly bacteria
and yeasts combined in Kefir. Kefir grains
are mostly sold as dried
granulates. However, there is in most cases a problem to revive the grains.
Over the years I have
sold the dried grains, and all my customers have not been
able to grow new grains to give to friends or produce a Kefir
as pleasant tasting as the Kefir made from the LIVING Kefir-plant.

The LIVING Kefir plant

looks like a cauliflower where many of the grains form one plant.
However, there is a
problem with the culture, since it can only survive in milk
or only for a few days in water. This is the reason why
LIVING Kefir must be given from friend to
friend. This is why the International Kefir
Network was founded.

Kefir grains are a biological production

centre. Living foods like Kefir
are pro-biotic. Kefir helps to
detoxify, support
and balance digestion and to build up the immune system to
counteract negative influences.

During the fermentation process the Kefir

grains change normal milk into the Kefir
beverage. Lactic acid, ethanol,
acetic acid, carbon dioxide and other compounds
are produced as well as vitamins. The delicious microbiological
food Kefir can be very helpful
in regenerating the bowel flora and works in this way, in many cases like a

Kefir converts normal, unhealthy

(pasteurised, homogenised) milk, which we buy in grocery shops, into living
healthy[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

food. Kefir also

revitalises milk powder and even soymilk into living food but not microwaved

For further reading the book Kefir

For pleasure, beauty and well-being is recommended. The book has many
showing how to use Kefir
for your taste buds' pleasure, like Kefir
champagne, ice cream, salad dressings and how to
make your own products for
beauty, hair, foot and body care. Kefir
is excellent for skin treatments and beauty. The
book Skin Saver Remedies
is recommended for further reading.

Kefir Nonsense

It is recommended in some publications that you should replace your Kefir Culture for "hygienic
reasons" after a 2-
month use.

If you make Kefir with a healthy

living Kefir Culture you will
find, that this culture will reproduce many new cultures
within this 2-month
Why should you throw away perfectly healthy Kefir cultures?

How was it done over the centuries in the countries
where Kefir is found?

Was there ever a Kefir
culture, which reproduced many new cultures, which was not healthy itself and
had to

be replaced?
There is NO reason to replace a reproducing Kefir culture.
Dried Kefir grains are often
dead. If your culture does not reproduce, you most probably make nothing else
than sour
milk with dead Kefir

The kefir
grains were taken to the Moscow Dairy and in September, 1908, the first bottles
of kefir drink were
for sale in Moscow. Small quantities of kefir were produced in several small towns in
the area where there was a ready
market for it, people mostly consume it for
its alleged medicinal value.
Commercial manufacture of kefir
on a large scale began in Russia, in the 1930s. However, it is difficult to
kefir by
conventional methods on a commercial scale.
Traditionally, kefir
was made in cows or goats milk in sacks made from the hides of animals.
Occasionally it was also
made in clay pots or wooden buckets or oak vats and in
some areas sheeps milk was also used. Usually the kefir sacks
were hung in the sun during the day
and brought back into the house at night, when they were hung near the door.
Everyone who entered or left the house was expected to prod the sack with their
foot to mix the contents. As kefir
removed more fresh milk was added, making the fermentation process

By the 1930’s kefir was being made as a set-type product which entailed
growing a quantity of grains milk and then
straining out the grains and adding
the cultured milk to a larger batch of fresh milk. The mixture was incubated
when set, allowed to cool.
Unfortunately, this type of product was not as good as the one produced using
the tradition home-style method. During
the 1950’s workers at the All-Union
Dairy Research Institute (VNIMI) developed a new method for commercial kefir
production which gave a
drink similar to that produced in the home by traditional methods. The kefir was produced by
stirred method.
Fermentation, coagulation, agitation, ripening and cooling, were carried out in
a large vessel, and then the kefir

In 1973 the Minister of the Food Industry of the

Soviet Union sent a letter to Irina Sakharova thanking her for bringing
kefir to the Russian people.
Presently, kefir is
the most popular fermented milk in Russia. Various reports have stated that it
accounts for between
65% and 80% of total fermented milk sales in Russia with
production of over 1.2 million tons per year in 1988. The
average yearly
consumption of kefir
in the Soviet Union was estimated at approximately 4.5 kilograms per person per
year in the early 1980s. Currently kefir
is being manufactured on a commercial scale in Czechoslovakia, Finland,
Hungary, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia and various of the former
soviet union states, Denmark, the
United States, France, West Germany, Canada
and parts of southeast Asia.[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

