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Generally, money is perceived as a legal tender for goods and services while the
economists define money as a medium of exchange, a unit for accounting and a
store of value. Even though there are many names and terms given to money —
smackers, c-notes, dead presidents, Benjamins, bucks, bones, clams, dough,
moolah — however, money can also be equally referred to as a seed. It is
sometimes referred to as a seed because it possesses inherent traits like living
organisms do. Money can be likened to a seed because it has the ability to grow,
multiply or die. Scientifically, a seed is considered the propagative part of a plant.
For those who intend to enjoy the ceaseless benefit from money, they must
contemplate on putting it to its rightful use – sowing it like seeds.

Edward Counsel asserts that “money, like a running horse, should be kept--well-
in-hand”. Since money has a fleeting nature it must be kept well or sown to
maximize its profits. Almost everything eaten as a fruit was once a seed or in a
seed stage. So in order to enjoy your moneys it must be sown like a seed and
reaped like a fruit in the future to come then it can be thoroughly enjoyed
because it has served its purpose.

The word seed whose acronym S.E.E.D. means Save, Earn, Enjoy Deposits is an
important habit or rather posture that everyone desiring to climb the financial
ladder and social status must strive to do punctiliously. Financial independence
and wealth creation is neither a sudden event nor a farfetched idea but a process
which sometimes is strength-sapping and dead-beating to the prospective
millionaire or wealth creator. Indeed, one of the irrevocable truths that the earth
hinges on is the seedtime and harvest principle which the Bible speaks about in
the book of Genesis (8:22). Here, we are told that one of the most definite things
in the world is the basic, yet outstanding principle of sowing and reaping.

Characteristically, money like seeds has some uniqueness which makes them
either to thrive and blossom or wither and die. The natural environment for every
seed to thrive is in the soil and growth is inexorable when the seed is planted in
the best of soils. Our moneys will spawn and sprout, only when they are planted
and not only planted but in the best of soils. The soil in which your seed is planted
can be likened to that favourable climate that supports both the ‘breeding’ of
your money and its security. Anybody who considers his/her money as being a
seed is on course to riches because he will multiply it knowing that all seeds have
in them an inherent growth capability. All major and superlative trees were once
a little seed almost negligible but guess what? After they were sown, they grew to
realize their inherent abilities. Take for instance, the Oak tree whose acorn seed is
quite small compared to the tree itself. So we see a huge and compelling benefit
of what a seed can and will do if they are planted - especially in the best of soils.
Much the same way, your money today or now looks meager and scanty but in
the nearest future it will metamorphose into an Oak tree if and only if it is
planted. By planting your seed (money), it is important to know and understand
that you are putting it away either for investment and savings that will accrue
more interest in the coming years. The mindset you develop while planting your
seed is imperative since it has a way of eliminating all snags from reaching your
destination – growing your money.
It is worthy of note that before any seed/money can mature, ‘germinate’ and
bring forth the needed increase, it must first and foremost be put away, or sown
in the soil, which in this sense, can either be through investment or savings. To
loan the words of the Bible, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat
[principal, seed] fall into the ground and die [put away for investment], it abideth
alone [seed]: but if it die [matures], it bringeth forth much fruit [interest and
principal]” (John 12:24 KJV, emphasis mine). In other words, if you regard what
you have now worthy as a seed and you sow it, then harvest is certainly

Among the myriad of factors crucial for the growth of any seed includes oxygen;
moisture, temperature, light, viable seed and the kind of soil.

Having underlined that money can be compared to a seed, it is important to

acquaint ourselves with what constitutes their growth or reduction. It is a known
fact that every year, millions of seeds are dispersed from their parent plant but
not all germinate. The same is a true regarding investment. In a given year,
millions of monies are dispersed by investors, individuals and corporate bodies
with the single intention of making profits but like seeds not all see growth. This is
possibly so for the reason that there is an absence and lack of what facilitates
their growth.

First and foremost, the farmer or investor dispersing his/her seed (money) has a
destination in his/her mind – germination or maturity of the seeds. Even though,
most seeds (money) are invested, usually they fail to achieve their optimum
potential. Your seed could be viable but if it is planted in a bad soil, then your
growth may be in jeopardy. Nearly everyone mulls over investment as a good
thing but the problem that generally arises is locating the right soil. Locating the
right soil in which to invest your money is crucial for the reason that your money
can either growth or fail under those conditions. Any investor must do a careful
check and a meticulous scrutiny of which soil is ideal and can support the growth
of their seed; this will help you not to make the blunder of throwing your hard
earned money down the drain. Remember that the seed or rather the viable seed
which is planted in the right soil under the suitable conditions will yield increase.
On the contrary, the right seed planted in the wrong soil under unsuitable
condition will fail. In the Bible, specifically in, Matthew 13:3-8, we are told an
illustrious story about sowing and the benefits that are gained when seeds are
sown in the right soil. “And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and
the fowls came and devoured them up: Some fell upon stony places, where they
had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no
deepness of earth: And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because
they had no root, they withered away. And some fell among thorns; and the
thorns sprung up, and choked them: But other fell into good ground, and brought
forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold”. From the
above, we can catch a glimpse of what sowing or investing in the rightful places
can do to your seed. Decide today through reading and researching to put your
seed in the soil that yields returns.

Asserting that a good soil plays a mammoth role in the growth of your seed is
critical but even more decisive is a viable seed. There is always a continuous
interconnectivity between a seed and the soil (in this case it could be an
investment company or a kind of investment) to wit one cannot live in isolation of
the other. A viable seed is a seed that is capable of germinating, living and
developing and can also be defined as the ability of an organism to maintain itself
or recover its potentialities. Most seeds are viable they possess the intrinsic trait
of multiplying themselves. Once you plant your seed of 10cedis in a good soil
under the best of conditions over a period of time, you will have a futuristic value
of more than what was sown or in a worst case scenario the value of your seed
(money) should not depreciate in value. One of the litmus test designed to
ascertain the viability or otherwise of your seed (money) sown in the soil – that is
to say, investment companies is that it should be able to reproduce after its kind.
Therefore, if your seed (money) is not able to generate more income after it has
been sown, then it means one of two things has happened; that is, either your
seed isn’t viable or the soil (investment) in which the seed has been planted is not

Another, important condition necessary for the growth of your seed money is
light - knowledge. It is vital for every investor to have some amount of knowledge
when sowing his seed since this will greatly harness the full potential of the seed,
although, some seeds germinate easily in the dark, most seeds will need light to
flourish. The words of Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father of the United States of
America speaks aptly to this issue when he remarks that “an investment in
knowledge pays the best interest.” Anybody who has determined to sow seeds
(invest money) should painstakingly acquire knowledge to lit his seeds planted.
The famous and well acclaimed Nobel Prize winner, Mahatma Gandhi avers “live
as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” These words
should be our trailblazer in our quest to discover and unravel what makes little
seeds grow and become mighty trees. Indeed, your seed in your hand today is
worth millions tomorrow only if it can be sown in the good soil with the right and
proper conditions accessible.

In summing up, your seed will produce an Oak tree only if you allow it to fulfill its
innate potential of growing, reproducing and multiplying.

It is no secret at all that Christians have promulgated this belief in the minds and
hearts of its followers. Probably because they have discovered that it is a potent
force that yields great and enormous results.

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