Kefir Caucasicum and Fungus

Hi, I am a surgical technician, and sales associate at
a department store. I am on my feet all day and night so I
have always had a
problem with foot fungus and toenail fungus. I finally cleared up the foot
fungus but the nail
fungus is alive and ugly!!! I work with several podiatrists
and the only solution is oral medication with side
affects and a monthly
monitoring of liver functions. So to say the least I opted not to take the

In the meantime, through Team Platinum I found some

"Feed the Brain" products for my sons with ADHD and
COD, and they
were starting to help. I highly believe in antioxidants so I bought the Kefir Caucasicum. YOU

Well this is how it happened, I started to take 2

capsules a day of the Kefir Caucasicum
due to a lot of stress and
lack of rest that I am putting myself through for
now. The more stress and free radicals we subject our bodies to,
the more
antioxidants are used and needed.


I was having my morning ritual in the restroom and as I was sitting there, for
lack of things to do I was looking
at my feet and noticed that the new growth
on my toenails next to the skin was nice and pink, not that white or
opaque nail I was used to. I was so excited that when I got out of my shower I
asked my son to look real
close to make sure because I couldn't find my glasses
fast enough. LOL. Sure enough it was so....

Today I ran into one of the podiatrists and asked him

if a vitamin or mineral deficiency caused the fungus. He
asked me if I was
eating large amounts of YOGURT??? I said NO but I am taking an antioxidant high
YOGURT Kefir Caucasicum derived from
kefir grains. The end result is a
complex, symbiotic mixture of

Kefir Caucasicum is true kefir.

He then said well that's it. That is what is EATING UP THE FUNGUS IN MY
(CLEANSING MY BODY). That's the part no other antioxidant has ever done for me.
Just as the
claim says, it is not only an antioxidant but a scavenger of free
radicals and a cleanser

I am proof,
Violet Restall

Kefir recipes

have been making our own kefir
fermented milk since the late seventies. It has fallen nicely into our routine:
my husband, makes the kefir
while doing the washing up and then it comes to the table either as a topping
for soft fruit,
a drink, or disguised in all sorts of dishes, even bread or
fizzy drinks, prepared by me. However a few years ago we
appreciated how
important it was to us when, on coming back from a one year sabbatical abroad,
we were dismayed
with the news that our unlabelled kefir container in a friend's freezer hadn't
survived a spring cleaning.

took us long a while to find a source of real kefir grains. Eventually a friend turned up with
a jar that had been at the
back of someone else's fridge for ages. The culture
had grown into an extraordinary ribbon about 3 cm wide and would
you belive it,
after a few passages followed by vigourous sieving, we were back to our beloved
cauliflower-like grains.

after visiting Dom's inspirational site I
realised that there is a very active worldwide community of kefir users
united by the
web. Indeed thanks to Dom there is now a kefir e-group. I have
also discovered that Adnan Smajlovic has
up a wonderful Kefir community site to help
anybody find REAL live Kefir
grains in their area. So stimulated by
these efforts I have decided to improve
my collection of kefir
recipes and share them with all of you. Also just like Dom
I am only one e-mail
away, so do give me your
feedback.[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

Subject to availability we can provide you with some of our spare kefir culture, in starter
bottles, all we ask is for a
donation to the Muscular Dystrophy Group of Great
Britain (MDG). Your donation will go entirely to this charity
will be used for research on these sometimes devastating diseases. We
actively support the MDG, our younger son has
CMD, so the packaging
and posting costs will be our own donation to the charity. If you are
interested just get in touch
with Maria Fremlin, 25
Ireton Rd, Colchester CO3 3AT, England, +44 1206 767746 for more details.
Please note that
there might be difficulties sending a live culture to some
countries, so first check the regulations of your own country.


This is a very interesting culture which reliably

produces yoghurt of good quality with very simple operations. It is
astonishingly robust. We have had this particular kefir since 1998, but it
seems identical to one which we kept from
1982 to 1996 without problems.

Subject to availability we can provide you with some of

our spare kefir culture, in starter bottles, all we ask is for a
donation to
the Muscular
Dystrophy Group of Great Britain (MDG). Your donation will go
entirely to this charity
and will be used for research on these sometimes
devastating diseases. We actively support the MDG,
our younger
son has CMD, so the packaging and posting costs
will be our own donation to the charity. If you are interested just
get in
touch with Maria
Fremlin, 25 Ireton Rd, Colchester CO3 3AT, England, +44 1206 767746
for more details.
Please note that there might be difficulties sending a live
culture to some countries, so first check the regulations of
your own country.


kefir grains

In the bottle you will find some soft granules, looking a

bit like badly overcooked cauliflower florets, in a few
spoonfuls of milk.
There are two ways of making kefir: the traditional sieve regime or the pouch
method. The latter
is quicker and produces a milder tasting kefir that looks
more like yoghurt.

(i) Put the grains either loose or in a pouch in a glass

jar with milk, not airtight.
(ii) Leave it around until it's ready.
(iii) Put it in the fridge until you want to use it.
(iv - a) If the grains are loose pour through a sieve (helping it along with a
spoon) to separate the grains from the
(iv - b) If the grains are in a bag all you have to do is remove it.
(v) Resist the temptation to wash the grains, or the bag, under the cold water
tap, as this is known to adversely
affect their growth. Put them back in a
clean jar with fresh milk, if using a bag give it a good shake in the fresh
milk to dislodge the clots from the mesh.
(vi) Drink the kefir.

You do not need to heat the milk. You do not need to keep
the culture at any particular temperature, though of
course its growth will be
more predictable if you always leave it in the same place. You do not need to
anything, just keeping things very clean will do. We have been making
kefir since the late seventies and only once
or twice had what seemed to be a
mild contamination, which spoilt the flavour a little for a week or so, but the
culture has always recovered. When we go on holiday, we just freeze the grains,
with or without milk, in a little
Tupperware container. Our record for
successful recovery is of a culture frozen for just over a year.

We recommend using a glass jar so that you can judge the

progress of the fermentation from the outside. We find
that a good
tablespoonful of the grains, in a 1 liter/ 2 lb glass jar, on the kitchen
windowsill, gives an agreeable
yoghurt in about 48 hours. But you may find that
you prefer a milder or stronger yoghurt. The culture will grow[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

and the excess

can either be passed on to friends or composted. Now for some details. The
particular dose you have
in the little bottle that we send you is a starter
pack, and we suggest experimenting with half-pints of milk for the
first couple
of cycles, using shorter rather than longer incubation periods, while you find
what suits you. For the
sieve, we use a deep metal sieve with a 1 mm mesh but
other people might prefer plastic. For the pouch, we use a
8x19 cm (3x7.5
inches) bag made out of dress net, which is a widely available synthetic
material with a mesh
identical to the sieve. It is easily made at home; once
ready just pop the grains inside and tie a knot at the top. If you
like us to send you a bag in the starter pack, please say so and allow for that
in your donation to the MDG.

A word of warning: after periods of neglect - either in

fridge or freezer - the culture is a bit slow and not perfectly
reliable for a
couple of cycles, and you may want to start it up gently with short cycles in
small quantities. A thick
velvety layer on the top of your kefir is a sure sign
of neglect.

Good eating!

Please note that kefir's fermentation skills are not

confined to milk, be it cow's, goat's or soy milk. Its potential in
the kitchen
is unlimited, just go to the bottom of this page and click on kefir recipes for
more ideas.

Kefir flat bread

This bread was inspired by Tom Jaine's recipe for naan

bread which is in his excellent book: Making Bread at
Home, 1995. However
instead of using the recommended lump of the previous day's dough, I decided to
experiment with the kefir
fermented milk as the one and only source of leavening. The results were
very good
indeed and I have now come to the conclusion that any recipes calling
for either a lump of the previous day's
dough, or a sourdough starter, or a
biga can easily be adapted to the this method. Moreover the kefir dough starter
works equally well with kefir made either with the sieve or the bag method.
Just go for it!


250 g/ 1 3/4 cup/ 9 oz
unbleached white strong bread flour
about 3/4 cup kefir
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 tablespoon clarified butter
(ghee), butter or margarine

Oven at 220ºC, 425º F, gas mark 7.

The day before add enough kefir to your flour in order to

make a nice kneading bread dough. Do not forget the salt.
Knead until the dough
is elastic and smooth. Place in a bowl, cover with cling film and leave
overnight in a warm
place. I leave mine in the airing cupboard. Next day, when
the dough is well risen and before it collapses, knock it
down and divide into
little lumps. I usually made 16 little ones, but you can make bigger ones if
you like. Stretch
them out by hand so that the dough is about 1/2 cm thick.
Place on a well oiled tray dusted with maize meal, cover
with oiled cling film
and leave in a warm place for about half an hour or until risen. Before baking,
gently brush
the tops with the melted fat of your choice as this gives the
bread an extra touch of luxury. Bake for about 5 to 8
minutes or until they
have coloured a bit. Watch out that they don't get toasted, this bread should
be soft. Serve at
once or keep wrapped in a cloth until needed.

These little flat buns don't keep that well. However you
can revive them, by sprinkling with water and placing them
in a hot oven or
grill, just for a few minutes. You can, before baking, sprinkle the buttered
tops with poppy or
nigela (charnuska) seeds. Or even with some garlicky herb
butter. Delicious!

I have also used this kefir dough as a pizza base. For

that just make enough dough the day before for your usual
size pizza. As a
rough guide for each cup of flour you need a third of a cup of kefir. If you
haven't got enough kefir
to spare, top it up with water. With luck the bugs in
the kefir grains will not let you down. Any problems? Then get
in touch with me. I would love your feedback.[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

Quick kefir sourdough bread

I have hit upon the idea of using the kefir

fermented milk for making a sourdough starter. It works very well; it is
quicker and simpler to make than the special milk
free kefir sourdough starter. Unlike some touchy starters
this one is
simple and reliable. All you need to have is a continuous supply of kefir,
which is not at all difficult
once of have got your own grains.


This starter is very simple to make, it is also smells

very nice, just like kefir really. Moreover I have now
come to the conclusion
that any recipes calling for either a lump of the previous day's dough, or a
starter, or a biga can easily be adapted to the this method.


320 g/ 2 cups/ 11 oz
unbleached white strong bread flour
about 2/3 cup kefir

Add enough kefir to your flour in order to make a nice

kneading bread dough. Knead until the dough is elastic
and smooth. Place in a
bowl, cover with cling film and leave overnight in a warm place. I leave mine
in the
airing cupboard. Next day, when the dough is well risen and before it
collapses, knock it down and go to the
next step.


Yield : 3 loaves


750 g/ 5 cups/ 2 lbs 3 oz
spelt flour
430 g/ 3 cups/ 7 oz strong unbleached
white bread flour
1 tablespoon sea salt
1 sachet/ 7 g easy blend
3 slugs of good olive oil
1 tea spoon honey
1 cup/ 240 ml/ 8 oz warm
water, see text

Oven at 220º C, 425º F, gas mark 7.

Move your starter to a large bowl and to it add the

flours, salt, yeast, honey and oil. Slowly add enough water
to obtain a good
kneading dough. Knead vigorously until the dough is soft and elastic. Cover
with plastic or
damp cloth, and leave to rise in a warm place until doubled.
Knock down, divide in three equal portions, put
them in well oiled tins. Cover
again, this time with oiled cling film so that when you remove it doesn't stick
the dough and deflate it. When well risen, remove the cling film and bake in
a very hot oven for about 35 to
40 minutes or until it sounds hollow. Cool on

I must tell you that I have got into the habit of

dividing the dough not in 3 parts as I mention above. I tease out
a forth
smaller one and with it I made a pizza. So it has become a habit to have pizza
on the bread baking day[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

or vice-versa. Whichever way I say it saves quite a bit

of my time and the pizza is particularly popular! To do
bake the lot in one go
I start by baking the loaves first and then time the pizza so that everything
is ready at
the same time.

I am pretty sure that any of your favourite bread recipes

can be adapted to this method. Just let me
know of
your successes as I would love to hear from you.

Does consumption of water-kefir endanger your driving licence?

Water-kefir is a lightly sweet,

carbonated, and alcoholic beverage. In naturopathy, positive effects on
diseases such as diarrhea, heart attack, gastrointestinal ulcers and even
eczema are attributed
to water-kefir.
On the other hand these positive effects could not be confirmed decisively by

Normally, all these health-related attributes should be declared in accordance

with food law. But as
is not commercially available it is not subjected to food quality control. For
this reason
hygiene is very important when handling with fungus. After use the kefir should be washed
If there is no development of carbonic acid 15-30 minutes after
preparing, the water-kefir
should no
longer be used . Because of the danger of explosion, the vessel
should not be covered gastight during
fermentation. Normal preparation requires
two liters of water, 6 tablespoons (ca. 120g) of kefir-
fungus, 150g of sugar, two dried figs and
one lemon. After two days at room temperature, the
drinkable water preparation
can be separated from the kefir.
Its maximal content of alcohol (38g per
liter) is similar to that of beer (5%
vol.): 40g alcohol per liter are equivalent to 5% per volume. In
practice, that
percentage cannot be reached before 7 to 10 days. In a study of water-kefir of
different origins,
only 2,7 up to 15,9g/L (0,3 - 2,0 vol%) alcohol could was measured after two
The rate of alcohol production depends on the temperature, the amount of
fungus, and on the
conditions of reaction (rather aerobic than anaerobic).
Therefore the amount of alcohol found in the
study varies. Under anaerobic
conditions, the yeast in kefir
grain produces more alcohol and carbon
dioxide than under aerobic conditions.
In the latter case production rates of alcohol and carbon
dioxide decrease, to
the advantage of the growth of fungus (Pasteur-effect). If one increases the
sugar in the preparation, total alcohol could also be increased.

Kefir is a fermented milk similar to yoghurt.

It is one of the oldest cultured milk products in existence, enjoying
widespread popularity in Russia and the
Caucasus. The history of kefir making and the legends
connected to this amazing food are described below.

Amongst the people of the northern slopes of the

Caucasian Mountains there is a legend that Mohammed gave kefir
grains to the Orthodox
people and taught them how to make kefir.
The 'Grains of the Prophet’ were guarded
jealously since it was believed that
they would lose their strength if the grains were given away and the secret of
to use them became common knowledge.
Kefir grains were
regarded as part of the family's and tribe's wealth and they were passed on
from generation to
So, for centuries the people of the northern Caucasus enjoyed this food without
sharing it with anyone else they came
into contact with.
Other peoples occasionally heard strange tales of this unusual beverage which
was said to have ‘magical’ properties.
Marco Polo mentioned kefir in the chronicles of
his travels in the East.
However, kefir was
forgotten outside the Caucasus for centuries until news spread of its use for
the treatment of[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

Kefir's History

tuberculosis in sanatoria and for intestinal and stomach

diseases. Russian doctors believed that kefir was beneficial for
health and the first scientific
studies for kefir
were published at the end of the nineteenth century.
However, kefir was
extremely difficult to obtain and commercial production was not possible
without first obtaining a
source of grains.

The members of the All Russian Physician’s Society

were determined to obtain kefir
grains in order to make kefir
readily available to their patients.
Early this century a representative of the society approached two brothers
called Blandov and asked them to procure
some kefir grains. The Blandov’s owned and ran the
Moscow Dairy, but they also had holdings in the Caucasus
Mountain area,
including cheese manufacturing factories in the town of Kislovodsk.
The plan was to obtain a source of kefir
grains and then produce kefir
on an industrial scale in Moscow.

The Blandov’s were excited since they knew that they

would be the only commercial producers of this much sought
after product.
The true story of the Blandov's quest for the elusive kefir grains is below.

Nikolai Blandov sent a beautiful young employee, Irina

Sakharova, to the court of a local prince, Bek-Mirza Barchorov.
She was
instructed to charm the prince and persuade him to give her some kefir grains.
Unfortunately, everything did not go according to plan. The prince, fearing
retribution for violating a religious law, had
no intention of giving away any
'Grains of the Prophet’.
However, he was very taken with the young Irina and didn't want to lose her
either. Realising that they were not going
to complete their mission, Irina and
her party departed for Kislovodsk. However, they were stopped on the way home
mountain tribesmen who kidnapped Irina and took her back to the prince.
Since it was a local custom to steal a bride,
Irina was told that she was to
marry Bek-Mirza Barchorov. Only a daring rescue mission mounted by agents of
employers saved Irina from the forced marriage.
The unlucky prince was catted before the Tsar who ruled that the prince was to
give Irina ten pounds of kefir
grains, to
recompense her for the insults she had endured.[06/05/2017 11:39:17 PM]

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